1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA January 6, 2015, 7:00 P.M., CITY HALL 1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 6. CONSENT AGENDA 7. SPECIAL AGENDA 8. CASE FOR PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing on Hawkins Avenue 8-Inch Sewerline Extension 9. — (Page 3) DECISIONS ON PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Application by Kimcuc (Kim) Thi Michael to rezone a 1.0 acre +1- tract of land addressed as 1100 Broadway Road, from Residential Single-family (R-20) to Office & Institutional (O&I) Zoning District. The property is the same as depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9662.03 as Tax Parcel 9662-03-7479-00 Lee County Land Records. (Pages 4 6) - — — . Consider Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Sanford, North Carolina (Pages 7 8) — — B. Application by Elite Storage. LLC to rezone a 2.16 acre tract of land addressed as 2203 and 2205 Woodland Avenue from Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) to allow for the development of a mini-warehouse storage business with revisions to the design as previously approved in December of 2013. The property is the same as depicted on - 2 City Council Agenda January 6,2015 Lee County Tax Map 9652.18 as Tax Parcel 9652-31-5835-00 Lee County Land Records.- (Pages 9—13) • Consider Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Sanford, North Carolina (Pages 14 19) — — C. Application by Ryder Downs. LLC to rezone 50.11 acres from the current zoning of MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District to Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision # 1) to allow for the development of a multi-family apartment and townhome community with revisions to the design as previously approved in October of 2006. The subject property is located along the west side of Pendergrass Road, just north of the intersection of Belford Drive and includes property formerly addressed as 1718 and 1726 Pendergrass Road and currently addressed as 500-583 Ryder Lake Drive, 100-328 Saddlebrook Drive and 400-478 Trotter Drive. The subject property is the same as depicted on Tax Map 9631.01, Tax Parcel 9631-36-3857-00, Lee County Land Records Office.- (Pages 20 23) - — • Consider Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Sanford, North Carolina (Pages 24 26) — 10. — REGULAR AGENDA A. Consider Resolution of the City Council of the City of Sanford, North Carolina Providing for the Issuance of $8,500,000 General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Series 2015 of the City of Sanford, North Carolina (Pages 27 39) — - B. Consider Ordinance Amending the Annual Operating Budget for the City of Sanford Fiscal Year 2014-2015 (Pages 40 41) — - C. Consider Appointment to the Sanford/Lee County Partnership for Prosperity 42-43) 11. OTHER BUSINESS 12. ADJOURNMENT 7 — (Pages 3 Public Hearing on Hawkins Avenue 8-Inch Sewerline Extension 4 540-01 Sanford City Council Recommendation of Sanford Planning Board Regarding Application #540-2014-01 to Amend the City of Sanford Zoning Map Meeting Date: January 6, 2015 RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING BOAR]): The Sanford Planning Board recommends that the Sanford City Council support the request to rezone a one acre tract of land addressed as 1100 Broadway Road from Residential Single-family (R-20) to Office & Institutional (O&I) District as it is consistent with the 2020 Land Use Plan because, even though the plan does not identifi a specific land use for the subject property, the recommendation takes the current development trends of the neighborhood and the surrounding zoning districts into consideration. Further, the board finds that the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because of the mix of uses in the area, which includes existing non residential development (churches, a daycare and a vegetable stand), the location along a busy street which serves as a main connector between the City of Sanford and the Town of Broadway, and the availability of public water. REZONING REPORT FROM DECEMBER 16, 2014 AGENDA APPLICANT & PROPERTY OWNER: Mrs. Cuc (Kim) Thi Michael REQUEST: Rezone from Residential Single-family (R-20) to Office & Institutional (O&I) District LOCATION: 1100 Broadway Road, Sanford, NC 27332 TOWNSHIP: Jonesboro TAX PARCEL NO.: Tax Parcel 9662-03-7479-00, as depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9662.03 ADJACENT ZONING: North: Residential Single-family (R-20) and Residential-Mixed (R-6), Opposite Broadway Road South: Residential Single-family (R-20) East: Residential Single-family (R-20) West: Residential Single-family (R-20) Introduction In October of 2014, Mrs. Kim Michael met with staff to discuss her intent to convert an existing single-family home that she had recently purchased into a beauty salon. Mrs. Michael is a cosmetology instructor at the local community college and has expressed an interest in opening a beauty salon given the number of graduates that have expressed a need for additional places of employment in the area. Upon review of the redevelopment requirements, Mrs. Michael decided to pursue this project and submitted a rezoning request for consideration by the respective boards. S 540-0 1 Site and Area Description The subject property is comprised of a 1.0 acre tract of land located off of Broadway Road, opposite Whip-Poor-Will Lane, that is developed with a 1,501sf ranch-style single-family dwelling built in 1957. Uses in the area vary and include two churches, a daycare, a vegetable stand, farm fields and single-family homes. Utilities The subject property appears to be served by public water and a private septic system. If the rezoning is approved, the connection to the public water supply will need to be approved by the City of Sanford Public Works Department to verify compliance with all applicable regulations for commercial projects prior to a business use operating at this location. The existing private septic system has been re-evaluated by the Lee County Environmental Health Department and an approval is on file for a four chair beauty salon, conditional upon rezoning the property to a commercial zoning district which permits the proposed use. Staff Analysis The current zoning of Residential Single-family (R-20) district is established to provide areas for low-density single-family uses, with a maximum of two dwelling units per acre. It includes density and minimum lot size requirements in order to allow for market and design flexibility while preserving the neighborhood character. The R-20 district requires a minimum building setback of 30-ft from the public street right-of-way line, 30-ft from the rear property line and 15-ft from the side property lines and the site as currently developed appears to conform to these standards. A list of permitted uses for the R-20 zoning district is included within the agenda for your reference. Regarding the existing non-residential uses in the immediate area, per the UDO (which was adopted in January of 2006) churches are permitted by right in the R-20 zoning district subject to development standards and both the farm use and the daycare use would be permitted upon issuance of a Special Use Permit. It appears that the farm use and the daycare use predate the UDO. The proposed zoning district of Office & Institutional (O&I) is established to provide for agencies and offices rendering specialized services and traditional institutional functions (both public and private) including, but not limited to, governmental facilities, cultural and recreational facilities, educational facilities and charitable institutions. The O&I district requires a minimum building setback of 10-ft from the public street right-of-way line with the required landscape buffer yard width determining the required rear and side yard setbacks. As part of determining the requirements for the redevelopment of this site into a beauty salon, a site plan for this project has been reviewed and appears to comply with all site design standards for the O&I district. (The review of a site plan is not required prior to rezoning the site to a standard zoning district, but the applicant wanted to know how much parking, etc. would be required so that she could verify that she could afford to convert the site if the rezoning request is approved.) A list of permitted uses for the O&I zoning district is included within the agenda for your reference Transportation The subject property has 210-ft of road frontage on Broadway Road (SRi 579), which is an NCDOT maintained public street. Any/all driveway changes or redevelopment plans 6 540-0 1 for the site should be reviewed and approved by NCDOT. Mrs. Michael has contacted NCDOT regarding this matter and is prepared to move forward with the driveway permitting process if the rezoning request is approved. The 2007 Lee County Comprehensive Transportation Plan references Broadway Road / NC Hwy 42 as an existing boulevard that needs improvement. There are plans to widen Broadway Road from S. Homer Blvd in Sanford to E. Harrington Avenue in Broadway as per a Citizen Informational Workshop held by NCDOT in October of 2011. Staff has referred the property owner to NCDOT for the latest information regarding the timing and specifics of the project. Mis. Michael has indicated that she has received a letter from NCDOT regarding the widening of the roadway and, if the rezoning is approved, she plans to install all site improvements in a manner that takes the future roadway expansion into consideration. The NCDOT 2012 Traffic Study reports 14,000 vehicle trips per day on Broadway Road approximately 2,200 feet east of the subject property, in front of an auto dealership at 816 E. Main Street/Broadway Road. There is a center turn lane in Broadway Road in front of the subject property to assist with traffic flowing on & off of this roadway in a safe manner. Environmental & Local Overlay Districts The subject property does not appear to be located within a Watershed Conservation Overlay District, a Flood Hazard Area, the 421 Bypass Corridor, a designated local historic district or the areas included within the adopted small area plans. Per the City of Sanford Comprehensive Bicycle Plan adopted by the City Council on January 21, 2014, there appears to be a proposed multi-use greenway trail with wide paved shoulders recommended along Broadway Road in this area. Development Standards If rezoned, all of the uses permitted in the Office & Institutional (O&I) zoning district would be allowed and any future redevelopment of the subject property will be required to meet the current development standards of the UDO. Conformance with the Sanford[Lee County 2020 Land Use Plan The 2020 Land Use Plan Map does not identify a specific land use for the subject property; therefore, when considering the zoning of this property, current development trends and the surrounding zoning of the neighborhood should be considered. Recommendation from Planning & Development Staff Staff recommends that the Sanford City Council and Planning Board support this rezoning request as it appears to be reasonable and in the public interest based on the existing development in the area with a mix of uses which includes existing non residential development (churches, a daycare and a vegetable stand), the location along a busy street which serves as a main connector between the City of Sanford and the Town of Broadway (14,000 vehicle trips per day), and the availability of public water. The 2020 Land Use Plan Map does not identify a specific land use for the subject property; therefore, when considering the zoning of this property, current development trends and the surrounding zoning of the neighborhood should be considered. Also, information presented at the public hearing may provide additional information that should be considered regarding a final decision on the requested zoning map amendment. 7 Ordinance 2015 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, a request to amend the Official Zoning Map has been received from Kimcuc (Kim) Thi Michael to rezone a 1.0 acre +7- tract of land addressed as 1100 Broadway Road, and depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9662.03 as Tax Parcel 9662-03-7479-00 Lee County Land Records, from Residential Single-family (R-20) to Office & Institutional (O&I) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, said request has been presented to the Planning Board of the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanford conducted a public hearing on December 16, 2014 to receive citizen input on the requested zoning map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanford approves the request to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Sanford; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANFORD: The Official Zoning Map is hereby amended to rezone 1.0 acre +1- addressed as 1100 Broadway Road, and depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9662.03 as Tax Parcel 9662-03-7479-00 Lee County Land Records, from Residential Single-family (R-20) to Office & Institutional (O&I) Zoning District. A copy of the subject property zoning map is included as Attachment A. In making this decision, the City Council of the City of Sanford hereby finds that the proposed ordinance is consistent with the Sanford & Lee County 2020 Land Use Plan because, even though the plan does not identifi a specific land use for the subject property, the current development trends of the neighborhood and the surrounding zoning districts are taken into consideration. Further, the board finds that the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because of the mix of uses in the area, which includes existing non-residential development (churches, a daycare and a vegetable stand), the location along a busy street which serves as a main connector between the City of Sanford and the Town of Broadway, and the availability of public water. ADOPTED this the 6th day of January, 2015. ATTEST: T. Chet Mann, Mayor Bonnie Davis, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Susan C. Patterson, City Attorney 8 FRESH BROADWAY ROAD SUBJECT PROPERTY 1010 1112 SHOOTING CHILD D CHURCH Application by Kimcuc (Kim) TM Michael to Rezone 1100 Broadway Road from R-20 to O&I. PIN No.: 9662-03-7479-00 NTS s ige is tended as a apc represenbon & is not a legal document. 9 540-02 Sanford City Council Recommendation of Sanford Planning Board Regarding Application #540-2014-02 to Amend the City of Sanford Zoning Map Meeting Date: January 6, 2015 RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING BOARD: The Sanford Planning Board recommends that the Sanford City Council support the request to rezone 2.16 acres addressed as 2203 & 2205 Woodland Avenue from Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) as it is consistent with the 2020 Land Use Plan because it identifies the use for the subject property as mid/high density residentialoffice, which identifies areas that are appropriate for medium and high density residential development, including single-family, duplexes, and multi-family developments as well as office development, and the use proposed as part of this conditional zoning petition (mini-warehouses) serves as an accessory use to these principal uses. Further, the board took the 2012 and 2013 rezoning approvals into consideration in making this recommendation and finds that the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest based on the informationlconditions as presented in the petition and attachments (such as the way the architecture of the office & mm-warehouse building is designed in an office-like understated manner with the intention of integrating into the area as much as possible while still maintaining the practical requirements for a successful business as opposed to looking like a typical commercial mini-warehouse business and the compliance with the landscaping requirements of the local zoning ordinance), the availability of public utilities and the surrounding lands uses and zoning patterns in the area. - REZONING REPORT FROM DECEMBER 16, 2014 AGENDA APPLICANT & PROPERTY OWNER: Elite Storage, LLC REQUEST: To rezone from Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) to allow for the development of a mini-warehouse storage business with revisions to the design as previously approved in December of 2013. LOCATION: 2203 and 2205 Woodland Avenue, Sanford, N.C. 27330 TOWNSHIP: Jonesboro TAX PARCEL NO.: 9652-31-5835-00 as depicted on Tax Map 9652.18 ADJACENT ZONING: North: Covington Place Elderly Housing Conditional Zoning District South: Residential-Mixed (R-12) East: Residential-Mixed (R-12) West: Autumn Oaks Conditional Zoning District, opposite Woodland Avenue Site History Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Original). In January of 2013, the Sanford City Council approved a rezoning request by Mr. Terry Stewart of T.L. Stewart Builders, Inc. to develop a mini-warehouse facility on two 10 540-02 vacant tracts of land off of Woodland Avenue via the site plan specific conditional zoning process. This approval was based on the rationale that the request appeared to be reasonable and in the public interest based the informationlconditions as presented in the conditional zoning petition (such as the elaborate brick wall along Woodland Avenue which will screen most of the buildings from view and the intent to maintain as much of the existing mature vegetation as possible), the availability of public utilities and based on surrounding lands uses and zoning patterns in the area. Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) In December of 2013 (while the site was under construction). the Sanford City Council approved a rezoning request by Mr. Kirk Bradley of Elite Storage, LLC to amend the design standards of this conditional zoning district in a manner that would accommodate the different business strategy of the new owner, Elite Storage, LLC. The following conditions were modified: • The number of mini-warehouse buildings was reduced from five to four with Building 4 becoming an office & mini-warehouse combination building. • The length of Building 2 was increased by 1 Oft with the additional footage located inward towards the center of the site. • The length of Building 3 was shortened by 5Oft in order to better accommodate the detention pond & associated grading at the rear of the site. • The front minimum building setback was increased from 30ft to SOft so that the new office & mini-warehouse combination building (Building 4) was flush/parallel with Building 1; thereby, creating a more visually appealing design. • The amount of parking was increased from one parking space located parallel to the entrance drive to add a parking area with two parking spaces at the front of the site to accommodate the new on-site office use. • The location and design on the landscape buffer yards remained the same, with the exception of having to replace/replant the vegetation in the areas where it was determined that it was too thin and unhealthy in appearance to meet the intent of the landscape buffer yard and was subsequently removed by the original developer. • The exterior appearance of the new office & mini-warehouse combination Building 4, which matches the architectural elevations included within this agenda package, was approved. • The colors and finishes of the buildings were to remain generally the same as originally approved tans, dark greens, and brick; however, it was noted that white may be used as a trim color on the new office & mini-warehouse building (Building 4) and a rough split-faced block of a tanlgrey color was approved along the bottom of this new building to provide a visually solid foundation. • The colors and fmishes of the project monument sign were to remain generally the same as originally approved; however, the sign was approved to be relocated from the northern/left side of the drive to the southernlleft side of the drive as per the revised site plan. — This approval was based on the rationale that the request appeared to be reasonable and in the public interest based on the information/conditions as presented in the rezoning request with attachments (such as the way the architecture of the office & mini warehouse building was designed in an office-like and understated manner with the intention of integrating into the area as much as possible while still maintaining the practical requirements for a successful business as opposed to looking like a typical - 11 540-02 commercial mini-warehouse business and the compliance with the landscaping requirements of the local zoning ordinance), the availability of public utilities and based on surrounding lands uses and zoning patterns in the area. Introduction Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) In November of 2014 (with a portion of the site still under construction), Mr. Kirk Bradley of Elite Storage, LLC submitted a rezoning request to alter components of the approved site plan associated with this conditional zoning district. Since the development of this site was approved via a site plan specific conditional zoning district, any/all changes to the site plan must be approved by the City Council. Please reference information within the “Staff Analysis” section of this report for specifics regarding this request. Site and Area Description The site is comprised of one legal lot totaling 2.16 acres +/- that is partially developed with a mini-warehouse facility. At this time, the northwestern corner of the site is currently occupied with a temporary modular office and gravel parking. Utilities This site is currently served by public water and sewer. New development must comply with the rules & regulations of the Sanford Public Works Department regarding the extension of and/or connection to public utilities. Existing Zoning and Land Uses The property adjoining to the north is zoned Covington Place Elderly Housing Conditional Zoning District and is approved for development as a single-story 10building, 50-unit multi-family community for seniors age 55 and older with a community center and on-site manager’s office. This project has yet to break ground and, of the five tracts of land that comprise the Covington Place Elderly Housing site, three appear to still be developed with single-family dwellings. The property adjoining to the south and east is zoned Residential-Mixed (R-12) and is developed as Dairymple Park, a public park that features baseball fields and basketball courts. The property to the west, opposite Woodland Avenue, is zoned Autumn Oaks Conditional Zoning District and is developed as a multi-family apartment community, with six three-story apartment buildings totaling 120 units and a community center with a manager’s office on site. There is also property to the west, opposite Woodland Avenue, which is zoned Residential-Mixed (R-12) and is developed as Jonesboro Presbyterian Church. Staff Analysis Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) is a Type 1 Conditional Zoning District, which is a stand-alone district with it’s own unique conditions. This type of zoning district is most suitable in situations where the current city’s zoning districts do not accommodate the desired use(s) and where the owner/developer has a clear vision as to how the property is to be developed. As such, applications for a Type 1 district require that a detailed site plan and architectural elevations be included and the information is legally binding on the land; therefore, the site has to be developed as per the approved plans even if a property transfer were to take place. 12 540-02 The following conditions are requested to be modified: • The brick wall proposed to be constructed at the front of the site between Woodland Avenue and the new office & mini-warehouse combination building (Building 4) is proposed to be eliminated. The applicant/developer has indicated that he feels that this is a redundant site feature since Building 4 will have a brick exterior which will serve the same basic purpose as the brick wall and will also be though not quite as elaborate as the brick wall that is brick in appearance currently required. There is an existing brick wall to the right of the main entrance which would essentially mirror the brick wall that is currently required to the left of the entrance. Reference the architectural elevations, the site plan/landscape plan and the photos (with a photo key plan) which are included within the agenda. Please note the brick wall proposed to be eliminated is illustrated on the far left on the architectural elevations and is illustrated to the west/left of the “proposed Building 4” and marked through in red on the site plan/landscape plan. • Also, the wood fence proposed to be constructed along the northern property line between the new office & mini-warehouse combination building (Building 4) and the adjoining property zoned Covington Place Elderly Housing Conditional Zoning District is proposed to be eliminated. The applicant/developer has indicated that he feels that this fence is not needed for screening purposes since there will be a 20ft landscape buffer installed between the property line and the new office & mini-warehouse combination building (Building 4) and it is not needed for security purposes since the building will connect to the existing site perimeter fencing. Please reference the site plan/landscape plan within the agenda. The wood fence proposed to be eliminated is marked through in red and is to the north of the “proposed Building 4”. — All other conditions are proposed to remain the same as previously approved. As with the original rezoning of the site, the information submitted as part of this revised rezoning request are legally binding on the land; therefore, the site has to be developed as per the approved plans even if a property transfer were to take place. Also, as a reminder, the conditional zoning process is a negotiated zoning process and, as such, the Council and/or Planning Board may request that certain conditions be considered or altered. However, the petitioner must accept such conditions before inclusion in the conditional zoning district. Transportation Woodland Avenue is a City maintained public street with a right-of-way of 60 feet in the area of the subject property. The developer must comply with the rules & regulations of the Sanford Public Works Department regarding the driveway connections to Woodland Avenue. The 2007 Lee County Comprehensive Transportation Plan Highway Map lists Woodland Avenue as an existing minor thoroughfare with no improvements suggested. There are no traffic counts in the area of the subject property. Environmental & Local Overlay Districts The subject property is not located within a Watershed Conservation Overlay District, a Historic Preservation Overlay District, a Flood Hazard Area or the 421 Bypass Corridor. There are also no regulated environmentally sensitive areas illustrated or noted on the site plan for this project. The adverse effect of storm water inundating several of the low 13 540-02 lying residential lots within this area due to existing creeks being blocked with natural debris has been a concern for residents in the past (as stated at the 2010 neighborhood meeting for the Covington Place Elderly Housing Conditional Zoning District located on several adjoining lots to the northlnorthwest); therefore, the project engineer incorporated a detention pond into this site that is designed to collect the runoff water from this site and slowly release it back into the natural environment at a reasonable rate of discharge. Development Standards If the conditional zoning district is allowed to be amended, the site must be developed in the manner approved by the boards (with the proposed changes approved and the existing conditions remaining in effect) and only the uses permitted in the Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) and other uses typically associated with miniwarehouse storage facilities would be permitted. Conformance with the Sanford/Lee County 2020 Land Use Plan The 2020 Land Use Plan identifies the use for the subject property as mid/high density residential office. The purpose of this classification is to identify areas which are appropriate for medium and high density residential development, including single family, duplexes, and multi-family developments as well as office development. - Recommendation from Planning and Development Staff Note Added to January 6, 2015 Report: There was no staff recommendation included within the December 16, 2014 staff report because the rezoning request was simply to modify the existing conditions that had been placed on a site plan specific conditional zoning district for which the land use has previously been approved. Staff recommendations typically address the land use in relation to the 2020 Land Use Plan and compliance with the UDO design standards as opposed to the specific details created by the applicant. 14 Ordinance 2015 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, a request to amend the Official Zoning Map has been received Elite Storage, LLC to rezone a 2.16 acre tract of land addressed as 2203 and 2205 Woodland Avenue, and depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9652.18 as Tax Parcel 9652-31-5835-00 Lee County Land Records, from Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) to allow for the development of a mini-warehouse storage business with revisions to the design as previously approved in December of 2013; and WHEREAS, said request has been presented to the Planning Board of the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanford conducted a public hearing on December 16, 2014 to receive citizen input on the requested zoning map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanford approves the request to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Sanford; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANFORD: The Official Zoning Map is hereby amended to rezone 2.16 acres addressed as 2203 and 2205 Woodland Avenue, and depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9652.18 as Tax Parcel 9652-31-583500 Lee County Land Records, from Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) to allow for the development of a mini-warehouse storage business with revisions to the design as previously approved in December of 2013. In making this decision, the City Council of the City of Sanford hereby finds that the proposed ordinance is consistent with the Sanford & Lee County 2020 Land Use Plan because it identifies the use for the subject property as mid/high density residential-office, which identifies areas that are appropriate for medium and high density residential development, including single-family, duplexes, and multi-family developments as well as office development, and the use proposed as part of this conditional zoning petition (mini-warehouses) serves as an accessory use to these principal uses. Further, the board took the 2012 and 2013 rezoning approvals into consideration and finds that the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest based on the informationlconditions as presented in the petition and attachments (such as the way the architecture of the office & mm-warehouse building is designed in an office-like understated manner with the intention of integrating into the area as much as possible while still maintaining the practical requirements for a successful business as opposed to looking like a typical commercial mini-warehouse business and the compliance with the landscaping requirements of the local zoning ordinance), the availability of public utilities, the surrounding lands uses and zoning patterns in the area. - 15 Ordinance 2015 - The City Council also finds that because this is a conditional zoning request that the Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) shall include the following conditions: • The brick wall that was to be constructed at the front of the site to the left of the main entrance drive and between Woodland Avenue and the new office & mini-warehouse combination building (Building 4) shall be eliminated. • The wood fence that was to be constructed along the northern property line between the new office & mini-warehouse combination building (Building 4) and the adjoining property zoned Covington Place Elderly Housing Conditional Zoning District shall to be eliminated. All other conditions are proposed to remain the same as previously approved as per the revised 2013 rezoning of the site (reference Ordinance 2013-66). A copy of the subject property zoning map and illustrations are included as Attachments A-D to further illustrate the design standards associated with this conditional zoning district. ADOPTED this the 6th day of January, 2015. T. Chet Mann, Mayor ATTEST: Bonnie Davis, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Susan C. Patterson, City Attorney 6i 1\_<6 - - - ‘ U ç<\2o18 \)2020 2113 R-12 03 0 L° 2114 2024 09 2 0 R-12 I 2111 PLACECZ G N Co LACE C 0 0 R-12 R-12 1220 0 R-12 PLACE CZ \ R—1 2201 — 01 PHILLIPS INDUSTRIAL EOUIPMENT SUBJECT PROPERTY e 2 15 5 C C801 R—12 OALRYMPLEPARK NER ENS R—12 0 219 -2 — . OFFICE 106 SOUTHER PEALE TE S AUTY SALO N —2 BALLFIELD 2 0 206 CE JONESBORO PREBYTERIANCH 2205 2204 AINBOW DA ARE ON COVI — HARKEYRD 603 . 2203 R—1 — 2 Q 2200 R-12 R12 604 e 2121 2120 COVINGTON 510 2117 0 21 2110 600 2115 e CCVI NGTON R-12 2115 0 2210 BALLFIELD 106 R-12 612 BLDG. 1 100 A-L BOB ‘ 20 R-12 TENNIS COURTS S 0 \- )ESS AUTO MI AUTUMN OAKS APTS 316 ALl N OAKS APTS BLDG. 2 200 A-X 24 00095 \ 2229 C—2 o 0 C-2 PHOTO OTTO 24 20 0 NT BLD 4 40 • .. CLUBHOUSE 250 c 303 212 - s ISITS Petition by Elite Storage, LLC To Rezone From Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to Woodland Storage Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) E 2.16 Acres +1- Addressed as 2203 & 2205 Woodland Avenue PIN#: 9652-31-5835-00 2 9 This map is intended as a graphic ilitustration & is not a legal docurneni - - Attachment C 18 6 0 utuqo1Wy 20 540-03 Sanford City Council Recommendation of Sanford Planning Board Regarding Application #540-2014-03 to Amend the City of Sanford Zoning Map Meeting Date: January 6, 2015 RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING BOARD: The Sanford Planning Board recommends that the Sanford City Council support the request to rezone from MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District to Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) as it is consistent with the 2020 Land Use Plan because, even though the plan does not identify a specific land use for the subject property, the recommendation takes the original 2006 rezoning approval, current development trends of the neighborhood and the surrounding zoning districts into consideration. Further, the board finds that the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest based on the informationlconditions as presented in the petition arid attachments (the changes are simply modifications to architectural details and do not appear to adversely affect the character or integrity of the overall design of the proj ect associated with this conditional zoning district), the availability of public utilities, the surrounding lands uses and zoning patterns in the area. REZONING REPORT FROM DECEMBER 16, 2014 AGENDA APPLICANT & PROPERTY OWNER: Ryder Downs, LLC REQUEST: Rezone from MF-l2 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District to Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to allow for the development of a multi-family apartment and townhome community with revisions to the design as previously approved in October of 2006. Note: The project associated with the conditional zoning district is the same as originally approved, staffwould simply like the name of the project associated with this conditional zoning district to be included within the name of the district in order to assist with keeping track of this project/district. LOCATION: The subject property is located along the west side of Pendergrass Rd., north of the intersection of Belford Dr. and includes property formerly addressed as 1718 and 1726 Pendergrass Rd. and currently addressed as 500-583 Ryder Lake Dr., 100-328 Saddlebrook Dr. and 400-478 Trotter Dr., Sanford, N.C. 27330. TOWNSHIP: Pocket TAX PARCEL NO.: 963 1-36-3857-00, as depicted on Tax Map 9631.01 ADJACENT ZONING: North: Residential Single-family (R-20) and Residential Restricted (RR) South: Multi-family (MF-12) East: Residential Single-family (R-20), Residential Restricted (RR) and Residential Mixed (R-12), opposite Pendergrass Road West: Residential Restricted (RR) and Residential Restricted (RA) 21 540-03 Site History MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Original) In October of 2006, the Sanford City Council approved a rezoning request by Mr. Keith Phillips of Phillips Management Group, Inc. to develop a multi-family apartment & townhome community on two tracts of land off of Pendergrass Road via the site plan specific conditional zoning process. This approval was based on the rationale that the request appeared to be consistent with the spirit and intent of the 2020 Land Use Plan and that is was reasonable and in the public interest due to the availability of public utilities, and the proximity of mixed density residential development, including multi-family along Pendergrass Road. Introduction Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) In November of 2014, with the site still under construction, Mr. Keith Phillips of Ryder Downs, LLC submitted a rezoning request to alter components of the approved site plan associated with this conditional zoning district. (Mr. Phillips owns Phillips Management, Inc., the original applicant for this project and Ryder Downs, LLC, the current property owner/developer.) Since the development of this site was approved via a site plan specific conditional zoning district, any/all changes to the site plan must be approved by the City Council. Please reference information within the “Staff Analysis” section of this report for specifics regarding this request. Site and Area Description The site consists of one tract of land (recently recombined) comprising approximately 50.11 acres located off of Pendergrass Road that is currently being developed as per the approved plans (an active construction site). Utilities This site is currently served by public water and sewer, which was extended to serve the approved apartment & townhome project. As a general rule, any/all new development must comply with the rules & regulations of the Sanford Public Works Department regarding the extension of and/or connection to public utilities. Existing Zoning and Land Uses The property adjoining to the north is zoned Residential Restricted (RR) and is developed with single-family homes. The adjoining property to the south is zoned Residential Restricted (RR) and is developed with single-family homes or is zoned Multi-family (MF-12) and is either vacant or developed as single-family homes within Westfield Subdivision. The property to the west is zoned Residential Restricted (RR) and Residential Agricultural (RA) and is either vacant or developed with single-family homes. The property to the east, opposite Pendergrass Road, is zoned Residential Single family (R-20) and Residential Restricted (RR) and is developed as a farm field or is zoned Residential-Mixed (R- 12) and is developed with as Woodland Heights apartment community. 22 540-03 Staff Analysis Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) is a Type 1 Conditional Zoning District, which is a stand-alone district with it’s own unique conditions. This type of zoning district is most suitable in situations where the current city’s zoning districts do not accommodate the desired use(s) and where the owner/developer has a clear vision as to how the property is to be developed. As such, applications for a Type 1 district require that a detailed site plan and architectural elevations be included and the information is legally binding on the land; therefore, the site has to be developed as per the approved plans even if a property transfer were to take place. The following conditions were included within the written narrative as part of the original 2006 rezoning application and are requested to be modified: • The decorative acorn light fixtures on site at the main entrance and for the townhome portion of the development would remain stylistically the same as originally proposed, but the maximum height allowed for the parking area light fixtures would be increased from 14ft to 1611 since this is the Duke Energy standard. (The site lighting for the apartments was approved as decorative acron fixtures not to exceed 1811 in height.) • The existing white three-rail fence that was originally proposed to remain in place as an aesthetic feature is proposed to be replaced with a brown vinyl clad threerail fence. This will still provide an appealing visual feature, but will allow the owner/developer to update the color scheme. (The site was formerly a horse farm.) • All of the porch railings were originally to be clad in white vinyl. The developer is now proposing to use galvanized steel porch railings finished in satin black or powdered bronze. This would allow the owner/developer to update the color scheme in a manner that would have a nicer look for a longer period of time (via an electronically applies powder coat finish). • The developer is requesting to eliminate the use of white as a color requirement on the buildings and/or other improvements. This would allow the owner/developer to update the color scheme in a manner that he feels would have a better overall appearance. The original approval stated that the exterior of the buildings will have a “consistent design of size, massing, materials and colors to provide a defined community”; however, the use of white as being specifically required for any item other than the porch railings is not mentioned. The conceptual architectural elevations do show white trim on the buildings and it appears that the developer is clarifying that he does not have to use white as a building color since he is also proposing several other changes. All other conditions are proposed to remain the same as previously approved. As with the original rezoning of the site, the information submitted as part of this revised rezoning request are legally binding on the land; therefore, the site has to be developed as per the approved plans even if a property transfer were to take place. Also, as a reminder, the conditional zoning process is a negotiated zoning process and, as such, the Council and/or Planning Board may request that certain conditions be considered or altered. However, the petitioner must accept such conditions before inclusion in the conditional zoning district. 23 540-03 Transportation The project will have two points of access: (a) new driveway from Pendergrass Road (SR1334) and (b) a new public Street that will connect with Belford Drive. The plan indicates that the new connection to Pendergrass Road will have a left turn lane installed for northbound traffic. The access road will be a private road and is designed to include dual exit lanes to Separate right and left turn movements. NCDOT is requiring a left turn lane and appropriate taper lanes at the intersection with Pendergrass Road. The second connection will require the short extension of Belford Drive which is currently a short, dead-end stub street that serves the 22 lots within Westfield Subdivision. This short extension will connect with a new public street that will serve the townhome portion of the project. The 2007 Lee County Comprehensive Transportation Plan Highway Map illustrates Pendergrass Road as an existing boulevard that needs improvement. The NCDOT 2012 Traffic Study reports 4,000 vehicle trips per day on Pendergrass Road approximately 1,700 feet east of the subject property, in front of the McDonalds restaurant driveway at 816 E. 19096 Pendernrass Road. Environmental & Local Overlay Districts The subject property is not located within a Watershed Conservation Overlay District, a Historic Preservation Overlay District, a Flood Hazard Area or the 421 Bypass Corridor. There are regulated environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands) illustrated on the site plan for this project, which the overall project design appears to take into consideration. The developer is responsible for complying with any/all state and federal regulations regarding existing environmental conditions. Development Standards If the conditional zoning district is allowed to be amended, the site must be developed in the manner approved by the boards (with the proposed changes approved and the existing conditions remaining in effect) and only the uses permitted in the Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF- 12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision #2) and other uses typically associated with multi-family development would be permitted. Conformance with the Sanford/Lee County 2020 Land Use Plan Note Added to January 6, 2015 Report: The 2020 Land Use Plan does not identify a specific land use for the subject property; therefore, when considering the zoning of this property, current development trends and the surrounding zoning of the neighborhood should be considered. Recommendation from Planning and Development Staff Note Added to January 6, 2015 Report: There was no staff recommendation included within the December 16, 2014 staff report because the rezoning request was simply to modify the existing conditions that had been placed on a site plan specific conditional zoning district for which the land use has previously been approved in 2006. Staff recommendations typically address the land use in relation to the 2020 Land Use Plan and compliance with the UDO design standards as opposed to the specific details created by the applicant. 24 Ordinance 2015 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, a request to amend the Official Zoning Map has been received from Ryder Downs, LLC to rezone 50.11 acres located along the west side of Pendergrass Road, north of the intersection of Belford Drive and including property formerly addressed as 1718 and 1726 Pendergrass Road and currently addressed as 500-583 Ryder Lake Drive, 100-328 Saddlebrook Drive and 400-478 Trotter Drive, and depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9631.01 as Tax Parcel 963 1-36-3857-00 Lee County Land Records, from MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District to Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to allow for the development of a multi family apartment and townhome community with revisions to the design as previously approved in October of 2006; and WHEREAS, said request has been presented to the Planning Board of the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanford conducted a public hearing on December 16, 2014 to receive citizen input on the requested zoning map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanford approves the request to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Sanford; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANFORD: The Official Zoning Map is hereby amended to rezone 50.11 acres located along the west side of Pendergrass Road, north of the intersection of Belford Drive and including property formerly addressed as 1718 and 1726 Pendergrass Road and currently addressed as 500-583 Ryder Lake Drive, 100-328 Saddlebrook Drive and 400-47 8 Trotter Drive, and depicted on Lee County Tax Map 9631.01 as Tax Parcel 9631-36-3857-00 Lee County Land Records, from MF-12 Multi family Residential Conditional Zoning District to Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF-12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) to allow for the development of a multi-family apartment and towmhome community with revisions to the design as previously approved in October of 2006. In making this decision, the Sanford City Council hereby finds that the proposed ordinance is consistent with the 2020 Land Use Plan because (even though the plan does not identify a specific land use for the subject property) the original 2006 rezoning approval, current development trends of the neighborhood and the surrounding zoning districts were taken into consideration. Further, the board fmds that the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest based on the informationlconditions as presented in the petition and attachments (the 25 Ordinance 2015 - changes are simply modifications to architectural details and do not appear to adversely affect the character or integrity of the overall design of the project associated with this conditional zoning district), the availability of public utilities and the surrounding lands uses and zoning patterns in the area. The City Council also finds that because this is a conditional zoning request that the Ryder Downs Apartments & Lakeview Townhomes MF- 12 Multi-family Residential Conditional Zoning District (Revision #1) shall include the following conditions: • The decorative acorn light fixtures on site at the main entrance and for the townhome portion of the development shall remain stylistically the same as originally proposed, but the maximum height allowed for the parking area light fixtures may be increased from l4flto 16ft. • The existing white three-rail fence that was to remain in place as an aesthetic feature shall be replaced with a brown vinyl clad three-rail fence. • The porch railings that were originally to be clad in white vinyl shall now be galvanized steel porch railings finished in satin black or powdered bronze. • The developer may eliminate the use of white as a color requirement on the buildings and/or other improvements. All other conditions are proposed to remain the same as previously approved as per the original 2006 rezoning of the site (reference Ordinance 2006-56). A copy of the subject property zoning map is included as Attachment A. ADOPTED this the 6th day of January, 2015. T. Chet Mann, Mayor ATTEST: Bonnie Davis, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Susan C. Patterson, City Attorney AG ° ATTACHMENT A R-20 RR 16360 R ——__ . -_ iIR 170 0 1700 e z__ 049 R-20 — cHRTAWN ° TRANSOUH FIN SER —--——--—-- 1710 1510 1602 s -20 RR EE—- 1700 WOODLAND HEIGHTS -R-20 RR Z— EEE_____ 500- z-____ SUBJECT itii PROPERTY 17 0064 . % - CLU0HOUS z-r= LAMBERT COMPUTER 2MF-12 WESTFIELD SUBD —Z— JAMES FISH HOUSE \ =—— 20 146 0 LJ 1724 C-2 709 01 0 2 ZZ•jE— 1732 001 C-2 RA 12 —- o 0 4’ 205 j•3 2 05 1 09 °‘Rcs I 1824 N Z C2 C-2 MF-12 /•7 C2 i8 RR CI 19 34- I S NTS EP9AL HC / /) ,4C 54 5 HC STON LLC to Rezone From MF-12 Multi-family Conditional Zoning District to Ryder Downs Apartments and Lakeview Townhornes MF-12 Multi-family Conditional Zoning District 50.11 Acres +/- Addressed as 2500-283 Ryder Lake Drive, 100-32 8 Saddlebrook Drive and 400-478 Trotter Drive. Application E 1902’. RR STO RR/ 2107 ‘ MNAL Rs1909 RR ,‘ 0 by Ryders Downs, PIN#: 9631-36-3857 This map is intended as a graphic ilitustration & is not a legal document. 27 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $8,500,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2015 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS. the Bond Orders hereinafter-described have been adopted, and it is desirable to make provision for the issuance of the Bonds authorized by said Bond Orders; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sanford, North Carolina (the “City Council”) as follows: Section 1. For purposes of this Resolution, the following words will have the meanings ascribed to them below: “Bond Orders” means the Bond Order relating to the Streetscape Projects and the Bond Order relating to the Sidewalk Projects, both authorizing the Bonds, which were adopted by the City Council on July 29, 2013 and approved by the vote of a majority of the voters who voted thereon at a referendum duly called and held on September 10, 2013. Federal Securities” means (a) direct obligations of the United States of America for the timely payment of which the full faith and credit of the United States of America is pledged; (b) obligations issued by any agency controlled or supervised by and acting as an instrumentality of the United States of America, the timely payment of the principal of and interest on which is fully guaranteed as full faith and credit obligations of the United States of America (including any securities described in (a) or (b) issued or held in the name of the Trustee in book-entry form on the books of the Department of Treasury of the United States of America), which obligations, in either case, are held in the name of a trustee and are not subject to redemption or purchase prior to maturity at the option of anyone other than the holder; (c) any bonds or other obligations of the State of North Carolina or of any agency, instrumentality or local governmental unit of the State of North Carolina which are (I) not callable prior to maturity or (2) as to which irrevocable instructions have been given to the trustee or escrow agent with respect to such bonds or other obligations by the obligor to give due notice of redemption and to call such bonds for redemption on the date or dates specified, and which are rated by Moody’s, if the 2015 Bonds are rated by Moody’s, and S&P, if the 205 Bonds are rated by S&P, within the two highest rating categories and which are secured as to principal, redemption premium, if any, and interest by a fund consisting only of cash or bonds or other obligations of the character described in clause (a) or (b) hereof which fund may be applied only to the payment of such principal of and interest and redemption premium, if any, on such bonds or other obligations on the maturity date or dates thereof or the specified redemption date or dates pursuant to such irrevocable instructions, as appropriate; or (d) direct evidences of ownership of proportionate interests in future interest and principal payments on specified obligations described in (a) held by a bank or trust company as custodian, under which the owner of the investment is the real party in interest and has the right to proceed directly and individually against the obligor on the underlying obligations described in (a), and which underlying obligations are not available to satisfy any claim of the custodian or any person claiming through the custodian or to whom the custodian may be obligated. “Moody’s” means Moody’s Investors Service, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, its successors and their assigns and, if such corporation for any reason no longer performs the functions of a securities rating agency, “Moody’s” will be deemed to refer to any other nationally recognized rating agency other than S&P designed by the City. ‘Sidewalk Projects” means acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, extending or improving sidewalks, including without limitation, curbs, gutters, drains, bridges, overpasses, underpasses and grade PPAB 2659223v1 28 crossings and providing traffic controls, signals and markers and acquiring land, rights-of-way and easements required for any of the foregoing. “Projects” means the Sidewalk Projects and the Streetscape Projects. means Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, its successors and their assigns and, if such corporation for any reason no longer performs the functions of a securities rating agency, “S&P” will be deemed to refer to any other nationally recognized rating agency other than Moody’s designed by the City. “Slreetscape Projects” means the streetscape and pedestrian improvements in the downtown area of the City and the Jonesboro area of the City, including providing related landscaping and lighting, relocating utilities and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way in land required therefor. “2015 Bonds” means the City’s General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, Series 201 5 authorized tinder the Bond Orders. Sec/jo,: 2. Bonds. The City shall issue $8,500,000 in total aggregate principal amount of its 2015 Sec/jo,: 3. The 2015 Bonds shall be dated their date of issuance and pay interest semiannually on February 1 and August 1, beginning August 1, 2015. The 2015 Bonds are being issued to provide funds (I) to finance the capital costs of the Projects pursuant to and in accordance with the Bond Orders and (2) to pay the costs of issuing the 2015 Bonds. Section 4. The City Council has ascertained and hereby determines that the average period of usefulness of the capital projects being financed by the proceeds of the 2015 Bonds is not less than 25 years computed from the date of issuance of the 2015 Bonds. Section 5. as follows: YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 The 2015 Bonds are payable in annual installments on February 1 in each year, AMOUNT YEAR $450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 445,000 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 AMOUNT $445,000 445,000 445,000 445,000 445,000 445,000 445,000 445,000 445,000 Section 6. The 2015 Bonds are to be numbered from “R-1” consecutively and upward. All 2015 Bonds shall bear interest from their date at a rate or rates which shall be hereafter determined on the sale thereof computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months. Section 7. The 2015 Bonds are to be registered as to principal and interest, and the Finance Director of the City is directed to maintain the registration records with respect thereto. The 2015 Bonds shall bear the original or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk of the City. An original or facsimile of the seal of the City is to be imprinted on each of the 2015 Bonds. 2 PPAB 2659223v 29 Section 8. The 2015 Bonds will initially be issued by means of a book-entry system with no physical distribution of bond certificates made to the public. One bond certificate for each maturity will be issued to The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York (‘DTC”), and immobilized in its custody. A book-entry system will be employed, evidencing ownership of the 2015 Bonds in principal amounts of $5,000 or integral multiples thereof, with transfers of beneficial ownership effected on the records of DTC and its participants pursuant to rules and procedures established by DTC. Interest on the 2015 Bonds will be payable to DTC or its nominee as registered owner of the 2015 Bonds in immediately available funds. The principal of and interest on the 2015 Bonds will be payable to owners of 2015 Bonds shown on the records of DTC at the close of business on the 15th day of the month preceding an interest payment date or a bond payment date. The City will not be responsible or liable for maintaining, supervising or reviewing the records maintained by DTC, its participants or persons acting through such participants. If (a) DTC determines not to continue to act as securities depository for the 2015 Bonds or (b) the Finance Director of the City determines that the continuation of the book-entry system of evidence and transfer of ownership of the 2015 Bonds would adversely affect the interests of the beneficial owners of the 2015 Bonds, the City will discontinue the book-entry system with DTC in accordance with the rules and procedures of DTC. If the City fails to identify another qualified securities depository to replace DTC, the City will authenticate and deliver replacement bonds in accordance with the rules and procedures of DTC. 9. The 2015 Bonds maturing on or before February 1, 2025 will not be subject to redemption prior to maturity. The 2015 Bonds maturing on and after February 1, 2026 will be subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the City, from any moneys that may be made available for such purpose, either in whole or in part on any date on or after February 1, 2025, at the redemption price of the principal amount of 2015 Bonds to be so redeemed, plus accrued interest to the redemption date. If less than all of the 2015 Bonds are called for redemption, the City shall select the maturity or maturities of the 2015 Bonds to be redeemed in such manner as the City in its discretion may determine and DTC and its participants shall determine which of the 2015 Bonds within a maturity are to be redeemed in accordance with its rules and procedures; provided, however, that the portion of any 2015 Bond to be redeemed shall be in principal amount of $5,000 or integral multiples thereof and that, in selecting 2015 Bonds for redemption, each 2015 Bond shall be considered as representing that number of 2015 Bonds which is obtained by dividing the principal amount of such 2015 Bond by $5,000. Whenever the City elects to redeem 2015 Bonds, notice of such redemption of 2015 Bonds, stating the redemption date, redemption price and any conditions to the redemption and identifying the 2015 Bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed by reference to their numbers and further stating that on such redemption date there shall become due and payable on each 2015 Bond or portion thereof so to be redeemed, the principal thereof, and interest accrued to the redemption date and that from and after such date interest thereon shall cease to accrue, shall be given not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days before the redemption date in writing to DTC or its nominee as the registered owner of the 2015 Bonds, by prepaid certified or registered United States mail (or by such other means as permitted by DTC’s rules and procedures), at the address provided to the City by DTC, but any failure or defect in respect of such mailing will not affect the validity of the redemption. If DTC is not the registered owner of the 2015 Bonds, the City will give notice at the time set forth above by prepaid first class United States mail, to the then-registered owners of the 2015 Bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed at the last address shown on the registration books kept by the City. The City will also mail or transmit by facsimile or in electronic fonnat a copy of the notice of redemption within the time set forth above (I) to the Local Government Commission of North Carolina (the “Local Government Commission “) and (2) to the Municipal Rulemaking Securities Board through the EMMA system. 3 PPAB 2659223v1 30 If at the time of mailing of the notice of redemption there is not on deposit money sufficient to redeem the 2015 Bonds called for redemption, such notice may state that it is conditional on the deposit of money for the redemption on the date of redemption as set forth in the notice. Any notice, once given, may be withdrawn by notice delivered in the same manner as the notice of redemption was given. Section 10. The 2015 Bonds and the provisions for the registration of the 2015 Bonds and for the approval of the 2015 Bonds by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission are to be in substantially the form set forth in Exhibit A hereto. Section 11. The Finance Director of the City is hereby authorized to execute a non-arbitrage certificate with respect to the 2015 Bonds in order to comply with Section 148 of the Code and the applicable Income Tax Regulations thereunder. Section 12. The Finance Director is hereby directed to create and establish a special fund to be designated “CiIj.’ of Sanford, North Carolina General Obligation Public hnproveinent Bonds, Series 2015 Project Fund” (the “Project Fund”) and may establish separate accounts within the Project Fund to track the expenditures related to each of the Projects. The Finance Director shall deposit the proceeds from the sale of the 2015 Bonds in the Project Fund. The Finance Director shall invest and reinvest any moneys held in the Project Fund as permitted by the laws of the State of North Carolina and the income, to the extent permitted by the Code, is to be retained in the Project Fund and applied with the proceeds of the 2015 Bonds to pay the costs of the Projects, as directed by the Finance Director. The Finance Director shall keep and maintain adequate records pertaining to the Project Fund and all disbursements therefrom so as to satisfy the requirements of the laws of the State of North Carolina and to assure that the City maintains its covenants with respect to the exclusion of the interest on the 2015 Bonds from gross income for purposes of federal income taxation. Section 13. Actions taken by officials of the City to select paying and transfer agents, and a bond registrar, or alternate or successor agents and registrars pursuant to Section 159E-8 of the Registered Public Obligations Act, Chapter 1 59E of the General Statutes of North Carolina, are hereby authorized and approved. Section 14. The Local Government Commission is hereby requested to sell the 2015 Bonds through a competitive sale to the bidder whose bid results in the lowest interest cost to the City, determined on the basis of the net interest cost method. Section 15. The Mayor, the City Manager, the City Clerk and the Finance Director, individually and collectively, are hereby authorized and directed to cause the 2015 Bonds to be prepared and, when they shall have been duly sold by the Local Government Commission, to execute the 2015 Bonds and to turn the 2015 Bonds over to the registrar and transfer agent of the City, if any, for delivery through the facilities of DTC to the purchaser or purchasers to whom they may be sold by the Local Government Commission. Section 16. The form and content of the Notice of Sale and the Preliminary Official Statement together with the final Official Statement related to the 2015 Bonds are in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed, and the Mayor, the City Manager, the City Clerk and the Finance Director, individually and collectively, are authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Official Statement in substantially the form and content presented to the City Council, but with such changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein as shall to the Mayor, the City Manager, the City Clerk and the Finance Director seem necessary, desirable or appropriate, their execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of the approval of the City Council of any and all changes, modifications, 4 PPAB 2659223v1 31 additions or deletions therein from the form and content of the Official Statement presented to the City Council. Sec/iou 17. The Mayor, the City Manager, the City Clerk and the Finance Director, individually and collectively, are authorized and directed to execute and deliver for and on behalf of the City any and all additional certificates, documents, opinions or other papers and perform all other acts as may be required by the documents contemplated hereinabove or as may be deemed necessary or appropriate in order to implement and carry out the intent and purposes of this Resolution. Section 18. The City agrees, in accordance with Rule I 5c2- 12 (the ‘Rule “) promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC “) and for the benefit of the Registered Owners and beneficial owners of the 2015 Bonds, as follows: (1) by not later than seven months after the end of each Fiscal Year to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (the “MSRB”) in an electronic format as prescribed by the MSRB, the audited financial statements of the City for the preceding Fiscal Year, if available, prepared in accordance with Section 159-34 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as it may be amended from time to time, or any successor statute, or if such audited financial statements are not then available, unaudited financial statements of the City for such Fiscal Year to be replaced subsequently by audited financial statements of the City to be delivered within 15 days after such audited financial statements become available for distribution; (2) by not later than seven months after the end of each Fiscal Year to the MSRB, the financial and statistical data as of a date not earlier than the end of the preceding Fiscal Year for the type of information included under the captions “THE CITY--DEBT INFORMATION” and “--TAx INFORMATION” (excluding information on overlapping units) in the Official Statement referred to in Section 16; (3) in a timely manner not in excess of 10 business days after the occurrence of the event, to the MSRB, notice of any of the following events with respect to the 2015 Bonds: (a) principal and interest payment delinquencies; (b) non-payment related defaults, if material; (c) difficulties; unscheduled draws on the debt service reserves reflecting financial (d) difficulties; unscheduled draws on any credit enhancements reflecting financial (e) perform; substitution of any credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to (f) adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 570 1-TEB) or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the 2015 Bonds or other material events affecting the tax status of the 2015 Bonds; (g) material; modification of the rights of the Beneficial Owners of the 2015 Bonds, if 5 PPAB 2659223v1 32 (Ii) call of any of the 2015 Bonds, if material, and tender offers; (i) defeasance of any of the 2015 Bonds; release, substitution or sale of any property securing repayment of the (j) 2015 Bonds, if material; (k) rating changes: (1) bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar event of the City; (m) the consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving the City or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the obligated person, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to such actions, other than pursuant to its terms, if material; and (n) the appointment of a successor or additional trtistee, or the change in the name of a trustee, if material; and (4) in a timely manner to the MSRB, notice of the failure by the City to provide the required annual financial information described in (1) and (2) above on or before the date specified. The City agrees that its undertaking tinder this Paragraph is intended to be for the benefit of the registered owners and the beneficial owners of the 2015 Bonds and is enforceable by any of the registered owners and the beneficial owners of the 2015 Bonds, including an action for specific performance of the City’s obligations tinder this Paragraph, but a failure to comply will not be an event of default and will not result in acceleration of the payment of the 2015 Bonds, An action must be instituted, had and maintained in the manner provided in this Paragraph for the benefit of all of the registered owners and beneficial owners of the 2015 Bonds. All documents provided to the MSRB as described in this Paragraph shall be provided in an electronic format as prescribed by the MSRB and accompanied by identifying information as prescribed by the MSRB. The City may discharge its undertaking described above by providing such information in a manner the SEC subsequently authorizes in lieu of the manner described above. The City may modify from time to time, consistent with the Rule, the information provided or the format of the presentation of such information, to the extent necessary or appropriate in the judgment of the City, but: (1) any such modification may only be made in connection with a change in circumstances that arises from a change in legal requirements, change in law or change in the identity, nature or status of the City; (2) the information to be provided, as modified, would have complied with the requirements of the Rule as of the date of the Official Statement, after taking into account any amendments or interpretations of the Rule as well as any changes in circumstances; 6 PPAB 2659223v1 33 (3) any such modification does not materially impair the interest of the registered owners or the beneficial owners, as determined by nationally recognized bond counsel or by the approving vote of the registered owners of a majority in principal amount of the 2015 Bonds. Any annual financial information containing modified operating data or financial information will explain, in narrative form, the reasons for the modification and the impact of the change in the type of operating data or financial information being provided. The provisions of this Paragraph terminate on payment, or provision having been made for payment in a manner consistent with the Rule, in full of the principal of and interest on the 2015 Bonds. Section 19. Those portions of this Resolution other than Paragraph 1 8 may be amended or supplemented, from time to time, without the consent of the owners of the 2015 Bonds if in the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, such amendment or supplement would not adversely affect the interests of the owners of the 2015 Bonds and would not cause the interest on the 2015 Bonds to be included in the gross income of a recipient thereof for federal income tax purposes. This Resolution may be amended or supplemented with the consent of the owners of a majority in aggregate principal amount of the outstanding 2015 Bonds, exclusive of 2015 Bonds, if any, owned by the City, but a modification or amendment (1) may not, without the express consent of any owner of 2015 Bonds, reduce the principal amount of any 2015 Bond, reduce the interest rate payable on it, extend its maturity or the times for paying interest, change the monetary medium in which principal and interest is payable, or reduce the percentage of consent required for amendment or modification and (2) as to an amendment to Paragraph 18, must be limited as described therein. Any act done pursuant to a modification or amendment consented to by the owners of the 2015 Bonds is binding on all owners of the 2015 Bonds and will not be deemed an infringement of any of the provisions of this Resolution, whatever the character of the act may be, and may be done and performed as fully and freely as if expressly permitted by the terms of this Resolution, and after consent has been given, no owner of a 201 5 Bond has any right or interest to object to the action, to question its propriety or to enjoin or restrain the City from takiiig any action pursuant to a modification or amendment. If the City proposes an amendment or supplemental resolution to this Resolution requiring the consent of the owners of the 2015 Bonds, the registrar for the 2015 Bonds shall, on being satisfactorily indemnified with respect to expenses, cause notice of the proposed amendment to be sent to each owner of the 2015 Bonds then outstanding by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to the address of such owner as it appears on the registration books; but the failure to receive such notice by mailing by any owner, or any defect in the mailing thereof, will not affect the validity of any proceedings pursuant hereto. Such notice shall briefly set forth the nature of the proposed amendment and shall state that copies thereof are on file at the principal office of the registrar for the 2015 Bonds for inspection by all owners of the 2015 Bonds. If, within 60 days or such longer period as shall be prescribed by the City following the giving of such notice, the owners of a majority in aggregate principal amount of 2015 Bonds then outstanding have consented to the proposed amendment, the amendment will be effective as of the date stated in the notice. Section 20. Nothing in this Resolution precludes (a) the payment of the 2015 Bonds from the proceeds of refunding bonds or (b) the payment of the 2015 Bonds from any legally available funds. If the City causes to be paid, or has made provisions to pay, on maturity or on redemption before maturity, to the owners of the 2015 Bonds the principal of the 2015 Bonds (including interest to become due thereon), through setting aside trust funds or setting apart in a reserve fund or special trust account created pursuant to this Resolution or otherwise, or through the irrevocable segregation for that purpose in 7 PPAB 2659223v1 34 some sinking fund or other fund or trust account with an escrow agent or otherwise, moneys sufficient therefor, including, but not limited to, interest earned or to be earned on Federal Securities, the City shall so notifj Moody’s and S&P, and then such 2015 Bonds shall be considered to have been discharged and satisfied, and the principal of the 2015 Bonds (including and interest thereon) shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding and unpaid; provided, however, that nothing in this Resolution requires the deposit of more than such Federal Securities as may be sufficient, taking into account both the principal amount of such Federal Securities and the interest to become due thereon, to implement any such defeasance. If such a defeasance occurs and after the City receives an opinion of a nationally recognized accounting or verification firm that the segregated moneys or Federal Securities together with interest earnings thereon are sufficient to effect a defeasance, the City shall execute and deliver all such instruments as may be necessary to effect such a defeasance and desirable to evidence such release, discharge and satisfaction. The City shall make provisions for the mailing of a notice to the owners of the 2015 Bonds that such moneys are so available for such payment. Section 21. If any one or more of the agreements or provisions herein contained is held contrary to any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or for any reason whatsoever is held invalid, then such covenants, agreements or provisions are null and void and separable from the remaining agreements and provisions and will in no way affect the validity of any of the other agreements and provisions hereof or of the 2015 Bonds authorized hereunder. Section 22. All resolutions or parts thereof of the City Council in conflict with the provisions herein contained are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby superseded and repealed. Section 23. This Bond Resolution is effective on its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPRO VED this 6th day of January, 2015. T. Chet Mann, Mayor Bonnie D. Davis, City Clerk Susan C. Patterson, City Attorney 8 PPAB 2659223v1 35 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF LEE ) ) SS: I, Bonnie D. Davis, City Clerk of the City of Saiiford, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY the attached to be a true and correct copy of a Resolution entitled, “RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $8,500,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2015 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA” adopted by the City Council of the City of Sanford, North Carolina at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of January, 2015. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this the 6th day of January, 2015. (SEAL) City Clerk City of Sanford, North Carolina 9 PPAB 2659223vI 36 APPENDIX A FORM OF 2015 BOND NoR- $ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CITY OF SANFORD INTEREST RATE MATURITY DATE REGISTERED OWNER: PRINCIPAL SUM: DATED DATE ,2015 CUSIP CEDE & Co. DOLLARS GENERAL OBLIGATION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BOND, SERIES 2015 THE CITY OF SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA (the City’) acknowledges itself indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner named above, on the Maturity Date specified above, upon surrender hereof, the Principal Sum shown above and to pay to the Registered Owner hereof interest thereon from the date of this 2015 Bond until it shall mature at the Interest Rate per annum specified above, payable on August 1, 2015 and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1 of each year. Principal of and interest on this 2015 Bond are payable in immediately available funds to The Depository Trust Company (DTC”) or its nominee as registered owner of the 2015 Bonds and is payable to the owner of the 201 5 Bonds shown on the records of DTC at the close of business on the 5 day of the month preceding an interest payment date or a bond payment date. The City is not responsible or liable for maintaining, supervising or reviewing the records maintained by DTC, its participants or persons acting through such participants. This 2015 Bond is issued in accordance with the Registered Public Obligations Act, Chapter 1 59E of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act, the Bond Order relating to the Streetscape Projects (as defined below) and the Bond Order relating to the Sidewalk Projects (as defined below) adopted by the City Council of the City on July 29, 2013 and approved by the vote of a majority of the voters who voted thereon at a referendum duly called and held on September 10, 2013. The 2015 Bonds are being issued to provide funds (1) to finance the capital costs of streetscape and pedestrian improvements in the downtown area of the City of Sanford and the Jonesboro area of the City of Sanford, including providing related landscaping and lighting, relocating utilities and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way in land required therefor (the ‘Streetscape Projects “), (2) to finance the capital costs of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, extending or improving sidewalks, including without limitation, curbs, gutters, drains, bridges, overpasses, underpasses and grade crossings and providing traffic controls, signals and markers and acquiring land, rights-of-way and easements required for any of the foregoing (the “Sidewalk Projects “) and (3) to pay the costs of issuing the 2015 Bonds. The 2015 Bonds maturing on or before February 1, 2025 will not be subject to redemption prior to maturity. The 2015 Bonds maturing on and after February 1, 2026 will be subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the City, from any moneys that may be made available for such purpose, either in whole or in part on any date on or after February 1, 2025. 2015 Bonds called for redemption will be A-I PPAB 2659223v1 37 redeemed at the redemption price of the principal amount of 2015 Bonds to be so redeemed, plus accrued interest to the redemption date. If less than all of the 2015 Bonds are called for redemption, the City shall select the maturity or maturities of the 2015 Bonds to be redeemed in such manner as the City in its discretion may detennine and DTC and its participants shall determine which of the 2015 Bonds within a maturity are to be redeemed in accordance with its rules and procedures; provided, however, that the portion of any 2015 Bond to be redeemed shall be in principal amount of $5,000 or integral multiples thereof and that, in selecting 2015 Bonds for redemption, each 2015 Bond shall be considered as representing that number of 2015 Bonds which is obtained by dividing the principal amount of such 2015 Bond by $5,000. Whenever the City elects to redeem 2015 Bonds, notice of such redemption of 2015 Bonds, stating the redemption date, redemption price and any conditions to the redemption and identifying the 2015 Bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed by reference to their numbers and further stating that on such redemption date there shall become due and payable on each 2015 Bond or portion thereof so to be redeemed, the principal thereof, and interest accrued to the redemption date and that from and after such date interest thereon shall cease to accrue, shall be given not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days before the redemption date in writing to DTC or its nominee as the registered owner of the 2015 Bonds, by prepaid certified or registered United States mail (or by such other means as permitted by DTC’s rules and procedures), at the address provided to the City by DTC, but any failure or defect in respect of such mailing will not affect the validity of the redemption. If DTC is not the registered owner of the 2015 Bonds, the City will give notice at the time set forth above by prepaid first class United States mail, to the then-registered owners of the 2015 Bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed at the last address shown on the registration books kept by the City. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the State of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen precedent to or in the issuance of this 2015 Bond, exist, have been performed and have happened. and that the amount of this 2015 Bond, together with all other indebtedness of the City, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by said Constitution or statutes. The faith and credit of the City are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this 2015 Bond in accordance with its terms. This 2015 Bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose until the certification hereon shall have been signed by an authorized representative of the Local Government Commission. A-2 PPAB 2659223v1 38 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this 2015 Bond to bear the original or facsimile of the signatures of the Mayor of the City and the City Clerk of the City and an original or facsimile of the seal of the City to be imprinted hereon and this 2015 Bond to be dated their date of issuance. (SEAL) City Clerk Mayor Date of Execution: The issue hereof has been approved under the provisions of The Local Government Bond Act. Secretary of the Local Government Commission A-3 PPAB 2659223v1 39 FORM OF ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto (Please print or typewrite Name and Address, including Zip Code, and Federal Taxpayer Identification or Social Security Number of Assignee) the within 2015 Bond and all rights thereunder, and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints Attorney to register the transfer of the within 2015 Bond on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: Signature guaranteed by: Signature must be guaranteed by a Participant in the Securities Transfer Agent Medallion Program (“Stamp”) or similar program. NOTICE: NOTICE: The signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears on the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration, enlargement or any change whatever. TRANSFER FEE MAY BE REQUIRED A-4 PPAB 2659223v1 40 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FY 2014-2015 BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Sanford, North Carolina in regular session assembled. Section 1: The following amounts are hereby amended to ordinance 2014-26 per 0. S. 159-15 for the continued operation of the City of Sanford, its government, and activities for the balance of the fiscal year 2014-2015. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS REVENUES 100045 54000 Appropriated Fund Balance Total Appropriation EXPENDITURES 15,000 10025300 00000 Fire S 15,000 Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effective from and after the date of its adoption. ADOPTED this, the 6th day of January, 2015. T. Chet Mann, Mayor ATTEST: Bonnie Davis, City Clerk Susan C. Patterson, City Attorney 15,000 41 2014-2015 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT GENERAL FUND Appropriation of Funds - results in increasing of budget Revenues Appropriated Fund Balance 15,000 To appropriate funds for item described below 15,000 To budget funds for repair to engine on pumper for fire station number 3 Expenditures Fire ubL-i-ld14 05:17 FROM:ADCOCK 9197753462 TO: 9197759205 P.1’I CITY OP SANPORD APPLICATION FOR DOARDSICOMMISSIONS/COMMTrrEES S WilE WLLay NAMI3OFAPPLICANT: COMPLETE ADDRESS (including zip code) .a&i DAYTIMEPHONE: iLZ]ø EMPLOYERf ‘*. .n., MARITAL STATUS; - -..--. -. -.- s ii-t.,aig -— flç zp36 gg’/4 ggEVENflGPHONELS1-77g L. fri TYPE OF WORKt SPOUSE’ L 1 P £‘ThT€S L — SJMO ,i ; I I AM A REGISTERED VOTER IN PRECINCI NUMBER ,WHI çq SANFORD CITY LIMITS OR ()SANFOR1’S EXThATERRITORLkL JURISDICTION I WISI4 TO BE CONSIDERED FOR 1IOA.RD/COMMISSIpN/COMMrrP3E: (Fst only one) . APPOINTMENT _—,. IS LOCATED IN: TO THE FOLLOWING ofCcw.wy n4’f &&JSfC 1.1ST ANY EXPERIENCE/QUAL1FICATIONS UOARDIC0MMrSSI0N/C0MMInEE: YOU HAVE RELEVANT TO THE ABOVE u rn L ALaA YAiW1L&LSctfl . AL-ØST )1nSffilJ4lMLifl3 fl4 4jAIL A ?‘ L1j cr&zu FORDS fl9 S1<’ 6P ‘‘4 6ucNX32p?Lis,lp oRo cr rwoicL thw St4)3C93 4’!0L41S.14 i’t4t REGu LA7bRj A) Rffi ItrlN* (IthCSss. CR6 PT mAltimi tJ(N ItEMTI P. O-’CpN LIST BELOW YOUR. SECOND CHOICE DOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITrEE, IF APPLICABLE: (list only one) IYLS f 1 u’ LIST ANY EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS YOU HAVE RELEVANT TO THE SECOND PREFEREN CE; I CERTIFY THAT ALL OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, AND I UNDERSTANt ANt AGREE THAT THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE EUNTm P6$r7lOPi FI.b&6L_ 1 AC IS THE DAY OF 1 It) 20. Damsca (Signature of Applican (Please return completed application to: City Clerks P. 0, Box 3729, Sanford, NC 27331-3729, it to 919-775-8205,) If you have any questions, please call City Clerk Bonnie Davis at 919-777-1111. or fax 42 43 CITY OF SANFORD APPLICATION FOR BOARDS)COMMISS1ONSJCOMMITTEES — NAME OF APPLICANT: COMPLETE ADDRESS (including zip code): c •,1 DAYTIME PHONE: 9/111 Y 9 /EVEN1NG PHONE: vi EMPLOYER: TYPE OF WORK: 7C 7? —____________________ 7C C_ ji’ — MARITAL STATUS: SPOUSES NAME: I AM A REGISTERED VOTER IN PRECINCT NUMB ERL_ WHICH IS LOCATED IN: (‘SANFORD CiTY LIMiTS OR ()SANFORD’S EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION , WISH I TO BE CONSIDERED FOR BOARD/COMMLSSION/COMMJTrEE: (list only APPOINTMENT T THE FOllOWING & LIST BOA * ANY EXPERIENCEIQUALIFICATIONS AOMM ISSION/COMMITTEE: YOU HAVE RELEVANT TO THE ABOVE /p .‘/ LIST BELOW YOUR SECOND CHOICE BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE, W APPLICABLE: (list only one) LIST ANY EXPERIENCE/QUALIFICATIONS YOU HAVE RELEVANT TO THE SECOND PREFERENCE: I CERTIFY THAT ALL OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED TN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, AND I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT j:jij APPLICATION SHALL BE ACTIVE UNTIL_______ THIS THE 1 4DAY 2QL (Please return completed application to: fax it to 919-775-8205.) If you 919-777-1111. or City Clerk, P. 0. Box have any questions, please 3729, Sanford. call City Clerk NC 27331-3729, Bonnie Davis at * L
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