No. Mh62/otl2ot4-tt7z frder dTmq lrffirtr / Ministry of ExternalAffairs qsrrdr / Coordination Division ***<********** South Block, New Delhi November 25,2OI4 To, Department of pharmaceu,tica! Sclences, [Kind Attn : Mr. p R ltankar, Organizing Secretarry, Mahatma Jyotiba phule Educational Campus Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur-440033 Mail: Prakashitan Subject : SFEC 2015] Political clearance for Organizir"rg 2"d International Congress of Society for Ethnopharmacology (sFEc 20i.5) from Febru ary 2o-22,2015 at Nagpur. Sir, Please refer mentioned above. to your communication no. dated 24 June, 2Ot4 on the subject 2. This ivliriistry has no objection from political angte for the proposed event with foreign participants (as per the list attached), as stated in your aforesaid communication, subject to clearance of Ministry of Home Affairs and Nodal Ministry. Kindly note that participants from China would require delegiate's specific clearance from MHA and visa clearance for the individuals. 3. The foreign participants may please be advised to enclose copies of letter of invitation from the organizer in lndia and this l/linistry's political clearance as well as MHA,s clearance when applying for visa with the Indian Mission/post abroad. hL/Lfds) (S K Section Officer (Coord) Tei: 01L-23011223 Copy to: Ministry of Home Affairs [Kind Attn: Shri T. Srinivasan, SO (CC)], Foreigners Division, NDCC Building ll, JaiSingh Road, New Derlhi. No. 22-01 / Governnrent of India Ministry of Human Resource Development University-2 Section New Delhi, the 7th November,201"4 To, Dr. Prakash R. Itankar, Organising SecretarY, Zno ICSE-,2O15, Department of Pharmaceutical Sicience, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur-440033, Subject:Clearance for organizing znd International Congress of Society for Ethnopharmacology from 20th February, 2015 to 22"d February, 2015reg. Sir, am directed to refer to your letter dated 22nd October, 2OL4 on the mentioned above subject and to say that Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher lEducation has no objection from academic angle to the above mentioned International Conference, subject to grant of appropriate visa by the concerned Irndian Missions abroad and also clearance fiom political and security angle by tlre Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs. As per the revisecl procedure for grant of visas to foreign participant coming to India for International conferences, seminars, workshops etc, indian Missions have been authorized to issue conference visas to delegates if they are able to produce an invitation to a conference/seminars/ workshop etc. being organized in India by a Ministry/Department of Govt. of India, State Governmbnt, PSUs, Central Educatiorral Institutions, Public Funded Universities or an organization owned and controlled by the Government of India or State I Government, United Nations or its specialized agencies and reputed NGOs' 2. This issues with the approval o{'competent authority' Yours faithfully, {- \(r-* li t"5 (c.K. Gandhi) Section Officer Ph:011-23388103 r5 F" hto. 421Arcel/CC Gsv,ernmenf of lndin Ministry cf Home Af?sirs {Farelgners Divisicn} NPCC-fi Suilding, Jai $ingh Road, New De,lhi-1 t S001, Dated: 2I.I 0.2014 To Dr. Pral<ash R. itankar Orgarrising Secretary, ?"o Intematir:nal [.'ongre-ss of Society for Ethnophannacolagy, ?015, Departrtrent of Pharrnaceufical Scie:nce, R.l".N{, Nagpur Universlry, Nagpur-440033 Hrnai I i ci f.. : prakashitankar@hotrnail"com Subject: 2"d lnternation*l Congress of$ociefy for Sthnspharmacologlr from 20tl' to Fe 22n'l bruary o2*-tS at Nagpur. $irlMadarn, I am dirncted to refbr to yo*r letter no. nil dated 14.10.2014on the above mentltned sub.iect and to convey this }vtrinistrt's 'no objectiorf in principle from security angle for holding the above rnentioned event{s} on the subject, darcs and venue specified in the letter under refbrence suLr.icct to political clearancc by the Ministry of External Affairs. 2. ,{ll {'oreign participanls shoukl be informed to suhrmif ontine application for n irn med ia teiy. eSgfgLglgg f:g3 at w$.w.i d ia nvisao l. Indian N4issions abroad are authorized to issue Conference Visas ta elelegates on n n Ii production o1' a.n invitation letter from thrg organizer(s), a copy of this lettcr and a copy of the ccmmunication from the Minisfry of Hxternal Aflairs conveying the political clearancs. 4, *Iowcver, Confelence Visa for participantrr from {l}Afgh*nistan (2)China (3)Iran {4} Iraq, {5)F:rkistan {6)Sudan {?}Foreiignsrs of Flakistani origin and {8}St*teless persons can be issued only after MHA Clarence" Therefornn cnlilne applic*tion for Conferencr Visa t$ust be applied at least 60 days in adyanee" llnstructions in Rnnexed shcet must be metieu lously followed. 5. Applicationsllist of participants l'rom the ahove mentlonsd countries not subrnifted in time *r* liable to be summarily rejccl;*d, Yours faithfully "'i. /vr^,^.rrr^t (T. Srinivasah) Section Officer"r"{ i
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