Weekly Management Report Bonnie Therrien, City Administrator TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Bonnie L. Therrien, City Administrator DATE: January 9, 2015 January 9, 2015 City Administrator’s Report: Today, during O’Fallon Mayor Bill Hennessy’s annual State of the City Address, he announced the City’s intent to purchase property for a new Police Station and Municipal Court building. The City of O’Fallon has entered into a purchase agreement with Wentzway Corporation for a 15-acre property located on Bryan Road approximately 1000 feet south of the intersection of Bryan Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway and just north of Bryan Valley Commercial Drive. “This location is ideal for our new Police Station because of its proximity to Bryan Road, I-70, Mexico Road, and Route 364. Our officers will have direct access to nearly every neighborhood in our City in a matter of minutes,” said Mayor Hennessy. “Because it’s close to the City’s historic downtown core, our retail centers along Highway K and Bryan, and the areas of much of our recent residential growth in the southern portions of the City, no matter where you are, you will always know the O’Fallon Police Department is close by when you need them.” Hennessy said the City is in the final stages of purchasing the property, and he expects to complete the sale in the coming weeks. The sale price is $1,960,200, and the City will fund the purchase using funds set aside for this purpose in the 2014 and 2015 general fund budgets. In December, the O’Fallon City Council approved an ordinance placing a $28.6 million bond issue on the April 7, 2015, ballot. The bonds would pay for construction, furnishing and equipping the new police station and municipal courthouse. The bond issue will be labeled Proposition 1 on the April ballot. “O’Fallon has developed a well-deserved reputation as one of the safest places to live, work and raise a family in the entire country,” said Mayor Hennessy. “Securing the location for our new, state-of-the-art police station is an important step in ensuring that we stay that way for decades to come.” If you wish to view the proposed site location, please go to http://www.ofallon.mo.us/News/o-fallonmayor-bill-hennessy-announces-location-of-proposed-police-department-and-municipal-court-building. ### B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 1 UPCOMING EVENTS: • Free Christmas tree drop-off is available through January 11th. O’Fallon residents can drop off evergreen Christmas trees at the parking lots of Civic Park and O’Fallon Sports Park. The sites will be open from dawn to dusk. Only trees with no decorations will be accepted. Please remove all ornaments, tinsel, lights, string or wire. No artificial trees, wreaths, shrubs, plastic bags or yard waste will be accepted. • O’Fallon Photo Club’s Annual Exhibit begins on January 9th and runs through February 20, 2015, at the Renaud Spirit Center. The exhibit showcases the best of recent photography work in color and black-and-white images by the Club’s membership, which includes professional and nonprofessional photographers. For details, contact palirish@sbcglobal.net. • O’Fallon TheatreWorks will hold open auditions for “Bill W. and Dr. Bob” on Sunday, January 11, 2015, beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the O’Fallon Municipal Centre (City Hall) Gymnasium. “Bill W. and Dr. Bob” will be performed on March 20–22 and 27–29. The cast of six calls for three males and three females ranging in age from 18 to 45. Crew members are also needed. For more information, contact Darren Granaas at 636-474-2732 or dgranaas@ofallon.mo.us. • The regular monthly training meeting for the O’Fallon Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members is scheduled for Tuesday, January 13th at 7:00 p.m. at the O’Fallon Public Works Building located at 1089 Public Service Drive. • In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, O'Fallon Municipal Centre will be closed on Monday, January 19th. The Renaud Spirit Center recreation complex will be open with regular hours, and there will be no change in service for O'Fallon's Environmental Services trash and recycling collection. COUNCIL AND BOARD/COMMITTEE DATES: • The CLIP Committee will meet on Monday, January 12th, at 7 pm at the RSC. • The next Parks Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 13th at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. • There is a Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 14th at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. • The next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will be held Thursday, January 15th at 6:30 pm. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION NEWS: Parks and Recreation • Recreation/RSC • The Renaud Center will host 7 parties and 4 bash parties this weekend. B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 2 • • • • • • We have new sessions of RSC Dance, Civic Dance and our Preschool classes starting this week. A new session of pre-school started today. The Renaud Spirit Center will have fifteen basketball games on January 10th. Registration is open for spring athletics including: soccer, t-ball, and coach pitch. Don’t let your New Year’s resolution get the best of you! Join one of the Renaud Spirit Center’s fitness classes and hold yourself accountable. The Renaud Spirit Center offers a wide variety of classes including Zumba, sculpting, interval training, Boot Camp and Yoga. For those looking for even more accountability or for an extra push, sign up with one of our certified personal trainers for one-on-one, partner or small group training. If you are looking to lose weight join the “Workout for the Win Weight Loss Challenge” which begins Monday January 19th. There is something for everyone. You won’t be disappointed. Start your journey today! Eight new staff members that will work at the City pools will go through lifeguard training January 9th-11th at the Renaud Spirit Center. The Renaud Spirit Center website was updated to reflect changes in rates and membership information. • • • • • Parks Division Christmas lights and scenes are being removed from Fort Zumwalt Park. Christmas trees are being chipped at the tree drop locations. City hall Christmas tree and décor were removed. Staff is gathering information and bids for 2015 CIP projects. • • Landscape Division Crews planted liriope ground cover at the TR Hughes entrance sign and at the Westhoff Plaza Skate Park at Westhoff Park. Remnants from projects staged at Dames Park and Sports Park were cleaned up. The Tree City USA Recertification was resubmitted for the 12th year. The yearend report for grounds care at TR Hughes Stadium was submitted. Flower displays for 2015 were organized and price quotes were solicited. Crews began outfitting the second of three enclosed trailers. Greenhouse furnaces were checked. Plant stock was watered and treated for insects. • • • • • • B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 3 Landscape Photo of the Week Light Snow on the RSC Rain Garden. (December 18, 2014) • • • • Festivals and Tourism The Celebration of Lights 2014 season set a new record with 11,202 vehicles through the light display; that’s more than 400 over the previous record set in 2012. Once the season ended on December 31, and through the weekend, seasonal workers made progress pulling extension cords, and removing some lights and smaller scenes. Participating groups began removing their scenes on January 2nd. The goal is to reopen Fort Zumwalt Park on or before January 19th to vehicular traffic. The 2015 marketing plan was created for various events incorporating more social media to reach the varied demographics of the community Several contracts were written and annual purchase orders set up for supplies and/or services for the events. Administrative Services Department: • Volunteer Services • With schools and many offices closed for the day, families and individuals are signing up for King Day of Service, January 19, 10am-noon. Projects include decorating cards and creating paper flowers for 600 residents of O’Fallon senior care facilities. • To help increase local blood supplies impacted by winter weather, donors are being scheduled for the Volunteer Donor Month Blood Drive, January 23, 11am-3pm, O’Fallon Municipal Centre (City Hall). • Lots of energetic volunteers are still needed to assist with over a dozen winter-themed games at Cabin Fever Daze, January 24-25. • Support positions for Spring projects and activities are being developed. • VS staff has a list of 2015 volunteer opportunities available (www.ofallon.mo.us/volunteer). B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 4 • • • • • • • Facilities Maintenance Miscellaneous orders completed: worked on two locks and made adjustments on the main doors at the Renaud Sprit Center, multiple heating issues addressed at City Hall, Police Department and Senior Center. Twelve new work orders since the first of the year. Moved pallet of paper into basement of police department. Repaired light in a hold-over cell for Police Department. Worked on exercise equipment at Renaud Sprit Center. Working on HVAC building pressure at the Renaud Sprit Center. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Fleet Maintenance Routine Repair and Maintenance on City fleet vehicles. Clarify purchase price of Tahoes. Ordered two Tahoes. Finalized Ford Escape recalls. Finalized Chevy Impala recalls. Paid Jetter Truck purchase order. Picked up first new F-550. Sent 3rd New F-350 to Total Customs for Undercoating. Prepped 521 for Gov Deals. Researching whereabouts of 400312 Docking Station. Completed all recalls for 18 vehicles. Continued Number crunching for Dept’s vehicles Begin input on Agenda Quick for 1/22/15 Council Meeting • • Human Resources Recruitment continues for: Police Officer, Dispatcher, Street Maintenance Worker, Recreation Specialist, as well as many other seasonal and part-time positions. The six part training session “Effective Supervisory Practices 2015” has been scheduled for February, March, and April. New Employees include: Mark Smith - Custodian at the RSC. We welcome Mark and know he will do a great job for the City and RSC. • • • • • • Information Technology We have only two cables remaining for the access system that need to be completed. These are the most difficult, so we are working on them last. Once completed, we will have a new access system for City Hall. Working on minor issues with a circuit to the RSC. Preparing systems for the upgrade to Office and Exchange. B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 5 Finance: • Finance • The Finance Director reviewed the financing for energy improvement projects. • The Finance Director and cash receipts specialist worked on obtaining information regarding the enforcement of business licenses. • The Department is starting the process of closing Fiscal Year 2014 by performing two accounts payable runs each week. One run will post 2014 expenses back to last year and the other run will post expenses to the current year. • Payroll processed Forms W-2 for the 2014 tax year and continued to review information relating to the new software system utilized for open enrollment. • Payroll is reviewing options to account for the new 28 day work period for the police officers. This will be ongoing until there has been sufficient time to troubleshoot any issues with processing a work period that extends beyond our pay period. Most municipalities process it manually, yet we are focused on trying to automate it, if possible, to alleviate potential errors. • The Assistant Finance Director started working on audit preparations for 2014 and began working with the Timekeeping System Committee to purchase a new system in 2015. • Court: • The Court Administrator attended Municipal Court Improvement Committee Meeting working on a presentation January 30, 2015. The Court Administrator attended MACA quarterly board meeting discussing legislation and preparing the Annual conference training for May 2015. • Economic Development: • The Economic Development staff attended the New Member Orientation meeting of the O’Fallon Chamber of Commerce to welcome new and existing local businesses. They also attended an internal meeting to discuss the current business licensing process and are working with the Departments of Finance and Administration to make improvements to the process. • Staff met with several broker/developers and with many different business owners. • Implementation of the Economic Development Strategic Plan objectives this week included: o Determine “Special Projects Areas” for targeted business attraction (Objective #20) –Finalized selection of a consultant for the Main Street and Highway K streetscape and walkable/bikeable project. o Determine prospects for more events, draws, and destinations (Objective #24) – Met with a development team to discuss a possible destination project. B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 6 • • o Develop wayfinding signage and district color coding (Objective #29) – Met with other staff members to discuss signage program and next steps. o Improve business license process (Objective #35) – Finalized process and worked on next steps regarding businesses that still do not have a business license. Looking for a new restaurant or business that has just the goods and/or services you need? Check out the O’Fallon Retail Map and Directory on the City’s website for local businesses at http://www.ofallon.mo.us/business-map. This week Staff conducted a total of 7 business retention visits, 26 business assistance calls, and 4 business attraction efforts. Public Works Department: • Streets Division • Work Order Crews continue to complete work orders from oldest to newest (received) as weather permits. • The Stormwater Maintenance crew continues to work on the low water crossing at Westhoff Park. • The Street Division is working on the approved 2015 budget items. • The Street Division responded to a dusting of snow on 1-7-2015. • The four approved full time employees will be starting on 1-10-2015. • The Street Division held an ICS training and review session. • • • • • • Engineering Mark Barry completed the APWA Construction Inspection Training and has successfully become a Certified Public Improvements Inspector (CPII). Congratulations to Mark!! Roads Project Management - The Annual Slab Repair Project will be going before Council this week. Plan Review Update o Countryshire Plat 15 Record Plat o Willow Walk Estates Grading o Dirt Cheap Retaining Wall o Bryan Feise Plat 1 Record Plat o 4 Excavation Permits o Preparing for FEMA Community Assistance Visit Environmental Services Complimentary Bulk Drop-off: The next Complimentary Bulk Drop-off will be on Saturday, February 28, 2015 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please remember that we hold this event every other month. The 2015 schedule for upcoming dates are listed on our website. B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 7 • • • • • • • Electronics and Appliance Recycling Event: We will be holding the next Electronics and Appliance Recycling Event on Saturday, February 21, 2015 in the west parking lot of TR Hughes Ballpark from 8:00am until 12:00pm. Items that can be dropped off at no charge include: TVs (limits and costs for old tube style are changing for 2015, please check website soon for details), appliances (refrigerators, washers, dryers, hot water heaters, etc.), computers, monitors, phones, printers, batteries (including automotive) and anything else that plugs in or runs on batteries. Watch the O’Fallon Newsletter for more detailed information. Weekly Yard Waste Service: Weekly yard waste service has ended for the season. We will begin weekly pick-ups again on March 10, 2015. During the off-season we will pick up yard waste once per month on a call-in basis only for residents that are signed up for the service. Those pickups will be on the fourth Wednesday of December, January and February. Residents should call customer service at 636-272-0477 to schedule a pick-up during the off season. MLK and Presidents Day Holidays: There will be no change in services due to either of these holidays as they both occur on Mondays when we are not working. Don’t forget our Resident Recycling Drop-off Container located at the entrance to the transfer station. Please encourage residents to bag their trash. This is the major reason for material blowing through neighborhoods. Please remember not to place your carts closer than four feet from any obstacle including parked cars and mailboxes. Resident Bob Deppen of Floral Way called in to let us know his ES driver did a stellar job today. He said his trash can was really packed in the driver made sure it was completely empty. He was very impressed. Driver was Dontrius Mitchell Police Department: • Even after receiving a traffic summons, a resident wrote an email to the Chief complimenting Police Officer Nick Valenti for his professionalism and overall demeanor during the traffic stop. Although she was not happy about receiving the ticket, she felt it necessary to recognize the officer for the way he handled the matter with courtesy and respect. Great job Officer Valenti. • Detective Scott Pierce was named the Police Department’s Employee of the Month for a number of investigations and arrests he has been involved in recently. His commander noted that in addition to his own workload, Detective Pierce continually assists his fellow detectives when called upon, even taking another employee’s on-call duties on Christmas. B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 8 Planning and Development: • Planning Division • Planning staff answered questions and processed numerous sign permits in conjunction with the New Year. This time has served as a good opportunity to remind permit holders of the applicable signage codes. The individuals seeking permits have been responsive and compliant to start off 2015. • Staff assembled reports for the January Board of Adjustment and Planning & Zoning Commission meetings, which were scheduled in the middle of the month due to holidays. • Planning staff helped conduct an Open in the O meeting for a mobile/tablet repair shop. While there were few issues that needed to be addressed, the meeting served as an opportunity to provide basic information and help ensure a smooth launch for a business that is new to the City. • • • Building and Code Enforcement On January 1, 2015, staff responded to a garage fire on Little Oaks Drive and condemned the structure. On January 2, 2015, staff responded to an electrical fire on Reece Drive. BOARD/COMMISSION NEWS: Nothing this week. COUNCIL QUESTIONS/ANSWERS: Nothing this week. MISCELLANEOUS: Nothing this week. PROJECT UPDATES • Parks and Recreation Parks Division Soliciting bids for 2015 projects and/or equipment Ozzie Smith Plaza and Concession Stand project: Pre-bid meeting held on 1/8/15 Bids due and opening on 1/16/15 Construction to begin after Heritage & Freedom Fest Project completion on/or before 12/31/15 Fort Zumwalt Log Cabin Project: B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 9 Shingles to be ordered this week Door and Windows has been ordered Equipment maintenance is about 80% complete ATTACHMENTS: • Press Releases: o Cabin Fever Daze Festival o City Hall Closed – Martin Luther King Day o King Day of Service o Photo Club Exhibit • East-West Gateway Local Government Briefings B Therrien Weekly Management Report 01-09-2015 Page | 10 100 North Main Street O’Fallon, Missouri 63366 Phone: 636.240.2000 www.ofallon.mo.us MEDIA RELEASE Contact –Tom Drabelle, Director of Public Relations 636.379.5508 tdrabelle@ofallon.mo.us For Immediate Release January 7, 2015 O’Fallon’s Cabin Fever Daze features free fun, games and entertainment in O’Fallon Sports Park Here’s a winter fun and games “advisory” – come on out to O’Fallon, Missouri’s 3rd Annual Cabin Fever Daze in O'Fallon Sports Park and play nine holes of mini-golf, line up for a game of Human Foosball, grab a partner for Snowplow Backseat Driver, go for a stroll in a human-sized hamster ball and more, free! The family-friendly festival features free admission, parking and a host of free activities on Saturday, January 24, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, January 25, from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Vendors will provide delicious food and beverages for sale, and a free heat retreat tent will be on site to ward off winter chills. The park is located at 3589 Highway K (63368). www.ofallon.mo.us/cabin-fever-daze Free activities and entertainment scheduled for O’Fallon’s Cabin Fever Daze include: • Mini Golf – Play nine holes of mini-golf right on the Cabin Fever Daze festival grounds. • Gateway Sled Dog Club race and demonstrations – Enjoy the performances and chat with sled dog experts about getting involved in Nordic activities with your pet. • Palm Trio – Warm up in the heat retreat tent with live Caribbean pop and steel drum music performed from noon to 3 p.m. each day. • The Hockey Circus Show – This funny, one-of-a-kind tribute to hockey includes acrobatics performed on hockey skates, juggling and a post-event meet-and-greet with Paz. • Snowplow Backseat Driver – You’ll need a buddy for this event: a driver to push a wheelbarrow through the course and a passenger. The passenger must be good at directions because the driver will be wearing snow-covered goggles! -more- CABIN FEVER DAZE 2015 January 7, 2015 • SnowSpike Volleyball – Play volleyball with wacky wintertime rules! • Clash of the Climates – Pick your side, summer or winter, for this fun twist on tug-of-war! • Human Foosball – Compete in a life-sized version of foosball, moving side-to-side in coordination with your teammates. • Human Sphere – Find out how much fun it is to be a hamster by rolling around in a giant, inflatable, see-through ball. • Arctic Arcade – Free! Try a skiing simulator, a skate simulator, penguin bowling and more. • Snowball Blitz – Charge the opposition using snowballs to tag and eliminate the other team’s players and capture their flag! • Freeze Your Buns Trivia Run – Up to four players at a time can test their knowledge of winter trivia! Be ready to move because points go to the quickest player who can physically deliver the answer. • Field Broomball – Play this fun, hockey-esque game with friends, a ball and some brooms. • Snowshoe Obstacle Course – Strap on a pair of snowshoes and have fun trekking up, down and all around the wacky Snowshoe Obstacle Course! • Fruit Cake Chuckin’ – Load a sling shot with fruit cake and fire away! • Snowflake Toss – Test your quarterbacking skills by tossing a football through giant snowflakes. • More fun – Free martial arts and ice carving demonstrations. Be a part of the festival as a volunteer! Visit O’Fallon’s Volunteer Services webpage at www.ofallon.mo.us/Volunteer. Or contact Volunteer Services at 636-379-5417 or volunteer@ofallon.mo.us. ### 100 North Main Street O’Fallon, Missouri 63366 Phone: 636.240.2000 www.ofallon.mo.us NEWS RELEASE Contact – Tom Drabelle, Director of Public Relations 636.379.5508 tdrabelle@ofallon.mo.us For Immediate Release January 7, 2015 City of O’Fallon, Missouri’s schedule for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday On Monday, January 19, 2015, the O’Fallon Municipal Centre (City Hall) will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. In addition: • O’Fallon’s Parks and Recreation Administrative office also will be closed. • The Renaud Spirit Center (RSC) recreation complex will be open with regular business hours of 5:15 a.m. – 10 p.m. The RSC is located at 2650 Tri Sports Circle, O’Fallon, MO 63368. www.renaudspiritcenter.com • O’Fallon’s trash and recycling collection schedule will not change due to the holiday. • City of O’Fallon volunteers who have registered for “King Day of Service” projects will meet at 10 a.m. for service projects. For more information, visit www.ofallon.mo.us/volunteer or call 636-379-5417. 00 North Main Street O’Fallon, Missouri 63366 Phone: 636.240.2000 www.ofallon.mo.us MEDIA RELEASE Contact –Tom Drabelle Director of Public Relations 636.379.5508 tdrabelle@ofallon.mo.us For Immediate Release January 7, 2015 O’Fallon’s annual “King Day of Service” offers volunteers of all ages a chance to spread a little kindness Kicking off 2015 with a call to service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is Monday, January 19, the City of O’Fallon encourages volunteers to come together for “King Day of Service” projects that strengthen and impact the community. The projects will run from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and all are invited to participate. Fun, family-friendly opportunities are available, including creating paper flowers and decorating cards for those living in residential care facilities. All items are personally delivered in February, as part of Random Acts of Kindness Day. “Volunteering to be a part of O’Fallon’s King Day of Service is a great way for kids and adults to join in creating something that will be deeply appreciated.” said Alexis Jaegers, O’Fallon’s Volunteer Services Coordinator. “Not only is the event a fun one, but more importantly, it provides volunteers with an opportunity to brighten the day of O’Fallon’s aging community, who truly value their creative efforts.” To pre-register for the King Day of Service, contact O’Fallon’s Volunteer Services Department at 636-379-5417 or volunteer@ofallon.mo.us. For more information, visit www.ofallon.mo.us/volunteer. ### 100 North Main Street O’Fallon, Missouri 63366 Phone: 636.240.2000 www.ofallon.mo.us MEDIA RELEASE Contact – Tom Drabelle, Director of Public Relations 636.379.5508 tdrabelle@ofallon.mo.us For Immediate Release January 6, 2015 The O’Fallon Photo Club’s 2015 exhibit at the Renaud Spirit Center The public is invited to view the O’Fallon Photo Club’s 2015 exhibit in the O’Fallon Cultural Arts Gallery at the Renaud Spirit Center (RSC), 2650 Tri Sports Circle, O’Fallon, Missouri 63368. The exhibit will continue through February 20. The exhibit showcases recent work, including landscapes, portraits and innovative photography by the club’s membership, which includes professional and non-professional photographers. (For examples of members’ work, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/302304209788812/.) Cultural Arts Gallery admission is free, with the exhibit available for viewing during regular business hours at the indoor recreation complex: 5:15 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday -Thursday, 5:15 a.m.-9 p.m. on Fridays, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Sundays. For more information, call 636-474-2732 or visit www.renaudspiritcenter.com. The O’Fallon Photo Club welcomes visitors and meets at 7 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the O’Fallon Senior Center at 106 North Main Street (63366) in the O’Fallon Municipal Centre complex. Membership dues are $5 per quarter. For more information about the club, drop in on a club meeting or contact Pam Landolt at palirish@sbcglobal.net. ### Local Government A News Bulletin from Briefings January 8, 2014, Volume 18, Issue 02 In This Week’s Edition: -Announcements Map of the Month: Number of Fitness and Recreation Sports Facilities per 100,000 APA—St. Louis Metro Section Call for 2015 Award Nominations Request for Proposals for Professional Auditing Services Call for Presentations - Mo. Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association Call for Project Applications: Surface Transportation Program - Suballocated (STP-S) and Congestion Management and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Projects Call for Public Comment – Proposed Amendments to FY 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program, RTP 2040, and Air Quality Conformity Determination Call for Public Comment – Transportation Alternatives Program, Section 5310, and Other January 2015 TIP Amendments Call for Project Applications: On-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program -Conferences and Events Financing Energy Efficient Upgrades with ENERGY STAR Eagle Days at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge Open Data and GIS in Planning - APA Monthly Luncheon Meeting The Kansas City Streetcar on Track - Panel Discussion Creating a Just and Inclusive America Planning for Uncertainty: How Big is the Transportation Funding Crisis Really? Linking Research and Practice: Equitable Economic Growth and Sustainable Water Infrastructure QuakeSmart Business Summit -News Applied Research Collaborative Releases Four-Report Series Exploring Municipal Governments in Metro St. Louis Who Will End the Transportation Funding Insanity? -Online Resources Brookings' 14 Must-reads on Social Mobility -Jobs -Grants Grants for Outdoor Recreation Projects in Missouri Environmental Education Grants -Quotes Past issues of the Local Government Briefings can be found at: http://www.ewgateway.org/library/newsletters/newsletters.htm 1 To subscribe or submit an item for the newsletter, please contact: Gary Pondrom, Editor, Local Government Briefings E-mail: garyp@ewgateway.org Phone: (314) 421-4220 or (618) 274-2750 Announcements... Map of the Month: Number of Fitness and Recreation Sports Facilities per 100,000 East-West Gateway's Map of the Month for January depicts the number of fitness and recreational sports facilities per 100.000 persons by county for the entire United States. Overall, the southern, the midwestern, the plains and the Rocky Mountain regions have large areas with relatively few such facilities, but the plains and the Rocky Mountain regions also have areas with some of the highest concentrations of fitness and recreational sports facilities in the country. Small areas with high concentrations are also found near most major urban centers. This data is based only on the number of individual facilities, and does not include information on floor space or overall utility of the facilities. In 2012 there were 9.4 facilities per 100,000 persons in the United States. Locally, Monroe County has the highest number of facilities per 100,000 with 15.01, and Jefferson County has the lowest with 7.27. The illustration was created using sector specific data from the US Census Bureau's County Business Patterns. ******************************* APA—St. Louis Metro Section Call for 2015 Award Nominations Every year, the St. Louis Metro Section of the American Planning Association (SLMS-APA) issues a Call for Award Nominations requesting local, regional, state, and multi-jurisdictional governments as well as non-profit entities, planning consultants and development groups to apply for the metropolitan area’s only awards focused entirely on urban and regional planning. Section membership is not required to nominate or be nominated for an award. This year, applicants are encouraged to apply for any of four award categories: Award for Outstanding Plan Making; Award for Outstanding Plan Implementation; Award for Outstanding Planning Practice; and the Dwight F. Davis Award for Outstanding Planning Advocate, which will honor up to 3 elected or appointed citizen planners and/or planning professionals. Details for award categories, submission criteria/rules, and the nomination form can be found at www.mo-apa.org/slms-awards. Award nominations must be submitted by 5 PM, Friday, February 6. ******************************* Request for Proposals for Professional Auditing Services The City of Crystal Lake Park is requesting proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to prepare the audit, its financial statements for the fiscal years ending December 31, for 2014, 2015 and 2016. These audits are to be performed in accordance with general accepted auditing standards. Proposals will be accepted until 5 PM CST, January 19. Link to the full RFP from www.crystallakepark.org/municipal-codes/finances. If you desire any additional information or clarification on this proposal request, please contact Julie O’Guinn, Treasurer, at (314) 373-6505 or joguinn@cityoffrontenac.org. ******************************* Call for Presentations - Mo. Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association The Missouri Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (MfSMA) will hold its annual conference April 8 - 10 at Tan-Tar-A Resort, Osage Beach. The association has issued a Call for Presentations for those interested in presenting at the conference. Abstracts of the presentation or questions regarding its submittal can be directed to Jan Whipple at jwhipple@sccmo.org or (636) 949-7335. Deadline for submittal is January 16. Go to www.mfsma.org/annual-conference.html for conference and sponsorship or exhibitor information. The target audience for the conference includes federal, state, or local community officials with regulatory responsibility for floodplains and stormwater management officials; building code and community planning officials; design professionals; GIS; engineering professionals; land surveyors; insurance professionals; mortgage lenders; and Realtors involved in flood insurance issues. ******************************* 2 Call for Project Applications: Surface Transportation Program - Suballocated (STP-S) and Congestion Management and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Projects For Illinois and Missouri municipalities interested in applying for federal funds for local transportation projects, East-West Gateway Council of Governments is announcing that it will soon be accepting applications for Surface Transportation Program-Suballocated (STP-S) and Congestion Management and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) projects. STP-S funds can be used for projects such as: pavement preservation, highway expansion, congestion mitigation, safety, environmental mitigation, transit, and pedestrian facilities. Projects on roads functionally classified as local or rural minor collectors are not eligible for these funds. Bridges on any functionally classified road are eligible for STP-S funds, however, bridges on roads functionally classified as local or rural minor collectors may be replaced with only minimal connecting road work eligible for federal funds. CMAQ funds are intended to fund transportation programs or projects that will contribute to attainment or maintenance of the national air quality standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter. Eligible activities include traffic flow improvement, demand management, shared ride services, bicycle/pedestrian facilities, transit vehicles/facilities, and operating assistance for new transit service. Maintenance projects such as road resurfacing/reconstruction and projects that add new capacity for single occupant vehicles are not eligible. Application forms and additional information is posted at www.ewgateway.org/TIPAppInfo/tipappinfo.htm Application deadline is 4 PM, February 19, 2015. ******************************* Call for Public Comment – Proposed Amendments to FY 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program, RTP 2040, and Air Quality Conformity Determination In accordance with East-West Gateway Council of Government (EWG) policies, EWG seeks comment on proposed amendments to the FY 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), RTP 2040 (the Long Range Transportation Plan), and Air Quality Conformity Determination. These documents are posted at www.ewgateway.org/Apps-AQ/apps-aq.htm. These documents will also be the subject of a public open house meeting. This meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 13, from 4 – 6:30 PM, at the offices of EWG, One Memorial Drive, Suite 1600, St. Louis. Comments may be made by e-mail to tip@ewgateway.org or mailed to: East-West Gateway Council of Governments ATTN: TIP, One South Memorial Drive, Suite 1600, St. Louis, MO 63102. The deadline for public comment is Thursday, January 22. Comments must be received or postmarked by that date. ******************************* Call for Public Comment – Transportation Alternatives Program, Section 5310, and Other January 2015 TIP Amendments East-West Gateway (EWG) seeks comment on proposed amendments to the FY 2015-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The amendments include projects funded by the Illinois and Missouri Departments of Transportation. It also includes local projects funded through the Transportation Alternatives Program and Section 5310. Details regarding these proposed amendments will be available at www.ewgateway.org beginning January 9, and at a public open house meeting. This open house meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 13, at EWG offices (address below) from 4 PM to 6:30 PM. Comments may be made to tip@ewgateway.org or mailed to: East-West Gateway Council of Governments ATTN: TIP, One South Memorial Drive, Suite 1600, St. Louis, MO 63102. Comments must be received or postmarked by January 22. ******************************* Call for Project Applications: On-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program East-West Gateway is now accepting applications for On-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRM) projects. BRM funds are only available in the Missouri portion of the St. Louis region. The counties included are: Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, St. Louis, and the City of St. Louis. Applications are due no later than 4 PM, Thursday, January 15. Eligible BRM projects include: Replacement or full rehabilitation of eligible structures from MoDOT's eligible bridge list, seismic retrofitting of deficient as well as non-deficient bridges, preventative maintenance activities, installation of scour countermeasures to protect an existing bridge, and projects involving the application of paint overcoat systems, or the complete blast cleaning and repainting of the structural steel. More information is available at www.ewgateway.org. ******************************* 3 Conferences and Events... January 15: Financing Energy Efficient Upgrades with ENERGY STAR EPA ENERGY STAR Webcast Learn how public sector organizations are improving energy efficiency with innovative solutions to financial barriers. Attendees will learn about financing projects in the public and private sectors, the basics of performance contracting, and how EPA’s tools and resources can help you make the decision to improve your facilities now or later. The webinar will be held January 15, from 1 - 2:15 PM, CST. Register to attend at http://goo.gl/FK3O9y. ******************************* January 17 & 18: Eagle Days at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge Celebrate eagles and watch them in the wild at this free festival. With the help of trained volunteers, visitors can view eagles through spotting scopes from the spectacular vantage point of the historic Old Chain of Rocks Bridge. There will also be educational programs by the World Bird Sanctuary, a hands-on local bird exhibit presented by St. Louis Audubon, a full-size replica of an eagle's nest, along with children's activities and a warming tent courtesy of the Green Center. Learn more about Eagle Days at www.greatriversgreenway.org/eagle-days.aspx. Sponsored by Great Rivers Greenway, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Department of Conservation. ******************************* January 21: Open Data and GIS in Planning - APA Monthly Luncheon Meeting Join the American Planning Association St. Louis Metro Section at its monthly luncheon meeting for a panel discussion on open data and GIS in planning. Local experts on the topics are being assembled for an engaging presentation and discussion on the definitions, policies, technologies and current cutting-edge practices regarding open data and GIS. The luncheon will be held at the Center of Clayton, Multipurpose Room B-C, 50 Gay Avenue, Clayton. Registration begins at 11:30; lunch and presentation from noon - 1 PM. Learn more and register to attend at http://goo.gl/1vi8uR. Registration deadline is noon, January 16. ******************************* January 22: The Kansas City Streetcar on Track - Panel Discussion Description: The Kansas City Streetcar is under construction, new development is going in along its path, and residents will soon be able to jump on board as it hits the tracks for service. Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) will host a sneak peek of the Kansas City Streetcar on Thursday, January 22. Registration and lunch at 11:30; presentation from noon to 1 PM. The panel discussion will give CMT members and friends an opportunity to hear an update on the Kansas City Streetcar Phase I and plans for Phase II, as well as the opportunity to hear from the Executive Director of the Kansas City Streetcar Authority, Tom Gerend. The event will be held at the MX Movie Theater, 618 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. The MX is accessible by MetroLink via the Convention Center Stop. Paid Parking is available at the 7th Street Garage located at 7th and Locust. Member tickets are $20 a piece and non-member tickets are $30. Purchase tickets at http://goo.gl/FVdbRK. ******************************* January 22: Creating a Just and Inclusive America Presentation by Dr. Xavier de Souza Briggs, renowned author, commentator, and educator Description: Dr. Xavier de Souza Briggs, Vice President, Ford Foundation's Economic Opportunity and Assets Program and renowned author, commentator, and educator, has led groundbreaking research in economic opportunity, democracy and governance, and racial and ethnic diversity in cities and metropolitan regions. He will make a presentation "Creating a Just and Inclusive America" beginning at noon, January 22, at the Brown Lounge, School of Social Work, Washington University. Part of the “Access to Justice” series, this event is cosponsored with Washington University’s Assembly Series, Brown School Center for Social Development, Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy, Sociology Department, School of Law Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Program, Depute Resolution Society, and Law & Social Work Society. Register to attend at http://goo.gl/hFipQJ. Registrants will receive directions and parking instructions via e-mail the day of the event. ******************************* 4 January 22: Planning for Uncertainty: How Big is the Transportation Funding Crisis Really? Last of a four-part series offering a regional conversation about the future of transportation in the St. Louis region The Missouri History Museum, in conjunction with East-West Gateway Council of Governments, will present the last of a four-part series offering a regional conversation about the future of transportation in the St. Louis region January 22, starting at 7 PM. The event will be held at the Missouri History Museum, Lindell & DeBaliviere in Forest Park. This informative conversation will explore the region's future transportation funding outlook. Federal and state funding levels for transportation in Missouri and Illinois have been in flux for years, and the region consistently has more transportation projects in the pipeline than available funding. Attendance is free and open to the public. Learn more about this series and listen to audio of previous sessions at www.ewgateway.org/LRPSpeakerSeries/lrpspeakerseries.htm. ******************************* January 23: Linking Research and Practice: Equitable Economic Growth and Sustainable Water Infrastructure Conference will provide update on OneSTL and discuss the path forward on two key issues identified in the plan. Are you interested in working with others to develop an action plan to make the St. Louis region more sustainable? On Friday, January 23, join East-West Gateway, OneSTL, Saint Louis University Center for Sustainability, and the St. Louis Metropolitan Research Exchange, for a conference focused on two key areas of sustainability – equitable economic development and water infrastructure. The conference will be held from 8 AM to 4:30 PM at St. Louis University, Il Monastero, 3050 Olive Street, St. Louis. The conference will provide an update on OneSTL, the regional plan for sustainable development, completed in 2013, and identify next steps for two key topics covered in the plan -- equitable economic development and sustainable water infrastructure. These two topics were chosen based on a survey that asked local government and non-profit representatives to identify priority areas for sustainability and where research could support local decision-making. View conference details and register to attend at http://goo.gl/FQzP1p. ******************************* February 6: QuakeSmart Business Summit Program for earthquake mitigation best practices for businesses, governments and organizations The State Emergency Management Agency and Missouri Seismic Safety Commission are two of several partnering to host the QuakeSmart Business Summit on Friday, February 6, from 9 - 3 PM, at St. Louis University. At the summit, you will learn about a program for earthquake mitigation, the QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program for Businesses, Governments and Organizations. The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes and Earthquake Country Alliance developed the program that includes comprehensive earthquake vulnerability assessments and nonstructural and building retrofit information to protect lives and to help avoid post-earthquake business interruption. This program is being launched to recognize efforts that improve business continuity should an earthquake occur. Presentations at the summit will provide an overview of the specific mitigation actions needed to address vulnerabilities. Attendees will also receive valuable tools on specific steps that can be taken immediately in-house, and engineered methods of making all the needed adjustments to become a QuakeSmart Business. You will also hear from Missouri companies who have taken steps to prepare for earthquake and other natural disasters. Registration is free and lunch will be provided. Learn more about this seminar and register to attend at http://goo.gl/LAeFHa. Learn more about the QuakeSmart program at www.quakesmartcommunity.org. ******************************* What’s in the News... In regional news... Applied Research Collaborative Releases Four-Report Series Exploring Municipal Governments in Metro St. Louis In response to a request by the Joint Interim Committee on St. Louis Metropolitan Statistical Area Governance and Taxation, the Applied Research Collaborative has released a series of four reports that 5 explore how county and city governments and other political subdivisions work. Each of the reports: "Sales Tax in Missouri: Revision or Reinvention?," "Tax Increment Financing in St. Louis County: 2000-2012," "Best Practices: An Overview of Current Policies and Strategies for Improving Municipal Efficiency," and "The St. Louis County Boundary Commission: Its Impact on Annexations and Incorporations" can be downloaded at http://goo.gl/Hgwg3V . The Missouri House and Senate Joint Interim Committee on Local Governance was created in 2012 for the purpose of studying and reviewing how county and city governments and other political subdivisions work, how to increase their efficiency while decreasing their costs, and how they can better serve the public. The Applied Research Collaborative is an alliance of three of the region’s leading research institutions –The Center for Sustainability at Saint Louis University, the Public Policy Research Center at University of Missouri-St. Louis, and the Institute for Urban Research at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. ******************************* In national news... Who Will End the Transportation Funding Insanity? Charles Marohn starts off the year strong by throwing down the gauntlet on the perpetual transportation funding debate. Marohn follows the news that the Minnesota State Legislature will spend the year addressing the question of how to fund the future of its transportation system. Marohn, however, notices problems with the conversation: "Making it 'better' means, of course, spending more money. There is no talk of reform. There is nobody really asking how we got in such a difficult financial situation." The debate, according to Marohn, boils down to one question: "How do we get more money to continue doing more of the same thing?" Marohn begins to drill into the status quo by raising a rhetorical question: "This is our system: one big Ponzi scheme attempting to prop up a 1950’s development extravaganza of strip malls, big box stores, fast food and cheap residential housing. You want to spend more on this?" The remainder of the article suggests a shift in policy direction: "What would it mean to try and get more out of our current investments before we added more?" There is a lot more straight talk for advocates, politicians, and media alike in this article. Read the full story at http://goo.gl/0WCKjx. Source: Planetizen Newswire, January 08, 2015 ******************************* Online Resources... Brookings' 14 Must-reads on Social Mobility Brookings Institution has put together a list of 14 "must-reads" on social mobility that were published last year. The list and brief summary of each book or paper can be viewed at http://goo.gl/EX1BH7. ******************************* Jobs... Finance Officer City of Crestwood The City of Crestwood is seeking a qualified Finance Officer. The Finance Officer is responsible for the planning, oversight, organization and direction of the activities of the Finance Department. This individual will be responsible for maintaining a high degree of customer service to all City departments and continue technological improvements, as well as implement new and innovative ways of doing the City's financial business. Salary: $60,000 - $69,000 plus competitive benefits package. View the full job posting at http://goo.gl/IrAuRE. EOE ******************************* 6 Director of Finance City of Ladue The City of Ladue, Mo., seeks a dedicated professional to serve in the position of Director of Finance who is appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The position manages all aspects of a two-person finance department including all accounting and accounts payable, payroll, investment functions and preparation of monthly and annual financial statements. Experience with risk management, employee benefits, i.e. medical insurance and pension administration will be helpful. Coordinates the annual budget process and the annual public audit. Responsible for preparation of the annual budget which approximates $16,000,000 across four funds. Serves as staff and works closely with the Assistant to the Mayor / City Clerk and the city’s management team in a wide variety of city operations. The city offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Starting salary is negotiable based on qualifications and experience. This position will be open until filled. Applicants must possess a bachelor's degree in accounting. View the full job posting and application instructions at http://goo.gl/TO6lLb . EOE ******************************* Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of Wildwood The City of Wildwood (pop. 35,517) is seeking a highly motivated person to fill the position of Director of Public Works/City Engineer. The Director of Public Works/City Engineer is a highly responsible position that is a critical part of the City's overall management team, with direct responsibility for street, right-of-way and facility maintenance, capital improvement project administration, private development plan review and permitting, oversight of the City’s residential solid waste license agreement, and management of numerous consultant and construction contracts. Interested candidates must be a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Missouri, and should submit a cover letter, résumé, and a minimum of three (3) professional references to Director of Public Works Position, City of Wildwood, 16860 Main Street, Wildwood, MO 63040, no later than Friday, January 30, 2015. Competitive salary and benefit package. Wildwood residency is not required, but preferred. More information is available at http://www.cityofwildwood.com. EOE ******************************* President & Executive Director Lemay Development Corporation The Lemay Development Corporation (LDC), the economic development organization for the Lemay community, is seeking a qualified and experienced individual to serve as its President & Executive Director. The President and Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the organization with the primary responsibility of implementing programs that facilitate the economic growth and development of the unincorporated area of St. Louis County known as Lemay. As a not-for-profit entity, the LDC strives to enhance the economic environment and quality of life for all who live and work within the Lemay community. The LDC works hand-in-hand with businesses, residents, developers, community partners and government officials and agencies to further its mission of preserving and advancing the Lemay community by acting as the primary catalyst in the implementation of community and economic development initiatives. A full job posting and list of qualifications can be found at www.lemaydevelopment.org/jobs. EOE ******************************* City Engineer City of Kirkwood Responsible for planning, directing, controlling, and coordinating the work of the Engineering department, which includes supervision of the Building Commissioner’s Office, planning and zoning and capital infrastructure planning. Also, reviews applications before the Planning and Zoning Commission; directs the investigation of complaints; supervises in-house design work on structures, pavements, water distribution and drainage systems; and supervises the preparation of legal descriptions of property and easements required for public notices and City purchases. Acts as the City’s Engineer of Record for the potable water distribution system. Prepares the annual budget for the Engineering department and Building Commissioner’s office. Comprehensive knowledge of building construction principles and practices and the various codes affecting building construction. State registration as a Professional Engineer required. Salary: $76,936 - $87,626 annually, depending on qualifications with competitive benefits. Position is exempt. Link to the full job posting and application instructions from www.kirkwoodmo.org/content/1796/employment.aspx. EOE ******************************* 7 Vice President Programs FOCUS St. Louis FOCUS St. Louis is seeking a Vice President Programs. FOCUS St. Louis is the region’s premier leadership organization. It's a non-profit that develops and connects leaders from the public, private and civic sectors, and empowers them to work together to build a thriving St. Louis Community. This position is responsible for oversight and managing implementation of programs, activities and events that support and enhance FOCUS St. Louis’ reputation as the region’s premier leadership organization. Furthermore, the position will implement programs and activities to keep alumni engaged in FOCUS and the broader region. This position is responsible for managing all aspects of citizen engagement and community policy work for the organization. The position reports directly to the Executive Director of FOCUS St. Louis. View the full job positing and application requirements at www.focus-stl.org/?page=JobPostings. EOE ******************************* Additional Job Opportunities Stormwater Intern, City of Wentzville, $10/hr.: www.wentzvillemo.org/job-listing.aspx P.T. Vehicle Mechanic Helper, City of Crestwood, $12 to start: www.cityofcrestwood.org/topic/subtopic.php?topicid=43 Maintenance Worker, City of Black Jack, $12.50 - $14/hr.: http://cityofblackjack.com/183/Employment-Opportunities P.T. Snow Plow Driver, City of Creve Coeur, $20 to $25/hr.: www.creve-coeur.org/jobs.aspx P.T, Court Clerk, City of Creve Coeur, $13.50/hr. to start: www.creve-coeur.org/jobs.aspx P.T. Farmers & Artists Market Mgr., City of Creve Coeur, $$12 - $14/hr.: www.creve-coeur.org/jobs.aspx Summer Interns: Administration, Communications, Community Development, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works., City of Maryland Heights, $11.50/hr.: www.marylandheights.com/index.aspx?page=69 Police Officer, City of Clayton, $49,350 - $65,554 (P.O.S.T. A); $45,907 (Officer-in-Training w/o certification): www.claytonmo.gov/jobs Clerk IV (Public Works Analyst), City of Lebanon, Mo., $33,440 - $40,399: www.lebanonmissouri.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=835 P.T. Administrative Clerk, City of Crestwood, $12/hr.: http://goo.gl/IrAuRE Police Officer, City of Ferguson, $21.15/hr. starting: www.fergusoncity.com/jobs.aspx Plan Reviewer, County of Jefferson, $32,553-$53,713: www.jeffcomo.org/jobpostings.aspx Supervisor Aquatics & Fitness, City of Wentzville, $39,452 - $47,342/yr.: www.wentzvillemo.org/employment-opportunities.aspx Accounts Receivable Clerk, City of Ladue: www.cityofladue-mo.gov Planning and Development Clerk, City of Brentwood, $34,468 - $38,374: www.brentwoodmo.org/jobs.aspx Building/Grounds Maintenance Worker, Fenton, $11.34 - $14.43 - $17.52: www.fentonmo.org/index.aspx?NID=874 P.T.Code Enforcement Officer, City of Ferguson, $31,865 - $43,866/yr.: www.fergusoncity.com/jobs.aspx ******************************* Grants... Grants for Outdoor Recreation Projects in Missouri Applications are available for the federally funded Land and Water Conservation Fund grants to assist in financing outdoor recreation projects. Local governments and public school districts are eligible for the federal funds, which are made available through the Department of the Interior's National Park Service. Funds are available for the development or renovation of outdoor recreational facilities, or for acquisition of park land. A 55 percent match is required. Applications must be postmarked by March 31. An estimated $750,000 is expected to be awarded in the fiscal year 2015 cycle. In Missouri, the Department of Natural Resources administers the LWCF grant program. The application is available at http://on.mo.gov/1u24N2y. Management Section, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102. Examples of eligible projects and additional program information is provided at the above website. ******************************* 8 Environmental Education Grants The purpose of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Education Local Grants Program is to support locally-focused environmental education projects that increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues and provide the skills that participants in its funded projects need to make informed environmental decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment. Applicants must represent one of the following types of organizations: local education agency, state education or environmental agency college or university, 501(c)(3)non-profit organization, or a noncommercial educational broadcasting entity. Go to http://goo.gl/zXc9rT for more information. ******************************* Quotes... "It’s simple. He makes funny jokes, and I laugh at them." Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, a Republican, on how he managed to get along with Democratic state Senate President William Bulger in the 1990s. Source: Governing, January 7, 2015 "He was a philosopher, a poet, an advocate. Mario Cuomo was the keynote speaker for our better angels." New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, delivering the eulogy for his father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo, on Tuesday. Source: Albany Times Union and Governing, January 8, 2015 ****************************** Follow East-West Gateway on Twitter @EWGateway ; on Facebook at facebook.com/EastWestGateway Past issues of the Local Government Briefings can be found at: http://www.ewgateway.org/library/newsletters/newsletters.htm 9
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