MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am & 5:30pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am & 5:30pm RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00 – 5:00pm STAFF Father Corey V. Piccinino Pastor Father Rolando Arias Parochial Vicar Father Chris Perrella Parochial Vicar John DeRoin Deacon Kate Fitzgerald: Parish Secretary & BulleƟn Editor Pat Jackson: Parish Secretary Julie Doerner: Business Manager Paul Orsino: Property Manager ST. MARY SCHOOL (744-2922) Sister Anne McCarthy: Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (743-4557) Mary Ferri: Director Elizabeth Cuneo: Secretary RCIA: (203)744-5777 (Call if you are interested in becoming a Catholic or compleƟng your iniƟaƟon as a Catholic with ConfirmaƟon and/or Eucharist) YOUTH MINISTER Dean Aufiero MUSIC MINISTRY Michael Ferrari: Music Director Elizabeth Barnes: Choir Director Karen Ma era: Children’s Choir FINANCE COMMITTEE Bob Kozlowski: Chairman (794-8512) BAPTISMS Most Sundays at 12:45pm. Please call the Rectory at least six weeks in advance to schedule your Bap sm and to sign up for the New BapƟsm Class that is required for both parents and Godparents. These classes are offered on the first Sunday of each month. Anyone reques ng a Sponsorship form must be a currently registered and prac cing Catholic, and they must a end one of the New Bap sm Classes to receive it. There is a 3-month wai ng period for a sponsorship form for the newly registered. The Catholic requirements for a Godparent/Sponsor are: you must be at least 16 years old; received the Sacraments of Bap sm, First Holy Communion and Confirma on in the Catholic Church; a end Mass regularly on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obliga on; receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion regularly; sincerely try to follow the moral teaching of the Catholic Church; and if married, was married in the Catholic Church. ARRANGEMENTS FOR MARRIAGE All couples must meet with a parish clergyman at least six (6) months before the marriage is to be celebrated. PASTORAL CARE AT DANBURY HOSPITAL Prior to Your HospitalizaƟon: You or a family member should noƟfy the Rectory. Saint Mary Parish 26 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: (203)744-5777 Fax: (203)744-3740 Visit us on Facebook: StMaryChurchBethel PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9am –3:00 pm, Monday – Friday (Closed weekends and Holidays) January 11, 2015 The BapƟsm of the Lord READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 St. Mary Catholic Church The Bap sm of the Lord ♦ As we come to the close of the Christmas season I want to thank all who have sent cards, gi s and tasty treats to the clergy of the Parish. Please know how much we appreciate your though ulness and kindness. It truly means a lot. Also, thank you to all who contributed in making our Christmas and New Year’s celebra ons beau ful and prayerful. Finally thank you for your generous contribu ons to the Parish offertory not only at Christmas me but through the whole year long. ♦ We have been blessed with another new year… a chance to begin again, to start over and fresh. St. Thomas Moore wrote a prayer that is very appropriate for the new year and at the same me can be said everyday. I have recently discovered that Pope Francis prays this prayer every day. Perhaps you might want to cut this out of the bulle n and tape it to the bathroom mirror or on your dashboard (don’t pray it while your driving). Grant me, O Lord, good digesƟon, and also something to digest. Grant me a healthy body, and the necessary good humor to maintain it. Grant me a simple soul that knows how to treasure all that is good and that doesn't frighten easily at the sight of evil, but rather finds the means to put things back in their place. Give me a soul that knows not boredom, grumbling, sighs and laments, nor excess of stress, because of that obstrucƟng thing called 'I'. Grant me, O Lord, a sense of good humor. Allow me the grace to be able to take a joke and to discover in life a bit of joy, and to be able to share it with others. Amen. ♦ There is a lot of stuff on the internet that really is not good, wholesome or helpful and, at the same me, there is a lot of good stuff that is entertaining, up-li ing and spiritually renewing. A good site to visit when you’re feeling down or discouraged or upset is called It has video clips from celebri es, animals, weddings, funny mistakes, choirs, flash mobs, military personnel coming home, the list goes on. This site can make you laugh and pull at your heartstrings. It can make you feel be er about humanity and give you a shot in the arm when you need it. Please let your family take a look at the site. Once you visit it, I am sure you will make many visits each week. ♦ A couple of weeks ago a new bishop was named for the Diocese of Burlington, Vermont. The new Bishop, Bishop Christopher Coyne lived across the hall from me in the seminary. Bishop Coyne, 57, was a year ahead of me. Being a tall fellow, one of his passions was basketball. The Diocese of Burlington covers 9,135 square miles in the state of Vermont. It has a total popula on of 625,000 of which 117,000, or 19 percent, are Catholic. Bishop Coyne is tech-savvy with his own Facebook and Twi er accounts. He also maintains a blog: "Let Us Walk Together: Thoughts of a Catholic Bishop." Say a prayer for Bishop Coyne and the people of Vermont. ♦ Speaking of prayers, when Pope Francis was elected the Bishop of Rome and the Supreme Pastor of the Catholic Church (Pope), the Holy Father asked each of us to say three Hail Marys for him each day. I have been faithful to this request and let us all con nue to pray for the Pope as he con nues his challenging ministry. ♦ As we celebrate the feast of the Bap sm of the Lord I thought it would be a good idea to review the role of a godparent. Being a godparent is not only an honor but an extremely important rela onship we have with another person entrusted to our spiritual guidance and example. Take a moment to read these guidelines based on our faith and share them with those who have been asked to be godparents. The Catholic requirements for a Godparent/Sponsor are: you must be at least 16 years old; received the Sacraments of BapƟsm, First Holy Communion and ConfirmaƟon in the Catholic Church; aƩend Mass regularly on Sundays and on Holy Days of ObligaƟon; receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion regularly; sincerely try to follow the moral teaching of the Catholic Church; and if married, was married in the Catholic Church. Bap sm needs catechisis, and that is why all parents must a end a class to prepare them not only on the importance of this Sacrament but also the responsibili es that are theirs by asking Bap sm for their child. We also require all those who would be godparents to a end one class in order to get a sponsor cer ficate from St. Mary Parish. Godparents serve a special role in the life of the bap zed person. As such, a training concerning what is expected, what is needed and what a godparent needs to be and do must Sunday, 1/11 Monday, 1/12 Tuesday, 1/13 Wednesday, 1/14 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am, 5:30pm (ConfirmaƟon Commitment Mass) 6:30am Mass 6:30am Mass 6:30am Mass 9:00am Mass 9:00am Mass 9:00am Mass 6:30 Senior Youth Group 8:15 Knights of Columbus 4:45pm Children’s Choir St. Mary Catholic Church January 11, 2015 be communicated so that the Parish can a est that a person is indeed a candidate to become a godparent and would be successful in this role. On the first Sunday of each month a Bap smal program class is conducted at 12:45pm in the Parish Hall. Anyone who is a first- me parent and anyone that would like to be a godparent must a end one class. There will be no excep ons. A list will be created so that if you a end one class you will need not a end another class. Parents as well as en re families (though not required) are invited to a end the class. While Bap sms are being celebrated in the Church at 12:45pm, our instruc onal Bap sm program will be conducted in the Parish Hall. Call the Parish Office at (203)744-5777 to register. ♦ The number of abor on centers in the US has dropped by 23% in the past 5 years, the NaƟonal Catholic Register reports, ci ng figures from Opera on Rescue. In the past year, 73 American abortuaries were closed. Opera on Rescue says that since 1991, 75% of the surgical abor on facili es in the country have closed. The decline in the number of centers can be a ributed to a number of factors: the decline in demand for surgical abor ons, the wider use of the “morning-a er” pill, and the passage of new legisla on raising safety standards for abor on clinics. Ci ng sta s cs gleaned from Planned Parenthood’s annual report, the Susan B. Anthony List (a pro-life group) released a fact sheet showing that Planned Parenthood had substan ally decreased its involvement in prenatal care, cancer prevent, and adop on during the past year. For every adop on referral, Planned Parenthood arranged 174 abor ons. Abor ons account for 94% of the services provided for pregnant women by the Planned Parenthood Federa on of America, the Susan B. Anthony List has remarked. During the most recent fiscal year, the Planned Parenthood Federa on of America received more than $500 million from the American taxpayers, accoun ng for 41% of the group’s total revenues. The group reported $127 million in excess revenue and more than $1.4 billion in net assets. ♦ The Va can has announced the prayer inten ons of Pope Francis for January 2015: The Pope's general inten on is: “That those from diverse religious tradiƟons and all people of good will may work together for peace." His inten on for evangeliza on is: “That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal." ST. MARY MEN’S MINISTRY Our next mee ng is on Sat., Jan. 17 at 8:30am in the Parish Hall. For info, call Eric Keener at (203)739-0468 or Join us for our next BIBLE STUDY on Wed., Jan. 21 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall class on the "Acts of the Apostles". wri en by Saint Luke. Contact Rick Lawlor at or 204-4708084 for more info. You don't need to a end every session to learn something new, so please join us. All are welcome! We are in need of volunteers for our monthly “COFFEE AND….” a er the 8:30 & 10:00am Masses. If you are interested in this Ministry, please call the Parish Office at (203)744-5777. Join us for our next mee ng of the Li le Flowers Girls’ Club on Mon., Jan. 19 at 6:15pm in the Parish Hall. The Li le Flowers is a fun, flexible and Faith-filled Catholic Club for girls ages 5 and up and their Moms. Any ques ons, call Mary at 203-743-4557. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP provides a prayerful experience of mutual support and comfort for those who are confron ng the loss of a loved one. Our next mee ng will be on Sat., Feb. 7 from 10:30-noon in the Parish Hall. If you will be a ending for the first me, please call the Rectory at 744-5777. If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please call our PRAYER LINE. Our team leaders are Maggie Kent (203-731-4738) and Deana Chamberlin (203-482-7149). Thursday, 1/15 Friday, 1/16 Saturday, 1/17 Sunday, 1/18 6:30am Mass 6:30am Mass 8:00am Mass 9:00am Mass 9:00am Mass 8:30am Men’s Ministry 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am, 5:30pm 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Junior Youth Group 4:00pm Confessions 6:30 Senior Youth Group 5:30pm Mass SAT., JANUARY 10 5:30 + Bob Ross — Cornie & Jed Costello SUN., JANUARY 11 7:00 + Willie M. Pijnenburg — Marie & Andi Tro a 8:30 + Gene T. Barfield, Jr. — Jamie Christ 10:00 + Michael Manzella — Pat & Richard Kuhn 11:30 + Elizabeth Johnson — The DeShan Family 5:30 + Angelo Nas — Bob Zuperolli MON., JANUARY 12 6:30 + Charles McCollam, Jr. (Birthday) — Family 9:00 + Richard S. Beston — Edna Mae Beston & Family TUES., JANUARY 13 6:30 + Dianne Weeks — Kathy & George Aiello 9:00 + Clay Hines, Sr. — Bethel Garden Club WED., JANUARY 14 6:30 + Pasquale Pe x — The Bri on Family 9:00 + Kerri Holbrook — Carol Roth THU., JANUARY 15 6:30 + Ma hew O’Neil — Mr. & Mrs. George Keenan 9:00 + Fred DiVincenzo (1st Anniv.) — St. Mary School Faculty and Staff FRI., JANUARY 16 6:30 + Lucille DuBois — Sue & Joe Daly 9:00 + Edward Cafferty — Family SAT., JANUARY 17 8:00 + Steve Marley — Susie & Neil 5:30 + Jim Horn — The Gavin Family SUN., JANUARY 18 7:00 + Margaret Kirkwood — Ki y & Charlie Grant 8:30 + Flora Mazzucco — Pat & Bill Scollon 10:00 + Margaret Pluff — The Pluff Family 11:30 + Agnes Chong — Jane Ventrella 5:30 + Hilda Lilian Cox — The Cuneo Family "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every Ɵme we fall." – Ralph Waldo Emerson SENIOR YOUTH GROUP – We will be mee ng in the Parish Hall on Sunday, Jan. 11 a er 5:30pm mass. JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP — We will meet on Fri., Jan. 16th from 7:00-9:00pm in the Parish Hall. SENIOR YOUTH GROUP — Praise and Pizza is back! Jan 25 at St. Rose Parish in Newtown: Women of Faith Tuesday January 20th 6:30 pm In the Parish Hall Join us for our next meeting! With such busy lives, it may be hard to spend as much time as we would like with God. Our guest speaker will offer some insight on how to foster our spirituality, especially within our homes, and ind time to pray, to go to Church and to grow strong in our relationship with God. All women from the Parish are invited! Like us on Facebook and Follow us on TwiƩer! For more informaƟon about our youth group or to volunteer contact our youth minister, Dean Aufiero at Offertory for the weekend of December 20/21 Regular Offertory: $12,915.00 On-line Giving: $2,279.00 Christmas Offertory Regular: $43,034.00 On-line Giving: $665.00 Offertory for the weekend of December 27/28 Regular Offertory: $13,738.00 Online-Giving: $2,304.00 Offertory for the weekend of January 3/4 Regular Offertory: 10,817.00 Online-Giving: $2,631.00 The Cri c’s Corner by Father Rolando UNBROKEN Posi ve values permeate the inspira onal fact-based drama “Unbroken”. The film represents the very moving story of the U.S. airman Louis Zamperini and his experiences during World War II. It is also a celebra on of the virtues of duty, grit, for tude and honor despite the horrible experiences and suffering caused by different circumstances, places, and people. Unbroken is without a doubt a living lesson of faith, survival, resilience and redemp on. As early scenes demonstrate, Louie started life as a mischievous, direc onless boy from a very tradi onal and Catholic Italian family. With the help of his suppor ve older brother Pete, Louie discovered his talent for running, — a gi that propelled him all the way to the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Once he started his service in the Army as an Air Force Bombardier, his life made an unexpected turn that changed his plans and dreams, and made him live the most trauma c, hur ul and inhuman experiences one could ever have. Things such as a plane crash, castaway for more than a month, and being imprisoned at a Japanese camp where he was singled out for mental and physical mistreatment were some of the experiences he had to go through. Even though faith was not one of his greatest virtues growing up, those awful experiences made him a strong person with a powerful determina on to believe and consecrate his life to God to whom he promised to follow if he was able to keep his life. There are really no words to express the feeling of frustra on and agony to see how much a person had to suffer and how much effort had to make in order to endure this desola on and evil darkness. In the same way, many of us have gone through tough moments, hardships, difficul es, pain and bad experiences without being prepared. Many people live their lives carrying the pain of sad memories, resentment and hatred that only God knows and only God can change. Many people in the world have had horrible experiences that changed their lives forever and le a wound that only God can heal. But He is able to change us and heal us as long as we are willing to offer Him our lives; as long as we are willing to empty our hearts of those things that make us miserable, so we can be filled with God’s grace, compassion and forgiveness. It doesn’t ma er what we lived through, how much it hurt, how terrible it was, if we are with God, things are always be er. Unbroken : 4 1/2 Salves Religious Ed Office hours Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs. 9:30am-2pm Reminder to all CONFIRMATION LEVEL II STUDENTS! The Commitment Mass is on January 11 at 5:30pm. All must a end with a parent and/or Sponsor. Please arrive 15 minutes early to receive instruc ons. There will also be NO CLASSES on Mon., Jan. 19th for Mar n Luther King Day. Mark you calendar for CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK — January 25 through January 31! More informa on and schedule coming soon! PRE-SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Wed., Jan. 14, 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Tour the school and classroom, meet our teachers, and talk to current parents. Refreshments will be served. KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION SESSION Wed., Jan. 21, 9:00 am - 9:30 am. Learn about our Kindergarten curriculum, visit the classroom, and speak with current parents. REGISTRATION for students entering Pre-school through Grade 8 is ongoing. Please call the school at 203-744-2922 or email our Admissions Coordinator Linda Garvey at for informa on. You can also visit our website at for school and registraon informa on. Thank You From Sister Anne Dear Saint Mary Parishioners, School Community, Knights of Columbus and Friends, Words cannot express the gratitude that is in my heart and prayers for the spectacular gathering that Father Corey hosted in honor of my Retirement as Principal of Saint Mary School. It has been such a blessing in my life to have been a member of the Saint Mary Parish/School Community for twenty-six years. The support and graciousness which I have received throughout the years is second to none. Truly my cup runneth over! The “Gathering” itself was overwhelming. Thank you Father Corey and all who helped to make the day so special! The generous monetary gift will afford me the opportunity to do some traveling to visit family in Florida, Ohio and Washington, once my knee heals. Over the years your generosity of time, talent and finances as well as prayerful support has allowed the faculty and me the opportunity of sharing our Catholic faith while providing an environment for academic excellence. Be assured I will keep the “Saint Mary Spirit” alive and with me wherever I go. Know you will be in my daily prayers and I ask that you keep me in yours. May the New Year be rich in blessings for each of you and may Our Mother of Perpetual Help keep you in her loving care. Sister Anne AROUND THE DIOCESE DEFENDING OUR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Last month, the Li le Sisters of the Poor appeared before an appeals court, asking the court to protect them from the federal health care mandate, because the mandate threatens their 175 years of service to the poor and dying. Let’s pray for a decision that will honor our First Amendment right to religious freedom. If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposi on to the mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-4561111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let them know that the mandate is in viola on of our First Amendment right to religious freedom. CURSILLO The next Ultreya mee ng is Thurs., Jan. 15 at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. To learn more about Cursillo and their three day weekends designed for Catholics who desire to strengthen their faith, call Mary Guer n at 790-6645 or OFF THE STREETS needs many hands in this ministry to help homeless people transi on to a place of their own. Please join us on Thurs., Jan. 15 at 6:30pm in the Congrega onal Church in Danbury. Park on the le side of the Church (across from City Hall) and upon entering the building behind the sanctuary, go to the Pilgrim Room. For more info, see the Off The Streets website at Like us on Facebook! Search: StMaryChurchBethel St. Mary School Open House Catch the Spirit! Sunday, January 25, 9:00am—1:00pm in the Parish Hall ~ Pre K through Grade 8 ~ Fostering Catholic Faith and Values ~ Academic Excellence ~ Nurturing Family Atmosphere Meet our commiƩed and caring family of teachers, parents and student ambassadors as you tour and find out more about St. Mary School. Alumni: Come see what has changed and what tradiƟons have stayed the same at our school. Please let local classmates know everyone is welcome! Our next mee ng will be on Mon., January 12 at 8:15pm in the Parish Hall. If you are at least 18 years of age and think you may be interested in joining our ranks, call John Licari at (203)791-8682. 2015
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