THE CANISTEO TIMES, CANISTEO, STEUBEN COUNTY, N. Y. -,;;;• ', ' • .:", i ' i- •••i1""' i.rr. i I I I THE CANISTEO TIMES HIGH DEATH TOLL The Canisteo TIMES is a personal Institution of its Readers. Thursdays. Joseph C. Latham, Publisher. Canisteo T I M E S building. 7 Depot street, Canisteo. $1.E0 a year in New York stats, $2 CO eisewhe.e. Duplex flatbed press, linotype machines, modern high speed job equipment throughout. The TIMES provides the widest publicity to patrons of any week'y news paper In Steuben county. $78,000 MILK REPORT VILLAGE OF CANISTEO NEW YORK FOR CANISTEO WATER WORKS BONDS REMOVES JASPER CITIZENS JASPER, N. Y., April 16.—The harvest of death in Jasper continues to remove some of the most useful and r*-*perted eitiaens of th'-s place. Asa Eugene Simpson ' „' .i1,1 ;r " ' ,1,1 '••'i1 , M.)J""ffn-Bii"i. , x tended the spring meeting of Steuben Elmira Preabytery at Atlanta Tues day. They were deJega'eu from tb* Presfbyteriau church. Ea«ter Pageant An Easter pageant, "The Challenge I of the Cross" will be given in tin Methodist church Sunday evening by seven girls of the Epworth League . Mias Loretta Loper will have the ioad ling part. Also there will be special I music by the choir and individual 4e : lections. Attended Ministerial Meeting Rev. and Mrs. Paul Huyett, daughter Joyce were In Painted Post Monday attending a ministerial meeting. Mrs. George Orton Mrs. George Orton, wife of Rev. G«), Orton of WoodBiull township, died at her home about 1 miles southeast oi this village Friday, April 5 of pneu monia. She had been an invalid for several years and for 11 weeks had been Confined to her bed. Mrs. Orton was born in Candor, N. Y., September 13. 1885 and married Rev. Orton in 1915. Besides her husband, two sin tern, Mrs. Benjamin Bailey of Bins hamton and Mrs. Curtis Welty o' Owego, survive. Two brothers, Ray morii 1 and Almon Lovejov of Candor fo" half brblRere^'TliomasTtna" Frank Lovejoy of Candor. Rev. B. R. Croft of the Baptist church of Wood-, hull of which church Mrs. Orton was a member officiated at the prayer service heldt from the home and at services held in a chapel near Candor, Burial was m a d e at Candor. Birthday Gathering Rev. and Mre. W. C. Gates entertained at their home Tuesday, Mr and Mrs. N. A. Fisk of Bradford, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. J e s s e Wilcox of Knoxville. Pa., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rudo of Troupsburg, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruen and Mrs. Mrra Marlatt of Jasper. The dir.ner was in honor of Mrs. Gates' birthday anniversary. Try our "ON THE JOB T E S T its free! Asa Eugene Simpson, 75, a lifelong resident of this community, <Iied at his Notice is hereby given that the may- home two miles weut of this village At the Canisteo village board meeting Monday night the milk inspection or and village treasurer ol the village Wednesday morning, April 10 at 11 report for local milk dealer* wa« of Oaneteo, New York, will receive o'clock following a five days' ill less. and consider sealed proposals at the He suffered a stroke of paralysis Frimade: The following are the resnlts of bac- council room of the village at 3 oclock day afternon, when returning home t<i'io!!>!>i('<iI examination's made upon p. m., at village of Canisteo, New from his brother-in-law, Albert A. ButYork, eastern standard time on the ton s funeral, which caused his death. samples of milk delivered at this lab- 2-»th of April, 1935, for the pur Mr. Simpson had not been in the oratory March 29 by Dr. L. L. Tyler: chaseday at not less than par of the best of health all winter, but bad been Atherton's Ayrshire dairy, grade A following described bonds of said villable to attend to his usual work; abou: raw, standard plate count 16,000. age: the home and barn. He and his wife Canisteo dairy, grade A raw, standI78.00O.O0 Water Works (coupon) returned from spending the winter in ard plate count, 120,000. Can:*teo c'airy, grade A pasteurized bonds dated May 1st, 1935, denomina Florida about a month ago and believtion $1,000.00 each, maturing three :ng it to be hip las standard plate count 3,000. canisteo dairr. grade A pasteurized hwnfe-Tltrtlie first day~oT"May in the posed of his home before returning. years 1940 and 1965 inclusive and He was born in Jasper, August 25, standard plate count 5,000. W. C. Kellogg, grade A raw, stand- bearing interest at a rate not exceed- 1559, the son of Jerome and Nancy ing five (5%) per centum per annum. Ann Griffin-Simpson. He had always ard plate count 6.000. Elmhurst dairy, grade B pasteuriz- Interest payable semi-annually No- resided here, was a well known carvember list and May 1st. Payment in penter, having built some of the best ed, standard plate count 3,000. No sample* of cream were submitt- lawful money of the United States of houses of the community and a sucAmerica at the First State Bank, Can- cessful farmer. The deceased was a ed for examination. A re-examination of the Canisteo isteo, New York, with New York ex faithful member of the former Bap Dairy milk was made in the county change, bonds register-able as to prin- tist church of Jasper, until it discontinued ite services, since which time laboratories and showed much im- cipal and interest. Each bid must be for all the bonds. he has regularly attended the West provement, as follows: Bidders are invited to name the rate Jaeper Wesleyan Methodist church, .Canfeteo Dairy, grade A raw, stand why Ford V-8 trucks earn bigger profits of interest which must be in. a multi- and their home was ever open for arc! plate count 6,000. ple of one-quarter of one-tenth of one church functions. He married Miss for their owners. Here's a test that will prove to your own per cent. All the bonds must bear the Ella Freehand of Jasper October 2, Mr. J. B. Scutt in Hospital Ask your driver what he thinks of the satisfaction that the Ford V-8 truck can Mr. J. B. Scut* of 25 Adeit Place, same rate o: interest. The bonds will 1880 and it was nearly five years ago comfort and convenience of the cab . . . the haul more tons—more miles—with more be awarded to the bidder submitting that together with members of their Hornell. was taken to the St. James ease of handling . . . the speed and ability the best ibid, to be ascertained by taksatisfaction—at less cost. family, celebrated their golden weddMercy liofepital Tuesday evening, by D. E. Drake's Birthday Honored of the 80 horsepower V-8 engine. ing the cost of interest at the rate ing anniversary. his son, Guy E. Scutt, where he will Put your own driver back of the w h e e l The nud week prayer service of the Then ask us about the Ford factory reBesides his wife there survives a undergo treatment and a possible named and deducting therefrom the have him test the new Ford V-8 truck on premium bid, if any, daughter, 'Mrs. Lewis Hill of Addison Methgidst Episcopal church was held operation. conditioned engine and parts plan that any hauling job—with your loads—and let In addition to the price bid, the pur- and two sons, Roswell Simpson of at^tfte home of D. E. Drake last Frikeeps your truck at peak condition yet chaser must pay accrued interest on Greenwood and Harry Simpson of y evening., At the close of the meetthe results speak for themselves. We will GOING TO NEW YORK materially reduces maintenance costs. the bonds from the date of the bones ng a birthday anniversary gat^erins Jasper, also a foster daughter, Mrs. furnish the truck, the oil and the gas—it Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Whiting will James Stephens of Hornell and three was observed for Mr. Drake. Warm leave Friday afternoon for Part Wash- to the date of delivery. won't cost you a dime to find out exactly AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Each bid must be accompanied with brothers, D. C. Simpson of Jasper, at- sugar was served and a most enjoyington, L. I., near New York City, to spend Easter with Mr. and Mis. Stan- a certified, or bank or trust company torney Leverett Simpson of Canisteo able soc'al time ensued. Those attendcheck to the order of the village of and Leslie Simpson of Olean. Thirteen ing were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Drake Easy Tirms through ley H. Wilson. VnivtrsalCreditCo., Canisteo, for fifteen hundred sixty dol- grandchildren and ten great grandchil- and family of Wellsville, Rev. and the Authorized Ferd lars ($1560.00) to secure 'tfce village dren, nieces and nephews and a host Mrs. Paul Huyett, daughter Joyce, Mr. W a n t Advertisements Finance Plan. against any loss resulting from the and Mrs. Burt Smith, Park J. Smith. WANTED: WOMANpFOR HODSE- failure of the bidder to comply with of friends who mourn his death. Miss Ethel Heckman, Mrs. Watson The funeral was held from his late work toy hour, Tegular, weekly. the terms of his bid. No interest will Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Smith, Mrs. Mira Brownell, Arthur MORE THAN EVER AMERICA'S GREAT T^UCK VALUE Write box W, care Canisteo TIMES. be allowed on good faith deposits. The home Rev. E. E. Look, a former pastor, as- Snyder. Mr. and Mm. George Spencer. FOR SALE: ONE KORSE PLOW. right is reserved to reject .any. and all sisted by Rev. O. H. Pelham of the S. J. Woodward and Mr. and Mrs. J. West Jasper Wesleyan Methodist H. France. , Second hand drag. JESSE LAM- bids. Said bonds are to be issued for the Returned from Florida church, officiated. Burial was in JasGideon Woodruff, "Eye Hath not PHIER, 20V2 Depot street, Canisteo. nell Wednesday evening. Mrs. Maude nd Mrs. S. L. Griggs and Mrs. Walrath and Mrs. L. J. House accomSeen"; chorus, "For Thee, Oh Dear, April 18. purpose of purchasing an existing sys- per cemetery. tern of water works to supply t h e inM ^ _ Genevieve Hilborn Dies Bruen returned home Wednes- panied them and attended the movies. Dear Country"; chorus, "Thine is the M/C Genevieve Hilborn died at the day even'ng from soiourning in Flor —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornell and two WANTED: HAULING AND TRUCK- habitants of the village of Canisteo, Kingdom"; intermeauBO, Miss Emily ing ashes, dirt, etc. JESSE LAM- New York, with water, .in pursuance h^fne of her son, J. E, House Saturday ida. Mr. and Mrs. Griggs having been children Roy and Ruth of Wliitesville Blanchard, organ solo; baritone solo, PHIER, 20Vz Depot atreet, Canisteo. of Chapter 64 of the Laws of-1909 as.-gvening, April 13, shortly after nine snending the past five months at Lake were week end. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Caward, "A New Heaven and a April 18. revised by the Laws of Chapter 650 of o'clock-of cerebral hemorrhage, after Worth. Kissimmee and other points of Lester Cornell.—>Mr. and Mrs. Richard New Earth"; choral sanctus, "Holy, the Laws of 1:927 and the laws supple- a two months illness. She had been in interest. Mrs. Bruen joined them later V. Walrath and daughter Betty of RoHoly. Hofy"; double choir, "Let the The Canisteo Methodist Episcopal FOR SALE: 30 Dav Regulator clock. mental thereto and anxeudatory there- poor health for several years and last in February, reporting a wonderful nix chester and Miss Ada Ordway of CanHeaven's Rejoice"; baritone solo, Cheap. CRANDALL AND ROBIN- of and an act relating to villages con- fall was obliged to give up housekeep- weeks spent in the south. They stopp- isteo were in town Sunday to see J. B. choir will give an oratorio in the Vance Caward, "To the Lord, Our SON, 10 Greenwood street, Canisteo, stituting Chapter 64 of. the consolidat- ing and live with her children. She ed upon their return trip and were Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stone. church Easter afternoon, April 21, at God"; contralto solo, Katherine NorN. Y. April 18. ed laws of the State of New York and was well known and highly respected guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marlatt at —Mrs. Radcliffe OUn of Osceola, Pa., 5 o'clock p. m., The oratorio, "The ton, "Come Ye Blessed to my Father", the general municipal law of the state Athens, Georgia, for four days. was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs, Holy City," by A. R. Gall, is under semi-chorus, "The Fining Pot is for WANTED: HOUSE WORK OR CARE of New York being chapter 29 of the in the community having spent the Card of Thanks Leon Stone.—'Mr. and Mrs. E. T. the direction of C. Howard Richard- Silver"; sophrano solo, Mrs. M. L. Halgreater part of her life in Jaeper. For for sick. MRS'. J. SAUNDERS, 10 Laws of 1909, constituting Chapter 24 nearly ten years she was telephone VanSkiver son. Miss Emily Blanchard is organist We wish to express our sincere grat- Bouck «ndi Mrs. Clair Eighth street, Canieteo. April 25. of the consolidated laws of the state operator tor the villager The deceased itude to friends, and neighbors, who so were shopping in Elmira Friday.— and Miss Ruth Hallock is assistant lock, "These are They that come out of Great Tribulation"; duet, Mrs. M. organist. L. Hallock and Miss Emily Blanchard FOR SALE: ELEVEN HOSE CHAM- of New York and pursuant to proceed- was twice married. In 1882 she wa's kindlv assisted -us- *«ring the illness ( M r e A L.,Whitin« was in Hornell on 'The program of the oratorio Is as ings o? the board of trustees of the married to William House and four ''They Shall Hunger no More"; ladies' pion grain'drill. In excellent condiL n i f B t t ? _ ? 1 ™r * e !?- Ve iu„ Ueb _ a .° d i *£* (Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Mus- fbllowie: Introduction, Miss Emily tion. LESTER CORNELL, Jasper. village of Canisteo duly had and tak- children w e r e born to this union, Haz- father, also to those who sent the |to spent the week end in Hornell. Blanchard, organ; tenor solo, Walter quartet with chorus, Mrs. M. L. HalN. Y. April 18. en, authorize the same and pursuant el, a daughter, died in infancy and a beautiful flowers and to those who fur- Mrs. Anna Mueto who has been spend- Knight, "No Shadows Yonder''; tenor lock, Mre. William LaValley, Mrs. Wilto authority conferred by the vote of son, Eddie is deceased. nished cars. liam Adams and Miss Camilla Case, Ing several weeks in this place, reAbout 27 years ago her marriage to NOTICE: IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a majority of the qualified electors MRS. A. A. BUTTON. MR. and MRS. turned to her home in that city—Mrs. solo, George S. Young, "My Soul is a with Scott Caward and Miss Margaret Thirst for God"; trio, Mre. William voting at a special election in said vilRollo A. Hilborn of Jasper took place. C. H. VAN SKIVER and FAMILY, MR. Kenneth Schoonover, son Gene and there will be a public hearing on the Haring singing solo obltgato, "List! annual budget for the years 1935-36 lage, duly and legally called, held and He died about 8 years ago. and MRS. MILTON CHAFFEE and sister, Miss Madge Miller, called on LaValley, Miss Emily Blanchard and The CherKbic Host'' and "I Heard the Miss Margaret Haring, "At Eventide in the Council rooms of the village conducted on the 6th day of SeptemMrs. Hilborn was born in Troup3- FAMILY. their aunt, Mrs. Walter Reynolds 1n it Shall Be Light"; chorus, "They that Voice of Harpers"; chorus, "Great and of Canisteo, May 5,1935at 7:30 p.m. ber, 1934, and with the approval of burg July 24, 1863 Her parents were Jasper Seniors Present Play Woodhull one day last week.—Mr. and Sow in Tears"; contralto solo, Mrs. Marvelous are Thy Works,,Lord God." the Water Power and Control Com- Eugene and Mittie Towsley-Grinolde C. C. BURRELL, Clerk. Playing before a capacity audience, mission of the state of New York De- and she was one of a family of three the seniors of Jasper Central school, Mre. H. M. Cornell were in Hornell FOR RENT: GOOD, MODERN LOW- cember 20, 1934, and the consent of children. Two sons survive, J. E. presented the outstanding dramatic the latter part of the week having iner flat. 6 roms, gas, water, electric- the Public Service Commission of the House, at whose home she died and production of the year in the school terior redlecorating done on their home A. W. Johnson of Wellsville was a ity, good cellar, good neighborhood, state of New York, March 12, 1935. Merle House of Painted Post. Also auditorium. business caller in town Wednesday.— garden. W. E. LAMPHIER, 61 Depot The assessed valuation of the real seven grandchildren and four great The play was produced under the street. Canisteo. May 2 property of said village subject to grandchildren. The funeral was held direction of Miss Dorotha Waters, the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stone and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Wellsville taxation, as appears upon the last pro- from the House home Tuesday after- retiring English teacher of the Jaeper were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stone GRANGERS A T T E N T I O N ! ceeding village assessment roll is $1,- noon a t 2 o'clock. Rev. W. C. Gates school. The play was the last one of Frances I have been appointed by the Na- 342,534.00 and the total contract debt officiated. Burial was made in Jasper the year and marked the last perform- Sunday afternoon.—M l s s Waight who attends Hartwick college tional Grange Liability Insurance Com- of said village, including this issue of cemetery. ances of the class cT2 1935 upon the of Oneonta, is spending h e / Easter vapany, as adjuster of claims for this $78,000.00, is $126,500.00, deducting stage. Attendants at Funeral cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. district. We insure Grange members $78,000.00 proposed water debt, the iSome of the out of town attendants Card of Thanks A. C. Waight and grandparents, Mr. only. /The Grange saves its members net debt is $48,500.00. at the funeral Co Alvin Jonee Monday We wish to express our sincere grat- and Mrs. A. B. Craig, j r . ^ M r s . Delbert. 25% on insurance on automobiles acThe population of said village (1930) afternoon w e r e : Mr. and Mrs. Archie itude to friends and neighbors who so VanSkiver, daughter Althea, son La- i cording to past records for years. census is 2540. Prentice of Cuyler, N. Y.; Leon Pren- kindly assisted us during the illness Verne were in Lindley Wednesday which is more than any other comThe total debt above stated does not tice and Mrs. George Prentice of East and death of our beloved husband and evening.—Lewis Graham of the Peart pany. All Grangers should see me for include the debt of any other subdi- Schuyler; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cross father. Also to those who sent the automobile insurance and save money\ vision having power to levy taxes upon of Painted Post; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis beautiful flowers and to those who River school faculty, formerly of the Jasper Central faculty, Is spending G. W. JACK, Canisteo, telephone any or all of the property subject to Schoonover and family of Austinburg, furnished cars. hie vacation in this place.—Mrs, J. W. 10-F-21. the taxing power of the village. There Mrs. Jay Carrington of Hartsville; Mr. Mrs. A. E. Simpson, McCalg visited Mrs. Lee Heckman in are such other subdivisions. and Mre. Fred Angell of Hornell; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hill and family. Betihesda hospital, Hornell, Thursday. HAY FOR SALE A detailed report of essential facts and Mrs. Joe Cramer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Simpson and —Mr. and Mrs., Harry Erwin of CornChoice haled hay for sale on the E. ing were In town Friday—Mr. and Mrs O. DOWNS farm, 2V2 miles from South will b e submitted to any interested Lester Prentice, Mr. and Mre. Glenn family. i , - • . • ' . Freelandt and Mrs. Carrie Prentice of Mr. and Mre. Harry Simpson and Saniuel O. Allen and three daughters Canisteo. GLENN HAWKINS, Apr. 18. b i d d e r . The village of Canisteo was incor- Canisteo. family. of Addison called on his father, S. J. Mr and Mrs. James Stephens and Allen Sunday afternoon—Mr. and Mrs. Acted as Judge LATTICE FENCES, TRELLAS,ARD porated under the laws of 1873 and Dist, Supt., C. A. Bruen was in Hor- family.. ors, and porch boxes, made to or- the amendments thereof, and operates Elon Symonds attended services at Mrs. B. Frank Spencer, eon Kenneth the Baptist church in Woodhull Sunder. I have patterns and designs and as a village under the general village nell Friday afternoon acting a s one of the judges in a debate between Hor- of Canisteo and Mr. and Mre. H. G. day and were dinner guests of Mr. will show them on request. ARTH- law. Total amount of village taxes levied nell high school and Fredonia high Hunt and family of Hornell visited and Mrs. Ray TenBroeck.—Mrs. NetUR S. GRAIN, 59 Russell street, Canisteo, N. Y., Apr. 1 tf. for preceeding three fiscal years. school. their father, L. E. Hunt, Sunday.—Mrs. tie Harrey who has been helping Mrs. 18312-1933 . ' . . . $20,327-00 Anna Craig, Mrs. Lavina Colvln and T. O. Swan, has gone to Elmira.—Mr. Card of Thanks UPHOLSTERING, CANTNO SEATS 1933-10I34 19,765.89 We wish to express to our neighbors Mm. Delbert VanSkiver were rmopping and Mrs. A. M. Wallace and John and furniture repaired. Neatly and 1934-1935 24,528.39 and friends who so kindly gave their in Hornell Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Hambel were Hornell visitors Saturpromptly done, overstuffed cushions Amount of such taxes uncollected at loving service in our sad bereavement gar Ackerman, son Elmer of Wood- day evening.—Howard Spencer and repaired like new. ARTHUR S. the end of each of said fiscal years is our sincere gratitude. We also appreci- hull were callers of Mr. and Mrs. N. friend of Osceola, Pa., were Sunday GRAIN, 59 Russell street, Canisteo,. ate the kindness of those who sent the A. Hartwell Sunday evening.—Mrs. dinner guests of hie parents, Mr. and 19324,933 571.96 N. Y., Apr. 1 tf. lovely flowers. 1933-1934 1,575.80 Antionette Rathbun of Elmira was a Mrs. George Spencer.—Miss Dorothy 1934-19135 1,380.19 Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Waters of the Central school faculty, Mrs. Osmer Margeson, daughter FOR RENT: FLAT WITH ALL MODThat the amount of such taxes un- Eloise. Hutchinson. —(Robert Heckman o f spent the week end at her home in ern conveniences. Inquire of B. E. collected ae of the date of this notice Hoppersvllle spent Monday visiting Olean. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Potter and TAFT. 3 Russell street. Telephone Is. family. his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. 23-R, Canisteo. April 18. *:: Heckman.—Prin. and Mm. Arthur 1932-1»33 331.39 Attended Funeral 1&33-19.34 352.41 Attendants a t the funeral of Asa E. Gates, son Robert of Port Byron, N. Y., Two Arretted for FOR SALE: SEED OATS MIXED 1934-1936 578.67 Simpson from out of town Saturday, were guests of his parents, Rev. and with AUa barlarJFJSANK L. SACKStealing a Shot Gun The village taxes of the current fis- were: Mr. and Mrs. Leldnd Dennis, At- Mrs. W. C. Gates Sunday.—Mr. and ETT, R. D. 1. Jasper, N. Y. cal year 19S5-1&36 amount to $23,829.59 torneys and .Mrs. L. J. Simpson, Mr. Mrs. George Murphy and Mre. Carrie Walford Dickinson of Union street, FOR RENT: 2 MODERN FLATS, one and to date, none thereof, h a s been and Mrs. Leon Freeland, Mr. and Mrs. Whiting, daughter Viola were in Canisteo, lost his shotgun last Janufurnished. Inquire 22 Russell street, collected. Said taxes become delin- Earl Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Painted Post Sunday and spent the ary. It was later found in Kelly Bros., Canisteo. tf. quent February 7, 1936. Heckman of Cantsteo, Mr. and Mrs. day with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Clood restaurant, Hornell. Sheriff's officers . Said bonds are direct general obli- Roswell Simpson, daughter Lula, Mr. and family. Miss Audrey Clops, who and state police investigated and on FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND gations of the village, payable .rain and Mre. B. M. Scribner, Denael Free- spent the latter part of the week with Sunday Deputy Sheriff C. N. Roach repairing. New furniture made to unlimited taxes. land, William Reimann, Frank Warri- her grand parents, returned to her arrested fijverett Burohard of South order and canning. A full line of The ( approvlng opinion of Clay, Dil- ner, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Miller, Milton home.—Mrs. Maude Walrath, daugh- Canisteo and Delos Eason of this villsamples. lEstlmates free, FRED lon and VanDewater of 120 Broadway, Chaffee of Greenwood; Mr. and Mre. ter. Miss Evelyn Walrath were in age, charging them with the theft. Topcoats, single breasted, double breasted and PITLKOWSKY. 36 Greenwood street. New York, will be furnished to the Joseph White of Highup; Mr. and Mrs. Hornell and Bath Saturday. Mre. Myra The restaurant people paid $2. for the J the wraparound style, from $16.50 to $22.50. Overstuffed furniture cleanedXand purchaser, with cost. Isaac WW*e of West Cameron; Mr. Wallace who hae been 'spending two gun which was worth |15. used furniture for sale. ADated, Canisteo, New York, April and Mrs. Fred Freeland, Mr. and Mrs, weeks at her home In that place, reThey were taken before justice C. < Suits, in all color* to suit your fancy, $13.50, $15. Canisteo. Apr. 1/tf.' 15, 1935. Wallace Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Sterle turned to Jasper with them.—Eugene H. Richardson and both pleaded gull- j to $26.50. . Olin of Woodhull; Mrs. Radcliffe OUn Erh of Mayville, N. Y., was a caller ty. They were sentenced to 30 days in j STANLEY C. GARMAN, Mayor. FARMERS— The place to buy that of Osceola, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Lewis in town Saturday.—Mr. Ackley, local Bath Jail and a fine of $0. Jail sen LOUISE GRAIN, Treasurer. new harness or have the old one reA new line of men's osfords from $3.50 to $6.50 Hill and 2 children of Addison; Mr. cheese maker, visited relatives at tence to be suspended upon payment paired is at D. C. BARDEEiN'S harQuaker Bridge Sunday. Kenneth Buland Mrs. J a m e s Stephens and Mr. and Will Speak to Class of the fine. Eason paid his fine. BurLadies' Pumps and Osfords, $2.50 to $3.95. ness shop. 231 Grand St., Hornell, Wilttams of Hornell; Leslie lock motored there with him.—Mr. ohard went to Jail Monday morning. Mrs. Perry E. Stephens of Russell Mrs. Large stock of collars and harness Shirts—a new line with stiff collars, no starching and Mrs. Eldred Dmke and Mrs. street will give a talk on her trip Simpson c< Olean. parts. Ovlla Oulndon attended the funeral of through Florida no Wednesday of this Senior Play necessary, $1.50. T h e mystery farce, "The Blue Bag" Eugene end Patrick Lewie McNeil at Purely Creek Grange WILL SWAP: GRAY WOOL OVER- week art. the meeting of the Adelphian St. Mary's churdh 1n Rexville Wed| class which will be held at he home wfca presented by the seniors of JasCOAT,, size 40 and Crosley radio, 6 To Present Play Here' tnbe for single bed and one-half of Mr». Eva Talbot in Russell street. per Central school in the auditorium nesday Mr. and Mre. Lester D r a k e ! (The three act play, "The Deacon's [j dozen charm, or what have you? Luncheon will bo served a t 1 p . m. Friday evening. The play was a splen- and sons of Wellsville and D, E. Drake (Disaster,*' sponsored by the Hartsville ' Call at MRS. JOHN L. SMITH'S, R. The program will follow. Mrs. Adslt did sufcoess and was played before a were supper guests of Mr. Arthur Snd- Gnange will be given at tlje Canisteo D. 2, Cameron, N. Y, April 26 B. Stephens ami Mrs. E. Jamison will capacity house. It was directed by der and Mr. and Mrs, George Spencer Grange hall Friday night, April 19. ibe In charge of the program. Miss Dorothy Watery English teacher. Saturday nlght.—Mls* Sylvta Burdette The cast of characters were announcWILL SWAP: VICTROLA, WALNUT Proceeds which were nearly fifty doll- a member of the Central school facul- ed in The TIMES of last week. Music CLOTHING, SHOES, cabinet, with 76 beat records. Will IN i s i i r a ars, will be treed to help finance the ty, spent the week end visiting ia between acts. Also a monologue, Mrs. HAS QUINSY Swap for typewriter. M, C. BRA8TMrs. R. Edget t of Howard is recover- seniors on their Washington trip. Franklimrille—Mass Evelyn Walrath Snooper rides In a Pullman given by V • D , 26 B w t Mara street, Canisteo. ing from an attack of quinsy..Dr, H. Attended Presbytery IT . N I S I K ( ) , N. Y and Miss Elaine Talbot of North Jas- Mrs. C. F. Hartman. Adults 25c, childApril 18. M. Pierce Is the attending physician. Harvey Bruen and Clark Dennis a b per attended a school display in Hor-ren lOc, curtain at 8:15. No strings to this offer FORD V-8 TRUCKS ORATORIO AT M. E. CHURCH • '— 'I - i! - « _ _ — — Rosenberg's M Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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