Page 1 1 January,2015 Robbinsville Senior Center F R O M INSIDE THIS ISSUE: “FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS” EVERY MONDAY 11:30-12:15 PM Call (609) 259-1567 for more info on programs Programs/Screenings by Pg. 2 Robert Wood Johnson Yoga /Daily Fitness Class/Computer/Bocce Pg. 3 Computer Classes Pg. 3 News from Robbinsville Tax Collector Pg. 7 Mercer County Assistance Programs Pg.2 Pg.4 MC Nutrition Program/ Pg. 9 TRADE/Meals on Wheels Robbinsville Township Officials: David Fried, Mayor Township Council: Sheree McGowan, President David Boyne Vince Calcagno, Vice President Christine Ciaccio T H E D E S K O F M A Y O R The 2014 municipal calendar year was filled with accomplishments. From the long-awaited opening of the Amazon fulfillment center, to our World Series champion girls’ softball team, to a pivotal agreement with the Robbinsville Schools and our police department to provide enhanced security for our students, to the unveiling of Foxmoor Community Park and fourth consecutive budget that did not burden residents with a municipal tax increase, it was a very busy year! Administration, with the support of Council and great cooperation from investor’s Bank, recently moved to purchase the property adjacent to the bank’s Route 33 headquarters in order to build our new municipal building. After paying rent for nearly a decade, this purchase is a sound investment and fits very well with what we want to do long-term. Finally, I was proud to have the recent opportunity to help Teaneck resident Hector Ferrer and other residents of that North Jersey town who are against political correctness. Mr. Ferrer reached out to us looking for help, and with the assistance of Chasing New Jersey ( we were able to get both the town Christmas tree – dark for three years – along with its Nativity scene properly lit on December 15. Mr. Ferrer has since asked the town to adopt an ordinance that states all religions are to be treated equally. It doesn't matter what religion you are. At the end of the day if they attack any religion they are attacking all of them. Video of the Chasing New Jersey segment on Teaneck can be found on the Township website and our Facebook page. Thank you for being such great representatives of not only our senior community, but of our entire community. Have a wonderful New Year! Ron Witt Senior Center: Renee Burns, Director CH Kang, Administrative Assistant F R I E D V I SI T U S O N T H E W E B W W W . R O B B IN S V IL L E - TW P . O RG 2 RO B E RT WO O D J O H N S O N AT H A M ILTO N S C R E EN IN G S Glucose and Blood Pressure Screening; Thu., March 12, 2015; 9:3011:30 a.m. With a simple A nurse will listen to finger stick you will get your carotid arteries with an immediate glucose a Doppler stethoscope, reading. A nurse will share the results and proshare the result & provide vide information. Blood education about prepressure also available. diabetes & diabetes. Schedule your appointFASTING REQUIRED!. ment with Renee. Schedule apt. with Renee Carotid Screening (FREE) Thu., January 22, 2015; 9-11:00 a.m. Acupuncture/Integrative &Traditional Care (FREE) Wed.,April 22; 11:30-12:15 p.m. Join Adam Redlich, MD board certified, fellowship-trained medicine specialist, as he discusses what acupuncture is and other integrative treatments for aches & pain. M E R C E R C OU N TY W E A TH E R I Z A T I O N A S S I S TA N C E P R O G R A M W A N T TO S A V E O N Y O U R E N E R G Y B I L L ? The Mercer County Weatherization Program (WAP) offers energy assistance grants to assist in reducing the residential energy cost of Mercer County’s low-income families. There is no charge to participate in the program for qualifying homeowners. Renters may be eligible. If you qualify for the program, you may receive the following services: Home Energy Audit, Attic Insulation, Heater Inspection, Weather Stripping/ Caulking ,Refrigerator Evaluation & Energy Conservation Education. & Community Development Office @ 609-9896858 or visit their website @ To obtain an application for WAP you can contact the Mercer County Housing S U PER SEN IOR FI TNE SS PROGRAM S 2014/ 2 015 Learn the basics of a healthy lifestyle and a full hour of exercise. The current Tuesday exercise class is scheduled for Tuesday, January, 13th through February, 17th, 2015. 2:00-3:00 p.m. The Friday exercise class is scheduled January 23rd, through February 27th, 2015. 9:30-10:30 a.m. The cost of the class is $10.00 ($20.00 non-residents) . Price is based on a full sixweek session. Barb Twamley, is an ACSM certified instructor. Registration is required. Class size is limited. The MPR is reserved for both classes. Before beginning any exercise program, consult your doctor. 3 E XE RC I S E P RO G R AM S Chair Yoga Class Chair Yoga is held every Tuesday & Thursday morning promptly from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room under the direction of Connie Ferrara. No reservations are needed. All adults 60+years of age are welcome. Daily Exercise Program Please join Ed Drago & fellow seniors each morning from 9:00-9:30 a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. This exercise program is geared for non- strenuous activity. All mature adults 60+ years of age are welcome to join us. Wiggle Walkers “Wiggle Walkers” are on foot every Tuesday & Thursday mornings at 11:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome. Walk at your own pace the outside perimeter of the center. No walking during inclement weather. Rain, Ice or Snow! M ON T H LY C OM P U T E R C L A S S E S 2 01 5 Barbara Smith from the Robbinsville Mercer County Library volunteers her time to teach one hour long (11-12:00 p.m.) weekly computer classes to seniors here at the Robbinsville Senior Center. Please Note: Dates for Senior Center computer classes have not been confirmed for February and March 2015. Robbinsville Library at (609) 259-2150 If you are interested in taking a computer class with Barbara, call the RO B B IN S V IL L E B O C C E C LU B Anyone interested in becoming a Bocce Club member or just interested in learning the game of Bocce should contact John or Paulette Gaffney @ 259-9336 or Bill Wilson @ 443-0336. The Bocce courts are open to all Robbinsville/ Mercer County residents. The Nintendo “Wii Sports, Fit and Active Personal Trainer Systems are here! News from Janice Garcia, Robbinsville Tax Collector_____ 4 NJ DO NOT CALL LIST CALL 1-888-382-1222 Taxpayers have the ability to have their quarterly taxes & sewer bill paid using the banks Automatic Clearing House (ACH) system. This is a “FREE” service available to all residents. Mercer County Surrogate’s Office: Every 1st Thursday from 9:30-11:30 @ the RSC Call 989-6336 for an appointment. Flyers for both Authorization Agreement (ACH) and Payment Information are attached to the back of the Newsletter for your convenience. ***MUA payments can be made at the Tax Office location 1 Washington Blvd. Located in the basement level. Please do not combine MUA pay- MC Surrogate will conduct procedures related to probate of Wills ,& Affidavits of estates . ments on the same check as your taxes. Robbinsville Senior Fellowship Club Mercer County Legal Services Project for the Elderly: (609) 695-6249 Meetings are held the last Friday of each month at 2:00 p.m. unless changed for a holiday schedule. The January monthly meeting will be held on Friday, January, 30th , 2015 @ 2:00 p.m. The office provides legal services in areas of bankruptcies, fraud, Wills, Power of Attorney, Advance Directives. For more info on the Club contact Kathy Whitaker (609) 426-4731 or Ed Drago (609) 259-3073 BINGO will follow after the meeting. Closing dates for Senior Center in January, 2015 Mercer County Consumer Affairs Division (609) 989-6671 Thursday, January 1st, 2015 Happy & Healthy New Year to all! Monday, January, 19th, MLK Holiday! FELLOWSHIP CLUB EV ENTS Robbinsville Fellowship Club Christmas + New Year Social Event! Thursday, January 8th, 2015.Town & Country Diner 12-3:00 p.m. Cost is $12.00 Members $17.00 Non-Members ( cost includes tax, gratuity, soda, and music). Deadline for registration with either Ed Drago or Kathy Whitaker is January 2nd, 2015. MUST be registered and paid no later than January 2nd to attend this event! A flyer with the menu choices is attached to the back of the Newsletter. Happy 2015 to all! 5 IMPORTANT NEWS FROM THE ROBBINSVILLE TAX OFFICE New to Robbinsville Township: Sign up for e-bills and “GO GREEN”. Sewer Utility E-Bill Authorization Form is attached to the back of the newsletter. Homestead Benefit (for homeowners): To check the status of filed applications by phone: 1-877-658-2972 To file applications online: treasury/taxation/relief.shtml To ask questions regarding the Homestead Benefit program or if you did not receive benefit application in mail, call, 1-888-238-1233 (8:30-4:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday,, no holidays. SENIOR TAX FREEZE (PTR) forms The Tax Collector will not have the forms available for residents in the Tax Office. PTR forms dropped off at the Tax Collectors office, will be ready on Friday of that week. Forms dropped off on Friday will be ready the following Friday. Please provide a SASE and it will be mailed back to you when complete. To ask questions regarding the Senior Freeze or to request a PTR application, call 1-800-882-6597 (8:30-4:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday, no holidays. 6 S TAT E HEALTH I N SU R AN C E A SSI STA NC E PROGRA M ( SHI P ) The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) offers “FREE” one-on-one counseling to Medicare beneficiaries. Trained volunteers give unbiased, objective information about your Medicare /and or Health Insurance. Must make an appointment prior to meeting with a SHIP counselor. In addition, please supply information to the counselor on your current Medicare/and or Health Insurance. Please see Renee for information to schedule an appointment at the Robbinsville Senior Center. County Connection located at 957 Route 33, Hamilton, NJ (609) 890-9800. * Medicare/SHIP appointments are also available on Wednesday’s and Friday’s by calling the Mercer N EW J ER SEY S U PPL EM ENTA L N U TR IT ION A SSI STAN C E P ROGR AM (NJSNAP) What is SNAP? SNAP is the Federal Food Assistance Program. If approved you will receive benefits on a debit card to buy groceries. Gross Income eligibility for a household of 1=$1,680 and $2,268 for a household of 2 people. To apply for SNAP please contact Mercer Street Food Bank: 1-609406-0503 ext. 5549. Renee Burns at 609-2591567 to set up an appointment at the Robbinsville Senior Center with a SNAP Outreach Coordinator. For you for your convenience, please contact P HA RM AC EUT ICA L A SSI STA NC E TO T HE A GED A N D D I SAB L ED (PAAD) 20 14 I N C OM E L IMIT S PAAD helps eligible New Jersey residents pay for necessary prescription drugs. You qualify for PAAD if you: *Are a New Jersey resident *Are 65 years of age or old- er, or at least 18 years of age and receiving SS Title 11 Disability benefits or have a single annual income less than $26,130 or $32,037 for a married couple Are enrolled in Medicare D (Spouses must file separate applications. Please see Renee to set up an appointment at the Robbinsville Senior Center with an outreach counselor to fill out a PAAD application. 7 T H E S E N IO R P O E T RY C O R N E R “TIS THE SEASON” Blessing abound. As prayers are heard above. Just look around. Yes, the season’s here. It’s that time of the year To gather loved ones near. To family and friends Let’s keep it alive ALL year! Merry Christmas to ALL! Our greetings we send. And a Happy New Year too! Hearts are filled with love. Author, Judy Filipponi If you would like to submit a poem for future Newsletters, please submit your poetry to Renee. “ SNOW ” AUTH OR ; M ARGAR ET ARCH IBAL D It came without a sound A Blizzard in the night In quiet loveliness Shedding o’er our town Pure blanket for the ground A mantle clean and white. Compact mass of tiny flakes Like a child in christening dress We slept as it came down Each in pattern quite unique, A perfect picture makes Still unspoiled by human feet. It’s magic-land for us, Scarred town all changed to white. Transformed without a fuss in the stillness of the night. M Y P R AY ER FOR YOU I N TH E NEW Y EAR May the good Lord walk beside you & guide you on your destined path in the New Year. I pray that He will keep you happy, safe & well, along with those you hold dear. when you’re generous with your treasured gifts of My very special wish for Friendship & Kindness you & yours is that needed every day, that surely with strength & precious love be abundantly showered upon all His awesome blessings, all from His Glorious King- you will ALWAYS find your way! dom above. I truly believe 8 R O B B IN S V IL L E / E A S T W IN D S O R S E N IO R M ON TH LY B OW L I N G L E AG U E Join the Robbinsville/East Windsor Senior Monthly Bowling league. 15th is the next bowling day. Time: 1:00 p.m. Cost: $7.00 per week Where: East Windsor includes: 3 games of Bowl, 529 Route 130 bowling & shoe rental N. East Windsor, NJ and end of the season When: 3rd Thursday, luncheon. of each month for the If you are interested 2015 season. January A H A P P Y , H E A LTH Y AND SAFE C E N TE R S in joining, please contact Karen @ the EW Bowl at 609-4482258 for more info. Please remember to cancel your nutrition reservation with the office if you are going to bowl. 2 01 5 TO A L L ! Year! The entire staff at the Robbinsville Senior Center would like to take a minute to wish everyone a most blessed healthy New We send a Holiday Greeting to all! From: Renee, CH, Dominic, Rosalie, Laura, Joan and Ed. * * RO B B IN S V IL L E S E N IO R A RT G RO U P * * The Arts and Crafts Room is reserved every Monday and Tuesday mornings from 10-12:00 p.m. The Art Group participants are for anyone 60+ years and older. If anyone is interested in joining the Art Group just stop by any Monday or Tuesday morning. We welcome all artists! All the art work displayed throughout the Senior Center are pieces from individual artists from the Robbinsville Art Group. Please take a moment to view and enjoy all the beautiful pieces of art! 9 M E RCER C O UNTY N UTR ITIO N P ROGR AM TRA DE T R A NSPOR TA TION P R O GRAM There is a suggested donation of $1.00 per person, per day for lunch. Reservations are required to participate in the Mercer County Nutrition Program. Seniors must be 60 years of age or older to participate. Robbinsville Township utilizes the county-based TRADE transportation system to transport senior residents who are unable to drive to the Senior Center for nutrition and activities. Advance Reservations are Required! Please call the Senior Center @ (609)259-1567 for nutrition reservations. Please see Renee for more information to register for TRADE. RO BB INSV ILLE TW P . P R O GRA M _ _ _ _ Please contact Dave Williams (Ex. Director of the Robbinsville Meals on Wheels Program) @ 609273-0133 if you know of any home-bound Robbinsville residents in need of Meals on Wheels. You can also log onto the Robbinsville Twp. website @ www.Robbinsville for more info. G E T C O V E R E D A M E R I C A : U N D E R S TA N D I N G A F F O R D A B L E H E A L TH I N S U R A N C E E N R O L L A M E R I C A ( F L Y E R A T TA C H E D ) Enrollment Advisors: Representatives will be available to provide individuals and families with help in understanding the affordable health insurance options available through the Healthcare Marketplace. Thursday, January 22, 2015 2pm-6pm at the Robbinsville Senior Center. Appointments Required for Enrollment Advisors. Please call the West Windsor Health Department at 609-936-8400 for scheduling and additional information. Items You WILL need to Bring to the Session: Recent W-2 or pay stub SS numbers for everyone who will be on the plan including policy #
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