January 11, 2015: The Baptism of the Lord Administration Office: Office: 2055 Woody Dr 2055 Woody Dr Billings, MT 59102 Billings, MT 59102 406-656-5800 406-656-5800 www.s!homasbillings.org st_thomas@qwestoffice.net www.s!homasbillings.org Facebook.com/SaintThomasBillings st_thomas@qwestoffice.net Facebook.com/SaintThomasBillings Rectory: 406-656-5578 Rectory: 406-656-5578 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays - 3:30 pm Saturdays - 3:30 pm Weekend Mass Schedule: Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday - 5:00 pm Saturday - 5:00am, pm10:30 am Sunday - 8:30 Sunday - 8:30 am, 10:30 am Daily Mass Schedule: Daily Mass Schedule: Tuesday thru Friday - 9:00 am Tuesday thru Friday - 9:00 am Office Hours: Mon -Thurs: Office Hours:8:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday: 8:00 8:00 am - am 12:00 pmpm Mon -Thurs: - 5:00 Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Pastor: Father Steve Zabrocki Deacon:Father Tim Birkle Pastor: Steve Zabrocki Deacons: Greg Simpson Parish Staff: Tim Birkle, re#red Dir, Liturgy/Adult Ed: Nick Coffman Parish Staff: Dir, Religious Ed: Joyce Hollowell Dir, Ed: Cathy Nick Coffman Dir, Liturgy/Adult Youth Ministry: Day Dir, Religious Ed: Joyce Hollowell Dir, Liturgical Music: Carolyn Peters Dir, Youth Ministry: Cathy Day Outreach Coord: Kathy Lombardozzi Dir, Liturgical Carolyn Peters Finance Mgr:Music: Keith Lavachek Dir, Outreach: Kathy Lombardozzi Administrative Asst: Theresa Ball Finance Mgr: Paul Miron Custodian: Position Available Administrative Asst: Theresa Ball Custodial: Brian Etchart Your prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Betty Thometz of this parish. Please pray for Betty, her family & friends, and all those who grieve her passing. Stewardship Treasure Report Weekend Collec!on of Jan 4, 2015 Envelope Dona!ons .................... $17,490 Loose Checks ................................. $2,286 Loose Cash ....................................... $499 Electronic Fund Transfer ................ $3,670 Total Collec!on ........................... $23,945 Weekly Budget ............................ $21,000 Over (Short) .................................. $2,945 Year-to-date Collec!on (start: July 1, 2014) Know a Young Adult Looking for a Summer Job? St. Thomas Camp has been an awesome summer job and a great camp experience for thousands of young people over the past 25 years and will be open again in the summer of 2015. If you know a fun-loving, Catholic young adult with at least one year of college, let them know about this great opportunity to work as a Camp Counselor, leading kids from grades 5 to 12 in the beau!ful Li"le Belt Mountains. Staff training week begins June 28 and camp runs through August 7. Contact Mandy Bell for an online applica!on and salary details at 406-263-7485 or youthministry.easternmt@gmail.com. Interviews can be conducted over Christmas break. Deadline for applica!ons is February 1st. YTD Total Collec!on ................. $614,931 YTD Total Budget ....................... $617,000 Over (Short) ................................($3,931) ...I have seen and tes!fied that this is the Son of God. John 1:34 Thank you for suppor!ng your parish! Coming this week: Needing prayers Carol Gri"en, Merry Roberts, Anton Dinius, Ted Rieger, Bud Leuthold, Art Frank, Bunny Hansen, Dorothy Hauck, Sheila Rockman, Ed Greteman, Sebas!en Easton, Robert Barnhart, Judy Smith, Kathy McKinney, Don Kuehn, Sharon Signori, Roger Lee, Rob Richter & Lenny Cleary. How ...do we best respond to couples struggling with infer!lity? First, we must acknowledge their pain and accompany them in their suffering. ”Children as Commodi!es?” 2014 Respect Life Program USCCB Secretariat of Pro Life Ac!vi!es 2 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 Monday, January 12 RCIA for Children, 6:30 pm, MPR Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, Chapel Tuesday, January 13 Catholic Daughters Mtg, 11:30 am, MP Room Bereavement Commi"ee, 3:00 pm, Room 4 RCIA 7:00 pm, Conference Rm Wednesday, January 14 Adult Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 pm, Room 3 Evening Bible Study, 7:00 pm, Mul!-purpose Rm Christ in the Center, Catechism, 7:00 pm, Rm 5 Thursday, January 15 Prayer Yoga, 9:30 am, Room 4 Parish Nurses, 1:30 pm, Room 3 Saturday, January 17 St. Elizabeth Circle, 9:00 am, Mul!-purpose Rm That Man Is You sign-up tables a#er each Mass Sunday, January 18 KC Pancake Breakfast, a#er Masses Liturgy & Worship GOLDEN NUGGET BODY & PAINT Michael & Jacque Ayers Next Week’s Readings - January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Owners and Parishioners 406-256-8085 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 (65B) 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 John 1:35-42 1916 4th Ave North, Billings, MT 59101 Mass Inten!ons Tuesday 1/13, 9:00 am † Helen Walsh by Gary & Ree O! Wednesday, 1/14, 9:00 am † Tom Walsh by Gary & Ree O! Thursday, 1/15, 9:00 am Inten!ons of Pat & Don Kelly by Sister Clare Gappa Friday, 1/16, 9:00 am † John Vroman by Pat & Don Kelly Saturday, 1/17, 5:00 pm Mrs. Byron “Delma” Bus!n by Francile Richter Sunday, 1/18, 8:30 am Inten!ons of the St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Family Sunday, 1/18, 10:30 am † Joanchim Nam Bui by Wendy Bui The rosary is recited prior to the daily service, with prayers for healing a!er Friday’s Mass. Liturgical Ministers Altar Serv Bk Cr Ch Asst Collect Collec!on Cup 1 2 3 4 Plate 1 2 3 Greeters EE ME OD WD Proclaimer 1 Proclaimer 2 Sacristan Sun 8:30 am E Pauley F Duray L Duray M Eckard K Lavachek N Warn M Maxwell R Svee A Abel M Fishbaugh Deacon Greg D Dibble J Maxwell T Abel R Turley R Listoe J Jacobsen D Brimmer S Begger D Kimmery Pat Svee K Studer S/B Duray L/B Belinski D Thomas L/D Bo"o B Lawson J Padon M Johnson W Wallace B Warn K Studer P Barnes Sat 5.00 pm L Nieto K Miller M Nieto Jan 17-18 Sun 10:30 K Dringman M Ruffa!o R Schlaht K Weaver J Gibson Deacon Greg J Gomez M Hagen C Gri!en M Helfrich P McManus T/M Hunt T/R Broderick K Hauptman J Miron D Weaver C Gri!en Sacristy Linens for January - Susan King Sacristy/Holy Water, January 16 – Pam Purinton 1/17-18 Ushers Ch Alt Am Sat 5:00 pm T Miller B Schwarz D Sherman Sun 8:30 am B Duray L Pauley K Ruby Sun 10:30 am L Clawson P Miron B Gibson 3 Faith Formation Religious Educa"on RCIA for CHILDREN meets this Monday, January 12th, at 6:30 pm in the mul"-purpose room. Joyce Jesus is the Anointed One the ul"mate priest, prophet and king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Join the Tuesday Morning Bible Study as they begin Fr. Robert Barron’s Priest, Prophet, King DVD-based Study on January 20th at 9:30 am in the mul"-purpose room. Throughout this experience, you will be$er understand who Jesus really is and also realize your own priestly, prophe"c and kingly mission. Study materials will be available on the first day for $20. For more informa"on, contact Pam at 656-9495 or Laurie at 652-3108. Everyone is welcome! DECOLORES! Fellow 4th Dayers - the next set of weekends are Men’s Weekend, March 5-8, and the Women’s Weekend, March 12-15 at St. Anthony’s in Laurel. It is now up to each of us to open the door to those the Lord brings into our awareness, so our Lord can bless them with the gi# of a deeper faith. God has no other hands but ours, so we are responsible to invite those poten"al candidates. Make a friend, be a friend, and bring that friend to Jesus. For more informa"on, contact Lucy Melugin, 208-2340. Applica"on deadline: 2/4/15 4 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 Youth Ministry EDGE: Tuesday, January 13th - Life is Wonderful! An EDGE night on the dignity of human life. Note: Life issues will be discussed. YDISCIPLE: All high school youth are invited to join a YDisciple small group! Come Wednesdays at 7:00 pm or call Cathy at 656-5800, ext. 312. DIAPER DRIVE - January Ministry students will be money and baby items distribute to LaVie and support life. 17th & 18th. Youth collec"ng dona"ons, a#er each Mass to other chari"es that Cathy Social Jus!ce Outreach Parts of Pope Francis’ 11-26-14 weekly general audience: Dear Brothers and Sisters: The Second Va!can Council reminded us that the Church is not an end in herself, but that she is con!nually journeying through history to the kingdom of heaven, of which the Church on earth is the seed and beginning. This journey will reach its fulfillment in the end !mes, when the universe will be transformed and we will be fully enveloped by joy, peace and the love of God in the new heavenly Jerusalem. Even now we experience a communion between the Church on earth and the Church in heaven through our union with those who have died. The souls in heaven assist us with their prayers, while we assist the souls in purgatory through our good works, prayer and par!cipa!on in the Eucharist. As members of the Church then, the dis!nc!on is not between who has died and who is living, but rather who is in Christ and who is not. Saint Paul tells us further that it is not only humanity which will be liberated from corrup!on, but the whole of crea!on. All things will be brought into the fullness of being, truth and beauty. This is God’s design for us and the Church’s voca!on. Let us ask Mary, Mother of the Church, to watch over us on our way and to help us be a joyful sign of faith and hope among our brothers and sisters. St. Vincent de Paul is reques!ng clean, covered plas!c ice cream buckets to be used for transpor!ng soup, as needed. Please save yours and bring it to the church for pick-up by parishioner, Jan Winhofer. Thanks so much for helping with this ministry! Ques!ons? Call Jan at 697-3347. MARCH FOR LIFE Join us for the 8th Annual Billings March for Life and make a stand for the sanc!ty of ALL human life! When: Saturday, January 18th, 2:00 pm Where: Meet at St. Patrick’s (215 N. 31st), then walk a few blocks to the Yellowstone County Courthouse for the program. Who: YOU and your family and friends! There will be prayer, singing and a couple of short talks to mark the sad anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that ushered in an era of abor!on-on-demand, resul!ng in more than 55 million deaths in the U.S. since that !me. It will take ALL of us, courageously standing up for those who have no voice of their own, to change hearts and reverse this culture of death. Come join us! When we witness suffering in the world around us, we know that many did not have a carefree, merry Christmas this year. This Christmas Eve Mass, one song, “O, Holy Night,” par!cularly stood out to me: Long lay the world in sin and error pining ‘!l He appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. The world is broken. There is suffering. And God Himself comes into that suffering to be with us. This is the true nature of compassion - to suffer with. ...So in the New Year, how do we carry the message of Christmas in our hearts? ... One important way we can do this is through prayer. Visit www.9daysforlife.com to download a free app for your Android or iPhone or sign-up to receive daily emails or text messages from the U.S. Catholic bishops. Anne McGuire, Asst Dr of Educa!on & Outreach USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Ac!vi!es 5 Local Postings A en!on all Ladies! How about having a deligh!ul day just for you, your women friends and granddaughters a"er the holiday rush? St. Bernard’s HIGH TEA is Saturday, Jan. 24th from 1-3 pm featuring Irish/Sco#sh ballads & folk dances as well as special guests from “Frozen.” Tickets ($12/adults, $6/children) are on sale a"er masses at St. Bernard’s Jan 17th & 18th. Call Alice at 248-4220. The 4 Stages of Marriage - (1) Romance, (2) Disillusionment, (3) Misery, and (4) Awakening. Many marriages experience the first 3 Stages. Marriages that end in divorce never make it to the 4th Stage of Awakening. Don’t give up without learning about the 4th Stage of Awakening. If your marriage suffers from disillusionment or misery, please contact Retrouvaille. For confiden*al informa*on or to register for the Feb 27 - Mar 1 Great Falls weekend, call 800-470-2230; 406-761-4830; or email RetroMT14@gmail.com. You can also register online at HelpOurMarriage.com. John the Bap*st said, “I have bap*zed you with water; he will bap*ze you with the Holy Spirit”. Invite the Holy Spirit into your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is in Billings on Jan. 23-25. Contact Jim & Daphne at 406-850-3174 for more informa*on. The BCS Founda!on has an opening for a half*me Alumni Rela*ons Coordinator. For job descrip*on see www.billingscatholicschools.org/ founda*on. Please submit your resume to jhaider@billingscatholicschools.org or mail to: Janyce Haider, BCS Founda*on, P.O. Box 31158, Billings, MT 59107 The Beginning Experience program, Coping with Life Alone for the newly widowed, separated, and divorced will be star*ng Friday, Jan. 9th, 7-9:30 pm, at the Center for Children & Families, 3021 3rd Ave N. Daycare provided. Contact Juanita at 671-6560 to register. Cost is $12 for the workbook. AIDSpirit USA has a team travelling to Uganda on Jan 21st to bring medical and hygiene supplies to the children. If you can make a monetary dona*on to help this cause, please mail your check to AIDSpirit USA, PO Box 30734, Billings, MT 59107. Call 696-1164 with ques*ons. ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? Please take a moment to fill out the quick form below to get you registered in the parish. Full Name ______________________________________________ Date of birth _______________ Religion ________________ Full Name ______________________________________________ Date of birth _______________ Religion ________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number (s) ________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________ Preferred Mass Time: Saturday, 5:00 pm _____ Sunday, 8:30 am _____ Sunday, 10:30 am _____ Name(s) of child(ren) and date of birth : ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 Happy Birthday in January Laura Agar Tom Agnew Susan Ando Natasha Baggerman Kathy Barth Phyllis Bergeron Ray Bergeron George Berube Claire Birkeland Carmen Bohn Geraldine Borer Jim Borer Armin Borhan Luly Borla Eyezayah Boroughs Jarrod Boyd Jim Boyer Dan Boyle Matthew Brink Elizabeth Brock Janell Brown Scott Bruschwein Wes Carahasen Steve Chechet Destini Cole Tom Costello Ann Curtis Evelyn Daem Kara Dahlberg Suzanne Damjanovich Kymmy Degele Aryn Delong Beau Detra Anne Doran Jace Dostal Katrina Dringman John Earley Raleigh Easton Tina Eckard Mark English Sophia Erlenbusch Les Ernst Mark Esping Leonard Etchart Dale Fasching Janet Folkerts Michele Fox Jess Fredericks Chuck Gainan Rita Gallagher Elisabeth Garcia Cathy Glennon Elizabeth Goetz Weston Goetz Callie Graves Stephen Groce Duane Grosulak Kehley Grosulak Tony Gustin Noah Guttierez Sarah Hagan Mark Halvorson Herman Hauck Sally Haynie Peetsheng Healey Margaret Helfrich Sandy Helgeson Rachel Hellyer Corbyn Helmer Hilde Herauf Justin Hoskins Mara Hoskins Lorraine Hummel Mark Hunt Susan Irion John Jacobsen Andrew Johnson Aundrea Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Kate Johnson Mike Johnson Valerie Johnson Donald Jones Geri Jones Jerry Jones Curtis Jordan Ruth Jordan Tricia Kelly Sharon Kennedy-McGown Amanda King Tom King Stacy Kinsey Evelyn Kinzel Kenda Koch Ronaldo Kuhn Scott Kunz Parker Lang Jack Lawler Patty Lechner Kelly Lee Jeana Lervick Robert Long Christopher Lord Kevin Lovell Jake Lowther Cynthia Marble Miguel Marquez Jan Martin-Wood Danilynn Massey Sara Mavencamp Alexander McCreary Julie McLauchlin Ellen Mellor Tom Meyer Aidan Molloy Keagen Murnion Kelsie Murnion Madie Neuhoff Tom O’Malley Maclain Olson Gary Ott Mary Ellen Ouellette Jacob Pertuit Happy Birthday in January Celeste Petesch Julie Pierce Brock Ping Leann Plant Danielle Rapkoch Arlys Rieger Anna Marie Rostron Angelo Ruffatto Evie Ruffatto Burke Ryan Patrick Ryan Shelly Ryan Jerry Sawicki Samantha Saylor Jackson Schaubel Zach Schermerhorn Rylee Schlaht Cecilia Scott Erica Scott Jadyn Siroky Konnie Sizemore Hamp Smith Marcie Smith Rob Smith Troy Smith Rob Snyder Ashley Stergar Jackson Stiles Becky Stinchfield Hayden Stribley Kallyn Stricker Studer Studer Sam Studiner Larry Suek Tess Suek Weston Swain Anthony Thelen Gabrielle Thelen Deanna Thomas Morgan Titus Cole Turley Snooks Vance Christopher Vanegas Jim Visser Michael Voeller LuAnn Wadman Barbara Wagner Kerra Waite Shelby Waldron Joey Werner Nickolas White Mike Williams Jasper Wizeman Jeana Wulf Joseph Zimmer A Birthday Prayer As I celebrate my birthday today, permit me, God, to celebrate it with you in this private way, opening my heart to you. If I reached this year, it is because of you, who were never absent from my life. Your presence has given me the will to fight against what is selfish and evil. You have accompanied me, Lord, with the power of your kindness all along the journey of my life; you have preserved me with a strong and happy disposition to do your will. Keep lit for many years, O God, the spark of my life, so that I may thank you daily for the light of your blessing. Amen. Please join us for the 8th Annual Billings March for Life Marking the sad anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that ushered in an era of abortion on demand, resulting in more than 55 million deaths since then. Date: Sunday, January 18, 2015 Time: 2 to 3 p.m. Place: Gather at St. Patrick’s 215 N. 31 St. in downtown Billings st After a sending-forth prayer, we will proceed with a silent, solemn walk a few blocks to the Yellowstone County Courthouse lawn (2 Ave. N. & 27 St.), where will re-gather in prayer & song and hear a few short talks. nd th Afterwards, there will be refreshments back at St. Patrick’s fellowship hall. Sponsored by Yellowstone Valley Christians for Life P.O. Box 50065, Billings, MT 59105-0065 www.YVCfL.webs.com Come Visit Our Gallery! Wine • Catering Deli • Gift Baskets Gift Certificates Jeff Ruffatto Field Agent | 321-3168 ANNUITIES • DISABILITY LIFE INSURANCE !"#$%&'()*+,(' • Framing • Classes • Supplies 1942 Grand Ave. • 969-2020 Shop online at: www.winemarketanddeli.com John Armstrong - St. Patrick’s Parishioner Mary & Bill Kennedy, Parishioners https://sites.google.com/site/qsartshop !"#$%&#'()*+),-$)%. LANES and LOUNGE 6126 Hwy 312 • Billings 406-373-5100 248-1102 New Construction Remodel Maintenance Repair Dan Glennon Commercial & Residential Sam Thelen www.townandcountrylanes.com Mention this ad for free shoe rental townandcountrylanes Advanced Employment Services 2115 Broadwater • Billings, MT 59102 652-8808 • www.advancedemployment.com Locally owned & operated Do you need an employee for a day or forever? • We cover all Workers Compensation, Payroll plus Payroll taxes and Unemployment • We work with all types of companies including roofing. Michael & Jacque Ayers Owners & Parishioners (406) 256-8085 Tarra T. Grazley-Pfister, CFP®, CRPS® Tax Services – Tax Preparation and Filing for individuals and business at reasonable prices. 406.256.6112 E: tarra@ttgfinancial.com 3012 4th Ave N Billings MT 59101 TWO COMPANIES ONE LOCATION www.ttgfinancial.com 406.248.5487 E: kelly@clavesvita.com www.clavesvita.com ClavesVita Inc, Tax & Wealth Advisors: Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. G Jay M. Zygmond 252-7100 AlpineBillings.com E • R EM MBING • H ODEL I N P LU IN AT G • COOL I N G RON Billings Alarm is protecting Father Steve’s home. Let us protect yours! 10% discount on new services ClavesVita is Latin for “Keys of Life” Tarra is a registered person and these services are offered through TTG Financial and Royal Alliance. Kelly is not a registered person. Advisory services offered through TTG Financial Services, Inc. a registered investment advisor not affiliated with Royal Alliance Assoc. Inc. Securities offered through Royal Alliance Assoc. Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. ClavesVita, Inc Tax & Wealth Advisors is not affiliated with Royal Alliance Assoc. 315 S. 24th Street West Billings, MT 59102 1916 4th Avenue North Billings, MT 59101 Kelly B. Rickard, CPA Tax Manager Wealth Management & Investment Advisors Tarra is a registered person and these services are offered through TTG Financial and Royal Alliance. 252-3417 Celebrating 30 Years in Business! www.michelottisawyers.com SANCHEZ Agent 406-656-6404 Providing Insurance and Financial Services 301 S 24th St West, Billings, MT 59102 406-839-9111 For more information contact Bill Clough at 800-950-9952 x 2635 or WClough@4LPi.com 925 So. 27th St. • 304 34th St. W. Ph. 245-6427 ROGER CUMMINGS Residential & Commercial P.O. Box 1235 • 144 Moore Lane Billings, MT 59103 656-4900 (406) 256-1798 • LQIR#NLUNQHVVURRÀQJFRP • conlins.com Commercial & Residential Wiring Jeff Steiner 248-9394 Emmaus Road Catholic Bookstore “Were not our hearts burning within us as he spoke to us on the road.” Luke 24:32 1739 Grand Ave. Ste. B Billings, MT. 59102 (406) 248-6253 FOR AD INFO CALL BILL CLOUGH AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. Thomas the Apostle CHURCH, Billings, MT B 4C 05-0452 12-04-2014 11:08:36 Theresa Ball Independent Beauty Consultant VERONICA ALYN PROCTER, Full Store in Home Attorney at Law & Parishioner 2502 Burlington Ave. Billings, MT 59102 406-651-0489 • Personal Injury 900 S 24th St W, Ste. 1 (just west of Shopko) • Insurance Matters 406-655-9898 Retirement Community tball@marykay.com www.marykay.com/tball Assisted Living Apartments NOW Available! Call Denise or Marianne at 406-651-8111 St. Thomas the Apostle Parishioner to schedule your personal tour and discover why we say, “This is living!” Retirement is meant to be enjoyed! Sweetwater is where it happens! • Employment Law www.taoasianfusion.com 3140 Sweet Water Dr., Billings, MT 59102 • 406-651-8111 • SweetwaterRetirement.com Serving Thai • Chinese • Japanese (including Sushi) and more Wine • Beer • Sake ASIAN FUSION AT ITS BEST! Awarded Certificate of Excellence, 2014 (Trip Advisor) • Family Law 406-294-8915 WWW.PROCTERLAWFIRM.COM BERNINA Sewing Machines Fabrics & Notions Sewing Classes Handi Quilter Dealer 1505 REHBERG LANE Horn Cabinet Dealer BILLINGS, MONTANA 59102 DORIS HOLZER 1-800-598-8976 Bus: (406) 656-4999 Res: (406) 252-1658 BANKS OF SERVICE SINCE 1907 www.yellowstonebank.com Billings Local Returns Home “Find out why age 7 is the right time to see an orthodontist” Print • Marketing • Design • Mail Complimentary Consultation 2920 Overland Ave. 24824 8-68 86811 68 11 Brian & Janette McGovern P.O. Box 80725 Billings, MT 59108-0725 (406) 656-3816 “Quality & Service You Can Count On” Danna Titus Realtor, Associate Parishioner Specializing in Orthodontics for children, teens and adults Roberts Orthodontics, PLLC Cell: Michelle K. Roberts, DMD For All Your Asphalt & Concrete Needs! 2132 BROADWATER AVENUE • SUITE B Licensed, Bonded & Insured Free Estimates www.MichelleRobertsOrtho.com Office: 406-702-1939 (406) 860.8825 (406) 651.4644 www.YourBillingsHomeSource.com Kevin T. King, CPA Bus: 406-371-5618 • Cell: 406-860-7969 • www.kevin-king.com Good People, Doing Things The Right Way Audits • Taxes • CFO Services 1601 Mullowney Lane Dedication to your family’s needs has been our priority since 1939. 10 Yellowstone Avenue • (406) 248-8807 www.dahlfuneralchapel.com !"#$%&'()*+,-.(/0(* FOR AD INFO CALL BILL CLOUGH AT 1-800-950-9952 • When planning your estates or making funeral preparations Please call us at: 406-839-8387 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CHURCH, BILLINGS, MT A 4C 05-0452 12-04-2014 11:08:36
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