Current Scholarships & Awards Available Class of 2015 DEADLINE 01/15/2015 ORGANIZATION Presidential Scholarship Fairleigh Dickinson University 01/20/2015 Ronald McDonald House Charities U.S. Scholarship Program 1/30/2015 NATIONAL ELKS LEGACY AWARDS CRITERIA First-time, full time, residential freshman at FDU Florham or Metro Campus, 1300+SAT, ACT 29+, GPA of 3.5+, guidance counselor recommendation, applications available in MHS guidance or apply on line at High School Seniors, Community role model. For more information visit and apply at Any child/grandchild of a living Elk who has joined the order before April 2012,High school senior, must take SAT or ACT before 12/31/2014 APPLY ONLINE ONLY More information and Sample Applications available in MHS Guidance All applications to be completed ONLINE ONLY at Full 4 year Tuition 19-$2000 National level 5-$1000 in NJ $1000$2000 Varied $$$ Amounts 02/01/2015 The RALPH VERDE FOUNDATION 2/15/2015 APCA-Asian Pacific Islanders for Professional and Community Advancement Senior are to apply online at APCA Scholarship Website 2/20/2015 2015 NJ District Key Club Scholarships 2/27/2015 P.E.A.R.L.S. Key club member, essay, 2 letters of recommendation, with completed application. 2.50 GPA, senior, under-represented minority male or female in financial need looking to attend a 2 or 4 year college or university, mailed official transcript Public School student, 2.8 or higher GPA, 125 hrs. of community service within the past 4 years of high school, African-American or Hispanic FEMALE, current leader of an organization, mailed official transcript 2.50 GPA, senior planning to attend 2 or 4 year college or university, minority MALE in financial need who holds or has held a leadership position in school or community, mailed official transcript Maurice M. Williams Scholarship 2/27/2015 Constance Pizarro Community Service Leadership Award 2/27/2015 Diamond and Pearls Scholarship 3/15/2015 Applications on line for all 3 P.E.A.R.L.S. scholarship awards NJESA (Electronic Security Association) AMOUNT Child of active duty police or fire personnel, senior who has been accepted to a college or university. Applications are available in MHS Guidance and on the web at Varied Amounts $4000 Varied Amounts Varied $$$ Amounts Varied $$$ Amounts 1st $1500 2nd $1000 3/22/2014 ETS Employees’ Community Action Fund Scholarship Fund 3/31/2015 Senior student in financial need pursing a degree from a 2,4 year school/college/university or vocational/tech institution Apply on line at $7500 MIDDLESEX ELKS LOCAL AWARDS Linda Pachucki Memorial Scholarship $1000 Additional information and applications are available in the MHS Guidance Department Charles Morgan Memorial Scholarship Linda Sasso-Martinowich Memorial Scholarship $1000 $1000 PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATIONS TO MHS Joseph P. Zuccarelli Leadership Scholarship $1000 NJ High school senior, attending 4 year program, 2.7 or higher GPA NJ HS Senior who has visited the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial, essay, letter of acceptance to post high- school education. Applications available in MHD Guidance Submit a video, app, podcast, digital graphic design, webpage or other multimedia component showing the importance of protecting rare wildlife in New Jersey Visit $750 GUIDANCE NO LATER THAN TUESDAY MARCH 31, 2015 04/01/2015 4/17/2015 From 11/01/201404/30/2015 1/9/2015 Up Rising Star Inc. Phillip Dorsey Scholarship NJ Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey $2500 $1000
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