MyKE – User Guide A. Introduction (My Knowledge Exchange) is a social networking tool for Knowledge Exchange, which has been created by Corridor Manchester partners. The project was initially funded by JISC as part of the Access to Resources and Open Innovation programme, and is now being continued by the partners; MMU, the University of Manchester, TRUSTECH (NHS) and Manchester Science Parks. Corridor Manchester’s vision is to be “a place where knowledge is put to work, where research is applied and both radical thinking and experimentation actively encouraged.” However, there are significant barriers to knowledge exchange at the intersection of commercial and knowledge-‐intensive cultures. MyKE was developed as a social networking tool to facilitate the sharing of knowledge-‐intensive expertise, facilities and services between universities, the NHS, libraries and businesses to promote growth and innovation. The tool won a Big Chip Award for the Best Public Sector Project in 2013. Development of the platform involved the participation of sections of the business community in determining desired features and functionality of the tool through a series of ‘co-‐ creation’ workshops. We are now moving into the delivery phase, whereby the success of the resource will be dependent on the content generated for users to access. The partners want to ensure that the tool presents a wide range of resources likely to be of interest to businesses in order to build a critical mass. For universities, the NHS and libraries, provides a number of benefits as it supports the knowledge exchange agenda by providing a combined marketplace of expertise, services and facilities presented in a business-‐friendly format. It provides a ready-‐made repository that makes it straightforward and time-‐saving to advertise resources and thereby enable an increased number of connections with businesses and other groups. The software development is led by Digital Labs at MMU and the project is managed by Manchester Science Parks. The steering group is chaired by Claire Lowe of Corridor Manchester. For further information, please contact: • Dr Darren Dancey, Digital Labs, MMU • Claire Lowe, Corridor Manchester • Anne Dornan, Manchester Science Park, B. CREATING A NEW USER ACCOUNT On the right-‐hand side of the front page of the website, users can find the login box with the button for creating a new account, as in the image below. Clicking the ‘Create a new account’ button will open a new page with the registration form. Please fill in the form following the guidelines on the page, and as in the image below. C. CREATING/ ADDING CONTENT MyKE website has 3 different content types which users can add: 1. Resources 2. Experts 3. Organisations Clicking the buttons for creating content will bring up a different screen for adding and editing content. After submitting the newly created content, it will be saved as a draft and sent to revision.
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