Journal - Irish Medical Organisation

This Month
IMJ Commentary
Rediscovering Lost Values: Professor Aidan Halligan: Doolin Lecture 2014
1867 ˜
Preconception Low-Dose Aspirin and Pregnancy Outcomes: Results from
the EAGeR Randomized Trial
F Mone, FM McAuliffe
Original Papers
Preparedness of Elderly Long-term Care Facilities in HSE East for
Influenza Outbreaks
L O’Connor, M Boland, H Murphy
Pedestrian Deaths in Children – Potential for Prevention
K Hamilton, W Macken, C McGarvey, TG Matthews, AJ Nicholson
Day-Case Tonsillectomy: Practical Solution or Practical Impossibility
N Kharytaniuk, R Ali, A Sharafa, IJ Keogh
Is Primary Prevention of Childhood Obesity by Education at 13-month
Immunisations Feasible and Acceptable? Results from a General Practice
Based Pilot Study
E Doorley, C Young, B O’Shea, C Darker, B Hollywood, C O’Rorke
Re-Attenders to the Emergency Department of a Major Urban Hospital
Serving a Population of 290,000
B Ramasubbu, B Lee, N Collins
Official Journal of the
Irish Medical
Major Cost Savings Associated with Biologic Dose Reduction in Patients
with Inflammatory Arthritis
CL Murphy, S Awan, M O Sullivan, S Chavrimootoo, C Bannon, L Martin, T Duffy,
E Murphy, M Barry
Case Report
Volume 108
Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Cooperative Surgical Approach to a
Complex Surgical Procedure
P Owens, N Lynch, M Curtin, A Devitt
Metachronous Adenocarcinoma of the Remnant Oesophagus 15 years
following Multimodal Therapy
S Croghan, O Mc Cormack, C Muldoon, N Ravi, JV Reynolds
Research Correspondence
In-Hospital Stroke: Characteristics and Outcomes
R Briggs, R McDonagh, O Mahon, J Harbison
Letter to the Editor
Number 1
Mouth, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Campaign
D MacCarthy, C McAlister, E O’Sullivan
The Critical View of Safety in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Towards A
National Consensus
JA O’Kelly, JA De Marchi, WP Joyce
Westermark’s Sign of Pulmonary Embolism – Well Known but Frequently
Z Tsvetanova, H Logan
Potential Pitfalls with the Treatment of Acquired Methaemoglobinaemia
N Cassidy, E Duggan
Impact of Changes in Canadian Postgraduate Training on the Irish Health
T Esmail, P Gouda
An Audit of Urinary Tract Infections in Very Low Birth Weight Infants –
What Are We Missing?
LM Perrem, R O’Neill, M O’Grady, M White
Book Review
Hepatology, Diagnosis and Clinical Management
J Kibbler, B Maloney, PA McCormick
Continuing Professional
Hepatology, Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Editor: E J Heathcote
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
This is a short multi-author clinical textbook of hepatology. It is
aimed at physicians who encounter liver disease patients in the
emergency room, medical clinics or general medical wards, but
who have not received specialist training in hepatology. There is a
need for such a textbook as the number of patients with chronic
liver disease presenting for medical attention has dramatically
increased over the past few decades. This is driven by increasing
prevalence of alcoholic liver disease, viral hepatitis, non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. The textbook is
edited by Prof Jenny Heathcote who is a very eminent clinical
academic with a lifetimes experience dealing with chronic liver
disease patients. There are 15 contributers all of whom work in
Toronto, Canada, as does Professor Heathcote. The book is well
edited and has a unified feeling which is often missing from multiauthor text-books. One of its strengths is that it deals with both
adult and paediatric hepatology problems, subjects which are
usually treated separately. There are a lot of clinical similarities
between older children and adults with liver disease and
teenagers may present to either adult or paediatric services so
this approach is to be welcomed.
The 26 chapters move methodically through the approach to the
hepatology patient, the pathophysiology of the common symptoms
of liver disease, and its various disease states: viral hepatitis,
alchohol and drug-induced liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease, autoimmune, metabolic conditions and a good number of
other comparative rarities. The chapters are characterised by clear,
methodical prose which often aims to tell the story of a sequential
progression over time. This step-by-step approach extends from
describing the pathophysiological basis of a particular disease and
its subsequent natural history, to the appropriate sequence of
diagnostic testing and subsequent management options. This
prose often goes side-by-side with simple diagrams, allowing the
reader rapidly to grasp complex processes such as the
development of portal hypertension; the explanation of which is
one of the the book’s key successes. Complex diagnostic criteria
and involved lists are kept to one side, simultaneously maintaining
the flow of the text and making them easily found for later
Naturally, a book that aims to be concise will have to treat some
subjects in less detail than would be desirable. In general, the
balance between topics competing for space is well-struck.
However, bearing in mind that the one of the book’s core focuses
is the diagnosis of liver disease, the short final chapter on
radiological investigations does seem to give this vital diagnostic
area somewhat short shrift. Counterbalancing this, the chapters
on the viral hepatitides covered the topic in expert detail without
Assistant to the Editor
Lorna Duffy
Chief Operating Officer
Susan Clyne
Ultimately, the authors should be congratulated on a book that
makes the vast scope of liver disease seem manageable and
comprehensible. This is not a book that is destined to become a
doorstop, and we would echo the authors of the foreword in
saying that it would be a valuable read for any doctor in their first
years training who hopes to increase their confidence in dealing
with the diseases of this often-mystifying organ.
J Kibbler, B Maloney, PA McCormick
Liver Unit, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4
IMO Management Committee
Professor Trevor Duffy (President)
Dr Ray Walley (Vice President and Chair, GP Committee)
Dr Illona Duffy (Hon Treasurer)
Dr Brett Lynam (Hon Secretary)
Dr Peadar Gilligan (Chair, Consultant Committee)
Dr Patrick O’Sullivan (Chair, Public Health and Community Health
Doctor Committee)
Dr John Duddy (Chair, NCHD Committee)
Dr Matthew Sadlier (Immediate Past President))
Subscriptions 2014
6 Month Subscription:
Ireland, UK, EU €125
Outside EU €200
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© Irish Medical Journal 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means – electronic, mechanical,
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This Month
In this Month’s IMJ
Pedestrian deaths in children – potential for prevention:
Hamilton et al
report that there
were 45 child
pedestrian deaths
in the 6 years
2006-2011. Over
half of the deaths
53% occurred in
the 1-4 year old
age group.
Rollovers mainly
in residential
driveways accounted for 13 deaths. Evening and summer peaks
were also encountered. The use of head-phones and mobile
phones are new threats.
Day-Case tonsillectomy: practical solution or practical
impossibility: Kharytaniuk et
al have examined the feasibility
of day-case tonsillectomy. They
studied the case-notes of 161
patients who underwent
tonsillectomy July 2011- August
2012. Only 27% patients were
deemed suitable for day-case
surgery. Some of the most
common reasons for
unsuitability were obstructive
sleep apnoea and a journey to
the hospital of more than 30
mins. The conclusion is that
currently there is not sufficient
infrastructure in place to deliver
day-case tonsillectomy.
Is primary prevention of childhood obesity by education
at 13-month immunisations feasible and acceptable?
Results from a General Practice based pilot study: Doorley
et al instituted a programme at the 13 months immunisation- it
consisted of weight measurements and a dietary history and
dietary advice. The intervention was helpful. There was an increase
in fruit/vegetable consumption, a reduction in TV watching, and
more supervised exercise.
Re-attenders to the emergency department of a major
urban hospital serving a population of 290,000:
Ramasubbu et al define a re-attender as a patient who returns to
the ED within 28 days with the same complaint. In this study the
re-attendance rate was 13%. There was a higher admission rate at
the second attendance 39% compared with a first attendance
17%. The reasons for re-attendance were multi-factorial. A
‘difficult case’ management programme was effective in reducing
ED re-attendances.
Major cost savings associated with biologic dose
reduction in patients with inflammatory arthritis: Murphy
et al note that the cost of
TNF inhibitors (etanercept,
adalimumab) treatment in
Ireland for Rheumatoid
Arthritis is €130 m annually.
In this study a cohort of RA
patients were offered a
reduction in drug dose. The
dose reduction saved €600m
in a 2 year period.
In-hospital stroke: Characteristics and outcome: Briggs et
al report that in-hospital stroke (IS) accounted for 11% (50/458)
strokes. IS patients had a longer hospital stay 79.2 days vs 21.9
days. Mortality was higher among the IS patients 13/50 vs
Westermark’s sign of pulmonary embolism – well known
but frequently
overlooked: Tsvetanova
and Logan report the chest
x-ray of a patient which
showed Westermark’s sign
of pulmonary embolism.
Westermark’s sign is distal
oligaemia in affected lung
due to a reduction in the size
of the blood vessels distal to
the pulmonary embolism.
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Preparedness of elderly long-term facilities in HSE East
for Influenza outbreaks: O’Connor et al have studied the ’flu
vaccine uptake rates in long-care facilities among clients and their
staff. A total of 97 units
participated. Vaccination
rates for residential clients
were universally high 75100%. The barriers were
anxiety regarding the
vaccine and consent
issues. The vaccination
among staff was much
lower with uptakes of
40% in 43% of facilities.
The reasons given were
anxiety and lack of awareness of the vaccine’s protective effect on
the residential clients.
Rediscovering Lost Values: Professor Aidan Halligan: Doolin
Lecture 2014
The 2014 Doolin Lecture was delivered by Aidan Halligan.
Professor Halligan is an internationally renown figure in his field.
He was the first NHS director of Clinical Governance and served
as the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England. His clinical
background is in obstetrics and in an earlier period of his career
he was Professor of Fetal Medicine at Leicester University. He
says that despite his long tenure in the UK he has maintained his
Irish identity and uses it to his advantage.
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Halligan is one of the ‘stars’ of patient safety and good clinical
governance. He stands shoulder to shoulder with his US
counterparts Atul Gawande, Donald Berwick and Peter Provonost.
This group of doctors straddle the interface between the
traditional values of medicine and the modern, more impersonal
application of the new technological advances. Currently
healthcare is struggling to reset the balance and achieve a novel
more caring, and more patient safety aware equipoise.
Halligan is working in the North of England in a major project
called ‘Well North’. He is trying to tackle the major health issues of
the underprivileged across 9 cities with high levels of deprivation.
The 3 things that the Public Health nurses, who work with him,
commonly encounter among their patients are financial debt,
domestic violence and lack of self worth. The difference in life
expectancy between Bradford and Gilford is 19 years. Behaviour
is what leads to higher morbidity and early death. Education
teaches individuals to control their emotions. In its absence,
personal crises are dealt with by violence, drinking and substance
abuse rather than by reasoning.
A substantial portion of the lecture was taken up with the concept
of leadership and what it entails. Halligan pointed out that there
are 53,221 books on leadership available on Amazon. Leaders
inspire you. They make you more determined to achieve your
goals. Doctors are supposed to be leaders but get no training for
the role at medical school. However, becoming a doctor changes
how people view you and how you view yourself. Leadership can
be a lonely place. A leader cannot allow loyalty and friendship to
trump the safety of the organization as happened in MidStaffordshire. Leaders earn the respect of others by how much
they care. They are frequently criticized for trying to improve or
change current practices. They must be brave and stand up for
their principles. They must also be aware that the difference
between a halo and a noose is only 2 inches. Cicily Saunders, a
pioneer in the development of the hospice movement and
palliative care, faced many obstacles in the early years. Despite all
the barriers she won through and left an invaluable legacy.
Halligan has interesting and novel ideas about management and
how the current structures function. He says that meetings are a
block to progress and all that really matters is what you do and
what you achieve. Negotiations about annual budgets are like
‘dancing around the handbags’ and involve a lot of posturing
before the bottom line is reached. He stresses the importance of
accountants and how their fiscal decisions can impact on patient
care and clinical outcomes. They need to be better informed about
medical illness and its consequences. The drown stream outcome
of their deliberations can impact significantly on the lives of sick
He spoke at length about clinical governance. Dysfunctional
institutions are not populated by bad people but rather poorly led
people. Bullying remains a big concern in large organisations like
the NHS. It leads to sub-optimal clinical performance and makes
healthcare workers afraid to speak up when they see things that
are not right. He gave an example of hospital hierarchy and the
sense of helplessness that it can engender. He described how a
consultant, on a ward round with his junior staff, repeatedly failed
to engage with an anxious elderly patient because her case notes
were not readily available to him. The interaction had a very
negative effect on the surgical intern who was left feeling
inadequate and disillusioned. He was fully aware that you cannot
challenge your consultant. Halligan points out that the situation
could have been easily averted by the consultant putting his hand
in the patient’s hand and saying ‘don’t worry I’ll come back and
talk to you shortly’.
In unresponsive organisations, it is always too early to act until it is
too late to respond. When reviewing medical mishaps, the 5 words
that Halligan commonly hears are ‘it could not happen here’. A
common error made by hospitals is concentrating their energies
on managing the communication rather than addressing the error.
Emotions must be collectively kept in check. The challenge of
good governance is the facility being able to do the right thing on
the difficult days.
The words kindness, compassion and integrity are mentioned on a
number of occasions. Patients need kindness throughout their
journey through the healthcare system. It is not the property of
any particular grade of staff. Halligan recounts the story of Dolly, a
long-standing ward receptionist, who through simple acts of
kindness had a major impact on the lives of both patients and
staff. Compassion cannot be contrived. It is an important attribute
for anyone caring for sick patients. While it isn’t an alternative to
clinical skill, it makes the patient’s passage through her illness
more bearable and comfortable. Integrity is what you do when
nobody is looking. It is not easy because it requires one to be
honest with strong moral principles. The public perceives doctors
to have integrity with a 92% public trust compared with 13% for
Halligan spoke also about the homeless. He has set up a health
service for them and is chairman of Pathway a support
organisation. He points out that managers became interested in
the problem when it was demonstrated that their healthcare costs
8 times more than the rest of the population. Among the cohort
that he was following, 25% died within 1 year. The average age of
death was 42 years. He commended the current movement in
Ireland to tackle homelessness. He said that we had already gone
much further than other countries. The Government has pledged
to end long-term homelessness by 2016. In a spontaneous act of
kindness, customers of a Dublin shop bought 900 blankets over a
3 day period. In Dublin, alone, there are 140 people sleeping
rough nightly. Focus Ireland estimates that at any one time there
are 5,000 people homeless across the State.
Aidan Halligan gave his entire presentation without slides or
notes. It was very different to most modern talks in which the
audience looks at the slides and listens to the lecturer. In this talk
the audience both looked at and listened to the lecturer. His
delivery and its content were inspiring and compelling. It made us
all want to go back to work and do a better job.
JFA Murphy
Preconception Low-Dose Aspirin and Pregnancy Outcomes:
Results from the EAGeR Randomized Trial
An area where the provision of LDA requires further exploration is
that of pregnancy loss prevention. Pregnancy loss is a devastating
event, which occurs in approximately one third of conceptions,
with women that have had a previous loss being at greater risk.6
Although the pathogenesis of pregnancy loss is not fully
understood, it is postulated that LDA can prevent this
phenomenon through the promotion of prostacyclin production in
favor of vasodilation, in addition to having an anti-inflammatory
effect.5 A question which remains unanswered is if LDA can
improve live birth rates in women who have had previous
pregnancy loss. The Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and
Reproduction (EAGeR) trial has set out to answer this question.7
This multi-center double-blind randomized controlled trial of 1078
women was set in the USA from 2007 to 2011. Women that met
pre-defined inclusion criteria (notably 18-40 years of age with one
previous pregnancy loss with no history of infertility) were
randomized to receive either folic acid 400ug and LDA 81mg
versus a placebo, which also included folic acid 400ug both of
which were commenced pre-conceptually until 36-completed
weeks gestation. Patients were followed up until the completion
of pregnancy, two peri-conception losses or failure to conceive
after six menstrual cycles. The primary outcome of the study was
live birth with secondary outcomes including implantation,
confirmed pregnancy, pregnancy loss (<20 weeks), birth weight
and serious obstetric complications (pre-eclampsia, gestational
diabetes gestational hypertension or pre-term birth).
Results of the study did not demonstrate a significant difference
overall between groups in terms of live birth rate (58% in LDA
group vs 53% in placebo RR 1.10 (p=0.0984 95% CI 0.98 to
1.22)) nor in terms of secondary outcomes as previously noted.
Interestingly the study adds to the existing evidence on safety of
LDA with no reported birth defects and although vaginal bleeding
was more common in the LDA group (4.49% vs 1.47% placebo
p=0.038), this did not increase pregnancy loss rates in this group.
Strengths of this study lie within the robust patient follow-up,
clearly defined outcome measures and methodology, which add to
the validity of this study. Computerized randomization, similar
demographic characteristics between groups and the adoption of
an intention-to-treat analysis demonstrate that the potential of
selection, subversion and attrition bias was addressed and
minimized. The authors cannot be accused of reporting bias as
the negative and positive findings are discussed within subgroups. Further to this the study is original in concept the first of
its kind to address the proposed, highly relevant clinical question.
The main weakness of this study was the fact that inclusion
criteria were expanded after the study had started to include
women with a previous pregnancy loss greater than 20 weeks as
well as other factors that had previously been exclusion criteria.
This clearly impacted upon results as there was a significant
difference in outcome measures within the original stratum in
terms of live birth rates (62% in LDA group vs 53% placebo RR
1.17 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.37 p = 0.0446))) and notably those who
became pregnant in the LDA cohort (ultrasound-confirmed
pregnancy 74% LDA group vs 64% placebo RR 1.17 (95% CI
1.04 to 1.32 p=0.0113)). This difference was noted further on
sensitivity analysis in this group although these results were not
reported upon. Authors suggest the reason for this is the impact
of LDA on fecundity and implantation rates. Additionally the
number of patients in the study fell short of the projected power
calculation of 1254 women and there was no robust scientific
method to assess medicinal compliance with subjective
assessment only including questionnaires and bottle weights.
These factors call into question the reliability of results and as
there was a significant difference within the original stratum, calls
into question the overall conclusion. It is difficult to know if the
results are applicable internationally as the external validity is
limited by the fact that most participants were well educated
women with a higher income; this may not be relevant in other
study groups.
Overall, this study concludes that preconception initiated LDA
does not increase the live birth rate nor reduce rates of pregnancy
loss in women with one or two previous loses. Results support
what we already know about the safety of LDA, notably at doses
of 81mg, which is greater than the 75mg dose typically prescribed
in Irish obstetric practice. The overall results are backed up by that
of existing studies.8,9 However, before firm recommendations can
be made for clinicians it is important to perform further RCTs
which can be guided by the methodology of this study.
F Mone, FM McAuliffe
UCD Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Medicine and
Medical Science, National Maternity Hospital, Holles St, Dublin 2
1. Nicolaides KH. Turning the pyramid of prenatal care. Fetal Diagn Ther
2. CLASP (Collaborative Low-dose Aspirin Study in Pregnancy)
Collaborative Group. CLASP: a randomized trial of low-dose aspirin for
the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia among 9364 pregnant
women. Lancet 1994;343:619–29.
3. Duley L, Henderson-Smart DJ, Meher S, King JF. Antiplatelet agents
for preventing preeclampsia and its complications. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 2007;(2):CD004659.
4. Wu CQ, Kustec VE, Brown RN, Martin MC, Filion KB. The medical
management of antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy: a metaanalysis. Obstet Gynecol 2014 May;123 Suppl 1:178S-9S. doi:
5. Mone F, McAuliffe F. Low dose Aspirin and Calcium supplementation
for the prevention of pre-eclmapsia. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist.
2014; Doi:10.1111/tog.12111.
6. Wilcox AJ, Baird DD, Weinberg CR. Time of implantation of the
conceptus and loss of pregnancy. N Eng J Med 1999; 340: 1796-99.
7. Schisterman EF, Silver RM, Lesher LL, Faraggi D, Wactawski-Wende
J, Townsend JM, Lynch AM, Perkins NJ, Mumford SL, Galai N.
Preconception low-dose aspirin and pregnancy outcomes: results
from the EAGeR randomized trial. Lancet 2014; 384: 29-36.
8. Kaandorp SP, Gddijn M, van der Post JA, Hutten BA, Verhoeve
HR, Hamulyák K, Mol BW, Folkeringa N, Nahuis M, Papatsonis
DN, Büller HR, van der Veen F,Middeldorp S. Aspirin plus herparin or
aspirin alone in women with recurrent miscarriage. N Engl J Med
2010; 362: 1586-96.
9. Kaandorp S, Di Nisio M, Gddijn M, Middeldorp S. Aspirin or
anticoagulants for treating recurrent miscarriage in women without
antiphospholipid syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009; 1:
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Obstetric practice is evolving; the future will see a shift in the
focus of care to the pre-conceptual period and early trimester with
a move towards interventions which optimize maternal and
neonatal outcome.1 Low dose Aspirin (LDA) is one such
intervention. The safety and efficacy of this medicinal product has
already been proven2,3 and subsequently it is now used common
in practice for at-risk pregnancies for prevention of pre-eclampsia,
fetal growth restriction and complications of anti-phospholipid
Original Paper
Preparedness of Elderly Long-term Care Facilities in HSE East
for Influenza Outbreaks
L O’Connor1, M Boland2, H Murphy1
1Department of Public Health, HSE East, Dr Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 8
2Department of Public Health, HSE East, Red Brick Building, Stewarts Hospital, Palmerstown, Dublin 22
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
We assessed preparedness of HSE East elderly long term care facilities for an influenza outbreak, and identified Public Health
Department support needs. We surveyed 166 facilities based on the HSE checklist document for influenza outbreaks, with 58%
response rate. Client flu vaccination rates were >75%; leading barriers were client anxiety and consent issues. Target flu vaccine
uptake of 40% in staff occurred in 43% of facilities and was associated with staff vaccine administration by a facility-attached GP
(p=0.035), having a facility outbreak plan (p=0.013) and being a non-HSE run facility (p=0.013). Leading barriers were staff personal
anxiety (94%) and lack of awareness of the protective effect on clients (21%). Eighty-nine percent found Public Health helpful, and
requested further educational support and advocacy. Staff vaccine uptake focus, organisational leadership, optimal vaccine provision
models, outbreak plans and Public Health support are central to the influenza campaign in elderly long term care facilities.
Influenza is a challenging problem in long term care facilities
(LTCFs) for the elderly, causing considerable morbidity and
mortality amongst this vulnerable population. Illness rates up to
60% have been seen in influenza outbreaks in LTCFs with
mortality rates of 5-10% reported.1,2 The closed environment of
LTCFs and limited mobility of clients facilitates transmission of
influenza.3 In addition, influenza may be difficult to detect in the
LTCF population due to atypical presentation, with minimal fever
and respiratory symptoms. A combination of interventions is
required to prevent an outbreak of influenza at a LTCF. These
include vaccination of clients and health care workers (HCWs),
regular staff education on influenza detection and control, and a
designated flu lead to co-ordinate an influenza prevention
programme.2,4 A recently developed checklist for LTCFs aids in
planning influenza prevention and control programmes for
individual LTCFs.4 There are 166 LTCFs for the elderly in the
Health Service Executive (HSE) East area. Approximately 15% of
these are HSE LTCFs; the remainder are privately or voluntary
sector run. In 2012/2013 season there were 23 outbreaks of
influenza-like illness (ILI) in these LTCFs notified to Public Health,
with 242 people notified as ill. In 2013/2014 the HSE leadership
team prioritised HCW influenza vaccination in all health care
facilities including LTCFs in response to poor vaccination rates of
15% nationally among HCWs for the 2012/2013 influenza
season.5 The HSE leadership team set a target of 40% for HCW
influenza vaccination coverage for the 2013/2014 season in all
health care facilities and informed relevant stakeholders.6 The aim
of our study was to assess the preparedness of LTCFs in the HSE
East area at the start of the 2013/2014 influenza season for an
influenza/ILI, outbreak and to identify how the Department of
Public Health could support these facilities.
We identified all elderly LTCFs in the HSE East using a previously
assembled and recently updated excel database. We designed a
39 item questionnaire on preparedness and planning for
influenza/ILI outbreaks. The questionnaire was based on the HSE
checklist document and used several questions from an earlier
survey undertaken in HSE South-East; consequently it was not
piloted. The questionnaire was posted to the Director of Nursing
or general manager of all facilities and was returned by email or
post. We sent a reminder email one month later, and followed up
non-responders by telephone and email copy of the questionnaire.
Data was manually entered and analysed in SPSS version 21.
Descriptive analysis was carried out to describe preparedness of
LTCFs for an influenza/ILI outbreak. Associations between
variables were tested using chi-square distribution. Significance
was set at 5% (p=0.05).
In total 97 out of 166 (58%) LTCFs responded; 83% of
Table 1 Factors associated with meeting HSE target of 40% HCW
vaccine uptake
Proportion meeting HCW
p value
vaccine uptake target
Type of facility
Provider of vaccine
GP attached to facility
Personal GP
HSE clinic
Type of care provided
Residential care only
Residential and respite care
Residential and day care
Influenza outbreak plan for facility
n=numerator; d=denominator
responders were non-HSE facilities. Ninety-nine percent of
responders provided residential care facilities. Additionally, 37%
provided respite services, 20% day centre facilities, and 11%
provided other facilities such as palliative care. Most (89%)
facilities reported over 50% of residents were aged 80 or older.
Influenza vaccination for clients
All (100%) responders recommended influenza vaccination to
clients and staff. Vaccination rates of residential clients were
uniformly high (range 75-100%). Common barriers to client
vaccination were anxiety regarding the vaccine (49.5%) and
consent issues (23.7%). Less common barriers included; low
awareness of vaccine (5.2%), difficulty accessing vaccine (2.1%)
and personal choice (2.1%).
Influenza vaccination for staff
In contrast, healthcare worker (HCWs) vaccination rates varied
greatly (range 0-94%). Forty-three percent of responding LTCFs
reported a HCW vaccination rate of 40% (HSE target for
2013/2014). Significantly more non-HSE LTCFs had HCW
vaccine uptake rates of 40%, when compared with HSE facilities
(p=0.019) (Table 1). The administration of the vaccine by a general
practitioner (GP) attached to the LTCF was significantly
associated with HCW vaccine uptake rates of 40% (p=0.035),
compared with the administration of the vaccine at a HSE clinic or
by the HCWs personal GP. Facilities providing day centre or
respite care were significantly less likely to have HCW vaccine
uptake of 40%, (p= 0.003). In HSE facilities, lack of access to
influenza vaccine (25% of respondents) was a significant barrier
to HCW vaccination when compared with non-HSE facilities
(5.2%) (p= 0.01). The barriers to HCW vaccination most frequently
identified by managers were ‘anxiety related to the vaccine’ (94%)
and lack of awareness of the need to vaccinate to protect
Figure 1 Reported barriers to influenza vaccine in HCWs
themselves and the residents (21%) (Figure 1). Leading anxieties
were fear of adverse reaction and needle phobia.
Outbreak detection and management
Most (73%) LTCFs had an influenza outbreak plan specific to their
facility. Those with a plan were significantly more likely to have
HCW vaccination rates of 40% (p=0.013). Ninety percent of
LTCFs had a process to monitor for influenza-like illness (ILI) in
clients, whereas 80% also had a process in place to monitor staff.
Most LTCFs believed that they had timely access to viral swabs
(81%), masks (93%), vaccine (94%) and antiviral medication
(83%) in the event of an outbreak of influenza.
Preparedness for Outbreak
Eighty three percent of LTCFs reported that they were mostly or
fully prepared for an outbreak of influenza/ILI; 94% were aware
of the HSE Checklist document.4 The majority of facilities had an
appointed influenza lead (80%) and a lead GP (78%). However,
having an influenza lead (p=0.592) or a lead GP (p=0.289) did
not have a significant effect on HCW vaccine rates. Approximately
9% of LTCFs provided training and education in influenza
preparedness for staff on commencement of employment, 34%
provided it annually at the start of influenza season and almost
24% provided it at both of these times. Education was provided
by the staff influenza lead or local infection control nurse in the
majority of cases (84%).
Interaction with Public Health
Most (75%) LTCFs reported previous contact with Department of
Public Health, while 23% had previous contact specifically with
regard to an influenza/ILI outbreak. Eighty nine percent of
responders reported that Public Health were helpful or very
helpful. Suggestions on how Public Health could support LTCFs’
preparedness for an outbreak of Influenza/ILI included: provision
of more education sessions and resources e.g. posters, leaflets,
influenza information packs; advocacy for the use of medication
protocols to facilitate administration of the vaccine by trained inhouse staff, and dissemination of more information to increase
public awareness of the seriousness of influenza illness.
Preparedness and mitigation of influenza outbreaks within LTCFs
requires high levels of vaccination of HCWs and residents, early
recognition of illness and timely response. We found that 43% of
LTCFs reached the HSE target of 40% HCW vaccine rate, with
HSE-run facilities significantly more likely to be under target.
Globally, immunisation rates of HCWs against influenza are low,
despite it being a recommendation in most countries. Studies of
HCWs in Germany and the UK found influenza immunisation
rates of 18% and 34% respectively.7,8 Our findings of reported
barriers for HCWs are consistent with other research.9-11 Vaccine
related anxiety was an almost universally reported barrier to HCW
vaccination in our study (94%). Anxiety can be diminished by
improving understanding with further education. Many HCWs
perceive themselves to be healthy and therefore either not at risk
of influenza or able to successfully fight off the influenza virus.
Similar to previous studies, we found that HCWs do not
necessarily see that by having influenza vaccine themselves, they
are protecting their vulnerable clients.9,10 Twenty-one percent of
responses were in this category. Additional education and
discussion would help HCWs understand their ethical
responsibility to protect clients from influenza. Our study
highlights the connection between lack of access to vaccine and
below target vaccine uptake in HSE–run facilities. Improved staff
access should be facilitated through the delivery of the vaccine at
place of work, preferably at unit level, as well as the provision of
vaccination clinics outside of usual working hours. These
measures have been shown to improve HCW vaccine rates.9,11,12
We found that the administration of the vaccine by GPs attached
to the LTCF was associated with reaching the uptake target and
this model could be considered by all LTCFs. The appointment of
a designated ‘flu lead’ in each LTCF receiving education and
training, supported by a medication protocol would facilitate onsite delivery of the vaccine to HCWs. In LTCFs with day/respite
and residential services, clients are more vulnerable to the
introduction of circulating community influenza strains. A
significantly lower level of staff vaccine uptake was identified and
this should be a target in future campaigns.
Irish guidelines recommend that residents of LTCFs should
receive seasonal influenza vaccine,13 with a World Health
Assembly target of 75% vaccination rate for this group.14 While
all responders achieved this target, barriers were identified,
namely; personal anxiety about the vaccine (52%) and consent
issues (25%). For clients unable to give consent, this should be
sought from next-of-kin at time of admission to the LTCF. Most
LTCFs reported a majority of clients aged 80 or older. Previous
studies inform us that in this age-group vaccine effectiveness has
been estimated at 30-40%.15 Even at low effectiveness levels,
while not sufficiently protecting elderly residents from influenza,
vaccination of residents does protect against hospitalisation and
death.15 Vaccination of staff has been shown to reduce mortality
and ILI amongst LTCF residents.16 Responders had a high
awareness of the HSE checklist and those facilities with a written
outbreak plan were significantly more likely to reach the HSE
HCW vaccine target. Although LTCFs reported easy access to
viral swabs, masks, vaccine and anti-virals, an anti-viral supply
problem occurred in Ireland this season and it was clear that most
LTCFs were relying on the national commercial supply chain.
Securing this supply would permit timely response to outbreaks.
LTCFs felt that increased public awareness of the seriousness of
influenza was warranted; LTCFs repeatedly requested facilitated
educational sessions to inform staff about influenza outbreaks
and preparedness. While guidance material has been made
available to LTCFs,4 assistance from Public Health departments in
meeting with senior staff and providing education sessions to
HCWs can be a valuable support.
A strength in our study was that we received responses from both
private and HSE-run LTCFs allowing us to identify problems that
may be related to a specific type of LTCF. Responses were
received from LTCFs of all sizes which gave us an overview of the
preparedness across the sector. The response rate of 58%,
although suboptimal, was anticipated. It is possible that nonresponders may be less prepared than those who responded.
However, the ratio of HSE/non-HSE responses reflects the
regional situation. The majority of LTCF managers reported a high
level of preparedness for an influenza outbreak in the areas of
outbreak policies, illness monitoring protocols and influenza leads.
However, the low rate of HCW influenza vaccination coverage
identified is a major obstacle to optimal preparedness for
influenza outbreaks. It is clear that more must be done to increase
vaccine uptake rates. The good working relationship identified
between Public Health and the LTCFs for the elderly should be
capitalised on to develop specific campaigns to increase HCW
vaccination rates. Innovative ways to increase access to the
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Original Paper
Original Paper
vaccine and educational programmes targeting flu myths should
be key elements of any targeted campaign.
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Correspondence: L O’Connor
Department of Public Health, HSE East, Dr Steevens’ Hospital,
Dublin 8
The long-term care facilities that participated in our study; the
assistance of B Clarke and S Dooner, Dept. of Public Health, HSE
East; E McGovern, Dept. of Public Health, HSE South-East for
sharing her questionnaire, some questions of which we used for
our study.
1. Bradley SF. Prevention of influenza in long-term-care facilities. LongTerm-Care Committee of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of
America. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1999;20:629-37.
2. Bridges CB, Harper S. The full-court press for influenza prevention in
elderly persons. Clin Infect Dis. 2004;39:465-7.
3. Mossad SB. Influenza in long-term care facilities: preventable,
detectable, treatable. Cleve Clin J Med. 2009;76:513-21.
4. Influenza Subgroup of the Public Health Medicine Communicable
Disease Group. Checklist for Residential Care Facilities on the
Prevention, Detection and Control of Influenza-like Illness and
Influenza Outbreaks 2013/2014. 1.5 ed: Dublin; 2013.
5. Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Summary Findings of Uptake
of the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine in HSE-funded Hospitals and
Nursing Homes and other Disability Facilities in Ireland in 2012-2013
Compared to the Uptake in 2011-2012. Dublin: Health Protection
Surveillance Centre, 2013 Amended 03/2014.
6. Health and Wellbeing Division of the HSE. Health and Wellbeing
Division Operational Plan 2014. Health Service Executive, 2014.
Müller D, Wutzler P, Szucs TD. Influenza vaccination coverage rates in
Germany: a population-based cross-sectional analysis of the seasons
2002/2003 and 2003/2004. Med Klin (Munich). 2005;100:6-13.
Müller D, Nguyen-Van-Tam JS, Szucs TD. Influenza vaccination
coverage rates in the UK: a comparison of two monitoring methods
during the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 seasons. Public Health.
O’Reilly FW, Cran GW, Stevens AB. Factors affecting influenza vaccine
uptake among health care workers. Occup Med (Lond).
Maltezou HC, Maragos A, Katerelos P, Paisi A, Karageorgou K,
Papadimitriou T, Pierroutsakos IN. Influenza vaccination acceptance
among health-care workers: a nationwide survey. Vaccine.
Hofmann F, Ferracin C, Marsh G, Dumas R. Influenza vaccination of
healthcare workers: a literature review of attitudes and beliefs.
Infection. 2006;34:142-7.
Bowen D, McLoughlin M, Carter H. Achieving high HCW immunisation
levels without a mandatory campaign,. Vaccines in Practice. 2011;4.
Influenza Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland. 2013 ed. Dublin2013.
Mereckiene J, Cotter S, Weber JT, Nicoll A, Lévy-Bruhl D, Ferro A,
Tridente G, Zanoni G, Berra P, Salmaso S, O’Flanagan D; VENICE
Gatekeepers. Low coverage of seasonal influenza vaccination in the
elderly in many European countries. Euro Surveill. 2008;13.
Arden N, Patriarca P, Kendal A. Options for the control of Influenza.
New York: Alan R. Liss; 1986.
Hayward AC, Harling R, Wetten S, Johnson AM, Munro S, Smedley J,
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service use among residents: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ.
Pedestrian Deaths in Children – Potential for Prevention
K Hamilton, W Macken, C McGarvey, TG Matthews, AJ Nicholson
Children’s University Hospital, Temple St, Dublin 1
To receive CPD credits, you must complete
the questions online at
The National Paediatric Mortality Database was reviewed for the six year period 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2011 and all
pedestrian deaths extracted, after review of available data the deaths were categorized as either traffic or non-traffic related. There
were 45 child pedestrian fatalities in the period examined. Traffic related deaths accounted for 26 (58%) vs. 19 (42%) non-traffic
related. Analysis of the deaths showed there was a male preponderance 28 (62%), weekend trend 22 (49%) with an evening 16
(35%) and summer peak 20 (44%). The highest proportion of deaths occurred in the 1-4 year age group 24 (53%), with 13 (28%)
due to low speed vehicle rollovers, mainly occurring in residential driveways 8 (61%). Child pedestrian fatalities are highly preventable
through the modification of risk factors including behavioural, social and environmental. Preventative action needs to be addressed,
particularly in relation to non-traffic related deaths i.e. low speed vehicle rollovers.
Injury from road traffic incidents is a leading cause of child deaths
worldwide1. In Ireland, progress has been made in decreasing
child road- related deaths and injuries in recent years; the number
of paediatric pedestrian fatalities reduced by 50% between the
timescales 1996-2000 and 2004-2010. National road safety
campaigns, increased enforcement by the police and changed
cultural attitudes to road safety in this period may account for this
striking improvement2. Young children lack the cognitive skills,
attention and perception skills to interact safely with road
vehicles3. Children may fail to appreciate the danger associated
with fast moving traffic and be unable to integrate speed and
distance of vehicles4. Play activity places children in unsafe
locations such as driveways5, and children are highly influenced
by the behaviour of peers and heavily rely on adult supervision3.
The National Paediatric Mortality Register (NPMR) collects data
on all paediatric deaths in the Republic of Ireland aged from 29
days to 16 years. The main sources of data are 1) The Central
CPD available online at and questions on page 31.
Statistics office (CSO) which provides death registration data; 2)
Autopsy reports from Coroners; and 3) Notifications received from
Emergency departments. All fatalities recorded on the National
Paediatric Mortality Database from 1st January 2006 to 31st
December 2011 were retrospectively reviewed and all road traffic
related deaths examined to identify pedestrian deaths. Autopsy
reports were then reviewed to determine the circumstances of the
injury. Where autopsy reports were not available media reports
were used to supplement information. Cases where the child was
a passenger in a vehicle or a cyclist were excluded. The selected
cases were then categorised as being traffic related or non-traffic
related. Non-Traffic related deaths were considered to be deaths
involving a vehicle that had occurred in an off-road setting (e.g.
driveways, farmyards). To examine socioeconomic status each
death was assigned a deprivation score based on where the child
resided. Deprivation was categorised using the 2011 Pobal
Haase-Pratschke Deprivation Index for small areas, which assigns
a deprivation score to each of the 3,000+ electoral divisions(ED)
based on Census 2011 data. The Index’s table of deprivation
Original Paper
scores was used to assign the ED where the child resided to a
category from extremely affluent to extremely dis-advantaged.
Socioeconomic status
Social deprivation scores were assigned based on the electoral
district in which the child resided. Figure 1 shows the distribution
of deprivation index scores. The scores for the pedestrian
fatalities were compared with the National population figures. The
majority of cases(78%) were in the middle of the scale with just
over half (53%) of the pedestrian fatalities being classed as being
‘Marginally below average’, compared with 30% of the population
and 25% being classed as ‘Marginally above average’, compared
with 35% of the population.
Traffic and Non-traffic related deaths
A review of the circumstances of the incident revealed that 58%
were traffic related and 42% were non-traffic related. Table 2
details the circumstances of the incident for each group. Children
in the 10-16 year age group accounted for the highest proportion
of traffic related deaths (42%).Over half (53%) of the traffic
related deaths involved the child attempting to cross the road or
darting out onto the road from behind a parked car. In the 1-4year
age group 63% of the traffic related deaths involved a child at
play. Children in the 1-4 year age group accounted for 84% of the
Figure 1 Distribution of deprivation index scores: Pedestrian fatalities vs. National
Table 2 Circumstances of Traffic and Non-traffic related deaths 20062011
Crossing road
Getting school bus
Dart Out
At Play
Walking in hard shoulder of motorway
Low-speed vehicle rollovers
Farm incidents
Age Group
5-9yrs 10-16yrs
non-traffic related deaths.
Table 3 Description of low speed
rollover deaths 2006-2011
Sixty eight per cent of
Variable Group
non-traffic related deaths
were due to low speed
vehicle rollovers. The mean Distribution 18-24mths
age for the rollover deaths
was 21.7months. In all
cases of rollovers the
Time of
cause of death was due to
head injuries sustained in
the incident. In 81% of
cases the incident took
place outside the child’s
Distribution April-June
residence. In 54% of
cases the driver of the
Days of the Mon-Thurs
vehicle was a family
member and the vehicle
Passenger Car
Type of
was performing a reverse
manoeuvre. A weekend
trend was apparent (69%)
Heavy Truck
Vehicles Towing
with a summer (46%) and
late afternoon/early
13 100
of Vehicle
evening peak (46%). Table
3 gives a description of the
rollover deaths in the six
Car park
Family member
year period examined.
There were 4 non-traffic
deaths which resulted from
farm incidents involving heavy machinery. In all cases the child
was male and two thirds occurred in the summer months. In all
four cases the child fell from a slow moving vehicle and was
subsequently rolled over.
Our study identified 45 fatalities with a striking male
preponderance. This finding is supported by a number of studies
in the literature that show an increased incidence among males5,6,
although some studies suggest an equal sex distribution7. In older
children this sex discrepancy may be due to a higher incidence in
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
For the six year period examined a total of 82 deaths were
reviewed with 45 being identified as pedestrian deaths. On
examination of death registration data in some cases insufficient
information was provided to determine whether the child was a
passenger in a vehicle, a pedestrian or a cyclist. Autopsy reports
were available for 64% of cases, media sources were used to
supplement information in 28% of cases. Examination of the
NPMR database for 2006-2011 showed that the greatest
proportion of deaths (age 1-14yrs) from external causes (37%)
was attributable to road traffic accidents (RTAs). Head and neck
injuries sustained during road traffic incidents accounted for the
largest proportion of injury related deaths; 40% of children <10yrs
and 32% of children 10-14yrs. In the period 2006-2008
pedestrian death rates increased (from 0.8 to 1.31 per 100,000
population aged 0-14yrs) however from 2009-2011 rates have
continued to decline (1.06 to 0.41 per 100,000 population aged
0-14yrs). The mean age was 6.11years with the highest proportion
of deaths occurring in the 1-4 year age group (53%), followed by
the 10-14 year age group (29%) (Table 1). Analysis of gender
shows there was a male predominance in these deaths with a
ratio 1.6:1. However in the
Table 1 Description of Pedestrian
13-16year age group there
fatalities 2006-2011
was a greater number of
Variable Group
female deaths (5 girls vs. 2
24 53
boys). The majority of
Distribution 5-9yrs
incidents occurred in the
13 29
afternoon between 16:00
and 18:00 (31%). There
28 62
17 38
was a weekend trend with
Time of
27% of deaths occurring
on a Saturday and 9% on
a Sunday. Examination of
seasonal distribution
14 31
showed that most
incidents occurred in the
summer months
particularly in the month of
July (22.2%), with 44% of
Distribution April-June
deaths taking place
20 44
between July and
23 51
Days of the Mon-Thurs
September. The most
22 49
common vehicle type was
Passenger Car
20 44
Type of
a car (44%), followed by
Commercial Van
commercial vehicles
Heavy Truck
(trucks and vans) which
accounted for 29% of
Vehicles Towing
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Original Paper
males of unsafe road crossing behaviour and playing on roads8. In
terms of age, the majority of deaths occurred in the 1-4 year-olds
and this finding was most marked in the non-traffic related
pedestrian deaths. This is in keeping with a recent review of the
literature, which suggested a peak incidence of driveway injuries
in children under five5 and is perhaps unsurprising given their
stage of cognitive and perceptual development3. Our study
showed a second peak in incidence in the 10-14 year olds and
reflects risk-taking behaviours in this age group. This study
identified some temporal risk factors (weekends and summer
months) and this is perhaps unsurprising considering the
increased amount of time spent outdoors and unsupervised
during the summer months. Spring-summer time has previously
been suggested to show an increased incidence of paediatric
trauma deaths9. There was a peak incidence of injuries in the
early evening at a time when road traffic is heavier due to work
and schools finishing for the day. In relation to psychosocial
factors, the highest incidence of pedestrian deaths was in the
marginally disadvantaged group (see Figure 1). This is in keeping
with studies linking social deprivation to pedestrian fatalities10. A
review by Laflamme et al11 identified 21 studies that found a
positive correlation between social disadvantage and pedestrian
injury. Pedestrians from poor neighbourhoods may be up to four
times more likely to be involved in a collision, and this effect
seems to be independent of factors such as population density,
age, and education level12. Analysis of driveway rollover deaths
showed that these are most common in young children aged 18 to
24 months and consistently involved reversing vehicles. Prior
studies have shown a preponderance of reversing vehicles in
rollover incidents5. Reversal alarms and rear-view cameras are a
new tool with the potential to make driveway reversing safer. No
large-scale data are available in this area although early studies
are encouraging13.
In preventing pedestrian injuries and deaths, one important
measure is school road-safety programmes. Although such
interventions may improve children’s knowledge14, this does not
necessarily translate into better road crossing behaviours15.
Furthermore, education programmes may be unreliable as they
can be overly dependent on the individual teacher delivering
them16. Thus the development of better education programmes
that effectively alter crossing behaviour remains essential. Simple
knowledge, such as appropriate crossing location, has a big
impact on injury severity and is amenable to classroom learning17.
Safety training for children using virtual models represents an
exciting new prospect in tackling this problem and avoids
exposing children to physical traffic hazards3. One well
established risk factor for paediatric pedestrian injury is the built
environment in which the injury occurs. A meta-analysis of
previous studies established a direct link between the built
environment and risk of pedestrian injury18. A number of
environmental features (e.g. multiple family dwellings, lack of
playgrounds, the presence of major roadways, increased traffic
levels and roadside parking) are significant risk factors. In a
resource-poor setting, built environment features such as lack of
road markings are of relevance19. The environmental features that
best improve pedestrian safety are the provision of playground/
recreation features and traffic calming20. These relatively simple
interventions have a significant and lasting impact on improving
child pedestrian safety at a local level.
Injury is more likely in non-traffic incidents in environments that
lack a physical barrier between the driveway and the play area,
with shared driveways, and multiple parking spaces5. Adequate
child supervision is also of paramount importance in combating
the issue. A case-control study conducted in Peru identified the
number of streets crossed en route to school combined with lack
of supervision as the single best predictors of pedestrian injury21.
Although parents are aware of the importance of educating their
children in road crossing, observational research suggests that
they rarely supply explicit instruction to their children when
supervising road-crossing22. The use of headphones, which is
thought to decrease awareness of warning sounds, may represent
a safety risk to pedestrians, and in particular adolescent males23.
The increased use of mobile phones could also have a negative
impact on children’s road crossing abilities as early research
suggests they distract children to a significant degree and may
increase their risk of collision24. In conclusion, this study found
potential for prevention in relation to pedestrian deaths in Irish
children, particularly the need to reduce driveway deaths.
Preventative measures should include education of parents and
caregivers, separation of driveways from play areas (particularly
on farms), adequate supervision of children and installation of
object vicinity sensors in vehicles.
Correspondence: K Hamilton
National Paediatric Mortality Register, George’s Hall, Temple
Street Children’s University Hospital, Dublin 1
The support of the Coroners society of Ireland and the CSO Vital
Statistics department whose cooperation made this study
1. World Health Organization. World report on child injury prevention.
Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2008.
2. Donnelly J, Bimpeh Y, Trace F, Waters A, Nicholson AJ. Progress in
reducing road-related deaths and injuries in Irish children. Ir Med J.
2012 Apr;105:108-10.
3. Schwebel DC, Davis AL, O’Neal EE. Child Pedestrian Injury: A Review
of Behavioural Risks and Preventive Strategies.Am J Lifestyle Med.
2012 Jul;6:292-302.
4. Rosenbloom T, Nemrodov D, Ben-Eliyahu A, Eldror E. Fear and danger
appraisals of a road-crossing scenario: a developmental perspective.
Accid Anal Prev. 2008 Jul;40:1619-26.
5. Paul Anthikkat A, Page A, Barker R. Risk factors associated with
injury and mortality from paediatric low speed vehicle incidents: a
systematic review.Int J Pediatr. 2013;2013:841360.
6. Desapriya E, Sones M, Ramanzin T, Weinstein S, Scime G, Pike I.
Injury prevention in child death review: child pedestrian fatalities. Inj
Prev. 2011 Feb;17 Suppl 1:i4-9.
7. Nadler EP, Courcoulas AP, Gardner MJ, Ford HR. Driveway injuries in
children: risk factors, morbidity, and mortality.Pediatrics. 2001
8. Sullman MJ, Thomas A, Stephens AN. The road user behaviour of
school students in Belgium. Accid Anal Prev 2012 Sep;48:495-504.
9. Søreide K, Krüger AJ, Ellingsen CL, Tjosevik KE. Pediatric trauma
deaths are predominated by severe head injuries during spring and
summer. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2009 Jan 22;17:3.
10. Birken CS, Parkin PC, To T, Macarthur C. Trends in rates of death from
unintentional injury among Canadian children in urban areas: influence
of socioeconomic status. CMAJ. 2006 Oct 10;175:867.
11. Laflamme L, Hasselberg M, Burrows S. Years of Research on
Socioeconomic Inequality and Children’s-Unintentional Injuries
Understanding the Cause-Specific Evidence at Hand. Int J Pediatr.
2010;2010. pii: 819687.
12. Chakravarthy B, Anderson CL, Ludlow J, Lotfipour S, Vaca FE. The
relationship of pedestrian injuries to socioeconomic characteristics in
a large Southern California County. Traffic Inj Prev. 2010
13. Hurwitz DS, Pradhan A, Fisher DL, Knodler MA, Muttart JW, Menon R,
Meissner U. Backing collisions: a study of drivers’ eye and backing
behaviour using combined rear-view camera and sensor systems. Inj
Prev. 2010 Apr;16:79-84.
14. Albert RR, Dolgin KG. Lasting effects of short-term training on
preschoolers’ street-crossing behavior. Accid Anal Prev. 2010
15. Livingston DH, Suber I, Snyder D, Clancy SF, Passannante MR, Lavery
RF. Annual pediatric pedestrian education does not improve
pedestrian behavior. J Trauma. 2011 Nov;71:1120-5.
16. Berry DS, Romo CV. Should ‘Cyrus the Centipede’ take a hike?
Effects of exposure to a pedestrian safety program on children’s
safety knowledge and self-reported behaviors. J Safety Res.
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17. Rothman L, Howard AW, Camden A, Macarthur C. Pedestrian crossing
location influences injury severity in urban areas. Inj Prev. 2012
18. DiMaggio C, Li G. Roadway characteristics and pediatric pedestrian
injury. Epidemiol Rev. 2012 Jan;34:46-56.
19. Donroe J, Tincopa M, Gilman RH, Brugge D, Moore DA. Pedestrian
road traffic injuries in urban Peruvian children and adolescents: case
control analyses of personal and environmental risk factors. PLoS
One. 2008 Sep 10;3:e3166.
20. Rothman L, Buliung R, Macarthur C, To T, Howard A. Walking and
child pedestrian injury: a systematic review of built environment
correlates of safe walking. Inj Prev. 2013 May 24.
21. Pernica JM, LeBlanc JC, Soto-Castellares G, Donroe J, CarhuanchoMeza BA, Rainham DG, Gilman RH. Risk factors predisposing to
pedestrian road traffic injury in children living in Lima, Peru: a casecontrol study. Arch Dis Child 2012 Aug;97:709-13.
22. Morrongiello BA, Barton BK. Child pedestrian safety: parental
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N Kharytaniuk1,2, R Ali1,2, A Sharafa1,2, IJ Keogh1,2
1Academic Department of Otolaryngology, NUI, Galway
2Department of Otolaryngology, Galway University Hospitals, Galway
The use of day case surgery is on the rise. In order to improve efficiency and reduce cost, it has been proposed that tonsillectomy
could be undertaken as a day-case procedure in Ireland. A retrospective, chart-based study was carried out. The medical and social
criteria of all patients who underwent tonsillectomy during a twelve-month period were evaluated. Individual, local and national factors
were identified and international comparisons were made. Of 161 patients included, 43 (27%) were considered suitable for day case
tonsillectomy (DCT). The distance/time criteria from hospital excluded 64% of patients. The diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea
was the single most common medical reason for exclusion. Support structures were deficient. Local factors must be considered
before any policy or targets are developed for DCT. Patient safety is the fundamental tenet. Currently, the infrastructure and the
support required for a patient-focused, safe efficient DCT are deficient, and need investment.
Tonsillectomy is one of the oldest and most commonly performed
surgical procedures. Approximately 3,500 tonsillectomies were
carried out in Ireland in 20111. Of those, 73% were carried out on
children younger than 16 years of age. Recurrent acute tonsillitis
and upper airway obstruction account for the vast majority of
cases. Modern tonsillectomy is safe; however, there is a unique
set of morbidities associated with post-operative recovery.
Although, the majority of these are minor, post-tonsillectomy
haemorrhage is one of the most significant and potentially lifethreatening complications, with the incidence range between
three and twenty percent2-4. Upper aero-digestive tract
haemorrhage can be very difficult to control, and can rapidly lead
to hypovolemic shock and airway compromise. Children in
particular, are at risk. Safe management requires an experienced
surgical and anesthetic team. Length of in-patient stays for
tonsillectomy varies worldwide from a few hours to several days. In
Germany, in-patient stay ranges between five and seven days. In
Ireland the average length of stay is 1.42 days (range 1.37 –
1.51)1. The routine practice in Ireland is to keep the patient
overnight, in order to monitor for primary hemorrhage and provide
adequate analgesia and recovery time. In many parts of the United
Kingdom and the USA, tonsillectomy is performed as a day case
procedure, and this refers to the same day discharge of the
patients from the hospital following a planned surgical
procedure5. Strict guidelines to assess a patient’s suitability based
on medical and social criteria have been published in these
countries6-8. In 2011, only two percent of tonsillectomies were
carried out in Ireland as day cases1. On average, approximately
200 cases of tonsillectomy are carried out in University College
Hospital Galway (UCHG) every year, most of which are elective
admissions, and all require at least one night stay in hospital.
In the current economic situation, there is a significant burden on
the national finances from health care. It is economically
appealing to introduce day case tonsillectomy (DCT) as routine
practice. Figures from 2010 indicate that an in-patient procedure
costs 2,895 versus 1,690 for DCT1. The Royal College of
Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and the Health Service Executive
(HSE) are actively looking at a number of operations to assess
their suitability as day case procedures (basket of 24). Within this
basket, there is a target that 75% of procedures should be
undertaken as day cases. Tonsillectomy is seen as a potential
candidate, as the majority of patients that undergo this procedure
are young and healthy, and waiting lists are long (1,400 awaiting
surgery 2012)1.
University College Hospital Galway (UCHG) is a tertiary referral
centre with a busy Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department that
serves a catchment population of approximately 450,000 people.
Patients may travel from as far as Belmullet or the islands off the
west coast to have their surgery at UCHG. There can be huge
variations in travelling distances and times, depending on
geographical location. Following approval from the chairperson of
UCHG Ethics Committee, we conducted a descriptive
retrospective study of all adult and paediatric patients, who
underwent tonsillectomy in UCHG between July 2011 and August
2012. Following an extensive review and comparison of
international guidelines (which vary from country to country)
medical and social exclusion criteria for day case tonsillectomy
were defined. A standard proforma was developed, and
information was collected in a systematic manner. PASW Version
18 (SPSS) was used for descriptive statistical analysis of the data.
In total, 161 patients who underwent tonsillectomy in UCHG
between July 1st 2011 and August 12th 2012, were included in
the study. There were 78 adults and 83 paediatric patients (<16
years old). The age range was three to 65 years (median age: ten
years). To determine patients’ suitability for day-case surgery, we
applied medical and social criteria, which included: patients under
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Day-Case Tonsillectomy: Practical Solution or Practical
Original Paper
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
three years of age, or
weight less than 15kg,
patients with bleeding
disorders, or complex
medical conditions to
include individuals with
congenital syndromes,
craniofacial syndromes,
cardiovascular disease,
acute infection or
abscess requiring “hot
tonsillectomy”. According
to these criteria (Table 1),
43 (27%) patients were
suitable for DCT; 24
(56%) of these patients
were adults and 19
(44%) were children; 118
(73%) patients were
unsuitable for DCT.
Table 1 List of medical and social
exclusion criteria. Data in
brackets represent patient
Medical reasons for exclusion
• Age less than 3 or over 65 (7/4.4)
• ASA grade more than 2
• Weight less than 15kg
• Obstructive sleep apnoea
• Bleeding disorder
• Trisomy 21
• Hypertension
• Epilepsy
• Autism
Social reasons for exclusion
• Journey to hospital more
than 30 minutes
• No access to private car
• No access to private
• No access to toilet and
suitable washing facilities
• Unavailability of two adults
at home
The distance/travel time
criterion of 40km/30mins from the hospital site of surgery was
the main criterion for exclusion; only 58 (36%) of all patients lived
within the radius of 30 minute drive or 40km distance; 103 (64%)
patients lived further than 40km or 30 minute drive from UCHG;
of those, 25 (15%) patients were also unsuitable for medical
reasons. The median distance to the hospital was 40 km (range:
1-199 km). Presence of medical exclusion criteria accounted for
14 (9%) patients unsuitable for DCT. The diagnosis of obstructive
sleep apnoea (OSA) was the single most common medical
criterion for exclusion; other medical criteria included the
presence of conditions, such as epilepsy, autism, and HenochSchonlein purpura. Based on the American Society of
Anesthesiologists (ASA) criteria, majority of patients were ASA
Grade 1 or 2. Two patients had a formal diagnosis of
hypertension; one patient had a family history of a bleeding
disorder. One patient was unsuitable for DCT based on two or
more medical criteria.
Of all patients, 126 (78%) patients had no significant postoperative issues, and were suitable for discharge home the
following morning, while 35 (22%) patients had post-operative
issues that required them to be hospitalised for longer (Table 2).
Of those, 25 were adults and 10 were children. The primary
reason for the extended hospital stay following tonsillectomy was
inadequate pain
Table 2 Post-operative outcomes
control (in 16 adults
and seven paediatric
Number Percentage
patients). Other
Suitable for discharge
following morning
Unsuitable for discharge
included fever,
following morning due
to: (see below)
primary hemorrhage,
and vomiting. Two
Poor Pain Control
patients developed
Primary Haemorrhage
Anaesthesia Related
Table 3: Recommendation for safe day case tonsillectomy
Recommendations for Safe Day Case Tonsillectomy:
1. A dedicated day surgery unit to accommodate ENT procedures.
2. Early opening hours for admission.
3. Patient suitability for day-case surgery determined before day of surgery
4. Clear verbal and written instructions given to patient pre-operatively
5. Sufficient time allocated for patient’s safe recovery
6. Extended opening hours of day-surgery unit
7. Post-operative assessment required prior to discharge
Specific verbal and written instruction given to patients regarded pain manage8.
ment, oral intake and management of complications prior to discharge
Facilities for direct patient communication with ENT specialist on call in case of
post-operative complications
Facilities for direct admission to ENT unit and assessment by ENT specialist
on-call in cases of complications
In light of current economic trends within the Irish health services,
provision of day-case surgery has become more and more
appealing. Many hospitals around the world have adopted policies
regarding DCT. An increasing number of surgical procedures are
being performed as day cases in Ireland. These include hernia
repair, varicose vein surgery, breast lumpectomy and
tympanoplasty9. Because tonsillectomy is associated with
potential airway compromise and the risk of haemorrhage,
guidelines exist to assess the suitability of candidates for day
case tonsillectomy6-8. From the results of our study, only 27% of
patients fitted the criteria for DCT, which is relatively low when
compared with the rates of DCT in parts of the UK (40% 80%)10,11. However, this figure may reflect different criteria used,
as well as the characteristics of the catchment population in our
hospital. Our criteria were drawn to reflect geographical location,
characteristics of the population served by UCHG, infrastructure
and resources available to perform safe day case tonsillectomy.
The major factors affecting a patient’s suitability were the
diagnosis of OSA, presence of other significant medical
conditions and the patient’s proximity to the hospital, primarily
determined by the driving time. Medical criteria reflect the
patient’s potential to develop peri- or post-operative complications.
Therefore, young and healthy patients would be more likely to
fulfill the criteria for day surgery. Social criteria reflect the
importance of provision of post- operative care in the patient’s
home, requiring the presence of a responsible adult who would be
available to collect the patient from the hospital, provide care for
at least 24 hours following discharge, and to drive the patient
back to the hospital should the necessity arise. Delays in seeking
help can also be avoided if the patient has access to a telephone
and private transportation. In the emergency setting, it is
unacceptable for the patient to drive himself/herself to the
hospital or to use public transport.
Given the wide geographical distribution of the catchment
population of UCHG, one of the important social criteria is how
far the patient lives and the time it takes the patient to reach
hospital. In general, the time/travel distance criterion of 30
minutes has been widely accepted in the UK and other countries
as a guideline, while some centres may allow up to one-hour drive
from the hospital. The UK guidelines primarily come from major
centres in large urban areas where the road/travel infrastructure
is generally good. The time-frame of thirty minutes has been
derived mainly for safety reasons, particularly in view of paediatric
patients, as post-tonsillectomy bleeding can be heavy, and can
cause airway compromise. In this setting, time is a critical issue.
Therefore knowledge of local infrastructure is important in
accessing patient’s suitability based on this criterion, to allow
timely and easy access to hospital for the prompt management of
post-tonsillectomy bleeding. Patients who live further than the 30minute travelling distance would be considered unsuitable for day
case tonsillectomy. Determining a patient’s suitability based on the
actual distance from the hospital rather than the travelling time, is
not acceptable given the poor road quality in some rural areas,
despite geographical proximity. In other areas, access to motorway
can dramatically reduce the travelling time, even if the patient
potentially may live outside the area of the acceptable radius. A
degree of local geographical knowledge and common sense is
therefore essential in determining a patient’s suitability for daycase surgery. While considering hospital infrastructure,
geographical location and specific characteristics of the
catchment population, we developed a list of recommendations
for a patient-focused safe DCT in the Irish healthcare setting
(Table 3).
We conclude that the decision to proceed to DCT should be
based primarily on patient safety and the availability of
internationally agreed surgical resources. Many of the reports on
DCT come from highly populated urban areas in the UK and USA.
Galway and the west of Ireland, when compared, would have
Original Paper
Correspondence: N Kharytaniuk
Department of Otolaryngology, University Hospital Galway,
Newcastle Road, Galway
1. Tonsillectomy for consultation. HTA of Sheduled Surgical Procedures.
Health Information and Quality Authority. February 2013.
2. National Prospective Tonsillectomy Audit. Final report of an audit
carried out in England and Northern Ireland between July 2003 and
September 2004. May 2005. Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Attner P, Haraldsson PO, Hemlin C, Hessen Soderman AC. A 4-year
consecutive study of post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage. ORL.
4. Okada M, Kobayashi T, Nakamura K. Post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage
in adult patients. Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica. 2009;102:21923.
5. Gandhimani P, Jackson IJ. UK guidelines for day surgery. SURGERY.
6. Mills N, Anderson BJ, Barber C, White J, Mahadevan M, Salkeld L, et
al. Day stay pediatric tonsillectomy – A safe procedure. International
Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2004;68:1367-73.
7. Kishore A, Haider-Ali AM, Geddes NK. Patient eligibility for day case
paediatric adenotonsillectomy. Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied
Sciences. 2001;26:47.
8. Dennis S, Georgallou M, Elcock L, Brockbank M. Day case
tonsillectomy – the Salisbury experience. The Journal of One-Day
Surgery 2004;14:17-22.
9. Day Case and Short Case Surgery. British Association of Day Surgery.
The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. May
10. Moralee SL. Adult tonsillectomy: What proportion would accept same
day discharge? Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of
Edinburgh. 1998;43:99-100.
11. Yardley MPJ, Fairley JW, Durham LH, Parker AJ. Day case tonsil and
adenoid surgery: How many are eligible? Journal of the Royal College
of Surgeons of Edinburgh. 1994;39:162-3.
Is Primary Prevention of Childhood Obesity by Education at
13-month Immunisations Feasible and Acceptable? Results
from a General Practice Based Pilot Study
E Doorley, C Young, B O’Shea, C Darker, B Hollywood, C O’Rorke
Department of Public Health & Primary Care, Trinity College Centre for Health Sciences, Tallaght Hospital, Dublin 24
Prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity remains high in Ireland. In this study an intervention conducted within primary care
was evaluated. This involved a structured discussion with parents at the 13 month immunisations with their general practitioner (GP),
including measuring weight of the toddler and parental education regarding healthy nutrition and physical activity for their toddler.
There was a telephone follow-up interview with parents three months later assessing change in toddler diet/lifestyle. Endpoints
assessed included parents’ reports of specific lifestyle parameters with regard to the toddler and parental assessment of the
usefulness of the intervention. 39 toddlers were studied. Most lifestyle parameters had improved at follow up. Reported fruit and
vegetable intake of more than 4 portions per day increased from 20.5% of toddlers at baseline 28.6% at follow up. The number of
toddlers abstaining from unhealthy snacks increased from 15.4% to 21.4%. Television watching of more than 2 hours daily decreased
from 12.8% to 0%. Supervised exercise of more than thirty minutes per day increased from 69.2% to 89.3%. The majority of parents
reported at follow up that they found the intervention acceptable (100%, n = 28) and useful (79%, n = 22).
Over 20% of children aged between two and four years old in
Ireland are overweight or obese at school entry.1 The pre-school
period is an important time when children learn much about food,
they also frequently attend their GP, which may provide
opportunities for the primary prevention of obesity.2 Modification
of parental perceptions known to be associated with obesitypromoting behaviours may be a possible obesity prevention
strategy.3 Early community-based interventions have been shown
to be effective in reducing body mass index (BMI) at two years.4 It
is known that individuals who become overweight as toddlers and
children experience higher levels of morbidity and excess
mortality in adult life.5 The aim of this pilot study was to determine
if it is acceptable and feasible to prevent childhood obesity by an
educational intervention with parents at the time of 13 month
vaccines. It is the first pilot study to our knowledge to examine the
effectiveness of this intervention.
Parents and children attending for 13 month vaccination were
invited to participate in the study by waiting room notice, provision
of an information sheet and verbal invitation by the GP (Sept-Dec
2012). All consecutive parents were invited to participate. Parents
were provided with a baseline survey .Questions were asked by
the GP due to possible literacy issues. This survey included
questions on the child’s eating habits, fruit and vegetable intake,
snack intake and consumption of fizzy drinks and fruit juices,
several of which were taken from The Healthy Beginnings
Australian 12 month Checklist.4,6 This methodology was subjected
to a pilot phase, and results are included. Ethical approval was
obtained from the TCD HSE GP Training Scheme Ethics
Committee. The study was conducted in two urban practices in
Dublin: Practice 1 and Practice 2, located in contrasting
socioeconomic areas. Practice 1 has a deprivation index of 10
(most deprived), whereas, Practice 2 has a deprivation index of 7.7
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
appeared to have a higher density of rurally located patients.
Based on international selection criteria for DCT, only 27% of our
patients (31% of all adult and 23% of all paediatric patients) were
potentially suitable; with 49% being excluded for social reasons,
15% on both medical and social, 9% excluded based on a single
medical criterion. DCT should only be considered where adequate
investment has been made in local infrastructure. Support and
strict guidelines need to be developed and discussed on a
national basis. Local geographical variations appear to be a major
contributing factor. Currently, much of the infrastructure and
support required for a patient-focused, safe and efficient DCT is
deficient, and requires investment and development. This includes
establishing dedicated ENT day surgery units with extended
opening hours, in order to accommodate patients being admitted
early in the day, and provision of sufficient time for post-operative
recovery before the closing time.
Original Paper
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Parents were asked about the age of their leaving full-time
education as an indicator of deprivation. The child’s weight was
measured at initial contact by the GP and plotted on the UKWHO 0-4 centile charts.8 An information sheet providing
guidance on healthy eating and activity in toddlers from Ireland
and Australia was given to each parent.6,9 The child’s weight was
discussed with the parent. A follow-up telephone survey was
conducted three months post baseline. This included the baseline
questions to ascertain if any changes were made in parent
reported activities, and parents were asked whether the
intervention was acceptable and useful. Feasibility was evaluated
with respect to the experience of the practice teams.
A total of 39 parent and child dyads were included at baseline,
with attrition to 28 at follow up. Reasons for loss to follow-up
include inability to contact parents after three attempts, and
relocation of the families. The average age of the child at baseline
was 13 months. All children were otherwise healthy. A total of
51% of parents were eligible for care under the Primary Care
Reimbursement Services (public patients). In Practice 1(i.e. most
deprived), average parental school leaving age was 16 yrs; in
Practice 2 (i.e. least deprived) it was 22 yrs. At baseline, 26% of
children were above 91st centile for weight with 10% of those
being above the 98th centile. 51% of children were breast fed at
birth: 10% of public patients and 85% of private patients (see
Table 1).
Table 1 Socio-demographics
Deprivation index
Age of leaving education
% toddlers ≥91st weight centile at baseline 26%
Percentage of private patients
Percentage breastfed
Practice 1
10 (most
33% (N=6)
Practice 2
7 (less
20% (N=4)
Table 2 Results of Toddler Healthy Lifestyle Survey
Lifestyle Parameter
% Fruit and Veg intake of 4 or more portions
% Abstinence from unhealthy snacks
% Sugared Fizzy drink intake
% Fruit juice throughout day
% TV watching over 2 hrs
% Exercise over 30min/day
Follow-up T-test
* indicates significant differences at p<0.05 level
Parental Perceptions of Overweight in Toddlers
90% of parents indicated they believe that it is possible for
toddlers to be overweight. 28% indicated that weight is not an
important issue with toddlers. 77% of parents reported that they
never worry about their child’s weight. Of those reporting worry,
20% worry that their child is underweight while 3% worry that
their child is overweight; 90% of those parents of overweight
children did not worry about their child’s weight. All participants
surveyed reported they found it acceptable for their GP to raise
the link between healthy eating and weight in their child. 72%
reported that they were given healthy eating advice for their child
from the health service, 86% of these from Public Health Nurse
(PHN), 10% from community groups, 3% from both PHN and
community groups. No participant reported to receiving previous
advice from their GP. 31% reported receiving advice about healthy
activity for their toddler, all from their PHN.
Parents Feedback
Parental feedback was elicited using a rating scale from 1 to 5
where 1 was ‘not useful at all’ and 5 was ‘very useful’.79% of
parents reported that a GP led discussion on healthy eating was
useful or very useful, rating the discussion at 4 or 5. We asked
parents to rate the information sheet we used in consultation on
the same scale; 68% of parents positively rated it as 4 or 5. We
asked parents if the advice encouraged them to improve their
child’s health and 64% agreed it had done so, while 11%
The majority of childhood obesity prevention programmes are
focused on school-aged children.2 This is the first Irish study, to
our knowledge, to examine the effects of educating parents about
childhood nutrition at the time of 13 month vaccines. Our
intervention is unique as it is focused on a sample of Irish
toddlers, an area which is generating research interest as a
possible target for prevention. In addition, there are many research
papers addressing GP’s attitudes and barriers to childhood
prevention, but few GP-led childhood obesity prevention
strategies. GP reluctance to engage systematically in this area of
care has historically related to their concerns regarding causing
upset to parents and children. A recent Irish study reaffirms these
concerns among Irish GPs, but among a large sample of parents
concurrently studied, whose children had been systematically
weighed, 98.6% indicated they found unsolicited weighing, while
attending for unrelated health issues to have been helpful.10 In
our study there was no reluctance to weighing toddlers.
A systematic approach to addressing childhood obesity by GPs is
required. Repeated studies have shown that parents fail to
recognize that their child is overweight.11,12 High attendance rates
in the pre school period by obesogenic families are currently an
unexploited opportunity to assist such families by earlier
identification of childhood overweight, and to begin to manage the
problem as a family issue in a supportive and consistent manner.
In our study, 90% of parents believe that toddlers can be
overweight but 77% report never worrying about their child’s
weight. More concerning, 90% of parents of overweight children
did not worry about their child’s weight. In one previous Irish study
81.8% of overweight children were perceived to be a normal
weight by their parents.12 Given that parents are poor at
recognising that their child is overweight, their GP is arguably well
placed to assist in reliably identifying childhood overweight and
providing suitable and acceptable advice. In this study however, no
parents recollected previous advice from their GP. Our study was
able to easily avail of the opportunity inherent in a planned
vaccination visit at 13 months, which has a national attendance
rate of over 90%.13 We believe the results demonstrate that this is
a feasible and ideal opportunity to screen for overweight and to
conduct a short intervention.
The current intervention was possible to achieve within a planned
consultation. It took approximately 2-3 minutes to discuss the
handout with parents, and to plot the child’s weight on a centile
chart. This can be easily carried out with minimal resourcing.
Parents found the intervention acceptable (100%). Most rated the
discussion on healthy nutrition and the lifestyle information sheet
as very useful. There were differences in results between the
practices. In the more deprived Practice 1, 26% of toddlers were
watching more than 2 hours of television per day compared to
none in Practice 2. We found that self reported lifestyle
parameters improved more significantly in Practice 1. The
usefulness of the discussion on healthy eating was given a higher
average rating in Practice 1 than in Practice 2; 100% rated the
intervention very useful in Practice 1 whereas 53% rated it very
useful in Practice 2. Many parents in Practice 2 reported that they
were already aware of the healthy eating and activity advice that
we gave and therefore found it less useful. These differences are
likely to be related to the difference in educational attainment of
parents between the two practices. This highlights the importance
of tailoring education to the practice population and further, it was
evident that acceptability was highest in the more deprived
environment, where prevalence of overweight is known to be
Limitations of our study included small sample size, limited
resources and short follow up period. Responder bias in the
survey was partly addressed by having the telephone survey
administered by a researcher external to the patient’s practice,
advising them this was the case, and advising them their
responses were confidential, and would only be reported as part
of group responses. Given the scope and duration of the study, it
was not possible to ascertain if meaningful reduction in the
proportion of the sample that were overweight was achieved, but
parent reported changes in nutrition, screen watching and
increases in exercise were encouraging. Studies examining
secondary intervention have yet to find consistent success in
reducing BMI.14,15 We believe that primary intervention of
childhood obesity should be the focus. Previous studies have
indicated that a measure of weight at 5 years of age provides a
good indication of future health.16 A recent study evaluating the
incidence of childhood obesity in the United States found that
overweight 5-year-olds were four times as likely as normal-weight
children to become obese with a 9-year cumulative incidence of
31.8% vs. 7.9%.17 Other research has found that overweight or
obese children who were obese as adults had increased risks of
type 2 diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidaemia. The risks of
these outcomes among overweight or obese children who
became non-obese by adulthood were similar to those among
persons who were never obese.18 Given these consequences of
childhood obesity, the preschool period appears to be the
optimum time for intervention.
In conclusion, these results indicate that educational intervention
and review of toddler nutrition and healthy activity at the time of
13 month vaccines is both feasible for GPs and acceptable to
parents. This intervention (checking weight and short educational
intervention) appears practical in the context of general practice
consulting. Parents involved reported it to be a useful intervention.
Results include marked improvement reported in key behaviours
and lifestyle parameters. These were most evident in the practice
with a lower school leaving age among parents. A larger study
utilising this methodology is planned, with a view to acquiring a
more representative sample, and to evaluate efficacy of the
intervention in terms of reducing the proportion of children who
are overweight.
Correspondence: E Doorley
Parents and Children who participated.
1. UCC, UCD, University of Ulster. National Pre-school Nutrition Survey:
Summary Report. June 2012.
2. Birch LL, Ventura AK. Preventing childhood obesity: what works? Intl J
Obesity 2009; 33:S74-S81.
3. Skouteris H, McCabe M, Swinburn B, Newgreen V, Sacher P,
Chadwick P. Parental influence and obesity prevention in pre-
schoolers: a systematic review of interventions. Obesity Reviews 2011;
Wen LM, Baur LA, Simpson JM, Rissel C, Wardle K, Flood VM.
Effectiveness of home based early intervention on children’s BMI at
age 2: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2012;344:e3732.
Franks PW, Hanson RL, Knowler WC, Sievers ML, Bennett PH,
Looker HC. Childhood obesity, other cardiovascular risk factors, and
premature death. N Engl J Med 2010;362:485-93.
Kelly A, SAHRU National Deprivation index for 2011.
O’Shea B, Ladewig EL, Kelly A, Reulbach U, O’Dowd T. Weighing
children; parents agree, but GPs conflicted , 2014 Arch Dis Child
Layte R, Mc Crory C. Growing Up In Ireland, Overweight and Obesity
among 9-year-olds.
White A ,O’Brien B , Houlihan T , Darker C , O’.Shea B. Childhood
Obesity; Parents Fail to Recognise. General Practitioners Fail to Act. Ir
Med J, 105, 7-10.
Taveras EM, Gortmaker SL, Hohman KH, Horan CM, Kleinman KP,
Mitchell K, Price S ,Prosser LA, Rifas-Shiman SL, Gillman MW.
Randomized controlled trial to improve primary care to prevent and
manage childhood obesity: the High Five for Kids study. Arch Pediatr
Adolesc Med 2011;165:714-22.
McCallum Z , Wake M, Gerner B, Baur LA, Gibbons K, Gold L, Gunn J,
Harris C, Naughton G, Riess C, Sanci L, Sheehan J, Ukoumunne OC,
Waters E. Outcome data from the LEAP (Live, Eat and Play) trial: a
randomized controlled trial of a primary care intervention for childhood
overweight/mild obesity. Int J Obes (Lond) 2007;31:630-6.
Gardner DSL, Hosking J, Metcalf BS, Jeffery AN, Linda D. Voss LD,
WilkinTJ. Contribution of early weight gain to childhood overweight
and metabolic health: a longitudinal study. Pediatrics
Cunningham SA, Kramer MR, Venkat Narayan KM. Incidence of
childhood obesity in the United States. N Engl J Med 2014 Jan 30;
Juonala M., Magnussen CG, Berenson GS, Venn A, Burns TL, Sabin
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Viikari JSA, Dwyer T, Raitakari OT. Childhood adiposity, adult adiposity,
and cardiovascular risk factors. N Engl J Med 2011;365:1876-1885.
Re-Attenders to the Emergency Department of a Major Urban
Hospital Serving a Population of 290,000
B Ramasubbu, B Lee, N Collins
Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
The national Emergency Medicine Programme (EMP) in Ireland, defines a re-attender as any patient re-presenting to the Emergency
Department (ED) within 28 days with the same chief complaint. A retrospective, electronic patient record audit was carried out on all
re-attenders to Connolly ED during November 2012. There were 2919 attendances made up from 2530 patients; 230 patients reattended a total of 389 times. The re-attendance rate was 13% (389/2919). 63 (27%) were frequent presenters. There was a
significantly higher admission rate at second attendance than first (89 (39%) vs 39 (17%), p<0.001). 25% (57/230) of patients ‘left
before completion of treatment’ (LBCT) at first attendance (significantly higher than the number at second attendance (p<0.01)).
14/57 (25%) of those who LBCT at first attendance required admission at second attendance. 28/89 (31%) of second attendance
admissions were failed discharges from first attendance. Reasons for re-attendance are multi-factorial and include both patient and
departmental factors.
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Original Paper
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Original Paper
Re-attenders and frequent attenders to Emergency Departments
are differing and distinct groups. However, the care and
management of these patients reflect on both the efficiency and
the quality of processes within a department. Therefore, the reattendance rates within a department and the reasons for
re-attendance, merit regular audit1. A recent study within the
emergency department (ED) at Connolly Hospital found that
0.5% of patients made up 4% of attendances within a 1 year
period showing that re-attenders have a considerable effect on
departmental workload and waiting times2. Some Studies have
proposed a benchmark of less than 1%re-attendance within 72
hours3. The College of Emergency Medicine in the UK state that
the rate of unplanned re-attendance is a clinical quality indicator
and recommend a re-attendance rate of 1-5%within a 7 day
period4. In Ireland, the national Emergency Medicine Programme
(EMP), defines a defined a re- attender as any patient representing to the ED within 28 days with the same chief
complaint1 as other studies have in the literature5. Frequent
presenters (FP) to the ED were defined as four or more
presentations to ED within the previous year6. A previous study
carried out in an inner city Dublin ED showed that increasing
frequency of attendance was significantly associated with
increasing age, male sex, local residence and GMS (free medical
health care) eligibility7. A British study concurred showing
frequent attenders were typically older, male and also that they
presented with greater acuity than typical ED patients8. This audit
was undertaken as part of a quality improvement process within
the department to assess both the quantitative and qualitative
factors contributing to re-attendances and to explore the patient
and departmental related factors contributing to re-attendance.
A retrospective, electronic patient record audit was carried out on
all re-attenders to Connolly ED during November 2012. All adult
patients who represented to the emergency department within 28
days with the same presenting complaint. No exclusion criteria
were used. Patients were categorized into five major department
outcomes: admitted (admission to hospital after being seen by an
in-house specialist medical team), discharged (by ED staff directly
or after being seen by specialist team), left before completion of
treatment (LBCT) (patient left the ED while waiting to be seen
either by ED clinician, consulting clinician or before treatment was
concluded), refused admission or died in the ED. Data was
recorded on Excel and tests of significance for categorical data
were calculated using X2(Chi-squared test). For frequent
presenters (four or more presentations to ED within the previous
year), their first two presentations in November were used. No
funding was provided for the study. No conflict of interest was
declared by the authors.
Table 2 The outcomes for re-attenders at 1st and 2nd attendance
Outcomes for Re-Attenders 1st Attendance 2nd Attendance
130 (56%)
122 (53%)
39 (17%)
89 (39%)
57 (25%)
17 (7%)
Refused Admission
4 (2%)
1 (0.5%)
0 (0%)
1 (0.5%)
230 (100%)
230 (100%)
Chi Test
Outcomes for re-attenders at first and second presentation are
shown in Figure 1 and Table 2. Patients discharged at first
presentation may have been discharged directly by ED staff or
may have been referred to a specialty team and discharged by
that team. Of the 45 patients initially discharged at first
presentation and subsequently admitted at second presentation,
24 (53%) patients were discharged by ED staff and 21 (47%)
discharges were by in-house specialist medical teams. Eighty-nine
patients were admitted on their second presentation to ED; 28
patients (31%) had been admitted on their first presentation and
later discharged.
Frequent Presenters
Frequent presenters formed a large cohort within there-attender
population; 63 patients amongst the 230 re-attenders presented
on 4or more occasions in 2012. There was no significant
difference in gender in re-attenders; 29 (46%) female, 34 (54%)
male (p=0.53). The age distribution showed two peaks in the
young adult and elderly population; 24 (38%) re-attenders were
aged between 16-39 years, 15 (24%) were aged between 4060years and 24 (38%) were aged greater than 60 years. Figure 2
shows the outcomes for frequent presenters. As with reattenders, frequent presenters were significantly more likely to be
admitted at second attendance than first (43% vs 24%, p=0.02)
and significantly more likely to LBCT at first attendance than
second (30% vs 13%, p=0.02). There was no significant
difference in the number of frequent presenters discharged at
first and second attendance (p=0.86).
Table 1 The age distribution for re-attenders and all patient
attendances to the ED during November 2012
Distribution by
Age (years)
November 2012 (n=230)
106 (46%)
64 (28%)
60 (26%)
230 (100%)
All Attendances
November 2012 (n=2919)
1282 (44%)
906 (31%)
731 (25%)
2919 (100%)
There were 2919 attendances in Nov 2012 made up from2530
patients; 230 patients re-attended a total of 389 times. The
overall re-attendance rate was 13%. Sixty-three patients (27%)
were frequent presenters, that is, attended the ED on 4 or more
occasions in 2012. There was no significant difference in gender
in re-attenders; 110 (48%) female, 120 (52%) male (p=0.5). The
age distribution of the re-attenders was weighted more towards
young adults and is shown in Table 1. Times for first presentation
to the ED for re-attenders: 43 (19%) presented between 0:008:00 hours, 123 (53%) presented between 8:00-16:00 hours and
64 (28%) presented between 16:00-00:00 hours.
Figure 1 The outcomes for all patients at 1st and 2nd attendance
Re-attendances made up 13% (389/2919) of attendances in this
one month audit, higher than that recommended by the College of
Emergency Medicine4 and the guidelines recommended by the
Irish Emergency Medicine Programme1. The College of
Emergency Medicine in the UK recommend a re-attendance rate
< 5% at 7-days4. Irish guidelines recommend that both a 7 and
28 day re-attendance figure is used, until clear international
guidelines become available1. There was no significant difference
in gender (p=0.5) and the majority fell into the younger age
brackets, with 74% of those in the study aged under 60 years.
This differed from our expectations based on background
literature as studies in Ireland have shown that increasing
98035-IMJ January 2015_TF 08/01/2015 16:09 Page 17
Original Paper
patients who LBCT at first attendance. Efforts must be made to
reduce the number of patients who leave before completion of
care as this poses potential clinical risk.
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Figure 2 The outcomes for frequent presenters at first and second attendance.
frequency of attendances was associated with increasing age and
the male gender7. Similar results demonstrated internationally
found frequent attendances were significantly associated with
patients over 75 years and male gender9. Additionally, aging
populations have higher levels of chronic disease10 and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure have been
significantly associated with frequent attendances9. One way to
reduce ED presentations in patients with these chronic diseases
would be to use a drop in service or rapid access outpatient
clinics offered by in-house medical teams. That way patients
would have access to appropriate physicians and allied healthcare
professionals and targeted interventions could reduce repeated
presentations to the emergency department11.
The differences found in this study may be a reflection of
population trends in the catchment area. Blanchardstown falls into
the Dublin West electoral constituency which contains a
population growing three times faster than the Irish national
average and the average age (30.2) is below the national average
(35.6). Additionally, only 3.8% of the Dublin West population is
aged 65 years and over compared with 11% nationally12. Hence,
a younger population with differing reasons for re attendance.
Previous studies would suggest that increasing frequency of
attendance was significantly associated with “out of hours”
attendance, that is, attendance between the hours of 1700 and
09007. However, this study demonstrated that 107 (47%)
presented between 16:00 and 08:00 and in fact the majority
123(53%) initially presented between 08:00-16:00. This is an
unusual finding as the department’s highest staffing levels are
between 08:00 and 16:00 hours. Other departmental factors such
as overcrowding and long waiting times need to be considered.
There was a significantly higher admission rate at second
attendance than first (39% versus 17%, p<0.001). This may have
been due to worsening pathology between first and second
presentations. Alternatively, a missed clinical diagnosis at first
attendance or fear of missed diagnosis leading to overly cautious
admissions at second attendance may have been responsible.
Possibly, given the current bed shortages and hospitals working at
maximum capacity there is a pressure on doctors for only
‘essential’ admissions13. Thus, in some cases a safe ‘trial of outpatient management’ is attempted at initial presentation and can
result in re-attendance with partially treated or worsening
pathology. This may explain why 31% of second attendance
admissions had previously been admitted at first attendance and
their discharge was unsuccessful. Worryingly, 25% (57/230) of
patients LBCT at first attendance (significantly higher than the
number at second attendance (p<0.01)). This figure is much
higher than the 5% recommendation set by the Emergency
Medicine Programme in Ireland. Other departmental factors such
as staff levels, staff skill mix and long waiting times may need to
be examined to determine their role in to re-attendance rates.
Moreover, 14/89 (16%) of second attendance admissions were
Frequent presenters were significantly more likely to be admitted
at second attendance than first (p=0.02). There were also more
likely to ‘leave before completion of treatment’ at both first and
second attendance compared with the overall group (30% v’s
25% and 13% v’s 7%). Similar reasons for higher second
attendance admission would apply to frequent presenters and
possibly with more emphasis on an increased fear of missed
diagnoses compared with non-frequent attenders. The higher
rates of ‘LBCT’ cannot solely be attributed to departmental or
patient factors but rather a blend of the two. Frequent presenters
also tend to access more community based services such as
general practitioners, social workers, addiction councillors,
psychiatric and community welfare services. Reasons for this and
their increased ED presentations was attributed to poorer mental
health, lower levels of perceived social support and thus, services
not meeting the needs of this psychosocially vulnerable group14.
As well as psychosocial vulnerability, alcohol misuse and
dependence can significantly contribute to the frequency of
emergency department presentations and so improving access to
drug and alcohol services could help reduce re attendance
rates15. Furthermore, evidence suggests that individualised care
plans designed by a multi-disciplinary team can significantly
reduce ED attendances for frequent presenters16. Whilst initially
creating more work, this ‘ difficult-case’ management programme
is effective at reducing the number of ED visits and importantly,
improves the care delivered to this group of patients16.
Due to its design, this audit has a number of limitations. The
method of data collection used a computer-based capture where
by re-attenders were labelled by representing within 28 days with
the same presenting complaint. Re-attenders were flagged at
their second attendance. Hence, by using November, re-attenders
whose first presentation was in October were included and those
whose second attendance was in December were missed.
Therefore, this reduces the accuracy of the data. The study
included 230 re-attenders over a one-month period. Hence,
significant patterns and trends may not be apparent with such a
small sample size. For more accuracy, a one year audit would be
necessary and ideally multi-centered. Reasons for re-attendance
are multi-factorial and include both patient and departmental
factors. We have analysed only a few of these factors and more
detailed research must be undertaken to examine exact reasons
for patient return and therefore highlight preventative measures
we can implement.
Correspondence: B Ramasubbu
Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
1. National Emergency Medicine Programme in Ireland. Management of
Unscheduled Patients Returns to Emergency Departments and Local
Injury Units. Unpublished appendix document.
2. Personal communication with Philip Walker as part of a master’s
research project on frequent attenders to Connolly Emergency
3. Nunez S, Hexdall A, Aguirre-Jaime A. Unscheduled returns to the
emergency department: an outcome of medical errors? Qual SafHealth care 2006: 102-108.
4. The College of Emergency Medicine . Emergency Department Clinical
Quality Indicators: A CEM guide to implementation. March 2011.
5. Kirby S, Dennis S, Jaysinghe U, Harris M. Frequent emergency
attenders: is there a better way? Aust Health Rev. 2011 Nov;35:462-7.
6. LaCalle E, Rabin E. Frequent Users of Emergency Departments: The
Myths, the Data, and the Policy Implications. Ann Emerg Med 2010
7. Murphy A, Leonard C, Plunkett P, Brazier H, Conroy R, Lynam F, Bury
G. Characteristics of attenders and their attendances at an urban
accident and emergency department over a one year period. J Accid
Emerg Med 1999;16:425-427.
Original Paper
Moore L, Deehan A, Seed P, Jones R. Characteristics of frequent
attenders in an emergency department: analysis of 1-year attendance
data. Emerg Med J 2009 26: 263-26.
9. Paul P, Heng B, Seow E, Molina J, Tay S. Predictors of frequent
attenders of emergency department at an acute general hospital in
Singapore. Emerg Med J. November 2010. 27:843-8.
10. Marengoniet A, Winblad B, Karp A, Fratiglioni L. Prevalence of
Chronic Diseases and Multimorbidity Among the Elderly Population in
Sweden. Am J Public Health. 2008 July; 98: 1198–1200.
11. Rosychuk R, Voaklander D, Senthilselvan A, Klassen T, Marrie T, Rowe
B. Presentations to emergency departments for chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease in Alberta: a population-based study. CJEM
12. Constituency Profile: Dublin West, Oireachtas Library and Research
Service, based on data from Census 2006.
13. Bed shortage core of hospital crisis, Extract from
posted 09.10.2006.
14. Byrne M, Murphy A, Blunkett P, McGee H, Murray A, Bury G..
‘Frequent attenders to an emergency department: a study of primary
health care use, medical profile and psychosocial characteristics.’ Ann
Emergency Medicine. March 2003;41:309-18.
15. Dent A, Hunter G, Webster A. The impact of frequent attenders on a
UK emergency department. Eur J Emergency Medicine. December
2010. 17:332-6.
16. Pope D, Fernandes C, Bouthillette F, Etherington J. Frequent users of
the emergency department: a program to improve care and reduce
visits. CMAJ April 4, 2000 vol. 162 no. 7.
Major Cost Savings Associated with Biologic Dose Reduction
in Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis
To receive CPD credits, you
must complete the questions
online at
The purpose of this study was to explore whether patients with Inflammatory Arthritis (IA) (Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Psoriatic
Arthritis (PsA) or Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)) would remain in remission following a reduction in biologic dosing frequency and to
calculate the cost savings associated with dose reduction. This prospective non-blinded non-randomised study commenced in 2010.
Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis being treated with a biologic agent were screened for disease activity. A cohort of those in
remission according to standardized disease activity indices (DAS28<2.6, BASDAI<4) was offered a reduction in dosing frequency
of two commonly used biologic therapies (etanercept 50mg once per fortnight instead of weekly, adalimumab 40mg once per month
instead of fortnightly). Patients were assessed for disease activity at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months following reduction in dosing
frequency. Cost saving was calculated. 79 patients with inflammatory arthritis in remission were recruited. 57% had rheumatoid
arthritis (n=45), 13% psoriatic arthritis (n=10) and 30% ankylosing spondylitis (n=24). 57% (n=45) were taking etanercept and
43% (n=34) adalimumab. The percentage of patients in remission at 24 months was 56% (n=44). This resulted in an actual saving
to the state of approximately 600,000 euro over two years. This study demonstrates the reduction in biologic dosing frequency is
feasible in Inflammatory Arthritis. There was a considerable cost saving at two years. The potential for major cost savings in biologic
usage should be pursued further.
Biologic agents have revolutionised the management of patients
with inflammatory arthritis, particularly rheumatoid arthritis (RA),
psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). They have
been proven to greatly improve disease activity, reduce or prevent
joint damage and help patients to continue in employment. The
drugs are extremely expensive. The annual spend worldwide on
Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) inhibitors in RA has been
estimated at 18 billion euro. In Ireland, the cost of treating one
patient per year at the licensed dosage with the most commonly
used agents etanercept or adalimumab is approximately 13,500
euro. The state bears this cost except for those on the Drug
Payments Scheme who currently contribute a maximum of 1728
euro per annum. With a population of 4.6 million the cost in the
Republic of Ireland is approximately 130 million euro annually. It is
clear therefore that any sustained reduction in biologic dose or
dosing frequency could lead to major cost savings. Other potential
advantages of reduced dosing include reduced side-effects such
as infections and possibly demyelinating disease. Reducing either
the dose or the dosing frequency of biologic agent in those whose
inflammatory arthritis is in remission or with low disease activity
(LDA) has been shown to be feasible in a number of small
studies2-9. The aim of this study was to reduce the dosing
frequency of biologic agents in those whose inflammatory arthritis
was in remission and to calculate the associated cost savings at
two years.
This prospective single-centre, observational, non-blinded nonrandomised study commenced in 2010. Patients with inflammatory
CPD available online at and questions on page 31.
arthritis including seropositive or seronegative rheumatoid arthritis,
psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis attending the biologic
clinic at our hospital were screened for disease activity. A cohort
of those in remission on Etanercept or Adalimumab (defined as
Disease Activity Score (DAS) 28 <2.6 or Bath Ankylosing
Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) <4) for at least six
months prior to study entry was offered a reduction in biologic
dosing frequency – etanercept 50mg once per fortnight instead
of weekly or adalimumab 40mg once per month instead of
After obtaining consent, those willing to participate were assessed
for disease activity at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months following the
reduction in dosing frequency. During the two year period of
observation patients with a single flare of disease activity were
permitted to remain on the reduced dosing frequency. The flare
was treated with one intramuscular injection of
MethylPrednisolone 120mg. If there was a further flare the
frequency of biologic administration reverted to the licensed
frequency. Those with a single flare but whose inflammatory
arthritis was in remission at two years were considered to have
remained in remission. Demographic data including gender, age,
disease duration, duration of biologic agent, disease type, biologic
administered, concomitant methotrexate and concomitant NSAID
use were collected. DAS28 and health assessment questionnaire
(HAQ) was calculated for patients with seropositive rheumatoid
arthritis, seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.
BASDAI and BASFI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional
Index) were calculated in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Cost saving was calculated as the difference in cost between the
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
CL Murphy, S Awan, M O Sullivan, S Chavrimootoo, C Bannon, L Martin, T Duffy, E Murphy,
M Barry, Department of Rheumatology, Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
Original Paper
actual amount of
biologic agent used
compared with the
cost if the licensed
dosage had been
used for two years.
Statistical analysis
was performed using
SPSSv20 for
windows. Descriptive
statistics were used
for demographic
data. Paired sample T
test was used to
SD=standard deviation RA=rheumatoid arthritis, antiTNF (anti-tumour necrosis factor)
compare DAS28,
BASFI scores at 0, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. The primary
outcome was the percentage of patients who remained in
remission at two years following a reduction in biologic dosing
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Table 1 Baseline characteristics
Number of patients
Age, years (SD)
49.5 (14.1)
51.9% (n=41)
48.1% (n=38)
Disease duration
7 years (1-40)
Seropositive RA
44.3% (n=35)
Seronegative RA
12.7% (n=10)
Ankylosing Spondylitis
30.4% (n=24)
Psoriatic Arthritis
12.7% (n=10)
Percentage on Etanercept
57 (n=45)
Percentage on Adalimumab
43 (n=34)
Duration of anti-TNF use
31mths (12-72mths)
Concomitant methotrexate use 53.2% (n=42)
Seventy nine patients were recruited. All patients had
inflammatory arthritis and had been in remission for a minimum of
6 months prior to recruitment. Demographic data is shown in
Table 1. Mean age was 49.5 years. Mean duration of inflammatory
arthritis was 7 years. (Range 1-40). Fifty seven per cent (n=45)
had a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, of whom 78% were
seropositive and 22% seronegative. Thirteen percent had psoriatic
arthritis (n=10) and 30% ankylosing spondylitis (n=24) (Figure 1).
Fifty seven percent (n=45) were taking etanercept and 43%
(n=34) adalimumab.
Mean duration of anti-TNF therapy prior to dose reduction was 31
months (range 12-72). Forty one per cent (n=33) were on
biologic monotherapy. Fifty three per cent (n=42) were taking
concomitant methotrexate
while 6% (n=4) were
Seropositive RA
taking an alternative
DMARD including
Seronegative RA
or leflunomide.
Ankylosing Spondylitis salazopyrin
Using paired sample tPsoriatic Arthritis
tests in SPSSv20, in
those who stayed in
remission, no significant
difference in DAS28,
HAQ or BASDAI scores
from baseline to 24
months was identified.
(p<0.05). The percentage
overall of those in
remission fell over two
years of follow up from
83% (n=66) at 3 months,
to 75% (n=59) at 6
months, 61% (n=48) at 1
year and 56% (n=44) at
Figure 1 Disease distribution
2 years (Figure 2).
This study provides further evidence that biologic dose reduction
is feasible in Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis and
Ankylosing Spondylitis. A number of studies, both prospective and
observational, have in recent years shown significant proportions
of patients remaining in remission between 1 and 2 years after
dose reduction2-9. The studies have in general used the two most
commonly prescribed sub cutaneous biologic agents, Etanercept
and Adalimumab.1,3-8 They include relatively small numbers of
patients but consistently show a pattern of remission
maintenance. The rate of remission maintenance varies with the
type of inflammatory arthritis, and in general appears lower in
rheumatoid arthritis. In Ankylosing Spondylitis approximately 70 to
Figure 2
80 percent appear to remain in remission, with figures of 60 to
70% in Psoriatic Arthritis and 30 to 40% in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
In our study the percentage overall of those with Inflammatory
Arthritis maintaining remission fell from 83% at 3 months to 56%
at 2 years. Only one other study has a two year follow up and it is
clearly possible that the percentage maintaining remission would
fall further with time.
In Rheumatoid arthritis the percentage of patients achieving
remission with standard licensed doses of biologic agents is
relatively low at 30 to 40%1. As a result, some studies focus on
the attainment and maintenance of low disease activity (LDA)
where patients show substantial reduction in disease activity
without achieving remission. Maintenance of low disease activity
following biologic dose reduction has been demonstrated in a
prospective, randomized trial, the PRESERVE study2. In this large
trial involving 834 patients, 80% of those initially achieving LDA
with standard dose Etanercept for 6 months maintained LDA
despite reducing the dose of the drug by 50% for a further year.
The percentage maintaining LDA was not significantly different
compared with the group that remained on the standard dose of
Etanercept for the full 18 months. It may therefore be possible to
dose reduce in those with substantial clinical benefit but not
remission, without loss of benefit. The question of possible
differences in radiographic joint damage between standard and
lower dose biologic agent in RA has shown conflicting results.
Tada et al found higher rates of joint damage in those on lower
dose Etanercept despite similar responses in terms of clinical
benefit3. However Raffeiner et al showed identical capability to
arrest radiographic joint damage with standard and reduced doses
of Etanercept4.
Our study has a number of limitations. The sample size is small
and includes patients with 3 types of inflammatory arthropathy.
There was no control group in which biologic doses were not
reduced. We chose to maintain those with one flare of
Inflammatory Arthritis on the reduced dosing frequency where a
single dose of MethylPrednisolone 120mg settled the flare. This
was a ‘real world’ decision as it would have seemed excessive to
effectively double patients’ biologic dose back to the licensed
dose on account of what was frequently a brief flare. While this
study included Etanercept and Adalimumab, dose reduction may
be possible with other anti-TNF agents and other biologic agents
with different targets and mechanisms of action such as
Tocilizumab, Abatacept and Rituximab. While the advent of
biosimilars should reduce biologic cost by 20-30 percent, the cost
of dose reduction offers the potential for savings of at least a
similar magnitude5. The cost implications of successful dose
reduction are considerable. Major cost savings have already been
shown in dose reduction studies.4,6,7 The dose frequency
reduction in our study resulted in an actual saving in a small
cohort of 600,000 euro at 2 years. The estimated annual cost of
sub cutaneous biologic agents for Inflammatory Arthritis in the
Republic of Ireland is approximately 130 million euro. At an
average cost of 13,500 euro per patient per annum this suggests
there are c.10,000 patients with IA on these agents. It is known
that in excess of 50% of those with Ankylosing Spondylitis or
Psoriatic Arthritis can achieve remission with standard dose
biologics while up to 70% of patients with RA achieve remission
or Low Disease Activity on standard doses. If it was possible for
example to successfully dose reduce 25% of those with
Inflammatory Arthritis on biologic agents the savings could
amount to tens of millions of euro at one year.
This study suggests reduction in biologic dosing frequency is
feasible in inflammatory arthritis. It resulted in considerable cost
saving at two years. A substantial proportion of patients (56%)
remained in remission at two years. A reduction in biologic dosing
frequency should be considered in patients with Inflammatory
Arthritis in remission or with low disease activity in Rheumatoid
Correspondence: CL Murphy
Department of Rheumatology, Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown,
Dublin 15
1. Wolfe F, Boers M, Felson D, Michaud K, Wells GA. Remission in
rheumatoid arthritis: physician and patient perspectives. J Rheumatol.
2009 May;36:930-3.
2. Smolen JS, Nash P, Durez P, Hall S, Ilivanova E, Irazoque-Palazuelos F,
Miranda P, Park MC, Pavelka K, Pedersen R, Szumski A, Hammond C,
Koenig AS, Vlahos B. Maintenance, reduction, or withdrawal of
etanercept after treatment with etanercept and methotrexate in
patients with moderate rheumatoid arthritis (PRESERVE): a
randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2013 Mar 16;381:918-29.
Tada M, Koike T, Okano T, Sugioka Y, Wakitani S, Fukushima K,
Sakawa A, Uehara K, Inui K, Nakamura H. Comparison of joint
destruction between standard and low-dose etanercept in rheumatoid
arthritis from the Prevention of Cartilage by Etanercept (PRECEPT)
study. Rheumatology(Oxford) 2012 Dec;51:2164-9.
Raffeiner, Bernd, Botsios, Costantino, Sfriso, Paolo, Ometto,
Francesca, Bernardi, Livio, Todesco, Silvano, Punzi, Leonardo The
effects of low dose etanercept on disease control and radiographic
progression in moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis
Rheum 2010;62:S120 .
Lucio SD, Stevenson JG, Hoffman JM. Biosimilars: Implications for
health-system pharmacists. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2013 Nov
Van der Maas A, Kievit W, Van den Bemt B, Van den Hoogen F, Van
Riel P, den Broeder A. Down-titration and discontinuation of infliximab
in rheumatoid arthritis patients with stable low disease activity and
stable treatment: an observational cohort study. Ann Rheum Dis
Den Broeder AA, Creemers MC, van Gestel AM, van Riel PL Dose
titration using the Disease Activity Score (DAS28) in rheumatoid
arthritis patients treated with anti-TNF-alpha. Rheumatology (Oxford)
2002 Jun;41:638-42.
Navarro-Compan V, Moreira V, Ariza-Ariza R, Hernandez-Cruz B,
Vargas-Lebron C, Navarro-Sarabia F. Low doses of etanercept can be
effective in ankylosing spondylitis patients who achieve remission of
the disease. Clin Rheumatol. 2011 Jul;30:993-6.
Moghimi J, Sheikhvatan M, Semnani V. The use of low-dose
etanercept as an alternative therapy for treatment of ankylosing
spondylitis: a case series. Rheumatology International 2012
Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Cooperative Surgical
Approach to a Complex Surgical Procedure
P Owens, N Lynch, M Curtin, A Devitt
Department of Surgery, Galway University Hospital, Newcastle Rd, Galway
Single stage en bloc abdominoperineal resection and sacrectomy, with a myocutaneous flap closure is a relatively uncommon
procedure. Our case study of a 77 year old man with a locally invasive rectal adenocarcinoma highlights the complex intraoperative
management of such a patient.
Case Report
A 77 year old man presented with intermittent constipation for 3
weeks with ongoing perianal discomfort following long periods of
sitting. Colonoscopy and subsequent staging investigations
diagnosed a T4 N2 M0 primary rectal adenocarcinoma, 5 cm
above the pectinate line, with peri rectal lymphadenopathy and
invasion of the adjacent sacrum. Neo-adjuvant chemoradiotherapy
preceded surgical intervention. Please refer to Figure 1 for MRI
imaging of the lesion. Definitive surgical management comprised
of an en bloc abdominoperineal resection with sacrectomy and a
myocutaneous flap for closure of the resulting defect. On the
morning of surgery, an epidural catheter was initially placed at the
T9 level for post-operative analgesia. Bilateral prophylactic
ureteric stents were sited under direct vision by the urologist. A
draining nasogastric tube and urinary catheter were also sited.
The procedure began with the patient in supine position, with a
lower midline laparotomy incision by colorectal surgeons.
Following dissection through the anterior abdominal wall and
dissection of the left paracolic gutter, the colon was transacted at
mid-sigmoid level and an end stoma formed. Dissection in the
total mesorectal excision planes was undertaken to the distal
rectum. Orthopaedic input then commenced with an anterior
approach to the sacrum where the tumour was adherent to the
caudal aspect of S3. An osteotomy was performed at mid S3
level. Metal markers were positioned on the anterior sacrum to
guide the osteotomy for the perineal approach, thus ensuring en
bloc resection. The abdomen was subsequently closed in layers
and a peritoneal drain placed.
The patient was moved to a prone position, supported on a
Toronto frame for commencement of the perineal approach.
Perineal dissection in the antero-lateral planes extended to the
sphincters and posterior extents of the bladder and prostate. Preoperatively, based on radiological imaging, en bloc resection was
planned to include S4 and S5 nerve roots bilaterally. Free
dissection of the left S3 nerve root was carried out, however, the
right S3 nerve root was seen to enter the tumour and
unfortunately also had to be removed en bloc. The osteotomy was
completed at mid sacral level and the sacrum was mobilised en
bloc with the rectum and colon. Please refer to Figure 2 for a
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Original Paper / Case Report
Case Report
perineal view, post en bloc resection. The resulting large perineal
defect was closed by plastic surgeons using a gluteal
transposition flap. The gluteus maximus was split parallel with the
direction of muscle fibres, the flap inserted into the defect and
fixed with a 2-0 absorbable suture. A perineal drain was sited
prior to closure.
Independent mobilisation, without aids, was achieved prior to
discharge. Post-operative complications included an episode of
fast atrial fibrillation and two failed trials of urinary voiding on
post-operative days 11 and 21. The patient experienced urinary
incontinence without any sensations of urgency. Intermittent self
catheterisation training was undertaken prior to discharge.
The patient was transferred to the intensive care unit in
satisfactory condition and remained in hospital for 28 days. In the
immediate post-operative period, no neurovascular deficit was
clinically detectable in the lower limbs and the patient remained
haemodynamically stable. The abdominal and perineal drains were
removed on post-operative days 8 and 16 respectively.
Primary rectal cancers initially present as locally advanced
tumours in up to 10 percent of cases, however, they rarely involve
the sacrum. The only potentially curative option in these cases is
abdominosacral resection.1 Although a high-risk procedure, it is
associated with a relatively low mortality in select patients.2,3
Overall 5-year-survival rate is estimated to be less than 30
percent.1 Higher survival rates are associated with primary, rather
than recurrent, rectal cancers.4 It is a technically challenging
procedure with a documented high risk of complications, requiring
intraoperative specialist input from colorectal, orthopaedic,
urological and plastic surgeons. Higher levels of sacrectomy
necessitate resection of higher spinal nerves and therefore
correlate with an increased incidence of post-operative rectal,
bladder and sexual dysfunction.5
Figure 1
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Saggital View Showing
Rectal Tumour with Sacral
Correspondence: P Owens
Galway University Hospital, Newcastle Rd, Galway
Figure 2
Perineal View Post En Bloc
1. Ferenschild FT, Vermaas M, Verhoef C, Dwarkasing RS, Eggermont
AM, de Wilt JH. Abdominosacral resection for locally advanced and
recurrent rectal cancer. The British journal of surgery. 2009
2. Melton GB, Paty PB, Boland PJ, Healey JH, Savatta SG, CasasGanem JE, Guillem JG, Weiser MR, Cohen AM, Minsky BD, Wong
WD, Temple LK. Sacral resection for recurrent rectal cancer: analysis
of morbidity and treatment results. Diseases of the colon and rectum.
2006 Aug;49:1099-107.
3. Heriot AG, Byrne CM, Lee P, Dobbs B, Tilney H, Solomon MJ, Mackay
J, Frizelle F. Extended radical resection: the choice for locally recurrent
rectal cancer. Diseases of the colon and rectum. 2008 Mar;51:284-91.
4. De Wilt JH, Vermaas M, Ferenschild FT, Verhoef C. Management of
locally advanced primary and recurrent rectal cancer. Clinics in colon
and rectal surgery. 2007 Aug;20:255-63.
5. Bhangu A, Brown G, Akmal M, Tekkis P. Outcome of abdominosacral
resection for locally advanced primary and recurrent rectal cancer. The
British journal of surgery. 2012 Oct;99:1453-61.
Metachronous Adenocarcinoma of the Remnant Oesophagus
15 years following Multimodal Therapy
S Croghan, O Mc Cormack, C Muldoon, N Ravi, JV Reynolds
Trinity Centre, St James’s Hospital, James’s St, Dublin 8
A 53-year-old man underwent neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy and a 2 stage oesophagectomy for a junctional oesophageal
tumour in 1996. In March 2012, a metachronous oesophageal tumour was identified, 7cm above the anastomotic margin, on a
background of non-inflamed squamous mucosa. He is currently being managed with chemo-radiotherapy. Oesophageal cancer is
associated with a historically poor survival rate, with primary concerns being local recurrence or death from disseminated disease.
This case highlights the challenges which must be faced, as treatment strategies improve and consequently survival rates increase.
Recent advances in the surgical and multimodal management of
oesophageal cancer may improve cure rates and survivorship1,2.
Metachronous tumors may be a risk in long-term survivors, and for
oesophageal cancer this may reflect a field change, chronic
duodenogastric reflux consequent on the resection and
reconstruction, or the effect of treatment, in particular radiation
therapy. We report a case of adenocarcinoma of the remnant
oesophagus post multimodal therapy, and discuss the possible
aetiological factors and management considerations.
Case Report
The patient first presented in 1996 to St. James’s Hospital. He
had dysphagia and weight loss, on a background of long standing
Case Report
Figure 1
Endoscopic image post
dilatation of stricture at
20cm. Note irregular
mucosa just below
The patient underwent annual endoscopy for follow up. He
remained clinically well for fifteen years after his initial surgery
when he represented with dysphagia. An endoscopy revealed a
stricture at 20cm (Figure 1). This was non traversable with a 9mm
endoscope and balloon dilatation was performed with a 15mm
balloon. On advancing the endoscope beyond the stricture post
dilatation, the oesophago-gastric anastomosis was visualised a
further 7 cm distally and was normal in appearance, with a well
demarcated neo-squamo-columnar junction and no Barrett’s
oesophagus. Biopsies of the stricture were obtained, and revealed
an adenocarcinoma. Previous biopsies 1 year beforehand had
shown inflammation only. A Positron Emission Topography-CT
(Figure 2) showed tracer uptake in the oesophageal remnant but
no nodal or metastatic spread. The diagnosis was a metachronous
adenocarcinoma of the oesophageal remnant. The case was
discussed at our multidisciplinary meeting, and options included
surgery with jejunal, colonic interposition, or a pharyngo-laryngooesophagectomy, or alternatively chemo-radiotherapy using the
Herskovic regimen4. The latter was decided on, and he received
50 Gy radiotherapy in combination with Cisplatin and
5-FlouroUracil. At one year following treatment he is clinically,
endoscopically and radiologically tumour-free.
Figure 2
PET CT showing increased
uptake above carina (Arrow)
corresponding with endoscopic
and histological findings
This case is unusual in several aspects. First, a 15 year diseasefree survival for residual disease (R1 resection) is extremely rare.
For stage 3, in total, the 5 year survival is approximately 15 per
cent.5 Second, on re-presentation, the natural assumption was
that he had recurrence of his original tumour, and advanced
disease was predicted. However, endoscopically this tumour was
7cm proximal to the anastomotic margin. Third, chronic
duodenogastric reflux occurs post-oesophagectomy predisposing
to development of specialised intestinal metaplasia (SIM) and
metachronous cancer (the risk being 2-5% in long-term follow
up), however in this patient tumour arose on a background of noninflamed, squamous mucosa, with no evidence of Barrett’s SIM.6-8
The tumour may have simply arisen de novo, with no identifiable
aetiological factors. The history of radiation therapy would seem
the most likely aetiological factor here, given the absence of
known genetic factors. There are many reports of radiationinduced carcinomas, although squamous cell cancers
predominate, association with adenocarcinoma risk is well
described9. One study describing the incidence of
adenocarcinomas arising in patients who received abdominal
irradiation for childhood malignancies showed the risk was
significantly increased, with a standardized incidence of 10.9 as
compared to the US general population10.
In conclusion, although many factors may underlie the risk of his
second adenocarcinoma, late radiation carcinogenesis is the most
likely significant factor. This raises the question of follow-up, and
makes us reflect upon the most appropriate surveillance
programmes for these patients post oesophagectomy for
oesophageal carcinoma in a modern era where results have
improved and the management is increasingly multimodal.
Correspondence: JV Reynolds
Trinity Centre, St. James’s Hospital, James’s St, Dublin 8
1. O’Farrell NJ, Reynolds JV, Ravi N, Larkin JO, Malik V, Wilson GF,
Muldoon C, O’Toole D. Evolving changes in the management of early
oesophageal adenocarcinoma in a tertiary centre. Ir J Med Sci. 2012
Dec 16.
2. Van Hagen P, Hulshof MC, van Lanschot JJ, Steyerberg EW, van
Berge Henegouwen MI, Wijnhoven BP, Richel DJ, Nieuwenhuijzen
GA, Hospers GA, Bonenkamp JJ, Cuesta MA, Blaisse RJ, Busch OR,
ten Kate FJ, Creemers GJ, Punt CJ, Plukker JT, Verheul HM,
Spillenaar Bilgen EJ, van Dekken H, van der Sangen MJ, Rozema T,
Biermann K, Beukema JC, Piet AH, van Rij CM, Reinders JG, Tilanus
HW, van der Gaast A; CROSS Group. Preoperative chemoradiotherapy
for esophageal or junctional cancer. N Engl J Med. 2012 May
3. Walsh TN, Noonan N, Hollywood D, Kelly A, Keeling N, Hennessy TP.
A comparison of multimodal therapy and surgery for esophageal
adenocarcinoma. N Engl J Med. 1996 Aug 15;335:462-7.
4. Herskovic A, Martz K, al-Sarraf M, Leichman L, Brindle J, Vaitkevicius
V, Cooper J, Byhardt R, Davis L, Emami B. Combined chemotherapy
and radiotherapy compared with radiotherapy alone in patients with
cancer of the esophagus. N Engl J Med. 1992 Jun 11;326:1593-8.
5. Lerut, T., De Leyn, P., Coosemans, al, (1992) Surgical strategies in
esophageal carcinoma with emphasis on radical lymphadenectomy.
Ann Surg. November; 216: 583–590.
6. O Riordan JM, Tucker ON, Byrne PJ, McDonald GS, Ravi N, Keeling
PW, Reynolds JV. Factors influencing the development of Barrett’s
epithelium in the esophageal remnant postesophagectomy. Am J
Gastroenterol. 2004 Feb; 99: 205-11.
7. Wolfsen HC, Hemminger LL, DeVault KR. Recurrent Barrett’s
esophagus and adenocarcinoma after esophagectomy. BMC
Gastroenterol. 2004 Aug 25; 4:18.
8. da Rocha JR, Ribeiro U Jr, Sallum RA, Szachnowic S, Cecconello I.
Barrett’s esophagus (BE) and carcinoma in the esophageal stump
(ES) after esophagectomy with gastric pull up in achalasia patients: a
study based on 10 years follow up. Ann Surg Oncol. 2008 Oct;15:
9. Nottage, K., McFarlane, J., Krasin, M.J. “Secondary Colorectal
Carcinoma After Childhood Cancer” JCO 2012, July 10, vol. 30 no. 20
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), and an
adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in the lower third of the
oesophagus. Endoscopic ultrasound and Computed Tomography
(CT) staged him as T3N0M0, and he was treated with
neoadjuvant therapy (5-Flouro Uracil, Cisplatin, and 40 Gy/ 15
fractions radiation) prior to a 2-field oesophageal resection3. The
pathologic stage was ypT3 ypN0 with microscopic involvement of
the proximal margin.
Research Correspondence
In-Hospital Stroke: Characteristics and Outcomes
R Briggs, R McDonagh, O Mahon, J Harbison
Stroke Service, Medicine for the Elderly Department, St James’s Hospital, James’s St, Dublin 8
To receive CPD credits,
you must complete the
questions online at
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
In-hospital stroke (IS) made up 6.5% of strokes recorded in the Irish National Stroke Register in 2012. International research has
demonstrated poorer outcomes post IS compared to out of hospital stroke (OS). We aimed to profile all IS and OS over a 22 month
period and compare the two groups by gathering data from the HIPE portal stroke register. The study site is a primary stroke centre.
IS represented 11% (50/458) of total strokes with over half (27/50, 54%) admitted initially with medical complaints. IS patients had
a significantly longer length of stay (79.2 +/- 87.4 days vs. 21.9 +/- 45.9 days, p<0.01) and higher mortality (13/50 vs. 39/408,
p<0.01). Patients in the IS group were also less likely to receive stroke unit care (1/50 vs. 136/408, p<0.01). This study demonstrates
the significant morbidity and mortality associated with IS and highlights the need for efforts to be made to optimize identification and
management of acute stroke in this cohort.
Stroke can be viewed as the neurological manifestation of
systemic disease, and is commoner in patients with complex
medical backgrounds and multiple medical comorbidities1,
especially cardiovascular disease. In-hospital stroke (IS), occurring
after a patient is admitted to hospital for another reason, makes a
significant contribution to total stroke morbidity and mortality2.
The extent of this can be underestimated in hospital activity data,
where admission diagnosis is usually recorded as the primary
diagnosis. IS tend to be more severe than out of hospital stroke
(OS)3. Despite this, it is somewhat under-represented in clinical
research. Much of the published literature on IS focuses on
strokes occurring in the post-operative period, especially post
coronary or carotid revascularization4, with the incidence of postoperative stroke reported generally as 0.05-7%5. In 2012, 6.5% of
strokes recorded in the Irish National Stroke Register were listed
as inpatient strokes. Optimal management of IS is often
compromised by the fact that patients may be post-operative or
have significant medical comorbidities, either of which may
preclude intravenous thrombolysis, or inhibit subsequent treatment
and rehabilitation. Even when a subject with IS is thrombolysed,
they tend to have worse outcomes compared to thrombolysed OS
patients6. We aimed to profile all in-hospital and out of hospital
stroke patients over a 22 month period from September 2011 to
June 2013, and compare the two groups.
We gathered data from the HIPE portal electronic stroke register,
including baseline characteristics and data on aspects of their
care, as well as outcome data. Data on all patients diagnosed as
having a stroke and admitted to the hospital are recorded on the
database. Data for ICD-9 Classifications I61 (primary intracerebral
haemorrhage) and I63 (Cerebral Infarction) were included. Data
for TIA and Subarachnoid haemorrhage were not included as
many of these subjects presenting to the Emergency Department
(ED) are not admitted, but are either referred to outpatients or to
neurosurgical services. This data was then compared to data from
patients admitted after having a stroke out of hospital with the
same classifications. The study site is a 1000 bedded university
teaching hospital. It is a primary stroke centre, providing 24-hour
thrombolysis for acute stroke and an acute stroke unit, as well as
unselected general medical and surgical take. It is a national
tertiary referral centre for multiple specialties including
cardiothoracic surgery, oncology and oncology surgery.
Proportions of patients in IS and OS groups were compared using
Chi Square Statistics.
IS represented almost 11% (50/458) of total strokes during the
study period. There were no statistically significant differences in
age and gender between groups (Table 1). There was a lower
number of haemorrhagic strokes in the IS group (1/50, 2%)
compared with the OS group (28/408, 7%) (p = 0.18). 26%
(13/50) of the IS group were identified as having atrial fibrillation
CPD available online at and questions on page 31.
on admission compared with 21% (84/408) (p=0.38) of the OS
group. 27/50 (54%) of the IS group were admitted initially with
medical complaints. The most common presenting symptom was
breathlessness (8/27), followed by falls (6/27) and chest pain
(3/27). 23/50 (46%) were post-operative, with seven strokes
post cardiac surgery. Over one third (18/50) of the IS patients had
a known malignancy prior to the stroke. If we consider postoperative stroke and haemorrhagic stroke as a contraindication
for intravenous thrombolysis, 25/50 (50%) of stroke in the IS
group was not amenable to this treatment.
Stroke Care
The median length of stay in the IHS group was 79.2 +/- 87.4
days, compared with 21.9 +/- 45.9 days in the OS group (p <
0.01). The thrombolysis rates in the IS and OS groups were 1/50
(2%) and 51/408 (13%) respectively (p = 0.03). 2% (1/50) of the
IS group received care in the acute stroke unit, compared with
33% (136/408) in the OS group (p<0.01).
There was a statistically significant higher mortality in the IS
group (26%, 13/50) compared to the OS group (10%, 39/408)
(p<0.01). Patients in the IS group were less likely to be discharged
home also (Table 1).
Table 1
Female Sex
Age (Years)
Mean LOS (Days)
Stroke Unit Care
Atrial Fibrillation
D/C Home
D/C Nursing Home
In-hospital Stroke
73.84 +/- 11.7
79.2 +/- 87.4
Out of hospital Stroke p Value
72.15 +/- 13.5
21.9 +/- 45.9
This study demonstrates the significant morbidity and mortality
associated with in-hospital stroke in an Irish hospital. Previous
international studies have demonstrated that stroke in-hospital
tend to be more severe with a lower likelihood of intravenous
thrombolysis and increased risk of requiring nursing home care7.
Our study found similar poor outcomes with IS patients having
significantly higher mortality rates and significantly less chance of
being discharged home. There are some limitations to this study
which need to be noted. In general this study is retrospective but
the data collection is prospective and organized. Despite this
however it is possible that some in-hospital strokes were not
recorded because they may not have been recognized or reported
by the primary team. Also unfortunately we do not have data on
specific measures of stroke severity, such as the NIHSS, to
compare the two groups.
The population served by the study site is elderly and
underprivileged and as such, may have higher levels of chronic
medical illness than seen elsewhere. This may lead to higher rates
of IS than one would normally expect, especially given that the
majority of IS followed medical admission rather than operations
or invasive procedures. Additionally the number of IS may be
influenced by the fact that the study site is a tertiary centre for
oncology and cardiothoracic surgical services and our data
certainly reflects this. Conversely the study site does not have onsite neurosurgical services so some cases may be transferred to
another site for neurosurgical input and not recorded in the HIPE
database. This may partially explain the low rates of haemorrhagic
stroke seen in the study. Despite the absence of delay to
presentation, previous studies have shown that assessment for
thrombolysis can take longer in IS compared to OS8. While
protocols are often in place to streamline acute stroke
management in the ED this is often not the case in the inpatient
ward setting, potentially creating unnecessary delay in acute care.
Also, nursing and other care staff on surgical or general wards are
less likely to be experienced in the recognition of early stroke
signs and provision of acute stroke care.
While intravenous thrombolysis may be contraindicated in the
post-operative setting, and almost 50% of the IS group were
post-operative, intra-arterial options such as thrombectomy may
present an alternative method for revascularization9. Enhanced
awareness of, and access to, such services may impact positively
on thrombolysis rates in this cohort. In the context of the Irish
health service, currently acute strokes are often redirected away
from smaller hospital EDs to permit acute interventions and stroke
unit care. These hospitals will continue to have in-hospital strokes
however and it is unclear whether they have the expertise or
capacity to manage these patients. Perhaps there may also be a
role for redirecting IS in a similar manner, or for the development
of standardized protocols and policies for optimal management.
Efforts should be made to optimize identification of acute stroke
in this cohort and enhance care for patients post in-hospital
stroke with the aim of improving outcomes in this group.
1. O’Donnell MJ, Xavier D, Liu L, Zhang H, Chin SL, Rao-Melacini P,
Rangarajan S, Islam S, Pais P, McQueen MJ, Mondo C, Damasceno A,
Lopez-Jaramillo P, Hankey GJ, Dans AL, Yusoff K, Truelsen T, Diener
HC, Sacco RL, Ryglewicz D, Czlonkowska A, Weimar C, Wang X,
Yusuf S; INTERSTROKE investigators. Risk factors for ischaemic and
intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke in 22 countries (the
INTERSTROKE study): a case-control study. Lancet. 2010
2. Blacker DJ. In-hospital stroke. Lancet neurology. 2003 Dec;2:741–6.
3. Kimura K, Minematsu K, Yamaguchi T. Characteristics of in-hospital
onset ischemic stroke. European neurology. 2006;55:155–9.
4. Likosky DS, Leavitt BJ, Marrin CA, Malenka DJ, Reeves AG,
Weintraub RM, Caplan LR, Baribeau YR, Charlesworth DC, Ross CS,
Braxton JH, Hernandez F Jr, O’Connor GT; Northern New England
Cardiovascular Disease Study Group. Intra- and postoperative
predictors of stroke after coronary artery bypass grafting. The Annals
of thoracic surgery. 2003 Aug;76.
5. Ng JL, Chan MT, Gelb AW. Perioperative stroke in noncardiac,
nonneurosurgical surgery. Anesthesiology. 2011 Oct;115:879–90.
6. Moradiya Y, Levine SR. Comparison of short-term outcomes of
thrombolysis for in-hospital stroke and out-of-hospital stroke in United
States. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation. 2013 Jul;44:1903–8.
7. Farooq MU, Reeves MJ, Gargano J, Wehner S, Hickenbottom S, Majid
A; Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry Michigan Prototype
Investigators. In-hospital stroke in a statewide stroke registry.
Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland). 2008;25:12–20.
8. Cumbler E, Murphy P, Jones WJ, Wald HL, Kutner JS, Smith DB.
Quality of care for in-hospital stroke: analysis of a statewide registry.
Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation. 2011 Jan;42:207–10.
9. Chalela JA1, Katzan I, Liebeskind DS, Rasmussen P, Zaidat O, Suarez
JI, Chiu D, Klucznick RP, Jauch E, Cucchiara BL, Saver J, Kasner SE.
Safety of intra-arterial thrombolysis in the postoperative period.
Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation. 2001 Jun;32:1365–9.
Correspondence: R Briggs
Stroke Service, Medicine for the Elderly Department, St James’s
Hospital, James’s St, Dublin 8
Mouth, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Campaign
A campaign to promote awareness of mouth, head and neck
cancer in Ireland began in 2010. This campaign was initiated
primarily by a group of cancer survivors, the Irish Dental Health
Foundation, Irish Cancer Society and the university dental schools
in Cork and Dublin. The first Mouth Cancer Awareness Day
(MCAD) was held at the Cork and Dublin Dental University
Hospitals in September 2010. In order to make the free
examinations more accessible throughout the country, the Irish
Dental Association became a partner in the campaign in
September 2011.
The objective was to further increase awareness in the general
public and the dental profession. To date, 70% of dental practices
countrywide have offered free mouth cancer examinations in
addition to the two dental schools in 2010, ’11, ‘12 and ‘13. Mouth,
Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Ireland (MHNCAI) has
promoted increased public and professional awareness of the
warning signs of this disease, stressing the importance of early
referral for these patients. We, of course, stress that a check for
changes in the oral soft tissues is provided at every dental visit but
increased awareness in the public arena means that individuals
seek help early. Self examination is also encouraged and
supported. Early detection of mouth cancer will result in better
treatment outcomes - early detection saves lives. On MCAD,
mouth cancer check-ups and information are provided free of
charge in dental practices around the country. The two Dental
Hospitals, as well as providing check-ups, have provided support
and immediate follow-up for any cases considered to be urgent by
the examining dentists. As a result of this campaign, we have
established a clear referral pathway. Since the campaign began,
approximately 20,000 free examinations have been carried out
and 22 cases of oro-pharyngeal cancer have been detected. More
importantly perhaps, awareness of this ‘Cinderella cancer’ has
been significantly increased in the general public and in the dental
profession. The challenge now is to increase awareness in the
medical and other healthcare professions. The favourable media
response, which has been the oxygen of this campaign, has been
a very important part of the success of this initiative. The
partnership is convinced that an awareness day, rather than a
week or a month, has been a key factor in attracting media
coverage. Recent statistics indicate a rise in the incidence of
mouth, head and neck cancer in the UK.
In September 2013, a number of dentists in the UK participated in
Mouth Cancer Awareness Day and we made our data collection
and information material available. Our experience in Ireland has
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Research Correspondence / Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor
Table 1 Mouth Cancer Awareness Days (MCAD) in Ireland 2010 - 2013
Patients examined in Dublin
Dental University Hospital
from GDP
from GDP
Patients examined in Cork
Dental University Hospital
301 MCAD 404 MCAD
from GDP from GDP
4460 (701 3758 (602
registered) registered)
Patients examined in General
Dental Practice
Urgent referrals *
Biopsy completed
Cancer diagnosed
Urgent 83 Urgent 23
Urgent 80
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
*NOTE: Urgent referrals are recorded as patients seen in DDUH & CDUH and
patients referred to DDUH & CDUH on the emergency phone line immediately
following the MCAD. Further GDP referrals were received by various clinicians via
multiple pathways over a protracted period of time and it was not possible to
accurately track these referrals as related to the MCAD.
shown that this campaign has not only saved lives and increased
awareness about this disease but has also highlighted the
important role of the dentist as oral physician. The most recent
MCAD (Ireland) was on Wednesday 17th September 2014. There
were three new cancers diagnosed in the Dublin Dental University
Hospital and these are being treated.
D MacCarthy, C McAlister, E O’Sullivan
Department of Restorative Dentistry & Periodontology, Dublin
Dental University Hospital, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2
Irish Cancer Society, Dental Health Foundation, Irish Dental
Association and MHNCAI Group.
1. The Development of mouth, head and neck cancer awareness in
Ireland and results of the mouth cancer awareness day 2011.
MacCarthy Denise, O’Sullivan Eleanor, McAlister Conor, Healy Claire,
Flint Stephen, Nunn June, Allen Finbar, Gorman Tina, O Sullivan
Michael, Stassen Leo. JIDA 2012;58:109-113.
The Critical View of Safety in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy:
Towards A National Consensus
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) is one of the commonest
operations performed by surgeons today. Despite the decreasing
incidence of bile duct injury (BDI) since the introduction of LC, it
still remains a major complication today1. The commonest cause
of BDI is misidentification of the anatomy of Calot’s Triangle. A
technique of identification of this anatomy, called the critical view
of safety (CVS), was first described by Strasberg et al. in the midnineties and has been shown to significantly reduce the incidence
of BDI1-3. Despite its success, it has failed to gain universal
acceptance and the infundibular approach to dissection is still
being taught today.
Currently in Ireland, there are no national guidelines or protocols
in place for performing or training laparoscopic cholcystectomy.
This prompted us to carry out an anonymous postal questionnaire
in order to determine the level of anatomical knowledge and
application of the CVS among Irish general surgeons. The
questionnaire was sent to all general surgeons practising in the
Republic of Ireland (N=187). We received 95 completed
questionnaires which represented a response rate of 51%. Of the
95 responders, 91% (n=86) perform laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. From this group, 80% (n=69) perform
emergency or urgent LC and 55% (n=47) perform more than 50
LC’s per year. When performing LC, the critical view of safety was
the sole method used by 31% (n=27) of surgeons, 2% (n=2) of
surgeons use the infundibular approach alone, 54% (n=46) use
both techniques and 13% (n=11) use neither technique. Surgeons
who did not use either technique and were involved in training
surgical residents accounted for 12% (n=10) of the group. Finally,
those who do not use either technique and perform
emergency/urgent LC’s accounted for 12% (n=10) of the total.
These results represent a “snapshot” of the anatomical
approaches currently used and taught by general surgeons in
Ireland when performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. While the
majority of surgeons (n=73, 85%) practice either technique or
both, it is worrying that 13% (n=11) do not use or understand
either technique. It is also significant that while 82% (n=64)
demonstrate the CVS when training surgical residents there are
5% (n=4) who teach the infundibular technique alone and 13%
(n=10) who teach neither technique. Current literature advocates
the critical view of safety as the most effective method of
reducing morbidity and mortality associated with laparoscopic
cholecystectomy2,3. Recent practice guidelines by the European
Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) recommended the
critical view of safety as the most effective approach to prevent
BDI4. Despite this there are currently no national guidelines or
protocols in place with regard LC. We believe the CVS approach
to LC should be integrated into national guidelines and should be
mandatory, in particular in training of surgical residents.
JA O’Kelly1, JA De Marchi1,2, WP Joyce1,2
1RCSI, 123 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
2Department of Surgery, Galway Clinic, Doughiska, Co Galway
1. Strasberg SM, Brunt LM. Rationale and use of the critical view of
safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy, J Am Coll Surg 2010;
2. Averginos C, Kelgiorgi D, Touloumis Z, Baltatzi, L Dervenis, C. One
thousand laparoscopic cholecystectomies in a single surgical unit
using the “critical view of safety” technique. J Gastrointest Surg 2009;
3. Yegiyants S, Collins JC. Operative strategy can reduce the incidence
of bile duct injury in laparoscopic cholecytectomy. Am Surg 2008;
4. Eikermann M, Siegel R, Broeders I, Dziri C, Fingerhut A, Gutt C,
Jaschinski T, Nassar A, Paganini A, Pieper D, Targarona E, Schrewe M,
Shamiyeh A, Strik M, Neugebauer E. Prevention and treatment of bile
duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: the clinical practice
guidelines of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery
(EAES). Surg Endosc 2012; 26:3003-3039.
Letter to the Editor
Westermark’s Sign of Pulmonary Embolism – Well Known but
Frequently Overlooked
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is frequently a difficult diagnosis
because of non-specific symptoms that can lead to misdiagnosis1.
We report a patient with PE successfully diagnosed and treated,
whose CXR showed Westermark’s sign of pulmonary embolism.
Westermark’s sign is distal oligaemia in the affected area of the
lung due to a reduction in size of vessels distal to a PE2. It has a
low sensitivity (14%) and high specificity (92%) for the diagnosis
of pulmonary embolism3. Its high specificity for PE makes it a sign
well worth being aware of and in this case described its early
recognition may led to early treatment and to prevention of
cardiovascular insult.
CXR showing
sign - distal
oligaemia in the
right lung
(marked with
white arrows)
Westermark’s sign is usually subtle and probably most often noted
in retrospect after the diagnosis has been made by CTPA. It has a
low sensitivity (14%) and high specificity (92%) for the diagnosis
of pulmonary embolism3. Its high specificity for PE makes it a sign
well worth being aware of and in this case described its early
recognition may led to early treatment and to prevention of
cadiovascular insult.
Z Tsvetanova, H Logan
Department of Radiology, Midland Regional Hospital, Mullingar,
Co Westmeath
1. Wittram C, Maher MM, Yoo AJ, Kalra MK, Shepard JA, McLoud TC. CT
angiography of pulmonary embolism: diagnostic criteria and causes of
misdiagnosis. Radiographics. 2004;24:1219–38.
2. Westermark N. On the roentgen diagnosis of lung embolism Acta
Radiol 1938;19:357-372.
3. Stein PD, Terrin ML, Hales CA, Palevsky HI, Saltzman HA, Thompson
BT, Weg JG. Clinical, laboratory, roentgenographic and
electrocardiographic findings in patients with acute pulmonary
embolism and no pre-existing cardiac or pulmonary disease. Chest.
Potential Pitfalls with the Treatment of Acquired
We read with interest the article by Nee and Fitzgerald.1 We
welcome the call for continued vigilance for
methaemoglobinaemia (MetHb) secondary to amyl nitrite abuse;
however we would like to emphasise some potential pitfalls
associated with the management of acquired MetHb.
Acquired MetHb can arise following exposure to pharmaceutical
and chemical agents; topical anaesthetic agents (e.g. benzocaine,
procaine, lidocaine, prilocaine), medications (e.g. dapsone,
chloroquine, primaquine, nitrites such as nitroglycerine), drugs of
abuse (amyl nitrite, cocaine, mephedrone), chemicals (e.g. anilines,
aminophenols), household products (naphthalene) and some hair
dyes. Patients have persistent cyanosis despite oxygen therapy,
tachypnoea, low pulse oximetry and “chocolate brown” coloured
arterial blood. The decision to treat with methylene blue is based
on clinical findings and blood concentrations; i.e. when [MetHb] is
>30% for healthy adults or [MetHb] >10% for those with
underlying risk factors including young or old age, cardiac disease,
cerebrovascular, pulmonary or embolic disease, anaemia or sepsis.
Typically, patients improve quickly following methylene blue
administration but additional doses may be required. The side
effects of methylene blue include restlessness, dyspnoea,
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
A 35 year old male, with a non-smoking history was admitted from
emergency department (ED) for care of shortness of breath and
right sided chest pain, which he had noticed first two days ago.
His father had died of a PE at the age of 65 years. Two days prior
to admission he had presented to the ED for care of right calf
swelling, which had been present 6 days. Subcutaneous low
molecular weight heparin therapy had been commenced and an
outpatient ultra sound venous Doppler examination had been
arranged to assess for deep veins thrombosis. On admission his
blood pressure was 130/95 mmHg, heart rhythm was regular with
heart rate of 105 bpm, his temperature was 36.0 C, respiratory
rate was 22 breaths/minute (while breathing room air) and his
capillary oxygen saturation was 98%. Examination was
unremarkable, except for 3cm difference in calf girths – 41cm on
the right and 38cm on the left. Sinus tachycardia was evident on
electrocardiogram with no other signs of suggestive of PE. His
plasma D-dimer level was elevated at 15.702ng/ml (reference
range is <500ng/ml). Partial pressure of oxygen 13.5kPa while
breathing room air. CXR showed slight prominence of the
proximal hilar vessels and reduction of the right lung vascularity
(Westermark’s sign). A large embolus in the right main pulmonary
artery, involving both upper and lower lobe segmental branches
was evident on CTPA. An ultrasound Doppler of the right leg
revealed a large thrombus in the right superficial femoral vein.
Within few hours the patient experienced symptomatic
hypotension and tachycardia leading to transfer to the intensive
care unit (ICU) and bedside transthoracic echocardiography.
Consistent with PE, this examination revealed acute right
ventricular dilatation, and moderate tricuspid regurgitation.
Intravenous thrombolytic therapy was instituted promptly and over
the next few days the patient’s haemodynamic instability resolved
and he was discharged on warfarin therapy six days after
Figure 1
Letter to the Editor
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
gastrointestinal upset, sweating, anaphylaxis and blue-grey skin
discoloration which can resemble cyanosis. Methylene blue
becomes toxic at high doses causing haemolytic anaemia and
worsening MetHb.2 Methylene blue is a potent monoamine
oxidase inhibitor and interactions with serotinergic agents can
cause serotonin syndrome. This interaction is not widely
recognised however serotonin syndrome has occurred following
the administration of methylene blue doses as low as 1.75mg/kg.3
Clinicians should take a thorough drug history (including
prescribed and over the counter pharmaceuticals, herbal
medicines and drugs of abuse) from patients with acquired MetHb
who require methylene blue treatment. Patients should be
monitored for serotonin syndrome characterised by a triad of
neuromuscular excitation, autonomic CNS excitation and altered
mental status.
It is important to appreciate the potential pitfalls with oxygen
saturation measurements and the inaccuracies of oximeters. Due
to inherent limitations, a conventional pulse oximeter (detecting
light at two wavelengths) is inadequate for measuring oxygen
saturations in the presence of MetHb as it can only detect
oxyhaemoglobin and reduced haemoglobin. Pulse oximeters will
give falsely low results with [MetHb] <20% and falsely high
readings with [MetHb] >70%. To complicate matters further, when
methylene blue is administered, pulse oximeters will give a
misleadingly low value.2 A co-oximeter is the instrument of choice
as it measures light absorption across a minimum of 4
wavelengths and can distinguish between oxyhaemoglobin,
reduced haemoglobin and the dyshaemoglobinemias (MetHb,
carboxyhaemoglobinemia and sulfhaemoglobinemia). In the
emergency setting, a useful calculation is the oxygen saturation
gap which refers to a 5% difference between either (i) the
oxyhemoglobin concentration from an arterial blood gas
measurement and the oxyhemoglobin measurement from pulse
oximetry or (ii) between the calculated oxygen saturation from a
blood gas machine and the measured value from a co-oximter. A
gap of >5% is a significant indicator of MetHb.4
Critical assessment of patients with acquired MetHb is needed to
pre-empt potential complications with the administration of
methylene blue.
N Cassidy, E Duggan
The National Poisons Information Centre of Ireland, Beaumont
Hospital, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
1. Nee R and Fitzgerald M. Two cases of methaemoglobinaemia
secondary to amyl nitrate use. IMJ 2014:107.
2. Cortazzo JA, and Lichtman AD. Methemoglobinemia: A review and
recommendations for management. Journal of Cardiothoracic and
Vascular Anesthesia, 2013 Aug 13. pii: S1053-0770(13)00043-8.
3. Ng BKW, Cameron AJD. The role of methylene blue in serotonin
syndrome: A systematic review. Psychosomatics 2010;51:194-200.
4. Akhtar J, Johnston BD, Krenzelok EP. Mind the gap. J Emerg Med
Impact of Changes in Canadian Postgraduate Training on the
Irish Health Service
Over the past year, there have been significant changes in the
application for postgraduate medical training in Canada. With over
726 Canadians studying in Irish medical schools in 2012/20131
(13% of the Irish medical students), it is of vital importance that
we understand how these changes will impact the Irish health
system. The changes will impact in several different capacities
including: recruitment of new students, training of current
students and altering postgraduate training applications in Ireland.
The first step for in acquiring postgraduate training in Canada is
completing the Medical Council of Canada’s Evaluation Exam
(MCCEE), a multiple choice exam covering major areas of clinical
medicine and surgery. Recently, the Medical Council of Canada
has allowed students to write the MCCEE up to 20 months before
they graduate, a change from having to be in their final year of
study. This change was made to facilitate the introduction of the
National Assessment Collaboration Objective Structured Clinical
Exam (NAC-OSCE). The NAC-OSCE is now mandatory for the
majority of training positions in Canada. To register for the NACOSCE, an applicant must have received a passing result in
MCCEE, which was the motive for the recent changes. As a direct
result of these changes, students must sit the NAC-OSCE in
September of their final year and the MCCEE by early March of
their penultimate year in order to be eligible to apply for postgraduate training programs in Canada.
It has long been appreciated that the Irish medical education
system relies heavily on income generated by international
medical students tuition fees2. While creating a self-sustainable
system is of the utmost importance3. In the interim it is crucial that
the Irish health system adapts to facilitate Canadians studying in
Ireland to match to a training program, whether in Canada or
Ireland. Failure to do this will lead to sharp drop in Canadian
applicants to Irish medical schools, a practice that is already being
scrutinized4. In addition, these changes directly influence the
quality of life of current fourth/fifth year students in Ireland. While
historically Irish medical schools have been supportive of students
going through this process, the recent changes will require their
support more than ever. These students will be writing final year
equivalent exams 18 months before they graduate, while
completing clinical rotations at the same time, in addition to acting
as contributing members of the University and surrounding
community. Medical schools need to begin to consider how they
can assist and support these students through a very difficult and
stressful process.
In conclusion, the recent changes to the Canadian postgraduate
training application process will have a direct and immediate
effect on over 13% of current medical students in Ireland. These
effects coupled with the response from Irish medical faculties will
not only be evident at several stages of medical education but will
also play a role in the future enrolment numbers of Canadians in
the Irish Medical education system.
T Esmail, P Gouda
Medical Students, National University of Ireland, Galway
1. Health Education Authority. Medical Student Demographics [Internet].
Message to: Pishoy Gouda. 2014 Mar 13 [cited 2014 Apr3]. [2
2. Department of Education. Working Group on Undergraduate Medical
Education and Training. Medical Education in Ireland A New Direction.
Department of Education, Dublin. 2006.
3. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, World
Health Organization. International Migration of Health Workers. Policy
Brief. 2010 Mar 16;1–8.
4. Barer ML, Evans RG, Hedden L. False hope for Canadians who study
medicine abroad. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2014 Mar 31.
Letter to the Editor
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are a leading cause of bacterial
infection in infants and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence
recommends that UTIs are actively sought in paediatric patients.1
Their incidence ranges from between 0.1- 2.0% in full-term
newborns, increasing to a reported 25% in preterm and very low
birth weight (VLBW) infants.2-4 The urinary tract is an extremely
rare source of infection in the first 72 hours of life and thus
routine urine culture in this population is deemed unnecessary.4
Conversely, UTIs frequently present with late-onset sepsis (LOS)
in the VLBW population1,2 and urine culture is an essential
element of a complete sepsis evaluation in this cohort.1,3 Despite
a high incidence of UTI, urine culture is frequently neglected in
Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs)3 as obtaining a cleancatch sample is time consuming and the use of invasive
second-line collection methods is limited by fear of complications
and medical staff procedural inexperience. Identifying the source
of infection will influence subsequent radiological investigations1
and ensure appropriate treatment.2
In our centre, a Level 3 NICU, we sought to determine the
frequency with which urine culture was included in septic workups (SWU) performed in VLBW infants after 72 hours of life. 120
consecutive charts of VLBW infants born between January 2012
and April 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. 116 SWUs were
performed on 61 (50.8%) VLBW infants. Infants requiring SWU
after 72 hours of life had a mean completed gestational age of
26.8 weeks, a mean birth-weight of 932 grams and 31/61
(50.8%) were males. Sources of infection are outlined in Figure 1.
Forty-two (36 %) evaluations resulted in treatment with
intravenous antibiotics for a minimum of five days. Eleven infants,
with a median C-reactive protein (CRP) of 44 mg/l, were treated
with intravenous antibiotics for infection without an identified
source. Seven of these patients did not have a urine culture
performed. The majority of SWUs, 82/116 (70.7%), omitted a
urine culture and 7/14 (50%) SWUs included a CSF culture
without a urine culture. Urine samples were obtained using a
clean-catch technique. Candida species were isolated in three
urine samples from patients with staphylococcus aureus sepsis,
Klebsiella Oxytoca sepsis and suspected Necrotizing Enterocolitis.
It is likely the candida growths signalled UTIs but they were not
the source of LOS.
This audit highlights that urine culture is frequently omitted from
sepsis evaluations in VLBW infants, in line with previous studies
that referenced suboptimal urine collection in such patients.3
Furthermore, VLBW infants frequently have invasive CSF cultures
while non-invasive urine cultures are overlooked. UTI was not
identified as a source of sepsis in any infant, suggesting that
there was a failure to diagnose this common cause of LOS. To
improve detection rates of UTI, we recommend promoting
awareness of UTI as a potential source of LOS in the NICU.
Figure 1 All episodes of infection reported by source
LM Perrem, R O’Neill, M O’Grady, M White
Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital, Cork St, Dublin 8
AM Meenan, Microbiology Department, Coombe Women and
Infants University Hospital
1. NICE. Urinary tract infection: Diagnosis, Treatment and Long-Term
Management of Urinary Tract infection in Children. London: National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2007. (accessed 14 November 2013).
2. Cataldi L, Zaffanello M, Gnarra M, Fanos V. Urinary tract infection in
the newborn and the infant: state of the art. J Matern Fetal Neonatal
Med 2010;23 Suppl 3:90-3.
3. Downey LC, Benjamin DK Jr., Clark RH, Watt KM, Hornik CP,
Laughon MM, Cohen-Wolkowiez M, Smith PB. Urinary tract infection
concordance with positive blood culture and cerebrospinal fluid
cultures in the neonatal intensive care unit. J of Perinatol
4. Tamim MM, Alesseh H, Aziz H. Analysis of the efficacy of urine culture
as part of sepsis evaluation in the premature infant. Pediatr Infect Dis
J 2003;22:805-808.
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
An Audit of Urinary Tract Infections in Very Low Birth Weight
Infants – What Are We Missing?
98035-IMJ January 2015_TF 08/01/2015 16:10 Page 30
Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development
To receive CPD credits, you must complete the question online at
K Hamilton, W Macken, C McGarvey,
TG Matthews, AJ Nicholson. Ir Med J.
2015; 108: 8-11.
Question 1
The total number of child pedestrian
deaths was
Question 2
The male preponderance was
Question 3
The number of deaths in the 1-4 year age
group was
Question 4
The number of deaths in residential
driveways was
Question 5
The proportion of fatalities occurring at
week-ends was
Major Cost Savings Associated with
Biologic Dose Reduction in Patients
with Inflammatory Arthritis
CL Murphy, S Awan, M O Sullivan,
S Chavrimootoo, C Bannon, L Martin,
T Duffy, E Murphy, M Barry. Ir Med J. 2015;
108: 20-2.
Question 1
The annual worldwide spend on tumour
necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor medication
(Euros) is
Question 2
The annual cost of TNF inhibitor
medication (Euros) in Ireland is
Question 3
The number of patients in the study with
inflammatory arthritis was
Question 4
The mean age of the study group was
49.5 years
50.5 years
51.5 years
52.5 years
53.5 years
Question 5
The number of patients with rheumatoid
arthritis was
In-Hospital Stroke: Characteristics
and Outcomes.
R Briggs, R McDonagh, O Mahon,
J Harbison. Ir Med J. 2015; 108: 24-5.
Question 1
The total number of strokes in the study
period was
Question 2
The number of inpatient strokes (IS) was
Question 3
The mean length of stay of IS patients was
76.2 days
77.2 days
78.2 days
79.2 days
80.2 days
Question 4
The mean length of out of hospital strokes
19.9 days
21.9 days
23.9 days
25.9 days
27.9 days
Question 5
The number of deaths in the IS group
7 deaths
9 deaths
11 deaths
13 deaths
15 deaths
Irish Medical Journal January 2015 Volume 108 Number 1
Pedestrian Deaths in Children Potential for Prevention