Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association 118th Annual Meeting FEBRUARY 5-7, 2015 Minneapolis Hilton Hotel | $99 Room Rates with FREE Parking After Hours Big Band and Swing Dance Lessons Friday Night! Welcome Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association 2015 Annual Convention F February 5-7, 2015 Hilton Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota 2015 Highlights F Full Day of MNVMRC Emergency Preparedness Training F Friday Night Exhibitors Big Band Jazz Event F 3 Full Days of Practice Management Sessions F 3 Small Animal Tracts Offered Daily F Veterinary Practice Plus Tract includes: G Therapeutic Exercise for Geriatric Dogs G Wildlife Rehab 101 G Pros & Cons of Veterinary Technician Licensure in Minnesota G Minnesota’s New Commercial Dog and Cat Breeders Law Update F MVMA Business Meeting F Bovine, Equine & Swine Programs F Industrial, Small Ruminant and Public Health Programs F MVM Foundation Silent Auction F MVMA Veterinary Professional Awards F Animal Hall of Fame Awards, Dr. Bo Brock, Keynote Speaker SAME REGISTRATION PRICE FOR SIX YEARS! Don’t Miss Our Great Breakfasts! Friday - 7:30 am - 8:30 am Veterinary Forensics: a Fledgling Discipline Whether you Like it or Not! Dr. Arno Wuenschmann Friday - 7:00 am - 8:45 am Christian Veterinary Mission Prayer Breakfast (See Page 7 for more Information) Saturday - 7:30 am - 8:30 am Canine Lyme Borreliosis (aka Lyme Disease): Biology, Disease, Diagnostics and Prevention - Dr. Andrew Eschner Tickets Required. Register Early to Ensure Availability. www.mvma.org Don’t Miss Dr. Brock! Saturday Keynote Speaker Dr. Bo Brock, Humorist & Author Crowded in the Middle of Nowhere Your perspective on practicing veterinary medicine is all about how one sees the world that is passing by. What does twenty years of playing doctor do to the view of those moments as they pass? Want your copy of Dr. Bock’s book autographed? Bring your copy or buy a book on site! MNVMRC Emergency Preparedness Training WEDNESDAY, February 4 | 9:00 am – 4:40 pm 6 CE credits Check off on registration form (lunch on your own) F Foreign Animal Disease Planning Update - focus on Foot and Mouth Disease F Secure Food Supply Planning F Basic Animal Rescue Training F USDA Animal Care F Ebola in Animals Program is open to all veterinarians and veterinary technicians interested in learning more about disaster response preparedness and training, and in participating in reserve corps activities. 2 th Fr h x E t h g i N y a d i t n e v E s ibitor 6 y r a u r — Fe b pm 0 0 : 8 :30 — 5 Hil Don’t miss it! The ballroom will be transformed into a Swinging Good Time on Friday night, February 6, 2015. Come enjoy the talented After Hours Big Band and swing into the future with swing dance lessons. Take the opportunity to enjoy food, drink, and entertainment with friends, and colleagues in a less formal way and enjoy this special Big Band Event. Bid on the many items at the MVMF Silent Auction ending that evening. m o o r l l ton Ba Learn how to swing dance! Convention Pre-Registration Savings Deadline is January 9, 2015 Fill out the enclosed form and mail or fax to the MVMA Office: Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association | 101 Bridgepoint Way, Suite 100 | South St. Paul, MN 55075 Phone: 651-645-7533 | Fax: 651-645-7539 Or register online at www.mvma.org 9:00 - 10:15 am Concurrent Sessions 9:00 - 10:15 am 7:00 am Registration Desk Open 10:15 am - 10:45 am Break 12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch in Exhibit Hall 12:45 - 1:45 pm Just in Time Lunch 2:30 - 5:30 pm Wellness Center 3:15 - 3:45 pm Break - Visit Exhibit Hall 10:45 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 pm Exhibit Hall Opens 5:00 - 7:00 pm U of M Alumni Reception 1975 & 1990 Class Gathering 5:30 pm Exhibits Close 7:00 -10:00 pm President’s Reception and Dinner (Invitation Only) Lunch with the Exhibitors Small Animal I Therapeutic Exercise for Keeping Geriatric Dogs Stronger and Fitter in their Golden Years 9:00 - 10:00 am Cutting Edge Lyme Disease: How do we proceed when the experts disagree? Dr. Jennifer Granick Dr. Teresa Hershey Break (10:00-10:30 am) Rules and Regulations of Treating Wildlife in Private Practice; Wildlife Rehab 101 Dr. Leslie Reed 10:30 – 11:15 am Pulmonary Hypertension Dr. Chris Stauthammer 11:15 – 12:00 pm What’s New in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy Dr. Jaime Modiano 12:00 pm - Lunch with Exhibitors 2:00 - 3:15 pm 10:45 - 12:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Veterinary Practice Plus Break The Pros & Cons of Veterinary Technician Licensure in Minnesota 2:00 - 3:00 pm A predicament, a Problem, a Puzzle: When, or Should, We Recommend Spaying and Neutering Pets Dr. Julie Wilson Drs. Julie Churchill, Margaret Root Kustritz, and Michael Henson Break 3:45 - 5:00 pm Thursday Schedule of Events Minnesota’s New Commercial Dog and Cat Breeders Law Update Dr. Paul Anderson 3:30-4:20 pm Apoquel Update Use in Practice Dr. Melissa Eisenschenk 4:20-5:00 Preclinical Evaluation and Clinical Translation of Novel Bispecific Ligand Targeted Toxins for the Treatment of Sarcomas Dr. Antonella Borgatti Just in Time Luncheon 12:45 - 1:45 pm Join the Grand Opening of the 118th Annual Meeting Exhibit Hall Thursday, February 5 | 12:00 pm What is the Role of Veterinarians in Animal Cruelty Investigations? Enjoy visiting with the many MVMA Exhibitors. To highlight key aspects of animal cruelty investigations that requires willing participation by veterinarians. Although veterinarians bring expertise in animal behavior, minimum standards of care for specific species, and pathology, most lack training in forensics specific to these investigations and the link to human abuse. This discussion will increase awareness of this issue. Veterinarians attending the presentation will recognize the value in seeking training to strengthen their roles in these investigations, and serving as advocates for animal welfare for law enforcement. www.mvma.org Panel Discussion, Dr. Julie Wilson - Moderator 4 Small Animal II Small Animal III Practice Management Small Ruminant Nutritional Supplement Use in Birds Anesthesia Protocols for Emergency Cases. Are you Prepared? 8 things Attorney’s, Accountants, and Practice Managers Don’t tell you about Practice Ownership Functional Approaches Case Presentation to Control Intestinal U of M Grad Students Parasites in Sheep and Goats Exotics-Avian Dr. Scott Echols Anesthesia/Pain Dr. Andre Shih Swine Sponsored by Harrisvaccine Dr. Cindy Wolf Dr. Raymond Ramirez Break Soft Tissue Surgery of Birds Dr. Scott Echols Advanced Monitoring: How to be the What is New? Associate DVM (or Practice Manager or Dr. Andre Shih CVT) Your Practice Can’t Live Without The Blocked Goat Case Presentation Dr. Ann Goplen U of M Grad Students Dr. Raymond Ramirez Exhibit Hall | 12:45 pm - Panel: What is the Role of Veterinarians in Animal Cruelty Investigations? Reproductive Tract Surgery of Birds Dr. Scott Echols Analgesia Options for Perioperative Care, Feline Patient Focus Dr. Andre Shih Four Simple Things That Will Derail Your Career - And How to Care for Them Modern Tools for the Control of Ovine Progressive Pneumonia Virus Regulatory Pathology in the Analysis of Explanted Medical Devices Dr. Raymond Ramirez Dr. Cindy Wolf Dr. Nicholas Robinson Break - Visit the Exhibitors Understanding the Dietary Supplement Industry Dr. Scott Echols Updates in CPR: What How Do you Spell Relief? Rolaids is not changed in the past Enough if You Don’t years? Follow These Seven Dr. Andre Shih Steps Before Hiring a Relief Doctor Camelid Tune-ups: Castration, Teeth, BCS/FAMACHA Veterinary Bioethics What it is and Why it is Important Dr. Ann Goplen Dr. Nicole Reynolds Dr. Raymond Ramirez USDA Veterinary Accreditation Supplemental Training Modules – Get Your Training Here! Thursday, February 5 | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Choose which modules you want to attend. Dr. Karina Burger USDA APHIS Veterinary Services – Minnesota Module 1: Introduction to NVAP | 9:00 – 10:15 am Module 8: International Movement of Horses | 2:00 – 3:15 pm Dr. Steven Just USDA APHIS Veterinary Services – Minnesota Module 5: Vesicular Diseases | 10:45 – 12:00 pm Module 7: Foreign Animal Disease Detection in Category 1 Animals | 3:45 – 5:00 pm *Attendance requires registration for MVMA Convention. Certificates of Completion will be handed out at the training. 5 CVM Alumni Reception University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine Dean Trevor Ames and the CVM Alumni and Friends Society cordially invite you to join faculty, current students, classmates and friends for an evening of light hors d’oeuvres and conversation. Attention Classes of 1975 and 1990! Join us for your 40th & 25th Class Anniversary Held in conjunction with the CVM Alumni Reception Please RSVP to Jen Scholl at genz005@umn.edu Thursday, February 5, 2015 5:00 - 7:00 pm Hilton Hotel Minneapolis 2015 MVMA Annual Meeting Thursday, February 5th 9:00 - 10:15 am 7:00 am Registration Desk Open 7:00 - 8:45 am Christian Veterinary Mission Prayer Breakfast 7:00 - 8:45 am Governmental Affairs Committee Breakfast Meeting Equine Small Animal I Colic - A Field Veterinarians Perspective Shock (part 1): Pathophysology Review and Assessment 10:45 am - 12:00 pm 7:30 - 8:30 am Breakfast Seminar Veterinary Forensics: A Fledgling Discipline: Whether You Like it or Not! - Dr. Arno Wuenschmann Dr. Bo Brock Dr. Jeff Todd The Horse in Motion - Shock (Part2): part 1 Current Therapeutic Approaches Dr. Bo Brock Dr. Jeff Todd 8:00 - 10:30 am Wellness Center Lunch 2:00 - 3:15 pm 9:00 -10:15 am Concurrent Sessions 9:30 - 11:45 am Council of Senior Veterinarians Committee Meeting 10:15 - 10:45 am Break - Visit Exhibit Hall 3:45 - 5:00 pm 12:00 - 2:00 pm MVMA Business and Awards Luncheon 2:00 - 3:15 pm Concurrent Sessions 3:45 - 5:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 5:15 - 6:15 pm Friends of Bill W. Meeting 5:30 - 7:30 pm Mock Interviews For Students 5:30 - 8:00 pm Friday Night Exhibitors Big Band Swing Event 7:30 pm MVMF Silent Auction Ends www.mvma.org The Horse in Motion - Hyperthermia and part 2 Hypothermia Dr. Bo Brock Dr. Jeff Todd Break 10:45 am - 12:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 3:15 - 3:45 pm Break - Visit Exhibit Hall Emergency Break Breakfast Friday Schedule of Events Grade Point Average of a Practice Dr. Bo Brock Respiratory Emergencies: Approach to the Blue Patient Dr. Jeff Todd Veterinary Forensics: A Fledgling Discipline Whether you Like it or Not! Dr. Arno Wuenschmann Friday, February 6 | 7:30 - 8:30 am Hard data regarding animal abuse are impossible to come by but anecdotal evidence suggests that the incidence and reporting (or both) of animal abuse have steadily increased. We as veterinarians (clinicians or pathologists) are obliged by the veterinary oath to protect animals from abuse. There is a lack of training opportunities for veterinarians to engage in forensic medicine and pathology. For this presentation, we searched the databank of the Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for animal abuse cases and select cases will be reviewed. Forensic veterinary medicine and pathology may be intimidating. However, who, if not veterinarians are in the unique position to fulfill the increasingly necessary role of protecting animals (and as it turns out potentially humans) from neglect and violence. 6 MVMA 2015 Convention into the February 5-7, 2015 VeteRinaRianS ReGiStRation foRM One persOn per registratiOn fOrm please. this fOrm may be duplicated. NamE (Please print preferred badge name) E-maIl addrEss (For Confirmation, this will become your preferred email)) addrEss (address will become your preferred address- Is this Home or Business CIty/statE/ZIP PHoNE # Fax # Note: Confirmation and registration materials (Name Badge, Meal Tickets, Proceedings link, etc.) will be mailed to attendees approximately one week prior to the convention. Please watch your mail for this important information. p r O c e e d i n g s (NotE - an online link to the Convention Proceedings, instead of a Cd, is included in the registration fee.) Printed Notes. must be ordered by January 9, 2015......................................................................$75.00 pre-registration by January 9 registratiOn fees full registration: registration after January 9 or Onsite (Includes seminars, online Proceedings link, veterinarians meals, if checked below, and Friday Night Big Band Jazz Event) mVma members and Out-of state Veterinarians .......................... $325.00 ....................... $365.00 minnesota non-member ................................................................ $485.00 ....................... $525.00 life/inactive member .................................................................... $195.00 ....................... $235.00 One day registration (Includes seminars, online proceedings link, and one meal if checked below) mVma members and Out-of-state Veterinarians thursday friday minnesota non-members thursday friday saturday (Please check one) ..................... $200.00 ........................... $240.00 saturday (Please check one) ..................... $260.00 ........................... $300.00 life/inactive members thursday friday saturday (Please check one) ..................... $105.00 ........................... $145.00 special – Wednesday prOgram, february 4, 2015 mnVmrc emergency preparedness training (full day).......................................................$0 m e a l s (meal tickets are only available to those who pre-register. must check if attending) yEs, I will attend the tHUrsday Exhibitors lunch featuring role of Veterinarians in animal Cruelty Investigations..No Charge yEs, I will attend the mVma Business luncheon FrIday (members only).................................................... No Charge yEs, I will attend the satUrday awards luncheon with dr. Bo Brock ......................................................... No Charge yEs, I will attend the Breakfast seminar FrIday - Veterinary Forensics ............................................................$35.00 yEs, I will attend the Christian Veterinary mission Prayer Breakfast, FrIday at 7:00 am ....................................$35.00 yEs, I will attend the Breakfast seminar, satUrday -Canine lyme disease ......................................................$35.00 m O r........................................................................................................................................................................ e tickets rabies antibody........................................................................................................................$60.00 total Cholesterol .......................................................................................................................$10.00 payment methOd CHECk: #__________________ amount______________ date_______________ payment methOd CrEdIt Card: mastercard Visa discover american Express tOtal Card #_________________________________________________ Exp. date______________CVV Code______________ Check here if you do not want to receive information in the future from any of the mVma sponsors/exhibitors (3 digit code on back of card) cancellatiOn and refunds No refunds will be made after January 16, 2015. Refunds are made only if the registrant has contacted the MVMA office i n w r i t i n g re q u e s t i n g t h e re i m b u r s e m e n t p r i o r t o J a n u a r y 1 6 . a 1 0 % h a n d l i n g fe e i s a s s e s s e d . Mail to: MVMA • 101 Bridgepoint Way, Suite 100 • South St. Paul, MN 55075 • or Fax to 651-645-7539 register Online at www.mvma.org e-mail info@mvma.org call 651-645-7533 REGISTRATION FORMS - Please complete for both Veterinarians and /or Student, Staff, Spouse & Guest Please indicate what sessions you are most likely to attend, check one box for both morning and afternoon on each registered day to help us better match attendance with room size. Veterinary Practice + Therapeutic Exercise for Geriatric Dogs & Wildlife Rehab 101 Small Animal I - Cutting Edge: Jennifer Granick, Chris Stauthammer, Jaime Modiano Thursday AM Small Animal II - Exotics: Avian - Scott Echols Small Animal III - Anesthesia/Analgesia - Andre Shih Practice Management - Raymond Ramirez Small Ruminant - Cindy Wolf & Ann Goplen Swine Veterinary Practice + MN Board of Veterinary Medicine & MN Board of Animal Health Small Animal I - Cutting Edge: Churchill, Root-Kustritz, Henson, Eisenschenk, Borgatti Thursday PM Small Animal II - Exotics: Avian - Scott Echols Small Animal III - Anesthesia/Analgesia - Andre Shih Practice Management - Raymond Ramirez Small Ruminant - Cindy Wolf & Ann Goplen Industrial Veterinary Medicine - Nicole Reynolds & Nick Robinson Equine - Bo Brock Friday AM Small Animal I - Emergency - Jeff Todd Small Animal II - Neurology - Simon Platt Small Animal III - Cytology - Maxine Wellman Practice Management - Karyn Gavzer Bovine - David Ellefson & Katie Mrdutt Equine - Bo Brock Friday PM Small Animal I - Emergency - Jeff Todd Small Animal II - Neurology - Simon Platt Small Animal III - Cytology - Maxine Wellman Practice Management - Karyn Gavzer Bovine - James Bennett & Jeremy Schefers Public Health Saturday AM Small Animal I - Feline - Gary Norsworthy Small Animal II - Human Animal Bond - Alice Villalobos Small Animal III - Imaging - Eric Lindquist Practice Management - Karyn Gavzer Bovine - Mike Apley Public Health Saturday PM Small Animal I - Feline - Gary Norsworthy Small Animal II - Human Animal Bond - Alice Villalobos Small Animal III - Imaging - Eric Lindquist Practice Management - Karyn Gavzer Bovine - Mike Apley Mail Form to: Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association 101 Bridgepoint Way, Suite 100, South St. Paul, MN 55075 Phone: (651) 645-7533 Fax: (651) 645-7539 Register Online at www.mvma.org e-mail info@mvma.org MVMA 2015 Convention into the February 5-7 2015 Student, Staff & GueSt ReGiStRation (PLeaSe note: tHiS iS not a MaVt ReGiStRation) One persOn per registratiOn fOrm please. this fOrm may be duplicated. NamE (Please print preferred badge name) E-maIl addrEss (For Confirmation) CIty/statE/ZIP addrEss (address will become your preferred address- Is this Home or Business) PHoNE # Fax # Note: Confirmation and registration materials (Name Badge, Meal Tickets, Proceedings link, etc.) will be mailed to attendees approximately one week prior to the convention. Please watch your mail for this important information. p r O c e e d i n g s (NotE - an online link to the Convention Proceedings, instead of a Cd, is included in the registration fee.) Printed Notes. must be ordered by January 9, 2015....................................................................... . $75.00 pre-registration by January 9 registratiOn fees registration after January 9 or Onsite full registration (non dVm): (Includes seminars, proceedings link, exhibit hall admission, and Friday Night Big Band Jazz Event) dVm student member .......................................................................$0.00 ........................$45.00 dVm student non-member ............................................................ $125.00 ...................... $165.00 3-day hospital staffperson/spouse/guest registration.............$215.00 ...................... $255.00 1-day hospital staffperson/spouse/guest registration.............. $95.00 ...................... $135.00 thursday friday saturday (Please check one) exhibit hall Only registration (non dVm’s Only): (Name badge and entrance to exhibit area only. Includes Friday Night Big Band Jazz Event) exhibit hall Only ............................................................................................ $30.00............................$30.00 special – Wednesday prOgram, february 4, 2015 mnVmrc emergency preparedness training (full day)..........................................................................$0 m e a l s yEs, yEs, yEs, yEs, yEs, I I I I I mOre will will will will will (meal tickets are only available to those who pre-register) Check Here if you would like a vegetarian meal attend attend attend attend attend the the the the the tHUrsday Exhibitors lunch featuring role of Veterinarians in animal Cruelty Investigations.........$40.00 satUrday awards luncheon with dr. Bo Brock.................................................................$40.00 Breakfast seminar FrIday - Veterinary Forensics...............................................................$35.00 Christian Veterinary mission Prayer Breakfast, FrIday at 7:00 am.......................................$35.00 Breakfast seminar, satUrday - Canine lyme disease........................................................$35.00 tickets rabies antibody .......................................................................................................................... $60.00 total Cholesterol.......................................................................................................................... $10.00 payment methOd CHECk: #__________________ CrEdIt Card: mastercard tOtal amount______________ date_______________ Visa discover american Express Card #_________________________________________________ Exp. date______________ CVV Code______________ Check here if you do not want to receive information in the future from any of the mVma sponsors/exhibitors (3 digit code on back of card) cancellatiOn and refunds No refunds will be made after January 16, 2015. Refunds are made only if the registrant has contacted the MVMA office in writing requesting the reimbursement prior to January 16. a 10% handling fee is assessed. Mail to: MVMA • 101 Bridgepoint Way, Suite 100 • South St. Paul, MN 55075 • or Fax to 651-645-7539 register Online at www.mvma.org e-mail info@mvma.org call 651-645-7533 REGISTRATION FORMS - Please complete for both Veterinarians and /or Student, Staff, Spouse & Guest Please indicate what sessions you are most likely to attend, check one box for both morning and afternoon on each registered day to help us better match attendance with room size. Veterinary Practice + Therapeutic Exercise for Geriatric Dogs & Wildlife Rehab 101 Small Animal I - Cutting Edge: Jennifer Granick, Chris Stauthammer, Jaime Modiano Thursday AM Small Animal II - Exotics: Avian - Scott Echols Small Animal III - Anesthesia/Analgesia - Andre Shih Practice Management - Raymond Ramirez Small Ruminant - Cindy Wolf & Ann Goplen Swine Veterinary Practice + MN Board of Veterinary Medicine & MN Board of Animal Health Small Animal I - Cutting Edge: Churchill, Root-Kustritz, Henson, Eisenschenk, Borgatti Thursday PM Small Animal II - Exotics: Avian - Scott Echols Small Animal III - Anesthesia/Analgesia - Andre Shih Practice Management - Raymond Ramirez Small Ruminant - Cindy Wolf & Ann Goplen Industrial Veterinary Medicine - Nicole Reynolds & Nick Robinson Equine - Bo Brock Friday AM Small Animal I - Emergency - Jeff Todd Small Animal II - Neurology - Simon Platt Small Animal III - Cytology - Maxine Wellman Practice Management - Karyn Gavzer Bovine - David Ellefson & Katie Mrdutt Equine - Bo Brock Friday PM Small Animal I - Emergency - Jeff Todd Small Animal II - Neurology - Simon Platt Small Animal III - Cytology - Maxine Wellman Practice Management - Karyn Gavzer Bovine - James Bennett & Jeremy Schefers Public Health Saturday AM Small Animal I - Feline - Gary Norsworthy Small Animal II - Human Animal Bond - Alice Villalobos Small Animal III - Imaging - Eric Lindquist Practice Management - Karyn Gavzer Bovine - Mike Apley Public Health Saturday PM Small Animal I - Feline - Gary Norsworthy Small Animal II - Human Animal Bond - Alice Villalobos Small Animal III - Imaging - Eric Lindquist Practice Management - Karyn Gavzer Bovine - Mike Apley Mail Form to: Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association 101 Bridgepoint Way, Suite 100, South St. Paul, MN 55075 Phone: (651) 645-7533 Fax: (651) 645-7539 Register Online at www.mvma.org e-mail info@mvma.org Small Animal II Neurology Using the Examination to Deal with Neurology Cases - Video Case-Based Small Animal III Cytology Practice Management Sponsored by CareCredit Cytology of Skin Tumors Dr. Maxine Wellman Dr. Simon Platt Bovine How to Get the Pets Back - Using the PHP Resources to Promote Preventive Care FDA-CVM’s New Guidelines for the Judicial Use of Antibiotics in Food Karyn Gavzer, MBA, CVPM Animals Dr. David Ellefson Break - Visit the Exhibitors Vestibular Disease in the Dog and Cat - Video Case based Cytology of Lymph Nodes Dr. Maxine Wellman Dr. Simon Platt How to Make the Value Proposition with Clients - Learn the Secrets of Consumer Psychology & How to Provide Value Pet Owners Will Pay For Food Armor: The “How-to” Plan to Proper Drug Use on our Dairy Farms Dr. Katie Mrdutt Karyn Gavzer, MBA, CVPM Annual Business Lunch - Salon E Seizure Disorders Working Up the Patient and Starting Treatment Cytology of the Spleen Dr. Maxine Wellman Dr. Simon Platt Pay-by-the-Month Plans, Discounting and Other Pricing Strategies You Need to Know Now Designing and Utilizing an In-House Mastitis Laboratory Dr. James Bennett Karyn Gavzer, MBA, CVPM Break - Visit the Exhibitors Seizure Disorders Managing the Patient Long Term and in a Crisis Cytology of the Liver Dr. Maxine Wellman How to Make Staff Learning “Sticky” and Fun Dairy Cows and the Copper Conundrum Dr. Jeremy Schefers Karyn Gavzer, MBA, CVPM Dr. Simon Platt Christian Veterinary Mission Prayer Breakfast Minnesota Dog Bite Prevention Training Friday, February 6 | 7:00 – 8:45 am CVM is an organization within our profession dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor utilizing our veterinary skills. Each year several hundred veterinarians and vet students give of their time and resources to go and treat their livestock and also promote the local church. Katherine Reisinger and Zach Krych Both Katherine and Zach are vet students at the U of M College. They went to India as CVM ministry this summer. They will share their experience in such a different culture. Jim Fountain, DVM (Kansas ‘71) and Dave Wright, DVM (Minnesota ‘71) Both Jim and Dave have had many years in practice. Jim in Kenyon, MN and Dave in Buffalo, MN. Both Jim and Dave went to the Dominican Republic at different times. The main goal was to evaluate a new partner for future trips for CVM vets. Both Jim and Dave have experienced several trips to several countries. They will share from a rich experience. Maybe someone at the breakfast might be challenged to try a trip themselves. 11 Council of Senior Veterinarians Determining Cause-Specific Mortality in Minnesota’s Declining Moose Population – An Update Margaret Dexter, MN DNR Friday, February 6 | 9:30 – 11:45 am DNR’s Northeast Minnesota Adult Moose Mortality project began in 2012. The purpose is to understand and quantify cause-specific, non-hunting mortality. An update on the project after the first 2 years. Friday, February 6 5:30 – 6:20 pm F Open to veterinar ians, technicians and veterinary staff F Earn 1 CE credit F Train in your community and create great public relations Register for prevention training by calling the MVMA office at 651.645.7533 or email info@mvma.org 2015 MVMA Annual Meeting Friday, February 6th 7:30 - 8:30 am Breakfast Seminar Canine Lyme Disease Dr. Andrew Eschner 7:30 - 9:30 am Past Presidents Breakfast 8:00 - 10:30 am Wellness Center 9:00 - 10:15 am Concurrent Sessions 10:15 - 10:45 am Break - Visit Exhibit Hall 10:45 am - 12:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 12:00 - 2:00 pm Animal Awards Lunch - Dr. Bo Brock 9:00 - 10:15 am Public Health Small Animal I Veterinary Mental Health Survey Report and a Review of Minnesota Mental Health Resources The Chronically Vomiting Cat: It Really is a BIG Deal 3:15 - 3:30 pm Break 3:30 - 4:45 pm Concurrent Sessions Dr. Gary Norsworthy Dr. Stacy Holzbauer Domestic Violence: Families and their Pets at Risk Dr. Stacy Holzbauer The Chronically Vomiting Cat: It Really is a BIG Deal (continued) Dr. Gary Norsworthy 12:00 Lunch Animal Therapy: Panel The Chronically Vomiting Cat: It Really Discussion involving representatives from: is a BIG Deal (concluded) Renal Insufficiency in Cats: New Concepts on Treatment Helping Paws, We Can Ride, and Seeing Eyes Dr. Gary Norsworthy 2:00 pm Exhibit Hall Closes 2:00 - 3:15 pm Concurrent Sessions Feline Exclusive Break 10:45 am - 12:00 noon 7:00 am Pick-up Silent Auction Items 2:00 - 3:15 pm 7:00 am Registration Desk Open Break 3:30 - 4:45 pm Saturday Schedule of Events Late Breakers: Emerging Issues in Minnesota, Ebola Virus and Animals Dr. Stacy Holzbauer Renal Insufficiency in Cats: New Concepts on Treatment Including High Protein Diets (concluded) Dr. Gary Norsworthy Saturday Breakfast Canine Lyme Borreliosis (aka Lyme Disease): Biology, Disease, Diagnostics and Prevention Dr. Andrew Eschner Saturday, February 7 | 7:30 – 8:30 am The last 20 years has seen an explosion in tick populations across the US with a subsequent increase in tick transmitted disease in dogs. In many states, black-legged ‘deer’ tick populations have increased and these ticks can infect dogs, humans and other mammals with Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterial agent of Lyme disease. In growing numbers, pet-owners have either had Lyme disease or know someone who has had Lyme disease and increasingly “challenge” veterinarians and staff about diagnostic, treatment and prevention options for their dogs. This talk will review the foundational aspects of what is known about canine Lyme borreliosis with the goal of providing the veterinarian a framework from which tobuild his or her overall management plan. www.mvma.org Frankie 2013 Companion Animal of the Year 12 Small Animal II Human Animal Bond Universal HumanAnimal Bond Scale: Explained A-Z Dr. Alice Villalobos Practice Management Small Animal III Imaging Sponsored by CareCredit Clinical Sonography & Pancreatic Pathology: Why Serum Enzyme Markers Only Tell Part of the Story Dr. Eric Lindquist Bovine Workshop: How to Use Content to Connect with Pet Owners in Ways that Work for the Practice Regulatory and Legislative Changes in Drug Use in Food Animals with an Emphasis on Antimicrobials in Feed Karyn Gavzer, MBA, CVPM and Water Dr. Mike Apley Break - Visit the Exhibitors Decision Making at End of Life Dr. Alice Villalobos Clinical & Sonographic Approach to G.I. Disease Obstructions & Foreign Bodies Dr. Eric Lindquist Workshop: How to Use Content to Connect with Pet Owners in Ways that Work for the Practice (continued) Residues – What are Tolerances and How they are Applied? (Dairy Emphasis) Looking at Both Cull Karyn Gavzer, MBA, CVPM Cows and Milk Dr. Mike Apley Animal Awards Lunch with Dr. Bo Brock Persuasion and Over Treatment? Dr. Alice Villalobos Clinical & Sonographic Approach to G.I. Disease Obstructions & Foreign Bodies (continued) Dr. Eric Lindquist Workshop: How to Use Content to Connect with Pet Owners in Ways that Work for the Practice (conclusion) Antimicrobials in Cattle – Some Examples of the Differences they make and a Review of our Choices for Therapy of Karyn Gavzer, MBA, CVPM Infectious Disease Dr. Mike Apley Break How to Set Up a Hospice Service in Your Clinic Dr. Alice Villalobos Clinical Approach to the Urinary & Reproductive Pathology-UGELAB & Interventional Procedure Options Dr. Eric Lindquist Animal Awards Lunch with Dr. Brock Saturday, February 7 | 12:00 – 2:00 pm What do you do when you have a goat in your kitchen in the middle of the night? Why should you never put a pig in your mouth? With humor and heart, seasoned Texas veterinarian Bo Brock answers these questions and many more! Want your copy of Dr. Bock’s book, “Crowded in the Middle of Nowhere” autographed? Bring your copy or buy a book on site! 13 Preventive Client Care: How to Please Clients & Avoid Problems Before They Start Karyn Gavzer, MBA, CVPM Antimicrobial Resistance Challenges in Human and Veterinary Medicine - It’s not just about a Possible Impact on Human Use from our Veterinary Use, but also our Ability to Continue to Treat our Veterinary Patients Dr. Mike Apley Don’t Miss Karyn Gavzer WVC Practice Educator of the Year -2 years in row! Learn How to Get the Pets Back - Using the PHP Resources to Promote Preventive Care and attend a Workshop: How to Use Content to Connect with Pet Owners in Ways that Work for the Practice; This interactive, “hands-on” workshop teaches the “7 Rules of Content” to help veterinarians and their teams create effective messages in the practice and online to show pet owners the value of preventive health care. Participants will have a chance to use the techniques taught, develop skills, and create take-home content they can use in their own practices. 2015 MVMA Annual Meeting Saturday, February 7th Additional Information Registration Same registration prices last 6 years! Pre-Registration ends January 9, 2015 Registration, advanced or on-site, is required for admission to the convention. Please note that there are two registration forms, one for DVM’s and one for students, staff, spouse, guests, etc. You may register online at www.mvma.org, mail or fax your registration form to the MVMA office. Very Important in 2015 Please complete session attendance check off on back of registration form. This has been added for you to indicate which sessions you plan to attend. This helps us determine the best room and seating requirements for each session. You may also register online at www.mvma.org. If you are currently a member, please log into the member section, then click on “Upcoming MVMA Convention.” When you register online your member information will be automatically filled in, and all you need to do is indicate which specific events you want to attend. If you are not a member, you can still register online at www.mvma.org. Just click on the registration button next to 118th Annual Meeting, on the home page. Select your registration type, and fill in the necessary information. Early registration is strongly encouraged. An additional $40 is charged for on-site and late registration. Wellness Center Convention attendees may have blood drawn for rabies antibody status ($60.00) and total cholesterol ($10.00) at the Wellness Center. Blood Pressure readings will also be available (no charge). Results will be sent by mail from Marshfield Labs. The Wellness Center will be open during the following times: Thursday, February 5th Friday, February 6th Saturday, February 7th 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm 8:00 am - 10:30 am 8:00 am - 10:30 am Continuing Education Attendance Forms CE Forms are provided with your registration materials. These forms allow you to check off the seminars you attend and add up the hours earned for relicensure. One credit for 50 minutes of lecture. Be sure to fill out the form and keep it in your CE File for verification when you renew your veterinary license or veterinary technician certification. Total possible credits available in 2015 are 28. Hotel Information The Convention is being held at the Hilton Minneapolis, located at 1001 Marquette Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55403. A block of rooms has been reserved for the MVMA with a contracted rate of $99. Reservations MUST be made by January 12, 2015 for this rate. For reservations, please call the Hilton at 612-376-1000 or toll free at 888-933-5363 or visit the MVMA website at www.mvma.org for a link to the Hilton reservation page. Please request the group code MVM for the MVMA. The hotel room rate includes complimentary self-parking for one car, per guest room, per night. Hotel Parking Ramp is attached to the Hilton Minneapolis on the 11th Street or 2nd Ave. sides of the hotel. For more information on parking, visit mvma.org and go to Annual Convention link. Exhibit Hall Information The Exhibit Hall will be open Thursday, February 5th, from 12:00 pm to 5:30 pm, Friday, February 6th, from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, and Saturday, February 7th, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Also plan to attend the Friday Night Big Band Swing event from 5:30 - 8:00 pm in the third floor Ballroom. There will be plenty of food and beverages available for attendees. MVMA exhibitors offer state-of-the-art technology, information, and products. With more exhibitors to see and such an excellent reputation among veterinary suppliers, there is sure to be something of interest for every MVMA convention attendee. Cancellation and Refunds No refunds will be made after January 16, 2015. Refunds are made only if the registrant has contacted the MVMA office in writing requesting reimbursement prior to January 16th. A 10% handling fee is assessed. Due to the nature of this being a winter convention in Minnesota coupled with the frequency of inclement winter weather and adverse conditions, the MVMA is not able to offer refunds as a result of an attendee’s inability to attend the meeting due to weather conditions. www.mvma.org MVMA Life Members Annual MVMA Business Meeting If you are an MVMA member, please plan to attend this meeting! Awards for Veterinarian of the Year, Distinguished Service, Outstanding Faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Outstanding Industry Representative, and Veterinary Service will be presented. Check your registration form, as seating is limited and tickets are required. The meeting will be held on Friday, February 6th, from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Program Changes All scheduling and program changes will be posted on the MVMA website. Please check www.mvma.org for up-to-date information. Proceedings AGAIN this year, for attendees, an online link will be provided to obtain proceedings where you can view, download onto your device or print. Printed proceedings may be ordered ONLY by pre-registrants. Printed proceedings must be pre-ordered prior to the meeting on the enclosed registration form or online. What To Do in Minneapolis? Please go to Meet Minneapolis website listed below to find out what sporting, cultural and musical events are happening while you are in town. A guide of downtown restaurants available onsite or visit www.minneapolis.org MVMA 2016 Convention Date & Location In 2016 the MVMA Annual Meeting will be held on February 4-6, 2016 at the Minneapolis Hilton Hotel. 14 Join in on the fun and support a great cause! WIN A FREE MVMA SEMINAR REGISTRATION! Stop by the MVMF booth and enter into a drawing to win a 2015 MVMA Seminar Registration. 3nd Annual Giving Campaign Donate A Bottle of Wine or Six-pack of speciality Beer! Plan to give during the MVMF Annual Giving Campaign in April of 2015. Every dollar counts toward securing the future of the veterinary profession. You can make a difference! The MVMF supports Come see The MVMF reach their $ 1,000,000 milestone of giving when 2014 Scholarship Awards are given out! at the Friday Business Lunch! • Veterinary students and veterinary ........ lllllll technicians with scholarships • Continuing Education opportunities for jjjjjjjjMinnesota veterinarians • Animal Education for the public at the Miracle of Birth Center, Surgery Suite exhibits at the MN State Fair • Supports organizations that help animals, such as B.A.R.T., Dog Bite Prevention, 4-H and FFA The Pet Memorial Card Program benefits your practice and the MVMF while remembering your clients in their time of grief. Come by the MVMF booth for a sample or to order! Supporting future veterinary professionals and protecting animal health in Minnesota. Compassionate. Professiona Compassionate.Caring. Caring. Professional Compassionate. Caring. Professional. Compassionate. Caring. Professional. 15 TM TM NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. PAUL, MN PERMIT NO. 511 Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association 101 Bridgepoint Way Suite 100 South St. Paul, MN 55075 ✦ Over 100 Hours of Continuing Education ✦ More Than 45 Speakers ✦ 100 Exhibitors 651.645.7539 | www.mvma.org Compassionate. Caring. Professiona Compassionate. Caring. Professional. TM TM
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