Ka Leo O Corvette— The Voice of Corvette Corvette Club of Hawaii Volume 43, Issue 1 January 2015 From the Editor: I would like to “Thank” everyone for the support that they have given me over the past few months while stepping in as the Newsletter Editor. It’s been a lot of fun and I think I will miss it. Okay, now let’s get serious. 2014 Honolulu Festival Parade I would like to wish Rich Jr. the best of luck over the next year. Believe me Rich it gets easier as the months go by. After 12 months it’s almost like a piece of cake. Happy New Year to Everyone! Dennis & Pam 2014 Night in China Town Parade Inside this issue: 2014 Annual Thanksgiving Day Sunrise Cruise http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 1 President’s Report 2 Dec GMM Minutes 3/4 Banquet Reminder 5 Renewal Application 6 By-Laws Ammendment 7 Calendar of Events 8/9/10 Membership 11 Board 12 From the Driver’s Seat Well now, here we go again… One more time, it’s out with the old and right back in with some more old and a couple new. Let’s get this party started by Thanking the 2014 Board for their hard work and Congratulating the 2015 Board for what’s about to come. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, and Congratulations!!! President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Membership Editor Master-at-Arms 2014 Board Chris Morris Ron Kennedy Chelsea Wimmer Pam Shewell Bryan Wimmer Bryan Tayona/Dennis Shewell Jaymie Lewis 2015 Board Chris Morris Ron Kennedy Yvonne Inciong Pam Shewell Tim Smith Rich Witek Jr Jaymie Lewis We’ve also got a new group of 5, 10 and 15 year members. Members that have made it to 5 years with the Club are: Stan Chambers, Lee & Beverly Munson and Joe & Beverly Greges. Those who’ve been with us 10 years are: Bruce Talbot, Rick & Sue Nichols and Richard & Diana Galope. Our 15 year members are: Ray & Wanda Bermudez and Michael & Gail Mastronardi. Perhaps one of these days we’ll get around to actually getting some pins made up to mark these occasions. Last but certainly no t least, Dennis and Pam Shewell will reach the 25 year milestone this year which means they will become eligible for transition to Lifetime Member. All they’ve got to do is start bribing the members present at the vote to make it happen! Congratulations to one and all!!! It’s going to be another slow start this year. The only things we have planned for the next three months are the End of the Year Banquet on 10 January 2015 at the Waikele Country Club. February 14 will be the first parade of the year and it’s the other big parade we all want to drive in because it’s the only time you will ever get to drive down Hotel Street, legally! And in March we have the St. Patrick’s Day parade, just because it’s fun. After the St. Patrick’s Day parade we are considering replacing the March Dinne r meeting with a Corned Beef and Hash Dinner Party/Pot-Luck. Volunteers needed. While we’re on parades (everybody’s favorite subject, right up there with Corvettes in Paradise, what, too soon?) we will be cutting back on the number of parades we will do this year by a whopping 50 percent. We have been the “Go To” car club in Hawaii for parades for well over thirty years and it was beginning to show last year with the low, low turnout for these parades. March also has the Annual First Hawaiian International Auto Show down at the Honolulu Convention Center. We have not yet been contacted by the organizers so we don’t know if they are or ar e not going to have the local clubs on display. I will be making a big change to how things are done this year. After the End of the Year Banquet, I will not be sending out any email notices for anything. There will be no email sign-ups and there will be no email event reminders. We put three months of scheduling on the Club’s calendar & website and we have three months of sign-up sheets at the monthly General Membership Meeting for you to sign-up for these events. You are all be responsible enough to keep track of the calendar and be at the events you signup for. Now, in the event there is a major incident that impacts any event, then I will send out an email to the membership to keep you informed of the changes that couldn’t wait for the next meeting. Chris http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 2 CORVETTE CLUB OF HAWAII GENERAL MEMBERS MEETING MINUTES 02 December, 2014 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chris Morris, President; Ron Kennedy, Vice-President; Pam Shewell, Treasurer; Chelsea Wimmer, Secretary; Bryan Wimmer, Membership; Jaymie Lewis, Master-at-Arms, Newsletter Editor; Dennis Shewell CALL TO ORDER: Jaymie Lewis called the meeting to order 7:25 pm at Zippy’s Vineyard. MINUTES: Minutes were reviewed. Ron Kennedy motioned and Jaymie Lewis seconded to accept the minutes. MOTION CARRIED. Minutes accepted. TREASURER’S REPORT: Pam Shewell presented the Treasurer’s Report. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Bryan Wimmer reported that our membership is: 87 Regular, 3 Associate, 8 Lifetime and 1 honorary member for a total of 99. We had guests Bill and Kim McCord attend the meeting. They moved to Hawaii from Las Vegas and own a 2003 50th Anniversary Corvette. VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Ron Kennedy reported on the following upcoming events: DEC 2nd – 7:00 PM GMM @ Zippy’s Vineyard 6th – 8:00 AM Kaneohe Christmas Parade 7th – 6:00 PM Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade 13th – 8:30 Am Aiea Christmas Parade, 12:00 PM Potluck @ Dan Carpenter’s, 6:00 PM Eva Beach Christmas Lights Cruise 20th – 9:00 PM Eva Beach Lions Club Parade, 6:00 PM Windward Side Christmas Lights Cruise 30th – 6:30 PM Board Meeting @ Cutter JAN 10th – 5:30 PM End of Year Banquet @ Waikele Country Club 20th – 7:00 PM Dinner Meeting @ TBD 27th – 6:30 PM Board Meeting @ Cutter FEB 3rd – 7:00 PM GMM @ Zippy’s Vineyard 14th – 2:30 PM Chinatown Parade 17th – 7:00 PM Dinner Meeting @ TBD 24th – 6:30 PM Board Meeting @ Cutter OLD BUSINESS: The new member’s packets will be finished soon and will be distributed to any new members from ’13 and ’14 who have never received a packet. We are also waiting on parade kit information list. An amendment in the club’s bylaws was voted upon to change the participation guidelines for board members in order to receive incentives at the end of the year served. (Continued on Page 4) http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 3 A motion was made to change the amendment to a board member must be present at 9 out of 12 general members meetings and board meetings, along with 75% of events. If this is met, the board member’s next year’s dues will be waived. Dennis Shewell motioned and Yvonne Inciong seconded to accept the amendment. MOTION FAILED. Another motion was made that stated the board member must start and end the year and attend at least 50% of the board meetings. If this is met, the board member’s next year’s dues will be waived and the board member and a guest’s meals will be paid for the end of the year banquet. Jaymie Lewis motioned and Lee Munson seconded to accept the amendment. MOTION CARRIED. Amendment accepted. The slate for next year’s board has been determined: Yvonne Inciong – Secretary Tim Smith – Membership Pam Shewell – Treasurer Jayme Lewis – Master at Arms Ron Kennedy – Vice President Chris Morris – President Rich Witek Jr.— Editor The prize money given out at the End of Year Banquet is being determined currently. There is a suggestion of giving the members of the year a prize of free dues for next year instead of gift cards. The banquet will again be held at Waikele Country Club. To determine lucky member of the year, everyone who attends the banquet will have 1 entry. Member’s price is $25.00, Non-Members price is $30.00. NEW BUSINESS: The Waikiki Yacht Club is interested in featuring the club. AAA would like to feature corvettes from Hawaii in their upcoming magazine. A small business owner from San Diego would like to send a free car accessory to the club from his website, AutoAnything.com to raffle off. ANNOUNCEMENT: Rich Waller is looking for a house rental for the next 4 or 5 months. Please contact him regarding any information you may have on short-term rental properties. RAFFLE: Various items were donated and raffled which raised $84.00. ADJOURNMENT: Ron Kennedy motioned and Jaymie Lewis seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted Chelsea Wimmer, Secretary What time is it? It’s time to renew your annual membership dues. http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 4 5 Corvette Club of Hawaii Annual Membership Dues Renewal Form 2015 Please completely fill out this membership dues renewal form and submit with your dues to the club’s post office box (P.O. Box 1808, Kailua, HI 96734-1808) or bring to the next meeting. This information is for the Board’s use only and used to update you on event changes and additions after publication of the monthly newsletter and any special mailings from the Board. Please select the appropriate Membership type below: Regular $24.00/year per person or $2.00/month X no. of months remaining in year + $15 application fee $36.00/year per couple or $3.00/month X no. of months remaining in year + $15 application fee Associate $12.00/year per person or $1.00/month X no. of months remaining in year + $15 application fee $18.00/year per couple or $1.50/month X no. of months remaining in year + $15 application fee MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CORVETTE CLUB OF HAWAII DATE: ___________________ * * * PLEASE PRINT * * * NAME: _______________________________________________________ SPOUSE: _______________________________________________ BIRTHDAY: (self) _____________________________ (spouse) ________________________ ANNIVERSARY: ________________________ STREET: _________________________________________________________________________________________ APT: ________________ CITY: _________________________________________________________ STATE: ________________ ZIP: ____________________________ PHONE: (home)________________________________ (work)____________________________________(cell)__________________________ E-MAIL: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VETTE: (year)____________________ (color)______________________________________ (body style) _______________________________ MODIFICATIONS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ . http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 6 BYLAWS AMENDMENT At the December General Membership Meeting, a vote was taken to add an amendment to the bylaws to provide an incentive for serving on the board. The original wording of the amendment was considered too restrictive and placed a huge burden on the board members to qualify for the incentive. A vote was taken after discussion and the amendment as written did not pass. Further discussion brought around a new motion for an amendment to the bylaws and this time it did pass by majority vote of the members present at the meeting. The original amendment that failed is: Board of Director Members that successfully serve one year on the Board of Directors will be eligible for a free membership the following year provided they have completed all of the following requirements: Attend and participate in at least 9 (75%) of the Board of Director’s meetings during the calendar year. Attend and participate in at least 9 (75%) of the General Membership meetings during the calendar year. Attend and participate in at least 50% of all of other Club events during the calendar year that they were members of the Board. Must successfully complete all duties of the position held. Refer to Article V. Eligibility will be determined by the Board of Directors at the December Board Meeting. Amendment will go into effect for the 2015 Board of Directors and free membership will be awarded for calendar year 2016. Amendment will become effective with the 2015 Board of Directors and free membership will be awarded subsequently hereafter for any Board members that qualify. The reworded amendment follows: Incentive Awards Members that successfully serve one year on the Board of Directors will be eligible for incentive awards provided they have met the following requirements: Served a complete term (12 months) Attended a minimum of 6 monthly Board meetings during the term Successfully completed all duties of the position held. Refer to Article V. Member’s eligibility for incentive awards will be determined by the Board of Directors at the November Board Meeting and presented to the Membership at the December General Membership Meeting for confirmation by majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Upon confirmation by the General Membership the eligible Board Members will have their Annual Membership Dues waived for the following year and the Club will bear the cost of the meals for the eligible Board Members and 1 Guest at the Corvette Club of Hawaii Annual End of the Year Banquet. This amendment is effective upon completion of 2014 term and will commence with the 2015 Board of Directors forward. The bylaws have been updated and after they are signed a copy will be forwarded to the membership. Chris 2015! r o f ues hip d s r e b m ur me o y w e n to re e m i t it’s t e g r o t f Don’ http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 7 January 2015 SUN 4 MON 5 TUE 6GMM WED 7 THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 8 9 10End of the Year Cancelled Banquet - 5:00 pm 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Dinner Meeting 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 Liliha Bakery — 7:00 p.m. 25 26 27CCOH Board 28 Meeting - 6:30 pm January 2015 Calendar of Events 6 Tue 7:00 pm General Membership Meeting— Cancelled 10 Tue 5:00 pm End of the Year Banquet— Waikele Country Club—Installation of The 2015 Board of Directors. 20 Tue 7:00 pm CCOH Monthly Dinner Meeting, Liliha Bakery, 580 N Nimitz Hwy 27 Tue 6:30 pm Board Meeting, Cutter Chevrolet Conference Room Will you be the first one to renew your Membership Dues for 2015? http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 8 February 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 GMM Wed Thu Fri Sat 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 Meeting—7:00 pm 8 9 10 Night in Chinatown Parade - 2:30 pm 15 16 17 Dinner 18 19 20 Meeting—7:00 pm 22 23 24 Board of 21 Cook out @ Dan Carpenter’s 4:00 pm 25 26 27 28 Directors Meeting February Calendar of Events—2015 3 Tues 7:00 PM General Membership Meeting—Zippy’s at 59 N. Vineyard Blvd. 14 Sat 2:30 pm Night in Chinatown Parade—Meet on Richards St. Ewa of the Capitol Bldg. Cruise to Zippy’s after the parade. 17 Tues 7:00 pm Dinner Meeting, TBD 20 Sat 4:00 pm Cook Out at Dan Carpenter’s. More Info to come. 24 Tues 6:30 pm Board Meeting, Cutter Chevrolet Conference Room http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 9 March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 General 4 5 6 7 Membership Mtng. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17St. Pat’s 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Parade & Dinner Meeting 22 23 24 29 30 31Board Meeting—Cutter Chevrolet March 2015 Calendar of Events 3 Tue 7:00 pm General Membership Meeting, Zippy’s, 59 N. Vineyard, Honolulu 17 Tue 11:00 am St. Patrick’s Day Parade— Meet on Kalakaua Blvd. by Saratoga 17 Tue 7:00 pm Dinner Meeting, TBD 31 Tue 6:30 pm Board Meeting, Cutter Chevrolet Conference Room ** Oh, Oh! Did you forget to renew your membership dues for 2015? http://www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 10 Membership REGULAR MEMBERSHIP Danny & Shelley Antoque Janine Banderenko Rod & Marie Baybayan Joe Benevides Tom & Pat Berkner Ray & Wanda Bermudez Janine Bionderenko Raymond E. Burke II Jeff Cadavona & Dale Head Harvey & Diana Campbell Dan Carpenter Stan Chambers Tom & Joannie Cramer Edward Cvilikas & Hilda Sanchez Tony DeMello Jorge Diaz Tyrus "Tiny" Doi Dennis Freitas & Cathy Jorge Burton & Elizabeth Freitas Richard & Diana Galope Joseph & Beverly Greges Mark & Sherry Harysch Tim & Sue Kennedy Ron & Fei Kennedy Bud & Beckie Kowalski Alex Lee Jaymie Lewis & Yvonne Inciong Jay & Yvonne Lewis Isaac Ogitani Mike & Gail Mastronardi Peter & Ellen Melnyk John & Sue Moore Christopher Morris Lee & Beverly Munson Ron & Gracelyn Musa Ken & Sandy Nakamura Rick & Sue Nichols Jeremy Pilkenton Karen Reed Eric Sakai John & Carol Saporito Dennis & Pam Shewell Michael & Marianne Shimada Kathy Smith Tim Smith Gary Tahara Bruce Talbot Bryan Tayona Anderson & Polly Tice Rich Waller Natalie Wiggins & DanHilderbrandt Bryan & Chelsea Wimmer Rich & Jan Witek Rich Witek Jr. 1978 2006 1996 2000 2006 1979 2006 2002 1974 1969 1972 2004 2006 2007 2005 1980 1999 1998 2007 2003 1961 2005 2013 2007 1984 2014 2009 1995 2008 2003 1981 2000 Black Red Silver Black Monterey Red Metallic Cream Red Pewter Yellow Black Blue Blue Silver Monterey Red Red Black Black Red Black Atomic Orange (Indy Pace Car) Ruby Red (50th Anniversary) White White Blue 60th Anniversary Monterey Red Silver Torch Red Silver Z-06 Green Crystal Red Red (Z06) Cream/Brown Red T-Top Convertible Convertible Coupe Coupe T-Top Coupe Coupe Convertible T-Top Convertible Coupe Coupe Coupe Convertible T-Top Coupe Coupe Coupe Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Coupe Coupe Coupe Coupe Coupe Convertible Coupe Coupe T-Top Coupe 1988 2002 1972 2004 1963 2006 2013 2004 1981 Red Red Red Medium Spiral Gray Metallic Blue/White White White (Grand Sport) Lemans Blue Red Coupe Convertible T-Top Convertible Convertible Coupe Coupe Coupe T-Top 1958 2009 1972 1998 2014 2002 1967 1998 1979 Charcoal Velocity Yellow (ZHZ) Blue Blue Black Red Red Laser Blue (Indy Pace Car) Yellow Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Coupe Coupe Convertible Convertible T-Top 1963 Tan SW Coupe 2002 2008 1970 Yellow Yellow (De-Striped ZHZ) White Coupe Coupe Convertible www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 11 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Craig Toyooka Robert Willie & Julie Mueller 1990 1964 Red ZR-1 Black Coupe Convertible LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Don Adams David & Denise Delzer Vernon & Margie Gainer Al & Helen Hemstreet Charlie & Kathy Hillman HONORARY MEMBERSHIP January Birthdays: John Saporito Mark Harysch Dale Head Fei Kennedy Rich Witek 1/1 1/2 1/17 1/21 1/24 Jason Lui-Kwan NEW MEMBERS Anderson & Polly Tice January Anniversaries: Ron & Fei Kennedy Tom & Pat Berkner 1/13 1/30 Corvette Club of Hawaii P.O. Box 1808 Kailua, HI 96734-1808 [2014 Board of Directors] President & Director: Chris Morris, cwmo@yahoo.com, (808) 738-7733 Vice President & Director: Ron Kennedy, t38talonrck@aol.com, (808) 778-3309 Secretary & Director: Yvonne Inciong, jaymielewiss@gmail.com Treasurer & Director: Pam Shewell, pshewell@juno.com, (808)262-6417 Master at Arms/Director: Jaymie Lewis, jaymielewiss@gmail.com, (808) 777-9593 Membership/Director: Tim Smith, ashirtguy@aol.com, (808)391-1844 Editor/Director: Rich Witek Jr, kubby_tgg@yahoo.com KA LEO O CORVETTE (The Voice of Corvette) is the official monthly publication of the CORVETTE CLUB OF HAWAII. CCOH is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the enjoyment and pleasure of members in owning and driving the Chevrolet Corvette. All opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the officers and/or members of the club. Articles for KA LEO O CORVETTE must be submitted to the Editor no later than the 3rd Tuesday of the month prior to publication (Dinner Meeting). The Editor reserves the right to reject any item that is not in the best interest of the Corvette Club of Hawaii. www.corvetteclubofhawaii.com 12
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