Material Recovery Facilities in Pennsylvania Facility Name Address County Phone Fax Adams Rescue Mission 2515 York Rd. Gettysburg PA 17325 Adams 717-334-7502 717-334-2108 Dlubak Glass Company 1600 Saxonburg Rd Natrona Heights, PA 15065 Allegheny 724-224-6611 724-224-1099 Pittsburgh Recycling Services (Temporarily Closed) 50 Vespucius St Pittsburgh PA 15207 Allegheny 412-420-6000 412-420-6009 Waste Management (GREENSTAR) 4100 Grand Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15225 Allegheny 412-250-0275 412-275-0280 139 Armsdale Rd Kittaning PA 16201 Armstrong 724-548-3223 260 Market Street Leechburg, PA 15656 Armstrong Armstrong County Recycling Center Leechburg Borough Recycling Center 2973 Duss Ave Ambridge PA 15003 Beaver 724-266-2268 Miller's Quality Recycling 167 Warmuth Lane Bedford PA 15522 Bedford 814-623-2100 814-623-3353 th 1000 S. 4 St. Hamburg PA 19526 Berks 610-562-8336 610-562-8381 Waste Management of Allentown/New Smithfield 2710 Golden Key Rd. Kutztown PA 19530 Berks 800-869-5566 IRC Buckhorn Recycling & Compost Facility 1860 Blacksnake Rd. Dysant, PA 16636 Blair 814-942-7472 Cove Recycling 4643 Cove Mountain RD Box 525B Roaring Spring, PA 16673 Blair 814-224-2979 J&J Recycling 1747 Margaret Avenue Altoona PA 16601 Blair 814-942-9543 1525 Polk Avenue Altoona, PA 16602 Blair 814-742-8453 STERDA Recycling Systems Service Area Materials Accepted aluminum and tin cans, scrap metal, newspaper, cardboard, magazines, office paper, 3 colors of glass, plastics 1 &2 and clothing Jim Staub Industrial Manager Mainly Adams County James E. Dlubak 3 colors of glass and clean, florescent light All along the east bulbs, pre-consumer plate glass, car coast, Ohio, Virginia windshields and West Virginia Ron Herbert Manager Allegheny, Butler, Westmoreland and Washington Counties Bob Johns Western PA What Forms Materials are Accepted Steven Miller Consultant m.cougle s@cougle srecycling .com’ Bob Cougle President yes Source separated and clean yes plastics 1 & 2, 3 colors of glass, tin & Conversion to single aluminum cans, newspaper, office paper, stream magazines and cardboard, hardback books, phone books, scrap metal plastics 1&2, 3 colors of glass, tin & aluminum Single stream cans, newspaper, magazines, office paper and cardboard, aseptic/gable top cartons sterda@a yes no yes Armstrong County Pennsylvania and Maryland Approx. 100 miles Allentown area Terry Decker Owner Open to General Public Source separated plastics 1&2, 3 colors of glass, tin & aluminum Source separated cans, office paper, cardboard, newspaper, waste oil 3 colors of glass, plastic 1 & 2 aluminum and mainly source separated Nancy Bono, Leechburg Boro tin cans; newspaper; chipboard; corrugated Borough &surrounding areas cardboard; magazines; junk mail; office paper, Secretary telephone books Commingled Harold Pollock Allegheny, Butler & plastics 1 & 2, glass 3 colors, corrugated cardboard, aluminum and tin. Beaver Counties Plant Manager Sally Conlin Boro 724-8428511 or 724-845-9720 Facility 724854-9721 Joseph Brunner Recycling Cougle’s Recycling Inc. Email adamsres cuemissio n@yahoo .com jdlubak@ m info@recy m Contact Person 1/6/15 yes aluminum cans, plastics #1 & #2, newspaper, Source separated magazines, cardboard, office paper, mixed paper, ledger, non-ferrous metals, automotive batteries any paper products, non-ferrous, plastics 1 & Conversion to single 2, 3 colors of glass, aluminum, tin cans, tablet stream bindings and aseptic/gable top cartons yes 3 colors of glass, cardboard paper, newspaper fiber is commingled office paper, aluminum and steel cans. plastics. yes aluminum and tin cans, books, cardboard, Source separated Mainly Altoona area catalogs, magazines, newspaper, office paper, in Blair County paperboard, phone books, 3 colors of glass, plastics 1 & 2 cardboard, newspaper, magazines, aluminum Source separated Blair County and steel cans, 3 colors of glass Blair County mainly Joe and Judy Waste Systems Green Owners International Inc. Steve Davis As far away as Erie and Scranton Owner yes yes yes yes cardboard, newspaper, office paper, aluminum commingled with fiber and tin cans, 3 colors of glass, plastics 1&2 source separated yes high-grade office paper, cardboard, magazines, some books no Source separated Material Recovery Facilities in Pennsylvania Facility Name Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority Bradford Facility BFI Bucks Montgomery Recycling Otter Recycling Center Wheelabrator Falls, Inc. Tri-County Recycling LLC Address West Burlington Twp P.O. Box 10 Burlington PA 18814 1510 Swamp Rd. Fountainville, PA 18923 Tullytown Resource Recovery Facility 200 Bordentown Rd., Tullytown PA 19067 County Bradford Phone Fax 570-297-4177 570-297-3158 ntswa@e 215-736-9400 Larry Snyder Owner Lower Buck’s County Wheelabrator Falls 1201 New Ford Mill Rd. Morrisville, PA 19067 Bucks 215-736-1760 Waste Management Buck’s County 120 Hutchman Rd P.O. Box 1167 Mars PA 16046 Butler 724-625-9000 724-625- 3777 geldisposal.c ervogel@vo om Centre A.J. Blosenski Inc. P.O. Box 392 Elverson PA 19520 Chester 610-942-2707 or 800-343610-942-2495 6583 Clinton County Solid Waste Authority P.O. Box 209 264 Landfill Lane McElhattan, PA 17748 Clinton Bloomsburg Recycling Center 901 Patterson Dr. Bloomsburg PA 178151870 Columbia jshafer1 @uplink.n et Edward Vogel Owner Center, Cambria, Joanne Shaffer Mifflin, Blare, Clearfield, and Recycling Huntingdon Coordinator Counties Anthony Chester, Berks, Montgomery Blosenski Counties President Dauphin 717-233-5606 / 800-432717-233-6099 5511 508 E. Baltimore Ave. Lansdowne PA 190502508 Delaware 610-623-7772 610-623-0892 10 Reaney St. Chester PA 190132847 Delaware 610-532-6300 610-485-1807 610-485-1805 yes scrap metals, aluminum and tin cans, 30 to 40 mile radius cardboard, newspaper and various fibers, plastics 1&2 cardboard, newspaper, aluminum, 3 colors of Steve Ogborne glass 50 mile radius Operations Manager Source separated yes Source separated no Bloomsburg, Columbia and small amount for around the area Depends on the material but have collected material from as far away as California Perry Goldberg Within 100 miles Owner Michael Carey Manager sogborne @rsgphill no only large volume commercial Source separated Kevin Freedman President email@Tr istaterecy no non-ferrous metals, stainless steel, aluminum cans, high grade office paper Charles Fritz Environmental Services Administrator 2209 N. 7th St. P.O. Box 10113 Harrisburg PA 17105 no yes cfritz@blo omsburgp Tri-State Recyclers Inc. Commingled with fiber separate 3 colors of glass, aluminum and tin cans, Source separated mixed paper (newspaper, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, books, office paper, paper bags, cardboard) and plastic 1 - 7 Any type of paper, paper fiber, some plastics Source separated and aluminum cans. 570-784-4532 570-784-3414 717-236-7971 717-236-4928 office paper, newspaper, plastics 1 & 2, aluminum and tin cans, 3 colors of glass and cardboard yes 570-769-7802 570-769-7366 Dauphin yes plastic bottles 1 through 7; rigid plastics, three Source separated colors of glass, aluminum and tin cans; catalogs, phone books, magazines, newspaper, office paper, mixed paper, paperboard and cardboard office paper, mixed paper, cardboard, plastics commingled with fiber 1-7, aluminum and tin cans, 3 colors of glass separated or source separated aluminum and tin can, cardboard, magazines, Source separated newspaper, office paper, and junk mail, 3 colors of glass, plastics 1 - 7 Michael Crist Staff Clinton County Engineer/Recycli ng Coord. 4200 Industrial Rd. Harrisburg PA 17110 Open to General Public Source separated Al, 3 colors of glass, 1&2 plastic bottles, steel Single stream cans, aluminum cans, newspaper, cardboard, office paper, magazines, catalogs, telephone books. plastics 1 & 2, news and office paper, Single stream Western part of the corrugated cardboard, aluminum and tin cans. state mcrist@w aynetwpla Harrisburg Waste Paper Company What Forms Materials are Accepted newspaper, cardboard, aluminum cans, plastics 1 & 2 Bucks 814-238-6649 814-238-3195 Materials Accepted aluminum and tin cans, cardboard, junk mail, Tioga, Bradford and magazines, mixed paper, newspaper, office paper, textbooks, 3 colors of glass, textiles, Sullivan Counties office paper, foil, computers, plastics 1 & 2 215-249-1596 253 Transfer Rd. Bellefonte PA 16823 Republic Services (McCusker & Ogborne) Service Area Bucks Centre County Recycling & Refuse Authority Accurate Recycling Corp. Email Contact Person 1/6/15 yes yes no Material Recovery Facilities in Pennsylvania Facility Name Address County Phone Fax Email Contact Person Service Area 1/6/15 Materials Accepted separated and mixed cullet no plastics 1 & 2, 3 colors of glass, tin & aluminum cans, office paper, magazines, cardboard, newspaper, used motor oil aluminum cans and any grade of paper and cardboard, plastics 1&2; film commingled with fiber separated yes Commingled and source separated yes commingled with fiber source separated yes CAP Glass, Inc Fayette 724-547-4550 724-887-0968 sales@ca pglassrec m Goodwill Recycling 105 Romeo Lane Uniontown PA 15401 Fayette 724-437- 9878 724-437-9865 Gibson@go Gary Gibson Supervisor Fayette county Franklin 717-264-4890 717-264-6393 recycle@ cwprecycl Rich Bowers Transportation Manager 250 mile radius Franklin 717-765-6577 ext 1 Sherry Beibert Recycling Coordinator cardboard, newspaper, aluminum and tin Adams and Franklin cans, 3 colors of glass, plastics 1&2 Counties 724-627-5511 Washington Township Recycling Center P.O. Box 975 2047 Loop Road Chambersburg PA 17201 12725 Buchanan Trail East Waynesboro PA 17268 Greene Arc Inc. 197 Dunn Station Rd. Prosperity PA 15329 Greene Huntingdon Borough Recycling Center P.O. Box 141 Ice Plant Rd Huntingdon PA 16652 Huntingdon Indiana County Solid Waste Authority 1715 Route 119 South Homer City, PA 15748 Indiana Chambersburg Waste Paper Co. Inc. Advanced Disposal DuBois Brockway Recycling Facility Cocolamus Creek Disposal Service 6330 Rte 219 Brockway PA 15824 31109 Route 35 North BOX 660 McAlisterville PA 17049 info@gre enearc.or g Matt Macera Green County and Plant Supervisor surrounding areas 814-6438192 724-479-0444 724-479-0474 Jefferson 814-265-1975 or 800-338814-265-8743 8971 Juniata 717-463-2381 717-463-0031 Waste Management/Apex Waste Services, Inc. 13 Peggy Parkway, Dunmore, PA 18512 Lackawanna 570-344-7812 570-346-1219 Lackawanna County Recycling Center 3400 Boulevard Avenue Scranton PA 18512 Lackawanna 570-963-6868 570-963-6553 Good’s Disposal Service 4361 Oregon Pike Ephrata PA 17522 Lancaster 717-626-1055 Gordon Waste Company 199 Bridge St. Columbia PA 17512 Lancaster 717-684-2201 or 888-684717-684-0162 2201 icswa@c omcast.n et ccd@trico lackswa m PA and neighboring states Timothy Long Executive Director 3 colors of glass, tin cans, aluminum cans, Huntingdon cardboard, magazines, newspaper and Borough Residents plastics 1 & 2 plastics 1 & 2, 3 colors of glass, tin & Indiana, Cambria, aluminum cans, newspaper, office paper, and Armstrong magazine, and cardboard Counties Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike, Monroe and Wyoming Counties and NY Mike Good Lancaster County Rolloff Manager inof@gor donwaste .com 3 colors of glass, tin & aluminum cans, books, Commingled and source cardboard, catalogs, magazines, paperboard, separated office paper, newspaper, plastics 1 & 2 J. Wade Atkinson General Manager 200 mile radius of Columbia PA yes Source separated yes source separated at drop off sites and at curb yes source separated at curb no Commingled and source separated yes Commingled metal and plastic containers, commingled and separated fibers yes 3 colors of glass, plastics 1 & 2, office paper, news paper, magazines, phone books, cardboard, aluminum & tin cans, leaf waste Commingled and source separated yes Plastics 1&2, aluminum and tin cans, 3 colors of glass, cardboard, magazines, newspaper, telephone books, ferrous metals, including appliances, non-ferrous metals, sorted office paper, junk mail all grades of paper, cardboard, magazines, newspaper and books Source separated Jefferson, Clearfield cardboard, office paper, newspaper, Counties, Penn magazines, tin and aluminum cans, plastics 1 Ed Yahner Area State, and & 2 and glass all three colors commercial and 13 Manager drop off sites in Elk County aluminum & tin cans, cardboard, catalogs, Douglas R Juniata, Mifflin, junkmail, magazines, newspaper, office paper, Perry, Snyder, Elsasser paperboard and phone books, 3 colors of Union Owner/Partner glass, plastics 1 & 2 aluminum and steel/bimetal cans, plastics 1 & Lackawanna, 2, high grade & mixed paper, newsprint, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Susquehanna, corrugated cardboard Wayne, Wyoming Barbara Giovagnoli Open to General Public Clear, amber, cobalt and green glass and plate glass 1005 Modulus Rd. MT Pleasant PA 15666 Shawn Pilla President What Forms Materials are Accepted commingled, and loose yes 1 & 2 Saturdays yes Material Recovery Facilities in Pennsylvania Facility Name CSR Brandywine Recyclers Address 328 North 14th St. Lebanon PA 170463398 County Lebanon Phone Fax 717-272-4655 or 800-843717-272-9690 2200 www.bran dywinerec m Todd Zuckerman Frank@jpm Frank Flizack General m Manager Service Area Allentown, Lehigh & Northhampton Counties Lackawanna, Luzerne, Carbon, Schuylkill, and Columbia Counties Commingled glass, tin, aluminum, and plastics fiber separated yes Commingled and source separated single stream, commingled and source separated single stream and dual stream yes aluminum and tin cans, aluminum foil, cardboard, catalogs, junk mail, magazines, newspaper, office paper, paper bags, paperboard, phone books, 3 colors of glass, plastics 1-7 (bottles only), aluminum cans, cardboard, office paper and computer paper single stream and source separated yes Source separated yes aluminum cans, ferrous and nonferrous metals, cardboard, magazines, newspaper, office paper, plastics 1-6. Source separated yes 3 colors of glass, mixed cullet, wooden pallets Source separated yes cardboard, office paper, newspaper, drop off programs Elk, Potter Counties Dick Tyger, magazines, junk mail, tin and aluminum cans, and drop off Center Manager plastics 1 through 5. locations in Warren Yes Harry Walter Owner Source separated yes Source separated yes source separated at the site by residents yes 871 E. Main St. Nanticoke, PA 18634 Luzerne 570-735-0664 / 800-243570-735-8073 7575 Mark Cesare General Manager Louis Cohen & Son Inc. 9 Fellows Ave. WilkesBarre PA Luzerne 570-823-0113 570-823-0827 Angelo Medico Wilkes-Barre area Municipal Recovery 495 Stanton St. WilkesBarre, PA 18702 Luzerne 570-829-3231 or 570-829570-823-4675 2206 Northeast Cartage and Recycling Solutions 50 Breaker Rd., Hanover Township, PA 18704 Lycoming County Recycling Center P.O. Box 187 Montgomery PA 17752 Lycoming 570-547-2470 (ex 225) or 570-547-6603 800-326-9571 nson@lcr Penn Recycling Inc. 2525 Trenton Ave Williamsport PA 17701 Lycoming 570-326-9041 or 800-822570-326-5028 2001 Staiman Recycling 201 Hepburn St. Williamsport PA 17701 Lycoming 570-323-9494 570-323-1090 staiman @staima nrecycling .com recycall@ verizon.n et 4832 Route 155 Port Allegany, PA 16743 McKean 814-6425057 Rustick LLC P.O. box 448 Mt. Jewett, PA 16740 McKean 814-778-9931 814-778-9957 ents@yahoo Paul’s Recycling Yard 24 Henderson St. Lewistown PA 17044 Mifflin RecycALL Pheasant Valley Recycling Chestnuthill Township Recycling Center 301 Pheasant Valley Rd Lewistown PA 17044 Hillcrest Drive P.O. Box 243 Brodheadsville PA 18322 814-6421095 tmbinvestm .com Mifflin Monroe 717-242-1682 717-543-5043 717-543-6010 610-972-9705 nson@lcr No, except for nonferrous and ferrous aluminum & tin cans, 3 colors of glass, cardboard, magazines, newspaper, office paper, plastics 1 thorugh 7 J.P. Mascaro & Sons Wyoming Valley Division 570-270-0301 570-970-0925 Source separated Open to General Public yes Lehigh Luzerne What Forms Materials are Accepted cardboard paper, newspaper and office paper source separated by type 3947 Portland Street, Coplay PA 18037 Northeast cartage@ Materials Accepted ferrous and nonferrous metals, aluminum Lancaster, Dauphin, cans, cardboard, office paper, newspaper, Cumberland, Berks, and computer paper. Plastics (commercial and Lebanon customers only) Counties Lehigh Valley Recycling 610-261-9139 610-2619145 Email Contact Person 1/6/15 cardboard, newspaper, office paper and other grades of fiber aluminum & tin cans, cardboard, magazines, Rick Solomon Luzerne County and newspaper and office paper, 3 colors of glass, Facility Manager surrounding area. plastics 1 & 2 aluminum and steel cans, fiber (aseptic/gable top cartons, cardboard, magazines, milk Luzerne County and cartons, newspaper, office paper, paperboard, Albert Gulitus surrounding area. phone books), glass (clear, amber and green) plastics (PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS) Lycoming, Northumberland, Wayne Benson Montour, Snyder, Union Larry Simon Owner 200 mile radius Seth Keller General Manager Tioga, Clinton, Centre, Montour, Northern Tier, Snyder and Union Counties Scott Johnson up to a 400 mile radius aluminum and tin cans, ferrous and nonferrous metals and cardboard plastic bags, aluminum & tin cans, office Approx. 50 miles, Randall or Huntingdon, Center, paper, newspaper, cardboard, magazines, Steven Gutshall Snyder, Union and phone books, catalogs Owners Juniata Counties Gary Nasca Area Manager Lewistown area Chestnuthill Twp 3 colors of glass, office paper, newspaper, catalogs, magazines, junk mail, books, plastics 1 & 2, plastic bags, rigid plastics, Styrofoam yes no Material Recovery Facilities in Pennsylvania Facility Name Polk Township Recycling/Transfer Station Twin Boroughs Recycling Center Allied Waste Recyclery (Owned by Republic) Great Valley Recycling ReCommunity Montgomeryville ReCommunity Upper Dublin Red Hill Borough Recycling Center J.A.W.S Recycling Inc. Waste Management (GREENSTAR) Waste Management/Grand Central Recycling CAP Glass Allentown, LLC Address Polk Township Road, P.O. Box 137, Kresgeville PA 18333 P.O. box 303 (mailing address) 365 Lincoln Ave. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 215 E. Dekalb Pike King of Prussia PA 19406 County Phone Fax Email Contact Person Service Area 1/6/15 What Forms Materials are Accepted Open to General Public source separated at the site by residents no 3 colors of glass, plastics 1&2, office paper, source separated at the newspaper, magazines, cardboard, junk mail, site by residents and aluminum & tin cans. yes Materials Accepted Monroe 610-681-5376 610-681-3063 H. Lee Evertt Recycling Coordinator Polk Twp residents aluminum and tin cans, tin foil, scrap iron, 3 colors of glass, cardboard, office paper, that are part of newspaper, waste oil, 1 & 2 plastics PAYT program Monroe 570-424-5170 or 570-421570-421-5575 8300 Bob Gordon Recycling Coordinator East Stroudsburg and general area Christopher. Christopher Montgomery 610-265-8941 610-265-4334 Giovetsis@a Giovetsis Manager Montgomery and southeastern PA office paper, newspaper, plastics 1 & 2, aluminum and tin cans, 3 colors of glass and cardboard, pet strapping and plastic film aluminum & tin cans, 3 colors of glass 315 W. Sixth St. jpmascaro.c Ray Bowman Montgomery 610-272-2765 Montgomery County cardboard, magazines, newspaper, plastics 1 Bridgeport PA 19405 om Scale Operator through 7 1050 Bethlehem Pike Steve Blum office paper, newspaper, plastics 1 & 2, Montgomery County Bldg. 6, North Wales, Montgomery 215-540-9506 215-540-9508 Operations aluminum and tin cans, 3 colors of glass and PA 19454 Manager cardboard 1030 Fitzwatertown office paper, newspaper, plastics 1 & 2, Shannon Montgomery County Road, Willow Grove, Montgomery 215-887-9577 aluminum and tin cans, 3 colors of glass and Detweiler PA 19090 cardboard Red Hill, East 3 colors of glass, aluminum and tin cans, Greenville, and plastic bottles 1 &2, newspaper, magazines, Conrad Bender 56 West Fourth Street Montgomery 215-679-2040 215-679-0527 Pennsburg Boro’s catalogs, junk mail Red Hill, PA 18076 Manager as well as the surrounding area. Berwick, Union, aluminum & tin cans, scrap metal, cardboard, Snyder, Lycoming chipboard, hardbound books, magazines, 411 Railroad St. Wes Wertman Montour 570-271-1080 570-275-4740 none and newspaper, office paper, 3 colors of glass, Danville PA 17821 Owner Northumberland plastics 1 & 2 Counties 3 colors of glass, newspaper, office paper, 799 Smith Street P.O. SE, SC, NE regions ferrous/non ferrous metal, tin & aluminum Box 95 Northampton Northampton 610-262-6988 Chris Morgan & NJ cans, cardboard, plastics 1 through 7. PA 18067 Aseptic/gable top cartons 3 colors of glass, newspaper, tin & aluminum RD#1 P.O. Box 211 cans, cardboard, plastics 1 & 2. Northampton 610-972-9705 NE Pen Argyl, PA 18067 799 Smith Lane, Northampton, PA 18067 Northumberl 724-547-4550 and Coal Township Recycling Center 261 Venn Access Rd. Coal Township PA 17866 Northumberl 570-644-1066 570-644-1224 and Jeff's Auto Body & Recycling Center, Inc. 5446 Snydertown Rd. Paxinos, PA 17860 Northumberl 570-672-9690 and sales@ca pglassrec m Jeffsrecy cling@aol .com Shawn Pilla President Jeff Kurtz PA and neighboring states 3 colors of glass, mixed cullet, automotive/windshield glass Single stream no commingled with fiber source separated yes commingled with fiber separated or single stream commingled with fiber separated or single stream Source separated and commingled yes yes Yes single stream and source separated yes Single Stream and Dual Stream yes Source separated yes Source separated and mixed no plastics 1 & 2, 3 colors of glass, aluminum and Source separated tin cans, magazines, newspaper, office paper, Coal Township and and cardboard general area yes mixed paper, cardboard, magazines, newspaper, plastics 1 & 2, aluminum and tin cans, ferrous and nonferrous metals yes Northumberland County, etc. Source separated Material Recovery Facilities in Pennsylvania Facility Name Address Northumberland Borough Recycling Center 221 Second St. Northumberland PA 17857 Sharar's Auto Sales 1179 Harmony Drive Newport PA 17074 John D’Orazio & Sons Inc. Newman & Company Inc. Philadelphia Transcyclery Co. (Owned by Republic Services) ReCommunity Philadelphia Phone Fax Email Northumberl 570-473-3414 570-473-3986 and Perry 717-567-7022 2900 E. Bridge St. 215-743-9440 215-743-9450 Philadelphia 215-743-7023 Philadelphia, PA 19137 6101 Tacony St. Philadelphia PA 19135 Philadelphia 215-333-8700 215-332-8586 2209 South 58th St. Philadelphia PA 19143 Philadelphia 215-729-3770 215-729-4836 5000 Flat Rock Rd. Philadelphia PA 19127 Waste Management 5245 Bleigh Ave Philadelphia PA 19136 Waste Management Philadelphia Recovery Facility 5201 Bleigh Ave Philadelphia PA 19136 2504 SR 49 W. Ulysses PA 16958 Service Area Jan Bowman Boro Secretary Point Twp, and Northumberland Boro Vince Sharar Perry County John D’Orizio President Philadelphia, Delaware, and Bucks Counties, Delaware Philadelphia, Bucks, David Newman and South New President Jersey Philadelphia, Vincent Fiore Smurfit-Stone, Operations Waste Management Manager and BFI haulers in area Shannon Detweiler 2904 Ellsworth St Philadelphia 215-462-7372 215-462-7374 Philadelphia, PA 19146 RockTenn (formerly Smurfit-Stone) Potter County Solid Waste Authority County Contact Person Philadelphia, Delaware County, S. New Jersey, Delaware 1/6/15 Materials Accepted yes aluminum and steel. Bimetal cans, plastics 1 & Source separated 2, cardboard, newspaper, mixed residential paper, sorted office paper, books, chipboard, white ledger, mixed office paper aluminum and tin cans, cardboard, mixed Source separated paper and office paper yes newspaper, chipboard, mixed paper, cardboard, hard and soft white paper Source separated yes office paper, newspaper, plastics 1 & 2, aluminum and tin cans, 3 colors of glass and cardboard commingled with fiber source separated yes aluminum and steel cans, 3 colors of glass, Single stream plastics 1 - 7 and aseptic/gable top cartons, cardboard, junk mail, magazines, office paper, newspaper, paperback books, paperboard boxes, paper towel rolls, and phone books. Philadelphia 215-335-0330 215-335-1180 Philadelphia 215-708-9423 Potter 814-848-9610 814-848-9640 Source separated 20 mile radius Philadelphia, Buck, mixed paper, newspaper and cardboard Montgomery Counties, Delaware, New Jersey cseastern pa@wm.c om pcswa@ pennswo Edgar Palacious Philadelphia, Buck, Montgomery Counties, Delaware, New Jersey Mike Salvadge Manager Potter County Customer DE, MD, NJ, NJ, Service at 1-888PA 733-3646 Harsco Minerals International 49 Pinedale Industrial Road Orwigsburg, PA 17961 Schuylkill 570-366-0950 570-366-0848 Weiner Iron & Metal Corp. 1056 Route 61 P.O. Box 359 Pottsville, PA 17901 Schuylkill 570-622-6543 570-622-3175 Total Recycling 166 Guardian Blvd (location) 299 Cabin Rd. Boswell PA 15531 Somerset 814-629-5675 tri@winbea or 800-833814-629-6637 3616 info@wei nermetals .com commingled with fiber source separated recyclable grades of paper (cardboard, junk Single stream mail, magazines, newspaper, office paper, telephone books, etc.) aluminum and steel cans, glass, plastics #1-7. Aseptic/gable top cartons clear, brown glass, aluminum cans cardboard Source separated plastics 1 & 2, newspapers, catalogs and magazines no no yes, one ton minimum yes No yes 3 colors of glass, triple mix container glass, window glass Commingled and source separated no office paper, news paper, cardboard, aluminum & tin cans, ferrous and nonferrous metals Source separated yes plastics 1 & 2, clear glass, brown glass, tin & Source separated Somerset, Cambria, aluminum cans, newspaper, office paper, and counties cardboard yes Schuylkill and general Area David Eppley Owner Open to General Public 3 colors of glass, plastics 1 & 2, aluminum and Source separated tin cans, newspaper, magazines and catalogs newspaper, office paper and cardboard Philadelphia 215-254-1455 215-984-7039 What Forms Materials are Accepted Material Recovery Facilities in Pennsylvania Facility Name Address Susquehanna County Recycling Center 133 Ellsworth Dr. Montrose PA 18801 Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority Tioga Facility Hamilton Township P.O. Box 10 Burlington PA 18814 Mortenson Recycling RD 4 Box 330 Sugar Grove PA 16350 Waste Management (GREENSTAR) Pittsburgh, LLC County Phone Fax Susquehann 570-278-3509 570-278-2749 or 3589 a Tioga Warren Email Jhibbard @susqco. com 570-297-4177 570-297-3158 ntswa@e 814-489-7702 sevenswe ded@pen Contact Person Jennifer Hibbard John Mortenson 16 South Washington St Mida Industrial Park Washington 724-379-9535 724-275-0280 P.O. Box 777 Donora PA 15033 Wayne County Recycling Center 66 Volunteer Drive Honedale, PA 184319420 Bradish Glass 444 Willow Crossing Rd Greensburg PA 15601 Westmorela 724-837-5100 724-834-5161 nd City of Jeannette 4th. Street & Brickell Ave. Jeannette PA 15644 Westmorela 724-527-4000 724-527-4029 nd Wyoming County Recycling Center 440 SR 92 South Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Wayne Wyoming 570-253-9727 570-253-9395 570-836-0729 wrecyclin g@co.wa bradishgl assinc@h m cityclerk @cityofjnt .com Mrogers @wycopa .org Penn Waste, Inc. P.O. Box 3066 York PA 17402 York 717-767-4456 717-767-4285 info@pen m RCA - York 4455 Mt. Pisgah Rd York PA 17402 York 717-246-0262 717-246-9406 cseastern pa@wm.c om Service Area 1/6/15 Materials Accepted What Forms Materials are Accepted Susquehanna County and some from Wyoming County and NY 3 colors of glass; plastic bottles #1 &2; Source separated cardboard, chipboard, magazines, newspaper, office paper, soft covered books, aluminum cans, tin cans, scrap metal. aluminum and tin cans, cardboard, junk mail, Source separated Tioga, Bradford and magazines, mixed paper, newspaper, office paper, textbooks, 3 colors of glass, textiles, Sullivan Counties office paper, foil, computers, plastics 1 & 2 Central PA and western NYS 3 colors of glass, tin and aluminum cans, plastics 1 & 2, cardboard, catalogs, newspaper, magazines, phone books Southwest PA and Youngstown OH plastics 1&2, 3 colors of glass, Tin & Aluminum cans, office paper, magazines, cardboard & news paper commingled with fiber separated 3 colors of glass, plastics 1 & 2, office paper, source separated by Wayne and, Pike newspaper, magazines, chipboard, cardboard, residents Counties and some catalogs, junkmail, phone books aluminum from NY cans, tin cans, Christmas trees and scrap metal, textiles clear and brown glass, plate glass and over Source separated runs (will de-box) and other colors of clean Gerald Bradish glass Open to General Public yes yes yes yes Mary Van Patten City Limits Mike Rogers Township Supervisor Ed Ward Municipal Contract Manager Rick Cooper Operations Manager Wyoming County yes 3 colors of glass, cardboard, newspaper, bimetal tin & aluminum cans, office paper Source separated no brown & clear glass, plastics 1 & 2, tin & aluminum cans, new & office paper, magazines, cardboard Commingled in transparent bag with fiber separated from other materials single stream, commingled and source separated yes 3 colors of glass; plastics 1 through 7; aluminum, tin and steel cans; cardboard; Cumberland, Lancaster and York catalogs; junk mail; magazines; newspaper; office paper; paperback books; paper bags; area paperboard; and phone books. Aseptic/gable top cartons 3 colors of glass, plastics 1&2, aluminum and Single stream tin cans, newspaper, office paper, magazines, Approx. 100 miles catalogs, telephone books, cardboard. no yes
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