Jan. 7, 2015 A New Year Prayer Calendar Jan. 14, 21, 28-8:30am Children's Mass Family & friends are always invited. Homily Prayer & Study Group, St. Anthony at Noon Jan. 9- Basketball Practice 6-7:30 OFHS Jan.13-Basketball Practice 6-7:30 OFHS Total Board of Ed Meeting 6pm Jan.18-Basketball Practice 6-7:30 OFHS Jan.19-Basketball game @BVM 5pm Jan.22-Basketball game, Girls only OFHS 6pm * 2nd Quarter Ends Jan.24– Catholic School Week Family Mass 4:30pm, Soup Supper to follow Jan.25-1st Communion Enrollment 9am Jan.27-Open House 6pm-7:30pm Jan.28-Family Mass 10am & lunch Jan.29-Basketball Game @OFHS 6pm Menu-Jan. 12-16 MONDAY: Hotdogs TUESDAY: Grilled Chicken Sandwich WEDNESDAY: Chicken Teriyaki THURSDAY: Spaghetti FRIDAY: BBQ Rib Sandwich Mass Parts: 4th & 5th Grade Mass Servers: Justin, Amber 3rd Grader will be Wyatt Scrip Sales for Week: $ 5055.00 Scrip Profit for the Week: $ 212.00 Book Reports: Dates for 3rd, 4th & 5th grades are– Jan 14, 28 God of our yesterdays, our today's and our tomorrows. We praise You for Your unequaled greatness. Thank You for the year behind us and for the year ahead, Help us in Your new year to fret less and laugh more; To teach our children to laugh by laughing with them; To teach others to love by loving them. Help us to hear Your love song in every sunrise, in the chirping of sparrows in our backyards, in the stories of our old folks, and the fantasies of our children. Thank You for another new year and for the chance to begin each day anew. We pray for peace, for light, and for hope, in our lives and in our world. Forgive us for falling short this past year. Give us the grace to learn from our mistakes and to both seek and give forgiveness. May we enter this new year with joy and with the determination to make our world a better place. In Jesus name, Amen. Know your faith: Baptism of the Lord– The feast of the Baptism of the Lord– this year Jan. 11– is the final day of the Christmas season. On Jan. 13, Ordinary Time begins. It will last until Ash Wed. Feb. 18 —the first day of Lent. Easter is April 5, so phase two of Ordinary Time begins on May 25, the day after Pentecost, and lasts until the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 29 Thank you to those funding St. Anthony School in the programs listed below. It pays to recycle Box Tops - We received $575.30 from collected Box Tops. Scrip - $139,525 total sales, $5,884.62 total profit, Break down of profit $2,354.52 - Rebate toward tuition—$3,530.10 Rebate towards school We collect: cell phones, laser & inkjet cartridges, laptops, MP3 players, PDAs, tablets/eReaders/notebooks, GPS Devices, digital cameras. Virtus Training is mandatory for all chaperones. The next available class offered by the Green Bay Diocesan Office is Tuesday, Jan. 20 and Feb. 17, 2015. To sign up for a class and for future dates go to the Green Bay Catholic Diocesan website: www.gbdioc.org Catholic School’s Week (CSW) - January 24 –31 There are multiple events that take place during Catholic School’s Week. This year the hallway theme will be “Desert.” Daily events related to this theme will be planned for each day of CSW week. If you have special skills & knowledge about the deserts and are willing to share it with the students please contact Ms. Marifke. Additional information is enclosed. Please return the following forms: St. Anthony Prayer Dear St. Anthony, Thank you for being the patron of our school. Please ask God our Father to bless St. Anthony School, with many, many students and an abundance of financial resources to help our school grow. Help me, my family and all of us to grow in holiness every day. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. CSW Parish Mass Participation is Saturday, Jan. 24 at 4:30pm Soup Supper to follow 4:30pm Mass CSW Family Day Lunch Wed., Jan. 28 following 10am Mass (snow date Thursday, Jan. 29) Open House Jan., 27, 2015 6-7:30pm (snow date Thursday, Jan. 29) Tuition – 2nd payment is due January 5, 2015 for families that chose the 2 payment option plan. A reminder for those families who chose the option 3 monthly plan, your payments were due January 1, 2015. Home & School News: Upcoming Fundraisers: 4K-5th Calendar Raffle Fishing Derby– Sat., Feb. 14, 2015 Responsibility Recess (R&R): Grades 1-5 Paige A. Karlie K. William P. Makayla S. Taryn S. Justin S. Owen D. Amber H. Molly H. Cora K. Hailey K. Lily K. Savannah L. Helen M. Kate P. Ben S. Braliyn S. Luke T. January Christian Witness Project “Souper Bowl for Caring” – Canned goods or cash donations will be collected for our local food pantry. Please bring in your donations to offer at the family Mass on Wednesday, Jan. 28. Snack /Milk Payments- 4K & 5K students are reminded the 2nd half of the snack and milk payments are now due. Half Day 4K Snack/Milk– 1/2 year is $40.00 Alex H. Wyatt K. Morgan M. Grant S. Anna S. Samantha V. Arista B. Jacob E. Emma K. Griffin K. Orion P. Hailyn S. Nicholas T. Savanah V. Amanda J. Katelyn K. Natalie R. Jacob T. Ethan Z. Weekly Calendar Raffle Winners: Jan 5 $50– Gloria Blaser $20– Kingdom Come (donation) $10– Jordan Magnin Extended 5K Snack/Milk– 1/2 year is $80.00 13th Annual Ice Fishing Derby Saturday, February 14th– Information 1. We are asking each family to sell five booklets of raffle tickets for $5.00 each. The raffle tickets are a major part of this fundraiser. Please return all monies and unsold tickets in the dateline envelope. 2. Included in this dateline is the Derby work hour sign up sheet. I have included your name in a time slot if you have confirmed you are able to work. Many more workers are needed. Please sign this sheet with the times and area you would prefer to work. If you have any questions please email or call me at 920-373-5455 Kim Sinclair. Worker sheets are needed back by January 23rd. Scholastic Book fair runs during Catholic Schools Week (CSW), which is Jan. 24-31 we are in need of a parent to organize the book fair. Duties include setting and tearing down of the book fair materials. The book fair needs to be open Saturday, Jan. 24 before CSW Mass and three additional times that following week. This can be chaired by one or two persons. If you are interested please contact the office at 846-2276 for more details. Calendar Raffle - The calendars are still available for purchase for $20.00. You can purchase them in the office. Pictures include students in grades preschool thru 5th grade. Raffle drawing started January 5 and will run thru May 2015. See left side column for this weeks raffle winners. Forms and Items that need your attention: Tuition 1. Monthly payments were due January 1. 2. 2nd payment plan was due January 5. Saint Anthony School 253 Franklin Street Oconto Falls, WI 54154 Snack/Milk 2nd half payments (4K & 5K) Phone: 920-846-2276 * Fax 920-846-2180 Return CSW Forms~ Mass participation, Soup Supper, CSW Lunch School Office Hours: Monday -Friday 8-4pm Web Sites: stanthonys-ocontofalls.org Principal’s E-Mail: rmarifke@holy3.org Secretary’s E-Mail: secretary@holy3.org Home & School E-mail: stanthonyhomeschool@gmail.com Fishing Raffle tickets –sold or unsold tickets THANK YOU SO MUCH A special note of thanks to everyone who gave us gifts and cards at Christmas. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. We truly enjoy spending time with your child and watching each of them grow in knowledge and faith. Have a wonderful 2015. Ms. Marifke, Mrs. Nall, Miss Beschta, Mrs. Beschta, Mrs. Lemke, Mrs. Hickey , Mrs. Rost, Fr. Joel, Mrs. Blazer, Mrs. Bertrand, Mrs. Steffens, Mr. O’Connor, Mrs. Beaumier, Mrs. Scanlan St. Anthony School shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, political affiliation, physical, mental, emotional, or learning disabilities, handicap, gender, gender orientation, age, national origin, citizenship, marital or parental status, ancestry, color, or any other reason prohibited by state or federal law.
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