2015 DVRCV training aims to improve services to women and their children hild who h experience i ffamily il violence Recognising and responding to family violence - including risk assessment This introductory course is for workers with no specific family violence training. It covers the effects of family violence on adults and children, and provides an overview of legal responses, resources and referrals. The program explores ways of asking about violence and responding to disclosures, and includes a component on risk assessment and safety planning based on the Common Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF). Date: Thursday, 19 FEBRUARY Course Code: RRFV215 LocaƟon: Vic Uni, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm Cost: $95 SHS*; $250 non-SHS funded workers Introduction to domestic violence This four-day accredited course provides the basic skills, knowledge and understanding to work effec vely with women and their children affected by family violence. It is suitable for new workers in family violence services and workers in community, health or legal services who have limited experience responding to family violence. On successful comple on of assessment tasks, par cipants will receive a Statement of A ainment for na onal units: CHCDFV301A - Recognise and respond appropriately to domes c and family violence; CHCDFV403C - Provide crisis interven on and support to those experiencing domes c and family violence. NATIONALLY RECOGNISED TRAINING Dates: Wednesdays & Thursdays - 11, 12 & 18, 19 MARCH Course Code: IDV315 LocaƟon: Century Inn, TRARALGON Dates: Wednesdays & Thursdays - 6, 7 & 13, 14 MAY Course Code: IDV515 LocaƟon: Vic Uni, Melbourne CBD Family violence hurts kids too This three-day accredited training provides prac oners with the knowledge and skills to support children and young people who have experienced family violence, and strategies to strengthen rela onships between mothers and children. On successful comple on of assessment tasks, par cipants receive a Statement of A ainment for the na onal unit: CHCDFV408C - Provide support to children affected by domes c and family violence. NATIONALLY RECOGNISED TRAINING Adopting child-led practice Adolescent violence in the home This training is designed to equip prac oners with knowledge and skills to feel confident to respond to adolescents who use violence or aggression against family members. Par cipants will learn how to work with adolescents and parents to restore family safety and wellbeing. The workshop is developed and delivered by Jo Howard who has extensive experience working with aggression and violence in adolescents and combines theory and best prac ce to enhance the skills of par cipants. Date: Wednesday 25 & Thursday 26 MARCH Course Code: AVITH315 LocaƟon: Telstra Conference Centre, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm each day Cost: $175 SHS*; $500 non-SHS funded workers SmartSafe: family violence and mobile technology Date: Thursday, 16 APRIL Course Code: SS415 LocaƟon: Vic Uni, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm Cost: $95 SHS*; $250 non-SHS funded workers see our website for forums, more training opportuniƟes, and further informaƟon and resources... www.dvrcv.org.au W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 S M T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 W T F S 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Groupwork: ‘why does it keep happening to me?’ This workshop will look at challenging the assump ons and changing the outlook for women who have experienced family violence. It will provide an understanding of the response-based prac ce model, used in a group work context, and focus on the experiences of women survivors of family violence who par cipated in a response-based support group. It offers skills for prac oners to use the model in their own support group work. Presented by Kristen Sheridan Date: Wednesday, 13 MAY Course Code: GW515 LocaƟon: Telstra Conference Centre, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm Cost: $95 SHS*; $250 non-SHS funded workers Date: Tuesday 26 & Wednesday 27 MAY Course Code: CNDVL515 LocaƟon: Telstra Conference Centre, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm each day Cost: $175 SHS*; $500 non-SHS funded workers DVRCV has developed this two-day training program to extend and enhance the prac ce skills of workers who have completed introductory and specialist courses and have gained experience in service delivery, through applied learning. Using the DV Vic code of prac ce as a framework, par cipants will address areas that challenge individual service provision, including advocacy, work with child protec on and diversity. The course will assist workers to generate posi ve outcomes for clients. Date: Wednesday 3 & Thursday 4 JUNE Course Code: ADVL615 LocaƟon: Telstra Conference Centre, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm each day Cost: $175 SHS*; $500 non-SHS funded workers Walking women through the legal system Based on Victorian research, this one-day program explores how mobile phones and other technologies can be used both as a tool of abuse and to support women’s safety. Workers will learn how to iden fy and implement mobile technology-related safety planning for women. T february Enhanced family violence practice Date: Monday 16 & Tuesday 17 MARCH Course Code: ACLP315 LocaƟon: Vic Uni, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm each day Cost: $220 SHS*; $500 non-SHS funded workers M Course Code: CDV415 LocaƟon: Vic Uni, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm each day Cost: $295 SHS*; $650 non-SHS funded workers Case notes, family violence and the law Adop ng ‘child-led’ prac ces challenges ideas of ownership in families where there is viollen e ce. This two-day workshop on ‘child-led’ interven ons with groups, fam a ilies an nd in ndi d viduals affected by family violence is presented by Wendy d Bunston & Tar a a Pavlidis. See more informa on on DVRCV website. S Date: Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 & Wednesday 29 APRIL This two-day program explains the importance of case notes in day-today family violence prac ce and legal processes. The course includes models for taking case notes, wri ng style, and content, legal issues, privacy and confiden ality, responding to subpeona, being a witness and wri ng reports for court. Times: 9.30am - 4.30pm each day Cost: $380 SHS*; $750 non-SHS funded workers january A two-day training course for advocates and support workers who o assist women using legal remedies for family violence. This course is paccked fu ulll of informa on about relevant legisla on and legal processes, with an n emphasis on developing strong advocacy skills to work for the best outcome for women and their children. ou Date: Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 JUNE Course Code: WWLS615 LocaƟon: Telstra Conference Centre, Melbourne CBD Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm each day Cost: $175 SHS*; $500 non-SHS funded workers march S M T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 W T F S 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 april S M 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 may S M T W T F S 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 june S 7 14 21 28 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 RegistraƟon InformaƟon • For registra on visit our website: www.dvrcv.org.au or contact us on 9486 9866 or at dvrcv@dvrcv.org.au • SHS* funded training is open to all workers; SHS funded workers receive priority • For more informa on on our courses go to dvrcv.org.au/training • Par cipants will receive confirma on of registra on via email once payment is received • DVRCV requires 3 days no ce of cancella on of registra on or a refund cannot be granted • DVRCV is commi ed to accessibility. If you have any special needs please let us know at dvrcv@dvrcv.org.au New specialist traninings in 2015... • DVRCV complies with federal/state Privacy legisla on in the collec on, storage and dissemina on of personal informa on Empowering women to negotiate after separation • For informaƟon on, and personal bio’s Thursday, 4 March Time: 9.30am – 1.30pm Venue: Melbourne Family Rela onship Centre, Melbourne CBD Cost: $65 Presented by a team from family law pracƟƟoners Farrar, Gesini, Dunn. RegistraƟon: www.dvrcv.org.au/training/specialist-workshops For more specialist training sessions in 2015 see dvrcv.org.au/training/ specialist-workshops Domes c Violence Resource Centre Victoria - DVRCV RTO 20853 Telephone 03 9486 9866 Email dvrcv@dvrcv.org.au Facsimile 03 9486 9744 Supported by Victorian Government www.dvrcv.org.au of our guest presenters and specialist pracƟcionsers, please check training informaƟon on our website. * SHS stands for Specialist Homelessness Services. Most domesƟc violence and housing/homelessness services are funded under the SHS Program, Department of Human Services.
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