Zion Church at Lottsburg | Fredericksburg
January 2015
Apostle John & Prophetess Adraine Bibbens
Happy New Year!
The Absence of Grace
By: Christal Ware - Christian Poetry
It is good to count our blessings and give thanks to God for His
faithfulness. The past year has been one of stretching and
growth for us all. Here at Zion, we have seen God's hand mold
and expand our vision in miraculous ways.
The law of the spirit of life in Christ
Jesus has made us free from the law
of sin and death, providing us with an
abundance of His Grace, Mercy and
favor, and prosperity in love,
finances, nourishment and health.
Our prayer is that you will be poised and positioned in the year
ahead to tap into your authentic greatness! The world needs
you to shine your brightest! Light up your world in honor of the
light and hope Christ brought to the earth two thousand years
Where ever the law is dominant,
Grace cannot abound, so dismiss the
ways of the world and in God’s
presence you will be found.
We love and appreciate each of you and we pray to always
find you prospering and in great health, even as your soul
prospers in the knowledge of Christ.
An absence of grace is dangerous, we
need it, for it provides power to
overcome the wiles of the devil.
Continue to seek His face, it is to Him
our lives should be sacrificed, so
don’t get caught up in the absence of
Greetings Sons & Daughters of Zion!
Happy New Year!
Apostle John & Prophetess Adraine Bibbens
Let the hearts of those “who seek the Lord Rejoice
(Psalm 105:3)
Let us rejoice as we present ourselves before
our loving God creator.
Welcome to Worship! Welcome to this house of God.
Lottsburg Campus
Every Sunday
8:00 am & 11:00 am
Church School immediately following 8:00 am worship
Every Wednesday | Prayer, Praise & Bible Study @ 7:00pm
Intercessory Prayer Every Saturday @ 8:00am
Fredericksburg Campus
Every Sunday
Church School 10:00 am | Worship Service 11:00 am
Every Thursday Night
Prayer Praise & Bible Study 7:00pm
We at Zion decree and declare that we will
Establish the Kingdom of God here on Earth as it is in Heaven
That we will...Show forth love for the sinner...Maximize spiritual Potential..
Exhibit commitment to our responsibilities…
Stand accountable before God and Leadership..
And grow in numbers as we witness…
By Faith...We will...Do the Impossible. See the invisible...Move the Immovable .
CONTACT US BY PHONE: CHURCH (804-529-6033 - APOSTLE BIBBENS H: (804)-472-2058 C: (804) 580-0079
Alexis Carey, graduate of Rappahannock High School 2012 was initiated into the Virginia Commonwealth University Chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society on Thursday,
November 20, 2014. The 2014 Initiation Ceremony was held at the Virginia Museum of
Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia.
Phi Kappa Phi is a national honor society founded in 1897. The Virginia Commonwealth
University chapter was established in 1976. Phi Kappa Phi is unique, its purpose is to recognize and honor students who attain high scholastic achievements.
Alexis is majoring in Mass Communications Broadcast Journalism. Upon graduating
from Virginia Commonwealth University in May 2015, she will be pursuing her Masters
Degree in Public Relations.
She is the daughter of Deacon Gregory and Rena Carey of Hague, sister of
Victoria Carey and Gregory Carey, II both of Richmond. Alexis is a member of Zion Church at Lottsburg, under the
leadership of Apostle John H. Bibbens, Senior Pastor and Prophetess Adraine Bibbens, First Lady.
Food Bank update.. By: The Missionary Ministry
In 2008, God gave a beautiful gift to Zion. The gift was
Apostle Bibbens’ vision to have a food bank at Zion.
As we are entering a New Year, we need your help restocking our pantry with items.
Let’s think about feeding the homeless, our seniors that are
sick & shut-in and single parents that are in need.
The goal can be reached if you clean out your home pantries
and kitchen cabinet. In January, we are asking that you
please donate 5 items or more consisting of the following:
Baby food (boxed & bottled) canned goods such as corn,
carrots, peas, string beans, beets, applesauce, etc. boxed
food, bottled and canned juices. Remember to check dates
on all items donated. Please do not give us food with old
dates. We will accept all items with 2013 - 2014 or later.
January Birthdays & Anniversary Celebrations
Trustee Maurice Peterson 1/1
Mary Lilly 1/5
James Lilly 1/6
Kimberly Rice 1/8
Elizabeth Holden 1/16
Natasha Williams 1/19
Tammy Smith 1/20
Keman Robertson 1/22
Deaconess Thelma Rice 1/23
Deacon David Harcum 1/26
Debbie Moss 1/27
Trustee Phillip Smith 1/28
John Hayes 1/29
(A) Brother Tyrone & Sister Pamela Miles 1/5
We would like to thank all of you who have continued to
support our pantry by giving a financial blessing or donating. Let us continue to give
from the heart, and bless this
beautiful gift from God.
No time to cook breakfast
Join us Every Sunday Morning After morning worship
for a Hot Kingdom Breakfast
From The Desk of Apostle Kevin Mihlfeld
incredibly, unmistakably
and undeniably amazing!!
First let me say, Happy
New Year to you all, I am
trusting that 2015 is going
to be our best year ever.
The last three months
have been some of the
most phenomenal times of
refreshing for me since I
have been walking with
God. Seemingly out of
nowhere God began to
Apostle Bibbens to partner together to help build the work of the
ministry here at Zion Church at Fredericksburg. We had no idea
what would happen but we did say if God's hand is on it...we will
certainly know it and if God is not with us...we will know that as
well. May I tell you that I strongly believe that the hand of the
Lord has come upon this partnership because God is blessing us
beyond our wildest imagination. We are experiencing such
tremendous growth that we are having a difficult time keeping up
with it. The Spirit of the Lord is strong in the house here in
Fredericksburg and people are being drawn to Christ from all
walks of life. I could not be more excited about what is
happening in the place! I am honored to be a part of what God is
sovereignly doing all by himself in this miraculous season.
I wanted to thank my entire Zion family for embracing me and
giving me an opportunity to partner together with one church in
two locations. I want to thank Apostle and Prophetess Bibbens
for their unconditional love and support for me. This powerful
couple is one of the most amazing gifts God has ever placed in
my life and I am honored to partner with them to do the work of
ministry and build the kingdom of God in Fredericksburg
Virginia. I look forward to a most incredible 2015 and I pray that
you find yourself overwhelmed in the presence of the Holy and
amazing God who blesses you with more than you can stand in
this year. Much love and many prayers are being released for
you daily.
Apostle Kevin Mihlfeld
A word from Apostle John H. Bibbens
Thinking about New Years Eve night's worship service. All I can say is, some
things only God can do. Before any singing, praying, preaching or Word, a man
walks in and says "I want to be saved". The house was packed - no room anywhere. Reminded me of the text where they had to take the roof off to get a man to
Jesus. Thank you Apostle Kevin Mihlfeld for an incredible word! I thank God for
my wonderful wife Adraine Jones Bibbens always beside me! At the end of the
service I know it was at least 15 people who wanted to be saved. And many were
connected to the house. To God be the glory!
Christmas Social 2014 at Fredericksburg
Zion Church at Fredericksburg hosted its first social in their new location on
December 21. The inaugural Christmas event brought in dozens of members
and guests. Several guests even used the opportunity to give their life to
God and other became official Zion Fredericksburg members.
We enjoyed singing Christmas carols, indulging in more food than we could
ever have eaten and playing games. It was a spectacular evening and we
can’t wait to do it again!
Thanks to all of those who coordinated and supported the event!
Zion Fredericksburg’s newly formed
Youth Choir
Under the direction of
Scott & Stephanie Morris
Zion Lottsburg’s Youth Corner
By: Pastor Renee Johnson
Zion was blessed with words of encouragement from
5 of our young adults on the last of Sunday of 2014
during at our 11 am worship service, as well as
speaking a word to the congregation they led us in
worship by presiding, reading scripture, praying,
reading announcements, offertory directions and
joining the youth choir in praise and worship.
After Praise and Worship, the Media Ministry shared a
short presentation from Apostle Bibbens who
introduced each speaker via video due to his absence.
Each presenter was allotted 3 – 5 minutes to share a
word. David Jeffries led them off with a word
focusing on that “You Must Put God First In
Everything You Do.” He shar ed that he has
matured since leaving home and attended Penn State
for a while in State College, PA where is now living
and working. He was followed by Timothy T.J.
Anderson who attends Br idgewater College. T.J .
focus was on “Seeking God For Who You Are”. He
shared that by doing this he has been able to share
with others in greater way about his faith.
Tierra Plummer who is attending Vir ginia State Univer sity, shar ed that many knew of
her struggles during the past year and from that her main point was “Don’t Forget What
You Were Taught”. She shar ed her exper ience at school when that point r eally became
real to and for her. Alexis Carey who is attending Virginia Commonwealth University
shared with us that “You Can’t Stop Dreaming”. She shared a quote from what her mother
shared with her – “Reach for the Moon and if you don’t make it, you will still be with the
Stars.” The final speaker was Kimberly Dobyns who is a graduated of Virginia Tech
University and is presently attending Rutgers University. Kim shared that “Don’t Forget
Who You Are”. Kim also str essed to the youth about Social Media and being awar e of
what you are posting, and how it can affect you throughout your endeavors in life.
Zion is truly blessed and thankful to God for allowing us to see and hear the seed that was
planted years ago and now that seed is growing and producing many great things.
Thank you – Dave, T.J., Tierra, Alexis and Kim for proving that all young people don’t
graduate from High School and leave the church.
Fitness - Wellness - Nutrition
Theme for January 2015: FAITH. Faith is not about
EVERTHING turning out RIGHT. Faith is about being OK no
matter how things turn out. Without faith it is impossible to be
well pleasing unto Him; for he that cometh to GOD must Believe
that HE is … Hebrews 11:6
Spiritual Fitness: 2014 was a year of growing and learning . In 2015 we shall continue to study
the Word, love one another and learn how to become better Christians.
Physical Fitness. Yes, this is the heart of the winter as I see it and the Fitness Wellness and Nutrition Class continues it’s commitment to exercise /walk at least 3 times per week for 20
minutes. For those that cannot walk they continue the chair exercises and Qi Gong which is a
gentle form of exercise that helps improve health and overall well-being. Qi
Gong (pronounced CHEE-GONG) . We continue to strive to control our weight, cholesterol, blood pressure and to prevent STROKE.
Mental Fitness. Brain Boosters, brain teasers, thought provoking discussions, questions
and puzzles weekly to keep our minds sharp. We continue to strive to keep our mind alert and
improve our sleep habits. We have added beet juice to the beverages we consume. Beet juice provides mental alertness and sends more blood flowing to your brain. Try it!
WELLNESS. No, we didn’t stick to our diet over the Christmas holiday. We celebrated
@Ninos !!!! We had a good time. We are back on track this month with nutritious snacks, fruits
and soups.
The new guidelines were released in December. The new goal for normal blood pressure has been
raised to 140/90.
Nutrition. We continue to consume the 7 foods that pr event the Flu. Remember to give
thanks for your health, and take steps to protect it!
Happy New Year from the Fitness Wellness and Nutrition Class !!!
Submitted by,
Marcie Kincaid
Health Instructor
Reaching the
Lost in America
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Sunday Mornings
and Beyond //
Pastor Tim
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam,
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consequat. Suspendisse vel tortor
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quis nostrud Suspendisse vel tortor non
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