Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks Recreational fishing in SA marine parks January 2015 Foreword Many of us have wonderful memories of childhoods spent at the beach. With so much beautiful coastline available to us, we have been blessed to be able to spend summers swimming, fishing, surfing and boating. Oceans worldwide are now under increasing pressure from population growth, pollution and climate change. These are serious challenges and South Australia is not immune. If we want our children and grandchildren to enjoy the same marine environment we have grown up loving, we need to act now to protect it. Our state’s 19 marine parks were shaped by one of the state’s biggest public consultation processes. It took into account evidence from some of Australia’s top marine scientists, the concerns of environmental groups, as well as the views of everyday South Australians, recreational and commercial fishers and a range of other stakeholders. Marine parks will work like national parks on land to help conserve some of our most important marine habitats and species. 2 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks The zoning within each marine park will still enable all of us to enjoy our favourite activities, including fishing. It’s only in the sanctuary zones inside our marine parks where fishing and some other activities are not allowed. These sanctuary zones represent just 6 per cent of state waters and include critically important breeding and nursery areas for some of our best-loved marine life. Evidence from overseas and interstate shows the benefits of sanctuary zones, including benefits to fishers in surrounding waters. Restrictions on fishing in sanctuary zones came into effect on 1 October 2014. There are no changes to existing access at jetties, breakwaters, boat ramps and most popular beaches. This guide has been designed to assist recreational fishers in understanding the zoning, and provide maps with GPS coordinates. Enjoy your fishing. Contents Background South East Fleurieu Peninsula Kangaroo Island Yorke Peninsula Upper Spencer Gulf Lower Eyre Peninsula West Coast Far West Coast Great Australian Bight 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 20 - 21 22 - 23 Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks | 3 Background Understanding the zones Each marine park is made up of four main zones. These are: • General managed use zones • Habitat protection zones • Sanctuary zones • Restricted access zones. To be clear, the only new restrictions for recreational fishing are the marine park sanctuary zones. On these maps the sanctuary zones are shown in green, these are areas of high conservation value that have been set aside for conservation and low-impact recreation. No fishing or removal of plants or animals is allowed in sanctuary zones, however recreational activities such as boating, diving, surfing and swimming are welcome. These maps also show, in red, the existing restricted access zones that were in place prior to the marine parks process. These maps are supported by other products, including: • A series of detailed maps on the website • GPS data for charts (downloadable and on CD-ROM) • Smart phone apps • Sanctuary zone signage at selected shore-based locations. Sanctuary zones and why they were chosen Sanctuary zones in South Australia’s marine parks protect a range of animals and plants. Some protect seals, whales and sea lions, while others protect shark breeding areas and even birds. But many also protect places that are important to the future of recreational fishing. Here are a few examples. Upper Gulf St Vincent – a key fish breeding nursery of statewide importance protecting mangroves, saltmarsh and seagrass beds that provide homes for juvenile fish including garfish, whiting and blue swimmer crabs. Offshore Ardrossan – snapper spawning ground. Point Davenport – an important estuarine area that helps support a range of juvenile fish, including whiting. Cape Elizabeth – squid spawning grounds. Franklin Harbor – whiting nursery area. Light River Delta – a significant nursery habitat for fish and one of the best-preserved mangrove estuary systems in South Australia. Orcades Bank – King George whiting spawning grounds in Investigator Strait. South Australian fishing regulations In addition to the Marine Park sanctuary zones, South Australian recreational fishers also need to be aware of other rules and regulations. These include: • Size, bag, boat and possession limits which determine the size and the number of fish that can be taken. • Setting limits on the fishing gear you can use for a particular species. • Seasonal closures and Aquatic Reserves that restrict when and where you can fish. • Protection of some fish species. 4 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks While we want everyone to enjoy their fishing, it is also important that all recreational fishers are fully informed about their obligations so they can play their part in ensuring that there is plenty of fish for everyone to share into the future. More information on recreational fishing rules and regulations is available at or through the SA Recreational Fishing Guide smartphone app (see next page). Suspicious or illegal fishing behaviour can be reported to the 24-hour FISHWATCH number on 1800 065 522. Callers can choose to remain anonymous. Frequently asked questions about sanctuary zones: Question Answer Can I drive a boat through or in a sanctuary zone? Yes Can I anchor in a sanctuary zone? Yes Are motorised water sports (water skiing, parasailing, exceeding 35 knots, etc…) allowed in sanctuary zones? No Can I be in a sanctuary zone with fishing gear? Yes, as long as it is not being used Can I be in a sanctuary zone with fish in my boat? Yes If I am in a sanctuary zone with fish in my possession, is the onus on me to prove that the fish were not caught in the sanctuary zone? No What is the fine for fishing in a sanctuary zone? The expiation fee is $315. However, all recreational fishers are entitled to a warning before they can be fined Can I dive in a sanctuary zone? Yes, as long as nothing is disturbed or removed Can I fish from jetties? Yes, marine parks do not change existing jetty fishing access Can I shore-fish in a sanctuary zone? In some yes, but in others no. The maps clarify where shore fishing is allowed Am I able to fish just outside of a sanctuary zone? Yes Will other zones within a marine park, such as habitat protection zones, become sanctuary zones in the future? Not without full public consultation and the approval of both Houses of Parliament. This is a requirement of the Marine Parks Act 2007 Smart phone app Getting the latest information on South Australia’s sanctuary zoning and recreational fishing rules has now just been made easier with the FREE SA Recreational Fishing Guide app. The SA Fishing app is a one stop shop for everyone to access information and maps on fishing in South Australia from the convenience of their Apple and Android mobile devices. Full details can be found at: recfishingapp Downloadable GPS coordinates and more detailed maps are available on our website: Please refer to back cover for disclaimer and copyright information. For basic mapping functions, simply go to your App Store or Play Store to download then: 1. Open the app, click on “Closures” (bottom centre). 2. Then select “Closures Mapping” (top centre). 3. You can now navigate around the state, the red pin shows your location, the green zones indicate the sanctuary zones. For more detailed instructions on using the app please visit our website or call your local Natural Resource Centre (contact details on the back cover). ! Bordertown South East Region South Region Marine ParkEast Sanctuary Zones Marine Park Sanctuary Zones The Coorong The Coorong South East Region Coorong Beach South Sanctuary Zone Coorong Beach South Sanctuary Zone Marine Park Sanctuary Zones The Coorong Coorong Beach South Sanctuary Zone ! Bordertown Bordertown ! Long Beach ! mi Beach ! Kingston SE SA / VIC Border Naracoorte ! Long Beach Long Beach Lacepede Bay Sanctuary LacepedeZone Bay Sanctuary Zone Long Beach ! Bordertown Lacepede Bay Upper Sanctuary Zone Pate ! Kingston SE Kingston SE ! ! Nora Creina Bay ! ! Margaret Brock Reef Wright Bay Wright Bay Baudin Rocks Baudin Wright BayRocks Cape Dombey Baudin Sanctuary Zone Cape Dombey Rocks Sanctuary Zone Beachport ! Cape Buffon ! ! ! Naracoorte Penola ! Robe Robe ! Cape Dombey Southend Naracoorte Naracoorte SA / VIC Border Kingston SE Upper Margaret Brock Wyomi Beach Reef South East Margaret Brock Reef Marine Park Border / VIC Border / VIC SASA Wyomi Beach Wyomi Beach Upper South East South Marine East Park Marine Park Robe Sanctuary Zone Bishops Pate Millicent Robe ! ! Bishops Pate Canunda Rock Bishops Pate Canunda Sanctuary Zone Lake Bonney SE Nora Creina NoraBay Creina Bay ! Nora Creina Bay Penola Penola ! ! Number One Rocks Number Two Rocks Penola Beachport Mount Gambier Beachport ! ! ! Beachport ! Carpenter Rocks Black Rock Lower South East Marine Park Cape ! Southend Buffon Cape ! Southend Buffon Cape Canunda Rock ! Buffon Southend Millicent ! Canunda Rock Port MacDonnell ! Millicent Millicent ! Canunda Rock Canunda Sanctuary Zone Canunda Sanctuary Zone Canunda ! Stony Point Sanctuary Zone Piccaninnie Ponds Lake Bonney Sanctuary Zone Number One Rocks SE NumberOne TwoRocks Rocks Number Number OneNumber Rocks Two Rocks Lake Bonney Lake SE Bonney SE ! Number Two Rocks Produced by Area creational ed) n high water) 0 0 ± Data Source Compiled Projection Datum 20 Kilometres Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 7 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. 20 Nautical Miles Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Marine park Marine park Marine park Special Purpose Area 6 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks Mount Gambier Carpenter Port Port Lower Lower South EastPort MacDonnell MacDonnell MacDonnell South East South East Marine Park Marine Park Marine Park ! ! ! Stony Point Produced by Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational Specialrecreational Purpose Area (Shore-based line fishing allowed) (Shore-based line fishing allowed) recreational line fishing allowed) Coastline high water) Coastline (median(median high water) Coastline (median high water) Major road Major road Major road Jetty Jetty Jetty State border State border State border ! Rocks Carpenter Carpenter Black Rocks Rock Rocks Black Black Rock Rock Lower Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Sanctuary Zone 0 0 0 0 Produced by ± ±± 0 0 Kilometres Mount Gambier Mount Gambier ! 20 20 20 Kilometres Kilometres Nautical MilesNautical Miles Nautical Miles Data Source Compiled Projection Datum 20 20 20 Stony Point Stony Point Piccaninnie Ponds Sanctuary Zone Piccaninnie Ponds Piccaninnie Ponds Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department Environment, Water and Natural Resources Science, Monitoring and Knowledgeof Branch Produced by GPO Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Box 1047 SA 5001 Department of Environment, Water and Adelaide Natural Resources Department GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 SA 5001 Data Source Marine parks andAdelaide topographic data - DEWNR Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR Compiled 7 November, 2014 Data Source Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 7 November, 2014 Projection Lambert Conformal Conic Lambert Conformal Conic Compiled 7 November, 2014of Australia, 1994 Datum Geocentric Datum Geocentric Datum of Australia, Projection Lambert1994 Conformal Conic ©Datum Copyright Department of Environment, Water Natural Resources 2014. Geocentric Datum of and Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of All Environment, Water and Resources 2014.displayed are subject to Copyright. For Rights Reserved. AllNatural works and information All Rights Reserved. All works and information arebeyond subjectthat to Copyright. For the reproduction or displayed publication permitted by the Copyright Act2014. 1968 (Cwlth) © Copyright Department ofthe Environment, Water Natural Resources the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by Copyright Act 1968and (Cwlth) written permission must sought the Department. All Rights Allbe works andfrom information displayed are subject to Copyright. For written permission must be sought fromReserved. the Department. the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, written permission must be sought from the Department. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express orAlthough implied,every that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly effort has made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or been fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims allarising liability for loss or damage arising from displayed. reliance the information displayed. Department, its agents, officers employees make noupon representations, either express disclaims all liability for loss the or damage from reliance upon and the information or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. South East Sanctuary Zones (SZ) Upper South East Marine Park Lower South East Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Coorong Beach South (Park 18: SZ-1) Canunda (Park 19: SZ-1) 139° 34.624’ E 36° 6.650’ S 140° 9.164’ E 37° 36.073’ S 139° 37.103’ E 36° 10.094’ S 140° 11.242’ E 37° 37.522’ S 139° 33.997’ E 36° 11.727’ S 140° 8.648’ E 37° 39.781’ S 139° 31.600’ E 36° 8.382’ S 140° 6.319’ E 37° 38.648’ S Lacepede Bay (Park 18: SZ-2) Piccaninnie Ponds (Park 19: SZ-2) 139° 42.895’ E 36° 42.715’ S 140° 54.713’ E 38° 3.043’ S 139° 49.705’ E 36° 42.715’ S 140° 57.949’ E 38° 3.385’ S 139° 49.705’ E 36° 45.000’ S 140° 57.949’ E 38° 4.381’ S 139° 41.845’ E 36° 45.000’ S 140° 54.713’ E 38° 4.381’ S Cape Dombey (Park 18: SZ-3) 139° 44.308’ E 37° 9.010’ S 139° 44.504’ E 37° 9.122’ S 139° 44.760’ E 37° 9.321’ S 139° 44.618’ E 37° 9.605’ S 139° 44.476’ E 37° 9.605’ S 0 0.5 Fleurieu Fleurieu Peninsula Peninsula Region Region Nautical Miles Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Fleurieu Peni Marine Park Sa Zone Produced by 0 rea eational d) high water) Data Source Compiled Projection Datum 10 Port Noarlunga Reef Port Noarlunga Reef Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. Kilometres 0 Gulfview Road Gulfview Road Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 24 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 10 Port Port Noarlunga Noarlunga Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Nautical Miles Southport Southport Beach Beach Port Port Noarlunga Noarlunga 0 0 1 1 Nautical Miles Nautical Miles Mclaren Mclaren Vale Vale Snapper Snapper Point Point Strathalbyn Strathalbyn Aldinga Reef Sanctuary Zone Aldinga Aldinga Beach Beach Myponga Myponga Beach Beach Carrickalinga Cliffs Carrickalinga Cliffs Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Rapid Rapid Bay Bay Middleton Middleton Port Elliot Port Elliot Rapid Head Victor Harbor Pullen Victor Harbor SanctuaryPullen Zone Island Wirrina Wirrina Cove Cove Snapper Snapper Point Point Cape Cape Coutts Coutts The Pages The Pages Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Ba ck Encounter Encounter Marine Park Marine Park sta irs Hindmarsh Hindmarsh Island Island Rapid Murray Bay Murray Mouth The Pages The Pages Wirrina Cove Mouth Pa ss Encounter Bay Cape Encounter Bay Jervis Coorong Beach North Coorong Beach North Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone ag e The Pages Sanctuary Zone Sponge Gardens Sanctuary Zone Penneshaw Cape StCape Albans St Albans Hobart Shipwreck Rapid Head Encounter Bay EncounterZone Bay Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Cape Cape Jervis Jervis Penneshaw Penneshaw Goolwa Goolwa Island Seal Seal Island Island Ba Backs ck ta stairs irs Pa Passa ss g e ag e Sponge Gardens Sponge Gardens Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Ald Be Carrickalinga Hobart Hobart Shipwreck Shipwreck Rapid Rapid Head Head Snapper Point Myponga Beach Carrickalinga Cliffs Sanctuary Zone Carrickalinga Carrickalinga Rapid Head Rapid Head Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Onkaparinga River Onkaparinga River Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Onkaparinga Onkaparinga Head Head 1 1 Kilometres Kilometres 0 0 Aldinga Reef Aldinga Reef Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Christies Christies Beach Beach Witton Witton Bluff Bluff Snapper Point Cape Coutts Encounter Marine Park The Pages Cape King Beach King Beach St Albans Cape Cape Willoughby Willoughby Cape Willoughby King King Head Head 0 0 0 0 West West Island Island 500 500 Metres Metres 0.5 0.5 Nautical Miles Nautical Miles 8 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks E H S ta n d D a rd E H S ta n d D a rd Restricted Access Zone Restricted Access Zone Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Aquatic Reserve Aquatic Reserve Marine park Marine park Special Purpose Area Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) line fishing allowed) Coastline (median high water) Coastline (median high water) Major road Major road Jetty Jetty Shipwreck Shipwreck Produced by Produced by 0 0 0 0 Data Source Compiled Data Source Projection Compiled Datum Projection Datum 10 10 Kilometres Kilometres Nautical Miles Nautical Miles 10 10 Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 24 November, 2014 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR Lambert Conformal 24 November, 2014 Conic Geocentric Datum ofConic Australia, 1994 Lambert Conformal Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 Restricted Access Zone Sanctuary Zone Aquatic Reserve © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For written permission must be sought from the Department. the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Marine park Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) Coastline (median high water) Major road Jetty Shipwreck 0 Fleurieu Peninsula Sanctuary Zones (SZ) Rapid Head (Park 15: SZ-5) RAZ 2 138° 9.360’ E 35° 27.719’ S 138° 11.089’ E 35° 27.719’ S Restricted Access Zone 2 overlays the North Pages Island Prohibited Area. 138° 11.089’ E 35° 30.654’ S N/A 138° 10.445’ E 35° 30.654’ S 138° 10.445’ E 35° 31.181’ S RAZ 3 138° 8.713’ E 35° 32.436’ S Port Noarlunga Reef (Park 15: SZ-2) 138° 5.742’ E 35° 32.436’ S Sanctuary Zone 2 excludes Port Noarlunga Jetty 138° 5.742’ E 35° 30.402’ S 138° 26.653’ E 35° 8.647’ S Sponge Gardens (Park 15: SZ-10) 138° 27.974’ E 35° 8.647’ S 138° 0.387’ E 35° 43.221’ S 138° 28.011’ E 35° 8.885’ S 138° 10.292’ E 35° 43.221’ S 138° 27.864’ E 35° 8.902’ S 138° 10.292’ E 35° 45.911’ S 138° 27.875’ E 35° 9.010’ S 138° 4.094’ E 35° 45.911’ S 138° 28.097’ E 35° 8.984’ S 138° 0.387’ E 35° 43.589’ S 138° 28.227’ E 35° 9.877’ S 138° 28.224’ E 35° 9.898’ S The Pages (Park 15: SZ-11) 138° 27.950’ E 35° 10.029’ S 138° 26.046’ E 35° 10.029’ S 138° 26.046’ E 35° 9.026’ S 138° 26.653’ E 35° 9.026’ S Encounter Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Onkaparinga River (Park 15: SZ-1) 138° 15.657’ E 35° 43.325’ S 138° 20.524’ E 35° 43.325’ S 138° 20.524’ E 35° 46.425’ S 138° 15.657’ E 35° 46.425’ S N/A Restricted Access Zone 3 overlays the South Pages Island and reef, Prohibited Area. N/A N/A RAZ 4 Restricted Access Zone 4 overlays the Prohibited Area within the West Island Aquatic Reserve. 138° 35.553’ E 35° 36.292’ S 138° 35.553’ E 35° 36.346’ S 138° 35.352’ E 35° 36.465’ S 138° 35.284’ E 35° 36.465’ S Encounter Bay (Park 15: SZ-6) 138° 28.664’ E 35° 9.302’ S 138° 42.754’ E 35° 30.802’ S 138° 28.730’ E 35° 9.355’ S 138° 42.754’ E 35° 35.636’ S 138° 28.607’ E 35° 9.394’ S 138° 39.109’ E 35° 35.636’ S 138° 28.624’ E 35° 9.335’ S 138° 41.390’ E 35° 31.987’ S Aldinga Reef (Park 15: SZ-3) Coorong Beach North (Park 15: SZ-7) 138° 22.260’ E 35° 15.213’ S 138° 56.390’ E 35° 35.237’ S 138° 26.082’ E 35° 15.213’ S 138° 58.614’ E 35° 36.365’ S 138° 27.287’ E 35° 15.933’ S 138° 58.614’ E 35° 39.950’ S 138° 26.558’ E 35° 17.012’ S 138° 56.390’ E 35° 38.719’ S 138° 22.260’ E 35° 17.012’ S Carrickalinga Cliffs (Park 15: SZ-4) 138° 19.035’ E 35° 22.695’ S 138° 21.749’ E 35° 22.695’ S 138° 19.700’ E 35° 24.605’ S 138° 19.035’ E 35° 24.605’ S Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks | 9 tai r Beatrice Islands sP as s Kangaroo Island Region Sponge Gardens Sanctuary Zone Penneshaw Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Snapper Point Cape Coutts Kangaroo Island Region Marine Park Sanctuary Zones American River Parndana Cape Dutton Seal Beach 0 1 Kangaroo Point Island Region Kangaroo Island Upwelling Sanctuary Zone Waterfall Creek Western River Cove Cape Seal Beach Rouge Cape Borda Cape Southern Gantheaume Spencer Gulf Marine Park Cape Borda Cove Nautical Miles Scott Cove Parndana Bay of Shoals Pelorus Island Vennachar Busby Islet Bay of Shoals Sanctuary Zone Cape Dutton Point Southern Waterfall Creek Western Kangaroo Island River Sanctuary Zone Cove Marine Park Western Beatrice Point Ba ck Beatrice Islands sta irs 0 10 Kilometres 0 Cape Bouguer Parndana Produced by Cape du Couedic Sanctuary Zone Cape Bouguer Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Lipson Reef 10 the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Lipson Reef 0 Seal Bay Cape Sanctuary Zone Gantheaume Restricted Access Zone Marine park Marine park Restricted Access Zone Coastline (median high water) Sanctuary Zone Island Kangaroo Major road Marine Park Marine park Jetty Coastline (median high water) Shipwreck Major road Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes 0 Point Tinline Cape St Albans Cape Gantheaume Pelorus Island Cape Willoughby Cape Gantheaume 1 Rouge 10 Cape Borda (Park 16: SZ-1) Major road 0 E 136° 34.855’ Jetty 136° 43.242’ E Shipwreck 136° 43.242’ E 35° 43.213’ S 136° 34.855’ E 35° 45.407’ S Kilometres 35° 41.107’10S 35° 41.107’ S Nautical Miles Kangaroo Island Upwelling (Park 16: SZ-2) 136° 14.206’ E 35° 39.836’ S 136° 23.000’ E 35° 39.836’ S 136° 23.000’ E 35° 48.795’ S Busby Islet Bay of Shoals Sanctuary Zone SanctuarySouthern Zones (SZ) Coastline (median high water) 10 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks 1 Kilometres 0 Pelorus Island Shipwreck Sanctuary Zone Snapper Point Cape Coutts Bay of Shoals Jetty Restricted Access Zone Sponge Gardens PointD'est Sanctuary Zone Tinline Ba Nautical Miles Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park E H S ta n d D a rd ag e Pelorus Southern Kangaroo Island Island Marine Park Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park Cape D'estrees Bay Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, Sanctuary Zone Lipson Reef Seal Bay Sanctuary Zone © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. Seal Bay Cape du Couedic Sanctuary Zone American River Seal SealBay Sanctuary Bay Zone Pelican Lagoon Sanctuary Zone Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 24 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 Point Tinline Cape Bouguer D'estr Bay Seal Bay Nautical Miles pertuis ay Pa ss Penneshaw Maupertuis Bay Cape du Couedic Maupertuis Bay Hobart Shipwreck Rapid Head Encounter Parndana Marine Park Kingscote Cape Cape du du Couedic Sanctuary Zone Couedic Cape du Couedic Rapid Head Sanctuary Zone Vennachar Point Island Seal Beach Kangaroo Marine Park Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park E H S ta n d D a rd Cape Dutton Kilometres TinlineBorda Cape Marine Park Zones1 Sanctuary Zone 0 Scott Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Seal Bay tt e Cape Willoughby Western River Cove Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Seal Bay Sanctuary Zone Cape St Albans Southern Pelican LagoonSpencer Gulf Sanctuary Zone Marine Park Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Waterfall Creek D'estrees Bay Cape Borda Kangaroo Island Upwelling Sanctuary Zone e Borda uary Zone ag e 0 10 Beatrice Point 10 Kilometres 0 0 SZ-3) Cape du Couedic (Park 16: Nautical Miles 10 Kilometres Sanctuary Zone 3 partially follows Remarkable Kingscote10 0 Rocks Prohibited Area boundary from low Nautical Miles water mark. 136° 45.276’ E 136° 45.270’ E 136° 45.575’ E 136° 45.575’ E 136° 41.348’ E 136° 41.348’ E 136° 41.782’ E 36° 2.910’ S 36° 2.919’ S Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Produced by Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 36° 2.930’ SAdelaide SA 5001 Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 24 November,S 2014 36° 5.415’ Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 36° 5.415’ S © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. 36° 3.244’ S Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. 36° 3.244’ S RAZ 1 Restricted Access Zone 1 is Paisley Island Prohibited Area. N/A N/A RAZ 2 Restricted Access Zone 2 is Flinders Chase Prohibited Area. N/A N/A Rapid Head Sanctuary Zone Kangaroo Island Hobart Shipwreck Rapid Head Encounter Marine Park Ba ck Beatrice Islands sta irs Pa ss ag e Sponge Gardens Sanctuary Zone Penneshaw Snapper Point Cape Coutts American River Cape St Albans Pelican Lagoon Sanctuary Zone Cape Willoughby rees y 0 0 1 Kilometres 1 Cape Rouge Nautical Miles Bay of Shoals Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Bay of Shoals (Park 15: SZ-8) 137° 37.588’ E 35° 35.795’ S 137° 38.799’ E 35° 37.700’ S 137° 37.270’ E 35° 37.700’ S 137° 36.663’ E 35° 36.986’ S 137° 36.503’ E 35° 37.130’ S 137° 37.160’ E 35° 37.970’ S 137° 37.073’ E 35° 38.183’ S Pelican Lagoon (Park 15: SZ-9) Busby Islet Bay of Shoals Sanctuary Zone Encounter Marine Park Beatrice Point Kingscote 137° 45.586’ E 35° 47.364’ S 137° 45.841’ E 35° 47.863’ S Sponge Gardens (Park 15: SZ-10) 138° 0.387’ E 35° 43.221’ S 138° 10.292’ E 35° 43.221’ S 138° 10.292’ E 35° 45.911’ S 138° 4.094’ E 35° 45.911’ S 138° 0.387’ E 35° 43.589’ S RAZ 1 Produced by Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 24 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. RAZ 3 Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Restricted Access Zone 3 is Remarkable Rocks Prohibited Area from median high water to low water mark. 136° 45.276’ E 36° 2.910’ S 136° 45.572’ E 36° 2.918’ S 136° 45.575’ E 36° 2.930’ S 136° 45.270’ E 36° 2.919’ S Restricted Access Zone 1 is Busby Islet Conservation Park. N/A N/A Rapid Head Sanctuary Zone coordinates are on page 9. Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Seal Bay (Park 17: SZ-1) Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park 137° 15.014’ E 35° 59.066’ S 137° 23.619’ E 36° 1.265’ S Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees 137° 23.619’ E 36° 3.337’ S 137° 20.713’ E 36° 3.337’ S 137° 15.014’ E 36° 2.358’ S Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes RAZ 1 Waterfall Creek (Park 12: SZ-3) Restricted Access Zone 1 is Seal Bay Aquatic Reserve, excluding beach. 136° 54.025’ E 35° 40.567’ S 137° 17.017’ E 35° 59.539’ S 136° 54.763’ E 35° 40.567’ S 137° 19.483’ E 35° 59.897’ S 136° 54.763’ E 35° 40.966’ S 137° 19.483’ E 36° 0.417’ S 136° 54.025’ E 35° 41.142’ S 137° 17.017’ E 36° 0.072’ S Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks | 11 Rapid Bay Marine Marine Marine Park ParkSanctuary Park Sanctuary Sanctuary Zones Zones Zones Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Produced by pecial Purpose Area Shore-based recreational ne fishing allowed) oastline (median high water) 0 ajor road etty hipwreck Yorke Yorke Yorke Peninsula Peninsula Peninsula Region Region Region Yorke Peninsula Region 0 Data Source Compiled Projection Datum 10 Kilometres Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 7 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. 10 Wallaroo Wallaroo Wallaroo Wallaroo Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Moonta Moonta Moonta Moonta Port Port Port Port Cape Cape Cape Hughes Hughes Hughes Cape Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Hughes Nautical Miles Elizabeth Clinton Clinton Wetlands Clinton Wetlands Wetlands Clinton Wetlands Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Cape Cape Elizabeth Elizabeth Cape Elizabeth Cape Elizabeth Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Port Port Port Port Clinton ClintonClinton Clinton Upper UpperUpper Upper Gulf Gulf StSt Gulf Vincent Vincent St Vincent Gulf St Vincent Marine Marine Marine Park Park Park Marine Park Eastern Eastern Eastern Eastern Spencer Spencer Spencer Gulf Gulf Gulf Balgowan Balgowan Spencer Gulf Balgowan Balgowan Marine Marine Marine Park Park Park Maitland Maitland Maitland Marine Park Middle Middle Spit Middle Spit Spit Middle Spit Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Maitland Goose Goose Island Goose Island Island Goose Island Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Wardang Wardang Wardang Wardang Island Island Island Island Port Port Port Port Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Wakefield Ardrossan Ardrossan Ardrossan Ardrossan Port Port Victoria Victoria Port Victoria Port Victoria Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Port Port Port Port Parham ParhamParham Parham Zanoni Zanoni Zanoni Zanoni Thompson Thompson Thompson Shipwreck Shipwreck Shipwreck Thompson Shipwreck Beach Beach Beach Beach Offshore Offshore Offshore Ardrossan Ardrossan Ardrossan Offshore Ardrossan Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Light Light River River Light Delta Delta River Delta Light River Delta Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Middle Middle Middle Middle Beach Beach Beach Beach Port Port Port Port Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Port Port Port Port Minlaton Minlaton Minlaton Vincent Vincent Vincent Minlaton Vincent Point Point Point Point Souttar SouttarSouttar Souttar Corny Corny Corny Corny Point Point Point Point Stansbury Stansbury Stansbury Stansbury Corny CornyCorny Corny Point Point Point Point Warooka Warooka Warooka Warooka Coobowie Coobowie Coobowie Coobowie Salt Salt Swamp Swamp SaltCreek Swamp Creek Creek Edithburgh Edithburgh Salt Swamp Creek Port Port Edithburgh Port Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Edithburgh Port Sanctuary Zone Moorowie Moorowie Moorowie Moorowie Point Point Point Point Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Marion Marion Marion Marion Bay Bay Bay Bay Point Point Davenport Davenport Point Davenport Point Davenport Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Chinamans Chinamans Chinamans HatHat Hat Chinamans Hat Island Island Island Island Althorpe Althorpe Althorpe Althorpe Islands IslandsIslands Islands Orcades Orcades Orcades Chinamans Chinamans Chinamans HatHat Hat Orcades Bank Bank Bank Chinamans Hat Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Bank Sanctuary Zone Port Port Noarlunga Noarlunga Port Noarlunga Reef Reef Reef Port Noarlunga Reef Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Lower LowerLower Lower Yorke Yorke Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Marine Marine Marine Park Park Park Marine Park Orcades Orcades Orcades Bank Bank Bank Southern Southern Southern Sanctuary Orcades Bank Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Southern Sanctuary Zone Spencer Spencer Spencer Gulf Gulf Gulf Spencer Gulf Marine Marine Marine Park Park Park Marine Park Special Special Purpose Purpose Area Area Special Purpose Area Restricted Restricted Restricted Access Access Zone Access Zone Zone Special Purpose Area Restricted Access Zone (Shore-based (Shore-based recreational recreational (Shore-based recreational (Shore-based recreational Sanctuary Zone Zone Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone fishing line fishing allowed) allowed) lineline fishing allowed) Sanctuary Zone line fishing allowed) Special Purpose Area Area Special Purpose Special Area Purpose Coastline (median high water) 0 Coastline (median high water) Coastline (median high water) 0 Special Purpose Area Coastline (median high water) (Shore-based recreational (Shore-based (Shore-based recreational recreational (Shore-based recreational Major road Major road road fishing including crab raking allowed) fishing including fishing including crab raking crab allowed) raking allowed) Major Major road fishing including crab raking allowed) 0 0 0 Aquatic Reserve Jetty Jetty Aquatic Reserve Aquatic Reserve Jetty Aquatic Reserve Jetty Marine park park Shipwreck Shipwreck Marine park Marine Shipwreck Marine park Shipwreck 12 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks Aldinga Aldinga Reef Aldinga Reef Reef Aldinga Reef Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Encounter Encounter Encounter Carrickalinga Carrickalinga Carrickalinga Cliffs Cliffs Cliffs Encounter Carrickalinga Cliffs Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Marine Marine Marine Park Park Park Sanctuary Zone Marine Park Hobart Hobart Hobart Hobart Shipwreck Shipwreck Shipwreck Shipwreck Rapid Rapid Head Head Rapid Head Rapid Head Sanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Zone Zone Sanctuary Zone Carrickalinga Carrickalinga Carrickalinga Carrickalinga Rapid RapidRapid Rapid Bay Bay Bay Bay 0 0 10 10 10 10 Kilometres Kilometres Kilometres Kilometres 0 10 10 10 Nautical Nautical Miles Miles Nautical Miles Nautical Miles Produced Produced by by Produced Science, Science, Monitoring by Monitoring Science, and Monitoring and Knowledge Knowledge and Branch Knowledge Branch Branch Department Department of Environment, Department of Environment, ofWater Environment, Water and and Natural Natural Water and Natural Resources Resources Resources Produced by Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch GPO GPO Box Box 1047 GPO Adelaide Adelaide Box SA 1047 5001 SA Adelaide 5001 SA 5001 Department of 1047 Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 DataData Source Source Data Source Marine Marine parks parks and Marine and topographic topographic parks and data topographic data - DEWNR - DEWNR data - DEWNR Compiled 7 November, 7 November, 7 November, 2014 2014 DataCompiled Source Compiled Marine parks 2014 and topographic data - DEWNR Projection Projection Projection Lambert Lambert Conformal Conformal Lambert Conic Conic Conformal Conic Compiled 7 November, 2014 Datum Datum Datum Geocentric Geocentric Datum Geocentric Datum ofConic Australia, of Australia, Datum 1994 of1994 Australia, 1994 Projection Lambert Conformal Datum Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright © Copyright Department Department © Copyright of Environment, ofDepartment Environment, Water of Environment, Water and Natural and Natural Resources WaterResources and Natural 2014.2014. Resources 2014. All Rights All Rights Reserved. Reserved. AllAll Rights works AllReserved. works and information and All information works displayed and displayed information are subject are displayed subject to Copyright. to are Copyright. subject For to ForCopyright. For © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. the reproduction the reproduction or the publication or reproduction publication beyond or beyond publication that permitted that permitted beyond by the that byCopyright the permitted Copyright Actby1968 the Act Copyright 1968 (Cwlth) (Cwlth) Act 1968 (Cwlth) All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For written written permission permission must written must bepermission sought be sought from must the from be Department. the sought Department. from the Department. the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. Although Although everyevery effort Although effort has been has every been made effort made to ensure has to been ensure themade accuracy the to accuracy ensure of theof the information the accuracy information displayed, of the displayed, information displayed, 10 the Department, the Department, Department, its the agents, its agents, officers officers and its agents, employees and employees officers make and make noemployees representations, no representations, make no either representations, either express expresseither express Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, or implied, or implied, that the thator information the implied, information that displayed the displayed information is accurate is accurate displayed or fit for or is fit any accurate forpurpose any purpose or and fit forexpressly and anyexpressly purpose and expressly the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express disclaims disclaims all liability all liability disclaims for loss foror loss alldamage liability or damage for arising loss arising from or damage reliance from reliance arising upon upon from the information reliance the information upon displayed. the displayed. information displayed. or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Yorke Peninsula Sanctuary Zones (SZ) Eastern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Upper Gulf St. Vincent Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Cape Elizabeth (Park 11: SZ-1) Chinamans Hat (Park 12: SZ-1) Clinton Wetlands (Park 14: SZ-1) 137° 22.995’ E 34° 9.994’ S 136° 56.591’ E 35° 16.943’ S 138° 8.002’ E 34° 10.270’ S 137° 27.753’ E 34° 9.994’ S 136° 59.598’ E 35° 16.943’ S 138° 8.002’ E 34° 12.304’ S 137° 29.290’ E 34° 12.078’ S 136° 59.598’ E 35° 23.035’ S 138° 1.669’ E 34° 12.304’ S 137° 22.995’ E 34° 12.078’ S 136° 54.781’ E 35° 23.035’ S Middle Spit (Park 14: SZ-2) Port Victoria (Park 11: SZ-2) 136° 54.781’ E 35° 17.241’ S 138° 8.503’ E 34° 20.139’ S 137° 26.517’ E 34° 26.942’ S Orcades Bank (Park 12: SZ-2) 138° 10.509’ E 34° 20.139’ S 137° 29.142’ E 34° 26.942’ S 137° 6.155’ E 35° 22.844’ S 138° 10.354’ E 34° 24.702’ S Goose Island (Park 11: SZ-3) 137° 10.782’ E 35° 22.844’ S 138° 8.503’ E 34° 23.916’ S Sanctuary Zone 3 is Goose Island Aquatic Reserve. 137° 10.782’ E 35° 27.715’ S Offshore Ardrossan (Park 14: SZ-3) 137° 6.155’ E 35° 27.715’ S 138° 1.547’ E 34° 28.242’ S Althorpe Island (RAZ-1) 138° 6.011’ E 34° 28.242’ S Restricted Access Zone 1 is Althorpe 138° 6.011’ E 34° 31.152’ S Islands Prohibited Area. 138° 1.547’ E 34° 31.152’ S N/A N/A Light River Delta (Park 14: SZ-4) Lower Yorke Peninsula Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Sanctuary Zone 4 extends to the seaward Mangrove Habitat extent which is approximately low water mark. In Sanctuary Zone 4 the Light River mouth is buffered by 750 metres. 138° 20.652’ E 34° 32.320’ S 138° 20.937’ E 34° 32.320’ S 138° 24.190’ E 34° 35.794’ S Point Davenport (Park 13: SZ-1) 138° 23.267’ E 34° 35.794’ S 137° 20.453’ E 35° 8.937’ S 138° 21.883’ E 34° 35.041’ S 137° 27.816’ E 35° 8.937’ S 138° 21.338’ E 34° 34.379’ S 137° 27.816’ E 35° 12.065’ S 138° 20.965’ E 34° 33.378’ S 137° 19.231’ E 35° 12.065’ S Light River Mouth centre point 137° 19.231’ E 35° 9.968’ S 138° 21.570’ E 34° 34.729’ S Salt Swamp Creek (Park 13: SZ-2) RAZ-1 137° 43.647’ E 35° 3.157’ S Restricted Access Zone 1 is Defence Prohibited Area. 137° 43.673’ E 35° 3.254’ S 138° 10.642’ E 34° 16.177’ S 138° 15.053’ E 34° 25.021’ S 138° 13.670’ E 34° 26.390’ S 138° 12.802’ E 34° 26.451’ S 138° 10.354’ E 34° 24.702’ S Please note: The Port Noarlunga Reef, Aldinga Reef, Carrickalinga Cliffs and Rapid Head Sanctuary Zone coordinates are listed on page 9. Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks | 13 Nautical Miles ! Black Point ! Port Upper Spencer Gulf Region Bonython Upper Spencer Gulf Region Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Winninowie Head of the Gulf Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Head of theZone Gulf Sanctuary Zone Weeroona Bay 0 1 0 0 0 Blanche Harbor 1 Kilometres 1 Kilometres ! ! 1 Nautical Miles Cuttlefish Coast Sanctuary Zone Black Port Augusta Port Miranda YatalaAugusta ! ! Harbor Blanche Harbor Sanctuary Zone Port Bonython Port Bonython Nautical Miles ! Point Black Point ! Yatala Harbor Sanctuary Zone ! Winninowie Sanctuary Zone Winninowie Sanctuary Zone Weeroona Bay Weeroona Bay Blanche Harbor Upper Blanche Harbor Miranda Spencer Gulf Yatala Miranda Harbor Marine Park Yatala Blanche Harbor ! Cuttlefish Coast SanctuaryCoast Zone Cuttlefish Sanctuary Zone ! Harbor Sanctuary Zone Blanche Harbor Point Sanctuary Zone Lowly Port Yatala Harbor Sanctuary Zone Germein Yatala Harbor Whyalla ! Sanctuary Zone ! Fairway Bank Sanctuary Zone Fairway Bank Cowleds Landing Sanctuary Zone 0 0 Kilometres Fisherman Creek Sanctuary Zone Picnic Creek Sanctuary Zone 1 Franklin Harbor 1 Whyalla Whyalla ! Entrance Island Franklin Harbor Sanctuary Zone 0 0 Victoria Point Cowleds Landing Sanctuary Zone Cowleds Landing Sanctuary Zone Germein Picnic Creek Point 0 1 Sanctuary Zone Picnic Creek 0 1 Sanctuary Zone Kilometres Franklin 1 Kilometres Harbor Fishing permitted 1 is Franklin Harbor Nautical from Miles Windmill Beach Nautical Miles Entrance Island Entrance Island Franklin Harbor Sanctuary Zone Franklin Harbor Sanctuary Zone Plank Point Victoria Point Victoria Point Red Cliff Red Cliff ! Lucky Bay ! ! Sanctuary Zone Fairway Bank Sanctuary Zone ! Port Pirie Port Pirie ! Port Davis Port Davis ! ! Port Broughton ! Plank Point Plank Point Fishing is permitted from Windmill Beach Fishing is permitted from Windmill Beach Franklin Harbor Marine Park Port Gibbon Sanctuary Zone Port Broughton Port Broughton Offshore Franklin Harbor Sanctuary Zone Cowell Cowell ! ! Port Broughton Port Broughton ! ! Lucky Bay Lucky Sanctuary Zone Bay Produced by ! ! Marine park Port Gibbon Sanctuary Zone Port Gibbon Sanctuary Zone ! Fisherman Creek Sanctuary Creek Zone Fisherman Sanctuary Zone Germein Point Germein Point Cowell Port Germein Port Germein ! Jarrold Point Jarrold Point Port Davis Sanctuary Zone Port Davis Sanctuary Port Zone Broughton Murninnie Beach Murninnie Beach Pirie Port Davis Fairway Bank Port DavisFairway Sanctuary Zone Bank Fairway Bank Murninnie Beach Red Cliff ! Point Lowly Point Lowly Jarrold Point ! Nautical Miles Upper UpperGulf Spencer Spencer Gulf Marine Park MarinePort Park Franklin Harbor Special Purpose Area Franklin Harbor Marine Park (Shore-based recreational Marine Park line fishing allowed) Coastline high water) Offshore(median Franklin Harbor Sanctuary Zone Offshore Franklin Harbor Major road Sanctuary Zone Jetty 0 0 ± Data Source Compiled Projection Datum 10 Kilometres Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 24 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. 10 Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Nautical Miles Produced by Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Marine park Marine Specialpark Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational Special Purpose Area line fishing allowed) (Shore-based recreational line fishing(median allowed)high water) Coastline Coastline (median high water) Major road Major road Jetty Jetty 14 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks E H S ta n d D a rd 0 0 0 0 ±± Kilometres Kilometres Nautical Miles Nautical Miles Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO BoxMonitoring 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Branch Science, and Knowledge Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Data Source Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Compiled 24 November, 2014 Projection Lambertparks Conformal Conic Data Source Marine and topographic data - DEWNR Datum Geocentric Datum Compiled 24 November, 2014of Australia, 1994 Projection Lambert Conformal Conic © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural 1994 Resources 2014. Datum Geocentric Datum of Australia, Produced by 10 10 10 10 All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. written permission must be sought from the Department. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, written permission must be sought from the Department. the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Upper Spencer Gulf Sanctuary Zones (SZ) Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park Fairway Bank (Park 10: SZ-6) Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Head of the Gulf (Park 10: SZ-1) 137° 40.555’ E 33° 2.068’ S 137° 43.922’ E 33° 2.068’ S 137° 43.922’ E 33° 4.904’ S 137° 40.555’ E 33° 4.904’ S Cowleds Landing (Park 10: SZ-7) Franklin Harbor Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes 137° 32.717’ E 33° 4.443’ S 137° 33.403’ E 33° 4.434’ S Picnic Creek (Park 9: SZ-1) 137° 45.426’ E 32° 27.143’ S 137° 34.181’ E 33° 5.212’ S 136° 58.856’ E 33° 42.161’ S 137° 45.989’ E 32° 27.143’ S 137° 31.881’ E 33° 7.912’ S 136° 59.794’ E 33° 42.786’ S Winninowie (Park 10: SZ-2) 137° 28.081’ E 33° 9.213’ S Franklin Harbor (Park 9: SZ-2) The southern boundary of Sanctuary Zone 2 follows the northern boundary of Chinaman Creek to the coastline at approximately medium high water. 137° 26.586’ E 33° 9.244’ S Sanctuary Zone 2 boundary partially follows the Franklin Harbor Conservation Park boundary. 137° 48.182’ E 32° 36.443’ S 137° 48.389’ E 32° 36.443’ S 137° 51.517’ E 32° 41.428’ S 137° 50.670’ E 32° 41.163’ S Blanche Harbor (Park 10: SZ-3) Fisherman Creek (Park 10: SZ-8) Sanctuary Zone 8 extends to the seaward Mangrove Habitat extent which is approximately low water mark. 137° 53.118’ E 33° 10.562’ S 137° 53.585’ E 33° 11.096’ S 137° 55.073’ E 33° 12.484’ S 137° 49.695’ E 33° 13.787’ S 137° 45.347’ E 32° 41.361’ S 137° 49.472’ E 33° 13.787’ S 137° 46.771’ E 32° 41.336’ S 137° 50.315’ E 33° 12.057’ S 137° 47.280’ E 32° 42.275’ S 137° 51.159’ E 33° 11.411’ S 137° 49.427’ E 32° 43.531’ S 137° 49.309’ E 32° 45.738’ S Port Davis (Park 10: SZ-9) 137° 49.500’ E 32° 48.506’ S 137° 48.223’ E 32° 48.524’ S Yatala Harbor (Park 10: SZ-4) 137° 48.937’ E 33° 15.467’ S 137° 50.967’ E 33° 15.975’ S 137° 51.213’ E 33° 16.186’ S 137° 51.770’ E 33° 16.981’ S 137° 50.694’ E 33° 18.529’ S 136° 56.212’ E 33° 43.851’ S 136° 56.460’ E 33° 43.874’ S 136° 57.132’ E 33° 44.080’ S 136° 57.436’ E 33° 44.163’ S 136° 58.105’ E 33° 44.514’ S 136° 58.106’ E 33° 44.530’ S 136° 56.224’ E 33° 45.655’ S 136° 55.790’ E 33° 45.118’ S 136° 55.458’ E 33° 44.359’ S 136° 55.458’ E 33° 44.159’ S Port Gibbon (Park 9: SZ-3) 136° 48.086’ E 33° 48.768’ S 136° 52.323’ E 33° 48.768’ S 136° 52.323’ E 33° 50.107’ S 136° 48.086’ E 33° 50.107’ S 137° 54.257’ E 32° 43.785’ S 137° 54.192’ E 32° 48.484’ S Offshore Franklin Harbor (Park 9: SZ-4) 137° 52.116’ E 32° 48.484’ S 136° 54.742’ E 33° 47.640’ S 137° 52.116’ E 32° 47.107’ S 137° 0.999’ E 33° 47.640’ S 137° 53.881’ E 32° 44.030’ S 137° 0.999’ E 33° 50.107’ S 136° 54.742’ E 33° 50.107’ S Cuttlefish Coast (Park 10: SZ-5) 137° 42.792’ E 32° 58.693’ S 137° 44.799’ E 32° 59.739’ S 137° 44.799’ E 33° 0.578’ S 137° 42.792’ E 33° 0.578’ S Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks | 15 Sanctuary Zone Nautical Miles Lower Lower Eyre Eyre Peninsula Peninsula Region Region Mount Dutton Bay Sanctuary Zone Eely Point Sanctuary Zone Marine Marine Park Park Sanctuary Sanctuary Zones Zones Kellidie Bay Sanctuary Zone Horse Peninsula Sanctuary Zone 0 0 Investigator Investigator Marine Coffin Bay Marine Park Park ! Cummins 2 2 Salt Creek Sanctuary Zone ! Nautical Miles Nautical Miles 0 Investigator Marine Park Eely Point Marine Park Sanctuary Zones 2 2 Kilometres Kilometres 0 0 Yangie BayMount Dutton Creek Mount Dutton Creek Sanctuary ZoneSanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Lower Eyre Peninsula Region 2 Mount Dutton Bay Mount Dutton Bay Kilometres Zone 0 Sanctuary Sanctuary2 Zone Mount Dutton Creek Eely Point Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Tumby Bay ! Nautical Miles Kellidie Bay Kellidie Bay Sanctuary Zone HorseMount Peninsula Sanctuary Zone Dutton Bay Horse Peninsula Sanctuary Zone Zone Sanctuary Sanctuary Zone Eely Point Coffin Sanctuary ZoneBay Second Creek Sanctuary Zone Winceby Island Kellidie Bay Sanctuary Zone ! Horse Peninsula Sanctuary Zone LouthCummins Cummins Bay Bolingbroke Coffin Coffin Bay Bay ! Yangie Bay Yangie Bay Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Port Lincoln Boston Island ! Dangerous Reef Sanctuary Zone Louth Louth Bay Bay Louth Bay Liguanea Island ! Reef Point Bolingbroke Sanctuary Zone Point Avoid Spilsby Dangerous Reef Dangerous Reef Gambier Islands Island Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Island ! Dangerous Reef Sanctuary Zone B each Gunyah Trac k 0 2 Passage Marine Park Kilometres Group Marine Park Dangerous Dangerous Reef Reef Gambier Dangerous Islands Reef Wanna Wanna ! ! 2 Sleaford Bay Wanna Sleaford Bay ! Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Nautical Miles North Neptune Islands Sanctuary Zone Sleaford Bay LiguaneaZone Sanctuary Liguanea Island Island Islands Group (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Marine Park B each Gunyah Trac k chch B ea B ea hh yaya Gun Gun kk acac TrTr 0 0 0 Kilometres Kilometres 0 Gambier Gambier Islands Islands Group Group Gambier Islands Marine Marine Park Park Group Marine Park 2 2 2Kilometres 0 0 Thistle Thistle Island Island Thistle Island Neptune Islands Liguanea Neptune Island Gunyah Beach Almonta Almonta Sanctuary Zone Beach AlmontaBeach Gunyah Gunyah Beach Beach Gunyah Beach Island Island ! ! Port Lincoln Boucaut Island Boucaut Island Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Boucaut Island Spilsby Sanctuary Zone Spilsby Boston Thistle Boston Island Island Island Port Port Lincoln LincolnBoston Thorny Thorny Passage Passage Marine Thorny Marine Park Park Gunyah Beach Sir Joseph Banks Winceby Winceby Group Island Island Marine Park Kirkby Kirkby Dangerous Island Island Winceby Bolingbroke Reef Bolingbroke Island Reef Reef Kirkby Bolingbroke Point Point Bolingbroke Island Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Bolingbroke Sleaford Bay Sanctuary Zone Point Point Avoid Avoid Almonta Beach Second Creek Sanctuary Zone Sir Sir Joseph Joseph Banks Banks Group Group Marine Marine Park Park ! ! Wanna 0 Spilsby IslandCreek Second Second Creek Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Tumby Bay ! ! Whidbey Isles Sanctuary Zone ! ! Coffin Bay Whidbey Whidbey Isles Isles Boucaut Island Salt Creek Sanctuary Zone Tumby Tumby Bay Bay ! Coffin Coffin Bay Bay Thorny Passage Marine Park Salt Creek Salt Creek Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Reef Point Bolingbroke Sanctuary Zone Cummins Coffin Bay Point Avoid Whidbey Isles Kirkby Island ! !! ! Yangie Bay Sanctuary Zone Sir Joseph Banks Group Marine Park Gambier Islands 2 2 2 Miles Nautical Nautical Miles North Neptune Islands North Neptune Islands Sanctuary Zone Nautical Miles Sanctuary Zone North Neptune Islands Sanctuary Zone Beach Neptune Neptune Islands Islands Group Group Neptune and Valerie Neptune(Ron Islands Group Islands (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Taylor) (Ron and Valerie Taylor)Park Produced by Marine Marine Park Restricted Access Zone Sanctuary Zone Marine park GunyahSpecial BeachPurpose Area Gunyah Beach recreational Gunyah Beach(Shore-based Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary line Zone fishing allowed) Sanctuary Zone Coastline (median high water) Gambier Gambier Islands Islands 0 0 ± Marine Park Data Source Compiled Projection Datum 10 Kilometres Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 24 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. 10 Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Nautical Miles Major road Neptune Neptune Islands Islands Jetty Restricted Access Zone Restricted Access Zone Restricted Access Zone Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Marine park Marine park Marine park Special Purpose Special Area Purpose Area Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational (Shore-based recreational (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) line fishing allowed) line fishing allowed) CoastlineCoastline (median high water) (median high water) Coastline (median high water) Major road Major road Major road Jetty Jetty Jetty 16 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks E H S ta n d D a rd E H S ta n d D a rd 0 0 ± ± 0 10 0 Kilometres 0 0 Nautical Miles Kilometres Kilometres 10 Nautical Miles Nautical Miles Produced by Data Source Compiled Projection Datum 10 10 Produced by Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Science, Monitoringby and Knowledge Branch and Knowledge Branch Produced Science, Monitoring Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 GPO Box 1047 AdelaideGPO SA 5001 GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR MarineData parksSource and topographic data - DEWNR Data Source Marine parks and Compiled 24 November, 2014topographic data - DEWNR 24 November, 2014 Compiled 24 November, 2014Conic Projection Lambert Conformal Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Lambert Conformal Datum Geocentric Datum ofConic Australia, 1994 Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 Datum Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, and Natural Resources 2014. © CopyrightWater Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works information displayed subject to Copyright. ForNatural All Rights Reserved. All works and information are Resources subject to Copyright. For ©and Copyright Department ofare Environment, Waterdisplayed and 2014. the reproduction or publicationthe beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act (Cwlth) reproduction or publication beyond that1968 permitted by the Copyright ActCopyright. 1968 (Cwlth) All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to For written permission must be sought from the Department. written permission be sought from that the Department. the reproduction ormust publication beyond permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) 10 10 written permission must be sought from the Department. Although every effort has been made toevery ensureeffort the accuracy the information Although has beenofmade to ensuredisplayed, the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express the Department, its agents, officers andtoemployees no representations, either express Although every effort has been made ensure themake accuracy of the information displayed, or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly orthe implied, that theitsinformation displayed is accurate make or fit for purpose and either expressly Department, agents, officers and employees no any representations, express disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. disclaims allthat liability for loss or damage arising from reliance the information displayed. or implied, the information displayed is accurate or fit forupon any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Lower Eyre Peninsula Sanctuary Zones (SZ) Thorny Passage Marine Park Sir Joseph Banks Group Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Neptune Islands Group (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Eely Point (Park 5: SZ-1) Salt Creek (Park 6: SZ-1) 135° 21.197’ E 34° 34.757’ S 136° 16.044’ E 34° 18.126’ S North Neptune Islands (Park 7: SZ-1) 135° 22.260’ E 34° 34.757’ S 136° 24.906’ E 34° 18.126’ S 135° 22.260’ E 34° 36.368’ S 136° 24.906’ E 34° 21.250’ S 136° 2.162’ E 35° 12.279’ S 135° 21.069’ E 34° 36.368’ S 136° 8.878’ E 34° 21.250’ S 136° 6.147’ E 35° 12.279’ S 34° 20.365’ S 35° 15.532’ S Yangie Bay (Park 5: SZ-2) 136° 8.878’ E 136° 6.147’ E 35° 15.532’ S 34° 38.060’ S 34° 20.224’ S 136° 2.162’ E 135° 23.733’ E 136° 10.959’ E 135° 23.927’ E 34° 38.205’ S 136° 13.863’ E 34° 20.224’ S Second Creek (Park 6: SZ-2) Kellidie Bay (Park 5: SZ-3) 136° 5.924’ E 34° 25.233’ S 135° 30.031’ E 34° 35.905’ S 136° 6.277’ E 34° 25.215’ S 135° 29.147’ E 34° 36.913’ S 136° 6.292’ E 34° 25.362’ S 135° 29.323’ E 34° 36.810’ S 136° 6.550’ E 34° 25.777’ S 135° 29.519’ E 34° 36.757’ S 135° 29.519’ E 34° 36.245’ S Point Bolingbroke (Park 6: SZ-3) 135° 30.001’ E 34° 36.170’ S Mount Dutton Bay (Park 5: SZ-4) 136° 6.645’ E 34° 30.986’ S 136° 13.107’ E 34° 32.852’ S 136° 12.289’ E 34° 34.268’ S 135° 25.901’ E 34° 32.669’ S 136° 5.751’ E 34° 32.210’ S 135° 26.292’ E 34° 32.669’ S 135° 26.634’ E 34° 34.293’ S Boucaut Island (Park 6: SZ-4) 135° 25.901’ E 34° 34.293’ S Mount Dutton Creek (Park 5: SZ-5) 136° 21.798’ E 34° 38.709’ S 136° 25.140’ E 34° 38.709’ S 136° 25.140’ E 34° 39.334’ S 135° 23.669’ E 34° 31.480’ S 136° 21.798’ E 34° 39.334’ S 135° 24.820’ E 34° 31.480’ S Dangerous Reef (Park 6: SZ-5) Horse Peninsula (Park 5: SZ-6) 136° 10.283’ E 34° 46.891’ S 135° 24.156’ E 34° 35.273’ S 136° 13.926’ E 34° 46.891’ S 135° 24.080’ E 34° 35.611’ S 136° 13.926’ E 34° 49.828’ S Gunyah Beach (Park 5: SZ-7) 136° 10.283’ E 34° 49.828’ S 135° 25.532’ E 34° 42.615’ S RAZ 1 135° 29.051’ E 34° 45.344’ S 135° 27.383’ E 34° 46.516’ S Restricted Access Zone 1 is Dangerous Reef Prohibited Area. 135° 24.197’ E 34° 44.237’ S N/A RAZ 1 Restricted Access Zone 1 is Neptune Islands Prohibited Area – North Neptune Islands. N/A N/A RAZ 2 Restricted Access Zone 2 is Neptune Islands Prohibited Area – South Neptune Islands. N/A N/A Please note: Gambier Islands Group Marine Park does not have any Sanctuary Zones. N/A Sleaford Bay (Park 5: SZ-8) 135° 43.827’ E 34° 51.545’ S 135° 51.376’ E 34° 54.459’ S 135° 43.827’ E 34° 54.459’ S Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks | 17 West Coast Region Marine Park Sanctuary Zones West Coast Region Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Yanerbie ! ! Sceale Bay Sanctuary Zone Sceale Bay Sceale Bay ! ! Cape Blanche Sanctuary Zone Yanerbie ! Head of Baird Bay Sanctuary Zone Sceale Bay Sanctuary Zone Sceale Bay Sceale Bay Head of Baird Bay Sanctuary Zone ! Cape Blanche East Tidal Flats Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone West Tidal Flats Sanctuary Zone Baird Bay ! ! Point Labatt Sanctuary Zone West Coast Bays Marine Park Deep Cork Sanctuary Zone East Tidal Flats Sanctuary Zone West Tidal Flats Port Kenny ! Sanctuary Zone ! Venus Baird ! Bay Germein Island Bay Sanctuary Zone Point Labatt Sanctuary Zone!! Deep Cork Sanctuary Zone Port Kenny ! Venus Bay Venus Bay West Coast Bays Marine Park Anxious Bay Sanctuary Zone Germein Island Sanctuary Zone ! Venus Bay Anxious Bay Sanctuary Zone Waldegrave Islands Elliston ! ! Waldegrave Islands Flinders Island Top-Gallant Isles Ward Islands Elliston ! Flinders Island Locks Well Beach Investigator Ward Marine Park Top-Gallant Isles Sanctuary Zone Islands Top-Gallant Isles Investigator Marine Park Top-Gallant Isles Sanctuary Zone Locks Well Beach Sheringa ! ! Sheringa Beach Cap Island Pearson Isles Sheringa Sanctuary Zone Pearson Isles Pearson Isles Sanctuary Zone Pearson Isles Sanctuary Zone Restricted Access Zone Produced by Sanctuary Zone Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) Coastline (median high water) Major road Jetty 18 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks E H S ta n d D a rd E H S ta n d D a rd ± Restricted Access Zone Marine park 0 0 10 Zone Sanctuary Marine Kilometres park 10 Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational Nautical Miles line fishing allowed) Coastline (median high water) Major road Jetty Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 24 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 ± © Copyright Copyright Department Department of of Environment, Environment, Water Water and and Natural Natural Resources Resources 2014. 2014. © All Rights Rights Reserved. Reserved. All All works works and and information information displayed displayed are are subject subject to to Copyright. Copyright. For For All the reproduction reproduction or or publication publication beyond beyond that that permitted permitted by by the the Copyright Copyright Act Act 1968 1968 (Cwlth) (Cwlth) the written permission permission must must be be sought sought from from the the Department. Department. written Although every every effort effort has has been been made made to to ensure ensure the the accuracy accuracy of of the the information information displayed, displayed, Although the Department, Department, its its agents, agents, officers officers and and employees employees make no no representations, representations, either express express 0 10either the make or implied, implied, that that the the information information displayed displayed is is accurate accurate or or fit fit for for any any purpose purpose and and expressly expressly or disclaims all all liability liability for for loss loss or or damage damage arising arising from from reliance reliance upon upon the the information information displayed. displayed. disclaims 0 Kilometres Nautical Miles 10 Pr Da Co Pr Da © All the wr Alt the or dis West Coast Sanctuary Zones (SZ) West Coast Bays Marine Park Anxious Bay (Park 3: SZ-7) Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Sceale Bay (Park 3: SZ-1) 134° 9.982’ E 32° 57.321’ S 134° 28.568’ E 33° 10.945’ S 134° 30.893’ E 33° 10.945’ S 134° 30.893’ E 33° 15.701’ S 134° 28.568’ E 33° 15.701’ S Deep Cork (Park 3: SZ-8) 134° 35.799’ E 33° 9.930’ S 134° 36.349’ E 33° 9.930’ S 134° 36.976’ E 33° 10.799’ S 134° 11.873’ E 32° 57.321’ S 134° 37.078’ E 33° 10.722’ S 134° 12.208’ E 32° 58.137’ S 134° 37.615’ E 33° 10.722’ S 134° 9.982’ E 32° 58.137’ S 134° 37.615’ E 33° 11.664’ S Cape Blanche (Park 3: SZ-2) 134° 35.799’ E 33° 11.761’ S 134° 7.417’ E 33° 0.675’ S Germein Island (Park 3: SZ-9) 134° 8.701’ E 33° 0.675’ S 134° 8.701’ E 33° 0.877’ S Sanctuary Zone 9 is Venus Bay Conservation Park – Germein Island. 134° 8.521’ E 33° 1.257’ S N/A 134° 7.417’ E 33° 1.257’ S RAZ 1 Point Labatt (Park 3: SZ-3) Sanctuary Zone 3 eastern boundary follows the seaward extent of Point Labatt Aquatic Reserve boundary. N/A 134° 7.518’ E 33° 0.680’ S 134° 8.261’ E 33° 0.771’ S 134° 8.114’ E 33° 1.222’ S 33° 1.116’ S 134° 10.738’ E 33° 8.680’ S 134° 7.431’ E 134° 14.673’ E 33° 8.680’ S RAZ 2 134° 14.623’ E 33° 9.406’ S 134° 11.169’ E 33° 9.406’ S Restricted Access Zone 2 boundary follows the seaward extent of Point Labatt Aquatic Reserve boundary. West Tidal Flats (Park 3: SZ-4) 134° 14.673’ E 33° 8.680’ S 134° 19.297’ E 33° 7.177’ S 134° 15.851’ E 33° 8.680’ S 134° 19.888’ E 33° 7.177’ S 134° 15.988’ E 33° 9.406’ S 134° 20.314’ E 33° 7.628’ S 134° 14.623’ E 33° 9.406’ S 134° 20.498’ E 33° 7.968’ S 134° 21.075’ E 33° 8.326’ S 134° 20.368’ E 33° 8.326’ S Investigator Marine Park Longitude Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Top-Gallant Isles (Park 4: SZ-1) 134° 35.125’ E 33° 41.513’ S 134° 38.357’ E 33° 41.513’ S 134° 38.357’ E 33° 44.233’ S 134° 35.125’ E 33° 44.233’ S Pearson Isles (Park 4: SZ-2) 134° 12.518’ E 33° 54.877’ S 134° 19.536’ E 33° 54.877’ S 134° 19.536’ E 33° 59.601’ S 134° 12.000’ E 34° 2.840’ S 134° 12.000’ E 33° 57.241’ S 134° 12.518’ E 33° 57.241’ S Sheringa (Park 4: SZ-3) 135° 10.294’ E 33° 55.226’ S 135° 11.794’ E 33° 55.226’ S 135° 14.748’ E 33° 58.431’ S 135° 10.294’ E 33° 58.431’ S Head of Baird Bay (Park 3: SZ-5) 134° 16.692’ E 33° 2.195’ S 134° 16.868’ E 33° 2.303’ S East Tidal Flats (Park 3: SZ-6) 134° 18.606’ E 33° 5.303’ S 134° 21.675’ E 33° 8.348’ S 134° 21.446’ E 33° 8.348’ S 134° 21.356’ E 33° 8.194’ S 134° 20.799’ E 33° 8.076’ S 134° 20.576’ E 33° 7.908’ S 134° 20.402’ E 33° 7.539’ S Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks | 19 Penong ! Fowlers Bay Far West Coast Region Marine Park Far West Coast Region Sanctuary Marine Park Zones Nuyts Reef Sanctuary Zones 2 s ! 2 Chadinga Sanctuary Zone Cactus Beach les Nuyts Reef Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zone Marine park Sanctuary Zone Special Purpose Area Marine park(Shore-based recreational line fishing Special Purpose Area allowed) (Shore-based recreational Coastline (median high water) line fishing allowed) Major road Coastline (median high water) Jetty Major road Flats y Zone er Zone Lound Island Sanctuary Zone Jetty Nuyts Archi Marine P ± 0 Kilometres 0 0 ± 0 0 0 ing one eek ne Lound Island 10Kilometres Isles of St Francis 10 Far West Coast Region 10 Nautical10Miles 2 Nautical Miles Kilometres Marine Park Sanctuary Zones 2 Nautical Miles Sanctuary Zone Tourville Bay Marine park Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) Smoky Bay oky venport yreek mpsite ! Creek Flats Sanctuary Zone Point Peter Sanctuary Zone Coastline (median high water) Major road Jetty Produced by Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch 20 | Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Produced by GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Data Source Marine parks and Branch topographic data - DEWNR Department Water and Natural Resources Compiled of Environment, 7 November, 2014 Isles of St Francis Sanctuary Zone Far West Coast Region 0 Nadia Landing Sanctuary Zone Kilometres 0 Marine Park Sanctuary Zones 2 2 Nautical Miles Davenport Creek Sanctuary Zone Sanctuary Zones (SZ) Sanctuary Zone Tourville Bay Marine park Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational Nuyts Archipelago line fishing allowed) Marine Park Coastline (median high water) Creek Flats Sanctuary Zone ! Davenport Creek Campsite Point Peter Sanctuary Zone Major road Longitude Jetty Degrees Latitude Degrees Decimal Minutes Decimal Minutes Nuyts Reef (Park 2 SZ-1) 132° 7.435’ E 31° 58.062’ S 132° 11.419’ E 32° 1.246’ S ± 132° 11.419’ E 132° 7.435’ E 0 32° 9.084’ S 10 ChadingaKilometres (Park 2 SZ-2) 0 Ceduna ! 32° 9.084’ S 10 132° 51.085’ E 31° 59.867’ S Nautical Miles 132° 55.890’ E 32° 3.103’ S 132° 53.818’ E 32° 5.597’ S 132° 49.090’ E 32° 2.497’ S Nadia Landing (Park 2 SZ-3) 133° 27.103’ E 32° 7.710’ S 133° 28.843’ E 32° 7.022’ S Davenport Creek (Park 2 SZ-4) 133° 25.721’ E 32° 9.642’ S 133° 25.721’ E 32° 10.107’ S Creek Flats (Park 2 SZ-5) Nuyts Archipelago ipelago Park Far West Coast Barlows Beach Sanctuary Zone Smoky Bay ! 133° 29.685’ E 32° 8.824’ S 133° 31.327’ E 32° 9.318’ S 133° 30.680’ E 32° 10.060’ S 133° 30.000’ E 32° 10.150’ S 133° 29.220’ E 32° 9.245’ S Produced by Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 7 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Point Peter (Park 2 SZ-6) 133° 28.408’ E 32° 10.031’ S 133° 28.625’ E 32° 9.820’ S 133° 29.790’ E 32° 11.100’ S 133° 29.340’ E 32° 11.617’ S Lound Island (Park 2 SZ-7) 133° 20.815’ E 32° 15.000’ S 133° 23.175’ E 32° 15.000’ S 133° 23.175’ E 32° 17.427’ S 133° 20.815’ E 32° 17.427’ S Isles of St Francis (Park 2 SZ-8) 133° 13.842’ E 32° 28.876’ S 133° 20.306’ E 32° 28.876’ S 133° 20.306’ E 32° 36.037’ S 133° 13.842’ E 32° 36.037’ S Barlows Beach (Park 2 SZ-9) 133° 50.064’ E 32° 25.786’ S 133° 51.758’ E 32° 25.786’ S 133° 51.781’ E 32° 26.146’ S 133° 51.762’ E 32° 26.146’ S 133° 51.109’ E 32° 30.033’ S 133° 50.064’ E 32° 30.033’ S SA / WA Border Head of Bight Bunda Cliffs Sanctuary Zone Far West Coast Marine Park Wilson Bluff Great Australian Bight Great Australian Bight Region Marine Park Sanctuary Zones SA / WA Border Restricted Access Zone Sanctuary Zone Marine park Yalata Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) ! Coastline (median high water) Head of Bight Major road State border Far West Coast Marine Park Wilson Bluff ± 0 ne 0 0 20 Kilometres 20 Kilometres Nautical Miles 0 20 Great Australian Bight Region 20 Nautical Miles ! Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Yalata Restricted Access Zone Sanctuary Zone E H S ta n d D a rd Marine park Coombra Campsite Granites Campsite Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) ! Coastline (median high water) al Lagoons uary Zone Major road State border Dog Fence Beach Produced by Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Data Source Compiled Projection GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 25 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Department of Fishing Environment,in Water Natural Resources 22 | Recreational SAandMarine Parks Wahgunyah Coombra Campsite Granites Campsite ! Great Australian Bight ! Dog Fence Beach D'entrecasteaux Reef Seasonal zoning 1 May to 31 October Great Australian Bight Great Australian Bight Region Marine Park Sanctuary Zones ! Yalata Sanctuary Zones (SZ) Restricted Access Zone Sanctuary Zone Far Coast MarineWest park Special Purpose Area Marine Park Coombra Campsite Granites Campsite ! (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) ! Longitude Latitude Coastline (median high water) Degrees Degrees Coastal Lagoons Sanctuary Zone Great Australian Bight Region Dog Fence Beach Major road Decimal Minutes State border Decimal Minutes Bunda Cliffs (Park 1: SZ-1) Marine Park Sanctuary Zones Sanctuary Zone 1 is active from 1 November to 30 April inclusive. Wahgunyah Sanctuary Zone 0 129° 0.000’ E 31° 41.215’ S 131° 14.040’ E 31° 29.384’ S 131° 14.040’ E 31° 32.633’ S 130° 45.540’ E 31° 39.423’ S 130° 45.540’ E 31° 37.431’ S 129° 0.000’ E 31° 42.230’ S RAZ 2 31° 42.230’ S Restricted Access Zone 2 is active from 1 May to 31 October inclusive. 130° 45.540’ E 31° 37.431’ S 129° 0.000’ E 31° 41.215’ S 130° 45.540’ E 31° 39.423’ S 132° 0.083’ E 31° 52.646’ S 31° 44.496’ S 132° 0.083’ E 31° 56.268’ S 129° 0.000’ E 31° 44.496’ S 0 Sanctuary Zone Restricted Access Zone 1 is active from 1 November to 30 April inclusive. 129° 0.000’ E ± 129° 0.000’ E Restricted Access Zone RAZ 1 20 Kilometres Coastal Lagoons (Park 201: SZ-2) Sanctuary Zone 2 is active from 1 November Nautical Miles to 30 April inclusive. Marine park Special Purpose Area (Shore-based recreational line fishing allowed) Coastline (median high water) Major road State border 131° 23.191’ E 31° 33.122’ S 131° 27.160’ E 31° 34.637’ S 131° 27.160’ E 31° 37.997’ S 131° 23.191’ E 31° 36.402’ S Wahgunyah (Park 1: SZ-3) Sanctuary Zone 3 is active from 1 November to 30 April inclusive. 0 0 ± Kilometres 20 131° 55.138’ E 31° 49.196’ S 132° 0.083’ E 31° 52.646’ S 132° 0.083’ E 31° 56.268’ S 131° 55.138’ E 31° 52.989’ S 20 Nautical Miles Produced by Seasonal zoning 1 November to 30 April Produced by Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Data Source Compiled Projection Datum Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 25 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR 25 November, 2014 Lambert Conformal Conic Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed. Recreational Fishing in SA Marine Parks | 23 For more information Your local Natural Resource Centres Mount Gambier | T: 8735 1177 11 Helen St Port Lincoln | T: 8688 3111 86 Tasman Tce southeast eyrepeninsula Port Augusta | T: 8648 5300 Level 1, 9 Mackay Street Ceduna | T: 8625 3706 50B McKenzie St aridlands alinytjara-wilurara Clare | T: 8841 3400 Unit 3/17 Lennon Street Eastwood | T: 8273 9100 205 Greenhill Rd northernandyorke adelaidemtloftyranges Kingscote | T: 8553 4444 37 Dauncey St Murray Bridge | T: 8532 9100 110A Mannum Rd kangarooisland samurraydarlingbasin Fish Watch Fishing regulations. Reporting fishing offences. T: 1800 065 522 (24hrs) Whale and Dolphin rescue T: 1300 650 411 (quote pager no. 465393) or South Australian Museum whale stranding hotline on 0412 708 012. Oil spills To report an oil slick on the water or a spill from a ship T: 8248 3505 or call on radio channel 12 at all hours. Produced by:Science, Monitoring and Knowledge Branch Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources GPO Box 1047 Adelaide SA 5001 Data Source: Marine parks and topographic data - DEWNR Compiled: 7 November, 2014 Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia, 1994 © Copyright Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources 2014. All Rights Reserved. All works and information displayed are subject to Copyright. For the reproduction or publication beyond that permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) written permission must be sought from the Department. FIS 93123 Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, the Department, its agents, officers and employees make no representations, either express or implied, that the information displayed is accurate or fit for any purpose and expressly disclaims all liability for loss or damage arising from reliance upon the information displayed.
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