Network Newsletter

January 2015
Newsletter of the Town of Amherst Department of Senior Services
Pamela M. Krawczyk
Gayle Thornton,
Assistant Director
370 John James Audubon Pkwy * Amherst, NY *14228
(716) 636-3050
Barry A. Weinstein, M.D.
From our Director
Too often we underestimate the
power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an
honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of
which have the potential to turn
a life around.
Leo Buscaglia
As I prepare to hang my
2015 calendar on my wall, I
wonder where 2014 went?
Minutes, hours, days and weeks
appear to have lasted mere
While I have no
regrets of time spent, I always
question if I could have
accomplished more? Suddenly
I remember my mom’s words of
wisdom prior to her passing:
“There will be days you
question whether you did
enough. Always know you did
more than enough!” It was her
final gift to her family which
freed us from any regrets. I
always knew she was a
remarkable woman and a
woman I aspire to emulate.
The good news is that I do
have ½ of her genes and ½ of
my dad’s (who was also a
remarkable person). So I guess I
am in good shape. But the
question that has been asked for
centuries is whether I am who I
am because of my genetic make
-up? Or is it because I learned from their actions and behaviors?
Psychological Science reports that scientists have found the gene in
charge of compassion. Interestingly, these scientists were Psychologists
at the University of Buffalo. They say people can be born good or bad,
as some people do have this gene while the others don’t. This ‘niceness’
gene controls the function of oxytocin (known as the ‘cuddle’ hormone)
and vasopressin receptors. Oxytocin is known to keep couples together
and to bond mothers with their children.
The scientists have surveyed 711 people for this research. Those who
had the oxytocin and vasopressin receptors gave more to charity, were
more helpful to other people and reported crimes. Assistant professor of
Psychology at the University of Buffalo, Michael Poulin, says this
opening makes a certain contribution, even though the scientific team
can’t be sure to say they’ve found the ‘niceness gene’.
Wow, a ‘niceness gene’ - how fabulous is that?!? As much as I love
finding this out and find the research of interest, I now worry that some
individuals will use this as an excuse for “bad behavior”. While I am
left with more questions than answers, I have my own theory – use it or
lose it! Mahatma Gandhi even said “Compassion is a muscle that gets
stronger with use.”
Besides Gandhi, there is more scientific evidence that your largest
“emotional muscle” - your brain – can be trained to be more
compassionate. In one study, the compassion group generated feelings
of compassion while silently repeating the phrases they learned, such as,
“May you be free from suffering. May you have joy and ease.”
Participants found that in helping others, they helped themselves with
better emotional health and physical well-being.
As we begin a New Year, we all make resolutions to be healthier and
exercise more.
Perhaps this year we may try exercising our
‘Compassion Muscle’. As with any muscle the more you use it the
stronger it becomes. It begins by putting the Golden Rule into action.
Begin with a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment,
or the smallest act of caring.
May your heart be light and
May your smile be big and wide,
May your pockets always have
A coin or two inside!
P am
Happy New Year!
UPCOMING EVENTS – Make Reservations at Information & Assistance Desk
636-3055 ext. 3108
INDOOR WALKERS GROUP begins Monday, January 5 at 11:00 a.m.
The group will walk the hallways of the Senior Center Mondays, Wednesdays
& Fridays at 11:00 a.m. Don’t let the bad weather interrupt your exercise
schedule. Free Steps to the first 25 members that sign up & participate in the
group. RSVP 636-3059 at 3108.
SPIRIT DAY- Let’s show our Amherst Senior Center spirit on Monday, January
5.. Refreshments will be served from 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. Senior Center sweatshirts
and t-shirts will be for sale for ½ off. Our gift shop will offer 10% off all
merchandise. Popcorn will be for sale from 12:15 – 12:45 for ½ off. Don’t forget
to wear your blue and yellow!
ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING…Thursday, January 8 at 10:30 a.m.
for a Biography of the King. And then stay for a Happy 80th Birthday party at
12:45 p.m. Join us for some good old rock roll by our very own DJ Tony as we
honor the king, Elvis Presley. Light refreshments. RSVP 636-3059 ext. 3108.
your favorite Soup is just
super? Help us test it
out! No cooking is
required. Write out your
potential prize winner for our
Soup Contest and submit the recipe by
Monday, January 12. All recipes will
be posted during the week of January
12 for members to cast a vote for their
favorite. The 2 recipes with the highest
number of votes will be prepared by our
kitchen staff and made available to
taste test on Friday, January 30 from
11:00 a .m.– noon Contact Jennifer at
636-3055, ext. 3112 for any questions
or to drop off your recipe.
CRAFTS WITH JEN – Tuesday, January 13, at 12:45. Snowmen are not only
Christmas decorations, they are a decoration to keep around all winter long!
This is an easy Snowman Craft made out of an empty Coffee-mate plastic
bottom! Look for a sample at the I&A Desk. Please make your reservations in
advance at the I&A Desk or call 636-3055, ext. 3108.
RADIO MYSTERY SOCIAL.—Join us as we gather around the radio
Thursday, January 15 at 10:30 a.m. Free coffee for those in attendance.
CANDY MAKING Thursday, January 22 at 12:45 p.m. in Classroom 2
many hands make light work, help us in making candy to be sold at the
Volunteer Reception to benefit the Amherst Senior Center. RSVP at 636-3055
ext. 3108.
BLIZZARD SOCIAL Wednesday, January 28 at 12:45 p.m. socialize with
friends about blizzards of the past, present and future. Ice cream Blizzards will
be served. RSVP at 636-3055 ext. 3108.
COOKIE GRAM- A cookie gram is a
fun and sweet way to express a
message to someone you care about.
Made from a chocolate chip cookie,
this message is sure to please the sweet
tooth. Cookie Grams will be delivered
to your special someone at the Center
during the week of February 9. Please
place your order by February 6 by
calling Jennifer at 636-3055, ext.
3112. Fee is $1.00.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
8:30 – 3:00 p.m. AARP Driving Course
Pre-registration required call Phyllis Holmes –636-3055, ext. 3109
10:00 -1:00 Massage Pre-registration required call Phyllis Holmes 636-3055, –
ext. 3109.
10:00 Financial Class Avoid Losing Your Assets and Income from a Nursing Home Event .
Learn how to protect your assets and income from nursing home
expenses, what is exempt, and learn the pros and cons of a revocable
living trust. Presented by Lester Robinson, Financial Planner. Please
make a reservation at 636-3055 ext. 3108.
11:00 Face Book for beginners Register at 636-3055 ext. 3108
11:30 -1:30 Betty Crockski Food Truck
12:00 Lunch
Register at 636-3059
12:30 Movie –Guardians of the Galaxy Register at 636-3055 ext. 3108
Open Cards—Open to members no registration required
Billiards -Open to members no registration required
Book Club ...........................................5
Calendar .......................................8 & 9
Camera Club ...................................... 12
Class Information ................................6
Director’s Article ..........................1 & 2
Club Information .......................... 8-10
Games We Play ...................................5
Health Related News ...........................4
In Memoriam .......................................7
Lunch Information ..............................3
Movies .................................................5
New Members ................................... 10
Social Discussion Groups ....................5
Social Worker News
& Support Groups............................7
Special Activities ............................. 2-6
Volunteer News ...................................9
Friday, January 23 at
Winter safety
issues will be discussed
such as falls in icy
conditions and preventing
injuries while shoveling
snow. Presented by Blue
Cross Blue Shield.
STORM CLOSINGS: To learn whether activities at the
Senior Center or Amherst Meals on Wheels will be
cancelled, listen for weather closing announcements on
Radio Stations WBEN (AM 930), WNED (AM 970),
WGR, WKSE and WTSS; and on Television Station
Channels WGRZ-TV, WIVB-TV and WKBW-TV.
The Amherst Center for Senior Services and
Amherst Meals on Wheels, DO NOT come under the
jurisdiction of Buffalo and Erie County announcements.
Only upon notification of the Amherst Supervisor can the
Amherst Center for Senior Services/Senior Center be
officially closed.
During stormy weather, think of your own
safety and don’t risk traveling if it is not urgent. Keep
your personal food pantry stocked up in preparation for
those times of illness or bad weather. Plan ahead to refill
prescriptions and medical supplies before they are
depleted, and replace old batteries in household items
(remote controls, radios, flash lights, and smoke alarms).
MEMBER ORIENTATION -Thursday, January 22,
at 10:00 a.m. All new members are invited;
current members are welcome to attend for a refresher.
Meet some of the staff and learn about the programs,
clubs, classes, services and volunteer opportunities
available. Make your reservation at 636-3055 ext. 3108 for
both orientation and lunch.
who recently joined the Senior Center:
Janet & Jerry Augustyn, Bonnie Beitel,
Linda Booth, Beverly Callahan, Fabian
Catalono, Elaine Conway, Dorothy Deavers, Joseph
DiCarlo, Ann DiStefano,Donald Forman, Joanne Gerace,
Anna Marie Gullo, Sharon Gunther, Robert Johnson,
Joseph Kolasny, Jack Levin, Leonore Levy, Donald
Leiker, William & Josephine Lundin, Bruce Maddow,
Patricia & Daniel Mulhern, Jeanine & John O’Neil, Mary
Papia, Vinnie Passanese, Robert Peluso, Bela Petho,
Mahvash Razavi, Jeanie Scott, Shirley Shannon, Marilyn
& Walter Wallace, and Marjorie Yaeger.
parking spaces in the Center lot are for individuals
with an accessible license plate or hang tag.
It is
illegal to use someone else’s permit or park with an
expired permit. There is a minimum fine of $50-$75 plus a $30
surcharge for a first offense. When you see the symbol of access
on a parking space, be considerate of others’ special needs and
park in the regular parking spaces. This law is enforced.
Amherst Town Clerk staff will be at the Center on Friday,
January 30 from 10:00 a.m.-– noon to provide Accessible
Parking Permits. Applications are available at the Welcome
Desk and must be signed by a doctor.
636-3059 for Reservations & Cancellations— Call 24 Hours in Advance
you make a reservation for lunch at least 24 hours in advance
we cannot guarantee that a lunch will be available. To enable
our Nutrition Staff to plan more efficiently, it is just as important
to cancel if you have a reservation and are unable to attend.
LUNCH COST - A confidential, voluntary donation of
$3.00 per person is suggested by the Erie County Department of
Senior Services, not the Amherst Senior Center.
Martin Luther King Lunch—Friday,
January 16. Join us at noon as we remember
martin Luther King, Jr. ‘s accomplishments and
celebrate his life.
Super Bowl Lunch– Friday, January 30
at noon. Wear your favorite team colors
and join the party in the Dining Room.
OUR SALAD OPTION - We try to serve a salad at
lunch once each week. Salad may be ordered by calling 636-3059 or you can stop by at the Welcome
Desk. Salads are in place of the regular entre.
LUNCHES ARE SERVED at noon each weekday the
Center is open and require reservations. at 636-3059 24 hours in
advance. All residents age 60 or older are eligible to
participate in the Nutrition Lunch program.
BIRTHDAY LUNCH—members are entitled to a
free lunch the month of their birthday. For your
free coupon, please see Joanne Cole-Marshall in the
Program Office.
MENU UPDATE—The current menu is posted at the
front Reservation/Reception area where you make your
lunch reservations, at the Dining Room entrance, and
on the Town of Amherst Website:
The upcoming week’s menu is also published in the
Senior News section of The Amherst Bee. When we
receive menu information too late to meet our printing
deadlines, please check these sources.
Life is a journey and its more enjoyable if you stay healthy, fit and
active. That’s what Journey to Health is all about at the Amherst
Center for Senior Services. Journey to Health helps you stay
healthy and keeps you on track. You can enjoy frequent health
lectures, seminars, register in exercise classes and participate in
individual healthy programs.
Incentives will be offered on a quarterly basis to members who have
the highest points. One point is given per healthy activity and 2
points per individual event. Sign up in the program office to get
started. For further info call Cathy 636-3055 ext. 3106.
means by which we make a deliberate attempt
to brighten another person's day by doing
something thoughtful, nice, and caring. The
Program Staff with be spreading some
kindness around the Center during the month
of December. Keep an eye out!
Make reservations at the Information & Assistance Desk, 636-3055 ext. 3108
Wednesday, January 7 at 11:30 a.m. Open Discussion
Tuesday, January 20 at 11:30 a.m. Modifying a recipe
to be healthier
Reservations are needed for the following.
Make them at the I&A Desk or call 636-3055 ext. 3108
THYROID AND WEIGHT LOSS Tuesday, January 20 at
12:45 p.m. Dr. Sui from Simply Chiropractic will discuss
thyroid function/dysfunction and natural ways to lose and
manage weight to help your thyroid function
optimally. Make a reservation at the I&A desk 636-3055 ext.
for programs scheduled in the Lunch Room and Activity
Rooms A and B upon request with a $25 deposit or your
driver’s license.
Tuesday, January 27 12:45 p.m. Learn about the
importance of staying fit for the new year. Presented by Ann
Gross from Krunch Fitness. Make a reservation at the I& A
desk 636-3055 ext. 3108.
HEALTHY TIBITS in the Dining Room
addition to providing van service to the Amherst
Senior Center and all your medical appointment
needs, Amherst Senior Transportation Services now offers
van service from your home to your local grocery
store. For information and to inquire what services
you are eligible for, please contact Amherst Senior
Transportation, 636-3075.
CENTER: Please go to the Main Reception Desk immediately
and report any problems. Please note that our staff is trained to
handle emergency situations and keep the person comfortable
until further help arrives.
Health Resource Room for your convenience.
and be informed of monthly
events at the Amherst Center
for Senior Services. The
Monthly issue is available to
be picked up—FREE—at the Center, at
Town Libraries and Adult Living Facilities.
The Town of Amherst also posts the
newsletter, calendar and menu on the
This notice does not apply to members of the
Travel Club and Senior Supper Club, since a
portion of their dues covers receiving a copy
of The Network in the mail.
MAILING SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2015– You can have The Network delivered to your
home for $6.00 a year. Subscriptions run from January through December. Mail or bring
the form below, along with a $6 check payable to Amherst Center for Senior Services, to:
Heidi Kunz, Amherst Center for Senior Services,
370 John James Audubon Parkway, Amherst, NY 14228.
Zip Code ______________________
Telephone # _____________________
MOVIE MATINEES - at 12:30 p.m.
Seating is limited; so please make reservations for movies at the I &A Desk, 636-3055, ext. 3108 up until 11:00 a.m. the day
the movie is scheduled to be shown. All movies are shown on the projector screen in Activity Room A. Closed captions are
displayed when available. Hearing devices are available with prior notification. Popcorn is 50 cents per bag prior to the show.
Monday, January 5 This is Where I Leave You starring
Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Kathryn Hahn, Jane Fonda,
And Corey Stoll. A Jewish father’s last wish is that
his nonreligious family sits Shiva for him. Rated R, 1
hour and 43 minutes
Couture. When actor J Kimball needs to research
what it’s like to be old for a role in an upcoming
movie, he meets the residents at the Coconut
Convalescent Home and quickly discovers that his
perceptions of the elderly may be far from the truth.
Rated PG 13, 1 hour and 28 minutes.
Wednesday, January 14 The Giver starring Jeff Bridges,
Meryl Streep, Brenton Thwaites, Alexander Skarsgård
and Katie Holmes. In a seemingly perfect community,
without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a
young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man
about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world.
Based on the young adult novel by Lois Lowry. Rated
PG13, 1 hour and 37 minutes.
Saturday, January 24 Guardians of the Galaxy starring
Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel
and Bradley Cooper. When a brash adventurer
swipes a powerful orb, he must outsmart a villain
with ambitions that threaten the universe and lead a
band of misfits to save the galaxy. Rated PG13, 2
hours and 1 minute.
January 23 at 12:30 p.m. Fruitvale Station Starring
Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Diaz and Octavia
Spencer. Based on a true story. Oscar Grant was shot
by BART officers at the Fruitvale subway stop on
New Years Day 2008. Rated R ,1 hour and 25 minutes.
Thursday, January 29—Tammy starring Mellissa
McCarthy and Ben Falcone. After losing her job, and
learning her husband has been unfaithful, a
woman takes to the road with her hard drinking
Grandmother. Rated R, 1 hour and 37 minutes.
Tuesday, January 27 3 Geezers! starring Tim Allen, J.K.
Simmons, Kevin Pollack, Mike O’Malley, Randy
Movies are free and everyone is welcome to attend, but people’s tastes vary.
Please review the ratings before attending. If a movie is not what you
expected, offends you, or makes you uncomfortable, you can certainly leave.
BOOK LOVERS CLUB —Thursday, January 15 at
10:00 a.m. Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichi
Fifteen year old Kambili and her older brother Jaja lead a
privileged life in Enigu, Nigeria. They live in a beautiful
house with caring family and attend an exclusive
missionary school. They're comfortably shielded from the
troubles of the world. Yet, as Kambili reveals in her tender
-voiced account, things are less than perfect. Although her
Papa is generous and respected, he is fanatically religious
and tyrannical at home--a home that is silent and
suffocating. There is no fee to attend, but members are
encouraged to read books prior to attending meetings.
Reservations not required for the following games.
MIND TEASERS will help boost your brain and engage
your mind! Stop in, give your brain a dose of exercise!
Mind Teaser
Friday, January 9, at 12:45 p.m.
Tuesday, January 6, at 12:45 – Outburst
Friday, January 24, at 12:45 - Headbands
Wednesday, January 28, at 11:00 a.m. Buzzword
Monday, January 26, at 12:45 p.m. This new series is
open to the more advanced, experienced game player.
Friday, January 2 at 11:00
Tuesday, January 20 at 11:00 a.m.
Join us in the Dining Room to share what’s going on
within the Center, topics in the news, and more. Get to
know the Center better. Meet new people. Feel free to
drop in for this informal chat.
Friday, January 2, 16, 22 at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, January 7, 12, 26, at 12:30 p.m.
Monday, January 12 at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, January 21 at 12:45 p.m.
Join us for fun regular bingo. Prizes will be .25 per
win. You can purchase up to four boards for .25 a board.
Reservations at the I&A desk 636-3055 ext. 3108.
Reservations are needed for Bingo.
Make them at the I&A Desk or call 636-3055 ext. 3108
and check in which Room it is being held.
Make Reservations at Information & Assistance Desk 636-3055 ext. 3108
FREE Lifelong Learning for Adults Age 55+
The Amherst Center for Senior Services has joined in an exciting partnership with Erie
County Department of Senior Services. We are now one of the many participating sites to
house UNIVERSITY EXPRESS, which offers stimulating academic classes, free of charge,
to older adults. Individual topics in the field of History, Science, Current Affairs, Humanities,
Life Enrichment and Wellness will be offered. Please check The Network to see what classes
will be presented throughout the Trimester.
Winter Registration 2015 Update
The Amherst Center for Senior Services COURSE
members: If you have not already verified your
2014/2015 program eligibility, it is necessary to do so
prior to registering for your Winter trimester classes.
For more information please contact the Social Work
Department at 636-3050. All information will be kept
The 2014 Fall Class Trimester ended on Friday,
December 19.
Winter 2015 Trimester will begin on Monday, January 5
and will end on Friday, April 24. If you forgot to register
for your favorite class, please call or stop in to see if
there are any spaces available. Registration is now
OPEN to Amherst Residents Members.
Non-Amherst Resident Members and Non-Members
registration begaanMonday, December 1.
For all the Snowbirds, who will be away throughout
the month of January, there are a variety of classes
beginning in February and March, including: Creating
Hand-made Greeting Cards, Computer Skills Beginning,
Computers – Introduction to Internet and E-mail, Old
Time Radio, Art History, Aviation History,
Conversational Italian, Upholstery Session II, and
Knitting/Crochet Session II.
You may also want to check if there are any spaces
available for a March or April Massage as well as AARP
Smart Driver classes. Please check or call the I&A Desk
to see if there are still spaces available.
As always. . . Be sure to check The Network for
monthly specials and Wednesday evening events.
PROGRAM: If you are a Senior Center member and
belong to AARP, the fee is $20. You must include your
AARP membership number on your check and
registration form. If you are not an AARP member, the
fee is $25.
CLASS REFUNDS: Prior to the first session of
class, all course withdrawals and/or transfers will be
subject to a $5 processing fee. NO REFUNDS WILL
uncertain that a particular course is for you, we
encourage you to audit the class, prior to registering.
AUDITING A CLASS: Members are invited to
audit a class of their choice on a space available basis.
Auditing a class permits the participant to observe only,
but not physically participate in the class. If interested,
please stop at the I & A Desk and ask for a guest pass. .
MINE? Have you ever noticed how
many other coats or jackets look like
yours? During the months when everyone wears a coat, it is common for
people to accidentally leave the Senior Center with the wrong one.
Please consider putting your name
and telephone number, or some kind
of identification in or on your coat to
help prevent mix-ups. Thank you.
Members are responsible for checking with their carrier
to see if a portion of their Physical Fitness, Health and
Self-Improvement fees can be reimbursed. If you plan to
submit for reimbursement, please check the box on the
registration form and submit a stamped, self-addressed
envelope so a receipt can be mailed to you.
FEE WAIVERS: Are available for members having
difficulty meeting class costs. Applications are available
in the Social Work Office . For current fee waiver
Amherst Center for Senior Services Telephone Numbers
Center for Senior Services Offices ............................. 636-3050
Amherst Adult Day Services ...................................... 689-1403
Amherst Senior Transportation
Services Reservations ......................................... 636-3075
Amherst Meals on Wheels ........................................ 636-3065
Amherst Senior Citizens
Foundation, Inc. ............................. 636-3055, ext. 3125
Nutrition Lunch ......................................................... 636-3059
Senior Outreach Services ........................................... 636-3070
Special Event Reservations ...................... 636-3055, ext. 3108
Support Groups (information) .................................... 636-3050
We extend our sincere sympathy to the families and friends of
these members who recently passed away: Gregory W.
Bielinski, Jay A. Cull, Caroline R. Edwards, Paul F.
Gawrys, George W. Gegenfurtner, Rita R. Gerow, Herman
W. Goldstein, Enez L. King, Adele B. Kusselow, Anitra J.
Lahey, James R. LaFountain, Sr., Audrey R. Malinowski,
Sally A. Pasternak, Raymond R. Rosa, Delia San Miguel, Mary S.
Wahler and John J. Wojnar,.
Donated books are for sale in the
Center’s Library.
Magazines for members' use are
available in the Library with the
exception of current issues of The New
Yorker and Smithsonian, which are
available at the Welcome Desk and
need to be signed for and returned to the
Welcome Desk.
Magazine subscriptions are made
available to members through the
generous support of the Amherst Senior
Citizens Foundation, Inc.
Do not bring in old magazines—we
prefer that you recycle.
“Heart Beats In Our Time” An
Anthology of the Creative Writers group
is available to be checked out. Please
inquire at the I & A Desk.
SOCIAL WORKER NEWS—call Deborah 636-3055, ext. 3130 or Angela ext. 3129
The Center has two Social Workers available to assist members with personal or
family concerns, or to provide information and referral to community services.
Deborah Zimmerman, our Full-time Social Worker, can be reached at 636-3055,
ext. 3130. Angela Jones is available from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Monday through
Friday at 636-3055, ext. 3129. Social Workers can meet with anyone who has a
need on a one-to-one basis.
Some of the services provided include:
♦Counseling Services—Discuss any concerns or problems you may face. Confidentiality is
strictly maintained.
♦An Employment Board for Seniors filled with opportunities for full and part-time employment is located outside of the Social Workers office, across from the Dining Room. Opportunities currently available are posted.
♦Health Insurance Information Counseling—HIICAP—A Health Insurance Information
Volunteer is available by appointment only.
♦Ιnformation and applications for HEAP and EPIC are available.
♦Get Well/Thinking of You—Let staff know if members are sick or hospitalized so we can
send a card to remind them they are cared about and missed.
♦Support Groups are organized to assist our members through difficult times.
HIGH ELECTRIC BILLS? You may be eligible for the Empower Program
from NYSERDA. If you receive HEAP, or your household income is below
60% of the state median income ($56,951), you live in a building with less
than 100 units, and have moderate to high energy bills, call Senior Outreach
Services, 636-3070 or Social Work, 636-3055 ext. 3130 or ext. 3129 for
assistance with the application process.
CAREGIVERS—Wednesday, January 21, at 1:00 p.m. Call Deborah
Zimmerman, 636-3055, ext. 3130 for information.
WIDOW/WIDOWERS—Tuesday, January 13 at 11:00 a.m. CANCER
SUPPORT GROUP—Will no longer be meeting. Deborah Zimmerman at 6363055 ext.3130 or Angela Jones ext. 3129 are available for counseling or information as the need arises.
AADS provides services to
people who need assistance with
daily activities like eating, walking,
and personal care, or who need
Our clients engage in stimulating
and entertaining activities and are
provided with meals and medication
We will provide
loving care for your family member
in our clean, secure environment
while you run errands, attend to
medical appointments, or just take a
break from providing care.
Hours of operation are Monday
through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For information, call Karen
Mitchell, Director, at 689-1403. Ask
about our free trial visit.
(SNAP) is the name for the Food Stamp
Program. that
helps low-income
people buy nutritious food. Apply
on line at or you
can call Senior Outreach Services,
AMHERST LADIES GOLF LEAGUE Golf will resume in the
Spring. Any Questions: Mary Ann Young, 639-1169.
AMHERST RECORDER CONSORT - Fridays, 9 a.m. - Call
Fern Smith, 633-6325.
Marcille, 634-3669 for questions.
AMHERST SENIOR SINGERS - Wednesdays, 12:45 p.m.
Call Carol Mayo, 632-3929.
AMHERST TUNE-UPS- Mondays, 1 p.m. Singing songs from
the 50’s, 60’s, &70’s. Call Dan Brown, 692-3660.
*ART CLUB meets Monday, January 5 in the Art Room from
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
BIKERS CLUB– Club will resume in the Spring. Thanks to leader
Pat Pendrak for a great first season.
BILLIARD ROOM Center members play pool in the billiard room
anytime except during scheduled Men’s Pool Tournaments or
on Wednesday mornings on the 2 designated Women’s Pool
BRIDGE CLUB - Fridays, 1 p.m. – Terry Florek, 839-3628.
BOCCE CLUB - Call Nancy Haug, 632-2765.
BOOK CLUB - 3rd Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Call Janice Dunne,
CAMERA CLUB 2nd Tues, 1 p.m. & 4th Wed. at 6:30 p.m. Call
Ron Storfer, 633-5203.
CANASTA CLUB - Mondays, at 12:30 p.m., - Kay Ullman,
CHESS - Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m. –Call Bill Rich, 634-6884.
CREATIVE WRITERS GROUP 1st and 3rd Monday at 10:00
a.m. to noon. Contact Paula at 464-3985.
CRIBBAGE - Thursdays, 1 p.m. - Call Al Benz at 688-8786.
DOMINOES - Mondays, 12:30 p.m. Jean Hallac, 688-6895.
DUPLICATE BRIDGE - Thursdays, 9 a.m. No Partner needed.
Not ACBL sanctioned. We play for fun. Dave Stroud, 633-9338.
EUCHRE CLUB - Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m. Dorothy, 639-0430
or Dolores, 636-6147
GENEALOGY CLUB– Meets Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.
Questions, contact Ken Blackwell, 634-9651.
KNITTING CLUB Tuesdays, 9 a.m.– Library
MAH-JONGG CLUB Tuesdays, 1 p.m. Kay, 634-7580.
MUSIC COMBO Fridays, 12 Noon. Carol, 688-7679.
OPEN CARDS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday afternoons &
Friday mornings. Card Room.
PING PONG/TABLE TENNIS 12:45-4:00 Tuesdays &
9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesdays & Fridays in the Health
Resource Room. Contact Joanne Cole-Marshall 636-3055
ext. 3107. Safe, comfortable footwear is required to play.
PINOCHLE CLUB Wednesdays, 12:45 p.m.- Nancy
Haug, 632-2765. Pinochle Lessons on Tuesdays at
12:30 p.m. If you want to refresh or learn how to play
Pinochle, call AnnMarie 626-5022 or Linda 626-4904
QUILTING CLUB Mondays, 12:30 p.m. - Classroom 4.
READER’S THEATER Fridays, 1 p.m. - Members perform various skits. Call Carol Ennis, 688-7679.
RUMMIKUB CLUB Fridays at 1:00 p.m. Any questions,
contact Mary Migliore at 240-1101. Experience not
needed. Beginners welcome.
SCRABBLE CLUB Thursdays, 12:30 p.m. Carol Hensel,
STAINED GLASS Thursdays- 9 a.m. Call Tom Richards,
WOODCARVING Tuesdays, 9 a.m. - Jean Pierre Aubertin,
WALKERS GROUP Returns in the Spring. Any questions
contact Bill Albrecht at 565-0634. Thanks to leader Bill
Albrecht for a great season.
Your Dinner Club membership number is required to receive the member price. Guest price applies to anyone who is not a paid
member for the current year. Membership fees must be renewed each year. Call Myra Horowitz, 634-9223.
Dinner choices:
Cut out this coupon and MAIL with your check payable to: Amherst Seniors Dinner
1. Salmon Filet—Topped w Lemon Club to: Julia Higgins, 1525 New Road, Amherst, NY 14228
Dill Beurre Blanc
2. Chicken Marsala
Wednesday, January 14 at 5:00 p.m.
3. Filet of Sirloin w Port Wine Demi
Ramada Hotel & Conference Center
2402 North Forest Road, Getzville
Dinners include: Rolls & Butter, Mixed
Members $27.00
Guests $29.00
Greens Salad w Balsamic, Chef’s Choice
Starch & Vegetables Chocolate Mousse
Circle Dinner Choice and Category
Dessert, Coffee/Tea .
Name ____________________________
Member Guest
Tax & Gratuity is included. Cash Bar.
2015 Dinner Club Member ID#__________
Only reservations received by mail by
Member Guest
January 5 will be accepted. The Senior Name _____________________________
Center does not forward/process Dinner
2015 Dinner Club Member ID#__________
Club reservations. Make checks payable
Total Amount Enclosed ________
Amherst Seniors Dinner Club.
Travel Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at the Center. Membership Forms, Information and flyers
are also available on the Travel Club Bulletin Board at the Center (across from the Billiard Room) and in the website issue of
our newsletter at the Town of Amherst Internet site:
Completed Trip flyers can be mailed to
Audrey Cherry
90 Hilton Boulevard
Amherst, NY 14226
Annual Membership fees are
$7 for single membership
$14 for a husband and wife
The fee covers mailing costs, operational expenses and The Network newsletter mailed
to your home. Make all checks payable to Amherst Senior Travel Club.
Mail Completed membership forms to:
Carol Hughes (Membership Chairman)
66 Layton Avenue
Amherst, NY 14226
Travel Club is planning a trip to the Canadian International Military Tattoo in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on Sunday,
May 31 for $99 per person. Includes brunch at the Casablanca Winery Inn in Grimsby, Ontario. Payment and registration
form due Friday, May 8. A Passport, Passport Card or Enhanced Drivers License is required for Customs.
First priority for all trips is reserved for paid Travel Club members.
DAY TRIPS REQUIRE FULL PAYMENT WITH RESERVATION unless otherwise specified on the flyer.
A phone reservation requires full payment within 14 days.
Call Audrey Cherry at 688-7059 for more information and check out the bulletin board for flyers and applications.
VOLUNTEER NEWS—Call Jodi Kwarta at 636-3055, ext. 3126
CHECKING OUR STOCK— The Gift Shop will be
closed for inventory on Wednesday, December 31 and
Friday, January 2 but will reopen on Monday, January 5t
(9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
We are sorry for any
Maple tree has been planted at Amherst State Park using a
donation to “The Gardens” that was provided to Keynote
Speaker, Lois Shriver, during last May’s Volunteer
Recognition Luncheon. (The cash donation was made
possible by the sale of 50/50 raffle tickets sold during the
) As you may recall, Lois is the Chairman of the Amherst
Conservation Advisory Council and gave a very poignant
speech about the importance of volunteerism and the value
it adds to our community. For those of you who are
interested in checking it out, the tree is located at the far end
of the open area on your left as you drive into the park. It’s
currently about 12 feet tall and a plaque acknowledging the
donation will be placed at the base. We are confident that
the tree will bring beauty and provide pleasure for visitors
to the park for years to come.
nagging feeling that you forgot to do something? Perhaps
you forgot to tell us about all of your 2014 volunteer service
hours. Remember, if you don’t tell us what you’re doing
out there, we won’t know to add your hours into our
The invitations to our annual Volunteer
Recognition Luncheon are generated from this database. If
you would like to check the status of your 2014 hours,
please contact the Volunteer Department.
The Volunteer Services Staff wish
you a happy, healthy New Year !!
We look forward to working with you
in the year ahead and thank you for
your service in 2014.
Baker’s Rack Sale on Thursday, January 22. You may
be ready to break that New Year’s resolution by then and
we can’t think of a better way to sneak a treat or two.
Camera Club
NEW MEMBERS WANTED! Do you have a digital camera? The Camera Club is the place for you! Here, you can get
help, information, and inspiration! All Senior Center members and their guests are invited to enjoy great pictures and to learn more
about taking digital photographs. YOU are invited to drop in at our open meetings because extraordinary pictures can come out of
ordinary cameras, the critiquing of images sharpens one’s perception, technical help is available at all levels, and it is just fun to
look at good pictures!
Tuesday, January 13, at 1:00 PM: "From Taking to Making: Snapshot to Competition” by Ian Webber.
The quandary of the photographer: catching the moment versus striving for the perfect image, making a picture with
impact. The impact is measured in terms of viewer responses such as 'Wow' and 'How did you do that?'. The end result
elevates a record shot taken with a fully automatic point-and-shoot camera, a phone or an ipad set in totally
automatic mode into an image which will see the light of day many more times than the vast majority of record shots.
Ian's talk will be practical and on a level which can be applied by any user. Members may submit up to 4 digital images
for critiquing.
Wednesday, January 28, at 6:30 PM: “HDR Lite” by Jerri Bianchi. Jerry’s interest and expertise in photography
was presented in a much acclaimed 2014 photographic show at the Amherst Senior Center. It showcased his particular
interest in High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography, the topic of his presentation. Members may submit up to 4
digital images for critiquing.
Please share your E-Mail Address with us!
We will only use it for Senior Center updates,
advocacy, etc. Send your address to .
CENTER CLOSING: Please conclude your
activities by 4 p.m. and be prepared to leave so that
preparations for locking the Center by 4:15 p.m. can
be made.
The Center is equipped with SECURITY
CAMERAS which provide 24 hour video recording
both inside the premises and outside. The Amherst
Center for Senior Services has been designed to serve
senior citizens. For everyone’s safety and for liability
reasons, we cannot accommodate children in the
building, except for specifically designated events or by
you are present when a member becomes ill, or falls,
please notify a staff member and leave the area so that
staff can help the individual.
EMERGENCY, let us know if you have a new address,
contact information, or health condition. Information
is kept confidential, and may be given in person or by
telephone to a staff member who knows you.
The Amherst Center for Senior
Services values your health and wellbeing and is a Smoke Free Zone.
Smoking is not permitted within 25
feet of outside entrances, operable
windows, and ventilation systems of
enclosed areas.
PROCEDURES: Diagrams that show evacuation routes
are posted in each room. For the safety of all, please be
prepared to act quickly when the alarm sounds. Your
cooperation will help insure everyone's safety
For more information on smoking cessation programs,
contact your health insurer or American Cancer Society
101 John James Audubon Pkwy., Amherst, NY 14228
(716) 689-6981.
The LOST AND FOUND AREA is located at the
Welcome Desk. Items are held for 30 days.
Amherst Center for Senior Services
Open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4:15 p.m.
Special Evening Hours on Wednesdays depending on scheduled activities