CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY OF TOLEDO P.O. BOX 352254 Toledo, Ohio 43635 JANUARY 2014 CHAPTER NEWS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Christ Child Society Member, BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT CECILE BENNETT PRESIDENT-ELECT CHARLENE KUHN TREASURER ANNE MARIE BLANK RECORDING SECRETARY TERI GIACCI CORRESPONDING SECRETARY KAREN RIDENOUR STANDING COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP JANE LARSEN SPIRITUALITY JAN PURINTON PUBLIC RELATIONS KATHY PANCONE COMMUNITY OUTREACH TERRI MOHLER May all of you enjoy a wonderful New Year! We won’t denounce 2014 because it started out with a flurry of snow, but would have liked a bit more heat! At this time, we can ask Jesus to help us accomplish our goals and say a prayer that Celebrity Wait Night will be successful, so we can cover our projects. Mary Ellen Bernardo and Candy Sturtz have been hard at work and need all of us to assist with our support! An elegant and fun Christmas party at the Toledo Country Club was hosted by Karen David and Carol Morava in December, with record attendance. Thanks, also, to Dee Dillon & Kathy Pancone, our baking elves, who produced the fabulous desserts, and the new members who decorated fantastic boxes to collect books for the Let’s Read Program. CCS MEMBERS AND GUESTS AT CHRISTMAS PARTY There were six members of CCS who attended a December event to benefit the Padua Center……enabling us to learn more about the center and program, since we are bringing our own project there this year, helping these children learn a variety of different things, ranging from nutrition to manners. This is another volunteer opportunity for ladies interested! Our second General Meeting is January 23, at Lourdes Franciscan Hall, starting at 9:30, social, and 10 meeting. Any Chairman who would like to address the chapter, please give me a call to put you on the agenda. We welcome your input. Christ Child Society of Toledo Is a Member Chapter of the National Christ Child Society 6110 Executive Blvd. Suite 504 Rockville, MD 20852 1-800-814-2149/301-881-2490 Fax: 301-881-2493 BEFORE YOU THROW OUT 2013’S CALENDAR, go back and look at the dates, checking to see what you did for the Christ Child Society. Your hours help us and National. From December party, hours there and all travel time to all meetings, Clothe-A-Child, layettes, collecting books, computer work, phone calls to get everyone together - every and anything you do as a volunteer should be tallied and saved until April, to turn in to Jane Larsen. Marking the hours in the corner of the date on your calendar and circling it, will make it easy to remember later! Even better is tallying each month and putting the amount at the top, circled in red. If you can only get in 10 hours, it’s 10 hours of good work for God’s children! Sustaining members – your party hours and meeting times count, and I know some of you still tutor. Thank you for your help! It has been a busy and productive year-and-a-half for me as your President. Come April, I will pass the gavel on to Charlene Kuhn. We have many places to fill. Check out Nomination Sheet in newsletter – please consider your talents and love for the Christ Child by considering running for one of the positions. Your blackbook has descriptions of each Board job. Ask any of the Board members for further info. We have had such fun! “The coming year, oh my God, I give to thee. I welcome all that it holds, and I am glad, oh glad, to think that Thou holdest the future in Thy hand.” …………Mary Virginia Merrick, January 1 May God bless us all and all that we do, Cecile Bennett, President COMMUNITY OUTREACH “Challenging Poverty One Child at a Time” Terri Mohler, (419-841-5376), Following article illuminates the “rules among classes” that I’ve reviewed in last newsletters…………. NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER, by Heidi Schlumpf ….referring to a blog written by Linda Tirado, a mother of two with two jobs, permeated by depression, utter lack of hope & exhaustion . “You have to understand that we will never not feel tired. We0will never feel hopeful. We will never get a vacation. Ever. We know that the very act of being poor guarantees that we will never not be poor.” Linda’s replies to other questions…………….. Why so much convenience food: “It’s cheap and cooking attracts roaches.” Why junk food? “It’s a cheap pleasure, why would she give it up?” Why smoke? “It works as a stimulant to ward off exhaustion, it’s a form of relaxation, and the only she’s allowed.” The gap between the poor and middle class in the U.S. is widening, but it’s not all about income. The article asserts that most of America’s educated and wealthier folks are never exposed to broader American culture, especially lower class culture. It is referred to as “living in a bubble”. As members of the Christ Child Society, we are reaching out to people in poverty, trying to understand why entrenched, persistent poverty is all about surviving the day, and supporting families who are attempting to pull themselves out of it. In other words, we are trying to “pop” the bubble! Angel Layettes – Chair: Pat Burroughs (419-878-4952) In 2001, a program was developed to provide bereavement layettes for the hospitals in our area. These layettes are sewn by our members and are given to families of infants who die at birth or are stillborn. Our volunteers are busy sewing and knitting the garments and caps provided in the layettes, which will be distributed this spring to the hospitals. Page 2 Layettes - Chairmen: Marsha Cyranowski (419-349-5228) Nancy Helminski (419-309-0112) It’s hard to believe that the New Year is here, and we are looking forward to spring to do the next handout of Christ Child Society Layette Bags to the agencies. Mark your calendars for the Spring Layette April 1, for the unpacking April 8, for distribution. This will be Marsha and Nancy’s last year as chairmen for the Layettes. It has been a great pleasure in helping to organize everything for the program, and we will be handing this responsibility over to Joanie Nicholson and Camille Jankowski next term. We know they will do a fantastic job, and please continue to volunteer your services in this great project! Parenting Today’s Kids –Chairmen: Sue Kertz (419-841-6855),; Mary Lindquist (419-243-7255), “Changing children’s lives, one parent at a time” Christ Child Society volunteers were welcomed back January 15 for the Winter/Spring series. Attending were 12 enthusiastic moms and dads who will make for a great series! This series will, again, include some of the topics of the ACT curriculum, which focuses on violence and the effect on children and families. At this time, we have 3 volunteers who have attended the workshop for ACT along with Mary Lindquist. If you are interested, it is not too late to become a volunteer for Parenting Today’s Kids. For info or to volunteer for PTK – contact Sue or Mary. We’d love to have you part of our program! Child Enrichment Program - Chairmen Sue Kertz (419-841-6855),; Mary Lindquist 419-243-7255 We’d love to have you on board! just call or email me. Clothe-a-Child – Chairs: Judy Keller (419-868-1151); Sheila Nicholson (419-829-3444); Darlene Johnson (419-843-6962); CCS volunteers, along with Catholic Club staff, help care for the children of parents attending Parenting Today’s Kids. Volunteers read to children and help with coloring and craft projects. Books, materials and activities are provided as are the toys and climbing equipment in the Toddler Gym. Barb Biggs (419-882-8651); Again, many thanks to all those who participated in Clothe-A-Child 2013! All of the coats, hats and mittens were given to Toledo-area needy children as of the last Saturday of distribution THIS WAS ACCOMPLISHED BECAUSE OF YOUR SELFLESS DEDICATION…………… OUR VOLUNTEERS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!! We always welcome any new volunteers. It is not required to attend every week – even once or twice during the year would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mary or Sue if you wish to volunteer or have questions! Page 3 Partners in Learning Le Let’s Read Chairs: Lucy Abu-Absi, (419-841-5341; Mary Tonjes, (419-491-0593); We plan to conduct another week-long reading incentive program for the 4th year at Rosary Cathedral School in May of 2014! Even though it’s a busy time of year, with our many CCS hands working together, we can do it! Your contributions of new and gently-used books for the Let’s Read Program will be greatly appreciated. Bring the books to the General Meeting on the 23rd or call me to arrange for dropoff. Call to volunteer or if you’d like more info! Theatre Vision (419-280-1894) Chair: Susan Croci, Our planning meeting on January 6 was cancelled because of snow, but was held January 14. Our school classroom presentation will be held on January 21 at Raymer school for 90 students. We will be taking 90 first-graders from Raymer School to see Stories from Eric Carle, at the Valentine Theatre on January 23 at the 10am performance. Pray for good weather! Would love to have you join us! Call Sue at info above. Tutoring at Rosary Cathedral Chairs: Barb Geha (419-471-0408); Nancy Bingle (419-843-2324); Consider joining us…… experience is required! Tutors are provided for Grades K-8 along with music, art, technology and Spanish. Times are flexible – weekly or bi-weekly – or we can match you with another member to share a classroom. The teachers and students greatly appreciate us! CALL TO VOLUNTEER OR TO GET MORE INFO! Tutoring at Hope Learning Academy 4234 Monroe St. (Hampton Park Christian Church) (419-297-6313; Chair: Teri Giacci (419-283-1744); The New Year has finally begun at Hope Academy, and our team of eight Christ Child Society volunteers are asking you to think about joining the team. Our tutoring schedules are flexible, as are the teachers. The students welcome our assistance, and often ask about us if we are unable to attend. This is a “heart string” kind of volunteer position that does not need any prior teaching experience, just a patient soul. The kids love the one-on-one attention….....or when working with a few students, just the change of pace. Won’t you consider joining us? Ask questions of any of our team members: Marlene Heringhaus, Pam Herschel, Mary Beth Maloney, Grace Moore, Diane Pacella, Karen Ridenour, Sue Savage and Teri Giacci. To volunteer or for more info, just contact Teri! Sharing Gifts and Talents Chair: Terri Mohler (419-841-5376), This new program is off to a good start! The members began by giving a shower of gifts to the Padua Center, that included cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, office supplies, printer paper, etc. This was followed by a tour and the sharing of ideas. Since that day, members have collaborated to give healthy snack programs, made bagels with the children, tutored after school, given a Christmas party with games, prizes and home-made cookies, and more! We are in the process of planning peace education sessions for the Padua Possibilities Program, after school activities, and other ventures that fit into the agenda of this Christian, community-based presence, that strives to encourage the members of their community to reach their maximum potential. CALL TO VOLUNTEER OR FOR MORE INFO! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRAYER FOR THE CANONIZATION OF MARY VIRGINIA MERRICK Lord God, in your special love for children, you chose to raise up Mary Virginia Merrick to be the servant of the poor children. In laboring to serve the young and those without hope because of the crushing weight of poverty, she proclaimed the love of your Son. She made her life’s work a demonstration that “Nothing is ever too much to do for a child”. Grant that her example of selfless charity and courageous virtue in the face of her own suffering will inspire us to be as generous in the service of others. We humbly ask that your servant, Mary Virginia Merrick, be numbered among the Church’s canonized saints for the edification of your holy people, in accord with your most holy will. Through her intercession, please hear and answer my request… (state intention) Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Published with ecclesiastical approval Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. Page 4 IN MEMORIAM……………WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS AND DEEpEST SYMPATHY TO…………………. ……Pam Herschel, on the death of her husband, Henry………………………… ……Kathy & Dennis Kraynak, on the death of their son………………………… ……Mary Lou Bollin, on the death of her husband, Fred……………………….. ……Terri Mohler, on the death of her brother-in-law, Glen Rittner…………... ……Corinne Welch, on the death of her Aunt, Eleanor Carr……………………. ………………..May TheY rest in peace, Amen. CHRIST CHILD MEMORIALS AND TRIBUTES…. Mary Bell – 419-841-6642 Your generosity clothes and educates Toledo Children MEMORIALS DONATED BY Peg Smith, Long-time CCS Member Darlene Johnson, Gary & Tricia Yunker, Lance Tyo, Bill & Marlene Heringhaus, John & Ann Meier, Mary Hartnett, Joe & Sheila Jordan, Mary Ann Kline, Maxwell & Andrea Evans, Mary Lou Bollin, John & Amelia Walkins, Joe & Kay Ivcevich, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Uritas, Denise Winston, Mike Hicks, Nancy Smythe, Alan & Midge Robertson, Mimi Konicke, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roger, Terry & Jill Harris, Holly Metzger, Bill & Mimi Stites, Marsha Cyranowski, Mary Konecki, Susan Croci, Angie & Tara Agosti, Bob & Diana Gabel Charles Louis Cromly Jean Areddy Henry Herschel, Husband of Pam, CCS Member Robert & Mary Kay Solt, Jim & Kitsie Valiton, Ed Rutherford, Brother-in-law of Cece George & Carol Koury Fr. Kieran Kay, OFM Jean Areddy Diane Holmes George & Carol Koury, Claude & Tootie Morrette Glen Rittner, Brother-in-law of Terri Mohler Charlene Kuhn Fred Bollin, Husband of Mary Lou Bollin Tony & Gay Deiger, George & Carol Koury Marge Malinowski Ron & Sistie Gabel, Bill & Teri Giacci Judy Vischer Claude & Tootie Morrette TRIBUTES Jean Areddy & Carol Hanrahan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mahoney Kateri Walsh Jean Areddy THESE ABOVE CONTRIBUTIONS ARE FROM November 15, 2013 – Januaty 15, 2014 Assisting Toledo’s Children is our Goal – Thank you for your support! Please send any donation directly to: Mary Bell, 3641 Chesterton Dr., Toledo, OH 43615 419-841-6642 We now have Memorial envelopes available for wakes and funerals. If anyone wishes to list Christ Child Society of Toledo as one of their chosen charities, please call or email Karen Ridenour and she will handle placement of envelopes at mortuary…………; 419-885-4769 These memorials would be listed above, the same as the ones you send directly to CCS. Year-Round Fundraising…. Kroger’s Plus Card – go online at Or call Terri Mohler for help, 419-841-5376 GoodSearch & GoodShop – Searching or shopping, CCS makes $..............They’ve revised the system and easier tracking of profit – if you had trouble before, please try again! Call Mary Lindquist for help, 419-902-4287 Christ Child Society – Memorials/Tributes For deaths, births, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations. Thanksgiving, Christmas Call Mary Bell for help, 419-841-6642 Christ Child Society – Boutique Custom Charms, Tote Bag, T-Shirts, Aprons Call Candy Sturtz for help, 419-885-2198 Sylvania Advantage Newspaper – Sign up for a subscription, and we make $ call 419-725-2695 Page 5 SPIRITUALITY TEAM – Jan Purinton, 419-885-7371; Monday Morning Prayer Gathering Monday, February 10, 9:30am, at Jan Purinton’s home, 5335 Farmington Road (off Corey Rd.) The Prayer Gathering is an opportunity to turn our thoughts to God while quieting our minds, relaxing our bodies, and ridding ourselves of stress. RSVP appreciated, but not obligatory Prayer Gathering is changing its venue…March 10, 9:30am, We will meet at Our Lady of Peace Chapel on the Lourdes Campus. “Warning! A harried lifestyle may be hazardous to spiritual health. A daily routine which is overly stressful And frenzied can easily stifle the spirit, distort priorities, dull moral sensibilities, diminish intellectual curiosity, Eclipse the mysterious dimension of life and reduce God to a weekend fix. The Christian practice of regular prayer And meditation is a valuable resource for coping better with the demands of everyday life.” Reflections…..Vol. 27, no. 05, Spiritual Health……Rev. James J. Bacik We, the members of CCS, would all benefit from taking Fr. Bacik’s advice, to put aside time each day for quiet reflection Prayer Link – Dee Dillon – 1-734-847-4565; Dee continues to chair the Prayer Link for the Spirituality team. Her devotion to this position is extremely appreciated! To request prayers, email or telephone Dee. Please have the permission of family or person for whom we pray, and keep Dee updated on their progress. Any members who would like to be added to this list, please send an email with your email address and phone number to Dee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR CHAPTER OF CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY OF TOLEDO The Toledo Chapter of the Christ Child Society began when Lynne Deal moved to Toledo from Columbus in 1989. Looking for a way to contribute to her new home city, she met with several prominent Toledoans, including Fr. Martin Donnelly. Lynne had been active in numerous civic organizations in Columbus, including its Christ Child Society Chapter. Fr. Donnelly immediately liked the Christ Child Society idea, but Lynne had reservations because, as she said, “I’m not even Catholic”! Lynne was more enthusiastic regarding implementing a program in which her husband had very been very involved called Adopt-A-School, with various businesses adopting specific schools to support both financially and with volunteers. Fr. Donnelly, who was also involved with several inner-city schools, shared her enthusiasm for the possibilities that this program seemed to offer. In the end, with strong encouragement from Fr. Donnelly, both programs were initiated. Early in 1990, Lynne hosted a coffee at her home with a number of local women, to introduce the Christ Child Society concept. Two women from the Columbus chapter spoke of its programs and objectives, to about forty local women………….and thus was born the Toledo Chapter of the Christ Child Society! Subsequently, the Adopt-A-School program was assumed by the Toledo Chamber of Commerce. Excerpt taken from: “A recollection of the early years of the Christ Child Society of Toledo” Page 6 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Chair: Jane Larsen, 419-517-3736; Chair “THANK YOU” to all our members who donated books for our Let’s Read Program, at our Christmas party. Plus, a special “Thank You” to our new members, Patty Cabanski, Jill Kelly, and Cathy Nelson, for the artistic and creative collection boxes! A big thanks to Meg Sears, who braved the cold entryway to collect the books. In the event you still want to donate a book, please consider bringing it along to our next General Meeting, on January 23. CCS committee work is back in full swing this month. Please remember to log all of your volunteer hours, on the volunteer tracking form in your CCS black book. As we begin to pursue grants, our volunteer hours are a key piece of information. So, let’s all resolve to track our CCS volunteer hours! Please save the date for the 2014 Red Wagon Luncheon, October 7, 2014, at Inverness Club. The Class of 2013, and its co-chairs, Meg Sears and Jenny Trojan, are in the early planning phase of making this year another great event. Congratulations to the Class of 2012 for their notes, suggestions and great ideas. If you received any large baskets or containers during the holidays that you are interested in donating to the Red Wagon committee for our raffle, please give me a call. If you have a friend who might be interested in joining the Christ Child Society of Toledo, please email me their contact information, or give me a call. We have received a number of membership inquiries and will be inviting those interested in CCS membership to our Spring Luncheon in May. If you have not yet obtained your 2013 Roster, pick up at upcoming events, or contact Corinne (419-842-1604; to let her know when you’ll be near her home, and she’ll put on her front porch for your pickup. Through your membership, we are able to continue our projects and serve at-risk children within our community, as seen below. I thank you for your time, talents and dedication! HAPPY 2014! Additions/corrections to Black book: Nancy Dargart: Cece Rutherford: 3901 Deer Valley Lane Maumee, OH 43537 Page 7 NOMINATIONS FOR 2014-2015 The Christ Child Nominating Committee is getting ready to prepare a list nominees for the 2014-2015 year. Officers and Board Members of are appointed and voted on by the Chapter. are, also, in need of volunteers to chair different Projects and Programs. We We hope each of you looks at your talents and considers helping Christ Child Society of Toledo by signing up in some capacity. If you are interested in a certain job, please do not hesitate to call the member in charge now, and ask questions, like ……..”How much time does it require?” ……..”How difficult is the job?” ……..”Were you able to get help readily?” BOARD MEMBERS REQUIRED: Elected Offices needed: President-Elect 2014-2015 Recording Secretary 2014-2015 Corresponding Secretary 2014-2015 Standing Committees: (Board Members) Community Outreach (can be 2 chairs or one) Spirituality This is your Chapter, and to have it run well and serve the children of Toledo who need us, we need you! Please let us know if you would like to volunteer! Cecile Bennett – 419-882-1532 Jane Larsen 419-517-3736 Page 8 CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY OF TOLEDO 19TH ANNUAL CELEBRITY WAIT NIGHT REAL SEAFOOD and ZIA’S RESTAURANT MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2014 This is the place to be!! Join your fellow Christ Child Society of Toledo members, and your friends, at this fun event!! REMINDER: As you know, this is CCS’s biggest fundraiser, so your generous support is very important. Ask family and friends to attend with you. We have 24 “awesome” celebrity waiters who are looking forward to making your evening memorable. Also, make sure that other members or friends have transportation to this event. If you need transportation, please contact us and we will make sure that you get a ride. We surely know that Christmas is over , and all the Baking has been put away for another year, but…… Wait Night is looking for cookie bakers!! There will be no valet service. We are in need of 60 dozen cookies for the event. If anyone is interested in baking a few dozen, WATCH FOR YOUR Please Call: Camille Jankowski, 419-475-9616, or Joanie Nicholson, 419-385-6076. INVITATION IN THE MAIL! The cookies can be dropped off at Lady C on Main Street In Sylvania………… Mary Ellen Bernardo 419-472-9039 Candy Sturtz 419-450-2223 on Saturday, Feb. 1, 10am-5pm. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP! Camille and Joanie Birthdays are in red January 2014 19 20 26 27 Joan Kaminski Sun 21 22 23Suzy Bond Teri Giacci PTK Weekly Mtg. Jane Schuessler Janis Hunt GENERAL MTG. Theatre Vision 28 29 30 Mary Anne Pikrone PTK Weekly Mtg. Mary Tonjes Mon Tue 2 3 Phyllis Stephens CELEBRITY 4 9 10 11 Nancy Ligibel Prayer Gathering Deanna Harwell Kathy Kraynak Betty Pizza 16 17 18 24 Marty Nordstrom Mary Bell Sue Savage 25 31 Corinne Welch Wed Thu February 2014 Fri Sat 6 7 1 8 12 13 14 15 PTK Wkly. Mtg. Bd. Mtg., - 9:30am Sheila Nicholson 19 20 21 PTK Wkly. Mtg. Mikki Micallef 26 27 5 PTK Wkly. Mtg. Gay Deiger Chris Carroll 23 24 25 22 28 PTK Wkly. Mtg. March 2014 1 2 3 4Barb Miller 5PTK Wkly Mtg. 6 7 Finance—9:30am Cecile Bennett 9 10 11 12 13 Pat Weiss Prayer Gathering Jan Purinton Marsha Cyranowski Mary Ellen Bernardo PTK Wkly Mtg. Bd. Mtg.– 9:30am Marilyn Ulrich 16 17 18 19 20 PTK Wkly Mtg. Helen Kunz 25 26 27 Finance—9:30am Karen David PTKk Wkly Mtg. Mary Hartnett Peg Huffer GENERAL MTG. Marilyn Arbaugh Elizabeth Spinazze Candy Sturtz 23 30 24 8 14 15 NEWSLETTER Charlene Kuhn 21 22 28 29 Ann Meier 31 Peg O’Hearn Christ Child Society of Toledo P.O. Box 352254 Toledo, OH 43635 Next newsletter will be in March Forward articles by March 15 to:
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