T he Southwestern Journal of International Law offers symposia to provide a scholarly forum on selected comparative, international and trade law issues. Articles written in coordination with the symposia will be published in the Journal. Copies of the issue will be sent to participants and will also be available for purchase by calling the Journal Office at (213) 738-6857. The Journal is published twice each year, featuring a combination of professional articles and student notes and comments concerning emerging developments in international law. For a one-year subscription to the Journal, please complete this form and mail it, along with a check (payable to Southwestern Law School) for the proper amount, to the address below. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 234 Torrance, CA Southwestern Journal of International Law www.swlawjournal.org Southwestern Journal of International Law presents The Global Struggle for Women’s Equality Name Organization Address City State Zip q Domestic Subscription ($34) q International Subscription ($38) q Check enclosed (made payable to Southwestern Law School) Please charge my: Account No. q VISA q Mastercard Exp. Date Billing Address Billing Phone CVV No. Signature Today’s Date Southwestern Journal of International Law • Southwestern Law School 3050 Wilshire Blvd. • Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 738-6857 • lawjournal@swlaw.edu In an effort to accurately reflect changes in the global legal landscape, the Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas was renamed the Southwestern Journal of International Law as of the 2008-2009 academic year. In doing so, the Journal broadened its scope and publishes scholarly articles relating to international, comparative and foreign law issues. Friday, February 13, 2015 Southwestern Law School Los Angeles, California CO-SPONSORED BY: California Women’s Law Center Coalition Against Slavery and Trafficking HeForShe w Hollywood National Organization for Women Human Rights Watch w National Women’s Political Caucus One Billion Rising w Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles The Global Struggle for Women’s Equality queStionS Friday, February 13, 2015 w Southwestern Law School w Los Angeles, California Contact the Law Journal Office at (213) 738-6857 or lawjournal@swlaw.edu, or the Student Affairs Office at (213) 738-6716 or studentaffairs@swlaw.edu. cle cRedit T he goal of the symposium is to explore the Global Struggle of Women’s Inequality through a variety of different focuses. The symposium was inspired by Eve Ensler’s organization, One Billion Rising. Eve Ensler is best known as the author of the Vagina Monologues and as a humanitarian. The One Billion Rising Revolution is a movement to end violence against women and has raised awareness regarding violence against women as a global issue, one that is present in every culture and every country of the world. Consistent with the message of the organization that inspired this event, this one-day symposium gathers leading scholars and activists from across the United States to discuss the Global Struggle for Women’s Equality. The panels will address women’s inequality from the economic, political, and international human rights perspectives, and will discuss different aspects of the issue as well as possible actions to achieve positive change. This symposium offers 6 hours of CLE credit. Southwestern is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider. location For a map and directions to Southwestern, visit www.swlaw.edu/directions. Parking will be complimentary for this event. The proceedings and papers from this symposium will be published in the Southwestern Journal of International Law. RegiStRation Schedule 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. RegiStRation and continental BReakfaSt 9:00 – 9:15 a.m. opening RemaRkS and Welcome Susan Westerberg Prager, Dean, Southwestern Law School Kelley Fox and Courtney Arnold, Special Projects Editors, Southwestern Journal of International Law 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. 9:15 – 10:30 a.m. panel #1: comBating Women’S inequality thRough economic development Panelists will discuss the efforts of the organizations they represent to combat women’s inequality. These organizations provide a wide array of solutions for women’s inequality through economic development mechanisms, such as loans from microfinance institutions, and the promotion of education and literacy, as well as through sustainable community development. Arlene Falk Withers, Chair of the Board of Directors, Heifer International Emily Fan, Director of Legal Affairs, Room to Read KIVA Representative TBA Moderator: Silvia Faerman, Associate Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School 10:30 – 10:45 a.m. 1:30 – 2:45 p.m. lunch and keynote SpeakeR: Paula Donovan, Co-Director, AIDS-Free World panel #3: comBating inequality thRough electoRal politicS This panel will focus on leveling the field for gender equality in terms of political participation, access to leadership positions, and electoral representation. Women comprise half the world’s population, and their participation is essential to the democratic process. Representatives from organizations dedicated to improving women’s rights through political participation will discuss current and proposed legislation, in addition to ideas for promoting gender equality. Law Journal Symposium Student Affairs Office • Southwestern Law School 3050 Wilshire Boulevard • Los Angeles, CA 90010 RSVPs may also be emailed to studentaffairs@swlaw.edu – please include your name, affiliation and registration fee category (see below). Registration will also be available at the symposium. Name Affiliation Address City Rachel Michelin, Executive Director/CEO, California Women Lead Betsy Butler, Former California State Assemblywoman, Interim Executive Director, California Women’s Law Center National Women’s Political Caucus Representative TBA Moderator: Lindsey Horvath, Global Coordinator, One Billion Rising 2:45 – 3:00 p.m. BReak 3:00 – 4:15 p.m. panel #4: comBating Women’S inequality With inteRnational human RightS laW This panel will focus on gender equality through the lens of advocating and litigating for women’s rights, both in regional and international settings. This panel will discuss an international law approach—and its shortcomings—to violence against women, as well as international human rights instruments that can address the root causes of persecution. BReak 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. panel #2: comBating Sex tRafficking and enSlavement: local SolutionS to a gloBal pRoBlem Sex Trafficking is a $30.2 billion global industry, with one third of that attributable to trafficking in the United States. According to the United Nations, 20 percent of all detected victims in 2003-2006 were children. Between 2007 and 2010, that percentage rose to 27 percent. With such dramatic increases, a call for reform is in order. This panel will focus on the global problem of sex trafficking and enslavement, while providing local solutions to a global epidemic. Nadeah Vali, Staff Attorney, Coalition Against Slavery and Trafficking Jane Creighton, Deputy District Attorney, Sex Crimes Division, Los Angeles County Kathleen Kim, Professor of Law, Loyola Law School Moderator: Phyllis Cheng, Partner, DLA Piper and Trustee, Southwestern Law School To register, complete the form below and return it with the registration fee by february 6, 2015 to: State Zip Email Tel Fax State Bar # (for CLE credit) RegiStRation feeS (includes lunch) q $75, Non-Southwestern Alumni seeking 6 hours of CLE credit q $50, Southwestern Alumni seeking 6 hours of CLE credit q $40, Those not seeking CLE credit q Complimentary for Members of Co-Sponsoring Organizations*, Southwestern students, faculty and staff (RSVP required) *Please denote organization membership under “Affiliation” above. Total $ (Include Journal subscription fee, if applicable. See reverse for details.) Lisa Davis, Clinical Professor of Law for the Women’s Human Rights Clinic , City University of New York Laura Stemple, Director of Graduate Studies, UCLA School of Law Blaine Bookey, Associate Director and Staff Attorney, UC Hastings Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, and Adjunct Professor, Hastings-to-Haiti Partnership Moderator: Robert Lutz, Professor of Law, Southwestern Law School 4:15 p.m. cloSing RemaRkS and Reception q A check is enclosed (made payable to Southwestern Law School) Please charge my: q Visa Account No. q Mastercard Exp. Date Billing Address Billing Phone CVV No. Signature Today’s Date
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