St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - E

 St. Francis Xavier Church Staff
Rev. Anthony Sejba (ext. 8956)
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Thomas Kowatch (ext. 8955)
Rev. Chris Cox (ext. 8957)
Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl
Deacon Joseph Loutzenhiser
Deacon Daniel Norris
Director of Adult Initiation
Jenny Bonarrigo
Director of Music
Mary Gabriel (ext. 8960)
Director of Religious Education
Susan Rohe-Brooks (ext. 8961)
Youth Minister
Paul Koopman (ext. 8958)
Director of Ministry and Communication
Jennifer Webb (ext. 8946)
School Principal
Bibiana Seislove (ext. 8903)
Director of “Little Sailors” Pre-School
Monica Gorman (ext. 8920)
Business Manager
Ray Scherry (ext. 8954)
Parish Pastoral Council
Damian Ludwiczak (chair): 330-725-6567
Jenn Stanziano (vice chair): (330)416-7207
Anthony Kovalik (secretary):(330)723-6315
Mike Baumgartner: (330)725-4445
Jo Ann Cook: (330)725-6240
Kathy Gaughan: (330)722-8848
Tuesday Hamilton: (330)591-0580
Charise Kasper: (330)721-6510
Rachelle Skupski: (330)721-1785
Vince Tricomi: (330)603-7327
Contact us
Rectory Offices: 330-725-4968
Parish School of Religion: 330-722-7700
St. Francis Xavier School: 330-725-3345
School Fax: 330-721-8626
Church Basement: 330-764-8912
Latchkey: 330-725-6203
Cemetery (Dave Thomas): 330-722-4477
Rectory office hours
Monday through Thursday,
8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church,
606 E. Washington St., Medina, OH 44256
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Sunday, January 11
10:00 am
10:00 am
1:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
PSR Preschool (XR/SCH)
EM Training (CH)
Bingo (CB)
LifeTeen Life Night (XR)
Monday, January 12
9:00 am A and E Christmas Teardown (CH)
11:00 am WAM District Meeting (XR)
6:00 pm Schola Rehearsal (CH)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts—Troop 506 (CB)
7:30 pm Cantor Rehearsal (CH)
7:30 pm EM Training (CH)
7:30 pm Rediscover Catholicism Workshop (XR)
7:30 pm Pastoral Council (125)
7:30 pm Troop 506 Scout Parents (LR)
Tuesday, January 13
3:30 pm School Faculty Meeting (XR)
5:30 pm Youth Choir (CH)
6:30 pm Bingo (CB)
7:00 pm Cantor/Guitar Rehearsal (CH)
7:00 pm PTC General Meeting (XR)
7:00 pm RCIA (RH)
7:00 pm Stitching Stewards (TL)
7:00 pm Stewardship Committee (RLR)
7:00 pm Young Adult Bible Study (RH)
Wednesday, January 14
2:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:45 pm
7:00 pm
EM Training (CH)
Cub Scouts—Troop 3506 (CB)
Edge (XR)
Webelos—Troop 3506 (LR)
Thursday, January 15
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
PSR Elementary School (XR/SCH)
Marriage Enrichment (RH)
Adult Choir (CH)
Friday, January 16
9:15 am
2:00 pm
Moms and Tots (CB)
EM Training (CH)
Saturday, January 17
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
Cleaning Angels (CH)
Building and Grounds (RH)
PSR Elementary School (XR/SCH)
Sunday, January 18
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
1:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
LifeShare Blood Mobile (CR/Parking Lot)
PSR Preschool (XR/SCH)
New Parishioner Welcome
Bingo (CB)
LifeTeen Life Night (XR)
Location key: (CH) Church (CB) Church Basement (LR) Loyola Room
(CR) Rectory Conference Room (XR) Xavier Room (SCH) School
(TL) Teachers’ Lounge (LIB) School Library (RH) Randel House
(RHLT) RH Life Teen (RLR) Rectory Living Room
(HM) Holy Martyrs Church (K of C) Knights of Columbus Hall
Sunday, January 11
The Baptism of the Lord
8:00 am
Mildred Benner (TK)
10:00 am
Gayle Kasper (CC)
12:00 pm
John Marshefka (TK)
5:30 pm
The People of St. Francis Xavier (TS)
Monday, January 12
7:30 am
Joyce Ebner, Jeanne Smudz, James Wolfe,
Bob Mickle, Mary Muth, Joe andrich, Fritz
Hoffman, John Malone, and Nicholas and
Janice Goyette (TK)
2:00 pm
Avenue (TK)
7:00 pm
Mary DeLuca (TS)
Tuesday, January 13
7:30 am
Poor Souls in Purgatory (TS)
9:15 am
School Liturgy (TK)
Wednesday, January 14
7:30 am
Gordon Burkhardt (TK)
Thursday, January 15
7:30 am
Larry Benninger (TS)
7:00 pm
Alfred Lancki (TK)
Friday, January 16
7:30 am
Larry Benninger (TK)
Saturday, January 17
7:30 am
Mildred Benner (TS)
8:00 am
Adoration for Life
3:30 pm
7:00 pm
Jason Adams (CC)
Sunday, January 18
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am
Bill Kennedy (CC)
10:00 am
Carolyn S. Zadrozny (TK)
12:00 pm
Ken Konesny (TK)
1:30 pm
5:30 pm
The People of St. Francis Xavier (TS)
(TS) Fr. Tony Sejba; (TK) Fr. Thomas Kowatch;
(CC) Fr. Chris Cox; (EL) Fr. Ed Lajack; (JM) Fr. John Mullee
(PK) Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl;
(JL) Deacon Joe Loutzenhiser; (DN) Deacon Dan Norris
Parish Treasury Update:
January 3-4, 2015
Sunday Offertory: $15,042.87
Envelopes: 481
Solemnity of Mary: $4050.00
Thank you for your
generosity! Mass attendance,
January 3-4, 2015
5:00 pm 389
8:00 am 269
10:00 am 537
12:00 pm 480
5:30 pm 286
Welcome to all visitors!
We extend a warm welcome to everyone visiting
St. Francis Xavier today!
If you attend St. Francis Xavier on a regular basis
and consider this your parish home, please register and become
an active member. For more information, please call our office:
A Stewardship Moment
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Have you ever wondered why Jesus, who was without sin,
was baptized? The baptism of Jesus symbolized and anticipated his death. After Christ’s ascension into heaven,
baptism was required for all those who became Christians.
St. Paul makes the connection between baptism and
death for Christians when he maintained that we are buried with Christ in baptism, so that we may rise with him to
a new life. In what way will we be good stewards of our
new life in Christ in the coming year?
I cannot express adequately, in words, how grateful our
guests at the Medina County Jail were, again this year, for the donation of Christmas cards. Anyone who attended our prayer service on Dec. 9 received two cards to send to family, relatives or
friends. Some exhibited disbelief that they could do that, but all
were very grateful. One gentleman looked me in the eyes and said,
“You have no idea how much this means to me.”
Gratitude for the cookies we bring was high as well. Parishioners of Our Lady Help of Christians, Holy Martyrs, Sacred Heart
and St. Francis Xavier provided more than 250 dozen cookies to
those in the jail.
Many years ago, Fr. Ned celebrated Masses there. During his
homily, Fr. Ned shared a childhood Christmas that was so dear to
him that, while delivering it, he was reduced to tears. The reaction
from his congregation was very moving to observe. I recall one
gentleman who came – as he walked into the room, before Mass,
his swagger-type walk was loaded with “attitude.” That same
man, after hearing Father’s heartfelt homily, walked out of that
room with all “attitude” gone. He had become humbled and reverent and full of appreciation for the opportunity he had experienced.
This year, Fr. Thom Kowatch from St. Francis Xavier celebrated three Masses at the jail on Dec. 16. Over 60 people attended and were very devout and moved. We were thanked dozens of
times, with heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New
The power of the essence of Christmas is immense. It is always an honor and a pleasure to see the positive effects it has on
We received some good news from the jail: It will now be
permitted for our guests to have rosaries. Our Sheriff Tom Miller, who is Catholic, has stated that we can bring them in.
Sheriff Miller attended all three Masses this year, making a
point to shake as many hands as he could, during the peace offering. Many of the guests were quite moved by this loving action.
January 11, 2015
Worship and Sacraments at St. Francis Xavier
Baptisms: Two Sundays each month at 1:30 p.m.; baptism classes every other month. Call the rectory for dates.
Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.; Thursday before
First Friday, 6:15 to 6:45 p.m.
Anointing of the Sick: Prompt attention at any time, day or
night! Please call the rectory to arrange for this sacrament: 330725-4968.
Marriage: Please call as soon as possible! Preparation requires a
minimum of sixth months. Marriage guidelines are available on
Nocturnal Adoration: First Friday of the month, 7:30 p.m. to 7:30
a.m. Saturday.
Adoration for Life: Third Saturday of the month following 7:30
a.m. Mass, 8-8:30 a.m.
Sundays: Doors open at 3:30 p.m.; games start at 5:00 p.m.
Tuesdays: Doors open at 5:00 p.m.; games start at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday Masses
5 p.m., Saturday Vigil; 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon, 5:30 p.m.
Weekday Masses
7:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday;
7 p.m. Monday and Thursday
Saturdays, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Readings for the Week
Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9;
Mk 1:14-20
Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab and 5,6-7, 8-9; Mk 1:21-28
Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9;
Mk 1:29-39
Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11; Mk 1:40-45
Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8; Mk 2:1-12
Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15; Mk 2:13-17
Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10;
1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
Parish Treasury Update:
December 27-28 2014
Sunday Offertory: $13,862.62
Envelopes: 377
Thank you for your
Mass attendance,
December 27-28, 2014
5:00 pm 346
8:00 am 238
10:00 am 480
12:00 pm 414
5:30 pm 223
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School Update
A Busy January and Safety Reminders!
January is shaping up to be a very busy
month at St. Francis Xavier School, as you can
see. A full list of ac vi es can be found on the
calendar located on our school website.
As a safety reminder, please remember to
drive carefully in the school/church parking lots. I would also
like to remind the parents of the a ernoon dismissal policy for
car-riders. I understand that it is cold outside, however, it is
impera ve that you get out of your car and meet your child
(ren) near the rock in the coned area when picking them up in
the a ernoon. This is the policy for all of our students, no
ma er what the age. If you have a special circumstance that
Have a blessed week.
This Week at a Glance
In Christ,
January 12
January 13
3rd Quarter Begins
School Liturgy (K–Grade 4) 9:15 am in the Church
7:00 pm in the Xavier
PTC General Mee ng Room
January 16
2nd Quarter Report Cards
Looking Ahead:
January 19
January 20
January 25 to
January 30
prohibits you from ge ng out of your vehicle, please have your
student tell one of the staff members on duty and the staff
member will walk your student to your car. You may also communicate your special circumstance to your child’s teacher and
they will be able to communicate it to the staff members on
duty as well.
Please also remember that the yellow lined parking spaces on the church side of the parking lot, closest to the tree line,
are only to be used on the weekends. They are to remain clear
during the week during school hours. Also, please do not park
along the grass on either the playground or the Leaning Center
sides. This is causing difficul es for other parents to exit the
lot. Thank you. The safety of our children, teachers, staff and
parents is very important to us.
Begins a er school Thursday, February 12, 2015 Friday, February 13, 2015 for ONLY $119!!
Mark your calendar - school's out Friday the 13th!
Plan to be part of the tradi on and getaway to America's LARGEST indoor waterpark without going too far from home! Take
advantage of special Winter rates for all St. Francis families, staff,
and friends. Rooms are only $119 and feature 2 Queen beds and
INCLUDE waterpark passes! A por on from EACH room booked
will benefit the 8th grade DC trip. Book early to avoid being shut
out, it fills up every year!
For ques ons, but NOT reserva ons,
call Germaine Wilson
at 330-241-1328.
We will soon begin Registra on for the 2015-2016 school
year. If you have a child of Kindergarten age for the 2015-2016
academic year, and are interested in providing a quality Catholic
Educa on for them, please call the St. Francis Xavier school office
(330) 725-3345 for more informa on.
We will begin our registra on process for Kindergarten in
January. Re-registra on for our current students will follow.
Save the Date!
No School—Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr. Day
School Liturgy
9:15 am in the Church
(Grades 5-8)
Mrs. Seislove
Please come and visit St. Francis Xavier School during our
Catholic Schools Week Open House on January 25, 2015. The
week-long Catholic Schools Week celebra on will begin at the 12
noon liturgy with our students par cipa ng in the different ministries. We then invite you to come over to the school and see
what makes St. Francis Xavier School so special. Open House will
be held immediately following mass from 1:00 un l 2:30 p.m.
Members of our student body, our School Advisory Commi ee
(SAC) and Parent-Teacher Commi ee (PTC) will be providing tours
for any new guests to St. Francis Xavier School. More informa on
will follow about the upcoming events of Catholic Schools Week,
but we wanted you to plan on a ending Open House on Sunday
January 25, 2015 from 1:00-2:30p.m.
We educate for excellence and
together we learn to become
Disciples of Christ
The Parents of Boy Scout Troop 506 invite you to join us at
our Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner-Dance (Reverse Raffle and
Auction) on Saturday, March 14, 2015, in the SFX
Church Hall.
All Proceeds benefit the scouts in Boy Scout Troop #506.
330-722-7700, ext. 8961
Our January-February updated letters are on
the St. Francis Xavier website on the Parish side under
About-Parish School of Religion and then
January 11, 2015
Elementary Classes (Grades 1-5) - Thursday evenings
from 6:15-7:45 p.m.
Classes are in session on this Thursday, January 15th. The
remaining classes in January are the 22nd and 29th. This Thursday, January 15th, our students will receive their first semester
evaluation card. These are to be signed by a parent and returned
to the catechist on the 22nd. Our third grade students will attend
the Thursday’s parish mass at 7:00 p.m.
Preschool Classes (Ages 3, 4, and 5 years old; Sundays during 10:00 a.m. Mass):
We welcome our preschoolers this Sunday, January 11th,
after our long Christmas break. Remaining sessions in January will be the 18th and 25th.
2014-2015 Sacrament Students
Parent and Student First Eucharist Meeting
Please select from one of the following meetings for you and
your student to attend and email with your choice.
 Tuesday, January 20 from 6:45-8:00 p.m. in the Church
 Friday, January 23 from 6:45-8:00 p.m. in the Church
 Tuesday, January 27 from 6:45-8:00 p.m. in the Church
 Friday, January 30 from 6:45-8:00 p.m. in the Church
Elementary Classes (Grades 1-5) - Saturday mornings
from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Our second semester began this Saturday, January 10th. Students will also be in session on Saturdays, January 17th, 24th
and 31st. On Saturday, January 17th, students will receive
their evaluation cards from semester one. They should be
signed by the parents and returned to the catechist the following Saturday, January 24th.
Xavier Life Teen March for Life is January 21st and 22nd. Take advantage of
this opportunity! We will be traveling with
St. Mary's Life Teen in Hudson and with
St. Basil the Great Life Teen as well. Cost
is $100 - that includes bus, food and hotel. Father Tony will be coming with us as
Save the Dates!
Spring Retreat—March 6-8, 2015
LifeTeen Lock-in—May 1-2, 2015
Franciscan University of Steubenville Youth Conference—
June 12-14, 2015
Catholic Heart Workcamp—July 12-18, 2015; Pittsburgh, PA
The Edge (Grades 6,7,8) Wednesday evenings from 6:45
-8:15 p.m.
Semester 2 began with a special social evening on January 7th.
Our theme of “Prayer” will be filled with a deeper understanding
on how to pray, when and the many ways there are to pray. Classes are in session this Wednesday, January 14th, and the 21st and
Edge Service/Stewardship: Students will be able to give
service to the residents at Medina Meadows this Thursday evening, January 13th. We meet at St. Francis Xavier at 6:15 p.m. and
return by 7:45 p.m. Permission forms are available on the parish
website. If you have any questions, please call the PSR Office.
Are you or someone you know attending Mass but are
unable to receive Holy Communion because you or they are not
Catholic? Or, if Catholic, have you or someone you know
missed the preparations required for the reception of the sacraments of Eucharist and /or Confirmation? If so, the Church has
a process (the RCIA) which can help a person decide if membership in the Roman Catholic Church is right for them, or help a
baptized Catholic prepare for Confirmation and /or Eucharist.
The RCIA is always available here at St. Francis Xavier;
therefore, one can explore the teachings of the Church and
prepare for full Catholic initiation at any time during the year.
Simply call Jenny Bonarrigo (the RCIA coordinator) at 330-5920086. Jenny will set up an appointment to explain the RCIA
process, answer any questions, and discuss requirements and
meeting times.
The RCIA process is for unbaptized persons (age seven
– adulthood) and baptized Christians (age seven – adulthood) from non-Catholic faith traditions. Additionally, parts
of the RCIA process are necessary for baptized Catholics
(age seven – adulthood) who have not remained active in
the Catholic Church and, therefore, have not received the
sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation. The parts of
the RCIA and the length of time required differ from person
to person. Call, today, to find out what it takes to become a
full member of the Catholic Church!
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Contributed by
In Memory Of
Contributed by
In Memory Of
Mr. & Mrs. Romualdo Cipro
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt, Connie Cipro
Mr. & Mrs. David Kolasinski
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Cobb
Miklos Soltesz, Teresz Demko
Mr. Richard Corlett
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Feron
Martha Corlett
Feron & Reisinger Families,
Wancata & Kendzierski Families
Mary Jane Fisher
Bob and Ellen Kish, Anne and
Wally Kolasinski, Gary Paddock
Joyce Ebner
Frank Lewis-husband, Leo Sagan-father, Catherine Saganmother
Aloysius J. Lipski, Ralph P. Alberts, Heather M. Martin
Carla Chmielecki, Art Chmielecki, Jan Chmielecki, Sam Motrunecs, Mary Ann Koral
Patricia Kinford, Lois Mraz, Jim
Mraz, Josh Blood
Bud Penrose, Francis M. Jordan
Alex and Tyler Sladky
William and Ann Gasper, James
Andrew and Sophia Ungar,
James and Eleanor Tittl
Rudy Beining
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Friedrich
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Frimel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Grondin
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Habart, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hernandez
Mrs. Thomas Keiller
Friedrich & DuPlaga Families,
Tibbitts Family, Jim Huber, Jim
Labbe, Angelo Caito, Angie
Ann Frimel, John & Mary Frimel,
Raymond & Mildred Hudec, Bob
& Zoe Stainbrook, Annise Suttle
Most Rev. A. J. Quinn, Michael
Anna Habart, Mary Mancuso,
Sam Mendolera, Lena Mendolera
George & Mary Bires, Sr, George
& Mary Kay Bires, Jr, Michael &
Kathryn Petruney, John
O'Neil and Keiller Families
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lewis
Mrs. Veronica Lewis
Magdalene Lipski
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Motrunecs
Mr. & Mrs. David Olesinski
Mrs. Virginia Penrose
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sladky
Judith Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ungar
Mr. & Mrs. Kip Warnke
General Flower Donations
Mr. & Mrs. William Boettcher
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hering
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ludwiczak
Mrs. Lucy Mahoney
of your preparation to be married in the Catholic Church, programs designed to help couples to live marriage for a lifetime are
offered. Participation in a program is required of engaged couples. St. Francis Xavier will host a Pre-Cana Day on March 21,
2015, facilitated by married couples in the parish. This program
is open to all engaged couples. Reserve your spot by calling Dan
and Patty Cathcart at 330-722-6715.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Malynn
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Parshall
Mr. & Mrs. David Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stuchal
Employment Network
For general information about our group, call Jim Mayiras
at 330-721-9796.
Do you know of someone who needs help or direction in
their job search? Call Joe Gainard at 330-725-8690.
If your company needs talent and has a position available to
post with our group, email the information to Dan Cathcart at
Feasts of Judaism
St. Francis Xavier will host a blood mobile drive on Sunday January 18 from
9AM - 1 PM. LifeShare Community
Blood Services will be outside the rectory garages for a blood collec on that will benefit people in
our Medina Community. At the same me, all dona ons will
also benefit our parish school as for every 25 donors, grant
monies will be available to help with the replacing and upgrading of Informa on Technology equipment. Individuals can
donate every 56 days.
This Lent spend some time learning about the feasts of
Judaism using a threshold bible study by Stephen Binz. Join a
Lent faith sharing group to discuss how these feasts influenced our Catholic faith. Lent begins February 18. Groups
meet once a week for about 2 hours. If you are already in a
group, please contact your facilitator to let them know you
want to continue in the group. If you are new or want to
change groups please contact me.
You can email at , or call or
text me, Chelly Bergman, at 330-461-0365
January 11, 2015
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
May God heal our sick and suffering
Pray for all military
David M. Campbell
Ryan P. Cox
Wyatt Fields
Nicholas Glenbocki
Dan Haggerty
Brandon Hamilton
Alex Hicar
Kayla Lane
Taylor Lane
Reinhard Nann
Jonathan Podrasky
Jared Ross
Erica Sachleben
Taylor Salmons
Jeffrey Simko
January 11, 2015
Daniel Smith
Jeff Stein
Kevin Stein
David Tagliaferro
Maritza Tagliaferro
David Vanik
Aaron Virkler
Robert Weiler
J. Matthew Zweifel
Joseph Zweifel
If you would like to add a name to the list
of active-duty military, e-mail or call the
rectory office.
Francie Anderson
Rita Andrich
Jude Ballinger
Becky Barker
John Benson
Maxine Bergdorf
Claire Bevec
Flo Boehme
Sue Boyne
Sioux Campbell
Danny Colonna
Kathleen Cunningham
Elizabeth Diamond
Evan Dolinar
Billie Duta
Lynda Erickson
Brendan Federinko
Ed Fraley
John Francisco
Roger Friedrich
Robert Forgan
Bobby Fusco
Rhettec Galaska
Roz Ganzer
Jacob Gaume
Judy Glose
Kerry Grimm
Del Guerra
Mike Harris
Vivian Heim
Camden Heil
Charlotte Heil
Savannah Heil
Anthony Hosick
Mark Jablonowski
Marvin Johnson
Charline Karsnak
Mary Keith
Mary Kneale
Andrew Korduba
Brenda Kutcher
Ruth Lancki
Phyllis Lapeus
Steven Lastuka
Dave Leidecker
Jerry Liechty
Mary Ann Makowski
Aaron Markiewicz
James M. McDonald
Lou McDonald
Lois McFadden
Alexa Meyers
Nathan Mion
Rachael Mion
Mike Mitchell
Marcy Nero
John Neuwar
Mary Neuwar
Lisa Owen
Nathaniel Plasco
Richard Pryatel
Bill Ripple
Rea Ripple
Mark Rudolph
Mimi Russ
Richard Russ
Ed Scherer
Melissa Sickle
Beth Sielski
Jean Smith
Marie Starck
Richard Stiver
Faith Szczipinski
Janet Taranto
Amy Taylor
Pat Taylor
Carolyn Vasko
Lacey Vickers
Celene Wallen
Helen Yakubik
If you would like to place a name on the list of those in need of
prayer, please contact the
rectory office, or e-mail
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James R. Bunyak, LMT / Therapeutic Massage
*GIFT CERTIFICATES, Birthdays, Holidays, or Just Because...
936 Dawn Court, Medina (Rte. 18, 2 miles West Of Medina Square)
ANN MARIE STUART, M.D. (Parishioner)
4001 Carrick Dr., Suite 150
Medina, OH 44256
Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner
with service providers who support your parish
through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin.
Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin
and all the sponsors who advertise.
Their contribution allows parish bulletin
communication to be free of charge
for your parish. Support them by taking
advantage of the services they provide.
Auto • Home
Life • Mutual Funds
College Savings
Keith Wright, Agent
• Individual & Business Taxes/Accounting & Payroll Services •
of Medina
(330) 923 • 2911
107 N. Court St., Ste. 3
694 W. Liberty St.
Medina, Ohio 44256
10 W. Main St. • Seville, OH 44273
Phone: 330-722-5432
Toll Free 1-888-622-5432
Jeneen E. Lapp, DDS
Gentle Dental Care
807 E. Washington St.
801 E. Washington St., Ste. #120
David C. Loeper, OD, Michelle A. Loeper, OD
(330) 725-6655
(330) 722-4506
• Dr. James Kendel
• Dr. James Kendel Jr.
• Dr. Carl V. Brunello
24/7 HELP
5019 Victor Drive, Suite A
Medina, Ohio 44256
$19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH
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TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608
*First Three Months
20894 Drake Road
Strongsville, OH 44149
Bus. 440-572-7830
Cell 330-571-2085
Scott Tuchek, AAMS
232850 St Francis Xavier Church (A)
Member SIPC
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
9:00 PM Wednesday, Jan. 21st, 2015, to
1:00 AM Friday, Jan. 23rd, 2015
1/21/15 - 9:00 PM - Bus Arrives St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
1/21/15 - 9:30 PM - Departs for Washington D.C.
January 11, 2015
Cost: Per passenger is $65.00.
Please make check to SFX Respect Life Committee. Write “March
for Life” on the memo line. Please leave for Stephen Hamilton at
the Rectory Offices. Once check is received a seat will be held and
Stephen will follow up with a confirmation to bus passenger.
1/22/15 - 6:00 AM - Arrives Basilica of The Immaculate Conception
1/22/15 - 9:15 AM - Pick up at the Basilica (Drop off at the Old Post
Office Pavilion)
For questions please contact - Stephen Hamilton at 330-703-6583
1/22/15 - 9:45 AM - 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. (March Begins)
1/22/15 - 4:30 PM - Pick up at St. Peter’s Church 2nd St. & C St. NE
1/23/15 - 1:00 AM - Arrive St. Francis Church Medina, OH.
For minors traveling, please contact Stephen Hamilton for St.
Francis Xavier-Permission Form.
SFX “Wines of the World” Annual Wine Tasting
Leisurely taste over 60 wines from around the
world complemented by cheese, crackers and
light appetizers.
Also enjoy select beers from Lager Heads
Brewing Company.
Purchase tickets at the rectory office (checks only), both
Medina Buehler’s locations, US Mail, or SFX school
mail c/o Paul Budi, Room #208.
Pre-sold tickets available until Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015
Time: 7:00—10:00 p.m.
Location: Rustic Hills Country Club
5399 River Styx Road
$40 per person ($45 at the Door)
* Reserve Tables of 10 will be sold for $375 in one
transaction only at the SFX Rectory Office or via
the form included.
Join us Mondays beginning January 12 through February 16 after mass in the
Xavier Room for discussion. Call the rectory at 330-725-4968 to RSVP.