Peace Wapiti academy Post #5 January, 2015 Parents, please phone the school if your child will be absent or late (780) 513-9504 Upcoming Events Monday, January 5 Early Dismissal – January Newsletter Tuesday, January 6 WE/RAP Presentation during I-Plan - Conflict Resolution Tuesday, January 6 ActiParent Meeting @ 5:30 pm in the Staff Room Wednesday, January 7 WE/RAP Presentation during I-Plan – Conflict Resolution Wednesday, January 7 Saturday, January 10 School Council Meeting @ 7:00 pm in the Staff Room On Your Mark Diploma Exam Review Social Studies 30-1, Social Studies 30-2 At PWA from 9:00 am – 2:45 pm Diploma Exams for some Students ALL REGULAR CLASSES ARE ON On Your Mark Diploma Exam Review Biology 30 and Chemistry 30 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at GPRC - room D208 and D308 Attendance Incentive forms available. Return form to the office one day prior to the date of the exempt exam. Diploma Exams for some students ALL REGULAR CLASSES ARE ON Final Exams and Diploma Exams for Grade 10, 11 and 12 students Grade 9 students have REGULAR CLASSES On Your Mark Diploma Exam Review Math 30-1 and Math 30-2 at GPRC in room D208 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm No School – District PD Day Second Semester begins Early Dismissal – February Newsletter Travel Club Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. for travelers and parents. This is the legal meeting and everyone must attend. ActiParent Meeting 5:30 pm in the PWA Staff Room School Council Meeting @ 7:00 pm in the Staff Room Grad Photo Retakes Last Day for Timetable Changes Tuesday, January 13 Wednesday, January 14 Saturday, January 17 Tuesday, January 20 Tuesday, January 20 Wednesday, January 21 Thursday, January 22 to Thursday, January 29 Saturday, January 24 Friday, January 30 Monday, February 2 Monday, February 2 Monday, February 2 Tuesday, February 3 Wednesday, February 4 Thursday, February 5 Friday, February 6 Cosmetology Our department is open for client services. Come in for your new look or a wonderful spa treatment to launch your new year. Gift certificates are also available. Remember, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Please phone for your appointment at PWA 513-9504 ext. 1145. Timetable Changes Students can make an appointment at the office to see Mrs. Gerard, Ms. Clevette Mrs. Thon Regarding timetable changes for the second semester any time from now until February 6, 2015. Math Tutor Available If anyone is needing a math tutor please contact Samuel Varley at the following email address. Notes from the PWA Counselling Office Is it stress or anxiety? Anxiety is actually a reaction to stress, that reaction has a lot to do with fear. If you’re tempted to treat stress with avoidance or escape mechanisms, you could be suffering from anxiety Anxiety can cause you to feel shaky, have panic attacks or make you want to stay home. Stress can be reduced through exercise, relaxation and open communication. Thank you Thank you Thank you A special thank you to the GLSP students who recycle our school's paper, bottles and cans every week. Thank you Thank you Thank you Legal Meeting - Travel club: Greece –Spring 2015! ALL Parents and Travelers MUST attend – Feb. 2, 2015 @ 6:30pm. There will be a lawyer there, volunteering his time, to do the Statutory Declaration so that we can take your student out of the country; we will also be going over all PWSD76 policies about international travel. These two things MUST be done or your child does not travel with us. Accountability Pillar Surveys In February, PWA parents of Grade 10 students will be receiving a survey in the mail from Alberta Education. The document is titled “Accountability Pillar Survey”. Students and teachers receive a similar survey at the school. The survey tools are designed to find out how satisfied parents, teachers and students are in the following areas: i. Safe and Caring School Environment ii. Access to a Broad Program of Studies iii. Educational Quality iv. Student Preparation for the World of Work v. Building of Citizenship in Students vi. Level of Parental Involvement in Child’s Education vii. School Improvement Processes The information we receive from parents, students and teachers is extremely important in the delivery of education. The information assists in creating the education plan for the coming school year. I would encourage all parents, students and teachers to participate. ADDITIONAL NOTE: The school uses the information as part of the data to build an ongoing improvement plan for Peace Wapiti Academy. Each of the sub-categories in the survey contains information that helps us to identify areas of concern, things that are working well, and ideas for what we need to expand upon or remove. It is important that we get as much information as possible, so that the survey truly reflects the opinions of a broad range of parents, staff, and students. One of the wrinkles in the returned data is that “dissatisfied” and “don’t know” are both included in the same category. If you are indeed dissatisfied with the topic, then please do say so on the survey. That is the only way we can know what to work on. However, if you are unsure about the question, or feel you don’t know enough about it, or just have questions, please call the school for further information. In terms of being able to use the data accurately, it is better for you to leave a question blank than to answer “don’t know”. Any question left blank shows up in a separate category, so we can tell if we are not doing a good job of communicating with you about our programs. CAREERinsite is your one-stop guide to FREE career planning. Explore and compare options based on your values, skills and interests, and develop an action plan for your future. Sign up and get started today! Work at a career plan as unique as you are. Checklist for Grads for January: This is your final year of high school! Work hard, and get good grades. Continuously check, search and apply for scholarships, grants and bursaries. Double check admission and scholarship application deadlines. Make sure you have met these deadlines. Lifetouch will be taking grad photo retakes at the school on Thursday, February 5th. Sign up on-line for a photo time. A $10.00 sitting fee is due at the time of your photo. It is important that all grads get at least a proof done as this photo is used for the yearbook, the grad folder and the hallway composite photo. North West Regionals Skills Canada Competition Location - Grande Prairie Regional College - Fairview Campus, Fairview High School, St. Thomas More School - Fairview, AB April 23, 2015 - Registration & Opening Ceremonies (GPRC Fairview) April 24, 2015 - Auto Service, Baking, Cabinet Making, Carpentry, Culinary Arts, Fashion Technology, Graphic Design, Hairstyling Jr. & Int., IT Network Support, Outdoor Power & Recreation, Photography, Robotics, TV/Video Production, Welding & Workplace Safety. Skills Canada Competitions feature the talents of Alberta’s trade and technology students. Regional Skills Canada Competitions (RSCC) connect students to local post-secondary and industry leaders. By taking their skills out of the traditional classroom setting, students gain an appreciation for where their skills can take them, and are encouraged to reach for their personal best. *To compete at the Provincial Skills Canada Competition in Auto Service, Baking, Cabinet Making, Carpentry, Culinary Arts, Hairstyling - Junior, Hairstyling - Intermediate, TV/Video Production and Welding students must qualify at their RSCC. Contact: Faye Randle P 780.835.6726, E Senior Boys Basketball Coach: Evan Lloyd Assistant Coach: Lucas Gorgichuk Favour Adekojo David Adelugba Brandon Berg Grant Calvert Jesse Cartwright Tristin Evans Colby Fournier Josh Froese Del Huls Ben Livingston Spencer Lougheed Brandon Lyons Reece Monnette Ryan Pelster Tyler Zacharias Senior Girls Basketball Coaches: Lenka Rohova, David Ceary Kat Fialova Brooke Auclair Angie Callfas Chelsey Furlong Chiara Gorgichuk Victoria Gorgichuk Alyssa LaValley Taylor Lawton Amanda Pelster Allison Pilgrim Anna van der Giessen Chelsey Williams Junior Boys Basketball Brayden Warner – Team Manager Grant Calvert – Assistant Coach Ryan Schwindt – Assistant Coach Miss Kerr – Head Coach Shawn Gallant Brayden Lasell Thomas Diodoro Bryan Robinson Cam Hammon Ajay Head Darren Head Noah Parsons Randy Marshall Josh Robe-From 10 21 12 22 13 14 5 11 24 23 Junior Girls Basketball Tamara Hampton - Assistant Coach Miss Saunders – Head Coach Krista Frey - Captain Kylie Minelli Mallory Gravengard Emily Edwards Aimee LaValley Anika Boden Brooke Wilson Gabby Mycroft Keara Ducharme Brianna Middleton-Beard Benefits of Good Mental Health Just as physical fitness helps our bodies to stay strong, mental fitness helps us to achieve and sustain a state of good mental health. When we are mentally healthy we enjoy our life, the environment, and the people in it. Here are some tips to keep you mentally strong. 1. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day! Research has shown that physical activity releases “endorphins”- the feel good hormones. Exercise also reduces anxiety, tension, and fatigue and enhances self-esteem. 2. Eat well! Follow Canada’s Food Guide and choose whole grains, protein, fresh fruit, vegetables, and dairy products. Cut back on foods high in saturated fat and salt! What we put on our plate is the fuel that our body and brain use so choose wisely! 3. Take control of stress. Stress is a fact of life and can be both positive and negative. Learning to effectively cope with stress can ease our bodies and minds. Try meditation, breathing awareness, visualization, enjoying your favorite hobby and talk about things to a friend, or a Mental Health Therapist. Check out the Canadian Mental Health Association website for more information. Outdoor Education with Mr. Spence BUS CANCELLATIONS The purpose of this article is to give our parents some insight into how we reach the decision to cancel a bus route. How do we reach a decision to close down all/or any of our District bus routes? During times of inclement weather, the Director of Transportation in the southern area of Peace Wapiti School Division, and a Transportation Supervisor located in the northern area of Peace Wapiti are on call. Between 4:00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m. they are in contact with a local highway maintenance company. If they feel possible road issues are developing in their area, these employees are on the road by 4:30 a.m. and over the course of the next two hours, they drive across Peace Wapiti School District on primary and secondary highways. They discuss the road conditions with the maintenance contractors in their area to identify road concerns. They cover approximately 150 to 200 kilometers each and during this time will perform braking tests etc to determine skid conditions. Our first concern is our primary highways as they have the highest levels of traffic and thus the greatest potential for bringing serious harm to our students. At about 6:00 a.m. the Director of transportation will contact the Superintendent to discuss the road conditions and at that time a decision to close down all District buses or just buses within a certain area of the District is made. Once this decision is made, local radio stations are contacted. However, the reality is our District is the size of Wales (five times the size of PEI). It is very possible that we will have acceptable roads in one area and unacceptable roads in another area. It is for that reason each bus driver has the authority to cancel his/her route. How does a bus driver reach a decision to close down his/her bus routes? Each bus driver has the authority to close down his/her route. The bus driver will make a reasonable attempt to run their route but if after such an attempt, they feel that road conditions are unsafe, they will cancel their route. In doing so, they will notify the Director of Transportation so that local radio stations are notified and they will also make reasonable attempts to contact the parents of the students who ride their bus. It is for this reason that current phone numbers are essential. In the event that our bus drivers are unable to contact the parents of a small child they will take the necessary steps to ensure that the child is not left unsupervised. Our bus drivers are dedicated employees who believe in the value of our schools and the safety of students. If they have chosen to shut down their route, it will be with good reason. Please work with us to support them in a very difficult decision. What if the parent feels the route is unsafe? Peace Wapiti leaves the final say to the parent regarding whether their child rides a bus during times of inclement weather. Should a parent feel that their area of a bus route is unacceptable, then they are free to decide not to place their child on the bus. We would ask that should the parent make such a decision, that they contact our Bus Shop at 532-7734 so that the driver is made aware of the road conditions in your area and the change in the route. In addition to the above process, Peace Wapiti School Division #76 buses will not be stopping to pick up students on primary or secondary highways when weather conditions such as heavy fog have created a situation of limited or no visibility. The decision not to stop will be left to the driver’s discretion. Should the bus driver decide not to stop parents will be notified via phone that the bus will not be picking up students that morning. Parents are encouraged to phone their bus driver or the Transportation Department (5327734) if they feel weather conditions have made their stop dangerous. For bus cancellations due to inclement weather or temperature, Peace Wapiti School Division is now divided into 6 zones based on High School attendance areas. All buses associated with a High School attendance area would be cancelled at the same time. One or all of the zones could be cancelled at any one time. Parents would need to know which High School their Elementary School is associated with in order to know if the buses in their area are cancelled. Example. Beaverlodge High School attendance area would include Wembley Schools, Elmworth School, and Hythe School. Please check the inclement weather policy on the Peace Wapiti School Division website for a list of High School attendance areas and their associated schools. You can find the weather stations we use by going to our webpage and checking the quicklinks at the top. Cancelations will be announced on the local radio stations. Finally, according to the American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, school buses are nearly eight times safer than passenger vehicles. Our school buses are constructed far stronger than a family passenger vehicle and are driven by professional drivers, often with years of experience. They are the safest way to get a child to school; please work with us to keep them that way. EXAM BANK ONLINE Practice Exams for Grade 9, 10, 11 and Grade 12 Diploma Exams are available on the internet. Go to and log in with the appropriate subaccount username (pw.pwa) and exam password (piglet). Start your studying NOW! Final Exam Information If you have any questions or issues please see Mrs. Gerard. Morning Afternoon Directions Wait in cafeteria area Wait in cafeteria area Enter gym when directed to do so by a teacher 8:45 12:25 Attendance Instructions 9:00 – 11:30 12:40 – 3:10 Exam begins All students must remain in the examination room for one hour. Students arriving late will be admitted during the first hour of an exam, but they will NOT be given any extra time to complete it. Hand in exam when finished and then exit building or go to the library to study. Students must provide their own materials: HB pencils, calculators, etc. You may bring something to drink, however, the container MUST have a lid. Food, cell phones, MP3 players, I-pods and other electronic devices are NOT ALLOWED. Textbooks are to be handed in at the LIBRARY on or before Thursday, Jan. 29th Students writing final exams for CONNECT must see Mrs. Terceros by Tuesday, January 13th to arrange a supervised exam time. Students writing final exams for ADLC must see Mr. Horneland by Tuesday, January 13th to arrange a supervised exam time. Achievement and Diploma Exams All grade 9 students will write provincial achievement tests at the end of the year. All grade 12 students are required to write diploma exams in English and Social Studies. Some students also write diploma exams in Math, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These exams are worth 50% of the student’s final grade. The other 50% comes from work evaluated by the teacher. Grade 9 students have regular classes during exam week in January. Students writing diploma exams or provincial achievement tests must write them at the time established by Alberta Learning on the date specified. If for any reason a student wishes to rewrite a Grade 12 diploma exam he/she may do so by paying a fee and making application to write the exam(s). These application forms are available from the school counselor. The approximate deadline for applying is early November for the January diplomas and mid-April for the June diplomas. Application to write diploma exams in August is not required although the re-write fee still applies. In emergency situations, students who are unable to write a diploma examination will review their options with school administration. If the busses are not running due to an emergency situation, which includes inclement weather, students and their parents are encouraged to act in the interest of their safety first. Students who arrive at school during these conditions will write their diploma examination as long as they are no more than one hour late and they will be allowed the full time allotted for the examination. Final Exams Final exams are mandatory and failure to write may jeopardize a student’s final mark. Early vacation plans, not knowing when the exam was scheduled, sleeping in or minor illnesses are not legitimate excuses for missing an exam. In cases of extreme illness or other serious unavoidable emergencies, a parent or guardian must contact the principal BEFORE the time the exam is written and the appropriate documentation must be obtained. In special circumstances, a parent or guardian may submit a letter, at least one month prior to the start of exams, to request a late writing date for in-school exams only. Diploma exams cannot be rescheduled. Students who do not write a final exam will receive a grade of “0” for the exam. All students must remain in the examination room for one hour. Students arriving late will be admitted during the first hour of an exam, but they will NOT be given any extra time to complete the exam. Exam Schedule: January 2015 Date Monday, January 12 Tuesday, January 13 AM PM Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All English 30-1 (Part A) English 30-2 (Part A) Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All Others Wednesday, January 14 Thursday, January 15 Friday, January 16 Monday, January 19 Tuesday, January 20 Social Studies 30-1 (Part A) Social Studies 30-2 (Part A) Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All Others Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All English 30-1 (Part B) English 30-2 (Part B) Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for all Wednesday, January 21 Social Studies 30 -1 (Part B) Social Studies 30-2 (Part B) Regular Classes for All Regular Classes for All Thursday, January 22 Friday, January 23 Monday, January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Wednesday, January 28 Social Studies 10-1 Social Studies 10-2 Social Studies 20-1 Social Studies 20-2 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Biology 30 English 10-4 Biology 20 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Math 30-1 Math 30-2 Math 20-1 Math 20-2 Math 10 Common Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Physics 30 Physics 20 Science 20 Science 10 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Chemistry 30 English 20-1 English 10-1 English 20-2 English 10-2 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 Thursday, January 29 Science 30 Friday, January 30 Monday, February 2 Regular Classes for Gr. 9 NO SCHOOL PD DAY Semester 2/Quarter 3Begins Power School Update Regular Classes for Gr. 9 NO SCHOOL PD DAY Semester 2/Quarter 3Begins Power School Update On YOUR MARK! Get READY… PWSD Diploma Exam Tutorials January 2015 A comprehensive 6 hour tutorial session offered to PWSD students Review course content Further develop strategies to tackle question format Saturday, January 10 Social Studies 30-1 Diploma Exam Review Social Studies 30-2 Diploma Exam Review Teachers: Ms. Bednard, Ms. Viken, Mr. Tanasichuk, Mr. Bowen, Mr. Riding Location: Peace Wapiti Academy Time: 9:00 am – 2:45 pm Saturday, January 17 Biology 30 Diploma Exam Review Teachers: Mrs. Rief and Mrs. Lario Chemistry 30 Diploma Exam Review Teachers: Ms. Houlder and Miss Creighton Location: GPRC Room D208 and Room D308 Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Saturday, January 24 Math 30-1 Diploma Exam Review Math 30-2 Diploma Exam Review Teachers: Miss Nagtegaal, Mrs. Lambert and Mrs. Lipon Location: GPRC Room D208 & 2 rooms in BWing (TBA) Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Lunch and Snacks will be generously provided by Peace Wapiti School Division
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