VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2014-2015 SNOW SCHOOL SAFETY COMMITTEE INSIDE THIS ISSUE... ROCK STARS—Pg. 2 Health & Safety—Pgs. 3&4 Training—Pgs. 5 to 7 FACE SHOTS—Pgs. 10 & 11 Upcoming Events—Pgs. 12 to 17 NAME POSITION AREA RESPONSIBLE FOR Tim Hunt Privates Instructor, Blackcomb B1 & Blk Admin-in front Admin & locker room Jeannie Chisolm Pete Acton Scott Fennell Donna Kerr PJ Harvey Lesley Parrott Niall Craddock Clayton Price Privates Instructor, Whistler Whistler Kids Base One Whistler Kids B2 WKRT General Manager Adult SS Instructor, Whistler Whistler Kids Admin Assistant Whistler Kids Instructor, Creek Adults SS Instructor, Blackcomb Whistler Ski School Huts Blk Admin-main floor Whistler Kids B2 SS Management Rep. Springs, locker rooms Recording Secretary Creek Kids & locker room Blackcomb Base, outside areas Wendy Olsson OHS Supervisor Employer Representative C0-chair Emily MacLennon Whistler Kids Instructor, Village Village Kids & CLC PROS WANTED FOR THE TELUS WINTER CLASSIC: FRI. JAN. 23RD We are looking for pros to volunteer for the TELUS Winter Classic Ski with a Pro Day on Friday January 23rd. It’s a super fun day for a great cause. Check out the poster on page 16 for all the details and WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU! *NEW* PAY DOCUMENTATION EMAIL If you have any new documentation, (e.g. previous experience or new certification), that will increase your wage, please email the following address: sspay@whistlerblackcomb.com. HELPFUL HINTS: Previous Ski/SB instructing: Documentation must state whether you were full time, part time or casual. Generic kids experience: Documentation needs to state the approximate number of hours working with kids. Please make sure to include your employee ID in the email. SNOW SCHOOL STAFF SWAG SALE—NEXT FRI. JAN. 16TH For those of you who missed out in December, we will be holding a second Snow School Swag Sale next Friday (PAYDAY) the 16th. Price list and what’s up for grabs can be found on page 12. LAST CALL FOR BUSINESS CARDS!! Any NEW staff, PT staff or kids instructors who would like a set of business cards can place an order, in person, at the SS Admin offices at G1 . A box of 200 cards is $30 & 500 cards, $42. CASH only. No orders will be placed AFTER next Friday January 16th 2015. YOUR NAME Ski or Snowboard Professional P: 555-555-1234 E: yourname@youremail.com VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 Rock stars The positive feedback is pouring in! Great job everyone on delivering amazing lessons over the past couple of weeks! Here are the latest ROCK STARS: PJ Harvey Steve Tait Serge Legault Ralph Forsyth Andrew Tjelios Sam Copsey Felix Klauser Anna Kahler Dick Gervais Jacques Roux Laurissa Stebeleski Maxime Barbeau Alexandra McNicholl Tomaz Todorov Andrew Logan Lubka Weisenpacherova Hisae Fukui Yoshi Kii Satoshi Tamaki Suzanne Bilodeau Simon Moffatt Gordon Brown Joanne Zwanenburg Flor Tomaghelli Ben Barbeau Justin Abel Jenny Guy Brock Millard ...and the Swag winners are: Laurissa Stebeleski | Satoshi Tamaki | Steve Tait Please collect your prize from reception at the SS Admin offices, G1 Congratulations to the following (WKRT) Bart’s Heart Winners! VILLAGE: Minis – Madison Kerr Destination Ride – John Tweedlie Destination Ski – Robin Matzke Ride Tribe – Devon Townsend AC – Lucie Bishop Support – Ella Henson BLACKCOMB: Minis – Will Rawlinson Destination – Tori Farr AC – Robbie Williams Support – David Hale Daycares – Karen Caytor BLACKCOMB B2: Ride Tribe Schools – Dylan Layzell & Scott Barry CREEK: Minis – Claire Fooks Destination/AC – Kathleen Fraser Support – Jayde Campbell The swag winners are: EVERYONE!! Come pick up your prize from Brenda Peterson, Sunday to Thursday @ Whistler Village Kids. VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 SAFETY FIRST! After an extremely busy Christmas period, another busy week this week and club starting on the weekend we know that you have been running at full steam. Remember to take time for yourself and look after your physical well-being but also your mental well-being. Next week’s safety theme is Mental Health Awareness week. What is Mental Health? “Mental health means striking a balance in all aspects of your life: social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental. Reaching a balance is a learning process. At times, you may tip the balance too much in one direction and have to find your footing again. Your personal balance will be unique, and your challenge will be to stay mentally healthy by keeping that balance.” ~ Canadian Mental Health Association Take time for yourself to make sure that you have time and energy to maintain a good balance in your life. Everyone’s balance will be different at different times in their life so make sure you are doing what’s right for you; finding time to socialize, finding time to talk to family and friends at home, having down time at home with a movie, making time to ski and ride, whatever makes you feel good. My balance involves a lot more sitting and sleeping than it used to!! If you are struggling to keep a good balance in your life there are many resources available to you. SHEPELL.FGI: This is a free 24-hours service available to WB employees 1.800.387.4765. Call for confidential and immediate support with your work, health and well-being. HOUSE OUTREACH WORKER: Tenielle Forrest, 604.938.7503, tforrest@whistlerblackcomb.com A message from Tenielle: At WB HOUSE, our mission is to provide a safe, healthy and affordable home. As the HOUSE Outreach Worker, I am here to offer our WB residents free, confidential support through any challenges they are faced with. I aim to listen without judgment, provide realistic options and drive positive experiences for our employees and residents. I work closely with Whistler Community Services Society (WCSS) team of Outreach workers to gain and maintain knowledge about their programs and services in assistance with financial struggles, mental health problems, housing dilemmas, homesickness, drug abuse and everything in between. Most recently, the WCSS Peer Educator Course taught me all about supportive resources throughout Whistler for the people of our community. Feel free to call, e-mail or find me in the outreach office across from the HOUSE administration office. I am available Monday – Friday from 2 – 8 PM. TALK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR OR MANAGER: They are always happy to listen and help. We want to know what is going on with you. If you need a friendly ear chat to them and make a time to meet in private. They will also be able to offer suggestions for additional support if you need it. EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE OFFICERS: Stu Osborne, 604.938.7130, sosborne@whistlerblackcomb.com and Amy Frew, 604.938.7343, afrew@whistlerblackcomb.com The Employee Experience Officers (EEO’s) are located at the EE Cabin, available 6 days a week and can be reached via phone, email or in person. The EEO’s provide private and confidential guidance for any work related challenges, especially if you do not feel comfortable speaking about them with your direct leader. The EEO’s also provide career guidance, advice and assistance for any of your life challenges having access to similar resources offered via Shepell or Teneille at HOUSE. Look after yourself and each other. Stay safe, Anna VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 INJURY PREVENTION Back In Action Physiotherapy www.backinactionphysiotherapy.com #119—4368 Main Street, Whistler, BC, V0N 1B4 P: 604.962.0555 | F: 604.962.0554 | E: info@backinactionphysiotherapy.com VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 TRAINING UPDATE Full day sessions will resume this weekend. Please check RTP for details. We have a great line up for Après Skiing! Blackcomb kids hosts Dryland on Mondays, Yoga on Tuesdays, Assessment and Development (ski) on Wednesdays, and Myofascial Stretching on Fridays. Please check RTP for dates and start times, and of course to sign up! RTP – WOW my life is WAY easier if you sign up IN ADVANCE for full day sessions. This way I know how many people to expect and can staff sessions accordingly. When people sign up the night before a session, it is impossible to find available trainers and thus keep group numbers lower and avoid turning people away. Help me make your training experience better by signing up in advance! On the other side, if you have signed up for a session and cannot make it, please email me, tfraser@whistlerblackcomb.com, or a scheduler, schedulers@whistlerblackcomb.com, to remove you from the session. Thanks!! Hope you had a great holiday and are eager to get back to training! Tracey Hi Shredders! So sessions are up and this month we have some real bangers... Yoga & Ride Session, Park & Pipe, High Freestyle, Open Sessions, and loads more. Here are a few things to take note of: MORNING SESSION PREPS As in previous years, we're going to have a few mornings each week where a trainer will be available to offer a CASI prepstyle morning session for those of you who can’t make the full day sessions that week. These sessions will have the same amount of riding as normal morning sessions, but will give you guys the opportunity to ask questions, work on your riding, practice teach, etc. They are all on Whistler for the month of January, but this may change, based on staff feedback. CASI 2 AM preps: every Thursday CASI 3 AM preps: every Wednesday CASI 4 AM preps: every Tuesday OPEN SESSIONS WITH DAN RAYMOND & MIKEY-KING-OF-THE-RAIL! New this year, we'll start these sessions at 10am, meeting at the snow school huts at the BASE of the mountain. Dan Raymond, our resident awesome Olympic Half Pipe Athlete & Coach and all ‘round amazing dude, will be running these sessions on Tuesdays. If you don't get work or have a day off, then you are crazy if you don't go! Myself & Mikey will be running the other sessions which will be fast-paced, lots of fun and OPEN to whatever people want to do that day. YOGA & RIDE DAY WITH SNOWFLOW WB Trainer and Snowflow Owner, Claire Thiebaud, will be running an amazing Yoga & Ride session on Thursday 15th on Whistler. Yoga means connect. Come share and learn some cool tricks to help connect your body, mind and breathing, on and off your board. Connect with your fellow riders in a shared guided format while integrating the principles of flow. The day will also include 2 x 45-minute Snowflow classes (pre & post riding). Details for where to meet/what to bring will be coming very soon, so watch this space! So, loads of training, loads of opportunities to learn, shred, have fun and push your skills. Make use of this amazing training program people... many snow schools are lucky to offer staff one session per week, so what we have here at WB is something pretty special. See you out there! Paul H Head SB Trainer VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 TRAINING CALENDARS VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 AST LEVEL 1 COURSE Avalanche Skills Training They're finally here! Head to the Springs to pay for your spot - these will fill up fast! Shred members: $100 2015 AST Course Dates January: 3-4, 6-7, 17-18, 19-20, 24-25, 26-27, 31-Feb 1 February: 4-5, 7-8, 9-10, 12-13, 14-15, 21-22, 24-25, 28-March 1 March:2-3,4-5,7-8,11-12,14-15,21-22,28-29 April 4-5 DAY 1: 8:00am—meet at the front doors of The Cabin at Base II, Parking Lot 6, 11:00am—5:30pm, Field/Theory DAY 2: 8:00am—5:30pm, Field/Wrap-up This 2-day course is designed for skiers and snowboarders, looking to increase their knowledge of winter backcountry travel. The course will combine indoor theory and outdoor practical sessions regarding snow pack analysis, formation of avalanches, route finding and the use of safety equipment, as well as the prerequisite knowledge required for further avalanche training. In order to participate, an intermediate level skiing or snowboarding is required. Certificate issued upon course completion. Included: Manual, certificate and handout information. We have transceivers, probes, shovels and snow saws for use during course. *Participants are responsible for lift access, touring gear, back pack, personal food and water. Equipment Recommended for Theory / Field Days: Notebook, pen, pencil, avalanche handbook (provided), lift pass, skis/snowboard, poles, touring equipment (alpine touring bindings/skins, split board or snowshoes/poles), backpack, outdoor winter clothing, warm under layers, rite in rain note book, goggles, sunscreen, water, food. Touring Equipment can be rented at The Escape Route: 604 938-3228 or Excess Backcountry 604-9053091. Discounted Shred rates available. (Must be on class roster). Skis & Skins - $45 (2-days) Transceiver, Probe & Shovel - $25 (2-days) Transceiver only - $15 ( 2-days) Questions: Please call the Safety Office at 604.938.7252. VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 MEET YOUR BOOTFITTERS VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 Whistler Alpine Pod honing their synchro technique for the competition on April 1 st 2015. Looking good team! RFID STAFF PASS—HELPFUL HINTS Here are a few tips from the folks in our IT Dept that you can share with your guests to make using the new system as painless as possible: BEST PASS LOCATION: SKIERS—left side REGULAR SNOWBOARDERS—left side is better, but can vary GOOFY SNOWBOARDERS—may matter the least of the three (Snowboard instructors should share their experiences and see what works best for regular & goofy.) Left sleeve is best, followed by left chest > left waist pocket > left pants pocket. Right side (for skiers) is the worst. Nothing else should be in that pocket. It can work with other items in the pocket, but it works best with nothing else in that pocket. This means you may need to rearrange ‘how you’ve always had your stuff’. If you need to remove the card from your pocket to get access through the gate, you have too much in that pocket or you’re using the wrong pocket. The gates have one massive sensor from knee height to shoulder height. Half way between the yellow circle and the light sensors seems to be the strongest zone. The gate can read the access code the quickest if the card is stationary. Moving the card back & forth slows down the speed for reading the card. Kids are generally better able to go through on their own than with assistance from others. Parents/adults trying to help often make it worse. Don’t lean into the turnstile. Pressure on the turnstile slows down how quickly you can pass through the gate. If you or your student loses their pass/card, don’t try to fraud your way through the gate! Talk to a validator at tier 1/2, go see alpine SS sales, or use the intercom at tier 3 to get access up that one lift and then head to the alpine SS sales/hut. FACE SHOTS “When I Grow Up” PayDay Party at Moe Joe’s on December 19. Thanks to Reggie & the crew at Coast Mountain Photography for capturing all the smiling faces. Check out the rest of the photos from the night here: www.smurfville.com. Next party is Fri. Jan. 16 at Moe Joe’s and the theme is A PJ PARTY UNDER THE STARS. Check out the poster on page 11. FACE SHOTS Great Gatsby PayDay Party, January 2nd. Check out all of the photos here: www.smurfville.com VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 *SNOW SCHOOL SWAG SALE* C’mon out PAYDAY FRIDAY to pick up some cool WBSS swag. FRIDAY JANUARY 16TH—3:00 to 5:00PM SPRINGS BOARDROOM (2nd floor, above Employee Services, formerly the Staff Pass Centre) CA$H ONLY (sorry, no credit or debit capabilities) Here’s what’s on tap: MERINO WOOL SOCKS (LIMIT 1 PAIR PER PERSON)—$15 SNOW SCHOOL BALL CAP—$15 SNOW SCHOOL SLOUCHY TOQUE—$10 SILICONE WATER BOTTLE—$15 SNOW SCHOOL LONG-SLEEVE SHIRTS (MEN & WOMEN)—$15 WBSS LOGO’D 400UV SUNNIES—$5 SMARTPHONE 3-CARD WALLET—$5 WBSS LOGO’D BAMBOO GIFT SET (NOTEBOOK, PEN/STYLUS & KEYCHAIN)—$15 TRAIL MAP ‘BUFF’—$10 Limited quantities. Sale prices are only valid during the staff sale. EEEVENTS@WHISTLERBLACKCOMB.COM KOKANEE VALLEY RACE SERIES We have our second KVRS race next Thursday January 15th on Blackcomb Mountain. C’mon out! Only $25 to pre-register (be sure to mention you are staff!) or $30 on race day. This is a great opportunity to gain some race experience and includes après and awards at the end of the day, with lots of prizes to be won. Skiers & Snowboarders all welcome. To our Snow School parents out there, we have our first-ever 13 & Under (U14) SnowCross event taking place January 17 & 18. Register your child(ren) now before it sells out! Registration can be made in person at any Guest Relations desk or over the phone by calling 1-800-7660449. VOLUME 7: 9-Jan-2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY 2015 15 KVRS—Blackcomb Mtn 17/18 Never Ever Days 19 Martin Luther King Day 22 KVRS—Whistler Mtn 22 ROOKIE PARTY @ GLC—7:30PM 25 Park Rider Sessions—Location TBD 29 KVRS—Blackcomb Mtn MARCH 2015 4 2015 McConkey Cup—Blk Mtn. 5 KVRS—Blackcomb Mtn 8 Daylight Savings BEGINS, turn clocks AHEAD 1 hour 15 Park Rider Sessions—Blk Pipe 22-31 BC Schools Spring Break 20 First Day of Spring! 20-29 Alberta Spring Break FEBRUARY 2015 4 Town Hall Meeting #2–Hilton Sutcliffe APRIL 2015 3 Good Friday 6 Easter Monday 10-19 World Ski & Snowboard Festival 19 Last day of Winter Operations Room, 4:00—5:30, sign up in RTP 9 12 BC Family Day Seasonal & Volunteer Length of Service 16 US Presidents Day / AB & ON Family Day 19 Chinese New Year 19 KVRS—Blackcomb Mtn 21 King of the Rail (Skiers Plaza, W. Base) 22 Peak to Valley Warm-up Race 27/28 2015 Peak to Valley HANDY LINKS urites) (Save ‘em to your favo 44VCS The Pass: http://bit.ly/1w Check your Schedule: comb.com http://wis.whistlerblack ord: Checkin2015 (case-sensitive) Passw ‘Like’ us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wbschool Join our EXCLUSIVE STAFF-ONLY Facebook Group Page: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/home.php?sk=group_106298792770158&ap=1 ‘Follow’ us on twitter: http://twitter.com/wbschool
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