From Cosmic Birth to Living Earth A Vision for Space Astronomy Beyond the 2020s Astrophysics Science Drivers for HDST A Study Commissioned by the Associated Universities for Research in Astronomy The “Beyond JWST” Committee ! Co-Chairs: Sara Seager (MIT) Julianne Dalcanton (Washington) ! Presenter: Jason Tumlinson (STScI) “Can we find another planet like Earth orbiting a nearby star? To find such a planet would complete the revolution, started by Copernicus nearly 500 years ago, that displaced the Earth as the center of the universe… The observational challenge is great but armed with new technologies… astronomers are poised to rise to it.” ! - New Worlds, New Horizons (Astro 2010) 21st century astronomers are uniquely positioned to “study the evolution of the Universe in order to relate causally the physical conditions during the Big Bang to the development of RNA and DNA.” ! - Riccardo Giacconi The frontier for UVOIR astronomy is to tell the full story of how the Universe gets from Cosmic Birth to Living Earth. From Cosmic Birth to Living Earths Protogalactic Seeds Gas Accretion and Recycling Star Forming Galaxy Star Forming Region 10 Mpc 100 kpc 10 kpc 100 pc 12 billion years ago 8 billion years ago 6 billion years ago 4.8 billion years ago Solar System Solar System Formation Protoplanetary Disk Young Star Cluster 10 AU 500 AU 10000 AU 5 pc today 4.5 billion years ago 4.6 billion years ago 4.7 billion years ago As astonishing as it might be to find life on other worlds, we already know that, alien is it might be, the story of all life in the cosmos arises from galaxies, stars, and planets formed from heavy elements made in stars.! ! Let’s look at five epochs in which HDST is uniquely suited to rewrite important chapters in the story of Cosmic Birth. Cosmic Epochs The Epoch When the Milky Way Formed z=1-4 30-100 pc The Epoch When the Solar System Formed z<1 50-100 pc The Present in Our Galactic Neighborhood < 100 Mpc 1 - 10 pc Star and Planet Formation in Our Galaxy < 10 kpc 10-100 AU Solar Systems like our Own <50 AU 20-100 km HDST: Breaking Resolution Barriers 1 kpc 100 pc star forming region 10 pc HST JWST HDST12 100 pc everywhere in the Universe! 10 pc in the Galactic Neighborhood 1 pc star cluster 0.1 0.3 1 2 3 Redshift 0.1 pc 0.1 pc everywhere in the Local Group 1000 AU 100 AU 100 AU everywhere in the Milky Way protoplanetary disk 10 AU 1 AU solar system 1 AU everywhere in the solar neighborhood 10 pc 100 pc 1 kpc Orion 10 kpc Bulge 100 kpc LMC 1 Mpc M31 10 Mpc 100 Mpc M87/Virgo Coma 1 Gpc Bullet 10 Gpc 24x pixel density UltraHD! SDTV! 3820x2160 720x480 24x image sharpness HST! HDST! 2.4 m 12 m 6 How Did the Milky Way Form from its Earliest Seeds? Epoch z=1-4 Resolution 30-100 pc HST With unique 100 parsec resolution in the optical at all redshifts, HDST can resolve ALL the building blocks of galaxies: individual star forming regions and dwarf satellites, including progenitors of the present-day dwarf spheroidals. HDST’s unique spatial resolution and depth will reveal the full formation history of galaxies like the Milky Way. These high-resolution images will complement ELT and ALMA spectroscopy of the galaxies and their molecular gas. Images simulated by Greg Snyder (STScI) How Did the Milky Way Form from its Earliest Seeds? Epoch z=1-4 Resolution 30-100 pc HST 400 pc With unique 100 parsec resolution in the optical at all redshifts, HDST can resolve ALL the building blocks of galaxies: individual star forming regions and dwarf satellites, including progenitors of the present-day dwarf spheroidals. HDST’s unique spatial resolution and depth will reveal the full formation history of galaxies like the Milky Way. These high-resolution images will complement ELT and ALMA spectroscopy of the galaxies and their molecular gas. Images simulated by Greg Snyder (STScI) How Did the Milky Way Form from its Earliest Seeds? HST Epoch z=1-4 Resolution 30-100 pc JWST 400 pc With unique 100 parsec resolution in the optical at all redshifts, HDST can resolve ALL the building blocks of galaxies: individual star forming regions and dwarf satellites, including progenitors of the present-day dwarf spheroidals. HDST’s unique spatial resolution and depth will reveal the full formation history of galaxies like the Milky Way. These high-resolution images will complement ELT and ALMA spectroscopy of the galaxies and their molecular gas. Images simulated by Greg Snyder (STScI) How Did the Milky Way Form from its Earliest Seeds? HST Epoch z=1-4 Resolution 30-100 pc JWST 400 pc 250 pc With unique 100 parsec resolution in the optical at all redshifts, HDST can resolve ALL the building blocks of galaxies: individual star forming regions and dwarf satellites, including progenitors of the present-day dwarf spheroidals. HDST’s unique spatial resolution and depth will reveal the full formation history of galaxies like the Milky Way. These high-resolution images will complement ELT and ALMA spectroscopy of the galaxies and their molecular gas. Images simulated by Greg Snyder (STScI) How Did the Milky Way Form from its Earliest Seeds? HST Epoch z=1-4 JWST 400 pc Resolution 30-100 pc HDST 250 pc With unique 100 parsec resolution in the optical at all redshifts, HDST can resolve ALL the building blocks of galaxies: individual star forming regions and dwarf satellites, including progenitors of the present-day dwarf spheroidals. HDST’s unique spatial resolution and depth will reveal the full formation history of galaxies like the Milky Way. These high-resolution images will complement ELT and ALMA spectroscopy of the galaxies and their molecular gas. Images simulated by Greg Snyder (STScI) How Did the Milky Way Form from its Earliest Seeds? HST Epoch z=1-4 JWST 400 pc Resolution 30-100 pc HDST 250 pc 100 pc With unique 100 parsec resolution in the optical at all redshifts, HDST can resolve ALL the building blocks of galaxies: individual star forming regions and dwarf satellites, including progenitors of the present-day dwarf spheroidals. HDST’s unique spatial resolution and depth will reveal the full formation history of galaxies like the Milky Way. These high-resolution images will complement ELT and ALMA spectroscopy of the galaxies and their molecular gas. Images simulated by Greg Snyder (STScI) How Do Galaxies Grow, Evolve, and Die? Epoch z=1-4 Resolution 30-100 pc 6 Survey Grasp [degrees / arcsec]2 WFIRST-HLS 4 POSSSII-R UKIDSS-Y UKIDSS-K SDSSIII-z Euclid-WideJ LSST-Y HDST Parallels WFIRST-SN-Wide WISE-3mic WFIRST-SN-Deep Euclid-DeepJ 2 HDST FOV CANDELS-WideJ 0 HDST WISE Hubble JWST WFIRST Euclid JWST NIRCam CDF-S CANDELS-DeepJ JWST NIRCam HUDF-IR -2 20 25 AB Magnitude 30 Deep parallels with high-latitude exoplanet observations, total of ~ 1 year of observing time. Total area of sky will approach ~ 1 deg2, reaching ~ALL star forming galaxies and sees almost all star forming satellites. Total comoving volume at z = 2-3 is roughly equivalent volume of entire SDSS, enabling robust comparisons across cosmic time. The information content of this survey is immense. How Do Galaxies Acquire, Process, and Recycle Their Gas? Epoch z<1 Resolution 10-100 pc How Do Galaxies Acquire, Process, and Recycle Their Gas? Epoch z<1 Resolution 10-100 pc How Do Galaxies Acquire, Process, and Recycle Their Gas? Simulated Milky Way galaxy at z = 0.25 (Joung, Fernandez, Bryan, Putman and Corlies (2012, 2015) 200 kiloparsec Using powerful and unique multiobject UV spectroscopy, HDST will be able to map the “faintest light in the Universe” emitted from gas filaments entering galaxies and energetic feedback headed back out. Epoch z<1 Resolution 10-100 pc How Do Galaxies Acquire, Process, and Recycle Their Gas? Epoch z<1 Resolution 10-100 pc Simulated Milky Way galaxy at z = 0.25 (Joung, Fernandez, Bryan, Putman and Corlies (2012, 2015) 200 kiloparsec Using powerful and unique multiobject UV spectroscopy, HDST will be able to map the “faintest light in the Universe” emitted from gas filaments entering galaxies and energetic feedback headed back out. With UV multiplexing, HDST will be able to map the properties of young stellar clusters and, using them as background sources, the outflows they drive into the ISM and IGM. How Do Galaxies Acquire, Process, and Recycle Their Gas? Epoch z<1 Resolution 10-100 pc Simulated Milky Way galaxy at z = 0.25 (Joung, Fernandez, Bryan, Putman and Corlies (2012, 2015) 200 kiloparsec Using powerful and unique multiobject UV spectroscopy, HDST will be able to map the “faintest light in the Universe” emitted from gas filaments entering galaxies and energetic feedback headed back out. With UV multiplexing, HDST will be able to map the properties of young stellar clusters and, using them as background sources, the outflows they drive into the ISM and IGM. These problems require UV capability and ~ 10 meter aperture. How do Stars End Their Lives? How do they Disperse their Metals? Epoch z<1 Resolution 10-100 pc Wide-field synoptic surveys find a zoo of transients. Aperture Driver: High resolution imaging identifies and characterizes their stellar progenitors and galactic hosts, both key to unraveling causes. LSST 1 Visit LSST Visit HDST may be able to isolate gravity wave sources detected by LIGO. HST 1 hour HDST ! Localization JWST 1 hour HDST 1 hour LSST @ z = 0.5-1 50-100 pc LSST @ z = 0.1 10-30 pc z = 0.356 “Kilonova” from short GRB 130603B NS-NS or NS-BH merger. Tanvir et al. (2013, Nature) LSST @ 100 Mpc < 10 pc How Does Star Formation History Create the Diversity Shapes and Sizes of Galaxies? Volume < 100 Mpc Resolution 1 - 10 pc HST JWST 8m Star formation history sets both chemical evolution and planet formation rates. Elliptical Spiral Dwarf Requires diffraction limited! optical imaging and high PSF stability. Aperture Driver: > 10 m needed to resolve stellar pops down to 1 M⦿ out to the nearest giant ellipticals. What is the Dark Matter? How Does Light Trace Mass? How Does Dark Mass Move? Distance Speed Example 10 pc (nearest stars) 100 pc (nearest SF regions) 10 kpc (entire MW disk) 100 kpc (MW halo) 1 Mpc (Local Group) 10 Mpc (Galactic Neighborhood) 10 cm s 0.2 mph 100 cm s 2.2 mph Goal planets planets in disks Volume < 10 Mpc Resolution 0.1 - 1 pc A 10-meter telescope can measure proper motions to ~ microarcsec / year precision over a ten-year baseline. At this level, virtually everything on the sky moves - every star in the Milky Way and Local Group and every galaxy in the Galactic Neighborhood. DM dynamics in dwarf sats. Aperture driver: A 10+ m is required to reach the motions of virtually ANY Milky Way star, the internal motions of Local Group satellites, and the motions of giant ellipticals in the Virgo cluster (~15 Mpc). 100 km s 3D motions of all LG galaxies System driver: Extremely stable PSF and low-noise detectors are needed to centroid objects to a few thousandths of a pixel. 100 km s cluster dynamics 0.1 km s 223 mph 1 km s 2200 mph dissipation of star clusters How Does the IMF Vary with Environment? How and When is the IMF Established? M31 SMC LMC HST Volume < 100 kpc Resolution 10-100 AU How Does the IMF Vary with Environment? How and When is the IMF Established? M31 JWST SMC LMC HST Volume < 100 kpc Resolution 10-100 AU How Does the IMF Vary with Environment? How and When is the IMF Established? HDST can determine robust star-count IMFs down to 0.1-0.2 M⨀ throughout the Local Group. ! including hundreds of new ultrafaint dwarf galaxies to be mapped by LSST. JWST SMC LMC HST M31 Volume < 100 kpc Resolution 10-100 AU How Does the IMF Vary with Environment? How and When is the IMF Established? HDST can determine robust star-count IMFs down to 0.1-0.2 M⨀ throughout the Local Group. ! including hundreds of new ultrafaint dwarf galaxies to be mapped by LSST. M31 Volume < 100 kpc Resolution 10-100 AU 30 Doradus in the ! Large Magellanic Cloud Most Sun-like stars are born in clusters that too dense for Hubble to resolve individual stars: 10-100 stars / arcsec2. JWST UV light provides a direct estimate of stellar accretion rate from the protostellar disk, but only if single stars can be resolved (>10 meter aperture for the Magellanic Clouds). SMC LMC HST Resolving individual stars allows direct measurements of the stellar IMF (e.g. holy grail) and direct UV / optical estimates of accretion rate for stars still embedded in their disks. How to Planets Form in Disks? What Are They Made Of? < 10 kpc 10-100 AU AU Microscopii @ 10 pc HDST can watch planets form and influence their disks at 1-3 AU spatial resolution out to ~200 pc (~100 times the volume of HST). HST/ACS 64 pc Resolve individual giant planets and their dynamical clearing of disk gaps. HDST images complemented by ALMA maps of remaining molecular gas and dust at similar resolution. 54 pc HST/NICMOS TW Hydrae UV Driver: use star as background source to obtain disk abundances of C, N, O, Si, Fe that strongly influence planet mass and composition. Aperture driver: only 10+m reaches ~1-3 AU resolution over significant volume of the Galaxy. What Are The Building Blocks of the Solar System Made Of? Pluto' 210'km'at'40'AU' Volume <50 AU Resolution 20-100 km HST' Charon' Remnants'and'Building'Blocks' Sun'Planet'Connec4on' The'Solar'System:' A'laboratory'for'planet'forma4on'and'evolu4on' HDST' HST' UV Io' 22'km'at'5'AU' Dynamics'and'Weather' Ac4ve'Worlds' Enceladus' 40'km'at'10'AU' UV Europa' HST' HDST' HST' Neptune' 200'km'at'38'AU' HDST' With its unique spatial resolution and UV capability, HDST will open new avenues in Solar System research. What can a >10 meter space telescope do? . . . resolve every galaxy in the Universe to 100 parsec or better. . . ! . . . detect virtually every star-forming galaxy at the epoch when the Milky Way formed. . . ! . . . observe individual supernovae at the dawn of cosmic time. . . ! . . . see the nearly invisible diffuse gas feeding galaxies. . . ! . . . watch the motion of virtually any star in the Local Group. . . ! . . . observe objects the size of Manhattan at the orbit of Jupiter . . . . . . which allows us to map the galactic, stellar, and planetary environments where life forms, and follow the chemical ingredients of life itself, over the 14 billion year history of the Universe. Aperture Drivers ExoEarths Detect dozens of ExoEarths in highcontrast direct images. ! Obtain deep spectroscopy of the leading candidates for biomarker searches. UV Drivers Observe flares on exoplanet host stars to measure incident UV radiation and veto possible biomarker false postives. z=1-4 Resolve ALL galaxies to 100 parsec or better, to individual SF regions. z<1 Identify stellar progenitors and host environments for diverse transients, key to unraveling causes. Reach > 100s of background QSOs/AGN for outflow and IGM/CGM studies. Detect UV emission from gas accreting into and ejected from galaxies. Detect hot plasma ejected by SMBHs acting as feedback on their galaxies. < 100 Mpc Resolve stellar pops down to 1 M⦿ out to the nearest giant ellipticals. . . . . . and to watch the motions of virtually ANY Milky Way star, Local Group satellites, and giant ellipticals in the Virgo cluster (~15 Mpc). Use UV MOS/IFU to dissect multiphase gas feedback flows in nearby galaxies. Examine protoplanetary disks at ~1-3 AU resolution out to > 100 pc. . . Measure protostellar accretion rates from UV continuum and lines out to MCs. . . . and resolve individual stars in young clusters everywhere in the MW and Magellanic Clouds. . . . and obtain disk abundances of C, N, O, Si, Fe (from UV lines) that strongly influence planet mass and composition. Resolve surface and cloud features down to 50 km at outer planets and 200 km at Kuiper belt. Detect emission from planetary coronae, satellite plasma ejecta (and geysers!) < 100 kpc <50 AU From Cosmic Birth to Living Earth We recommend that NASA and its international partners proceed towards constructing a general purpose, long-life, space-based observatory that is capable of finding planets showing signs of life. Such an observatory would be able to survey hundreds of planetary systems and detect dozens of Earth-like planets in the habitable zones around their stars. It would also radically advance every area of astronomy from galaxy formation to star and planet formation, and from black hole physics to solar system objects. This observatory will have unique power to transform our understanding of life and its origins in the cosmos in ways that are unreachable by a smaller telescope in space or larger ones on the ground.
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