The week of January 11, 2015 Sunday, January 11 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:20 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Childcare, Nursery/Muscle Room Fresh Spirit, Knox Commons Sunday School (preschool), Rooms 103, 104, 303, 304 Coffee Hour, Knox Commons Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Room 305 Adult Education, Session Room Sandwich Making for St. John’s Church (grades 4-6), Knox Commons Sunday School (preschool), Rooms 103, 301, 303, 304, Youth Room Traditional Worship Service Youth Group, Youth Room and Knox Commons Monday, January 12 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Budget and Finance Committee, Knox Room Book Group, Marjorie P. Lee, 3550 Shaw Ave 45208 Building and Grounds Committee, Library Tuesday, January 13 4:30 PM 7:00 PM Personnel Committee, Library Nia Class, Classroom 301 Wednesday, January 14 7:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 7:00 PM Prayer Fellowship, Library Staff Meeting, Knox Room Women’s Fellowship, Knox Commons Women’s Bible Study, Beechwood Home, 2140 Pogue Ave 45208 Thursday, January 15 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal, Bell Room Knox Knits Gathering, Library Knox Choir, Chapel and Sanctuary Friday, January 16 Saturday, January 17 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM Knox Preschool “Breakfast with Frosty”, Knox Commons Memorial Service, Lana Rogers, Sanctuary Memorial Service Reception, Lana Rogers, Social Hall Memorial Service, Dorothy Krone, Sanctuary Sunday, January 18 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:20 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Childcare, Nursery/Muscle Room Fresh Spirit, Knox Commons Sunday School, Rooms 103, 104, 303, 304 Coffee Hour, Knox Commons Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Room 305 Adult Education, Session Room Sunday School, Rooms 103, 301, 303, 304, Youth Room Traditional Worship Service Youth Group, Youth Room and Knox Commons Announcements and Opportunities Sunday, January 11, 2015 3400 Michigan Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45208 Phone: 513-321-2573 Fax: 513-321-2750 Hosts Needed for Coffee Hour We welcome you for refreshments and fellowship each Sunday at 10:15 AM, Knox Commons. If you would like to host Coffee Hour for weeks remaining in January, please contact Christine Carli ( A Service of Wholeness and Healing We yearn, O Christ, for wholeness, and for your healing touch … We believe God’s purpose for us all is a life of wholeness, as the life and teachings of Jesus express. As the church, called to be a healing community in the world, we invite you to gather with us for a service of song, meditation, prayers for healing, and celebration of the Lord’s Supper, Wednesday, January 21, 7:00 PM, Sanctuary. For more information, contact Jana Reister (, 513-321-2573 x106. The Book Group invites you! Next Gathering: Monday, January 12, 7:00 PM at Marjorie P. Lee 3550 Shaw Ave Cincinnati, OH 45208, in Lee Library. The book is: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Questions? Please contact Becky Gibbs ( Knox Worship and the Seasonal Flu Recent data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) predicts a severe 2014-2015 flu season. Let's do all we can to protect ourselves and each other while continuing to worship together by getting a flu shot and practicing everyday precautions like: covering our coughs and sneezes, using hand sanitizer in worship as needed, and by staying home when ill until fever free for at least 24 hours without use of medication. Please visit for more detailed information and updates. Are you missing your portrait? Everyone who sat for a LifeTouch portrait receives a free 8 x 10 or wallet collection. Your photos were sent to the church, unless you specified another address. Please check the Michigan Avenue lobby for a box labeled “Lifetouch portraits”. Yours may be in there! Opportunities to Grow and Serve TODAY begins an exciting new weekly Bible study following the Fresh Spirit worship service. At 10:20 AM in the Session Room, Knox Pastors and members will facilitate this 30-minute class offering examination and reflection on the meaning of the weekly sermon scripture. Join us for discussion on how this passage may influence you and provide guidance for Knox Church. Today’s facilitator is Pastor Adam Fronczek. Each Sunday meeting will be held at 10:20 AM in the Session Room. Sunday, January 25 – 9:15 AM, Chapel; Dr. Earl Rivers and the Knox Choir will preview the upcoming works of the Knox Music Series (3/8/15 at 2:00 PM). Works will feature Mozart’s Vespers K. 339 and Haydn’s Harmoniemesse (Wind Band Mass). Both are among the composers’ most popular works. Beyond Pop Art: A Trip to the Art Museum TODAY Knox Church members and friends visit the Cincinnati Art Museum exhibition of Tom Wesselmann’s work. His subject matter is traditional – nudes, landscapes, still lifes and interiors, moving to abstractions late in his career. The retrospective closes Sunday, January 18. Meet at the Museum Café for lunch at 12:30 PM. Lunch is on your own. Please sign up today at the Michigan Avenue desk so we can provide the Café with the number who will be eating there. The docent-led tour will follow at 2:00 PM. We will meet for the tour in the Great Hall. If you wish to come for the tour only, please note that on the tour sheet. Questions? Call Peg Halberstadt at 513-247-1672. Soup and Sweaters Sunday, February 1, dress casually in your favorite sweater or Knox sweatshirt! We’ll have one worship service at 10:00 AM, the Congregational Meeting at 11:00 AM, immediately followed by the congregational luncheon in the Commons where we’ll enjoy a delicious bowl of soup, hearty bread, dessert and fellowship! Please bring the item listed below according to the first letter of your last name: A – H: Bring 1 dozen cookies, brownies, bars, or any other "finger” desserts. J – Q: Bring 1 cup fresh or frozen, cut up veggies. R – Z: Bring 1 loaf of bakery bread (French, Italian, etc., pre-sliced is welcomed!) We are going "green" again this year. We encourage you to bring your own soup bowls, cups, plates, and silverware from home. We’ll have a rinsing station. Veggies, breads, and desserts can all be dropped off at the Knox Kitchen prior to the 10:00 AM worship service. Members of the Growth and Outreach Committee will be on hand to assist you. Questions? Contact Rich Wilson ( Women’s Bible Study All women are welcome each 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM, at Beechwood Home, Private Dining Room, 2140 Pogue Avenue, Cincinnati. We gather next on Wednesday, January 13. We’ll continue with the study, “Living the Questions” – you may join in at any time. Questions? Contact Jana Reister ( or 513-321-2573). We hope to see you there! Women’s Fellowship The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 14, at 10:30 AM in the Knox Commons. Come discover the history of Presbyterian Women and how they make a difference in the world. Susan Maier, Knox member, will offer some history and help you see how you make a difference, locally and globally. A luncheon will follow - cost $8. Please email your reservation to Phyllis Wahl ( Remember in Your Prayers Those serving our country … Matt Anderson, Matt Buchert, Joseph Elkin, Cody Ison, Scott Johnson, Jordan Lorenzen, Blake Lyon, Paul Moody, Alison Park, Johna Rhame, Nick Robinson, Timothy Sowder, Michael Spada Concerns … Blythe, a friend of Madeleine Ludlow; William “Sonny” Blalock, father of Emily Seger; Jeff and Christi Boyd and family, PC(USA) Mission Co-workers in Congo; Jeanne Crandell; Bob and Mary Crosset; Mike Gangloff; Sally Gibbs; The Rev. Drs. Steve and Cinda Gorman, PC(USA) Personnel; Debbie Goettsche; Jim Harris, friend of the Constables; Pauline Heinisch, mother of Karen Grout; the Rev. L.P. Jones and family; Jeff, Debbie, and Preston Krumpelman; Patricia Latessa; Michelle Mazzeo; Garritt Meyers, uncle of Anne Mulder; Matthew Morgan, son of Greg and Julie Morgan; Amanda Pott, friend of Leslie Jacobs; Mary Rittenhouse; Reva Schell, mother of Jessica Robinson; Myrna Smith; John Warner; Olivia Zahn, friend of Louise Fallon Death … Lana Rogers (12/31/14); Dorothy Krone, mother of Carol Philpott (1/2/15); Joseph C. Toman III (12/21/14), father and father-in-law of Joe and Lori Toman. We rejoice in the resurrection in Jesus Christ and thank God for their lives. Memorial service dates and times can be found in the calendar on today’s announcements. 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