“Knowing Jesus, we love and care for all, through the power of Christ.” -First Lutheran Church Mission Statement to be made flesh in our midst in a fragile, helpless infant, born to poor peasant parents. One of the early Christian leaders, Iranaeus, said that in Christ “The Divine became human so that humanity could become part of the Divine.” In other words, “God-made-flesh” in Christ means that we need to look at all humanity in a new way, as incarnating, or embodying the Divine! God is made flesh still today in you and me, and everyone we en- “God Made Flesh” The Steeple News FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH EAST GREENWICH, RI Yesterday at church we had a service of lessons and carols. This is a service where different readers read select readings, beginning with the book of Genesis, showing the whole salvation history - the history of God’s saving love - that culminates in Christ. The final reading is read by the pastor, which in our case means read by me. I therefore had the privilege of reading the exquisite prologue to the JANUARY 2015 Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What came into being in him was Life, and the Life was the Light of all people. The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it… And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory (literally, brilliant light), the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth… From his fullness we all have received, grace upon grace.” (John 1: 1-5; 14, 16) The older I get the more the mystery and the miracle of the incarnation - the mystery and miracle of God made flesh - speaks to me. For Christians the Incarnation speaks first and foremost of Christ: God made flesh in Christ. But part of the mystery and miracle of Christmas is that this Christ, this Godmade-flesh, did not come in the kind of flesh people expected. God is always a God of surprises, as one of my close friends, who radiates God’s presence, always says to me. The world expected God made flesh in a powerful warrior King, who would achieve military and political power over the hated, oppressive Roman Emperor and his Empire. Instead God chose counter! God is made flesh then, at the time of Christ’s birth, as now, in the most surprising people; the fragile and powerless of today, the unexpected, surprising people we encounter. Many Christians are horriPastor Linda fied when they discover Forsberg that we do not really know when Christ was born. We celebrate it on December 25 mostly because of the winter solstice, which is about the returning of Light. For Christians we celebrate Christ as the Light of the world, the Light which no darkness can overcome. For Christians on the twelfth day of Christmas, January 6, we celebrate the Feast of Epiphany, remembering the journey of the Magi, wise persons (Magi could be male or female), who travelled from afar, following the appearance of a star, and ancient prophecies, which were not even part of their own religious tradition, which signaled the birth of a great new leader, the Messiah, or “anointed one.” Today the word “Epiphany” has come into popular usage. People say, “I had an Epiphany,” when they have made a new realization, when something previously hidden in darkness has been brought into the light of their realization. Literally the word “epiphany” is from the Greek, and means a manifestation, a showing Page 2 THE STEEPLE NEWS forth. For Christians God is shown forth or made manifest in Christ. In the early church Epiphany celebrated three things: Christ’s birth, the acknowledgment of Christ by the Magi, and Christ’s baptism, all of these signifying God made manifest. As time went on the Christian church designated “God-made-flesh” also in the sacraments. God is literally incarnate, or made tangible or concrete for us in something as simple as bread, and as a cup of wine or juice. Christians also designate the community, the Christian Church, as “the body of Christ.” In other words, God is made flesh for us in one another. The older I get the more I see how all things are connected. I see how all faith traditions say essentially the same thing: That God is made flesh in everyone we encounter, so we are to treat everyone with the reverence with which we treat God. As a yoga practitioner and instructor, I emphasize this at the conclusion of every yoga practice. We say, “Namaste.” “Namaste” literally means, “May the holy one in me acknowledge the holy one in you.” In this season of Christmas and of Epiphany, in this season of returning Light, In this season when we welcome a New Year, May we welcome a new way of seeing all that is. May we see the Christ, the Holy One, the Divine, in all we encounter, and may we reflect the Christ, the Holy One, the Divine to all we encounter. The Vicar’s Column Happy New Year friends! It is now 2015 and I am coming up on the halfway point of my tenure here at First Lutheran and boy what a great first half it’s been! We have done a lot of experimenting this past year, and I thought I would highlight some of those programs that worked, some that didn’t, and changes we have in mind for this upcoming year. First, and perhaps the most notable is that we have added a fourth worship service called “Organic Worship”. This has been a lot of fun! We’ve moved to the Oceans of Grace building, giving us a more flexible space to try new creative ways of doing church. Several of you have mentioned interest in playing with the band or lending your voice in prayer or preaching. This is exactly what we are looking for! If you are interested in helping out, leading, or participating in any way, please e-mail me at bbetkoski@gmail.com Secondly, we began an intergenerational Sunday school on Wednesday nights called “Table Talk”. Let me be the first to say that not all experiments are successful. We ran into complications with the curriculum, the time, and other program issues. Basically, it flopped. But that is OK . I swear! As Pastor Linda always says, we evaluate our programs to keep what works and let go what doesn’t in order to always be made better. You’ve requested something more kid-friendly, and we hear you. You’ve offered a lot of good suggestions. Keep your ears open in the weeks ahead for more information on some fun, new ideas we have for this year that will include ways to develop spirituality with your family at home, as well as more intentional activities for our younger children in church. Finally – please know I am always interested in feedback. Whether it is things you liked or didn’t like in a sermon, suggestions on ways to improve worship, or just a desire to grab a cup of coffee and chat, I would love to talk with you. 2015 will be an exciting year for church. I am glad to be with you for it! God bless. Vicar Brett Youth News January 2015 Happy New Year, Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, too! Confirmation Classes: Classes this month will be held on the 7th and 21st. As usual, we will have dinner prep at 5:00, dinner at 5:45, and class from 7:00 to 8:30. We will be continuing to investigate and discuss the Hebrew Bible with activities and creative projects. Service: This month we have the Homeless Campout/Fundraiser on Martin Luther King weekend. We start at 12:00PM on Saturday, January 17th when we set up the shelter on the front lawn of the Oceans of Grace building. The campout ends on Sunday at 12:00PM. On Saturday we will have a group of youth attend Church Beyond Walls in Providence, while another group stays on site to pan-handle and draw attention to the issue of homelessness in America and Rhode Island. THE STEEPLE NEWS Page 3 Youth (cont’d) Youth will pan-handle at all worship services on Saturday and Sunday. Proceeds raised will go to the RI Family Shelter in Warwick. We will have evening activities including a movie, and then we will be sleeping outside in the shelter. Friends of youth are encouraged to attend, but I must speak with their parents first. Fellowship: In addition to the Homeless Campout/Fundraiser, I'd like to start the Friday movie nights again, starting January 30th at 6:00PM. I would need another parent/adult (21 or over) to help chaperone, and I'll take movie suggestions! Also, I'd like to get the Nerd Herd started up again. There are a lot of great winter activities that we could check out, like museums, cool book stores, and other shows. Tell me if you're interested and have ideas. Keep the Peace, Carrie Koslofsky What’s Happening Sisters of Spirit (SOS) will meet on Thursday, January 8 at 7 pm. This month’s gathering will be led by Vicar Brett because Pastor Linda is away. The location has not yet been determined; as soon as it is, everyone will be sent contact info and directions. Sisters in Service (SIS) will not meet in January. Our next meeting will be on the second Friday in February to work on Valentine Day treats for our shut-ins. Bring a bag lunch; coffee and dessert will be provided. All women are welcome, so please bring a friend or two. Happy New Year. Grief Support In 2006 we started a grief ministry here at First Lutheran Church. We offer booklets that can be mailed as needed to people who are grieving. These small booklets are an outreach offered by Connie Slick, who is happy to send them to anyone in the church or in the community who needs comfort but may not be ready for a group setting. If you need to talk, or would like these books, or more info, please call Connie at 401-560-0365 or email at cslick@cox.net. Page 4 THE STEEPLE NEWS What’s Happening More Cold Weather Ahead It’s still winter, and kids still need warm clothing. As your children outgrow their winter coats and boots, remember that there are children in our community who need those items. Please continue to donate your muchneeded warm clothing, coats, boots, and blankets to our Clothed in Christ Thrift Shop. WE THANK YOU A special thanks to everyone who supported our Community Thrift Shop this year--our wonderful, generous volunteers and all of you who took the time and made the effort to bring donations. Thanks to all for helping to make a difference. Kathy Wilkinson Announcement Submissions for the 2014 Annual Report are due on Friday, January 16th, 2015. Page 5 THE STEEPLE NEWS Page 6 THE STEEPLE NEWS Month of January Mondays January 5, 12, 19, 26 Quilts from the Heart January 19 - Dr. Martin Luther King Day; office will be closed 1-3:00 PM Tuesdays January 6, 13, 20, 27 Thrift Shop Food Pantry Victor Fitness - Call 447-3201 to reserve a spot 9-Noon 10:00 AM-Noon 6:30-7:45 PM Wednesdays January 7, 14, 21, 28 January 7 - Bible Study resumes 10:30 AM January 7 - Adult Choir resumes 6:30-7:45 PM January 7 - Hand Bells resume January 7 & 21 - Confirmation dinner prep January 7 & 21 - Confirmation dinner 5:00 PM 5:45 PM January 7 & 21 - Confirmation class and Christian education 7:00 PM January 21 - Yoga resumes 9:00 AM 7:45 – 8:30 PM Thursdays January 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Kids’ Karate Beginners 4:00-4:30 PM Advanced 4:45-5:30 PM Victor Fitness - Call 447-3201 to reserve a spot January 1 - New Year’s Day; the office will be closed. January 8 - SOS (Sisters of Spirit) meeting, led by Vicar Brett, will take place 6:30-7:45 PM 7:00 PM at a yet-to-be-determined and announced location. January 15 - Monthly Book Group resumes at Ed’s Roost, 357 Main St. Noon E. G. New book: “Love Wins” by Rob Bell January 15 - Church Council meeting 7:00 PM THE STEEPLE NEWS Page 7 Month of January (cont’d) Fridays January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 January Property Committee Meeting - date will be announced Thrift Shop No SIS (Sisters in Service) in January January 16 - Annual Report submissions are due 9-Noon Saturdays January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Thrift Shop Worship 9-Noon 5:00 PM - No Spanish Café in January - January 3 - Monthly Potluck Supper January 10 and 24 - Men’s Saturday Bible Fellowship January 17 - Church Beyond Walls, Providence Carpool from church January 17 - Healing Prayer Service during the 5pm worship January 17 - Intern Committee, Time and Location TBA January 17 - Youth Homeless Awareness Weekend begins 6:00 PM 8:30-10 AM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM Noon Sundays January 4, 11, 18, 25 Worship Youth and Family Worship January 18 - Homeless Awareness Campout concludes 8 & 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Noon Page 8 THE STEEPLE NEWS Please keep the following special intentions in your prayers Rose Florio, one of the “Sandwich Ladies,” suffered a bit of a setback. Please keep her in your prayers. Janet Lofgren passed away on December 19 following a long illness. Please send prayers of comfort and peace to her family. Doug Riggs is recovering at home following an emergency appendectomy. Get-well wishes can be sent to 76 Cindy Ann Dr., E. Greenwich, RI 02818. Thank you for your prayers. Jeff Beier’s father, who lives in Michigan, is experiencing rapidly failing health. Please send prayers of strength and comfort to Jeff’s father and the entire family. Kelly Powers, at the loss of her grandmother. Please send prayers of comfort and peace to the family. Condolences can be sent to 44 Law St., Warwick, RI 02889. Jon Daly, at the loss of his mother, Carol, who passed away unexpectedly after Thanksgiving. Please send prayers of comfort and peace to Jon and his family. Condolences can be sent to 206A Nooseneck Hill Rd., Exeter, RI 02822. Hannah Lambert, age 10, is recovering from back surgery. Please pray for comfort, strength and a complete recovery. Get-well wishes can be sent to 49 Meadow Sweet Trail, Saunderstown, RI 02874. Erica, who is undergoing medical procedures. Please pray for good outcomes. Whitfield Family, friends of Kristi Tesler, at the passing of Dave Whitfield – father of five and loving husband. Please send prayers of comfort and peace to the family during this difficult time. Barbara Riggs, Doug’s mother, continues to need your prayers as she battles cancer. Susan Burns continues to need your prayers as she mourns the loss of her sister, Priscilla Sutter. Charlene Henderson and family, at the tragic loss of her young-adult son, Brenton. Please send prayers of comfort and peace to Charlene and her family. Condolences can be sent to 20 Phillips Rd., E Greenwich, RI 02818. .Brian and Michaela Otrando, (son and daughter-in-law of Patti Otrando), on the tragic, unexpected death of their ten-year-old daughter, Emily. Please send prayers of comfort and peace to the entire family. Condolences can be sent to Patti Otrando, 22 Sandpiper Dr., W Warwick, RI 02893. Heather Ryan is recovering at home from brain surgery. Please keep her in your prayers. Alicia Horan Cranston, Sandé Horan’s daughter, has regained mobility. Please keep her in your prayers. Jody Wilson, Brenda Audet’s sister, has finished her radiation treatments. Please continue to pray for her as she undergoes chemotherapy. Tom and Patty Burdick are struggling with serious health issues. Please keep them in your prayers. Cards of encouragement can be sent to the family at 25 George Arden Dr., Warwick, RI 02886. Roy Paul Menard, Debbie Frenze’s father, is doing well. Thank you for your prayers. Margaret Snyder, Liz Tierney’s mother needs prayers of comfort and strength, as do Liz and Matt. Tricia Sacha needs prayers of comfort and peace as she mourns the passing of her father, Ed Vient. Shelley McMillen, a friend of Rose Miceli, needs prayers of strength, comfort and healing. Gail Boranian Cathy Janis Steven Sarah Davis Florence St. Jean Betsy Robert W. PAR Mary Pagel A.C. John Hazard’s Family Page 9 THE STEEPLE NEWS John Pease Tom The Family of Pamela Holmes Kenley Karen J.M.M. Norma Ariel and Dylan John’s Family Tony Ann Miller Lisa Keri Miller Kelly Powers Mary Ellen Malloy Danielle DeCesare Narcisa Ortega Nikki Trupiano Lynne Alex Egan Meg Noyes Sheree Elaine Carolyn Gardner Kevin and Linda James James Pease David Sansone, Jr. Fay Masterson Debby The ELCA and our Bishop, Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, New England Synod and our Bishop, Rev. James Hazelwood Our pastor, council president, church staff, church officers & leaders Our nation & our leaders and all those serving in the armed forces Our children & grandchildren Our confirmation youth & mentors OUR SENIOR AND SHUT-IN MEMBERS: PLEASE SEND CARDS OF CHEER OR TAKE TIME TO VISIT Evelyn Sprague, Westview Nursing and Rehab Center, 239 Legris Ave., W. Warwick, 02893 Ursula Mouradjian has returned home to 35 Elberta St., Warwick Betty Chappelle, West Bay Manor 2483 West Shore Rd., # 28 Warwick, RI 02889 Helen Anthony, West Bay Manor, 2483 West Shore Rd., Warwick, RI 02889 Karina Hammond, 352 Shore Acres Ave. N. Kingstown, RI 02852 Margaret Widyn, Please send cards of cheer to: 9 Coleridge Place, Greenlawn, NY 11740. Jean Martorella, Philip’s mom, at Harbor Hill Manor Chotsie Pennington, The Elms at 22 Elm St., Westerly, RI 02891 Tiina Uustal, Evergreen House Health Center, Evergreen Dr., E Providence, RI 02914 Russell Johnson, Sr., 4000 Post Rd., Warwick, RI 02886 Sue Brown, 355 Hardig Rd. Apt. B110, Warwick, RI 02886. Claire Burke, West Shore Health Center, 110 West Shore Rd., Warwick, RI 02889. Ernie Anderson, The Seasons, 5 St. Elizabeth’s Way, E Greenwich, RI 02818 Barbara and Al LaPlume 307 Shippeetown Rd., EG 02818-1117 Ann Kilguss, is at Greenwich Bay Manor, 945 Main St., E Greenwich, RI 02818 Kathleen Weber, West Bay Manor 2483 West Shore Rd., Warwick, RI 02889 Page 10 THE STEEPLE NEWS F ir s t L uthe r a n C hur ch E a s t Gr e e nw i ch, RI 118 Division Street East Greenwich, RI 02818 Phone: 401-884-5572 Fax: 401- 884-3922 Email: office@firstlutheraneg.org sure visit BeBe sure to to visit Pastor Linda’s Blog: Pastor Linda’s Blog: www.lifeasspiritualadventure.org www.lifeasspiritualadventure.org the web n o e r ’ e W eg.org n a r e h t u l first Check this out: www.oceansofgraceri.org All Are Welcome in God’s House CHURCH DIRECTORY WINTER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday – 5 PM Worship Sunday - 8 & 9 AM Worship 10:30 AM Youth and Family Worship All services with Holy Communion SERVING Pastor: Rev. Dr. Linda R. Forsberg Vicar: Brett Hertzog Betkoski Secretary: Evelyn Athanas Minister of Music: Philip Martorella Choir Director: Brad Logan Youth Director: Carrie Koslofsky Office Assistant: Patricia Deschane Web Designer: Dan Kellerman CHURCH COUNCIL ( ) INDICATES LIAISON Church officers: President: Matthew Dolan Vice President: Dr. Joseph Rodgers Secretary: David Kulm Members at large Josh Hendrickson Jack Bullock Kathy Perkins Diane Amaral Patti Reslow Thomas Joyce Julie Donatelli Appointed by Council Treasurer: Paul Swanson Assistant Treasurer: Joe Rochira Financial Secretary: Nicole Ericson Assistant Financial Secretary: David Diepholz Recording Financial Secretary: Donna Horan PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Nicole Ericson, Co-Chairperson, Maura McKone, Co-Chairperson Russell Johnson Lou Sansone Pam Johnson The Steeple News design by: Donna M. Horan
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