Z ION ’ S J OURNEY Rooted in Faith * Growing in Spirit * Reaching Out to Those in Need FROM THE PASTOR: January 2015 “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 This is the scripture verse that we on the call committee keep coming back to as we fulfill our charge to discern who the future second pastor at Zion will be. The committee has been hard at work since last March writing a profile of our church that is shared with potential candidates. They have reviewed five profiles of candidates submitted to us from the SD Synod office and interviewed three candidates. Due to various reasons none of these persons were the one God had planned for us. We did not receive any more names in the months of October and November. This did not surprise us since families generally choose not to move during the winter months or over the holidays. Pastors with children also hesitate to remove them from school prior to the holidays. So we anticipated waiting a few months for seminary graduates to be assigned to synods (March) before we received any new names. And then lo and behold, we received a name of a possible candidate the third week in December. The call committee will meet after the first of the year to discuss the candidate’s profile and to decide if an interview will occur. Some of you have been asking why it has taken so long to find a second pastor. Well, the average length of time it takes to call a pastor is approximately two years. And we have been in the process only nine months. Rest assured the committee is prayerfully discerning God’s direction in this process. Once we have interviewed a candidate, we will decide if we should offer the call. If the person accepts we will have a “meet and greet” with the congregation with a vote to follow a couple of weeks later. But that remains in the future. Right now, we patiently trust that God is at work behind the scenes and we remember his promise to us, “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 Please keep the call committee in your prayers. Blessings, Pastor Marcia 2014 GENERAL FUND Attendance Zion’s General Fund needs to take in an average of $28,000.00 each month to meet monthly obligations. Zion Core Values: STEADFAST (IN) FAITH Dec. 7 & Advent $5,745.00 112/94 Dec. 14 & Advent $7,668.00 125/91 Dec. 21 & Advent $5,745.00 98/213 Christmas Eve $4,769.50 208/116 Dec. 28 $2,663.50 79/57 Preschool Fund 2 $2,293.05 "Get to Know You" Spotlight Person For the Month of January 2015 “Larry Stroschein” HOPE LOVE PRAYER NEW MEMBERS If you are interested in joining the congregation, contact the church office, Pastor Marcia, at 225-6755or indicate your desire to join on the welcome pads during worship. Then, you will be contacted by Zion’s Welcome & Outreach Committee who will answer any questions you might have about Zion. We will welcome new members into our family of faith on Sunday, January 25th at both services. If you know of someone who has expressed interest in joining us in serving the Lord, please have them contact Pastor Marcia at 225-6755. Our Bedrock Beliefs *Amazing Grace God loves us unconditionally *Sweet Hour of Prayer - God promises to listen and hear our prayers * I Lay My Sins on Jesus -God forgives our sins * My Faith Looks Up to Thee - Faith Welcome to Zion. * Born and raised: Born in Aberdeen, raised in rural Brown County near Warner, SD. * Education: Graduated from Warner High School. * Family history: Parents: Les & Elsie Stroschein (deceased); 1 sister, Lynette Goehring in Yankton; 4 grown children; and 7 grandchildren. Married Sharon Raetzman in 1965. *Member of Zion for how long: Have attended since my church closed, First Church of Christ, Scientist. * What I like about Zion: The people who attend Zion and the pastors. * How I’ve been involved in my Church: Have helped with some extra fundraising. * My favorite part of Zion is: Easter season and Christ is risen! * What my Church means to me: A place to gather for prayer and fellowship. *Best time of year at Zion: Spring when new life * What I would like to see more of at Zion: Young families joining and participating. * Last dream I had: That I got drafted back into the US Army (it was more of a nightmare). * Last gift I gave: I gave all the grandchildren money for Christmas. * Last time I cried: When my tractor burned up. * My favorite ... Color - blue Sport - baseball - Hobby - sitting in my Archie Bunker chair - Activity checking my cattle - Movie - “42” Food - steak - Vegetable - radishes Clothes - blue jeans - Music - Rock ’n Roll - Indulgence - my new 6-wheeler ATV - “Spike” - Proudest moment paid off the note on my farm. * If I could change things in this world it would be - 1 Have a new source of energy. Eliminate carbon fuels. 2. All nations sell their war machines. 3. Everyone in the world would get along. * The one thing people don’t know about me is: That I read slowly - and am a poor speller. *A perfect day is when: The wind is not blowing and the sun is shining. * My biggest challenge in life: Was hanging onto my family farm during the ag crises in the 1980’s. Everyone, sooner or later, will be in the “spotlight”! Committee members: Gary Job (chair), Sharon Stroschein, Sharon Paranto, and Kathy Job Hub City Brew Special Offering for the Month of January is Salvation Army Food Pantry. Please see the bulletin board for more information. PRAYER CHAIN REQUESTS If you have any prayer requests, call the Church Office at 2256755 or Elsie Geffre at 225-7488 with the person’s name and information. Tuesday, January 27th, 7:00 PM at Mazatlán Restaurant A gathering of 20s-30s once a month to talk about faith and life and be in community with one other. Pull up a chair! www.hubcitybrew.org Memorial Gis For From RADIO SPONSORSHIPS Sponsorships are available for the next several months. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the new narthex. We are heard at 8:30 am on KSDN radio (930 AM). The cost of sponsoring a week's broadcast is $105.00. One family or an individual can pay this, divide it into half, or even divide it into three parts. Please help us by signing up to sponsor one of our Sunday worship services. We need you to keep this important ministry going. Van Rides Van rides are available for both the 8:30 am or 10:00 am (summer) or 10:45 AM services. Please call the church office at 225-6755 by 12:00 noon on Friday for a ride. Or leave a message on the answering machine. WOMEN’S MEETING The ZLCW Executive Board will meet on Saturday, January 10th at 9:00 AM. Howard Kuebler Ruth Leicht Esther Gienger Maxine Smith Natalie Heyd Elroy Kaul Gerald Bendewald Alvin Ottenbacher Alice VandenAkker Marion Lehr Ashley Rosand Barbara Wagemann Belinda Rohwedder Burden Rose Gienger Art Rau Marlys Johnson June Friske Scott Weller Erma Wahl Geraldine Winchester Alma Vilhauer Lenhardt Voegele Gerald Arnold Howard Kuebler Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Gladys Melcher ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Capital Improvement ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW ZLCW Manor Care ABERDEEN HEALTH AND REHAB Adam Reich Robert Jarvis LaVerna Schumacher Mother Joseph Doris Hansen Emily Wagner Angelhaus Dorothy Heinrich Delores Hilgemann Florence Marzolf Nano Nagle Howard\Hazel Martell Towne Square Hildegard Gugel Bethesda Home Gottlieb Gienger Golden Living Anna Stern Center -Groton, SD Olivia Bendewald Eureka, SD Christ Schumacher BIBLE STUDY & SMALL GROUP OPPORTUNITIES YAH!, Evening Study Group for Women: Young at Heart, a group for Minnesota Helen Tichota Minnesota Walt & Ella Klingman California Erna Schmierer women of all ages, meets Thursday, January 8th at 7:00 pm. Contact Person: Vicki Carlson Zion’s Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl group will meet on January 5th. 2:30 for knitting and crocheting together; 3:40 for prayer and blessing of shawls. Contact Persons: Ruth Beitelspacher and Kathy Brumbaugh Fellowship Circle and Peace Circle Fellowship Circle and Peace Circles will meet on Thursday, January 8th. Peace Circle at 9:00 AM and Fellowship Circle at 2:00 PM. Bible Studies are found in “Gather” magazine, the magazine of Women of the ELCA. February Fellowship Service List * Altar Guild Co-Chairs * Marcie Andersh William Arndt Mary Arndt Jarell Arndt Jordan Arndt Justin Boynton Will Boynton Rita Boynton Dale Boynton Colin Christian Jim Dumire Kay Dumire Donald Fauss Alegra Fischer Scott Geffre Natalie Geffre Garry Johnson Kathy Johnson Matthew Berry Amanda Berry Alexandria Berry Danika Berry Jevon Berry RyLynn Berry Tatyn Berry Zaidyn Berry Shawn Kempf Nicole Kempf Zoe Kempf Raegan Kempf Ella Kempf Karl Kempf Sonya Kempf Tim Kolb Albert Kolb Esther Kolb Dick Lauinger Gloria Lauinger LaVonne Merkel Gary Morehouse Wanda Morehouse Andrea Morehouse Alecia Morehouse Norma Nielsen Esther Ottenbacher Steve Otenbacher Dave Sarvis Wanda Sarvis Milbert Schaffer Verna Schaffer Shawn & Jessica Schaffer Hailey, Trinity & Avery Schaffer John Smith *Lynn Smith Dean & Tamara Wasem Darnella Ylitalo Roger Zimmerman *Wilma Zimmerman “READING TOGETHER” ZION’S BOOK CLUB, will meet on Tuesday, January 6th @ 11:30 AM At Minerva’s. Our book for the month is “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN THE DISCUSSION! BIBLE STUDY & SMALL GROUP OPPORTUNITIES If you have a question about small group opportunities at Zion, please call the contact person listed above or the Church Office at 225-6755. Newcomers always welcome! Baptized in December. (Above left): Lainey Kay Vilhauer with parents, Lance and Lyndsey and brother Lawson. (Above right): Ayla Elsa Smit with her father, Timothy. (Above middle): Greg Rutherford. We welcome you all through the waters of Holy Baptism. One of the Noah’s Park Preschool Classes performing their Christmas program. Thanks to everyone who makes the Table of Plenty run so smoothly every month. CONFIRMATION RESUMES January 4 at 6:00 pm for Zion 9th graders and on January 7 for Zion 7/8th graders. Annual Reports Just a reminder that all committee reports that are included in the Annual Report are due into the office by January 7th. Please email Donna a copy ready report if you could. That will save Donna hours of retyping! Building Repair/Renovation Forum A building repair/renovation open forum will be held on January 11 between services in the Fellowship Hall. This is our final forum before the annual meeting when we will vote on whether to proceed with Phase One of this project. The topic will focus on how we propose to finance the project. Noah’s Park Preschool HellofromNoah’sPark!Wehopeyouarestayingwarmwiththischilly weather.IamenjoyingChristmasbreakbutlookingforwardto returningtopreschoolinafewdays!OurmonthofDecemberwas #illedwithChristmasprogramsandcraftsand#indingourElfonthe Shelf,Snow#lakeMilkshakeeachday.Snow#lakeMilkshakewashiding inadifferentspoteachdayandthechildrenlovedseeingwhathewas uptothatday.Mostdayshebehavedhimselfbutonoccasionhegot intoalittletrouble–onedayhemadeamesswiththepaintand anotherdayhecrushedsomecrackersonthearttable.Icreatedavet clinicinourdramaticplaycenter.Thechildrencouldcheckanimalsin atthefrontdeskandgivethemacheck-upandsomemedicine.Wehad bandages,rawhidebones,collars,leashesandakennel.Iputsomeplay prescriptionpadsonthecounteraswellsotheycould“write” medicationdirections.Thechildrenlovedit!!Iamthinking apizzaparlorwouldbefunnext!~Jami Church Council Minutes – Highlights December 2014 TABLE OF PLENTY COMMUNITY MEAL Monday,January26-5:30-7:00pm SertomaClubwillbepreparingandservingthe mealofPorkLoinsandwiches * The Treasurer’s report showed a current balance of $617.06. * There was a discussion concerning a need for outlet covers in the Fellowship room as there have been young children stopped from putting fingers and items into the outlets. Art will be alerted to the concern. * The Sanctuary forum on Dec. 14 was attended by about 25 members. Lots of good discussion. The prevailing thought was “Is the Capital Improvement Project a do it all or do nothing project?” After a brief discussion, the Council agreed the Project goals need to be re-communicated as to dispel any misunderstandings before the Annual meeting, in January. * Visitation Chair Jo Tolvstad reported the committee is currently serving 23 people. *A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2015 Budget this presented to the Annual Meeting. *The Nominating Committee presented the slate of officer candidates for the Annual Meeting: President- Sue Gates, Vice President- Hugh Dahme, Secretary- Sharon Stroschien, Treasurer – Ted Dickey, Education – Dana Althoff, Trust Fund- Loren Nehlich, Worship & Music – open, Welcome & Outreach – open. 2015 Offering Envelopes Don’t forget to pick up your 2015 offering envelopes on the table in the Narthex. While you are at it, peruse the envelopes and if you find a family member, neighbor or friend who hasn’t picked theirs up yet, take it to them. It’s a great excuse for coffee! Remember - Do not begin using these new envelopes until January as your new number may not be the same as the number you have now. Holy Baptism Congratulations to Alya Elsa Smit, Lainey Kay Vilhauer, and Greg Rutherford who became members with us in the family of faith through the waters of Holy Baptism. God bless your new life in Christ! A New Liturgy Setting Coming January 4th! We have been singing the same liturgy setting at the 8:30 service for over five years. It is time to stretch ourselves with something new. The choir has been rehearsing setting nine in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship book and we will introduce it slowly beginning January 4. You did such a great job with the current setting five years ago that we have no doubt you will do well again. (The choir really likes it!) ANNUAL MEETING OPEN FORUM An Annual Meeting Open Forum will be held on Sunday, January 18 between services for any questions or comments folks would like to make prior to the annual meeting January 25. ANNUAL MEETING The Zion Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, January 25th at 12 noon (following the second service). Annual reports will be available on Sunday, January 18th and throughout the week. This meeting will be important as the congregation will be asked to decide at this meeting whether to proceed with the Phase One of the repairs/ renovations to our original building. BINGO - The Zion 6-7-8th graders will be helping with BINGO at Bethesda Homes of Aberdeen on Saturday, January 10. Meet at the church at 1:30 pm and we’ll van it over to Bethesda. Ice cream stop at Cherry Berry will follow! See you all on Saturday, Jan. 10! “Miles for Mission” For the Youth attending the Lutheran Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI, July 15-19 invite the congregation to participate in their “Miles for Mission” fundraiser. Just choose an envelope from the board from $1 to $150. 1. Place your offering and your name in the envelope (so we can thank you!) 2. Place the envelope in the offering plate or give it to Donna or place it in the box provided. 3. Then choose an angel hanging from the tree next to the board and hang it somewhere in your home. 4. Whenever you look at it, we ask that you lift the participants up in prayer. I have once again made my list of helpers here at Zion, but I hope you will forgive me if I have forgotten any of you, as it is so hard to see everyone. (Please don’t evict me - I love living at Zion!) But if I forgot you, or someone you know of, please call them at the office and see if they will put it in the next time. Thank you. SeeMore! ☺ SeeMore the Church Mouse ☺ I tagged along with Pastor Marcia when she gave blood for the Lexy Becker 2nd annual blood drive. Goodness! What a great response – I heard there were 78 blood products given that day! Amazing! Thanks to everyone who was able to give the “gift of life” to another. I am sure Lexy was smiling in heaven! ☺ We had three great Advent meals this year thanks to the Zion Youth, the Social Concerns Committee and the Zion Women of the ELCA. Thank you all for your hard work. I sure enjoyed having a midweek snack! ☺ ☺ The Advent services were beautiful too - Songs of Advent. A big shout out goes to Kathy Brumbaugh and Stephanie Hawkinson for stepping out of their comfort zones to lead the Holden Evening Prayer service. And thank you to Jeff Carlson, Monica Tietz, and Kathy Heffernan for reading the lessons. And of course there are all the behind the scenes folks like Sonya our music director and all the sound board operators that don’t get thanked enough. ☺ We had a little trouble getting the decorating started this year. Busy schedules and an early Advent. But thanks to Millie Suchomel the sanctuary decorations went up. And a big thanks to Kent Edson, Eric Weber, Mike Noonan, Garry Johnson and Jeff Carlson for setting up our sanctuary trees. ☺ Noah’s Park Preschool Christmas program was a hoot! Those little guys did so well. They sang so nice and loud. And they know the real meaning of Christmas – Jesus! ☺ Yum! Once again the Zion youth and their families out did themselves with their Christmas Goodie sale. I gained a pound just from the crumbs! I heard them say thank you to everyone who supported them. ☺ Our Christmas Eve services so beautiful thanks to everyone who volunteered their time to celebrate the Lord’s birth. We absolutely couldn’t have done it without all of you! Such blessings you are. ☺ CSI- “Christmas Scene Investigation” The Sunday School program this year was so good. I loved hearing them sing and tell the story of the first Christmas. Thanks to Stacy Geffre for writing the program. She is one talented lady! ☺ It has been so fun watching people find warm winter coats, hats, mittens, scarves and socks this month. Pastor Marcia was showered with hugs and kisses one afternoon from a lady who left with a warm coat, mittens and a scarf. Thanks to all who donated winter outerwear and mittens for our elementary students. What a gift you have given to so many. ☺ I got to make a trip to Target with the 7/8th graders one Sunday. They were buying personal items for the Safe Harbor moms. Then they put together “Pamper Packets” that would be placed in each family’s box – a gift especially for mom. Thanks to everyone who shared their soaps, shampoo, and lotions so this project could happen! ☺ We had two big Saturday funerals in December and they could not have happened without the hard work of so many Zion servers. A special hat’s off to Sharon and Ken Mizerny who do all the calling and set up. You are all a blessing to grieving families. ☺ The Zion congregation sure did a great job serving the December Table of Plenty dinner! I love being a church mouse in such a giving congregation. Happy New Year everyone! BETHESDA BINGO Every second Saturday of the month Zion hosts bingo at Bethesda. The women are in charge of finding Volunteers to help with Bingo. Plan to participate in this ministry opportunity on January 10th! Contact Vi Tetherow (226-2320) if you can help.
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