A S S E S S ME N T Assessment 22149/01 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment. To help Open Colleges manage your assessment, please use the following file-naming convention when you save your Microsoft Word document. Your file should be named and saved to your computer’s hard drive using your: [student number]_[assessment]_[assessment number].doc For example: 12345678_21850a_01.docx Assessment Submission When you are ready to submit your assessment, upload the file in OpenSpace using the Assessment Upload links in the relevant Study Period of your course. If you need further assistance, the Student Lounge provides a ‹Quick Guide to Uploading Assessments.› Uploading assessments in OpenSpace will enable Open Colleges to provide you with the fastest feedback and grade for your assessment. Alternatively, you can print and post your assessment to Open Colleges, PO Box 1568, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012. Please ensure that you use the Open Colleges Assessment Cover Sheet (available in the Student Lounge in OpenSpace). Where assessments are submitted by post, grades and feedback will be released in OpenSpace. Please note that assessments submitted by post may take up to 21 days from the date received by Open Colleges to grade and are reliant on the efficiency of the postal service. It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to Open Colleges. Introduction These assessment tasks have been designed to allow you to provide evidence that demonstrates your competency in the unit HLTHIR301B Communicate and work effectively in health, specifically: > Working ethically in the workplace > Communicating effectively in a health setting > Practicing high standards of personal hygiene > Promoting a positive approach to health > Maintaining professional work standards > Working effectively within the health care system > Taking responsibility for person skill development 1 There are 5 tasks to this assessment. Assessment item Submission requirements Task 1 5 Multiple choice questions Task 2 Short answer questions Task 3 3 Case studies Task 4 Personal work plan Task 5 Professional Development Plan Task 1 Work ethically Complete the multiple choice questions by selecting the most appropriate response for each of the five (5) questions based on the following case study. Each question is worth one (1) mark. Case scenario Angela has been invited to lunch by Kellie, a work colleague who is also an Allied Health Assistant. They are joined at the restaurant by two other work colleagues. During the meal, Kellie becomes very loud so other customers in the restaurant can hear and she starts to talk about a client who is a frequent visitor to the practice. Kellie names the client and describes him as irritable and demanding. Frances, another member of the team, explains that she heard the patient telling the Allied Health Professional that he has been depressed since his wife left him earlier in the year and that his heavy smoking and drinking are having a bad effect on his health. When Angela suggests it is time to ask for the bill and return to work, Frances announces that the lunch is a gift from a sales representative from a pharmaceutical as a thank you for advising patients with prescriptions not to ask for the ‘generic’ brand at the pharmacy. 1. The allied health assistants are on their lunch break: a. so workplace policies for privacy and confidentiality do not apply. b. are still held accountable for their ethical conduct whilst in public. c. and should be careful to not wear anything that could identify the name of the practice. d. and therefore cannot be disciplined if they breach their employer’s policies. 2. In identifying the client and sharing personal information about him, the staff members have: a. not seriously caused any harm to the client so it’s fine to forget the incident. b. breached their duty of care and legal responsibilities. c. not breached confidentiality because it is unlikely anyone in the restaurant knows the client. d. discriminated against the client 3. Where could the staff find information about the organisation’s guidelines for behaving ethically? a.The Australian Health Journal. b. The Fair Work Australia website c. workplace policies and procedures and Employee Handbook. 2 d. workplace Health and Safety Manual. a. building a strong partnership with suppliers A S S E S S ME N T 4. Accepting a gift from a sales representative for giving specific advice to clients, is an example of: b. unethical behaviour and a conflict of interest c. finding ways of improving how to communicate with clients d. developing a reputation for having good team working skills 5. What should Angela do about her concerns about accepting the ‘free lunch’? a. Refer her concerns to her supervisor. b. Contact the sales representative’s employer. c. Accept that Kellie and Frances are more knowledgeable about the organisations’ policies than she is. d. Send an email to everyone who attended the lunch asking them not to include her in future outings. 3 Task 2 This section is designed to gather evidence of your ability to maintain professional work standards and to work effectively within the health care system. To complete the assessment you will need a job description for an allied health assistant (this could be your current job description or sourced from the Internet for a position advertised in Australia). You can expect to write approximately 150-200 word responses for each question. 1. Use at least two examples to explain how you can adjust your communication style and methods to suit the individual characteristics of the person you are communicating with. 2. Reflect on your experience of a specific allied health practice (this could be your workplace or a practice that you attend) and make at least one suggestion for changing work practices that would enhance delivery of client services. How could you encourage team members to have a positive attitude to the change you are suggesting? 3. How can you use your communication skills to demonstrate a client-centred approach to patient care? 4. Complete the following table by describing the quality management system applied in this workplace. Quality Management Details Summary of the type of services provided to clients: What accreditation standards apply to this organisation? What is the purpose of accreditation process for organisations in the health sector? What do you need to know about accreditation standards to perform the role of a dental assistant appropriately? What process does this organisation use for quality improvement? 5. Explain how you could regularly contribute as an allied health assistant to your employer achieving their business goals? 6. You have been asked to participate in an emergency fire drill. How will you find out about your duty of care to patients and team members during an emergency or fire? 7. Write the text of an email or a flyer that you could send to staff to explain three methods that could be used to improve sustainability in the allied health practice. Your email or flyer should be designed to motivate staff to implement the methods you are suggesting. 8. Complete the following table by describing a time where you have had a conflict or serious disagreement with a colleague, either in your workplace or in a school or college. What methods did you use to attempt to resolve the situation? You should check the Conflict Resolution Website for useful information about resolving conflict (http://www.crnhq.org/) What was the conflict or disagreement about? Who was involved? What was the setting? (school, college, workplace, for example) What outcome did you want? What methods did you use to resolve the conflict? What was the outcome? What would you do differently? 4 There are three case studies in this section. You can expect to write approximately 100 words to respond for each of the questions that follow the case studies. A S S E S S ME N T Task 3 1. Answer the questions that follow this case study. Case study Jasmine is providing assistance to the allied health professional who is examining Matthew, aged 13 years, a new patient of the practice. Matthew has a physical disability that requires him to use a walking frame. During the examination the allied health professional explains to Matthew and his mother, Leanne, that it is very important that he eats less sweet foods as it is having an impact on his health. As Jasmine is helping Matthew with adjusting his glasses she noticed a large bruise behind his ear. She becomes particularly concerned when she observes a number of what appear to be burn marks on the top of his arms. a) Who could assist Jasmine to understand her obligations for reporting her concerns about Matthew? b) What resources could Jasmine give to Matthew and his mother to help them learn about improving Matthew’s health? Case study (cont) Jasmine was interested to know why Matthew and Leanne had moved to their practice as it is much further from their home than the practice that they had been attending. Leanne explained that while the practice accepts the Government voucher for free services each year, Matthew was unable to navigate the stairs to the practice’s new location. c) Explain how the lack of an alternate access for people with a disability could be an example of an ‘access and equity’ issue. 2. Read the following scenario and answer the question that follows: Case study Roy, aged 73 years, an Indigenous Australian who has spent most of his life living in the Kimberley region. While on holiday with his brother in Sydney, he fell and broke his hip. His holiday has become an extended visit as the local medical practitioner has identified a range of medical concerns for Roy. He has been receiving home care at a house he has rented temporarily. Roy found it difficult to find an allied health service that would accept him as a patient. The last practice he contacted for an appointment, told him that they had accepted cash only for payment of accounts and they had previously had a bad experience with Indigenous patients not paying their account. On Roy’s first appointment, he has presented without a carer and looking dirty and poorly dressed. He tells you that he can’t believe how little he is given to eat by the service who are providing his home care. 5 a) Select three of the other teams or individuals in the health care system that may be involved in supporting or caring for Roy. Explain the contribution that they could make to his health and well-being. b) Research the types of health issues that are of particular concern for Indigenous Australians and the current programs and services that target these issues. Use your findings to answer the following questions: -What health issues are of particular concern for Indigenous Australians? -What type of services might be available to Roy once he returns to his remote community in Central Australia? c) What action would you take if you suspected that Roy was being neglected or abused? d) Explain how Roy appears to have been discriminated against by the other practice. e) The allied health professional has asked you to make a follow-up appointment for Roy. How could you demonstrate a ‘client-centred’ approach in making the appointment? Case study (cont) Roy’s brother, Bill, has contacted the practice to ask if he can come in and pick-up a copy of Roy’s health records. He is putting in a complaint on Roy’s behalf about the home care that Roy has been receiving. He wants the records as evidence of poor quality meals and inadequate personal care that Roy has received from his service provider. f) Are you able to give Bill a copy of his brother’s health records? Give reasons for your answer that includes reference to relevant legislation. 3. Complete the questions that follow the case study. Case study Healthy Bodies is a small family allied health practice owned by husband and wife team John Tan and Amy Tan. Donna has recently joined the practice as an allied health assistant. Her task for today includes organising the treatment room before the first appointment. During the day, she will assist in the reception area and provide assistance to the allied health professionals. a) Complete the following table by recording the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that Donna should use to clean the treatment room. PPE Suitable for use with the following activities Two checks that Donna should make to ensure that she is using the PPE correctly Gloves Mask Disposable gown Eyewear b) What action should Donna take if she identifies a hazard, such as a food spill, torn floor covering or electrical fault, in the reception area? c) What are Donna’s responsibilities for the health and safety of patients while they are visiting the practice? d) What process should Donna follow to dispose of the waste material that was left in the practice from the day before? 6 A S S E S S ME N T e) The team working yesterday breached the practice’s standard operating procedures by leaving waste material overnight in the treatment room. What action should Donna take to bring this to the attention of the relevant person? Case study (cont) Donna has taken a break from organising the treatment room to check her email and to have a cup of coffee in the staff kitchen. f) What steps should Donna take in regard to her personal hygiene to reduce the risk of contamination or infection before she continues her task of organising the practice? g) Donna will be the last to leave work this evening as she is processing the end-of-month accounts. What security issues should she consider when locking up the business on her own and walking to her car after hours? h) What process could Donna follow to ensure that she records patient information correctly and gives patients correct information about their payments and appointments? i) What standards of personal hygiene would Donna’s employers expect her to adhere to? Use the following table to record your answer. Personal presentation, health and hygiene Required standard Risk if the correct standards are not maintained Jewellery Fingernails Nail polish Damaged skins (cuts, abrasions) Uniform Footwear Immunisation j) How should Donna respond if she is asked by a close friend to not charge her for a routine appointment? 7 Task 4 This section is designed to gather evidence of your ability to develop a personal work plan that reflects your workplace policies and procedures, legal responsibilities and terms of employment. To complete the assessment you will need: > a job description for an allied health assistant (this could be your current job description or sourced from the Internet for a position advertised in Australia) > information about employment terms from the relevant Award, Enterprise Agreement or Employment Contract > workplace policies and procedures Personal Work Plan for (insert name) Organisation: Date prepared: Date reviewed: Position title: Daily work activities: Responsibilities: How I can demonstrate a ‘client centred’ approach in performing my role. Usual hours of work: Leave entitlements: Procedure for advising workplace of non-attendance: Ramifications for the client if I breach my duty or care Ramifications for the organisation if I breach my duty or care Specific responsibilities for: Duty of care 8 Ramifications for the client if I breach privacy and confidentiality policies Ramifications for the organisation if I breach privacy and confidentiality policies Ethical behaviour Ramifications for the client if I breach my ethical guidelines Ramifications for the organisation if I breach my ethical guidelines A S S E S S ME N T Privacy and confidentiality My employer’s obligations The procedure for reporting sexual harassment is: The procedure for reporting discrimination is: The procedure for reporting a workplace incident such as an accident is: Sources of workplace information: Information I will require access to: Source: Workplace policies Standard Operating Procedures Code of practice Employment terms Ethical guidelines Protocols for workplace communication 9 Task 5 Professional Development Plan Instructions Complete the following Personal Development Plan template using the guidelines listed below for each section. Section 1 and 2 are worth a total of ten (10) marks each and Section 3 is worth a total of twenty (20) marks. The entire task has a maximum total of forty (40) marks. Section 1 Personal and professional goals Consider and identify both your immediate and longer-term professional goals (e.g. working in isolated rural communities and working in community education). Provide at least three (3) goals in section 1 of your Professional Development Plan. Section 2 Identified strengths and areas for improvement Complete section 2 by listing the various activities that are routinely performed by an allied health assistant. To assist you in completing this part of the plan items are broken into clinical skills and experiences (competencies associated with your role as a allied health assistant) and non-clinical skills and experience (general work competencies and employability skills). In column 2, identify the clinical skills, knowledge and experience required to perform the activity competently. In column 3, identify the non-clinical skills, knowledge and experience that are also required. You must reflect and comment on your communication skills to complete this task. Provide at least three (3) examples of each. It is important that you speak to appropriate people such as a workplace supervisor, experienced allied health assistant or trainer, for advice about the skills, knowledge and experience required to be an effective allied health assistant. Finalise section 2, by evaluating your current levels of skills, knowledge and experience to list your strengths and areas for improvement. Section 3 Professional development activities To assist you in completing this part of the plan access Professional Association websites (or other relevant sites) and research the forums, workshops, activities and links listed. Consider professional development activities that will meet your identified areas for improvement and provide the activity name, details (such as dates, location and cost) provide a brief overview of the content of the activity and how it will meet your identified area for improvement. Provide details of at least four (4) activities. Section 4 Completed professional development activities Use this section of the template to record details of those professional development activities you undertake. You should include details of the induction training you completed in your workplace or as part of your work placement. 10 Name: Over the next 5 years Over the next 12 months Timeframe 3 2 1 3 2 1 Section 1 Personal and professional goals People I consulted to develop this plan: Date Name Organisation: Personal Work Goals Contact details: Professional Development Plan A S S E S S ME N T 11 12 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 Areas for improvement 1 1 Strengths Non-clinical Skills and Knowledge Non-clinical skills, knowledge and experience required to perform this activity Clinical Skills and Knowledge Clinical skills, knowledge and experience required to perform this activity Evaluation of my strengths and areas for improvement Work activity Section 2 Identified strengths and areas for improvement Details Induction training Activity title Provider Dates Content overview Section 4 Completed professional development activities 4 3 2 1 Activity title Section 3 Planned professional development activities Outcomes achieved How this will meet the identified area for improvement Feedback from workplace supervisor or trainer Feedback from a workplace supervisor or experienced Dental Assistant about my selected activity A S S E S S ME N T 13 Student checklist Before submitting your assessment use the checklist below to ensure you have covered all the requirements of each of the tasks. Assessment submission requirements 14 I have completed this: Task 1 Completed 5 multiple choice questions □ Task 2 Completed 8 short answer questions □ Task 3 Completed 3 case studies □ Task 4 Prepared Professional Development Plan □ Task 5 Prepared Personal Work Plan □
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