Lectors Schedule - St Linus School

10:30 a.m. Family Mass Schedule for Student Lectors and Ushers
January 11 through March 15, 2015
January 11
1st Reading
Backup readers
1st Reading
Backup readers
January 25
February 1
February 8
Jacob Carrasco
Marcus Panem
Aldo Sanchez
Matthew Arias
Lordsen Quiambao
Sam Adams
Annalisa Garcia
Kyle Santos
Lordsen Quiambao
Sam Adams
Jacob Carrasco
Marcus Panem
Derek Vaughn
Aldo Sanchez
Lordsen Quiambao
Sam Adams
Candice Uy
Kyle Santos
Ronnel Quedit
Marcus Panem
Ronnel Quedit
Candice Uy
Marcus Panem
Jazlyn Gomez
Kyle Santos
Derek Vaughn
Alejandra Figueroa
Evelyn Gomez
Candice Uy
Kyle Santos
Candice Uy
Ronnel Quedit
February 15
January 18
Chirstina Flores
Jacob Carrasco
Marcus Panem
Matthew Arias
Aldo Sanchez
Sam Adams
Derek Vaughn
Lordsen Quiambao
Candice Uy
Alejandra Figueroa
February 22
March 1
Annalisa Garcia
Derek Vaughn
Lordsen Quiambao
Annalisa Garcia
Kyle Santos
Ronnel Quedit
Kyle Perera
Candice Uy
Matthew Arias
Chirstina Flores
March 8
Annalisa Garcia
Sam Adams
Aldo Sanchez
Matthew Arias
Lordsen Quiambao
Chirstina Flores
Derek Vaughn
Ronnel Quedit
Derek Vaughn
Annalisa Garcia
March 15
Sam Adams
Aldo Sanchez
Derek Vaughn
Jacob Carrasco
Candice Uy
Kyle Santos
Ronnel Quedit
Matthew Arias
Alejandra Figueroa
Sam Adams
Annalisa Garcia
Marcus Panem
Chirstina Flores
Aldo Sanchez
Kyle Santos
Derek Vaughn
Jacob Carrasco
Candice Uy
Marcus Panem
Ronnel Quedit
Lordsen Quiambao
Marcus Panem
Sam Adams
Alejandra Figueroa
Derek Vaughn
Ronnel Quedit
Christina Flores
Kyle Perera
Lordsen Quiambao
Aldo Sanchez
Annalisa Garcia
Derek Vaughn
Candice Uy
Kyle Santos
Chirstina Flores
Lordsen Quiambao
Sam Adams
Aldo Sanchez
Aldo Sanchez
Derek Vaughn
Annalisa Garcia
Sam Adams
Aldo Sanchez
Lordsen Quiambao
Jacob Carrasco
Kyle Perera
Candice Uy
Ronnel Quedit
Annalisa Garcia
Lordsen Quiambao
Marcus Panem
Kyle Santos
Ronnel Quedit
Derek Vaughn
Candice Uy
Lordsen Quiambao
Alejandra Figueroa
Marcus Panem
Lordsen Quiambao
Kyle Santos
Candice Uy
Ronnel Quedit
Derek Vaughn
Kyle Santos
Ronnel Quedit
If you are unable to come on your scheduled date, it is the Lector(s), Usher(s) responsibility to notify the mass coordinator one week before
your schedule date.
It is also the Lector(s), Usher(s) responsibility to switch with another student who is on the list if you cannot make it on your scheduled
date, and then notify Surani Perera at Surani_perera@hotmail.com or Isabelle Leibig at isabelleleibig@hotmail.com
All Lectors and Ushers are expected to be in church by 10:15 a.m. on Sundays. Please be seated at the pew near the baptismal font.