The Messenger Published monthly by St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church 5709 Wedgwood Drive, Fort Worth, Texas Sunday Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Celebrating ministry in southwest Fort Worth for 60 years St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, organized in 1953, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a Reconciling in Christ congregation, is located at the corner of Granbury Road & Welch in southwest Fort Worth. The church office is open Mon.Fri. from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Phone: 817-292-1338 Fax: 817-292-3329 E-mail: Website: St. Matthew’s Greenbrier School 817-292-5592 Church Staff Michael Masterson, Pastor Jolene Webster, AIM, Director of Music Ministries John Parsons, Director of Youth and Family Ministries Hans Grim, Organist/Pianist Mary Nedde, Administrative Asst. Kelly Riddle, Office Assistant Kay Green and Bethany Narvaez, Nursery Staff Council and Commissions President: Claire Kirchhoff Vice-President: Kelly Riddle Secretary: Olivia Riddle Treasurer: John Creecy Financial Secretary: Eric Moeller Christian Ed: Faye Youngblood Fellowship: Renee Hill Mission Outreach: Bill Anderson Property: David Brown Stewardship: Liz McCarthy Worship: Tim Knutson Youth: Beth Hummel Mission Statement Living in Christ through faith. Living for neighbor through love. Sunday School for all ages: 9:45 a.m. January 2015 J A NUA RY 20 15 THE MESSENGER From the Pastor’s Desk(top) MANY, MANY THANKS TO THE CONGREGATION FOR THE BLESSINGS RECEIVED DURING 2014, AND MAY ALL HAVE A VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR! Pastor Mike and Chris Masterson CONGREGATION MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:45 A.M. WORSHIP 10:00 A.M. ANNUAL REPORT MEETING & POTLUCK MEAL at 11:15 A.M CELEBRATE THE JOY OF BEING A CONGREGATION OF HOPE AND PROMISE! The Fellowship Commission will provide the main dish (Italian). Last names A-M should bring salad and/or bread; N-Z should bring dessert. PAGE 2 J A NUA RY 20 15 THE MESSENGER PAGE 3 Does your family ever frustrate you? Ever wonder why God gave you that annoying sibling? If so, this is the retreat for you! Join us as we explore the bonds of community and family and how we are strengthened by them! Cost: is $100 per individual and $300 per family of 4 or more. Location: Briarwood Lutheran Retreat Center, Argyle, TX Carpool Info: We will leave from St. Matthew’s Friday at 6:30pm and return Sunday at 3:00pm. Registration: forms can be found on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Registration and payment (made out to St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church) are due by March 1st. Please submit to the church office. J A NUA RY 20 15 TH E MESS ENGE R PAGE 4 THANK YOU!! Thank you to Lady Webster for directing this year’s 20th Reunion Madrigal Feast. It was once again a marvelous and light-hearted production! To Faye Youngblood and our Sunday School students for their presentation of the Christmas story on Dec. 3. To Patti & Chuck Brunnert, for staffing the Fair Trade Sale in November. To those who do chancel care every Sunday - for your time and caring preparation of the altar for each worship service. Also thank you to all who came Nov. 29 to put up the Christmas trees and decorations. To those who came Christmas caroling to our shut-ins. Your presence and gift of song uplifted the hearts of those who were visited on December 21. To the Chancel Choir, children’s choirs, handbell choir, Hans Grim, and Jolene Webster for providing wonderful choir events and music for the Advent and Christmas seasons. To Pastor Mike; Jolene Webster, Director of Music Ministries; and John Parsons, Director of Youth and Family Ministries for their dedication to teaching and nurture ing the faith we share. ‘DO UNTO OTHERS’ DONATIONS: Thank you to everyone who donated Christmas toys for San Gabriel Lutheran Church in Alvarado. Our combined gifts, along with those from Trinity Lutheran will be used for their children’s Epiphany celebration. J A NUA RY 20 15 TH E MESS ENGE R 4 PAGE 5 Please join with the Outreach Commission for a Day of Service on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 19. This event is sponsored by Tarrant Churches Together, of which St. Matthew’s is a member. The day will begin with worship and a ‘sending out’ at Baker Chapel A.M.E. Church, and then everyone will go to their chosen place of service to volunteer. Come be a part of this Day ‘On’ - 7:30 to 2:00 pm, including lunch with Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price speaking. Please sign up on-line for one of the 40 service opportunities at - or call Tarrant Churches Together 817-737-5554 to register. Elementary and high school kids are encouraged to attend with a parent or another adult. 2015 HOMELESS COUNT IN TARRANT COUNTY Thursday, January 22, 2015 8:00 pm to 1:00 am 500 Volunteers are needed for this year’s Tarrant County homeless count, For more information and to sign-up, go to You may contact Bill Anderson if you want to be part of St. Matthew’s team - you will not be going alone! Sponsored by the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition No one is invisible. THE MESSENGER JANUARY 2015 January Anniversaries January Birthdays Ashley Ford Laura Purcell Sarah Nedde Sherri Rudolph Laurie Duke Carol Spencer Karen Heidemann Fay Hennig Kristina Youngblood Chris Masterson Patsy Hoyler Megan Ford Caleb Gonzales Jacob Gonzales Janice Breitenstine Paul Nedde Sarah Manske Nicholas Washuta January 3 January 4 January 4 January 8 January 11 January 14 January 16 January 17 January 19 January 20 January 20 January 22 January 22 January 22 January 26 January 30 January 31 January 31 MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES: CHOIRS - HANDBELL CHOIR PAGE 6 CONGRATULATIONS and BLESSINGS! Dan and Marge Benscoter Jan. 8 Eternal God, strengthen all who are married. Fill them with such love and joy that they may build a home of peace and welcome, and serve you through all their days. Amen Mutual Ministry Committee Your Mutual Ministry Committee’s purpose is to affirm and strengthen the mission of the congregation and the ministry of our called and hired staff. This purpose is accomplished through listening and clarifying, sharing and communicating, and reviewing and reflecting. To help us serve you, we request that you contact us with your praises and concerns so that we may share and communicate with those who have made and can make a difference in our congregational lives. All communication with and through the Mutual Ministry Committee is strictly confidential and anonymous per the wishes of the person contacting us. Any form of communication is appropriate and encouraged. We look forward to hearing from you and God’s peace be with you. Your Mutual Ministry Committee: Gary Christensen, Chair Phil Beckman Chuck Brunnert Desiree Ford Charles Schmidt JANUARY 2015 THE MESSENGER PAGE 7 We Remember in Prayer: Our Homebound Richard Bodak Craig Bridges T.J. and Dorothy Bridges Eva Clifton Joan Gordon Fay Hennig Marjorie Jellison Charles and Winifred Mann Annasophia Reese Those ill, recovering or otherwise in need of prayer Eldon and Ray Bridges Brothers of T.J. Bridges Kay Green Charles Moody Brother of Jolene Webster Kim Musgrove Former Secretary of Jolene Webster Norma Nedde Mother of Paul Nedde, receiving hospice care YOUNG-AT-HEART LUNCHEON January 8, 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall Mike Haro will be speaking on the topic of “Generational Blessings.” There is no better way to start a new year than to know that you have contributed significantly to the year before. Psalm 145:4 states it best: “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your might acts.” Continuing these works during this new year will be the focus of Dr. Haro’s presentation. No RSVP needed; a donation of $2.00 is requested for the meal. Please plan to join us! Hosted by the Lay Pastoral Care Team The Christmas tree in the entry to our church will become an ‘Epiphany Tree’ during this year’s Epiphany Season. You are invited to decorate the tree with a donated star ornament - handmade or bought. Place your star on the tree when you next come to church. We will store the ornaments in a safe place for next year. JA NUA RY 2015 THE MESSENGER JANUARY BIBLE READINGS PAGE 8 Women’s Study Group Every Thursday 10:00-11:30 am January 4, Christmas 2 Jeremiah 31:7–14; Psalm 147:12–20 Ephesians 1:3–14; John 1:1–18 We are currently studying I & II Corinthians using the Lutheran Study Bible. January 6, Epiphany Isaiah 60:1–6; Psalm 72:1–7, 10–14 Ephesians 3:1–12; Matthew 2:1–12 All women of St. Matthew’s and their friends are invited as we study, pray and have fellowship—bring a friend! January 11, Baptism of our Lord Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11 January 18 I Samuel 3:1-20; Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51 Questions? Contact Mary Frances Page You do not have to be a member of St. Matthew’s to join us! January 25 Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 The Worship Commission thanks everyone who provided flowers during 2014 for use in our worship services. The 2015 Flower Chart is posted in the Fellowship Hall for you to sign up to ‘host’ flowers for worship. Please be reminded that the suggested contribution is $35. If there are any special events in your life or family life, honoring that event with flowers for worship is a wonderful way to remember the occasion. AN EPIPHANY PRAYER O God, by your heavenly star, you guided those who were wise to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. May your peace come to rest securely in our hearts. Make our lives wise with your wisdom, true to your teaching, and enlivened by your love. May your Word made flesh make his home among us. Amen. JA NUA RY 2015 THE MESSENGER PAGE 9 WEDNESDAY DINNERS WILL CONTINUE ON JANUARY 7, 14, 21, and 28 $3.00 per person or $8.00 max per family — Best deal in town! Please sign up on the bulletin board by the kitchen. Reminder: Wednesday choirs will begin rehearsals on January 14. Save the Date for the annual Women’s Tea. It will be Saturday, February 7th at church. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Sharron Edward, daughter of Carol Edward, on her marriage to John Blackwell on December 27. We wish Sharron and John many blessings in their life together! Tara Brynell, daughter of David and Michele Brynell, on her marriage to Ross Sinicropi on January 3. We wish Tara and Ross our very best wishes and blessings! Cindy Kammer on her retirement in December after 39 years with Lockhead-Martin. Phil Moroneso who was recently presented the Bob Bolen award for Outstanding Board Leadership for his long-time involvement with Fort Worth Sister Cities International JA NUA RY 2015 THE MESSENGER PAGE 10 NT-NLifeLines—Update to the Response to Ebola in Sierra Leone Dec. 22, 2014 - Global Mission leaders at ELCA Churchwide offices agreed to help us support a request from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone for a feeding program for $68,000+. They agreed to give $35,000, if we would contribute the remainder. As of last week, NT-NL members and friends have given over $135,000 to fight Ebola. By the end of January we will have sent 4 containers with medical supplies and Steramine and will have funded 3 feeding programs, including this one. We need to raise approximately $20,000 to meet this goal; but I believe we will do this by the end of January. The response from you has been outstanding! Clearly, we have not forgotten Ebola in West Africa, which is also reason to reflect and give thanks in this Christmas season. Thank you! Bishop Kevin Kanouse, NT-NL Mission Area THE NT-NL OFFICES ARE MOVING!! JANUARY 2015 at St. Matthew’s Living in Christ through faith. Living in neighbor through love. Sun Mon Tue Dec 29 * Wednesday Activities High Five Choir 5:00 pm Girls Choir 5:25 pm Fellowship Dinner 5:30 pm Boys Choir 5:50 pm Madrigals 6:15 pm Chancel Choir 7:00 pm 4 Eucharist 5 6 12 13 8:30 and 11:00 am Kerffufle Sunday School & Adult Sunday School 9:45 am Heart of Welcome Committee 12:15 pm 11 Eucharist Dec 30 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Mutual Ministry 9:45 am Wed Dec 31 Thu Fri 1 2 BLESSINGS ON YOUR NEW YEAR! Wedding Church Offices Rehearsal closed. 7 8 9 Women’s Study Group (No choir rehearsals.) 10:00 am Fellowship Dinner 5:30pm Young at Heart Lunch GED Class 6 pm-9 pm Outreach Commission 11:30 am 6:00 pm GED Class 6 pm-9 pm Sat 3 Men’s Breakfast at Dixie House Café 8:00 am Brynell Wedding 2:30pm 10 Food Distribution at Neigh. Needs 8:30 am 14 * 15 16 17 Women’s Study Group Musikgarten Men’s Breakfast at Dixie Fellowship Commission 10:00 am Parent EducaHouse Cafe 8:00 am GED Class 6 pm-9 pm 6:00 pm 10:00 am GED Class 6 pm-9 pm tion Musikgarten Parent Education 7:00 pm 18 Eucharist 19 Sunday School 8:45 am Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Eucharistic Worship Service 10:00 am Congregation Meeting & Potluck 11:15 am 20 21 * Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm GED Class 6 pm-9 pm Candleridge Garden Club 7:00 pm 22 23 Women’s Study Group 10:00 am GED Class 6 pm-9 pm 24 25 Eucharist 27 28 * Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm GED Class 6 pm-9 pm 29 30 Women’s Study Group 10:00 am GED Class 6 pm-9 pm 31 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Handbells 12:15 pm Youth Parent Mtg. 12:15 pm 26 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES January 2015 Time 8:30 Sunday January 4 Sunday January 11 10:00 am Service Sunday January 18 Sunday January 26 Marj Rudolph Sandy Heinrich Gary Christensen Faye Younglbood John Reed David Brynell (10:00 am) Renee Hill Phil Moroneso 8:30 11:00 Jim Gordon Ruth Vinciguerra Robert Roupe Cindy Kammer K. Thompson John Parsons 8:30 (Ushers) Ben McCarthy Finn Riddle (10:00 am) Ryan Ford Katie Beckman (Ushers) 11:00 Jacob Gonzales Caleb Gonzales Andrew Beckman CHANCEL MINISTRIES 8:30 11:00 GREETERS 8:30 11:00 Karen Presley Barb Thomsen Marjorie Simmans Mary Frances Page Congregation Karen Presley Barb Thomsen Marjorie Simmans Mary Weis Patti & Chuck Brunnert Karen Presley, Barb Thomsen and Marjorie Simmans (10:00 am) Don Clifton Karen Presley Barb Thomsen Marjorie Simmans Carol Washuta Mike Haro Mary Creecy Cindy Kohn Cindy Berry Win Heinrich Chuck Brunnert Kelly Riddle Mary Nedde (Alt) Phil Beckman Desiree Ford Phil Moroneso (Alt) Win and Sandy Heinrich in thanksgiving for St. Matthew’s congregation Karen Presley in memory of son, Stephen Paul & Mary Nedde in honor of mother Norma Nedde’s birthday Kyle & Desiree Ford in celebration of daughter Megan’s birthday Kay Green Bethany Narvaez Kay Green Bethany Narvaez Kay Green Bethany Narvaez Kay Green Bethany Narvaez LECTORS USHER CAPTAINS ACOLYTES 11:00 8:30 COUNTERS 11:00 CHANCEL FLOWERS Chancel flowers are given by… NURSERY CARE 8:15 through 12:15 Tom Gluntz and Phil Beckman (10:00 am) Rande Wagner Phil Moroneso Gary Christensen (Alt) Shawn Wagner Steve Weis Patti Brunnert Kelly Riddle Nick Washuta Gary Christensen Tom Gluntz Mary Creecy Gary Christensen David Brynell Kelly Riddle (Alt.) If you are unable to serve on your designated Sunday, please find a replacement and notify the church office: 817-292-1338 or Lectors: Assisting Ministers Acolytes: Greeters: Church Offc. Jolene Webster Kelly Riddle Church Offc 817-292-1338 817-223-1276 817-360-4584 (cell) 817-292-1338 Ushers: Chancel Ministries: Counters: Chancel Flowers: Nick Washuta Marj Rudolph Church Office Church Office 817-732-7787 817-297-6416 (home) 817-292-1338 817-292-1338
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