Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “VISITOR” January 2015 Happy New Year! EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 3215 SAEMANN AVE. SHEBOYGAN, WI 53081 Phone 920-452-9766 Website www.ebenezerucc.org FaceBook EbenezerUCCSheboygan Email addresses Church office ebucc@ebenezerucc.org Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff revrog@ebenezerucc.org Rev. Lorri Steward revlorri@yahoo.com Beth Petzke Student Pastor bethpetzke@sbcglobal.net Church Secretary Cassie Hogue Worship Schedule Sundays; 8:00 & 10:30am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:15 JR/SR High Sunday School No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE As we start a new calendar year I’d like to reflect on our expectations for Ebenezer United Church of Christ for 2015. At the Consistory meeting in December Jim Race was elected as President for 2015, Steve Shircel as Vice President, Janice Hill as Secretary, and Joe Augustine as Treasurer. Steve Shircel and I agreed to chair a committee to plan and lead the congregational listening and discussion sessions planned for January. It is expected these sessions will lead to a long range planning committee concerned with the ministries and staffing of Ebenezer in the future. We are fortunate to have Rev. Mealiff’s services on a half-time basis for at least several years as our Senior Pastor. And we have Rev. Steward as a full-time Associate Pastor. Beth Peske is our student pastor through May. As a congregation we need to decide how we assess Ebenezer’s needs for Pastoral leadership and care, long term. The meetings being planned are meant to get input from members of the congregation as to their ideas, hopes, fears, questions, and desires concerning Ebenezer’s future. These sessions will be held at 9:15 am and 11:30 am on January 18, and again on January 25. Make plans to attend one (or more) and offer your input and ask your questions. Rev. Mealiff’s and Rev. Steward’s, as well as former Consistory President’s Phil Klemme’s, articles in the Annual Report provide important information concerning their activities and plans. Since not all members may have read these articles we are reprinting them in this Visitor. Please look them over prior to our listening and discussion sessions in January. Look at all the ministries accomplished at Ebenezer and consider what level of pastoral leadership is needed to continue these efforts.. Ron Rindfleisch Inspire Ministry Coordinator and Consistory Member _________________________________________________________ Advent Conspiracy Showings If you missed some of the Advent conspiracy showings with Pastor Beth Peske, that were presented during Comma Café, we will be having a session on January 4th at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall showing all four 15 minute DVDs with a discussion to follow. Bring a bag lunch to eat while watching. Ebenezer United Church of Christ Identity Statement An Open and Affirming United Church of Christ Congregation God is still speaking , We are Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Our name, from I Samuel 7:12, means: “Thus far, God has helped us.” Building on that solid rock, we reach forward in faith on the growing edge of our community. We offer to all people meaningful worship and education, and an open invitation to share in Holy Communion. Ebenezer demonstrates a welcoming openness that helps people feel “at home”, fortifying us to live out our faith on a daily basis. Following Christ’s example, we reach out to bring hope and justice to all of God’s family. We affirm the gifts and cherish the image of God in each person. We welcome into the full life and ministry of the church all persons of every race, culture, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, economic status, and family structure. In partnership with God and each other, in traditional yet progressive ways, we are ordinary people working hard to accomplish extraordinary things. Page 2 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” EXPLORE, SERVE, PLAY Youth Ministry at Ebenezer UCC Youth Ministry at Ebenezer UCC Explore (exploring our faith): Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Class 9:15 – 10:15 am on Sunday mornings in the Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School Classroom, which is the room with the couches next to Rev. Lorri’s office. Serve (serving others): Advent Un-Decorating Day: Saturday, January 10th, 9 – 11 am Mission Trip Summer 2015: planning a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, July 11 th -17 . This is an Environmental Stewardship service project through the National Park Service. This trip is for ALL youth ages 12+ without a parent. Younger children are welcome if they are accompanied by their parents. A $50 per person OR $100 per family deposit is needed by February 1st to hold our reservation. th Play (fun, fellowship, getting to know one another): JUST FOR FUN!! OVERNIGHT: Friday, January 16th, 8pm-8am January 17th. Sunday afternoon Church volleyball league through the YMCA in Sheboygan Falls—schedule will be available January 4th. The games run through February 15th. $10 per person. Tubing at Sunburst Wednesday, February 4th: We will leave from church AT 4PM and return by 7:30 pm for a quick dinner. $10 per person. Big Brother’s / Big Sister’s Bowling Fundraiser in February if youth are interested Rev. Lorri EDUCATE UPDATE I would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of the children who helped to make our Christmas program a success. Their hard work truly showed in the wonderful performance. I would also like to thank Kristal Klemme and Donna Schwinn-Roblee for their dedication. We couldn’t have done it without all of your help. Our next Christian Education Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 6:30. All are welcome to attend. Dawn Rousse Page 3 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Senior Pastor’s Annual Report – 2014 When we changed our organizational structure at Ebenezer UCC ten years ago, from 13+ committees to six ministry areas, our hope was that it would foster stronger growing ministries by the congregation, and it has certainly done that. More members finding more ways that fit for them to be a part extending Christ’s love through the congregation and into the wider community is a joy. God can do amazing things through all of us working together: ordinary people accomplishing extraordinary things. It is most exciting to see new ministries emerge from the Holy Spirit stirring members to begin new projects. One initiative this year was the Meals on Wheels garden. Lisa Burrell proposed the idea and many others joined with her in plowing, planting, weeding, watering, harvesting and delivering the produce to Fresh Meals on Wheels for Sheboygan County. Add this to the many other ongoing outreach ministries of Ebenezer and you can see why we are becoming known in the area as a church where faith is relevant and we seek to make Christ’s love known in tangible ways. In addition to preaching and worship leadership which is most visible, pastoral care which touches lives most deeply, supporting leadership in programming, administration and personnel which keeps it all going, another area where I provide primary ministry is adult education. The weekly Wednesday morning Bible study helps keep my sermon preparation connected with our daily living as well as making worship more meaningful for members attending, according to their reports. I also led 3 and 4-week book studies early in the year on Proof of Heaven and if the Church were Christian. Student Pastor Beth Petzke shared in leading a 5-week study this fall of Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, a part of the United Church of Christ emphasis on literacy, culminating at General Synod at Cleveland next summer. The first half of the year I provided primary pastoral support for the Ebenezer Ministries and Growth Campaign, capably led by Co-chairs Steve Shircel and Ron Rindfleisch, with many others involved in the visitation phase. The two-part campaign prompted pledges to the capital phase to pay down the mortgage we have for the building improvements and expansion done in 2011 to equip our church for our second century of ministry. In addition, more members pledged for annual stewardship, with a total of more money pledged than ever before, which realistically reduced our deficit in the budget from $40,000 to $20,000. That is note-worthy and worth celebrating! However even with that stretching that members did in their giving, the budget gap was not sustainable. After much thought and prayer, I decided to cut back to half-time beginning in August. That makes the current budget more manageable for the church, while we work at continuing to grow in financial support, moving forward so Ebenezer can once again be able to support two full-time pastors if that is preferred, in order to keep the church thriving. Meanwhile, this arrangement enables me to continue to provide some pastoral leadership for Ebenezer as well as have more time to spend with our grandchildren, travel, and build a house that can continue to be our home when I do finally retire. If this arrangement seems to be working well for the church and for our family, we can continue it for some time. If it does not work well, we can change it. It may even provide the opportunity for a smoother transition to future pastoral leadership. One of the things we have realized in recent years is that Ebenezer is in a good position to be a “teaching church” for those preparing for ministry. Nathan Athorp has expressed his appreciation for his learning experience as Student Pastor at Ebenezer, providing good background for his current ministry with the Wisconsin Conference Outdoor Ministries at Pilgrim Center. This year we are blessed to have Beth Petzke doing her internship with us as Student Pastor while she attends Chicago Theological Seminary. She brings a good amount of experience, having assisted at Saron UCC for some time, but looks forward to discovering new ways to provide pastoral leadership while working with us at Ebenezer. My “mentoring” role extends not only to Beth, but also to Sue Kaiser, Ron Rindfleisch, and our secretary Cassie Hogue, as they begin the Wisconsin Conference Lay Academy this fall. I am grateful to be partnering in ministry with Rev. Lorri Steward. Her strengths in ministry and mine blend together wonderfully to provide pastoral ministry for Ebenezer that is broad and strong. I have learned that this kind of collegiality is a rare gift to be cherished and supported. Her ministry, along with Student Pastor Beth Petzke and the many solid leaders in the congregation, help make it possible to carry on the vitality of Ebenezer during these times. Rev. Roger Mealiff Page 4 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Associate Pastor’s Annual Report: 2014 Ebenezer continues to answer the call to be an active and visible Body of Christ, reaching out to help and to heal and make a difference in the lives of others as we reveal and show God’s love in all the ways we can. We have so many members who have generously offered their time, their talents and have given above and beyond financial support to help our ministries to and with the community flourish and bless others…and themselves in the process. Lord knows that we have had some significant financial challenges. After running on deficit budgets for several years (passed by the congregation at annual congregational meetings), Rev. Mealiff chose to move to half-time to seek to alleviate some of the financial pressure. While the congregation has made significant strides to ‘close the gap’ with reference to the deficit, the shortfall was, nonetheless, significant. So, as of August 2014, Rev. Roger is working half time. The effects of this are not yet fully realized as our Student Pastor, Beth Petzke, is sharing her wonderful gifts for ministry with us until May 2015. A long-range planning team is being formed and facilitated conversations with the congregation and LOTS of prayer and discernment will help this team perceive our faithful ‘next steps’ into the future to which God is calling us. STILL, there is a lot of energy and phenomenal ministry happening at Ebenezer UCC and it continues to be an incredible honor and privilege to serve among you. August marked my 10th year of Ministry at Ebenezer United Church of Christ and I continue to be energized and excited by my call to serve. I am so very grateful that Rev. Roger will continue to share his amazing ministry and leadership with us as I genuinely value our partnership and the ways I continue to be encouraged and inspired by his wisdom and insights. The restructuring of Consistory to include the 6 ministry area coordinators and 6 elected members is working well. Having the MACs present at the Consistory meetings has proved to be more expeditious with regard to sharing the needs of the ministry areas and they are able to make more informed decisions with regard to budgets and the coordinated needs of the congregation. There is a lot to do within the congregation and lots to share through this congregation. Yes, we have some challenges in the year ahead. BUT, we are also assured that God has equipped us for the ministry to which we are called and that Jesus will nurture and encourage us through the Spirit…all along the way. Brief highlights of my ministry at Ebenezer this past year include: Worship: Regular participation in services of word and sacrament. participation in weddings and funerals upon request, working with various groups/teams within the congregation to create meaningful worship experiences that include members of the congregation of all ages in various worship settings/services. Confirmation: teaching, organizing ministry opportunities, arranging for local potters to work with our confirmands (2013) as they created their own chalices for “special Communion” on Maundy Thursday, participated in Confirmation Sunday. Coordinated the confirmation Urban Immersion retreat in Chicago. Five students were confirmed in 2013 and our confirmation class this year has a total of 11 students: 5 second year students and 6 first year students. Christian Education: Worked with the Christian Education team to restructure the gathering and opening time of Sunday School and to establish a programming year schedule in advance of September. I continue to work with our new Educating MAC, Dawn Rousse, and the Christian Ed team to coordinate the WRM. I also continued to work with the Christian Ed team and Julie Manz (director) to coordinate and implement VBS 2013 (taught 3-5 year old class), distributed Bibles to all incoming 1st grade students and new students to our program. Also worked with the Christian Ed team to recruit more adults to work with the Youth on Sunday mornings. We are grateful for the adults who share their time and friendship with our youth. Youth Ministry: 2013-2014 proved to be the year of consistent lock-ins! We had a very active group of confirmation students who really enjoyed spending time together at church! Julie Kinney is our Youth Treasurer and a true blessing in coordinating, documenting and creatively fundraising for our youth account. In July of 2014, 5 Adults and 7 youth participated in a mission trip to North Carolina through Appalachian Service Project. Our plan for 2014 is to go to Rocky Mountain National Park and share an environmental stewardship service project through the National Parks. In addition to Play and Service activities and opportunities, the youth also implemented and or participated in the following:, Big Brothers / Big Sister’s Bowling Tournament, the spring rummage sale (Julie Kinney and ‘crew’ coordinated), helped with the recycle day in the spring, raised over $600 through Shanty Town for Habitat for Humanity, preparation and distribution of the Care Packages for college students, Spaghetti Dinner, Xmas Caroling . 2015 promises to be a year filled with challenge, celebration and faith-forming opportunities! My goal for the year to come is simply this: to be intentionally Spirit-directed and prioritize that which will facilitate faith, hope, growth (spiritual and otherwise), and peace…trusting that joy will be the blessing that covers all of this. As we live into the changes and challenges of the staff-changes at Ebenezer, may we experience the active presence of the God and the transforming vitality of Christ in all that we do! Respectfully Submitted, Rev. Lorri A. Steward Page 5 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Consistory President’s annual report: 2014 Another year of Ebenezer is nearing completion and as 2014 ends, the New Year is filled with opportunity. During 2014, Ebenezer’s Ministries and Growth committee worked together to implement the ideas generated in 2013. Through the efforts of the EMGC, Ebenezer established new records for number of pledges collected and pledged support for 2015. The increased pledge support is a step in a better financial direction for Ebenezer; but we still have work to do. The EMGC also collected pledges from the congregation to help reduce the debt on the building, but like the stewardship pledges, Ebenezer will continue to work at this. Despite our own financial struggles, Ebenezer continues trusting that God will provide, reaching out to our community through different missions. We entered our fifth year of providing the simple dignity of clean wash through the Laundry Love ministry. The Jefferson Ebenezer Partnership provided school supplies, birthday bags and books to over 300 children. We again gathered coats to keep our neighbors warm. We filled about 40 Thanksgiving Baskets with food, and expressed our love and prayers to others. New in 2014 was our produce garden mission for Meals on Wheels of Sheboygan County. Our produce was used by Meals on Wheels to cook healthy meals for people and as an educational opportunity for children. Youth were given an opportunity to touch fresh vegetables at Meals on Wheels and learn about them. Our garden was liked so much by Meals on Wheels that we were approached by Meals on Wheels as a potential host site for greenhouses for growing produce throughout the year. Ebenezer again demonstrated we are stewards of the environment. We continue to produce electricity with our solar panels, saving money; but more importantly reducing our carbon footprint. We reduced the amount of electronic waste destined for a landfill by hosting an electronic recycling date. Due to some changes in the grants available, the second electronic recycling date was postponed to 2015 to see if additional financial resources will be available or how to properly charge for the waste collected. The year 2014 marked a change in our pastoral leadership. Reverend Mealiff announced a desire to reduce his hours and officially became a half-time minister at Ebenezer. As a halftime minister, Reverend Mealiff will continue his faithful service to and serve as a resource for Ebenezer for some time. We will benefit from his continued presence and leadership during this time of transition. The year 2015 is filled with nothing but opportunity. Don’t stand idle; keep pushing yourself and Ebenezer forward so we remain a leader in the community, in the Northeast Association, in the Wisconsin Conference and the National U.C.C. Philip Klemme Consistory President Page 6 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” 2015 OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE FORMS The 2015 Opportunities to Serve (OTS) forms will be sent out shortly after the first of the year. As most everyone is aware, these forms are the “kickstarter” of our ministries here at Ebenezer, as it provides members dozens of opportunities to share their time and talents. Last year, we gave members an opportunity to fill out the form electronically, which is a convenient option to some. We will once again offer than option in 2015. Anyone who receives the monthly newsletter electronically will also receive the OTS via email. All other members will have their forms mailed to them. In the past several years, we have struggled with getting volunteers to provide transportation to those who cannot get to church on their own. If you are able to help out in the ministry, I encourage you to sign up for it in 2015. If there are any questions, please contact Involve MAC Steve Shircel at 892-2137 or sshircel@excel.net "A special THANK YOU to everyone that has participated in making Comma Cafe a success in 2014! Your contributions in both time and culinary talents continue to make this social gathering time an important part of our ministry. Comma Cafe continues to be successful in its mission of bringing our members closer together by providing an informal and inviting atmosphere. We always welcome new volunteers to choose a Sunday to sponsor Comma Cafe. Please consider signing up on the Comma Clipboard located near the main entrance". Please consider signing up For any of the LOAVES AND FISHES SUNDAYS on the Comma Café Clipboard., These days are OPEN. Thanks again, Dawn Race - Comma Cafe Coordinator Comma Café January 4th Loaves & Fishes 11th AV Team 18th 1st year Confirmation Students & Mentors 25th Gospel Singers ADVENT UN-DECORATING DAY: SATURDAY, JANUARY 10TH, 9 – 11 AM What goes up must come down! The more hands to help the faster the project goes for everyone. A continental breakfast will be available for those who need to ‘re-fuel’ throughout the morning. Page 7 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Congregational Listening and Discussion Sessions The Consistory decided at its November meeting to have listening and discussion sessions in January to discuss and solicit input into our long-term pastoral staffing situation. We are fortunate to have Rev. Mealiff’s services on a half-time basis for at least several years as our Senior Pastor. And we have Rev. Steward as a full-time Associate Pastor. Beth Peske is our student pastor through May. As a congregation we need to decide how we assess Ebenezer’s needs for Pastoral leadership and care long term. The meetings being planned are meant to get input from members of the congregation as to their ideas, hopes, fears, questions, and desires concerning Ebenezer’s future. These sessions will be held at 9:15 am and 11:30 am on January 18, and again on January 25. Make plans to attend one (or more) and offer your input and ask your questions. Ron Rindfleisch Inspire Ministry Area Coordinator and Consistory Member If you are bored and stuck indoors, remember Ebenezer UCC has a puzzle library. Please take advantage of this opportunity. In the book available, please record your name, the date and the puzzle number. We have numerous puzzles to choose from. The Puzzle Library is located in the youth/meeting room near the kitchen. It is in a cabinet at the far end of the room. Reading Changes Lives. Imagine a world where literacy is no longer a concern … now imagine if we could begin here in our community! The Inmate Library is in need of gently-used books. The kinds of books needed are: Inspiring stories of resilience, biographies, autobiographies, popular titles and authors, classic titles and authors, mysteries, poetry, and current or recent reference books such as dictionaries (both English and Spanish/English). No romance novels. Soft cover or paperback only! There is a bin in the Gathering Area to deposit your book donations. The Inmate Library is located in the Sheboygan County Detention Center, 2923 S. 31st Street. Sharon Abel, the Correctional Education Instructor through Lakeshore Technical College, is requesting the books to supplement their library. She works with students at the Detention Center ranging in age from 18 to 58 with most in their 20s and 30s. The library is facilitated through the Eastern Shores Library System to provide books to the inmates (adult and juvenile, male and female) in Sheboygan County. After reading Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, a book about adult literacy education, the Sunday evening book study group discussed what could be done locally. We thought this was a good place to start. Any questions, contact Grace Rindfleisch, Invite Ministry Coordinator, or Student Pastor Beth Petzke. Page 8 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” Ebenezer UCC is having their 8th Annual Grilled Chicken Dinner on April 19th, 2015 Tickets will be available between church services on December 7th until the 28th Adult tickets are $10.00 Children tickets are $5.00 Sorry no discounts for early sales. We will resume ticket sales in February. Four “God Is Still Speaking,” Shirts Available – Free! Two size XXL “God Is Still Speaking,” men’s shirts are available at no cost. Both are red and have printing that reads God Is Still Speaking. One is a golf shirt with a collar and three buttons at the neck. The other is a t-shirt that also includes the words Ebenezer United Church of Christ. If interested, contact Grace Rindfleisch (457-9235 or ronandgrace47@gmail.com). If more than one person is interested, I’ll let the first person who contacts me choose one. And the second person would get the other one. Two women’s golf shirts are also available at no cost. Both have printing that reads Ebenezer and God Is Still Speaking. One is white, size medium. The other is yellow, size large. I also have two plain red t-shirts in size small. (You could take it to O’Callahan’s in the Mill Road Shoppes to have it embroidered with God Is Still Speaking,) PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS: Ruth Harker, Joan Grosshuesch, Vera Zenk, Kristin Kositzke, (granddaughter of Jane Reseburg) David Boykin, Jane Reseburg(Terrace Park), Mark Heffernan (Nephew of Kaisers), Mary Lavey (grandmother of Stephanie Winkelhake), Mary Voigt’s friend Timmer (heart transplant), Herman Mayer (Dorothy’s Husband), Alexander Dodds (Alan & Cheryl’s grandson,) Lallensack’s friends Kathy & Jim (cancer), Jamie Ottman (Tina Boykin’s brother), Jared Luebke (friend of Janice Schmitz), Clayton Meinolf, Sue Thiel, Robert Platz (June’s brother), Lu Zehfus, Luke Peters (Harold & Shirley Henning’s grandson), Jeanette Wangemann, Zona Ziegler, Tom Fredricks, Jerry & Betty Richards, Vern & Irene Feldt, Andrew Vreeke, Dorothy Free, Zach Samz (Fort Stewart), and persons with cancer and other health concern. Embracing Ministry: Mission Outreach Food Pantry A Special thanks to all the volunteers and the donations that make this Ministry possible The third Sunday of every month is Food Pantry Collection Sunday at Ebenezer UCC so January 18 is our next collection date. Your donations of non-perishable food items play a vital role in keeping the Sheboygan Area Food Pantry stocked for those in need of this service. A pantry shelf for your donations is located in Gathering Area. Volunteers Thank you for all your help. Donated items for December 104 Page 9 Ebenezer United Church of Christ The “Visitor” JANUARY BIRTHDAYS December Bible Readings Day Book Chapter 1 Exodus 35:4-29 2 Romans 10:5-13 3 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 4 2 Corinthians 8:16-24 5 Matthew 2: 1-15 6 James 1:1-18 7 Psalm 37 8 Proverbs 11:23-31 9 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 10 Judges 21;1-25 11 Psalm 112 12 Luke 6:27-38 13 Proverbs 22:1-16 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 14 Proverbs 19:1-6 7 Richard Vogel 15 Genesis 24:1-27 16 Leviticus 23:1-14 17 Leviticus 25:1-17 18 Deuteronomy 1:1-8 19 Mark 12:28-44 20 Joshua 1: 1-9 21 1 Samuel 1:1-11 22 1 Samuel 1:12-28 8 9 9 10 10 10 12 13 15 15 Kyle Fredricks Ariana Methfessel Lorri Steward Damien Blake Cory Shady Kerry Shady Jacqueline Rudd Ramona Priem Dale Bender Olevia Boykin 23 2 Chronicles 1:1-13 24 2 Chronicles 30: 1-27 25 Acts 14:8-20 26 John 17:1-26 27 Acts 28:1-15 28 2 Corinthians 1: 12-22 29 2 Corinthians 4:1-18 30 Acts 8: 14-25 Jane Bender Dale Hinze Melissa Selk Beth Gabrielse Arleen Gruenke Carl Lohuis Cherie Watts Susan Katte Ruth Voigt Andrew Thelen Sharon Eberhardy Kwincie Goetsch Aaron Kortman Tyler Monte Tammy Shady Tyler Wuestenhagen Emery Mealiff Charles Schwinn 15 16 16 16 17 Emily Buschmann Bonnie Bohman Alexander Matelko Lisa Schneekloth Michelle Dittrich 17 James Leonhardt 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 MeganThelen Nicole Dahmer Bobbi Illig Lisa Schaefer Betty Richards Nicholas Shircel Brenda Dehne Arleigh Heitzmann Rick Butler Chase Dahmer Amanda Kinney Amber Launer Nichole Launer Kate Reinwand 24 Jessica Wuestenhagen 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 Trevor Matelko Shannon Hansen Clayton Carey Debbie Titel Fern LeMahieu Michael Meinnert Michael Ahrnsbrak Carrie Pockat Austin Watts Crystal Cook Cheryl Kinney Valerie Sewacki 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Sunday, Jan 4, 2015 Sunday, Jan 11, 2015 Sunday, Jan 11, 2015 Sunday, Jan 18, 2015 Sunday, Jan 18, 2015 Sunday, Jan 25, 2015 Sunday, Jan 25, 2015 Time Sunday, Jan 4, 2015 Date Organist Alan Alan Alan Alan Alan Handbells Alan Gospel Choir Debby Tryba Debby Tryba Simple Song Singers Charlie and Kathy Alan Simple Song Singers Charlie and Kathy Alan Special Music Sue Kaiser Sue Kaiser A/V Prep Scott Mealiff Darryl Darryl A/V Operate Mary Kohl Rebecca Sewacki Dawn Rousse Mary Kohl E&R Mya Fritsch Wangeman Alyssa Lal- Dawn Folensack shag Nicholas Avina Shaunna Albrecht Quinn Cheryl MaWingender gruder Braeden Albrecht Liturgist Karen Kasten Mary Voigt Steve Shircel Dar Ott Dar Ott Grace Rindfleisch Tina Boykin Janice Hill Tom Ott Grace Rindfleisch Gospel Jim Kasten Jean Dean Singers Sharon Grace Eberhardy Rindfleisch !st Year Confirmation Students Sue Dol- Karen Kas& Mengner ten Jean Dean tors Mary Voigt Sue Dol- Julie gner Manz Ron Rindfleisch Jean Joan Shircel Dean Mike Eberhardy Loaves Jean Dean & Fishes Welcomer Comma Cafe Bob/Elaine WangeGrace man Rindfleisch Charlie Schwinn Greeter Jim KasRay/Nancy AV ten Jan Free DeLisle Jean Dean Team Sharon Bob AlSchoneman brecht Cathy Lucchesi Cheryl Dodds Jean Dean Ushers Worship Deacon Elaine Jim Wangeman Race Doris Wuestenhagen, Kim Radder, Croline OehCharlie ldrich Tiede Gert Rindfleisch, E and C Lucchesi, Cheryl Magruder Child Care Communion Clean Noah Beth WilWingender liams Austin Tryba Acolyte JANUARY WORSHIP SUPPORT SCHEDULE January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 6:00 pm Advent 6:30 Card Makers 12:30 Foot Clinic 7:00 Hand Bells 7:00 Line Dancing 9:00 Bible Study 6:30 Christian Ed Meeting 11 12 13 14 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 8:30 ECJ 8:30 Men's Breakfast Club 9:00 Bible Study 18 19 7:00 Hand Bells 7:00 Line Dancing 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 6:30 Confirmation 15 6:30 Confirma21 7:00 Hand Bells 7:00 Line Dancing 9:00 Bible Study 16 17 Fellowship Hall 8am-5pm in Use – Sonshine Sonshine Stitch- Stitchers ers 12:30 Foot Clinic 20 Advent Undecorating Day 22 23 24 29 30 31 6:30 Confirmation 25 26 27 28 8:oo/10:30 am Worship 9:00 Sunday School 9:20 Gospel Singers 9:15 Jr/Sr Sunday School 6:00 Consistory 8:30 Men’s Breakfast Club 12:30 Foot Clinic 7:00 Hand Bells 7:00 Line Dancing 9:00 Bible Study 12:30 foot Clinic 6:30 Confirmation E B E N E Z E R U N I T E D C H U R C H O F C H R I ST 3215 Saemann Ave. Sheboygan, WI 53081 920-452-9766 ebucc@ebenezerucc.org Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff Rev. Lorri Steward Address Services Requested JANUARY 2015 Newsworthy January 4th 8 & 10:30 Worship with Communion 10th Advent Undecorating Day 17th SonShine Stitchers 18th Congregational Listening & Discussion Sessions 25th Congregational Listening & Discussion Sessions
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