Jackpot! Magazine South

The South’s Largest Guide to Gaming and Fun
January 8 - January 21, 2015
FreePlay, Lincoln prizes at Beau
New Year New You is $1.3 million giveaway
Riverwalk Casino has
January excitement ...... 6
Rollin’ Thunder comes to
Silver Slipper Casino ..... 13
Winners.......... 12, 26-27
Dining ................. 16-17
Entertainment ...... 20-21
Horoscopes .............. 28
Poker ...................... 30
Casino Directory ...... 31
BILOXO — Start the new year
in style with the $1.3 million New
Year New You FreePlay
and Prize Giveaway at
Beau Rivage. Players
club members are
earning entries now for
the giveaway, which ends with a
grand-prize drawing on Saturday, Feb. 28.
While one player will win the top prize of a Lincoln
MKC, many more will win FreePlay prizes. Drawings
take place every Saturday in January and February.
From 6 to 8 p.m., up to 10 winners are guaranteed to
win between $300 in FreePlay and
$3,000 in FreePlay. At 9 p.m.,
the prizes double, with 10
winners getting between
$600 in FreePlay and
$6,000 in FreePlay.
There will be a total of
40 winners each drawing day.
On the grand-prize day in February, drawings
take place from 6 to 9 p.m. The early winners will
get up to $3,000 in FreePlay, while at 9 p.m., eight
See New Year New You, Page 5
Break the Bank and win cash
with Pearl River Resort giveaway
CHOCTAW — Pearl River
Resort has the Break the Bank
promotion and guests can win up to
$5,000. Drawings take place every
Friday and Saturday in January
during this virtual giveaway.
On each giveaway day, one
winner will be selected each hour
from 7 to 10 p.m. The winner will
then participate in the Smash for
Cash game to win up to $1,000.
At 11 p.m., each drawing day, one
winner will be selected to play
See Break the Bank, Page 5
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 3
New Year New You, from Page 1
winners are guaranteed to win
$6,000 in FreePlay, one winner
will get $10,000 in FreePlay and
one winner will get the 2015
Lincoln MKC.
Slot players can earn one
entry ticket for every 100 slot
points accumulated on their Beau
Rivage M life players club card.
All entrants must be present to
Visit the M life desk for details.
Break the Bank, from Page 1
the Crack the Code game for a
chance to win $5,000.
During the Smash for Cash
game, winners will get a hammer
to smash the piggy bank
they select. Prizes
range from $100
to $1,000. The
second game,
Crack the Code,
guess a six-digit
code. Prizes are
based on how close the player
gets to placing the numbers in the
correct order. If no numbers are
correct, the player wins $500, but
if all six numbers are in the right
order, the prize is $5,000.
Players club members are
earning entries now through
casino play. Get one free entry
on each drawing day, and one
additional entry for every 500
earned. Entries will carry
ove for each drawing
throughout the
Entries must
be activated
on the drawing
days by inserting the club card
into any slot machine and then
actively playing starting at 3 p.m.
For more information, visit
Silver Star Casino at Pearl River
Resort today.
Treasure Bay has special
late lineup for night owls
BILOXI — Night owls can
enjoy some exciting specials at
Treasure Bay. The Late Night
Lineup is a hoot, and all guests
need is a players club card to
cash-in on the excitement.
Club members can enjoy the
following every Monday through
Friday from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m.:
video poker with triple points on
slots all day Wednesday;
available until 10 a.m., including
$3 shoe and $5 pitch blackjack,
$3 craps and 25-cent roulette; and
Den, featuring two eggs, bacon
or sausage served with hash
browns, grits and toast for $2.99.
Guests without a Treasure
Bay Players’ Club card will
find it is easy to get one, plus
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
membership is free. Be sure to
use the card every time you play
slots and table games. All those
points can lead to special room
offers, complimentary dining and
invitations to exclusive playeronly events.
Also at Treasure Bay, take
advantage of the Friends with
Benefits program. Players club
members can get a special
bonus when they bring a friend
to the casino. When the friend
signs up for a new player’s
club membership, the existing
member will receive their friend’s
points, plus their own earned
points on that day.
For more information about
the Late Night Lineup or the
Friends with Benefits program,
visit player services or go to
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 5
Vol. 21, No. 9
The South’s Largest Guide
to Gaming and Fun
W. Michael Sunderman
Lori Beth Susman
General Manager/Executive Editor
Mike Haynes
Office Manager
David Grisham
Rudi Schiffer
Contributing Editors
Frank Scoblete
Henry Tamburin
12268 Intraplex Parkway
Gulfport, MS 39503
(228) 385-7707
(228) 385-7705 FAX
P.O. Box 417
Tunica, MS 38664
(662) 363-3637
(662) 363-6607 FAX
For a first-class subscription to Jackpot!,
send a check or money order for $35 for six
months (13 issues) or $55 for one year (26
issues) to the Gulf Coast office.
Jackpot! is owned and published by
M2Media Corp., 12268 Intraplex Parkway,
Gulfport, MS 39503. The contents
of Jackpot! are copyrighted. All rights
are reserved. Reproduction in part or
whole without written permission of the
publisher is strictly prohibited.
Refill Your Wallet with
DiamondJacks giveaway
VICKSBURG — After all that holiday
spending in December, players club members
are heading to DiamondJacks Casino
for the Refill Your Wallet
giveaway. Cash prizes are
awarded every Saturday in
Drawings are held each
week from 6 to 10 p.m.
with one player selected
hourly to win. Those
winners selected until
9 p.m. will receive $500,
while the 10 p.m. winner
will get $2,000 cash.
DiamondJacks Reward Card holders will
receive one free entry a week. Additional entries
can be received through play, with one
entry given for every 10 points
earned on slots and for every
hour of rated table play.
Swipe at JACK to activate
The Vicksburg casino is
also hosting a $5,000 MLK
Holiday Slot Tournament
on Monday, Jan. 19. Reward
Card holders may swipe at
JACK to receive one free
The tournament’s firstplace winner will receive
$2,500 JackPlay.
Visit the casino for more information today.
Whirlwind of cash at Riverwalk Casino
VICKSBURG — Grabbing cash is
a whirlwind of fun at Riverwalk Casino in
Vicksburg. The $75,000 Whirlwind of
Cash Giveaway takes place every Friday
in January.
Players club members are
earning entries now, with
10-times entries given on
Fridays, Saturdays and
Sundays, 30-times entries
on Tuesdays and Thursdays
and 50-times entries on
Mondays and Wednesdays. Each week,
one winner will be selected hourly from 6 to
11 p.m. and will get 30 seconds to grab as much
cash as they can from the Cash Cube. Players
can win up to $5,000.
Also at Riverwalk, the $5,000 Bank Some
Benjamins giveaway takes place on
Monday, Jan. 19. From noon to 9 p.m.,
20 hot seat winners will each go home
with $250 cash.
And on Saturday nights in
January, players can win
with the $10,000 Midnight
giveaway. Ten random hot
seat winners will be selected
from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. to win $250
Visit the Vicksburg casino for more
information on these promotions.
Palace kiosk games lead to Power Play
BILOXI — Win Power
Play and extra points with
kiosk games at Palace Casino
Resort. There is even a kiosk
game for those celebrating
their birthday.
Players club members can
win up to 10-times points
every Wednesday by swiping
their club card at the kiosk
between 3 a.m. and 11:59
p.m. Multiplied points will be
6 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
available the next day.
On Tuesday nights, play
the Penguin Kiosk Game,
and on Thursday nights, play
the Out of this World Kiosk
Game. For both games, earn
50 slot points and swipe at
the kiosk between 5 and
11:59 p.m. on the designated
day. Win up to $500 in Power
Play or five-times points on
Tuesdays, and win up to $500
in Power Play on Thursdays.
Plus, new players club
members can receive up to
$1,000 in Power Play with
the New Member Instant
Win game. Earn 40 points
on the day you enroll to play.
Club members can also play
the Make A Wish Birthday
Kiosk Game any one day of
their birthday month to win
Power Play or a free gift.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 7
Resolve to not make
playing mistakes in 2015
Knowing about house
edges can be a grind
Below is a list
home on your
of five mistakes
computer using
most frequently
a video poker
made by video
By Dr. Henry Tamburin strategy trainer.
poker players.
You shouldn’t
The more of
these you make, the more money of playing video poker in a casino
you will lose. Make it a New Year’s until you can confidently play with
goal to eliminate these mistakes over 95 percent accuracy (ideally
from your play — you’ll be glad 99 percent, which is not difficult to
you did.
achieve using the software). The two
video poker software trainers that
.OT%XAMININGTHE0AY4ABLE I recommend are Optimum Video
Not doing this results in playing Poker and Video Poker for Winners.
the wrong game. Each video poker
game usually has different pay tables. 0LAYING(IGH6ARIANCE'AMES
It’s important to know which pay
Variance is a fancy mathematical
table has the highest return (for term that describes the swings in
perfect play). If you want to play your bankroll that occur when you
Jacks or Better, you should know play. Most players unknowingly
that a pay table that pays 9 coins play video poker games with a high
for a full house (per coin played) variance, which results in a high
and 6 coins for a flush has a higher risk of going broke because they
theoretical return than a Jacks or don’t have enough bankroll to play
Better game that pays only 8 and 5 these games. Until you build up your
coins, respectively, for the full house bankroll, I strongly suggest you play
and flush.
low variance games (like Jacks or
Better or Bonus Poker) rather than
the higher variance games (like many
For many hands dealt to players, of the bonus games that pay more
which cards to hold is a no-brainer. for certain four-of--a-kind hands).
But there other hands where the
correct hold is not so obvious, and
guessing and ending up making the
Most video poker players play
wrong hold can be a costly mistake.
quickly (usually 500-700 hands
Where many players err is per hour), and they don’t always
they use the same playing strategy concentrate on every hand. By not
regardless of the game they are staying focused on every hand to
playing. That’s a big mistake. With determine what are the best hold
few exceptions, every video poker options, players often misplay their
game has an optimum playing hands. Also, drinking too many of
strategy associated with it (depending the free alcoholic beverages when
on the pay table). So think twice you play can also impair your
about switching games to “change concentration so watch the drinks.
your luck” because unless you know
the correct playing strategy for the
Henry Tamburin is a blackjack and
new game, you will do more harm video poker expert. For a free three-month
than good.
subscription, visit www.bjinsider.com/
freetrial. For a free copy of his Casino
Gambling Catalog, which contains books,
The easiest way to master a strategy cards and software, call (888)
playing strategy is to practice at 353-3234, or visit smartgaming.com.
I think many
away at the
casino players
are aware that
the number
the house has
follows its
By Frank Scoblete
the edge on just
probability of
about every bet
showing up
they can make; yet these players are correctly over the long run?
not fully aware of exactly how the
It’s actually pretty simple. When
casino does this. Sadly, they play you win the bet, that $7 win is less
many of the games poorly because than a player should win based on the
they cannot see the hidden costs of true odds of the bet. The true odds
what they are doing.
of 6 to 5 would dictate a win of more
In point of fact, I once received than $7 for a $6 bet — in fact, the
an irate email from a player who was win should be $7.20. But the casino
adamant that the house could not can’t make any money if it pays off
have a 1.41 percent edge on the Pass at true odds.
Line and Come bets in craps because
Since the casino is keeping that 20
he never lost $1.41 on them. He said, cents, the house now has an edge of
“I win a bet; I lose a bet. I never lose 1.52 percent edge on the placing of
$1.41 on a bet.”
the 6 or 8. And this placement of the
Obviously no one loses $1.41 on 6 or 8 is considered a good bet with
a Pass Line or Come bet. A player that house edge. The other place bets
wins 244 times and loses 251 times of the 4 and 10 come in with an edge
on them. That’s 495 decisions. The of 6.67 percent because these two
difference is that the player loses pay off at $9 for $5 when the true
seven more bets. Divide 495 into odds are 2-to-1. The casino keeps a
those seven bets and the house edge dollar for every win.
comes to 1.41 percent or a loss of
For the 5 and 9, the true odds are
$1.41 per $100 wagered.
three to two. However, for a $5 place
The casino wins slowly on the bet the payment is $7 for $5 instead
Pass Line and Come bets. The game of $7.50, giving the house an edge of
will go back and forth, win some, lose four percent.
some, but the “lose some” will be
Yes, on all these place bets you
slightly more than the “win some.” will win some and lose some over
This is called “grinding.” And such time based on their true probability
grinding does exactly what it sounds but the casino will pay you less than
like — it slowly eats your bankroll the true odds. And that’s where the
the way the constant grinding of the house gets its edge. You might not
ocean can eat away boulders.
notice it but over time you will notice
The other way the casino grinds the casino ahead and you behind.
out wins at craps has to do with
Looked at clearly, when a player
“false” or short payouts on winning loses he loses his total bet but when
bets. Take a look at the placement a player wins, he often has a partner
of the 6 or 8. You put up $6 to taking part of that win for itself. That
win $7. You win some; you lose partner is the casino.
some. In fact, over time you win
the number of times what the odds
Frank Scoblete’s new books are I Am
say you should win and you lose the a Dice Controller: Inside the World of
number of times what the odds say Advantage-Play Craps! and I Am a Card
you should lose. (I’m talking long run Counter: Inside the World of Advantagefigures here.)
Play Blackjack! Available from Amazon.
So how does the casino grind com, Kindle or at your favorite bookstore.
Winning Ways
8 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
Frankly Speaking
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 9
Blockbuster Giveaway has $100K in prizes
Earn entries now at Hollywood and Boomtown
GULF COAST — A blockbuster of
a giveaway is coming to Hollywood Casino
Gulf Coast and Boomtown Casino Biloxi.
The $100,000 Blockbuster Giveaway is set for
Friday, Jan. 30, at Hollywood in Bay St. Louis,
and Saturday, Jan. 31, at Boomtown Casino.
At both properties, drawings will be held
from 6 to 10 p.m. with a SlotPlay winner
selected every 15 minutes. At 10 p.m. each
drawing night, one winner will get the $10,000
cash grand prize.
Players club members are earning entries
now, with one entry given for every 100 base slot
points or table games equivalent. Plus, get fivetimes entries on Mondays at Boomtown and
five-times entries on Tuesdays at Hollywood.
Entries earned at each casino will be combined.
Players must have their Marquee Rewards
card in a slot machine or have an open rating at
a table game within 14 minutes of each drawing
time for a chance to win.
Plus, earn points faster with the Flurry of
Points Multiplier Kiosk Game every Tuesday
in January. Play the kiosk game to win five- to
12-times points from 3 a.m. to 3 a.m. Bonus
points will be applied within 48 hours.
Win new Chevy Silverado with
Passport to
winning found giveaway at Golden Nugget
at Harrah’s
BILOXI — Players at Harrah’s Gulf
Coast can get their Passport to Winnings
every Sunday in January. Total Rewards
members can play to be one of the
winners who select a passport filled with
guaranteed free slot play.
To enter, swipe at the promotions
kiosk starting at 1 p.m. each week to
activate one free entry. Receive additional
entries for every 10 tier credits earned.
Drawings in which $10,000 in free slot
play will be given away are held hourly
from 2 to 6 p.m.
Plus, Fly Away Fridays take place each
Friday in January, and Total Rewards
members can win up to $1,000 in
Southwest gift cards. Gift cards will be
given away every 30 minutes from 6 to
10 p.m.
Swipe at the kiosk starting at 5 p.m. to
activate one free entry. Additional entries
can be received for every 10 tier credits
Visit the Total Rewards booth for
more information.
BILOXI — One player
will win a new Chevrolet
Silverado while others will
win up to $2,500 Free Play
Biloxi’s Chevrolet Silverado
1500 Giveaway. Players club
members are earning entries
now for the Sunday, Jan. 18,
Drawings will be held every
15 minutes from 4 to 6:45
p.m. with winners receiving a
share of Free Play. At 7 p.m.,
one winner will get the 2015
Chevrolet Silverado 1500 or
cash option.
Earn one entry for the
giveaway with every 25
slot points or table games
equivalent through 6:15 p.m.
on Jan. 18. Additional entries
will appear on player accounts
by 2 p.m. that afternoon.
Entries must be activated
each drawing hour by playing
slots or table games with your
players club card.
Also in January at Golden
Nugget, get two-times tier
credits on Saturday and
Sunday, Jan. 24-25. Players
club members using their club
card while playing will receive
double the tier credits from
3 a.m. on Jan. 24 through
midnight on Jan. 25.
And with the Uspin
Rewards on Wednesday and
Thursday, Jan. 28-29, players
who earn 100 points will be
awarded a bonus game directly
on their slot machine. The
game will automatically appear,
letting the player spin a wheel
to win between $5 Free Play
and $100 Free Play.
Points must be earned
between 4 and 10 p.m., and
guests can only play once per
Lucky Pick 5 is back at Island View
GULFPORT — Island View
Casino Resort’s Lucky Pick 5 is
back and it’s fast, fun and offers
five times the chance to win.
Held on Saturdays, Jan. 10,
Jan. 17, Jan. 24 and Jan. 31, this
game offers players the chance
to earn up to five tickets for
the special drawings, which take
place every 15 minutes from 2
to 11 p.m. More than 250 guests
will win up to $500 Slot View
Play each night, by playing and earning points
with their players club card.
And for an extra stroke of luck, players
10 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
can deposit tickets into the
drawing drum after 11 p.m. for
the midnight drawing, when five
winners will each receive $1,000
in Slot View Play.
Plus, take winning to the
next level with the Gulfport
resort’s Tier Advantage Slot
Tournament, featuring 150
winners every Sunday in January.
From 1 to 9 p.m., 30 players
from each of the resort’s Insider
Players Club’s five tiers to receive a share of
$5,000 in Slot View Play. No points are needed
to play.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Gallop to win with Island View game
Gallop across the finish line with Island View Casino Resort’s Home
Stretch Kiosk Game. Players club members who have earned at least 20
points on Mondays, Jan. 12 and Jan. 26, from 4 a.m. to 6 p.m. can swipe
their club card as many times as they wish at any casino kiosk to get from
four to 12 times their points.
DiamondJacks has table games hot seat
DiamondJacks Casino has two ways to win in January. The $10,000
River City Table Games Hot Seat giveaway takes place every Friday. Two
players club members will be selected every 30 minutes from 7 to 10 p.m.
to win. Winners selected at 7 and 10 p.m. will each receive $250 in chips,
while those selected from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. will each receive $100 in chips.
And on Sundays, play the Electronic Swipe & Win. Club members may
swipe at JACK from 1 to 5 p.m. for prizes including JackPlay, points, point
multipliers and electronic devices.
Win with Silver Slipper’s Plinko Sundays
Plinko Sundays are held at Silver Slipper Casino, with more than $7,500
in Free Slot Play awarded each week. Every Sunday from noon to 6 p.m.,
guests will receive one entry and additional entries can be earned with slot
and table play. Three winners will be selected every 15 minutes to drop the
Plinko puck to win. All prizes paid in Free Slot Play. Visit Players Services
for more information.
Break the Bank giveaway at Bok Homa
Bok Homa has the Break the Bank promotion held every Thursday in
January. One winner will be selected each hour from 6 to 9 p.m. to play the
Smash for Cash game for up to $500. At 10 p.m., one
winner will be selected to play the Crack the Code
game for a chance to win $1,000. During the Smash
for Cash game, winners will get a hammer to smash
the piggy bank they select. The second game, Crack
the Code, lets players guess a six-digit code. Prizes, ranging from $200 to
$1,000, are based on how close the player gets to placing the numbers in
the correct order. Players club members are earning entries now through
casino play, with one entry given for every 100 points earned. Entries must
be activated on the drawing days by inserting the club card into any slot
machine and then actively playing starting at 3 p.m.
Palace players see flurries of winning
There will be a flurry of winning with the Flurries of Power Play Hot
Seats at Palace Casino Resort. The fun takes place every Friday in January.
A total of 45 winners each week will be selected from 8 to 11 p.m. to win
$250 in Power Play. Prime winners will receive $500 in Power Play. For
more information, visit the Biloxi resort today.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 11
Red White & Blue
Triple Double Stars
Triple Red Hot 7s
2ICHARD #. of McNeil, Miss., won playing a Red, White & Blue 10 Times slot
(ARLEY 3. of Byram, Miss., won playing a Triple Double Stars slot machine at
$IAMOND*ACKS#ASINO in Vicksburg.
+ATHY*. of Phebe, Miss., won playing
a Triple Red Hot 7s slot machine at3ILVER3TAR
Video Poker
Quick Hit Platinum
Mercedes CLA
*OANNA#. of Slidell, La., won playing
a $5 Game King video machine at (OLLYWOOD
2OBBIE#. of Mobile, Ala., won playing
a penny Quick Hit Platinum Triple Blazing 7s
slot machine at 0ALACE#ASINO2ESORT.
*AMES !. of Mobile, Ala., won a -ERCEDES
#,! in the New Year, New Wheels giveaway
at (ARD2OCK Biloxi.
Holiday Extravaganza
Polar Plinko
'LORIA 0. of Grand Bay, Ala.,
won 3LOT6IEW0LAY in
the Polar Plinko game at )SLAND
.ICHOLAS 4. won CASH and &ANPLAY in the $150,000 Holiday Extravaganza
at ,ADY,UCK#ASINO Vicksburg.
More Winners On Pages 26 & 27
12 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
$400K Rollin’ Thunder
comes to Silver Slipper
BILOXI — Rollin’ Thunder
Hot Seats come to Silver Slipper
Casino in 2015. Thousands
in Free Slot Play and cash
will be awarded in this
promotion, which continues
through March.
Every Friday and Saturday
in January, February and
March, players have the
chance to win up to $1,000
in Free Slot Play. The Rollin’
Thunder Hot Seat goes off from 1
to 8 p.m. when every half hour one
winner is selected to roll the dice
to win.
Grand-prize drawings take place
Saturdays, Jan. 17, Jan. 31, Feb. 28,
March 14 and March 28, at 9 p.m.
The top winner will receive $10,000
See Players Services for details.
Earn points to receive
festive gifts in January
MISSISSIPPI — Everyone likes
to hit the jackpot when playing
slots. And, when players use their
players club card while playing, they
can get so much more. Every spin
of the reels leads to earning points,
and those points can add up to
equal free gifts.
Harrah’s Gulf Coast has the
Luggage Gift Series every Thursday
in January. Total Rewards members
who earn 200 tier
credits between 3
a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
each promotional
day will take home
a different piece of
luggage each week when
they swipe their Total Rewards card
at the promotional kiosk from 4 to
8 p.m.
The gift on Jan. 8 is a convertible
garment bag and toiletry bag, while
on Jan. 15, players will receive a
20-inch expandable carry-on
roller bag; on Jan. 22, a 26-inch
expandable roller bag; and on Jan.
29, a 29-inch expandable roller bag.
Let the good times roll every
Sunday at Golden Nugget Biloxi
with the Mardi Gras T-shirt earn
and get. Guest earning 250 points
each Sunday will receive a free
Mardi Gras T-shirt. After earning
the points, print a voucher until
9:45 p.m. at any kiosk, and redeem
that voucher at the players club by
10:30 p.m. to receive the T-shirt.
Shirts and sizes are limited and
based on availability. One shirt per
person per week.
Beginning Monday, Jan. 19,
players at Silver Slipper Casino can
get a Mardi Gras fleece throw.
Earn 400 slot points or
$20 Table Game
Comp Dollars
between Jan. 19
and Tuesday, Feb.
17. One fleece per
supplies last. See Players Services
for details.
And at Lady Luck Casino in
Vicksburg, the Fun Friday Gift
Earn & Get takes place every week
from 2 to 8 p.m. in January. Earn
100 points and get a free gift. And
the best part: The gift could be
holding up to $2,500 in FanPlay.
Pick up the gift at the Fan Club
once the tier points are earned. One
gift per person each week, while
supplies last.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 13
Silver Slipper has free
daily slot tournaments
Pick a day and then get ready
to win Free Slot Play at Silver
Slipper Casino. Win a share of
more than $15,000 in Free Slot
Play and have fun doing so in the
free slot tournaments.
Tournaments run from 10 a.m.
to 10 p.m. in the Midway Madness
area by the Stage Bar. Players club
members get one free entry. Players
can also participate in sessions for
every 100 points earned daily.
Monday tournament features 20
winners and has a
first-place prize of
$1,000 in Free Slot Play.
The top 10 scorers will win in
the Two for Tuesday tournament,
during which players get two free
entries. The first-place winner on
Tuesday gets $500 in Free Slot Play.
With the Wacky Wednesday
tournament, 20 players will win.
The first-place winner gets $50 in
Free Slot Play, and, in the spirit of
wackiness, the 13th-place winner
will take home $750 in Free Slot
Touchdown Thursday has 20
winners, and pays $500 in Free Slot
Play to the first-place finisher.
On Friday, play in the Fortune
Friday tournament. Twenty players
will share in the winnings, with
$1,000 in Free
Slot Play going
to the first-place
players will win in the Hot Shot
Saturday tournament, with $500 in
Free Slot Play going to the firstplace winner.
And on Sunday, the Showdown
Sunday event will have 10 winners,
with $725 going to the top scorer.
Visit Players Services at the
casino for details on these daily
Good to be King at PRR
CHOCTAW — There is no doubt
Elvis Presley was the King of Rock ’n Roll.
And, at Pearl River Resort, It’s Good to
be King with a giveaway that has players
winning Bonus Bet prizes. The excitement
takes place Thursdays, Jan. 8, Jan. 22 and
Jan. 29, from 6 to 10 p.m.
Players club members are earning
entries now for this virtual giveaway. Get
one entry for every 100 points earned,
as well as one additional entry on each
promotional day. Entries must be activated
on the giveaway day by inserting the club card into any slot machine
and then actively playing starting at 3 p.m.
Starting at 6 p.m., one winner will be selected every half hour to
play the Good to be King Match Game. Match cards showing Elvisrelated items, such as peanut butter and banana sandwiches and blue
suede shoes, to win Bonus Bets. Prizes range from $100 Bonus Bet
to the top prize of $500 Bonus Bet, which can be won by making all
eight matches.
For more information, visit Silver Star Casino.
14 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Island View chef’s
menu shows great taste
By Lori Beth Susman
GULFPORT — A celery root velouté. Leek and
goat cheese bread pudding. A salad with almond feta
cream, grapefruit, radish and celery. Do these dishes
sound intriguing to you, but you’re not really sure
what they are or how they will taste? Wish
there was a way to try such specialties as
fig-stuffed game hen, lobster and crabmeat
crepe and cote de boeuf?
Island View Casino Resort has the
perfect way to get you out of your everyday
dining rut and into an evening of six
exciting courses. And, no need to learn in
advance the correct pronunciation as the
chefs in Carter Green Steakhouse will tell
you just what each dish is and what is used
for its preparation. It is all part of the new
Chef’s Tasting Menu.
Each week, the talented chefs at Island
View work together to come up with an
array of dishes that are offered for a limited
time. When coming up with the menus,
one chef told us, “you have your head in the clouds
but you have to have your feet on the ground.” Diners
enjoying the tasting menu sit at the kitchen bar, and,
with a perfect view of the open kitchen, watch as the
chefs prepare each course.
We were there on a recent Monday night and were
16 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
delighted in what was served. We started the meal
with an amuse from the chef, a crawfish boudin ball
served on a creamy Cajun remoulade sauce. That was
followed by the celery root velouté, which is basically a
Fig-stuffed game hen breast
soup, with caramelized pear compote and house-made
granola. The velouté was smooth and creamy, the pear
compote added a tasting sweetness and the granola
gave the dish a bit of crunch. It was perfect.
Next came the salad of poached scallop, almond
feta cream, winter greens, grapefruit, radish and celery.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Sunday, Wednesday
& Thursday
5 PM - 10 PM
Poached scallop salad
The array of flavors went together nicely, with
the almond added nuttiness to the salty creamy
feta served beneath the greens.
The third course was a definite favorite:
a lobster and crabmeat crêpe topped with a
Boursin béchamel and roasted tomato sauce.
The thin pancake with its layers of goodness enveloped
the pieces of lobster and crab, which were substantial
in size.
As we were relishing the last bite of the crepe with
its delicious cream sauce, the next course was delivered
and we had on our plates a fig-stuffed game hen breast
with a polenta cake and root vegetables in chicken jus.
This was another winner with all the tastes melding so
well. The polenta, which soaked up the flavors in the
gravy, is not often offered and was the perfect base
Cote de boeuf
Friday & Saturday
5 PM - 11 PM
Lobster and crabmeat crepe
for the tender hen. The glazed carrots, onions and
potatoes were also tender yet firm.
Can you believe there is more to this dinner? Our
next to last course was côte de boeuf served with a
leek and goat cheese bread pudding, crispy shallots and
sauce Bearnaise. The meat was done just right, and the
bread pudding was a savory side (note to steakhouse
chefs: this could be a side offered regularly in the
Our final course was a praline crème brûlée with
toasted pecans and fresh whipped cream. For an
ending to this meal, there couldn’t have been
anything better. Score another one for the Island
View chefs.
We marveled at the expertise of the chefs, first
creating and then plating each dish. These are items
that you can’t typically order at a restaurant, and it
was a treat to try them at Carter Green. That is what
the tasting menu is really all about, said sous chef
William Brann: guests coming in and not being
afraid to try something new.
Brann, along with cook Robby Holmes, prepared
our tasting menu dinner, happily chatting with us
and others at the dinner seating as they worked.
We learned using fresh, local foods is important
at Carter Green, as it is in all of the restaurants at
(228) 432-8888
or book at
Smoke Free
See Chef’s tasting menu, Page 18
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 17
Celery root veloute (above), praline creme brulee (below)
Chef’s tasting menu, from Page 17
Island View, and that every chef is allowed to offer suggestions for future
tasting menus. As the two kept up with those of us at the kitchen bar, they
also continued working on dishes for the rest of the steakhouse. With our
special seating, we were able to take in the quick and precise moves of all
the kitchen staff.
On future menus, guests will dine on seared foie gras with brioche,
house-made pasta and sausage, pan-roasted quail and filet of beef au poivre
with turnips Anna. The menus change weekly, and the best way to keep
up them is to visit the casino’s website (islandviewcasino.com). It will be
easy to make dinner at Island View for the Chef’s Tasting Menu a regular
The portions, by the way, are bigger than expected making the $50 cost
of the meal a true bargain.
The Chef’s Tasting Menu can
be enjoyed Thursday through
Monday with seatings
at 6, 7:30 and 9 p.m. For
reservations, call (228) 3141515.
Cook Robbie Holmes,
Sous Chef William Brann
18 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Beau hosts back-to-back
events during ‘beer week’
BILOXI — Beau Rivage is hosting its
Southern Brewers Club during Gulf Coast Craft
Beer Week. On Wednesday and Thursday, Jan.
21-22, the Biloxi resort will be celebrating all
things craft beer and letting guests get a firsthand experience with Mississippi’s growing craft
beer culture.
Guests can appreciate a variety
of specialty brews from the
famous Chicago-based Goose
Island Beer Company and
Beau Rivage brewing partner
Crooked Letter Brewery in
Ocean Springs, Miss., at backto-back events.
Brewmaster Wanda and Paull
Blacksmith, owners of Crooked Letter
Brewery, will share insights about their
popular local brews during the complimentary
beer tasting on Jan. 21 in Eight75. While
exploring featured specialty brews, guests can
enjoy live music by local cover band Anderson
and Brennen. The event is set from 5 to 8 p.m.
The celebration continues on Jan. 22 in the
Red Brick Room. For $30, guests can enjoy a
Southern-style social from 6 to 8 p.m. that will
feature comparative brew tastings provided by
Goose Island Brewing Company. This event also
showcases special gourmet pairings prepared by
culinary artist Chef Sarah Cormier of Beau
Rivage’s Coast Restaurant and a gift
for each attendee.
“Beau Rivage is the perfect
place to celebrate artisan beer and
its inter-relationship with great
food,” said Bruce Cartwright,
Beau Rivage beverage manager.
“We are proud to partner with
Crooked Letter and Goose Island
to produce these events and help them
reach the community through the universal
language of beer.”
Tickets are available online at www.
beaurivage.com and ticketmaster.com, in person
at the Beau Rivage Theatre Box Office or by
calling (888) 566-7469.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Do a double
take and Play
It Again at
Island View
GULFPORT — Do a double take
with Island View Casino Resort’s $20,000
Play it Again Slot Tournaments every
Thursday beginning Jan. 8.
Tournament 1, which requires no
points to play, will be held from noon
to 5 p.m. each week. Fifty winners will
share $7,500 in Slot View Play, and the
grand-prize winner receives $2,000 in Slot
View Play.
From 6 to 9 p.m., players who have
earned 50 points can participate in
Tournament 2, which features 75 winners
sharing $12,500 in Slot View Play. The
prizes include a $2,500 Slot View Play
grand prize.
Visit Island View Casino Resort in
Gulfport for more information.
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 19
"EAU 2IVAGE — In Coast, Ladies Nights are
every Thursday with ladies drinking free from
10 p.m.-1 a.m. Thursdays are also Techtronic
Thursdays. On Friday and Saturday, ladies also
receive free admission from 10 p.m.-1 a.m. $10 cover for men nightly,
which includes two free drinks. Triggerproof can be seen Jan. 16-17 and
again Jan. 23-24. DJs entertain when the bands are not performing.
In EIGHT75, Dian Diaz performs every Wednesday and Thursday
from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. and Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Live
music can also be enjoyed Sunday and Tuesday, 8 p.m. to midnight.
At the Breeze Bar, Anderson Domingues performs Fridays and
Saturdays from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
In the Beau Rivage Theatre, Johnny Mathis performs Jan. 9, 8 p.m.,
$44.95, $54.95 and $69.96; Rick Springfield, Jan. 23, 8 p.m., $24.95, $34.95
and $39.95; Merle Haggard, Jan. 30, 8 p.m., $44.95, $54.95 and $64.95;
and Creedence Clearwater Revisited, Feb. 13, 8 p.m., $29.95, $39.95 and
$49.95. All ticket prices plus tax and service charge. Coming soon: Ron
White, Rodney Carrington, Engelbert Humperdinck. Tickets to all shows
can be purchased by calling (888) 566-7469 or by going online to www.
"OOMTOWN #ASINO — Bands perform
Friday and Saturday nights on the Spurs stage
located on the first floor of the casino. 2 Left
of Center performs Jan. 9-10; Something’s Up, Jan. 16-17; Barbara &
Company, Jan. 23-24; and Blue Magnolia, Jan. 30-31. Unless otherwise
noted, bands perform 8 to midnight.
'OLDEN .UGGET "ILOXI — In the Rush Lounge,
free live entertainment can be enjoyed every Wednesday
through Saturday starting at 9 p.m. No Idea performs
Jan. 8-9, Jan. 15, Jan. 22 and Jan. 29; The Heaters, Jan. 10;
3HG, Jan. 14; Red Room Arrangement, Jan. 16; Roulette
Ramblers, Jan. 17; Brandon Green, Jan. 21 and Jan. 28; Glenn Parker
Band, Jan. 23-24.
In the Golden Nugget showroom, The Midtown Men, four stars from
the original cast of Jersey Boys, can be seen Jan. 24, 8 p.m., tickets start at
$30; and Lonestar, Feb. 28, 8 p.m., tickets start at $25. Tickets available at
ticketmaster.com or by calling (800) 745-3000.
(ARD 2OCK #ASINO — In Hard Rock Live,
Foreigner performs Jan. 9, 8 p.m., tickets start at
$49.99; LMAO Comedy Show, Jan. 16, 8 p.m., tickets
are $15; Captain Fantastic: A Tribute to Elton John,
Jan. 23, 8 p.m., tickets start at $9.99; and The Fab Four,
Jan. 31, 8 p.m., tickets start at $9.99. Coming soon: Michael McDonald.
Tickets are on sale through ticketmaster.com or visit hardrockbiloxi.com.
In Roadhouse Live, entertainment can be enjoyed Friday and Saturday
nights from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. $10 cover for men (includes one free
domestic beer or well drink), ladies free.
At the Center Bar, Bottom’s Up can be seen Jan. 9-10; Goldy Locks,
Jan. 16-17; Gas Station Disco, Jan. 23-24; and 5 Finger Discount, Dec.
20 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
30-31 . Entertainment can be enjoyed Friday and Saturday, 9:30 p.m.-1:30
a.m. and Sunday and Thursday, 8 p.m. to midnight.
In Boogie Nights, Double Vision Friday Foreigner After Party, Jan.
9 (free admission with ticket stub); Urban Cowboy Friday, Jan. 16 (free
admission with cowboy hat or boots); Disco Rodeo Saturday, Jan. 17 (free
admission with cowboy hat or boots); Elton John Night Captain Fantastic
After Party (free admission with ticket stub or sunglasses). Doors open 9
(ARRAHS'ULF#OAST — Enjoy live, high-energy
music at the Stage Bar from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Glenn
Parker Band performs Jan. 10; and BSL Trio, Jan. 24.
)0#ASINO2ESORT3PA — In Chill, entertainment can
be enjoyed Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. and Monday-Wednesday from 8 p.m. to midnight.
Goldy Locks can be seen Jan. 8-10; Shades of Green,
Jan. 11 and Jan. 18; Gram Rea and Friends, Jan. 12, Jan.
19 and Jan. 26; Brennan Roybal Duo, Jan. 13, Jan. 21 and Jan. 28; Peek
Acoustic, Jan. 14; Todd O’Neill Band, Jan. 15-17; Katie P. and Friends,
Jan. 20; Triggerproof, Jan. 22; Red Room Arrangement, Jan. 23-24; and
Jesse Duncan and Friends, Jan. 25. DJs spin the hits every Thursday,
Friday and Saturday starting at 10 p.m.
Entertainment in thirty-two, located on the 32nd floor of the hotel,
can be enjoyed from 6-10 p.m. Marianne & Steve perform Jan. 9-10; Jan.
16-17; and Jan. 23-24.
In Studio A, Uncle Kracker performs Jan. 9, 8 p.m., tickets start at $30;
Don Williams, Jan. 17, 8 p.m., tickets start at $25; and Kathy Griffin, Jan.
30, 8 p.m., tickets start at $45.
Tickets for all performances are on sale now from ticketmaster.com or
at www.ipbiloxi.com. Call (800) 595-4849.
0ALACE #ASINO 2ESORT — In Mignon’s
Lounge, live entertainment can be enjoyed every
Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. Mark Smith performs
Jan. 9; Mike Halat, Jan. 16; Hank Berumen, Jan.
23; and Bud Smith & The Budz, Jan. 30.
4REASURE"AY — In blu, live entertainment can
be enjoyed Fridays at 9 p.m. Marty & Sean perform
Jan. 9; Friends, Jan. 16; 3HG, Jan. 23; and Acoustik
HooDoo, Jan. 30. Admission is free.
Don Williams at
IP Casino, Jan. 17
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Hancock County
3ILVER 3LIPPER — In the Blue Bayou Bar and Grill, enjoy
Backgrounds by Rowena every Thursday, Friday and Saturday
In the Original Stage Bar, BB Secrist & His Rockin’ 88s can
be seen Jan. 9-10; Poppa Stoppa with Bobby Cure, Jan. 16-17;
BRW, Jan. 23-24; and Witness, Jan. 30-31. Unless otherwise noted, the
bands perform at 8 p.m.
Bay St. Louis
(OLLYWOOD#ASINO — On the Hollywood
Stage Bar, live entertainment can be seen
Friday and Saturday nights beginning at 8:30
p.m. Blue Magnolia can be seen Jan. 9-10;
Platinum Cafe, Jan. 16-17; Monster Crawfish, Jan. 23-24; and Starz, Jan.
In the Cypress Ballroom, Rocket Man, the Elton John Tribute
Experience, can be seen Jan. 17, 8 p.m. Tickets start at $9.95. Purchase
tickets at the gift shop or call (800) 229-2683.
)SLAND6IEW#ASINO — Live entertainment can
be enjoyed at the Sunset Bar at the entrance of
Carter Green Steakhouse. Bands play Fridays and
Saturdays from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Park Avenue
performs Jan. 9; Hank Berumen, Jan. 10; Gary “Redd” Necaise, Jan. 16;
Eddie McDaniel, Jan. 17; Scott Hinson Trio, Jan. 23; Sista Sera Band, Jan.
24; Lisa Lee Albritton, Jan. 30; and Todd O’Neill, Jan. 31.
In the View Showroom, Platinum Cafe takes the stage Jan. 10; PCA
Rodeo Night with the David St. Romain Band, Jan. 16; Lisa Lee Albritton
Band, Jan. 17; Starz, Jan. 23; and the Todd O’Neill Band, Jan. 30.
Performances are 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and there is no charge.
Concerts include So Good for the Soul: A Tribute to the Music of
Motown, Jan. 24, 8 p.m., $30; and Taylor Dayne, Feb. 6, 8 p.m., $30.
Tickets can be purchased through ticketmaster.com. Call (877) 774-8439.
Foreigner at Hard Rock, Jan. 9
!MERISTAR #ASINO — Enjoy live music and
free shows at the Bottleneck Blues Bar, where
the Heritage Blues Series continues every Friday
and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eddie Cotton performs Jan. 9-10;
Tas Cru, Jan. 16-17; Gary Burnside & Shannon McNally, Jan. 23-24;
and Grady Champion, Jan. 30-31. Comedy nights, hosted by Nardo, are
Wednesdays, 8 to 10 p.m. No charge.
Live entertainment can also be enjoyed in the Cabaret Lounge on
Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to midnight. Doug Allen performs Jan.
9-10; Groove Inc., Jan. 16-17; Billy Jones, Jan. 23-24; and Nu Corp, Jan.
30-31. Call (601) 630-3920.
entertainment can be seen on the Casino Stage
from 8 p.m. to midnight every Friday and
Saturday. DJ 2 Tall spins the hits Jan. 9 and 10;
and DJ Burks, Jan. 16-17 and Jan. 23-24; and Dr. Feelgood, Jan. 30-31.
,ADY ,UCK #ASINO — In The Lone Wolf, live
entertainment can be enjoyed on various Fridays and
Saturdays from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Rocket Man, the
Elton John Tribute
Experience, at
Hollywood Casino,
Jan. 17
3ILVER3TAR — In the Starlight Lounge, live bands
perform Friday and Saturday from 10 p.m.-2 a.m.
Call (866) 44PEARL for more information.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 21
2015 promises to be great for entertainment
Star power can be found throughout Biloxi
BILOXI — Casinos are
known for having some of the
best entertainment around,
and 2015 promises to be
another banner year. From the
best of the oldies to some of
the newest acts around, there
is something for everyone.
Here is a look at just some of
the upcoming offerings.
At Beau Rivage, Johnny
Mathis is first on the line-up,
performing Friday, Jan. 9, at
8 p.m. in the Beau Rivage
Theatre. Celebrating his 59th
year in the music industry, Johnny Mathis is
Columbia Records longest-running artist. A
sublime vocalist whose approach to pop music
eclipses passing fads and trends, Mathis has
recorded more than 80 albums and has had 50
hits on Billboard’s Adult Contemporary Chart.
Upcoming headline acts also include Rick
Springfield (Jan. 23), Merle Haggard (Jan. 30),
Creedence Clearwater Revisited (Feb. 13),
Michael Bolton (Feb. 20), Ron White (Feb. 27),
Rodney Carrington (March 6-7) and Santana
(March 13). Also scheduled in 2015 is Englebert
Humperdinck (March 20), Martina McBride
(March 27), The Band Perry (April 10), Billy
Currington (April 17), Jack Hanna (April 26),
Josh Turner (May 1) and Vince Gill (Sept. 25).
All shows are in the Beau Rivage Theatre.
Tickets for select performances are on sale now
and can be purchased at (888) 566-7469 or www.
beaurivage.com. Ticket prices do not include tax
or service charges.
Golden Nugget has
announced acts through
March. The Midtown Men,
four stars from the original
cast of Jersey Boys, will
perform Jan. 24, at 8 p.m.,
in the Grand Ballroom.
Also on the schedule is
Lonestar (Feb. 28), BJ
Thomas & Gary Puckett
(March 13) and country
singer Tracy Lawrence
(March 20).
Tickets for Golden
Nugget shows are available at ticketmaster.
com and by calling Ticketmaster at (800)
745-3000. Guests may also purchase tickets,
if available, in person at the Golden Nugget
box office on the day of the show only from
2 to 8 p.m.
Michael McDonald
The Midtown Men
Tribute bands are part of the entertainment
line-up at Hard Rock, which welcomes Captain
Fantastic, an Elton John tribute artist, on Jan.
23; Super Diamond, a Neil Diamond tribute
artist, on Feb. 27; and Get the LED Out, a Led
Zeppelin tribute band, on April 3.
Also coming to Hard Rock are performers in
a variety of genres, including Foreigner (Jan. 9),
LMAO Comedy Show (Jan. 16), Earl Thomas
Conley (Jan. 31), Michael McDonald (Feb. 13),
Heart (Feb. 20), Aaron Lewis (March 6), Kansas
(March 13), The Guess Who (March 20) and
Gary Allen (April 10).
Tickets to shows at Hard Rock can be
purchased at hardrockbiloxi.com or ticketmaster.
So Good for the Soul
So Good for the Soul:
A Tribute to the Music
of Motown comes to
Island View Casino
Resort for one show
on Saturday, Jan. 24,
at 8 p.m. The cast
includes eight veteran
entertainers and their
band. Sing, dance and celebrate the music of your life with songs like “My Girl,” “I Heard It
Through The Grapevine,” “Reach Out,” “Shop Around,” “Dancin’ In The Street,” “Stop, In The
Name Of Love,” “Ain’t Nothin’ Like The Real Thing,” “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and
“How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You).” The talented and charismatic cast is a perfect blend of
look, sound and personalities. Tickets to see So Good for the Soul are $30 and can be purchased
on ticketmaster.com or by calling (877) 774-8439.
22 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Not the end of the
world for Springfield
BILOXI — Rick Springfield
skyrocketed to the top of Billboard’s
charts in 1981 with “Jessie’s
Girl” and “I’ve Done Everything
For You.” The Grammy awardwinner for Best Male Rock Vocal
Performance comes to Beau
Rivage for one show on
Friday, Jan. 23, at 8 p.m.
Although the name of
Springfield’s latest album is
Songs for the End of the World, the
world certainly isn’t coming
to an end for the Grammy
songwriter who continues
to perform more than 100
shows a year attracting new
fans wherever he goes with
his unique brand of audience
energy and unforgettable
songs that have become part
of the soundtrack to people’s lives.
Springfield’s career took off in
1981, after years of struggle. In
the midst of recording what would
become the quintessential pop/
rock album Working Class Dog, he
was cast to the play the eligible
Dr. Noah Drake on the popular
daytime drama “General Hospital.”
In 1982, Springfield followed
the success of Working Class Dog
with Success Hasn’t Spoiled Me Yet.
The album contained a string of
top-40 hits, including “Don’t Talk
To Strangers,” which charted at
No. 2. He was also nominated for
a second Grammy and in 1983, was
nominated for a third, in addition
to garnering an American Music
Award. His 1983 album Living in
Oz went platinum, resulting in the
hits “Human Touch” and “Affair
of the Heart.”
The following year, his single
“Love Somebody” from the
soundtrack album to the movie
Hard to Hold (in which Springfield
made his big screen debut) hit No.
5 on the Billboard singles chart.
In 2003, Springfield propelled his
career onward by releasing the
critically acclaimed album, shock/
denial/anger/acceptance, on his
own record label, Gomer Records.
He hit the ground running in
2005 by releasing The Day After
Rick Springfield
Yesterday, a warm and soulful
collection featuring his own
interpretations of hit songs that
he wishes he had written. That
year also saw the release of Written
in Rock, Rick Springfield Anthology,
on Sony/BMG, a two-disc set
spanning Springfield’s recording
career to date. Springfield ended
2005 with his long anticipated
return to “General Hospital,” in
the role he originated nearly 25
years ago.
He continues to make
Hospital” as Dr. Drake, and
recently guest starred on TV
Land’s “Hot in Cleveland.” Plus,
his autobiography, Late, Late At
Night, was on the New York Times
hardcover bestseller list.
To date, Springfield has sold
more than 19 million records and
has had 17 Top 40 hits.
Tickets to see Springfield are
$24.95, $34.95 and $39.95 plus tax
and service charge. Tickets can be
purchased by calling (888) 5667469 or going online to beaurivage.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 23
Riverwalk has cool tables promotion
Table game players at Riverwalk Casino have
a special promotion that is really cool. In fact, it’s
chillin’. The $12,000 Chillin’ Chips Table Games
Giveaway takes place Friday, Jan. 9, through
Saturday, Jan. 31. On Friday nights, four drawings
will be held from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. and six drawings will be held on
Saturdays from 1 p.m. to midnight. Winners drawn randomly throughout
the time period will win $300 in chips or promo chips. Earn entries
through table play.
Slot players have two Hard Rock events
Hard Rock has the $30,000 Reels Slot Tournament every Tuesday. The
tournament is open to all players club members who earn 50 points from 9
a.m. to 6 p.m. Winners will get a share of $7,500 in the event, which starts
at 11 a.m. each week and ends at 7 p.m. On Thursdays, Hard Rock has the
$10,000 Winner Take All Slot Tournament. This event is open to those
who earn 100 points from noon to 7 p.m. on Thursday. Enter by swiping
at any Rock Box from 2 to 8 p.m. See Players Services for details.
Beau Rivage slot series set for Sundays
Show off your skills in the Sunday Showdown $15,000 Slot Tournament
Series each week at Beau Rivage. Slot players who have earned a minimum
of 150 slot base points on the day of the tournament will play one threeminute session for a chance to be one of 20 winners who will share the
$15,000 FreePlay prize pool each Sunday in January. Registration begins
at noon and continues until 5 p.m. or until all seats are filled. Tournament
sessions to begin at 1 p.m. Play is on the casino floor in front of Coast.
Celebrate January birthdays at Nugget
Have your cake and eat it too with Golden Nugget Biloxi’s $5,000
January Birthday Giveaway. On Wednesday, Jan. 14, players club members
with a January birthday will receive a chance to win a share of $5,000 in
Free Play. Print a free entry ticket from any kiosk by 8:30 p.m. and drop
it into the drum located on the casino floor between 5 and 8:45 p.m.
Drawings will be held every 15 minutes from 7 to 9 p.m. The top prize is
$1,000 in Free Play. More information can be found at the Biloxi resort.
Reel in cash with Lady Luck tourney
Lady Luck Casino wants players to reel in the cash. The $20,000 Sunday
Funday Slot Tournament takes place Sundays in January from 1 to 6 p.m.
Players can win a share of $5,000 in cash and FanPlay each week. And on
Tuesdays in January, table games players can win promo chips in the Table
Tuesdays Hot Seat Giveaway. From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., winners will be
selected every two hours with players winning $500 in promo chips. Just
play any table game for a chance to win.
24 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
Boomtown welcome center
converting to daiquiri bar
BILOXI — Boomtown Casino
Biloxi is converting its welcome
center, located on Beach Blvd.
in Biloxi, into the Fat Tuesday
at Boomtown Daiquiri Bar
and Welcome Center.
will offer more than 12
varieties of New Orleansstyle daiquiris, will include a
bar and outdoor patio. Both
areas will be equipped
televisions, and quick
food options will be available
for purchase. Additionally, Fat
Tuesday at Boomtown will sell
Mardi Gras-inspired souvenir
cups and T-shirts.
Fat Tuesday at Boomtown
is in close proximity to the new
MGM Park, where the Biloxi
Shucker’s baseball team will
play. Boomtown Casino
will continue to offer
shuttle service between its
casino location on Bayview
Ave. and the Fat Tuesday
at Boomtown location
on Beach Blvd. This
location is the only Fat
Tuesday daiquiri bar in
The new daiquiri bar is
expected to open in February.
Daily specials offered for
Treasure Bay club members
BILOXI — Treasure Bay has specials for players club members
Monday through Friday. Enjoy happy hour, extra points and
chances to win InstantCredit.
CSI stands for Coast Service Industry, and on Sundays and
Tuesdays, CSI members receive double points all day while
playing slots and video poker using their players club card.
Members also receive 15 percent off food and beverage purchases
daily and can receive a point bonus when bringing a fellow Coast
service industry worker to join the club.
CSI: Biloxi is open to all Coast bar, casino, hotel and restaurant
workers. Just show current proof of employment when signing up.
During Half-off Tapas on Mondays, players club members can
relax and recharge in the blu lounge while sampling a treat from
the specialty tapas menu. Hot and cold appetizers are available at
half price.
Players club members who are 50 years and older can take
advantage of Senior Day Tuesday and Senior Day Thursday.
These club members can play the Spin and Win kiosk game. Just
earn 10 points and receive half-off a lunch buffet, plus a chance
to win a share of $500 InstantCredit and other prizes. Everyone is
a winner, especially since seniors also receive half-price drinks at
blue from 5 to 8 p.m.
Players using their club card while playing slots on Triple
Points Wednesday can receive three-times points — all day long.
Points will automatically triple at the machine. This promotion
excludes video poker.
Double your fun with a two-for-one happy hour every Friday
between 5 and 7 p.m. There are drink specials in blu, plus double
points are automatically awarded.
For details, visit the players club or go to treasurebay.com.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Penny Player
Triple Stars
Wild Double Strike
3AMUEL3. of Metairie, La., won playing
a penny slot machine at (ARD2OCK Biloxi.
$EBRA3. of Lafayette, La., won playing
a Triple Stars slot machine at 3ILVER 3LIPPER
.ADRA(. of Slidell, La., won playing
a Wild Double Strike slot machine at 3ILVER
Five Dollar Player
Slot Player
Double Times Pay
*AMEOUS -. of Pensacola, Fla., won playing a $5 slot machine at (ARD 2OCK
-ILLARD 3. of Leesburg, Ga., won playing a slot machine at (ARD2OCKBiloxi.
$OUGLAS*. of Slidell, La., won playing
a Double Times Pay slot machine at 3ILVER
Buffalo Stampede
Wonder Woman Wild
Polar Plinko
,AURIE (. of Vicksburg won playing
a Wonder Woman Wild slot machine at
$IAMOND*ACKS#ASINO in Vicksburg.
'LORIA 7. of Mobile, Ala., won in
Slot View Play in the Polar Plinko game at
4HOMAS(. won playing a Buffalo
Stampede slot machine at ,ADY,UCK#ASINO
in Vicksburg.
More Winners On Page 12 & 27
26 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Big Times
China Shore
-ARILYN#. of Cantonment, Fla.,
won playing a quarter Big
Times Draw Poker machine at
'LORIA 3. of Gulf Breeze, Fla.,
won playing a penny
China Shore slot machine at
Wonder Wizard
Quick Hit
3TACEY !. of Brooklyn, Miss.,
won playing a penny
Wonder Wizard slot machine at
"RITTNEY&. of Keener, La., won
playing a penny Quick
Hit slot machine at 0ALACE
Smokin’ 7s
Triple Diamond
/SEPH -. of McCalla, Ala.,
won playing a Double
Jackpot Smokin’ 7s slot machine
+EYYON -. of Macon, Miss.,
won playing a Triple
Diamond slot machine at 3ILVER
Poker Player
Double Gold
,UCIAN$. of Decatur, Ga., won
playing video poker at
,INDA ,. of Fultondale, Ala.,
won playing a Double
Gold slot machine at 3ILVER3TAR
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 27
When you receive good service at a casino, it
is customary to award the person giving the
good service a gratuity (tip). Jackpot! readers
ask us occassionally what the appropriate
tip to leave might be for quality service for
different casino employees. Obviously, many
things factor into this, so please note that the
information below is just a guideline, and
impeccable service would receive a higher tip.
Cocktail Waitresses - Casino
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round,
parties of one or two
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
Standard Tip = Place a bet, $2-$10 during your play
High Roller/Comp = Place a bet, $25-$100 during
your play
Slot Attendants
Standard Tip = $1-$5 during your play,
more if you hit a jackpot
High Roller/Comp = $10-$25 during your play,
more if you hit a jackpot
Cocktail Waitresses - Restaurants
Standard Tip = 15%-20% of check
High Roller/Comp = 20%-30% of check
Hotel Bellmen
Standard Tip = $1-$2 per bag,
more for heavier or oversized bags
High Roller/Comp = $3-$5 per bag,
more for heavier or oversized bags
Room Service Personnel
Standard Tip = 15%-20% of check
High Roller/Comp = 20%-30% of check
Standard Tip = $1 per night, place in envelope
at end of stay marked for Maid
High Roller/Comp = $5 per night, place in envelope
at end of stay marked for Maid
Taxi Drivers
Standard Tip = Minimum of $2. Very Short rides,
helpful information, assistance with luggage,
difficult route would receive more
High Roller/Comp = Minimum of $5. Very Short
rides, helpful information, assistance with luggage,
difficult route would receive more
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
Wine Steward
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
By Paul Wade
You relish ability to increase income, Capricorn
Editor’s Note: Horoscopes are meant for entertainment purposes only
and are for the time period December 25, 2014 - January 7, 2015.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — During
this period you find that you appreciate
the security of a guaranteed pay packet, but
you’re not fond of being told what to do. Equally,
you relish the prospect of being able to increase
your income through your inner resourcefulness, so
although it looks like an expensive start to the year, by
the end of this month you have the situation tightly
under control.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Your
sign is highlighted by the cosmos. It’s a
refreshing change since although you are
more concerned with the dynamics of the collective
rather than personal advancement, it has been a
while since you had a pat on the back. Improve your
approach to guarantee an upbeat response.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 19) — The
arrival of Mars in your sign on Jan. 12
and the upsurge of energy that you feel
subsequently mark the beginning of a more focused
phase compared to the rather indistinct atmosphere
from the past. Karmic influences ensure that as you
work selflessly for others the more successful you will
ultimately become.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your focus
moves away from obvious goals toward a
less tangible, yet equally important, slant
on what you have been doing with your life. You
investigate the reasoning behind your intense focus
on professional ambitions and worldly objectives.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — The past has
taught you plenty. You’re a different person
as a result. A certain duality exists as you’re
still dubious about those holding the purse strings.
You, however, become less fearful. Your public and
private personae head toward a symbiotic alignment.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — This time
puts an emphasis on practical matters, with
career goals and your professional ambitions
in the spotlight. Even if you never were very interested
in furthering your employment interests, it’s not too
28 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
late to embrace vocational objectives.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Since the
beginning your sign has been associated with
the moon. You’ll know how sensitive you
are to lunar cycles when the moon is bright and high
in the sky. This period confirms a turning point for
you. You should review your circumstances and your
progress and consider how far you’ve come.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Obligations start
to diminish. Any gaps are soon filled by a
focus on your relationships with those of an
intimate and personal nature in the spotlight. People
looking for somebody to share their life strike it lucky
once a new sense of harmony prevails.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — An emphasis
on your domestic and family affairs makes
itself felt. You are aware the current situation
cannot continue and that someone or something will
have to address these outstanding concerns.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) — This period
begins with you spending more time at home
than usual in the company of other family
members or those who feel like family to you. Work
eventually prevails from the third week of the month,
but until then it is fun and frolic, with a round of
recreation and a break from your routines.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Having pared
your life back to its basics in terms of your
relationships, main expectations and what
you want to do, it is time to apply this to the material
sphere and where you stand within it. That means
that for an extended period you are going to see a
thorough review of your income and expenditures.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Saturn
begins a journey through your sign, helping
you to sort out a number of issues that are
threatening to run away with you. With too much
on your plate, nothing is done so well as it might be.
Paul Wade, a UK-based astrologer, is published in
seven languages. For weekly, monthly and annual horoscopes,
personal services, information, freebies and more, visit
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Poker Rooms & Bad Beats...
‡ In Choctaw ‡
Pearl River Resort’s Silver Star Casino ‡ 855 977-6537
‡ In Vicksburg ‡
Ameristar Casino ‡ 601 630-4996
‡ In Bay St. Louis ‡
Hollywood Casino ‡ 866 758-2591
‡ In Biloxi ‡
Beau Rivage ‡ 228 386-7111
Golden Nugget ‡ 228 436-7967
Hard Rock Casino ‡ 228 276-7177 or 228 276-8161
IP Casino, Resort & Spa ‡ 228 436-3000
Bad beat jackpots are latest available prior to press time
Hollywood has seats in upcoming Poker Open
BAY ST. LOUIS — The poker room at
Hollywood Casino Gulf Coast has several
promotions for players, plus a chance to win a
seat in the upcoming Hollywood Poker Open.
The Aces Cracked promotion takes place
daily. Lose with pocket aces, but win up to $100.
While playing in a Texas Hold’em game with
four or more players, a player who loses with
pocket aces is able to chose an envelope from
the barrel. Prizes range from $25 to $100. And
get double the prize Monday and Saturday from
10 a.m. to noon.
A minimum $15 pot is required in the game.
The High Hand Drawings take place every
Wednesday and Friday. Starting at 10 a.m. on
those days, players can earn entry tickets with
any flush or better during jackpot eligible games.
From 4 to 7:30 p.m., one entry will be selected
every half hour to win a $50 cash prize. At 8
p.m., the prize increases to $100.
And, the pot gets splashed every Tuesday and
Thursday from 1 to 8 p.m. During an eligible
Texas Hold’em game, $25 in
chips will be randomly added to
the pot. The winning hand will
collect the pot plus the additional
And, starting Saturday, Jan.
17, poker players can earn entries
to win a seat in the Hollywood Poker Open,
which will be held in June at M Resort Casino
Spa in Las Vegas. The HPO has a $500,000
guarantee prize pool. Drawings will be held
Saturday, Feb. 28, at 3:10 p.m. and again on
30 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ January 8 - January 21, 2015
Saturday, April 18, at 3:10 p.m.
Two names will be drawn with the winners
receiving paid entry in the HPO main event,
along with a hotel stay and $1,000 to use for
travel expenses. Four additional entrants will
be selected to serve as alternate
winners in case the first winner is
Earn entries daily through
poker play.
For those who want to learn
how to play poker, free lessons
are offered in the Hollywood poker room. Plus,
players receive complimentary hot dogs and
special room rates in the hotel.
Visit the poker room daily for more
information on all of these promotions.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
Hollywood Casino
(866) 7-LUCKY-1
Beau Rivage
(888) 567-6667
Boomtown Casino
(800) 627-0777
Golden Nugget
(800) 777-SLOT
Hard Rock Casino
(228) 374-ROCK
Harrah’s Gulf Coast
(800) WIN-2-WIN
IP Casino, Resort & Spa
(888) WIN-AT-IP
Palace Casino Resort
(800) PALACE-9
Treasure Bay
(800) 747-2839
Golden Moon Hotel & Casino
(866) 44-PEARL
Silver Star Hotel & Casino
(866) 44-PEARL
Island View Casino
(877) 774-VIEW
Silver Slipper
Bok Homa Casino
(866) 447-3275
Isle of Capri Casino
(800) THE-ISLE
Magnolia Bluffs Casino
(601) 235-0045
Ameristar Casino
(800) 700-7770
DiamondJacks Casino
(877) 711-0677
Lady Luck Casino
(800) 503-3777
Riverwalk Casino
(601) 634-0100
*For more information on any of these great casinos,
link directly to their websites from www.jackpotmagazine.com.
THE SOUTH’S LARGEST GUIDE TO GAMING & FUN ‡ www.jackpotmagazine.com
January 8 - January 21, 2015 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 31