So thankful for our blessings… - Trempealeau County Health Care

So thankful for our blessings…
​ rom the Director of Nursing: Becky Meyer
Happy Holidays to you all. I hope the new
year brings good health and joy to you and your
loved ones. We are thankful for all of the residents and family who have been with us this
past year. We have been blessed with hard work
from the CAB and Lions Club, volunteers for
activities, local Pastors and hard working/loving staff. I am proud to work in Pigeon Falls and
be part of such an excellent organization.
Church Street Community Club
Caregiver Support Program
Are you caring for a loved one? Take a break
with others and attend the Caregiver support
group that is being held at Pigeon Falls Health
Care Center. We will meet every second Thursday at 1:30 in the Maple Heights Dinning Room.
Respite care and transportation is available if
you contact the ADRC in advance, the number
is 715-538-2001. For the Month of January we
will have someone from the Alzheimer’s Association here to answer questions that you may
have. Coffee and cookies will be provided.
Call the ADRC at 715-538-2001 or
Dakota Baumann at 715-983-2293
for more information.
Bonnie Nelson and Sharon Dahl helping decorate our home.
Decorating and
Christmas Traditions
Pie Making
Pumpkin Pie Making!
As pumpkin pie continues to be a tradition for Thanksgiving,
we continue to enjoy making the pies here at our home as well.
This year we made nine pies and boy were they delicious. We
want to thank all the family members who came in and enjoyed
Thanksgiving with your loved ones.
Each year the first week in December our
residents as well as the Citizen Advisory Board
members gather to decorate our home. Our decorations were absolutely beautiful this year. We
want to thank Sandy Maudal, Helen Lyga and
Carmen Johnston for assisting with decorating.
Some of the other traditions we have here
at our home is Norwegian baking, we worked
very hard making crum kaka, snowballs as well
as sunbackles. We all really enjoy reminiscing
about our heritages.
The Peace Lutheran Ladies Aid came in as
well and did a Christmas Program for us all.
We enjoyed the music as well as readings. We
want to thank all who were part of the program
and for all of the many goodies we received. We
also want to thank the Knit Wits for the Prayer
Shawls the Peace Lutheran members received.
Throughout the month we had several Christmas Caroling Groups here to perform for us.
We want to thank the Whitehall School District,
Hale and Hardee 4H, and Elk Creek Lutheran
Church. December is really a magical month.
P.O. Box 310
Pigeon Falls, WI 54760
PH: 715-983-2293
Fax: 715-983-5700
W20298 State Rd. 121
Whitehall, WI 54773
PH: 715-538-4312
Fax: 715-538-2426
• Skilled Nursing Facility
• Institute for Mental
• Facility for
Developmentally Disabled
• Riverway North & South
• Hickory Ridge
• Appleway
• Cloverway
• Elmwood
• Maplewood
• Oakwood
• Pinewood
From the Administrator: Rosemarie Thesing
Rummaging and Hiding Things
According to the National Institute of Health, someone with Alzheimer’s disease may start rummaging
or searching through cabinets, drawers, closets, the
refrigerator, and other places where things are stored.
He or she also may hide items around the house. This
behavior can become a bother or even dangerous for
the caregiver or family members. If you get angry, try
to remember that this behavior is part of the disease.
In some cases, there might be a logical reason for
this behavior. For instance, the person may be looking
for something specific, although he or she may not be
able to tell you what it is. He or she may be hungry or
bored. Try to understand what is causing the behavior
so you can fit your response to the cause.
Rummaging—with Safety
You can take steps that allow the person with Alzheimer’s to rummage while protecting your belongings and keeping the person safe. Try these tips:
1. Lock up dangerous or toxic products, or place
them out of the person’s sight and reach.
Love Light Ceremony 2014
On December 7 we had our Love Light Ceremony where we honor and remember those dear to our
hearts. We had special music from Mike and Pat Congdon as well as a message from Pastor Mary Ann.
With the lighting of our tree and the remembering
of our residents who have past over the last year, it
was a very special night. We want to thank the Citizen Advisory Board for bringing in baked goods, all
those who purchased Love Lights as well as those
who attended the program.
2. Remove spoiled food from the refrigerator
and cabinets. Someone with Alzheimer’s
may look for snacks but lack the judgment
or sense of taste to stay away from spoiled
3. Remove valuable items that could be misplaced or hidden by the person, like important papers, checkbooks, charge cards, jewelry, and keys.
4. People with Alzheimer’s often hide, lose, or
throw away mail. If this is a serious problem,
consider getting a post office box. If you have
a yard with a fence and a locked gate, place
your mailbox outside the gate.
You also can create a special place where the
person with Alzheimer’s can rummage freely or
sort things. This could be a chest of drawers, a bag
of objects, or a basket of clothing to fold or unfold.
Give him or her a personal box, chest, or cupboard
to store special objects. You may have to remind
the person where to find his or her personal storage place.
The Pigeon Falls Health Care Center is always looking for donations of bird seed and
dimes as well as fun-sized candy bars. We are
also looking for red or Valentine’s Day fabric.
If you are interested in donating, please contact
Lauren Filla!
Upcoming Music Events
and Special Events
All are Welcome!
Music with David Kiral
January 8, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
Music with Karen & Jerry
January 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
Music with Mary
February 5, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
Music with David Kiral
February 12, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
Music with Gert and Friends
February 26, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
Enjoying the music of Mike and Pat Congdon
during the Love Light ceremony.
We will be having a Sweetheart Supper on
February 17. More information to come.
Veterans Day Program
On November 11 we take time to honor our Veterans for their years of service in our military. This
year we honored those who were part of World
War II as well as the Koren War. We want to thank
all those who served, Bob Hanson, Oliver Leer,
Ray Jensen, Tom Olson, Francis Foss and Gaylord Hanson. We want to thank Valerie Lorenz for
assisting with the program. We appreciate you,
Our veterans who were honored during
our Veteran’s Day Program.
(Not pictured, Gaylord Hanson)
Peace Lutheran
Confirmation Kids Visit
On November 19th the students from Peace Lutheran Confi rmation class came to our home for a game night followed by Bible Study and Class.
During the evening our residents and students enjoyed playing Bingo as well as interacting between each other.
We want to thank Pastor Mary Ann as well as the
students for coming over, we enjoyed it. We are
looking forward to the next time!
Peace Lutheran confirmation students and our
residents enjoying Bingo!
October 16 – December 19: ”THANK YOU” To all of our volunteers for the years of service you have given to the Pigeon Falls Health Care Center!
Sheila Olson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5TH
Mary Beth Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8TH
Dorothy Vito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9TH
Marcella Semb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20TH
Gerda Von Uhl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23RD
Melva Olson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3RD
Edgar Goplin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7TH
Oliver Leer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17TH
Melva Sagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27TH
• Joyce Cooper and Muriel Gilbertson
for assisting with Poker Keno.
• Doris Estenson and Carol Hanson for
coming in and assisting with Bingo.
• Mavis Jessie, Leona Larson and Dorothy Eimon for assisting with the worship services.
• Father Woody, Pastor Bowman, Pastor Pastor Guthrie, Pastor Johnson, La
Verne Schaefer and Pastor Dissmore
for facilitating worship services.
• Scott Brown and Wanda Skroch for
leading Sunday Worship.
• Becky Maule for leading Rosary.
• Deane Chase for leading Musical Devotions.
• Muriel Gilbertson for the donation of
dimes and newspapers.
• Pigeon Falls Lions Club for donating
poinsettias for our residents to enjoy.
• Joyce Cooper for the donation of
dimes for Poker Keno.
• Jeanette Erickson for the donation of
Christmas Cards.
• Peace Lutheran Ladies Aid for the
monetary donation for Resident
• St. Peter and Paul’s Ladies Aid for
the monetary donation for Resident
• Gathje’s for the donation of poinsettias.
• Sue and Dale Olson for the donation
of birthday cards.
• Muriel Gilbertson for the donation of
• Family of Peggy Steinke for the donation of candy and money for bingo
• Helen Stalheim for the donation of
cards and calendars.
• Sandy Maudal for the donation of
candy and cards.
• Linda Trotter for the donation of calendars and cards.
• Linda Hanevold for the monetary donation in memory of Mary Ann Huff.
• Pigeon Falls Lions Club for the donation of Poinsettias.
• Thrivent Financial and Barb Staff and
family for the donation of Poinsettias
If you are interested in volunteering at the Pigeon Falls Health Care Center, please contact
Lauren Filla at 715-983-2293 or We would love to have you!
November Birthday Party
Each month we have a birthday party to celebrate our resident and tenant birthdays. This
month we celebrated our birthdays with music from Russ Anderson and Friends. We want
to wish Peggy Steinke, Tom Olson, Gaylord Hanson, Alethea Waldera and Bob Hanson a
happy birthday and a year filled with joy and happiness.
Mavis Hanson receiving her Prayer Shawl
from the Knit Wits!
P.O. Box 310
13197 Church Street
Pigeon Falls, WI 54760
Pigeon Falls Health Care Center
Pigeon Flyer
Our November Birthdays!
Social Services and Business office are asking
residents/family members and Legal guardians
to bring in current insurance cards to be copied
and scanned. Folks may or may not have had
changes in insurance information; and bringing current Insurance ID cards will help us to
ensure that we have accurate information to
better assist residents and family. Please bring
insurance cards including: Medicare card (red,
white and blue), Medicare supplemental insurance, Medicare Advantage card, Prescription
drug card, and Forward health Card. Please
call Janice or Penny with any questions.