January 2015 - SERVANT'S HEART HAITI MISSION in Fairfield, OH

 … providing the spiritual, educational, and physical
needs of the village of LeFond, Haiti.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now that we have entered 2015, we are excited about what God is going to do this year, both for Servant’s
Heart Haiti Mission and in our personal lives! We hope that God will truly bless you and your families with good health and spiritual
growth! God is good – all the time!
‘LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK! Please go to our website and “like” us on Facebook! www.servantshearthaitimission.org
CHRISTMAS IN HAITI: Thanks to everyone who sponsors a child and was able to send a little extra money to your child’s family
for Christmas! Thanks, too, for everyone who bought our special Ornaments so that we could have a big Christmas party for all of
the children in our school! (Our pastor bought enough food so that even their families could enjoy the party!) We raised $900 –
thanks to our good friend, Heek Hake, who sold the ornaments to us for a discount so that we could sell them as a fundraiser!
A CHILD NEEDS YOU: We have many children who still need a sponsor. If you would like to help support a child’s education in
Haiti, the cost is $20 per month. We will send you a t-shirt so you can share your support proudly! Please contact Teresa Bowlin
(513-829-9751) if you would like to sponsor a child and she will send you a photo and t-shirt. Payments can be mailed or made on
our website via PayPal. You can also choose to pay several months at a time or yearly – your choice. Please pray about this
opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child.
KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS: At no cost to you, you can help us by connecting your Kroger Plus Card to “Servant’s Heart
Haiti Mission.” Go to www.kroger.com/communityrewards and support our mission! (Just type the first few letters “SERV” and our
name will come up.) This will NOT affect your fuel points! FYI – buy your gift cards at Kroger and get extra fuel points, as well as
help us! Another trick is to buy Kroger gift cards and then use them to pay for your groceries – more fuel points for you!
INTRODUCING …. GINGER MARTIN. Ginger is one of our board members and she is the Office
Manager for the Lighthouse Agency in Fairfield, Ohio. Ginger has been to our mission in Haiti several
times with her husband, Rick. Rick & Ginger launched our Water Project a few years ago and we
finally were able to get a reservoir and gutter system installed last summer. Ginger is always smiling
(even in the extreme heat) and Rick is known as the Candy Man in Haiti. Rick & Ginger sponsor two
children in our school and they attend the Winton Road First Church of God. Thanks, Ginger, for all
you do in support of our mission!
WE NEED YOU TO RUN (OR WALK)! We are looking for runners/walkers for this May’s Flying Pig Marathon!
Many of us plan to participate in this big event and will get sponsors to support our mission. Please contact us
ASAP if you would like to be a part of the Flying Pig Event. We hope to raise enough money for school uniforms!
Also, you can “adopt a PIG” in the PIGGEST Raffle Ever for a chance to win on Flying Pig Marathon Weekend. If
your adopted PIG is the first selected when thousands of PIGS are dropped in Downtown Cincinnati, YOU win a 2year lease on a 2015 Toyota Prius! Plus, every purchase helps us! Please select “Servant’s Heart Haiti Mission”
in the drop-down list at http://www.piggestraffle.com. If you have any questions, please contact us at
THANK YOU! We sold over 500 Mike’s Car Wash coupons in December! The profit from this fundraiser is helping to pay the
expenses for our 2015 Haiti Crew, traveling to Haiti this Summer.
TRAINING CONFERENCE FOR OUR TEACHERS: We were able to bring a Teacher Training Course to our village between
Christmas and New Years! The instructor stayed in our village for three days and provided new teaching techniques and materials
for our teachers. The teachers were so excited that we provided this training for them.
Chili Afterglow, Sunday, February 15, 7:30 p.m.: Bowls of chili will be served immediately following the evening service at the
Winton Road First Church of God (approximately 7:30 p.m.). Donations accepted. There will also be a bake sale that will benefit
those going to Haiti this June. The church is located at 6200 Winton Road, Fairfield, OH 45014.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through
him.” Colossians 3:17.
215 Cody Court, Fairfield, OH 45014