PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH EVENT SHEET Sunday, January 11, 2015 E-mail: Phone: (757) 340-8420 Web site: Reverend Douglas A. Rosenvinge, Pastor Oksana Lutsyshyn, Director of Music Lisa Sinibaldi, Director of Contemporary Music Alicia Mangels, Preschool Director (340-3033) OFFERINGS and ATTENDANCE for December 28 $3,238 8:30: 66 11:00: 32 98 MISSIONARY to Macau, China: Rev. Michael Parris HEALTH, HEALING AND GOD'S CARE: Judy Carls, Karen Chipok, Lubov Lutsyshyn, Kelly Durrett, Rose Musni, Orvel Eagle, Ed Wade, Scott Thieman, Ross Scarcelli, Beverly Andrews, Mary Agnes Skerski, Jack Snelling, Anita Blackwell, Jean Vaughan, Mike Barri, Linda Eagle, Carolyn Hamlett, Chris Christiansen, Bill Zeopke, John Carwile, Lorraine Bitting, Mike DeBoer, Norman Snelling, Matthew Zimmermann, David Walters, Lauren Goodloe, Brian Tweed, Gail Laughrey, Alex Field, Marcia Geisert, Amanda Gerber, Hazel Seitz and Christy Driscoll CURES FOR DISEASES: Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, and Ebola BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Andi Barco (12), Lucille Loesche (15), Kathy Moss (16), Thomas Moss (17) BELATED BIRTHDAYS: Lois Fairbanks (6), Richard Thieman (6), Jessica Lessmann (9) ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK: ACTIVITIES AT CHURCH THIS WEEK: Sunday 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Monday 7:00 p.m. Christian Education Committee Tuesday 10:15 a.m. Kings Grant House ministry meets at church, program begins at KGH at 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Large Print Ministry Wednesday 6:00 p.m. See Through the Scriptures 7:30 p.m. Choir THE ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the glory of God by Dale Astrum in loving memory of Dorothy Astrum. PRAYER REQUEST CHANGES The prayer list published in the event sheet undergoes periodic editing that may unintentionally remove someone who should remain on the list. If you or a loved one in need of prayer is no longer listed, please contact the church office to make changes to the list. SEE THROUGH THE SCRIPTURES, our Wednesday night Bible Study, returns after taking a break for the Christmas holiday. We will begin meeting again this Wednesday, January 14. MEN'S BIBLE STUDY The Men's Bible Study group meets at 9:15 a.m. on the first and third Tuesdays at the IHOP on First Colonial Road. This group will run until June of 2015. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 424 Kings Grant Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 “I WISH” COMMUNICATION CARD Please give to Usher, Pastor, or place in collection plate. I wish: Name __________________________________________ ___ To become a member of Prince of Peace Address_________________________________________ ___ To receive the church newsletter _________________________________________ ___ To have the Pastor call Phone (______)__________________________________ ___ To register my child in Sunday School Email __________________________________________ ___ Information on Preschool Birth date _______________________________________ ___ The congregation would sing __________ Date ____________ ___8:30 service ___ 11:00 service ______________________________________ Please update or correct my information for church records. CHAIRS FOR THE FELLOWSHIP HALL The Trustees have been replacing our old folding chairs with new, padded folding chairs. Each chair costs twenty dollars. If you would like to speed the project along, you may earmark your gift “chairs” and place it in the offering plate. OFFERING ENVELOPES for 2015 are available at the back of the church. If your box is missing, please contact the church office and we will replace it. ATTENDANCE SHEETS Please record your attendance each Sunday in the red books at the end of each pew. SEPARATE CHECKS Please use separate checks for your offerings (i.e., regular plate offerings, special gifts, "All to the Glory of God Campaign," etc.). Separate checks greatly help our counters. SERVING AT PRINCE OF PEACE January 11 GREETERS (E) Lynn Scarcelli and Gail Laughrey (L) Bob and Carol Sinibaldi ACOLYTES (E) (L) January 18 GREETERS (E) Michael and Gail Laughrey (L) Sharon Sides and Vina Gerber ACOLYTES (E) (L) READERS (E) Beth Zimmermann (L) Jessica Lessman READERS (E) Buck Haney (L) Sharon Sides ELDER George Schmidt ELDER Lee Heup COUNTERS Rich Thieman and Mike Bumbaco COUNTERS Walter and Connie Hoff COMMUNION SERVERS Mike Bumbaco and Rick Skelly I wish (continued) ___ To serve on a board, committee, or ministry _____________ _________________________________________________ ___ To serve as a reader, greeter, altar guild, usher ___ To sing in a choir, ___ New Glory ___ To offer my talents as a musician. I play ________________ _________________________________________________ ___ Someone would call on ______________________________ who is ill at home or hospitalized at ____________________ _________________________________________________ Message: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
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