PILGRIM’S PROGRESS Our Mission: Welcoming God’s people; faithful to His Word January 2009 Epiphany: Mission Possible Epiphany Pilgrim’s Progress Staff As we leave 2008 and enter 2009 we enter the Season of Epiphany. Epiphany begins with the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child at Bethlehem and concludes with Jesus’ transfiguration. tiles—with the light of God’s love. Epiphany is all about mission: telling people, showing people, helping people experience the good news about the birth of the world’s Savior, Jesus. Epiphany is about mission from beginning to end, which will be our emphasis throughout the Epiphany Season. Our goal will be to help us fulfill the mission which God has given us here at Pilgrim Lutheran. The Baptism of Jesus follows on January 11th. Through Mark 1:4-11 we learn that the Christian’s “secret weapon” is much more than “hocuspocus.” It is the Holy Spirit. He empowers us to come to faith and, ultimately, to live out that faith as we help share it with others. This year we’ll celebrate Epiphany on January 4th. We’ll use this Sunday to study and learn from the Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12). Jesus came to enlighten everyone—including Gen- On Epiphany 2, January 18th, we’ll look at one of the lesser-known apostles: Philip. What did he do (John 1:43(Continued on page 2) 1 Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 (Continued from page 1) 51)? He came and saw Jesus. Then he went and told others. May we be led to do the same! On Epiphany 3, January 25th, we’ll go fishing with the apostles Jesus called at the Sea of Galilee (Mark 1:14-20). Jesus’ called them to stop being fishermen in the traditional sense of the word and to become “fishers of men” – people who help others find their place in God’s story. We’ll continue our mission theme into February. On the 1st we’ll see that “There’s Something About Jesus” (Mark 1:2-28). He drew people to Himself and to God—and calls us to do the same. On the 8th we’ll look at “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall” (Mark 1:2939). We all have “talking mirrors” which reflect distorted images. Jesus can heal those Pilgrim’s Progress / Volume 64, No. 1 / January 2009 Epiphany: Mission Possible........................................................ page 1 Feature Article: O Come, Little Children .................................. page 3 Information: About the Epiphany of the Lord.......................... page 4 Pastor’s Page: A Baby Changes Everything............................... page 5 Pilgrim News: A Report on Pilgrim’s Christmas Decorating ... page 6 Pilgrim People: In Memory of Walter Durr .............................. page 8 Pilgrim People: In Memory of Madeline DeLoach Franklin .... page 8 Service Opportunity: Like to Travel? ........................................ page 9 What’s Going On: Did you know that… .................................. page 10 Pilgrim People: January Birthdays & Anniversaries ............. page 10 Descriptions: Pilgrim People .................................................... page 11 Photos: Pilgrim People ........................................................... pages 12 2 who are damaged by these distortions—and then encourage us to show others Jesus so they, too, can be restored by Him! On the 15th we’ll see that we’re “Cleansed to be Close to God” (Mark 1:40-45). Just as God cleanses us that we might have a relationship with Him, He calls us to help show others how they, too, might be cleansed. Epiphany concludes with The Transfiguration of Our Lord on February 22nd. We’ll conclude with where we started: Epiphany is about mission. Church is about mission. We need to be about the mission. Epiphany is “Mission Possible” not because of us, but because of He whom is at the very heart and center of Epiphany: Jesus. He who came as a Child at Christmas, was worshipped by Magi on Epiphany, and then began His ministry of drawing people into a relationship with God calls us into mission with Him. T PILGRIM’S PROGRESS January 2009, Vol. 64, No. 1. Published by Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Bethesda, MD. Copyright © 2009 by Pilgrim Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. FEATURES EDITOR: Nellie Plitt STAFF: Sherry Schiebel, PJKreft PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH / 5500 Massachusetts Ave. / Bethesda, MD 20816-1933 / Phone 301-2292800 / FAX 301-320-7085 / office@pilgrimbethesda.org / www.pilgrimbethesda.org All submissions for the Pilgrim’s Progress newsletter are due on the 15th of the month prior to its publication. This allows us to publish the newsletter by the last Sunday of the month. Although we prefer them in an electronic format (Word file or email, if possible) we do accept printed submissions. Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 O Come, Little Children “O come little children, O come one and all. To Bethlehem haste, to the manger so small.” Why am I using this hymn and why now? It is addressed to children and talks about Christmas. Was not Christmas last month? The official liturgical Christmas season only starts with Christmas Eve when God gave us the greatest gift ever given. The four weeks prior to Christmas Eve is Advent—a time of preparation for Christmas—a time to open our hearts and homes for Christ to come in. Almost two weeks after Christmas Eve is Epiphany. This is when we celebrate the coming of the magi, wise men, or kings to Bethlehem to witness the newborn Savior of the world. Feature Article Nellie K. Plitt All anybody knows about these people is what is told us in the Bible. They saw a special star, came from the east and presented gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Tradition has made up all the rest: names, how many, origin, etc. Why is the hymn directed to children? I am sure it was not intended only for little children; after all, we are all children of God. We are told we should accept God’s teaching and gifts as little children. The hymn was written by Christoph von Schmid (1768-1855), a teacher, priest, and writer of children’s books. His books taught Christian values to children so were written simply as was the hymn which was originally entitled Ihr Kinderlein kommet. The tune was supplied by Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800). Originally from Lüneberg, he studied organ, taught music to Polish princess (Continued on page 4) 3 Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 (Continued from page 3) Saphieha Woiwodin von Smolensky, wrote opera, toured all over Europe, and became Kapelmeister to the King of Denmark. Actually we can celebrate Christmas all year long—not just in December. The priceless gift given at Christmas About the Epiphany of the Lord 4 is for all of us for all time. How many gifts you received came at such a high cost to someone else, can be used for your entire life, and will last into eternity? So let us all, children of every age, go to Bethlehem’s manger. Let’s join the shepherds, wise men and angels “…and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” (Luke 2:15) “God’s Son for a gift has been sent you this night To be your Redeemer, your Joy and Delight.” T Information Newsletter Newsletter God’s appearance in the person of the Baby Jesus. The word epiphany comes from the Greek word epiphaneia, which means appearance or manifestation. It is an important word for liturgical churches. In the early church, January 6th was a day for baptism. The central significance of Epiphany is that Christ came as the Light of the World, not just for the Jews but for Gentiles as well. Christ’s light is for all. Epiphany is observed each year on January 6th. It refers to the wise men (or Magi), who were the first Gentiles to see the manifestation of In France, to celebrate Epiphany, children from Christian homes often put oats in their shoes on the evening before January 6th. The oats are for the camels of the “Wise Men.” When they awake the next morning, the children hope to find the oats gone and gifts left in their shoes. T Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 A Baby Changes Everything Sometimes a song sticks in your mind. This one stuck in my heart. I first heard it on Christmas Day evening. I was tired after a long couple of days so I plopped down in the chair and turned on the TV. There wasn’t much on so I kept flipping through the channels until I came to a Christmas concert on PBS. It was by Faith Hill. That’s when I heard it. Lyrics from A Baby Changes Everything composed by Tim Nichols, Craig Wiseman, And K.K. Wiseman. © 2008 Bug Music; Warner-Tamerland Publishing Corp. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI license # 1179109. A Baby Changes Everything was the song. Its lyrics struck a chord in my heart. I downloaded off iTunes; I figured I could afford the 99 cents for the song. The plans for January and February Sunday’s were “fueled” by A Baby Changes Everything. This newsletter was written listening to A Baby Changes Everything. The Epiphany theme came to be those same words. Pastor’s Page PJKreft “Teenage girl, much too young / Unprepared for what's to come / A baby changes everything. Not a ring on her hand / All her dreams and all her plans / A baby changes everything / A baby changes everything.” There are thoughts about Joseph as well: “The man she loves she's never touched / How will she keep his trust?” And near the end of the song we hear that Christmas gospel as the music builds to its climax: “Shepherds all gather 'round / Up above the star shines down / A baby changes everything. Choir of angels sing / Glory to the newborn King / A baby changes everything / A baby changes everything / Everything, everything, everything. Hallelujah, Hallelujah / Hallelujah, Hallelujah.” The real meat’s right here at the end. These words capture what we need to capture as Lutheran Christians, what we need to be able to express to our family, neighbors, friends, and all we meet. “My whole life has turned around / I was lost, but now I'm found / A baby changes everything, yeah / A baby changes everything” Dear friends in Christ, that Baby has done that for me. My life has been (Continued on page 6) 5 Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 (Continued from page 5) turned about. I once was lost, but now I’m found. A complete transformation made possible through that Baby born at Bethlehem. And that’s how our Epiphany theme became A Baby Changes Everything. It reflects the reality of what we believe as Lutheran Christians. Through the Christ Child we can have a restored relationship with God, now and for all eternity. Yet in Epiphany the theme is extended. That Baby is to so change us that, through us, others might be brought to Him. Yes, Epiphany is about mission. It’s about Gentiles coming to worship the Christ Child. It’s about you and me, today, coming to worship the Christ A Report on Pilgrim’s Christmas Decorating On Saturday, December 6th, Pilgrim volunteers gathered to decorate the sanctuary for the Advent and Christmas seasons. It seemed that we had experienced an invasion of Elves as 6 Child. It’s about you and I living out our Christian faith lives in such a way that others come to see this Baby as well. The old familiar Christmas carols are truly wonderful. But, sometimes, something new comes along that captures something that just needs to be said. I commend this song to you. Listen to it. Pray over it. And be moved by it. “My whole life has turned around / I was lost, but now I’m found / A baby changes everything, yeah / A baby changes everything.” That change starts in your heart. It spreads out through your hands and arms to the world which that Baby was born to redeem. Here during Epiphany be sure to consider how this Baby has changed you. And, being so changed, may you be led to share Him with others, too. May that tune be lived out in our hearts, lives, and actions. Regards, in Christ, PJKreft T Pilgrim News Pam Solomon we began unloading the boxes of decorations and the complex pieces required for our tree. There were people at meetings, the Pilgrim and Ger(Continued on page 7) Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 (Continued from page 6) man congregation children each rehearsing their Christmas programs and our own volunteers swarming through the building. Good fellowship and cooperation prevailed better than you might have guessed as each group pursued its goals. As we unwrapped dozens of Chrismons to place on the tree I was struck by the beauty and symbolism of each one, and thought of the careful hands that had made them so many years ago. Again, as we loaded the shelf to hold the lovely porcelain nativity scene, the workmanship of someone thoughtful had allowed this piece to fit perfectly into our latticed wall in the Narthex. Over and over throughout the morning we found instances of cleverly designed tools and solutions for installing the decorations, each reflecting the love and devotion of Pilgrims past and present. We are so blessed by God's gifted people working together in this place. Our sanctuary looks beautiful, thanks to 7 many hands, including Janis Larsen who prepared the wreaths and left them waiting for us; Michael Boerger, who knows where every last box is buried in the building; Sean Solomon, John Weihrauch and Todd Baldwin, who risked life and limb at the top of impossibly tall ladders to install, decorate, and hang things; Bob Plitt for designing and fabricating the silhouettes at the back of the sanctuary, as well as help with technical details; Nellie Plitt, Joan Lewicke, Laura Weihrauch, and Robin Baldwin, who carefully unpacked and hung each ornament on the tree; Nate Weihrauch, who hung low-hanging Chrismons and crawled behind the rail and under the tree to retrieve fallen ornaments where no grown-up could have gone. Nellie and I put the nativity scene together, and all we can say is that if Gwen Utecht, who always did this task before her recent move comes to visit, she may find a few misplaced animals and shepherds, but we did our best. We miss her, and all of those others who have passed through our midst and left the enduring heritage of work well done. T Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 In Memory of Walter Durr On December 7th, 2008, the Lord called former member Walter Durr to his Heavenly Home after a long illness. The Durrs were living in North Carolina at the time of Walt’s illness and death. Walt served in many capacities at Pilgrim Lutheran. He was Congregation President in 1985 and 1986. In Memory of Madeline DeLoach Franklin Editor’s note: the following obituary appeared in our funeral service. It has been edited for space considerations. 8 Madeline DeLoach Franklin was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on January 17th, 1914. She was called to her heavenly home on December 21st, 2008, passing quietly, surrounded by her children and grandchildren. When she was three, her family moved to Philadelphia, where her parents founded St. Philip’s Lutheran Church. It was music and playing the piano for which Madeline displayed an extraordinary life-long talent. She Pilgrim People Nellie K. Plitt He later served on the Board of Elders. He chaired the Board in 1994. Walt will be remembered for his smile, cheerful disposition, and willingness to help out. Our love and sympathy go to Lois, Lorraine, Jennifer, Jeff, family and friends. Walt will be buried on Thursday, February 5th at 9:00 AM at Arlington National Cemetery. Mourners must be there by 8:30 AM. We’ll provide you with more details as they become available. T Pilgrim People From the Obituary graduated from the Philadelphia Girls High School and then received a B.A. in music Dillard University. One of her first teaching jobs was in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where she taught the high school choir many of the Lutheran chorales she loved. That same year she met Dr. Charles L. Franklin. They met again when Madeline moved to Washington, D.C., to support the war effort. They were (Continued on page 9) Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 (Continued from page 8) married on May 24th, 1943 in St. Philips Lutheran Church, in Philadelphia. Madeline worked at the Census Bureau and the Office of Price Administration as a business economist. After raising her family, Madeline resumed her career as an educator in 1956 in a poorer area of Washington, D.C., for twenty years. After retiring, Madeline supported cultural and charitable institutions as well as travelled extensively. Some special moments included meeting President Kennedy at his birthday party and being escorted by President Clinton during “Hail to the Chief” during her son’s wedding reception. Madeline was devoted to her church. At Pilgrim, she played piano for the Senior Lunch- Like to Travel? Do you like to travel, explore new areas, meet new people, and serve the community? Here is a golden opportunity for you. Meals-On-Wheels delivers food to shut-ins throughout our local area every weekday except holidays. Pilgrim people have been assigned to one route (Route 7) in the Rockville 9 eon. Before joining Pilgrim, she was a long -standing member of Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, where she served as the substitute organist and interim organist for a year. An accomplished pianist, in 2003, she completed a compact disc, Madeline Franklin Plays the Classics. Madeline was predeceased by Charles, her loving husband of 53 years. She is survived by three children: Charles L. Franklin, Jr., Dolores Mercedes Franklin, and Estelle Diane Franklin; four grandchildren; two grandchildren; and a host of other family members and friends. T Service Opportunity Nellie K. Plitt area on Fridays. This means two people deliver each Friday—one drives and one carries food to the door. We need to build up our list of substitutes to cover in case a volunteer cannot work on a specified day. Join us as a volunteer for Meals-On-Wheels. Contact Bob Plitt at 301-229-5216 if interested. T Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 Did you know that... … Walt Bauman, Sam & Winnie Morch, Pam Solomon, and Dan Bella helped with the mailing of the December issue of Pilgrim’s Progress? … the Senior luncheon program will not meet this month as Cindy Kreft continues to struggle with health issues. She looks forward to offering the program in the future. January Birthdays & Anniversaries January Birthdays 1st ............ Kimberly Frank 4th ............... Fran Redman 4th . Dorothea Weihrauch 5th ................... Kim Christy 6th ................. Amy Mueller 8th ........................... Alicia Hatcher 8th ..................... Mike Pampillonia 8th .......................... Marilyn Regier 13th .............................. James Kreft 14th ......................... Robin Baldwin 16th .................................. Micki Nau 21st ........................ Patrick Hollrah 21st ........................... Kirsten Lyons 21st ............................Darrel Regier 10 What’s Going On / Pilgrim’s Progress Staff … Marie Elsberry will now live in Maine and Bethesda. For the next three months her address is: 9 Alumni Court, Orono, ME 03373, phone: 207-866-2668. … former member Richard Miles is serving with the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Karbala province, Iraq? You can read his blog at www.richardgmiles.com. … Ginny Davis will step down as Chair of Christian Education as of the end of 2008 Thank you for your service, Ginny. T Pilgrim People Shepherd’s Staff 25th .......................... Jenny Hollrah 28th ............................. Gwen Utecht 31st ............................. Norm Larsen January Anniversaries 16th .............. James & Cindy Kreft 26th ................ Norm & Jan Larson 28th ............ Lance & Judy Graef T Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 Pilgrim People Here are the stories behind the pictures on page 12 and from throughout this newsletter. Top left: Madeline Drefke and Kathryn Keiser playing around before the start of a Sunday School Christmas Program practice in early December 2008. Middle left: Hannah Weihrauch, Rachel Keiser, and Kevin Hatcher during a Sunday School Christmas Program practice in early December 2008. This Still, Silent Night at December’s Music at Pilgrim concert. Other people pictured in this month’s newsletter include the following: Page 1: Drew Nail, Charlie Hatcher, and John Weihrauch as the Magi in the 2005 Children’s Christmas Program. The manger scene, with Magi, from Pilgrim’s entryway Page 3: Jack Nail as a shepherd from 2005’s Sunday School Christmas program. Page 4: Greta Drefke as an angel. Lower left: Amy Pearsall sings “Breath of Heaven” at the Music at Pilgrim concert on December 19th. Page 5: Matt, Gibson, and Julie McFarland at Gibson’s memorable baptism. Bottom left: Pilgrim’s Senior Choir and director Michael Rossi performing Schubert’s Mass in F at the Music at December's Pilgrim concert. Page 6: Hannah Weihrauch as Mary at the 2005 Children’s Christmas program. Top right: Kirsten Lyons, Madeline Drefke, Caroline Hatcher, and Michael Summerville singing during the Sunday School Christmas Program in December. Middle right: Sunday School children practice Angels We Have Heard in High for the Sunday School Christmas Program. Bottom right: Pilgrim/s Junior Choir, directed by Michael Rossi, sings On 11 Descriptions Pilgrim’s Progress Staff Page 7: Sean Solomon puts together Pilgrim's Christmas tree. Bottom left: Nate Weihrauch up on Todd Baldwin’s shoulders to help out with decorating the tree. Top right: Michael Boerger up on a ladder putting up Christmas de orations. Page 9, bottom left: Madeline Franklin at a recent Senior Luncheon. Top right: the Franklin family when the children were much younger. T Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009 Pilgrim People 12 For the names and stories behind the pictures, please see page 11. Pilgrim’s Progress / January 2009
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