January 2015 CLUB HEADQUARTERS/ PARENT CHAPTER Bethpage, New York President, Betty Bohlander, (516-575-3777) CHAPTERS / MEETING LOCATIONS: California - Golden West / Pt. Mugu President, Fred Syrett (805-647-4934) California - San Diego / San Diego President, Pete Belay, (858-484-7307) Volume 48, Issue 1 Circulation: 3087 Installation of Officers installation foto installation foto Florida - First Coast / St. Augustine President, Fred Bauer (904-819-9817) Florida - Manasota West / Bradenton President, Ted Martines (941-926-8891) Florida - Mid-West / Spring Hill President, John Cornacchia (813-995-2902) Florida - Southwest / Locations Vary President, Carolyn Moors (239-283-8294) Florida - Spacecoast / Melbourne President, Bob Prais (321-242-5782) Florida - Suncoast / Pinellas Park President, Benjamin Hurley (727-527-7281) installation foto Florida - Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie President, Bob Watkins (772-283-8638) installation foto Georgia - Peach Pit / Milledgeville President, Ted Zarkowsky (478-452-6442) installation foto Maryland - Glen Arm / Belair President, Rick Swinder (410-977-7829). New England - New England North / Dorset, VT President, Bill Egner (802-446-2062) New Jersey - Garden State / Lakehurst President, Bill Staples (732-350-9454) New York - Bethpage Chapter & Club HQ President, Betty Bohlander, (516-575-3777) New York - Eastern Long Island / Riverhead President, Bert Moller (631-864-4377) North Carolina - Eastern Carolina / Locations Vary President, Peter McNamee (252-288-4569) L to R: Bob Ripp, Pat Sullivan, NGC VP Pat McMahon, Betty Bohlander, Lou Kubat The Club officers for the coming year were installed at the Retiree Club Holiday Luncheon in December. Details of the luncheon and the installation are in the Parent Chapter report, beginning on page 3. ********** Pennsylvania - Northeast PA / So. Sterling President, Charles Dowd (570-491-2125) South Carolina Coastal Carolinas / Myrtle Beach President, Ronald Girardin (843-903-7116) Texas - Houston / Houston President, Angelo LaCognata, (281-326-1665) Virginia - Central Virginia / Monticello President, MaryAnne Muller (434-589-5565) Membershp Renewal Time The time has come to renew your Retiree Club Membership. Application / Renewal Form is on page 23 of this Newsletter. Renewal details are in the form. Renew Now . . . Don’t Let Your Membership Lapse. No Renewal = No Newsletter Scholarship Program Contributors The Scholarship Fund Directors and the Retiree Club thank the following for their donations: North, Lee Santos, Anna Weihs, Sydney Roland Winter Wirth, Alfred Eastern Carolina Chapter *************************************************** Grumman Retiree Club 2015 All Chapter Scholarship Awards Program Application forms for the Scholarship Awards program for 2015 are now available. It is the members’ responsibility to provide the application forms and to encourage our Grandkids to participate! Remember: the only awareness our Grandkids have of our Retiree Club Scholarships is through you, the members. Applications may be obtained at your local meetings, or at grummanretireeclub.org, or by mail (selfaddressed stamped envelope to Scholarship Fund, PO Box 0748, Bethpage, NY, 11714-0748). Thank you for continuing the Grumman tradition of supporting education. Your contributions are the Engine that enables our Scholarship Award Program to be a continuing Program for all Retiree Club Members. GRUMMAN RETIREE CLUB NEWSLETTER (USPS # 023-096) Volume 48, Issue 1, January 2015, is published monthly except August and September by Grumman Retiree Club, Inc., 600 Grumman Road West, M/S Z49-25 Bethpage, NY 11714-5000. Periodical postage rates paid at Bethpage, NY. Subscriptions rates of $13 are paid through membership dues. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Grumman Retiree Club, Inc. c/o Command Direct / 310 Oser Ave / Hauppauge, NY 11788-3608 2 Please Keep Your (Tax Deductible) Donations Coming . . . Send your checks (payable to Retiree Scholarship Fund) to: Scholarship Fund, PO Box 0748, Bethpage, NY, 11714-0748 ********************************************* 2015 Scholarship Program 50/50 RAFFLE Members of All Chapters May Participate! Enter often. Multiple winners possible. Max prize: $500 for any one person, in any one drawing. Winners announced in the Newsletter, after each quarterly drawing. Send a filled-in raffle ticket (below) and a check (payable to Grumman Retiree Club Scholarship Fund), to PO Box 0748, Bethpage, NY, 117140748. Each raffle entry is $5. (Please indicate how many raffles you are purchasing.) Everyone has a chance to win. This Raffle benefits the Scholarship Fund only. Scholarship Program SCHOLARSHIP 50/50 RAFFLE TICKET _______________________________________ Name ______________________________________ Address Town _______________State ____ Zip _______ Phone (optional) _____________________ Number of Raffles Purchased _____ Bethpage Chapter Calendar Bethpage Chapter Luncheons/Meetings Membership luncheon-meetings are generally held on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The Retiree Club’s December 10, 2014, Holiday Luncheon was held at the Crest Hollow Country Club, with over 200 merry revelers in attendance. The festivities began with a cocktail hour. As usual, our Holiday Gifts from the Crest Hollow Country Club were tables of Crudités, Bruschetta, and a Cheeseboard, all of which were very well received. January 28: Luncheon Meeting, Crest Hollow CC. Reservation form: page 22 of this Newsletter February 25: Luncheon Meeting, Milleridge Inn Reservation form: page 22 of this Newsletter *************************************************** 2015 Defensive Driving Course Attention Chapter Members - As was previously announced, Liz McGowan, who for years has handled Defensive Driver courses four times a year, will be stepping down. The Club needs another volunteer to take over her activities or we will be forced to end our defensive Driving courses. A little bit of time; a small amount of effort; a very big help to many Club Members. Please volunteer now . . . . Call the Club office: 516-575-3777 ***************************************************** Senior Blood Drive Next Golden Donor Blood Drive: TBD at the Long Island Blood Center 1200 Prospect Avenue, Westbury, NY. If you need directions or information, please call Marion Haberman at the Blood Center, at 516-478-5018. At 1PM, President Betty Bohlander called the group to order and introduced 2nd Vice President Pat Sullivan, who led the Pledge of Allegiance. The President asked for a moment of silence for all our departed members, for their loved ones, and a prayer for our men and women in the military. Pat Sullivan then gave the following moving Invocation: “Loving and gracious God, we thank you for this day and all its blessings. As we approach the longest night of the year, we celebrate the holy days and holidays with festive displays of lights and family and friends. Let the light bring joy to our hearts. May our gatherings strengthen our relationships. Help us to be generous in our response to those in need and grateful for those who protect us. Bless us as we share this luncheon and bring us to a happy and healthy new year.” Betty then introduced our invited guests: ·Pat McMahon, Northrop Grumman VP, Manned Aircraft Division. ·Wayne Grosse, BFCU President and CEO. ·Tom Tack, NGC Director of the Next Generation Electronic Attack Program. ·Andy Parton, Executive Director of the Cradle of Aviation Museum and a member of the Club’s Board of Directors (BOD). ·Larry Seiden, Director of BFCU Financial Services and member of our BOD. ·Kevin McKenna, BFCU Business 3 Development and member of our BOD. ·Chris Labita, BFCU Business Development ·Nicole Mahecha, BFCU Melville Branch Manager We were pleased to have them enjoy the holiday party with us. All were thanked for their continued partnering with the Grumman Retiree Club. Betty also introduced Bob Foster, who is a member of our Board of Directors. Betty welcomed Bob back after his long struggle with back problems. Last, but certainly not least, Betty introduced Marion Abbott, Past President and current member of our Board of Directors. Betty thanked Marion and 2nd VP Pat Sullivan for arranging the luncheon and asked for a well deserved a round of applause for both. As is tradition, Betty called a VIP to the podium to install the slate of elected officers. This year, it was our pleasure to have Pat McMahon install the Club’s Officers who will have the positions for 2015 and 2016: Betty Bohlander President Bob Ripp 1st VP Pat Sullivan 2nd VP Lou Kubat Secretary Frank Rizzo Treasurer VacantSergeant-at Arms Attention Chapter Members - As was announced last year, our Sergeant-at-Arms position is vacant. Please consider volunteering some of your time for the benefit of the membership. The small effort will provide lots of self-satisfaction, knowing you are helping to keep our worthwhile organization functioning effectively. On to the festivities! A delicious lunch was served to the hungry crowd and then the rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying coffee and dessert as well as wonderful wines and soft drinks. DJ 4 Debbie provided dance and background music, which kept lots of people on the dance floor. People reminisced about the past year and the golden years at Grumman. A great time was had by all. Special Congratulations to: December Birthdays: John Proscia (81); Jack Geiger (91); Dorothy Leogrande; Lou Kubat (78); Christie Dillard; Signora Andrews (56); Mary Freeman (84); Gene Lynch (88); Past President John Vosilla (66); Frank DiPaola (79); and Edward Markowski (89). Happy Birthday all Anniversaries: John & Arlene Vosilla (43 yrs); Sal & Angela Sakellarides (62 yrs); and Milt & Ola Farkas (50 yrs). Congratulations to all! We welcomed our Out-of-Town Visitors and Guests: Robert Sikorski, Captain USAF-Retired; and Fran Freeman. Door Prize Winners: Four $25 Visa gift cards were donated by the BFCU and five petit bouquets of flowers were provided by the Club. The lucky winners were: Delores Aulotta, Ray Mason, Rose Romani, Catherine Markiewicz, Dave Conroe, Pete Lazaro, Lou Kubat, Helen Pasciutti, and Carole MacKnight 50-50 Winners: Mary Freeman, Fred Treubig and Charles Cammer About half way through the luncheon we noticed that Mother Nature was giving us her first gentle snow of the season. It conjured up reminiscences of past warm and classic Christmases. After warm handshakes, holiday wishes, and kisses goodbye, everyone went home with a smile. Ho! Ho! Ho!! By: Lou Kubat, Secy. ************************************************* CALIFORNIA / Golden West CALIFORNIA / San Diego Meeting dates: 1/13; 2/10; 3/10 (2nd Tues.) On Friday, December 11, our Chapter gathered for our annual Christmas luncheon at the 94th Aero Squadron restaurant. This military-themed eatery is located inside a replica of a World War I farmhouse, complete with aircraft replicas and wartime artifacts. Twenty-seven retirees and guests enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch. President Fred Syrett opened our December 9th meeting at the Eagles, in Oxnard. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sergeant-at-Arms John Urgo. President Fred Syrett gave the prayer in place of Vice-President John Torkelsen who was not feeling well enough to attend the meeting. After the program, Tom Maloney gave the treasury report of our Christmas donations fund: The Eagles Lodge Toys for Tots Rain Communities Habitat for Humanity Ventura Rescue Mission Ventura Salvation Army Ventura Food Share $200 $255 $25 $100 $25 $25 $221 We thank all of our members for their generosity in making these contributions possible. Treasurer Tom Maloney reported if you have not yet paid your dues please send a check in the amount of $17, payable to “Golden West Retiree Club” and send it to Tom Maloney at 1690 Loma Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010. Please make arrangements with him at 805-443-9219. We had a white elephant raffle with members bringing in interesting items from their homes. Members were very generous in their giving and the Christmas Spirit was quite evident. Thanks to Tom Maloney for organizing and carrying out the raffle. Also, Thanks to Don Coler for providing the Poinsettia Plants for the tables. By: Paul Aanerud, Sec’y, and Fred Syrett, President Our new President, Pete Belay, called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Nancy Roeckl gave the invocation. Pete brought everyone’s attention to the new Grumman - Northrop Grumman Retiree Club / San Diego Chapter banner provided by Retiree Club HQ, in Bethpage. Each local chapter received a banner and a display stand. Thank You, Grumman Headquarters. Treasurer Howard Lindquist presented a positive financial report. 50/50 winners were Gordon Cargill and Chuck Walters. There was lots of fun and useful door prizes. Winners included Gordon & Marge Cargill, John & Mitzie Reika, Bill & Nancy Roeckl, Chuck & Elizabeth Walters, Tom Whitehead and Lou Wilson. The holidays were not without sadness as we lost Grumman Retirees Wayne Getchel and Ted Lohse. Our sincere condolences and heartfelt prayers go out to their families. If you haven’t paid your dues for 2015, you can send a $20 check (made out to: Grumman Retiree Club) to Howard Lindquist, 13572 Samantha Ave, San Diego, CA 92129. ************************************************ 5 From October through December, the following folks celebrated birthdays: Amy Askins, Betz Bartels, Mary Belay, Noel Callahan, Gordon Cargill, Mary Garrity, Kay Huttle, Mike Lossick, Nancy Roeckl, Armand Salvi, Ann Sarraffe, Jean Vasely, and Christine von der Heyden. Frey, Bernie Sovoie, Paul Coronato, and Mark Chamberlin. And celebrating wedding anniversaries from October through December were: Charlie & Amy Askins, Noel & Sue Callahan, Dennis & Annette Klapwyk, Cliff & Barbara Robinson, Armand & Santi Salvi, Bob & Roxie Stalter, and Ernie & Christine von der Heyden. Congrats to all!! Treasurer Bob Rathje started collecting 2015 dues and reminds anyone who wishes to pay the $15 dues by mail can send a check to Bob at: 11046 Castlemain Circle East, Jacksonville, FL. 32256 Meeting dates for 2015 will be announced at a later time. By: Bill Roeckl, Sec’y. billroeckl@cox.net ************************************************* FLORIDA/ First Coast We had thirty-five members and guests for our December 9 luncheon meeting. Also, two representatives from the St. Augustine facility were with us for an update presentation. President Fred Bauer opened the meeting by leading in the Pledge of Allegiance, which was followed by Chaplain Janet Cassford’s invocation. While we were dining, Fred asked us to remember Janet’s husband Ted who is dealing with kidney stones. We all wish Ted a speedy recovery. Fred announced birthdays and anniversaries for December: Birthdays: John Hirschlein, Catherine Langhauser, Duke Digilio, Paul Heagy, Thomas Mutschler, Tom Foley, Paul Rosone, Paulette Bateman, Terry Jennings, Barbara Dolce, Jim 6 Anniversaries: Janice & Rich Porter, Bonnie & Art Maguire, Anne & Emil Gagliardi, and John & Kathleen Hirschlein. Anyone wishing to add to our yearly Christmas donation to the Empty Stocking Fund of St. Augustine can include a separate check for this donation along with the dues check. Guest speaker Christine McGlade gave us an update of ongoing business and construction progress at the St Augustine facility. She took several questions from Chapter members as well as visiting each table for conversation. The ladies also distributed a number of brochures and pens to us. Our Thanks to Christine for a pleasant and informative experience. We had five turkey checks and seven 50/50 prizes awarded, Next Meeting: Jan 20, at the Royal St. Augustine Golf & Country Club, off Route 16. By: Steve Cacace sremkkc@comcast.net ************************************************* FLORIDA / Manasota West President Ted Martines called the meeting to order at Noon, on December 10, 2014 and led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were twelve members present at Pier 22, in Bradenton, for our final meeting of 2014. With the absence of John Zinna, who was ill, there was no Secretary’s report; however his wife, Fran, attended and captured the meeting minutes. Treasurer Jim Murray gave the financial report and reminded the members of the increase in yearly dues to $15. Dues are to paid ASAP so there will be in interruption in Newsletters and to keep the Chapter financially solvent. Election of officers for 2015: Ted Martines - President; Bob Nyberg - Vice President; John Zinna - Secretary/Treasurer. Our Chapter members decided to have Retiree Club HQ donate the $300 [Club stipend for our Chapter] to charities, in the name of the Manatee West Chapter. $150 will go to All Faiths Food Bank and $150 to Mayors Feed the Hungry. President Ted will continue to look for monthly speakers. He is inquiring of Ca’d Zahn and the State Attorney’s office to advise the club on senior scammers. VP Bob reported that the Navy is placing a large order for E-2Ds, with engineering to be done in Melbourne, FL and manufacturing at St. Augustine, FL. 50/50 drawing winners were Bob Nyberg, Fran Zinna, Diane Martines and Jim Murray. All of our winners donated back to the club. Thank You!! We encourage our members to bring guests. If there are any Grumman retirees in the area, please join us at Pier 22 Restaurant in Bradenton, FL, at Noon on the second Tuesday of each month. We look forward to hearing all your Holiday stories. Good company, beautiful views, and good food in sunny Florida. Next Meetings: Jan 14; Feb 11; March 11. All meetings at Noon, at Pier 22 Restaurant, Bradenton, FL. By: John Zinna, Sec’y. (941-705-2690) ezjohn1028@gmail.com ************************************************** FLORIDA/ Mid-West Our December 18, 2014 meeting was opened by President John Cornacchia at 11:30AM. Greetings: Welcome to the Grumman Retiree Club, Mid-West Florida Chapter Chaplin Gus Krayer opened our meeting with the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. There were twelve members present. December Birthday: Judy Folde. We wish you health and happiness and many more. December Anniversaries: None Madeline Arso read “ ’Twas the Night Before Christmas”. It was amended to honor our Military. Thank You, Madeline. The minutes for November 2014 were amended to include our slate of officers for 2015 as follows: President - John Cornacchia Vice President - Vacant Secretary – Kathy Cornacchia Treasurer – Gus Krayer Sergeant at Arms – Bill Shay Trustees – Madeline Arso, Rich Arso, and Hank Mehl Also, it was noted that we will be donating $300 each to the Salvation Army and the Pasco, Hernando Hospice. A motion to accept the minutes as amended was made by Gus Krayer and seconded by Judy 7 Folde. The amended minutes were accepted unanimously. The Treasurer’s report was given by Gus Krayer. The motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Elaine Johnson and seconded by Bill Shay. The report was accepted unanimously. Sunshine Committee: Citrus County: No report Hernando County: Hank Mehl had a gall bladder operation and was coming home today. Also, we understand that Edie Bermister had a heart attack. We have no news of how she is doing. New Business: Installation of Officers for 2015. We broke for lunch, and - upon returning from lunch - we were serenaded by “The Pine Cords”. We had four 50/50 winners. Congratulations to all. The meeting adjourned at 1:15PM. A fun time was had by all. Future Meetings: Jan 15, Feb 19, March 19 All meetings will be held at the Buffet City restaurant on Route # 50 in Brooksville, at 11:30AM. John and I wish everyone a “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” and look forward to seeing you next year. By: Kathy Cornacchia, Sec’y. ************************************************* FLORIDA / SouthWest Chapter did not meet in December. *************************************************** 8 Florida / Space Coast A festively arrayed Suntree Country Club, augmented by Pat Postupack’s holiday table decorations, greeted 71 of our Chapter’s members on December 17th, as we gathered for the year’s last meeting. While the buffet luncheon was up to its usual standard, it was the beer-cheese soup that drew us back for a second round after the Pledge of Allegiance and Ed Romano’s especially meaningful year end blessing. Following our usual custom for the December meeting, we opted to have no guest speaker so our members would have more opportunity to socialize. As a unique feature, VP John Lau distributed a quiz designed to test both our basic knowledge and creative capabilities. Fortunately, no score was kept. Veterans Honor Flight Contributions President Bob Prais brought us up to date on the status of the Retiree Club’s $300 contribution to all 19 chapters. Since we had indicated our wish that the funds allocated for our chapter be used to support the Veteran’s Honor Flight, transporting WWII veterans to Washington, DC, to visit several of the memorials, Club HQ (in Bethpage) sent a check directly to our local organization. At last month’s meeting, our members voted to collect contributions for the Veterans Honor Flight as a charitable Christmas project, in lieu of presents to a senior home as had been our custom in prior years. Bill reported that, at the end of the day, individual donations amounted to $825. With a $75 contribution from our Chapter treasury, we will have donated $900 toward this cause, plus the $300 contributed by Retiree Club HQ, for a total of $1200. Donations to the Honor Flight should be given to Bill Waldron, our Treasurer. Veterans Transitional Facility Thanksgiving Dinner: Ron Stinton reported that the full Thanksgiving dinner our Chapter volunteered to contribute had gone off very well, feeding 20 adults and 13 children, with all the costs being covered by two anonymous Club members. Funds previously voted by our club for this purpose were therefore used to provide gift certificates for the 13 children’s Christmas. Member Health Reports Ron reported that Joe Mullings had been hospitalized and is home recuperating. We wish Joe a speedy recovery. Treasurer Bill Waldron reported: - The last of our six prior years scholarship student awards had gone out. - There are satisfactory balances in both our scholarship and general accounts. - Bill has received an annual dues check from a new member, Sam Roose, who resides in The Villages, a bit of a haul from here. We hope you can make it to some of our meetings, Sam. Communications: Don Powell’s report consisted of identifying and thanking his band of callers who contact our members to remind them of our meetings and brief them about our speakers. Don’s letters to his callers are looked forward to every month - - - [my grandchildren take his jokes to school (after editing!)] All other committee reports were waived due to absences/illness. 50/50 drawing resulted in five regular awards plus five poinsettias. The grand prize was a fabulous basket of suitable holiday items assembled by Ann Cioffi, who also assisted Pat Postupack with the attractive holiday decorations. The festive camaraderie and holiday decorations reminded some of us of the old Christmas spirit we shared in our Grumman workplaces - -all we needed was a big turkey and a bonus check to make it just like old times. Employee Birthdays December: George Graefe, John Adrion, David Muh, John Casko, and Henry Dubocq Spouse Birthdays December: Carol Lawler, Diane Glover, Elaine Dubocq, Yvonne McDonnell, Brenda Muh, Mary Ann Lau, Marie Passarella, Tessie Rago, Earlene Roosevelt, Barbara Hudson, and Marilyn Filipo Anniversaries December: George & Peggy Graefe, Henry & Elaine Dubocq, Gus & Audrey Lanzo, Howard & Evelyn Dunn, and Oscar & Emma B. Basilio. Next Meeting: Jan 21, 2015. Guest speaker is Betsy Farmer, from Pathway to Promise. By: Bill Steenson, Secy. ************************************************** FLORIDA / Suncoast The 12/17/14 Meeting of the Suncoast Chapter of the Grumman Retiree Club was held at the Greek Village Restaurant, starting at Noon. The meeting was opened by President Ben Hurley with ten members and guests in attendance. Sergeant-at-Arms John Kucin led the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Patricia Newark gave the Invocation and a special prayer for our service people in harms way, and a Blessing for Christmas and Hanukkah. Following the Grumman tradition of giving out Turkeys, our President Ben passed out Gift Cards to all the Members present. Next, we had a Grab Bag exchange of presents. Happy Birthday and many more to Helen Barth (Dec. 2.) 9 Anniversary Congratulations to Patricia & John Newark - 39 years on Dec. 20 50/50: Four Happy Winners - Patricia Newark, Caesar Colasuonno (who gave back to the treasury), Lyn Mohr, and Tony Giouvalakas (who also gave back to the treasury). Next Meetings: 1/21, 2/18, 3/18, 4/15. All to be held at The Hibachi Buffet, on Park Blvd. & 49th Street, in Pinellas Park, FL. . By: Patricia E. Newark, Sec’y. (727-360-7339) lionpattysecretary@yahoo.com *************************************************** FLORIDA / Treasure Coast Our December 18th Christmas luncheon was held at Manero’s Restaurant, in Palm City, with 53 members and two guests attending. In the absence of President Bob Watkins, Vice President Werner Bols opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance Chaplain Larry Regier gave the invocation and announced the deaths of Sal Mancuso, Ed Burkhead, and Art Hill. Art was a long time member of the club and a past president of the Treasure Coast Chapter. Our condolences to the families. Larry also announced that Don Graves had a hip replacement. We had a surprise visit from Mr. & Mrs. Claus (Dick and Nancy Schaefer) who encouraged all to join in singing some Christmas songs, ending in Silent Night. At the end of the meeting, Mrs. Claus handed out packages of cookies to everyone. We Thank You both for your effort. 10 Deb Bartfield baked an Applesauce Cake and the proceeds of the raffle went to our Scholarship Fund. Thank You, Deb. There were fifteen Publix gift cards raffled off and five 50/50 winners. A good time was had by all. Anniversaries: Mike & Deb Bartfield, Bob & Lynn Beckman. Rob & Marilyn Fink, Gene & Marylou Rathgeber (57 years), and Tom & Janet Cuce (58 years) Visitors: Anne and Paul Kaloski, Cutchogue, NY Next Meetings: Jan 15, Feb 19, and Mar 19, 2015 By: Joan Savio, Sec’y. fj99savio@bellsouth.net ************************************************** GEORGIA / Peach Pit The Tuesday, December 16, 2014 meeting at Crockett’s Cafeteria on N. Columbia Street in Milledgeville, GA. started at 12:30PM. There were 14 present when Vice President Janet Sills called the meeting to order. Joe Sansotta led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. Next, Chaplain Designee Mary Archer gave the Blessing, which was followed by the meal and fellowship. Old Business: Being a non- business Social Meeting, any Old Business will be addressed at the January 2015 Meeting New Business: 1. Vice President Janet, on behalf of President Ted Zarkowsky, thanked members for their support during their terms as officers for years 2013 and 2014. She also extended wishes for a: BLESSED CHRISTMAS, HEALTHY/PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all the Grumman-Northrop Grumman Family. 2. Secretary Lew Iuliucci extended December Happy Birthday wishes to: John Maier [4th], Guil Mauldin [24th], Howard Sills [4th], and Stan Winnicki [22nd]. 3. Anniversary congratulations were extended to: Gary & Linda Hagland [27th], Guil & Barbara Mauldin [27th], and Janet & Howard Sills [4th]. 4. Treasurer Joe Sansotta reported that John Noack and Frank Vargas will come on board in January. Ernie Godbee won the 75/25 Fundraiser raffle and donated his winnings to the Community Service Fund. Thank you Ernie. the Chard Wray Memorial Community Food Pantry in Baldwin County, Georgia. Community Service: a.] Volunteerism continues as members, and spouses, aid various causes including Pints of Blood/Platelets. b.] Per our 2014 Donation Plan, a gift check will be presented to the Chard Wray Memorial Community Food Pantry, on Christmas Day [December 25, 2014] Our check will have a cover letter from the Chapter and, this year, an additional/separate check from the Retiree Club. Program: Today’s topic was: Attendee Fellowship. A motion to end the meeting was made by Paul Bernichon and seconded by Janet Sills The motion carried and adjournment was at 1:30PM. Next Meeting: January 20, 2015, 12:30PM, at Crockett’s Cafeteria, on North Columbia Street, in Milledgeville. By: Lew M. Iuliucci, Sec’y. (478-452-1357) iuliucci@windstream.net Betty Bertoli was recently ill. She is now home rehabilitating. Betty is in our thoughts for a speedy recovery. ************************************************** The Program for our January Meeting is installation of Chapter Officers: · Janet Sills - President · Ted Zarkowsky - Vice President · Joe Sansotta - Treasurer · Lew Iuliucci - Secretary · Wendell Barr - Sgt-at-Arms · Willie Collins - Chaplain. Also at the January meeting, we will have a review of Chapter Expenses and Income, to include the Club stipend/income being used for Chapter expenses and a charitable gift in December to The Glen Arm Club meeting for December was an evening meeting with a fair showing. Maryland / Glen Arm Topics covered were the Treasury Report, the Chapter’s Dues, and Charity Donations. Members present at the meeting reviewed the notice from Retiree Club HQ that chapter dues (per member) to be sent to HQ will increase from $11 to $13 in 2015. Those present at the meeting decided to leave dues for the Glen Arm chapter at $15 for 2015. We will consider an increase for 11 2016. Notices will be going out soon. We are considering making a donation to a charitable organization for 2015. Rick Swinder is researching and will inform the chapter of his finding at our next meeting. Our previous donation was to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. We wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We send to everyone our Best Wishes for the New Year! Reminder: Chapter Dues per person that we are required to forward to Retiree Club HQ are to increase in 2015. Our 2015 chapter dues will be coming due soon; notices will be sent out shortly. Happy Birthday to: John Higgs (12/3); Rick Oden (12/9); Joan Gebhardt (12/11); Dave Rutherford (12/31) Linda LaOrange (01/23); and Vince Trabona (01/24). Meetings: Unless Notified Otherwise: · Our meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month. · Daytime meetings at 1PM · Evening meetings at 6:30PM · All meetings are at the Golden Corral, Aberdeen Md. Meeting Schedule: Tuesday January 20th - 1PM Tuesday February 17th -1PM Remember: the club is still recruiting members. We are trying to contact Glen Arm Grummanites who might not be Club members. If you have contact information, please forward it to one of the officers listed below. Questions? Suggestions? Please contact: President: Rick Swinder 12 (410-977-7829) rickswinder@gmail.com Sergeant-at-Arms: Rolfe Feser (410-661-2580) poppyro@comcast.net Treasurer: Joe Svach (443-567-6433) jam.svach@comcast.net By: Joe Svach ************************************************** New England North Chapter is on Winter break. ************************************************** New Jersey Garden State Chapter Our December 16, 2014 meeting was held at the Best of Italy Restaurant, with eleven members and two guests present. President Bill Staples called the meeting to order at 1:30PM. The minutes of the previous meeting were suspended. The Treasurer gave a report. Treasurer Larsen also notified the members that – after March we will have to select a new Treasurer since he felt that he could not do it anymore because of ill health. Sunshine Report – Don Smith’s daughter sent a letter saying that her parents are doing well after a year of some serious medical problems. She also supplied us with contact information. Old Business – Dues were collected for 2015. Those who have not paid were asked to mail a check for the dues to the Treasurer Larsen as soon as possible. New Business – None Ways & Means – Sunshine lady Gloria Larsen presented a small gift to everyone present. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15P.M. Next Meeting: March 17, 2015 at 1PM, at the Crestwood Family Restaurant. By: Carolyn Kerr, Sec’y. (732-244-4483) ************************************************** NEW YORK Eastern Long Island Chapter Our annual Christmas gathering was held at Pauline Sandmann’s Clubhouse at Riverwoods. Twenty-two Chapter members were joined by three honored guests from the Bethpage Chapter: Pres. Betty Bohlander, 1st VP Bob Ripp, and Past Pres. Marion Abbott. East LI foto East LI foto East LI foto cost of Newsletter printing and postage. Also, [as a cost containment effort] beginning in 2015 we will not have an August or a September newsletter. Betty also explained that membership requirements have changed: All former Grumman and/or Northrop-Grumman employees and all current employees with one year of service are eligible for Club membership. President Bert asked for volunteers for Treasurer, as Lynne Miller has been ailing. Please Volunteer! Bert reminded the members that there is No January Meeting and he said he’s joining “Club Snowbirds”, heading South. Safe trip to all. Bert asked for 2015 Dues ($15) ASAP! No Dues – No Newsletter 2015 Dues ($15): Make your check payable to ELI Grumman Retiree Club. Send check to Bert Moller, 33 Ramsey Road, Commack, NY 11725. Please print Name, Address, and Phone Number on your check or use the Membership Application Form in the Newsletter. East LI foto January Birthdays: Richie Myers (1/12), John E. Wills (1/25), Eugene V. Bagnall Jr. (1/28), Robert Haynol (1/1), William J. Lent (1/10). L to R: Bob Albert, Pauline Sandmann, Bert Moller, Betty Bohlander, Bob Ripp, Marion Abbott Our group voted to donate $150 to “Millneck Home For The Deaf “ and $150 to “Wounded Warriors”. Good Show! Our President, Bert Moller, welcomed all, then Sergeant-at-Arms Richie Myers led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reading of the minutes was waived and the group enjoyed lunch. After our 50/50 Drawing, the meeting was adjourned. East LI foto After lunch, Pres. Bohlander explained that the dues increase is necessary because of decreasing membership and increases in the Mytko Report: - Jerry Di-Pierro contacted Bill about the passing of John Lamb, in North Carolina. - To report any deaths, illnesses, etc. contact Bill Mytko (1-864-225-4927 or ermytko@yahoo.com) 13 Next Meeting: Feb 18, at the Coram Diner [corner of Route 112 and Jericho Turnpike (Route 25)]. Lunch at Noon; Meeting After Lunch. Cost: TBD. Contact Bob Albert (631-585-7987) by 2/16 for head count. North Carolina Foto Hope All have a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! North Carolina Foto By: Bob Albert, VP (631-585-7987) ************************************************** NORTH CAROLINA Eastern Carolina Chapter On December 10th, 48 members and guests met at the beautifully decorated River Bend Country Club. Our thanks to Kathy & Bernie Kuntz, our Program Directors for December. Bernie welcomed everyone and asked Ken Gruebel to lead the Pledge of Allegiance and give the invocation. Ken always has a poignant message each month and this one was no exception; we are so fortunate to have him. Bernie then passed around our yearly Christmas trivia contest sent in by Artie Miller. We sure do miss Artie & Fran! This was one of his most difficult quizzes, with most of us only getting a few right answers. We were fortunate to have three handsome Marines to collect the “Toys for Tots” at our luncheon, thanks to Rudi Wiehl and Joe Mele. The Marine contingent consisted of two active Marines and one retiree: Staff Sgt. Matthew Hendges; from Michigan; Cpl. Keith Kane, from Florida; and Gunny Sgt. Russell Spalti (Ret.), from Springville, NY. Sergeant Spalti served over 24 years. The Marines joined us for the delicious buffet that was served. S/Sgt. Hendges thanked us for all the toys collected and gave a history of the “Toys for Tots” program. Our toys will go to the children in Craven County, with the Salvation Army delivering the toys. 14 North Carolina Foto North Carolina Foto North Carolina Foto L to R: Cpl. Keith Kane, Gunny Sgt. Russ Spalti (Ret.), SSgt. Matthew Hendges, Bernie Kuntz, Kathy Kuntz. Our comedian, Tom Schroder, had no jokes prepared due to coming off a vacation a few days before the meeting. Joe Mele stepped in and told a couple. Treasurer Bob Lamberson gave his report and noted that donations were made to the Alzheimer Foundation in Wes Johnson’s name, and to the 7 Lakes EMS, for Dave Shannon. Bob suggested raising our donations for deceased members from $25 to $50 since the $25 amount was voted on at the inception of our Chapter many years ago. A motion was made and passed by all present. Bob also called the 50/50 winners: Cpl. Kane, Karl Herrnkind, Al Northrop, and Ken Gruebel. President Pete McNamee read a letter from Retiree Club President Betty Bohlander. The letter told members that each chapter would receive a $300 stipend to use as each chapter decides. A discussion followed of what to do with this money, since we had already voted last month to send $100 to three different charities. Pete was to check with Bethpage, so this discussion was tabled until our February meeting. Dues that our Chapter sends to Bethpage for each Chapter member will increase by $2, due to rising costs of operation. The letter also said that no newsletters would be mailed out in August and September since most clubs don’t meet in the Summer. It also mentioned the new banner and stand that we received from Retiree Club HQ. Pete reminded members that we do not meet in January and asked for volunteers for the February and March meetings. He also announced the December birthdays and anniversaries, and he mentioned that our chapter dues would remain at $15 for 2015 as our treasury is in good shape. There were questions regarding the health and prescription insurance. Rudi Wiehl suggested that we have an insurance seminar at our June meeting since nothing can be done as the time has passed to make a change. We were happy to see John Sullivan who travelled from Raleigh, Joyce & Bob Leun from Rural Hill, and Joe Ram and his daughter, Gina, who came from Apex and attended for the first time. It’s a trip for all of them to get to a meeting and it was great to see them. Birthdays: 12/1 - Bill Willemsen; 12/10 - Artie & Fran Miller; 12/23 - Diane Spallanzani; 12/27 Walter Hermann; 12/31 - Ray Rice. Anniversaries: 12/1 - Fred & Ginger Reynolds. Pete thanked Bernie & Cathy and Joe & Rudi for arranging the Marines presence, Artie Miller for the trivia, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a blessed and Happy New Year. No January meeting. By: Dottie Karika, Secretary (dotjimk@att.net) ************************************************** PENNSYLVANIA Northeastern Pennsylvania Chapter The day of our meeting, December 18, was cold and overcast. However, the Dowds, the Rademachers, the Herlings, the St. Denises, the Sparkowskis, and Joel Schachter attended the meeting. President Dowd offered a toast to close out the year, and Chaplain Sparkowski offered grace. This was our last meeting until April. The first half hour was filled with good will and light conversation, as we had our Happy HalfHour and Holiday drink. At Noon, we ordered our main meal, and some of us talked shop, while Richard & Barbara St. Denis and Joel Schechter brought the rest of us up to date on what they have been doing, since they have not attended a meeting in a long time. Treasurer Fred received an e-mail from the Home Office, acknowledging that our $300 from Bethpage had been sent to the Gino Merli Veterans’ Center and the St. Francis Commons Veterans Program. Club HQ also thanked us for making such a quick determination on where the money was to go. Treasurer Fred wanted everyone to remember that dues are due by December 31st, but there is a grace period till January 31 before you are dropped from the Club. Send your $15 to Fred at PO Box 1012, Milford, PA 18337-1012. Make your checks out to “NEPA Grumman Retiree Club”, NOT TO FRED. Even though some of you will receive this after Dec 31, my e-mailers get this Newsletter way before then. Secretary Sparkowski showed everyone the new Club Banner. It was interesting to note that the Banner now contains the name of the local chapter. A nice touch. We will start to use our banner at our first meeting in April. 15 Sickness Update; - President Chuck Dowd has recovered nicely from his mini-stroke. He said he feels good and has no problems. - Marie Dowd has fully recovered from her knee operation and does not use a cane. - Edward Sparkowski is recovering nicely from his end-of-October Parotid Gland operation. Got a clean bill of health from the doctor, but is still experiencing some numbness on that side, which will eventually subside to some extent. - Marianne Sparkowski may be having her right knee replaced sometime in the near future. - Judy Zupp was not at the meeting, as she had a fever and was not feeling well. As of January, the Lunch Bunch will be meeting. This is the wives, who pick a place for lunch on our normal meeting day and meet. It is run by Alberta Rademacher, Marie Dowd, and Judy Zupp. If you wish to be contacted as to when they will be meeting, contact one of them. Husbands are welcome to attend. 50X50 was won by Marie Dowd. Turkey was won by Marie Dowd. She put stick-um on her tickets! Joel Schachter inquired about having a meeting on a Saturday afternoon for those who are busy during the week. We have suggested this once before and it did not get off the ground. To all the members: What do you guys think about a Saturday afternoon meeting? You all have my e-mail address, so send me a message and let me know. To you snail mailers, drop me a postcard, or a note and let me know what you think. December Birthdays: Ron Alongi, Carol Bradford (Damis), and John Rinde. December Anniversaries: None 16 President Dowd, Secretary Sparkowski, and Treasurer Rademacher discussed our April meeting. As of right now, we will assemble on April 16, 2015, at Noon, at Kays Restaurant, in Lake Ariel, PA. At that time, we will make a decision as to where we want to go for 2015. We have been to Kays for three years, which is the longest we have been at one place, since the Raintree. If anyone has any places they want us to check out, contact President Dowd (570491-2125 or chuck35@optonline.net) or Fred Rademacher (570-296-7196 or fredahep@gmail. com). They will make contact your suggested place and report back to us. As I said, some of you will receive this Newsletter after the Holidays. However, on behalf of Marianne and myself, we hope you all had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a very Happy and Healthy New Year. See you in April. Next Meeting: April 16, 2015, at Noon, at Kays Restaurant, in Lake Ariel, PA. By: Edward J. Sparkowski, Sec’y/Chaplain (570-698-7182) firefly417@verizon.net ************************************************* SOUTH CAROLINA Coastal Carolinas Chapter The Sea Captain’s House Restaurant, in Myrtle Beach, was the location for our December 3 Christmas Luncheon, at which seventeen members were in attendance. We welcomed Barbara & Ed Raulsome, who chose the day to become new members of the Club. Our Chapter meets on the first Wednesday of every month, at Noon. However, there are no meetings during the months of June, July, and August. Our members include those who reside in both North Carolina and South Carolina. A list of meeting dates, times, and locations is available to all who are interested in attending our meetings. Helen Timoney, who now resides in New York, founded our Chapter prior to 1996, when we received the charter. After a leisurely lunch, President Ronald Girardin called the meeting to order. Bob Joyce led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance, which was followed by a moment of silence. “Happy Birthday” to Bernard Mascara, and a very “Happy Anniversary” to Marilyn & Dick Seidler, who will celebrate 60 years together on December 4th. The November 2014 meeting minutes were read by Kathy Fleischer, and they were seconded and approved. Don Webber read the Treasurer’s Report. There were no additions or disbursements. The report was seconded and approved. In lieu of our 50/50 drawing, there was a Christmas Grab Bag, which was optional. Those who bought gifts received gifts. We were all sorry to learn of the passing of Club member Richard Podlaski. He lived in Taylors, SC, and did not attend any of our meetings. Condolences, on behalf of the Club, go out to his family. Another member of the Club, Lee Mascara, would appreciate your prayers, as well as our perpetual guest, Teresa McMahon. ‘Tis the season for colds, and other ailments, and if you or other Club members have health problems, please inform Dot Hoffmann, who is in charge of the Sunshine Committee. Your 2015 dues should be sent to Don Webber, 4713 National Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579, in order to continue your membership and receive the newsletter. The dues amount is $15 per member, and $5 per spouse. You will also receive a [list of Chapter member] addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses, in addition to the list of dates and places of our 2015 meetings. Grumman - Northrop Grumman Retiree Club HQ has generously allocated $300 to our Chapter. We voted to distribute the $300 as follows: $100 to Street Reach, Myrtle Beach, SC; $100 to Street Reach, Supply, NC; and $100 for Chapter administrative expenses. In addition, our Chapter also received a lovely banner from HQ. A special thanks to Betty Bohlander, Club President, for this gift! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, And Happy Holidays To All! All Grumman, Northrop Grumman, and Northrop retirees in the area are welcome to join us. Guests are also welcome. By: Nancy Webber, Secy. (843 - 347 - 2113) nfwebber@twc.com ************************************************* TEXAS / Houston Chapter did not meet in December. ************************************************** VIRGINIA / Central Virginia Our annual Christmas Luncheon Meeting was held on December 10, at the Waynesboro Country Club in Waynesboro, VA. It was a bright sunny day; those of us from East of the Blue Ridge Mtn. range noticed the residual snow in the Waynesboro area, snow that we didn’t receive on Thanksgiving Eve. 17 We had hoped to see some of our members from the Valley and wish that those in WV had joined us. We have been trying to include more meetings further East and West in the state. We NEED your inputs and attendance! Nine members and one guest attended: Maryanne Muller, Frank & Beverly Purstell, Ed Samson, Anna Dannenhoffer, Lucille Kochersberger, Fred & Marjorie Meiners, Rich Benske and his friend Jackie. We were saddened to hear that Ray Muller (our chapter’s founder) has been admitted to a rest home. A disease has robbed him of his ability to remember all he has done in his lifetime, but his friendships will live in our memories. His intent in starting the chapter was to bring Grummanites together to swap stories of their time with the company and to renew acquaintances. He worked, in Calverton and in Bethpage, on many projects including E-2, Gulfstream, and finally the F-14. He had such a passion for flying that he built and flew radio control planes. He also started a local flying club for these planes. We are delighted that Maryanne attends our meetings and gives us updates on Ray, who is sorely missed. Members Frank & Barbara Edwards (formerly from NGC in Charlottesville) have moved to Our Lady of Peace as Barbara’s health has deteriorated. Their new address: 751 Hillsdale Dr, Apt 308, Charlottesville VA-22901. Telephone number: 434-979-8127, They would love to hear from you all. New Slate Of Officers: President: Vice President: Treasurer: Recording Secretary: 18 Fred Meiners Ed Samson Frank Purstell Marjorie Meiners Those in attendance voted to use/send part of the stipend allocated by Retiree Club HQ to a local charity (Salvation Army) meeting the needs of the homeless. Treasurer Frank Purstell gave our checking account balance and all is well. 2015 DUES remain at $15 per member. Please send in (ASAP) your 2015 DUES: Make checks out to “Grumman - Northrop Grumman Retiree Club, Central VA Chapter” or “Frank Purstell”. Send checks to: Frank Purstell, 317 Meadow Beauty Court, Waynesboro, VA 22980. We wish all our friends A Merry Christmas And A Healthy Happy New Year. Next Meeting: Jan 14, 2015 at 12:30PM, at Shadwell’s Restaurant, in Charlottesville. Take I-64 Exit 124 (250W) . . . approx 1 mile on Left ... in front of Hilton Inn. Please email or call Frank Purstell (434-2821303) or Fred Meiners (434-589-2882) if you plan on attending so we can make arrangements. Future Meetings: - Feb 11: Fork Union Family Restaurant, Rte 15 South, Fork Union - Mar 11: Blue Mountain Brewery, 9585 Critzer Shop Road, Afton, VA. [1 1/2 miles up Rt.151, on left side from the intersection of Rt, 250 & 151, towards Wintergreen. Phone 545-456-8020.] - April 8: Francesco’s Italian Restaurant, Williamsburg, VA By: Marjorie Meiners, Recording Sec’y. ************************************************* In Memoriam We extend heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of those who have passed away. Bereis, Richard Smithtown, NY 12/01/2014 Culleton, John Florence, SC 09/09/2014 Hanak, Rudy Holbrook, NY 09/26/2014 Harper, James Middle River, MD 11/13/2014 Hill, ArthurStuart, FL11/25/2014 Ivory, ThomasStuart, FL12/04/2014 Lohse, Clarence (Ted) Escondido, CA 12/01/2014 Meehan, William Commack, NY 12/01/2014 Pletka, William Islip, NY 12/13/2014 Shannon, DavidWest End, NC10/26/2014 Street, Ray Glen Arm, MD 03/14/2014 Tornatore, Josephine Commack, NY 12/16/2014 Wallace, John Farmingdale, NY 12/03/2014 Zale, John Wantagh, NY 11/27/2014 When reporting a death, provide the person’s Name, Date of death, and the City & State of residence prior to death. Notices of member deaths should be e-mailed to the Club (grumrc@gmail.com), with “Death Notice” as the subject. 19 Grumman History Chapter 27 THANKS, CLINT (1975) Grumman activities were humming. As spring approached, VAW-23, the first E-2C Hawkeye squadron to sea, returned from its deployment on the USS Saratoga. Both the crews and officers were ecstatic, noting that its performance exceeded expectations. Jack Bierwirth, Grumman’s CEO, expressed high expectations for the coming year. Sales were up. And all were looking forward to May’s delivery of the first Lot VI F-14, the first built at a profit. Bierwirth also announced a new Grumman Allied product, the Dormavac. This was a shipping container, packed with high technology, offering the potential to greatly extend the time for shipping and storing perishable goods. He praised the company for its remarkable recovery. In response to significant government pressure to reduce costs, on April 1, 1975 Joe Gavin unveiled an innovative plan to reduce overhead costs. In an open letter to the public, Grumman proposed to open its airfield for limited general aviation use. This decision was based on a two-year study that considered noise, air pollution, and safety. It was also noted that only Grumman, among the major aerospace companies, had a private airport. All others were located nearby municipal airports at substantially reduced costs. With this plan, a cost of $600K/year would become a $400K profit, partially offsetting Long Island’s high costs. Unfortunately, the local community was immediately hostile to this idea and a grass roots campaign to stop this initiative came into being. By the end of April, despite the stated benefits that would accrue to the neighborhood and despite Grumman’s live operational demonstrations to 60 community leaders, 680 residents were protesting at the Grumman gates. The political leadership at the Town of Oyster Bay (TOB) was beginning action to challenge this proposal. In April Grumman shipped the first Space Shuttle wings, ahead of the May 1 deadline. The maiden deployment of F-14’s to the Pacific saw some major events that while not directly affecting them certainly must have had them on alert. In April the North Vietnamese swept south rapidly advancing toward the south’s capital Saigon. Navy assets were employed to support the mass evacuations; the actual fall of Saigon took place on April 30, ending the Vietnam War. Then, few weeks later, the container ship Mayaguez was boarded by Cambodian forces claiming the ship entered their waters. To show the world that withdrawal from Vietnam did not mean the United States was impotent, the U.S. Navy and Marine forces quickly mounted an attack to recover both the ship and crew. (Note; Troops killed during this action are included on the Vietnam Memorial). Although not involved, the F-14’s were ready if needed. After eight months in the Southeast Asian seas, two months longer than planned, the first F-14A squadrons triumphantly returned to base. However, the long anticipated issues with the F-14’s TF-30-P-412 engine had manifested itself, as two aircraft were lost due to engine problems. The “P-412” engine originally developed for a non-maneuvering aircraft had known poor compressor stall margins and insufficient thrust for the highly maneuverable F-14. During these maneuvers, the air flowing inside the engine compressor would easily break down causing engine flameout. Sometimes the compressor disintegrated causing a catastrophic fire, explosion, and loss of airplane. Therefore, the F-14As engine was to be temporary: after the seventh F-14, the “P-412” would be replaced by a variant of the F-15 Eagle’s P&W TF-100 and designated the F-14B. This plan changed during a fateful May 1971 meeting in Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard’s office. 20 Enraged by the F-14 program overruns he had just been briefed on, he summarily cancelled the F-100 engine program for the F-14 and cut production by 50%. The cost of this decision was formidable as $250M of bandaid solutions never satisfactorily solved the problem and over 40 aircraft, valued at $1B, were lost. Worst of all, this engine fault caused the pilots to “fly-the-engine” and not take full advantage of the F-14’s aerodynamic performance. It would be many years before the F-14 had an engine to match its wings. A letter from an A-6 Bomber/Navigator (B/N), published on the front page of Grumman Plane News, extolled Grumman’s “Iron Works” reputation. The B/N told how, after a mid-air collision, his A-6 had lost the outer six-feet of its wing. Despite this, the pilot recovered control and flew 20 minutes back to base. The final quote of his letter, “I... am firmly convinced nobody builds airplanes like Grumman!” The summer of 1975 began with another first. When the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy set sail to the Mediterranean, it carried squadrons of both F-14s and E-2Cs. The connectivity between these two aircraft provided capabilities unique to naval warfare and all eyes were looking forward to seeing these capabilities demonstrated in a true operational setting. George Skurla, in his prescient President’s Report in July, discussed the difficulty in keeping a program sold. He knew the Navy would soon select its Lightweight Fighter (LWF) design, culminating a multi-year battle between the F-14 and the LWF. It had long been the position of Grumman and many in the Navy that reducing the F-14 buy to make room in the budget for the LWF would increase rather than decrease the overall cost of providing the Navy’s needs for the most battle-effective force. On October 10, 1975, the Navy selected the McDonnell Douglas/Northrop F-18 Hornet as their LWF. This event was to have major implications on the long-term survival of Grumman. On September 29, the first modified Gulfstream - Shuttle Training Aircraft made its first flight. This program was on track to meet the scheduled delivery date to NASA in early 1976. Fall 1975 saw major changes to Grumman’s management. Clint Towl, after 46 years -and as the last of Grumman’s founders - announced his retirement as of the end of the year. Jack Bierwirth would become Chairman of the Board and CEO of Grumman Corporation; Joe Gavin would be President and Chief Operating Officer of Grumman Corporation, with George Skurla taking on those roles for Grumman Aerospace. Ignoring the benefits that Grumman provided to Bethpage and to the Town of Oyster Bay, on October 22 the Town passed zoning rules that overruled the positive recommendation by the Nassau County Planning Commission and negated the Grumman airport proposal. Grumman would now carry on, in its increasingly cost competitive world, without the financial benefits of using the Grumman airport for general aviation. By year-end, over 200 Grummanites were in Isfahan, Iran. They were the vanguard of the 1000 people-strong team tasked with making the Imperial Iranian Air Forces totally self-sufficient in making their F- 14s the MiG killer they needed. In mid-December, Clint Towl, concluded his retirement speech with, “Thanks for the memories.” The employees who remained at Grumman to carry on a fantastic legacy could have said, “Thanks, Clint, for a great company.” By: Ken Speiser and Larry Feliu Copyright © 2014 by Kenneth Speiser and Larry Feliu, All rights reserved 21 GN_6-10_GN_10-07 10/5/10 4:09 PM Page 1 IMAX ® The Bristal Assisted Living offers all Grumman Retirees $1,000 off your first month’s rent should you or an immediate family member move into any of our luxurious communities including Reflections, for memory impaired adults*. For deTAiLs cALL (631) 580.2004 NOW PLAYING NEW! Legends of Flight. This unique cinematic experience shows how the 787 might affect the next 100 years of aeronautical design. Armonk | East Meadow East Northport | Lynbrook Massapequa | North Hills North Woodmere | Sayville the bristal.com Westbury | White Plains Woodcliff Lake, NJ * based upon availability of discounted apartments OPEn 9:30-5:00 PM Tuesday through Sunday Call 516-572-4111 www.CradleOfAviation.org Leroy R. and Rose W. Grumman IMAX Dome Theater Charles Lindbergh Blvd., Garden City, NY CREST HOLLOW JANUARY 28 LUNCHEON RESERVATION FORM Member Name (print) __________________________________________ Guest Names (print) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ No. of Members attending _____ No. of Guests attending _____ No. of Chicken _____ No. of Fish _____ MILLERIDGE INN FEBRUARY 25TH LUNCHEON RESERVATION FORM Member Name (print) __________________________________________ Guest Names (print) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ No. of Members attending _____ No. of Guests attending _____ No. of Chicken _____ No. of Fish _____ Luncheon coupons should be mailed to Grumman Retiree Club, Inc. PO Box 476 Luncheon coupons should be mailed to Grumman Retiree Club, Inc. PO Box 476 $10 per member - $20 per guest PLEASE RESPOND BY JANUARY 21 $10 per member - $20 per guest PLEASE RESPOND BY FEBRUARY 18 Bethpage, NY 11714 Bethpage, NY 11714 The Grumman Retiree Club does not specifically endorse or represent advertisers. GRUMMAN RETIREE CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL FORM 2015 OTHER CHAPTERS BETHPAGE CHAPTER DUES ARE $15.00 Mail your check for $15 and this form to: Grumman Retiree Club M/S Z49-25 600 Grumman Road West Bethpage, NY 11714-5000 Contact Your Chapter for Dues Amount Mail your check(s) and this form to your local chapter 1. Member Name (print) _______________________________ Badge# ________________ 2. Address __________________________________________ DOB: / / 3. City ________________________________ State ________ ZIP+4__________________ 4. Telephone # (_____) _____________ E-Mail (please print) _______________________ 5. Spouse or Next Of Kin Name (print) ____________________________________________ 6. Method Of Payment - Please Indicate: (A) Check # _____________________ Date ______________ Amount $______________ (B) Cash _____ 7. Please Check: New Member____ Renewal ___ Surviving Spouse ____ 8. DONATIONS REQUIRE SEPARATE CHECKS (a) Donation to the club’s charitable activities Check #_____ Date_________ $_________ (b) Donation to Scholarship Fund Check #____________ Date__________$___________ Note: All donations are tax deductible. QUESTIONS? Call the club office at (516)-575-3777. Visit the club Web Site at www.grummanretireeclub.org Grumman Retiree Club, Inc. 600 Grumman Road West, M/S Z49-25 Bethpage, NY 11714-5000 NORTHROP GRUMMAN Benefits Center 1-800 - 894 - 4194 Investment Plan 1-800 - 894 - 4194 Monday - Friday 9 AM TO 6 PM ET Benefits On Line: www.benefits.northgrum.com OneExchange: 1-855 - 832 - 0976 Monday - Friday 8 AM TO 9 PM ET https://medicare.oneexchange.com/ngc Newsletter Editor: Neil Klaskin Nostalgia Coordinator: Charles Mooney Grumman Retiree Club, Inc. Phone: (516) 575-3777 Fax: (516) 575-8715 Website: www.grummanretireeclub.org E-mail:grumrc@gmail.com Officers Betty Bohlander Bob Ripp Pat Sullivan Lou Kubat Frank Rizzo (vacant) - President - 1st Vice President - 2nd Vice President - Secretary - Treasurer - Sgt.-at-Arms Periodical Postage Paid
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