St Mary’s, St Benedict’s & St Oswald’s Newsletter Sunday 11th January 2015 Archbishop Malcolm McMahon Our Benedictine heritage Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Parish Priest: Fr John Devine website: St Benedict’s Church is Monday - Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm for Private Prayer (Exc. Bank Holidays) St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s Buttermarket Street, Warrington. WA1 2NS Tel 01925 635664 Rhodes Street, Warrington. WA2 7QE Tel 01925 630127 Deacons: M Birchall & D Boyle Padgate Lane, Warrington. WA1 3LB Tel 01925 813248 Deacons: T Kerrigan & M Oxley Mass Times for Sunday 11th January – Sunday 18th January 2015 10 St Mary’s 6.00pm Mass: Gary O’Donnell (Anniv) Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Sunday 11 12 13 14 15 16 Saturday 17 8.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 3.30pm 12.10pm 12.10pm 12.10pm 12.10pm 9.30am 12.10pm 10 – 12 12.10pm 6.00pm 8.30am 10.00am 11.00am 11.30am 3.30pm Mass: Ted McCarthy Mass: Catherine Shireby Mass: Kath Jolley Mass: Parishioners Polish Mass Mass: Paul & Greame Nixon Mass: Danny Cunningham Mass: Tom Clarke Mass: Anthony Varghese Funeral Service: Marion Walsh Mass: John & Anne Norris Confessions Mass: Private Intention Mass: Gerard Wallace Mass: Tommy Glanville Mass: John & Doris Ryan Mass: Gordon Seymour Mass: Parishioners Polish Mass Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday St Oswald’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Mary’s St Mary’s Saturday st (1 Mass of Sunday) st (1 Mass of Sunday) Sunday 18 St Oswald’s St Benedict’s St Oswald’s St Mary’s St Benedict’s St Aelred of Rievaulx St Hilary St Kentigern Memorial St Anthony Memorial COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Memorial Second Sunday of the Year Second Sunday of the Year EUCHARISTIC SERVICES THIS WEEK St Benedict’s 9.00am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday St Oswald’s 9.00am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & 10.30am Saturday TODAYS SUNDAY READINGS: Memorial 1st Reading: Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 2nd Reading: Acts 10: 34-38 Gospel: Mark 1: 7-11 This is he whom John said: I have seen and have given witness that this is the Son of God. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 LET US REMEMBER IN PRAYER Our Sick: Baby Sofia, Amy Antrobus, June Archer, Angela Athey, Diane Avis, Luciano Bartolo, Christopher Browne, Catherine Carne, Irene Casey, Josephine Clare, Joe Clarke, Patrick Cullen, Sue Disley, Emily Dunnico, Janet Gibson, Henry Harrison, Noah Horrigan, Peter Howl, Peter Juster, James & Mary Keenan, Veronica Keenan, Lily Kelly, Sheila Lightfoot, Margaret Little, Doreen Lloyd, Tiiana Majewska, Rebecca Marsden, Rose Marston, Conor Martin, Mary Massey, George Mockler, Mike Moffat, Jean Molphy, Albert & Joan Myatt, Judith McDowall, Celia McKay, Norma McKeon, Maureen O’Connor, Arthur Pinto, Elizabeth Rigby, Kate Rigby, Trevor Roberts, Margaret Russell-Cruise, Lena Sampson, Mary Seymour, David Sharples, Julie Shaw, Valery Smith, Mark Stacey, Martin Staddon, Antonia Stafford, Paul Thomas, Paul Vernon, Paul Walker, Victor Washby, Isolina Woods. Those to whom we take Communion at home: Beryl Campbell, Edie Crompton, Mr & Mrs Curley, Elaine Farrington, Nora Lingley, Thomas Ireland, Olga Kovaniak, Jim Malone, Jeff & Trina Mousdale, Dorothy McCarthy, Sally O’Connor, Barbara Preston, Catherine Rutter, Sandra Ann Smyth, Brenda Snelson, Kay Thompson and Sheila Toft. Our Elderly and in care: Brian Bloomfield, Jean Duncalf, Amy Dutton, Mrs Fairclough, Pat Gordon, Marney Hampson, Rita Lappin, Irene Monks, Aurelie Newton, Olive Williams, James Malone, Peppina Vella & Ann Wilson. All those who request our prayers: for all who have died recently; Brian Bloomfield, Maria Comer, Margaret Crosbie, Marion Edwardson, Gordon Hargreaves, John D Hughes, Elizabeth Ryan, Bridget Stokes, Marion Walsh and those whose anniversaries occur about this time, all who mourn. The family of Canon Bill Redmond would like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to Fr. Devine and the people of St Oswald’s Parish for their prayers and best wishes, including the many cards, letters and Mass offerings received. They wish also to thank parishioners for their wholehearted contribution to planning, organising and participating in his Requiem Mass. It has been a matter of great comfort to the family that he was so widely loved and respected by so many people, and he will be greatly missed – may he rest in peace. “COME & SEE” ST BENEDICT’S Sessions resume this Tuesday at 7.15pm (To start at 7.30pm ) in the Holy Family Chapel Following the Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), the Church's official route for those wishing to explore the faith of the Catholic Church, also for anyone who would like to deepen and explore their own faith further. Sessions are led by a team of parishioners who share their faith with enquirers. If you prefer to talk to someone about it first please speak to Fr Devine on 630127 or contact Michele Walker (Lead Catechist) on 07900 581784. A warm welcome awaits you. RESPONDING TO THE CALL VOCATION DISCERNMENT GROUP “How does one become a priest? This is an initiative which the Lord takes. The Lord calls. He calls each of those whom he wills to become priests. Perhaps there are some young men present who have heard this call in their hearts… If some of you have heard this call in your hearts, it is Jesus who has placed it there. Pay attention to this invitation and pray that it might bear fruit for the whole Church.” Pope Francis To support those exploring Vocations to the Priesthood in our diocese, a monthly day of recollection has been organised for the first Saturday of each month. These days will help men who feel called to ordained ministry to discover more about diocesan priesthood and meet others discerning a call to priesthood. The first of these days takes place on Saturday 7th February at St Charles’ Presbytery, 224 Aigburth Road, Liverpool. For further information, contact Fr James Preston at or telephone 0151 727 2493. NOVENA & BENEDICTION (St Oswald’s) Thursdays at 7.30pm with Holy Communion. MEDITATION (St Benedict’s) Fridays at 6.45pm in the Holy Family Chapel Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 REMINDER (St Benedict’s) The Parish Council meets Monday (12th) at 7.30pm. ‘WITH YOU ALWAYS’ Session 4 – ‘Holy Spirit the Helper’ A reminder to helpers that the next session for family catechesis is on Wednesday 21 January at 7.00pm in St Benedict’s school. FR DAVID HERBERT O’BRIEN OSB There will be a Memorial Mass for Fr David Herbert O’Brien OSB at Our Lady’s and All Saints Church, Lancaster Lane, Parbold, Wigan WN8 7HS on Thursday 22nd January at 7.00pm. Fr David died in November and served St Mary’s between 1963 and 1974. Bishop Vincent Malone will Celebrate the Mass on what would have been Fr David’s 90th Birthday. Fr Gordon Beattie extends a welcome to all who remember Fr David. SANDYMOUNT RETREAT HOUSE LENTEN DAY OF REFLECTION Saturday 28th February, Led by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon. £20 for the day, simple lunch included. For more information: SICK LIST Please keep the parish office up to date with the names of any people who need to be added or can now be taken off the sick list. Thank you. MASS INTENTIONS Envelopes are available at the entrances or back of church for Mass requests. Please place them in the Offertory Collection on Sundays or post through the priory door. Thank you. FOREIGN MONEY The Nugent Care Society appeals for spare, foreign currency. There are boxes at the entrances (St Oswald’s) or you could hand it in to your Parish Office who will pass it on. FOODBANK APPEAL Most urgently needed: Cartons of Fruit Juice, Cream crackers/savoury biscuits, Evaporated or condensed milk, UHT milk (semi or full), Rice, Sugar, Coffee, Jam, “pasta’n sauce” or other dried ready meals, Baby Milk 1, 2 and 3. Also needed: Noodles, Savoury Rice,(Tinned: Vegetables, Tomatoes, Spaghetti & Meats), Instant Mash, Baked beans, Soup, Tea bags, coffee, sugar & Breakfast cereals. All kinds of ladies & men’s toiletries and soap/detergents etc. Donations can be left with either of the three parishes. Thank you for your continued generosity. NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS? THINKING OF OFFERING YOUR TIME? ADDITIONAL HELPERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME ACROSS THE THREE PARISHES. Here is a list of a few areas where additional help is needed: Sacristan duties Children’s Liturgy helpers Church cleaners Readers Collection counters Eucharistic Ministers Flower arrangers Litter pickers or anything else you want to offer? Please do not assume that your parish has all the helpers it needs. If you are not currently a volunteer and have a particular skill to offer or would like to try something new please contact your parish office. (Training is available where necessary). A HUGE THANKYOU IN ANTICIPATION!! COMMUNITY LIFE ST MARY'S JUNIOR CHOIR Do you have children who like to sing? Children aged 5+ are invited on Thursdays at 6pm with choir club open at 5.30 pm. ST BENEDICT’S DRAMA GROUP Meets every Wednesday in the Club at 7.00 pm. 8 -18 yrs. £1.50 per week for drink and snack. If you are interested to find out more contact Miriam on 07759 785683. ST BENEDICT’S 200 WINNER: No 188 John Bostock (Prize £10.00) ST BENEDICT’S SOUP LUNCH This Tuesday (13th) in the Sacristy at 1.00pm. Homemade soup (always veggie), bread roll and traditional pudding to warm you up. Meet and make friends, get out of the house. Only £2.50. Followed by a traditional raffle. Take away orders in by 11.00am. tel. 630127 CLUB MEMBERSHIPS Membership of St Benedict’s Social Club is free until 31st January – ask bar staff for membership application forms or enquire on 633920 after 7pm. Drinks sold at reduced rate for members. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709 GOSPEL REFLECTION The Baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:7-11) Scripture Readings The Week Ahead Monday Hebrews 1: 1-6 Mark 1: 14-20 Tuesday Hebrews 2: 5-12 Mark 1:21-28 Wednesday Thursday Friday Hebrews 3:7-14 Mark 1: 40-45 Hebrews 4:1-5 Mark 2: 1-12 Saturday Sunday Hebrews 2:14-18 Mark 1: 29-39 Hebrews 4: 12-16 Mark 2: 13-17 1 Samuel 3: 3-10, 19 Corinthians 6: 13-15, 17-20 John 1: 35-42 After spending a few minutes considering this Gospel, continue by reading Fr Henry Wansbrough’s reflection. What can Jesus have experienced at his baptism? It is described as ‘the heavens torn apart’, a voice, and the Spirit coming down like a dove. It must have given him the experience of being treasured, being embraced by the Person whom he called ‘Father’. But he is given a task too, for the Spirit of God is an empowering Spirit. It must have felt like a new impetus, a thrill of challenge, a surge of energy and opportunity, an exciting new task. In this new Spirit he went out to bring the good news of peace, gradually gathering his community and spreading God’s healing love by his personality, his teaching and his healing. This is the power which baptism has given to us also, to bring God’s healing and God’s love, to build a community of love which reflects and extends God’s own love. Jesus must have been daunted by the task. He knew that it would test him to the limit of his endurance, but he knew he had received the Power of God, and put his trust in his Father. He never promised us at baptism that it would be easy to live as Christians, but he did promise us that he would give us the surge of strength and power which is the Holy Spirit. How has your baptism empowered you? Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB This reflection is taken from “The Wednesday Word” FREE CATHOLIC PICTORIAL PIETY SHOP NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The January edition of the Catholic Pictorial, the official publication of the Archdiocese, there are still copies available, FREE OF CHARGE, at the back of church. Cards, rosaries, gifts etc. For items to be included in the parish newsletter please ensure one of the parish offices receives them no later than Wednesday lunchtime. ST OSWALD’S SOCIAL CENTRE The Week Ahead Sunday Monday 9.00pm Quiz – Concert Room 2.00pm Sequence Dancing 7.30pm Line Dancing Tuesday 9.00pm Quiz – Lounge Wednesday 8.00pm Bingo available after Mass at St Benedict’s and St Oswald’s ST BENEDICT’S SOCIAL CENTRE The Week Ahead Sunday 8.30pm Cabaret: Duncan Heather (Entertainer) Monday 6.00pm Rainbows Group 7.45pm Bingo Tuesday 7.30pm Line Dancing (Intermediate) Wednesday 7.00pm Drama Group Thursday 7.00pm Line Dancing (Beginners) Parish Finance – Thank you for your offerings from 21st December 2014 2nd Collection Next Week: Pax Christi St Mary’s St Benedict’s Sun 21 Dec £645.47 (£212.50 Gift Aid & Weekdays £144.69) Christmas Offerings £1,141.79 (£539.80 Gift Aid) Sun 28 Dec £556.19 (£176 Gift Aid & Weekdays £145.73) Sun 4 Jan £768.95 (£270.21 Gift Aid & Weekdays £268.03) Sun 21 Dec £405.01 (£201.92 Gift Aid) Christmas Offerings £580.27 (£172.00 Gift Aid) Sun 28 Dec £305.78 (£137.92 Gift Aid) Sun 4 Jan £429.48 (£231.42 Gift Aid) £108.65 Warrington YMCA £39.50 Nugent Care Crib Appeal St Oswald’s Sun 21 Dec £577.85 (£322.57 Gift Aid) Christmas Offerings £1092.78 (£370.40 Gift Aid) Sun 28 Dec £442.11 (£188.50 Gift Aid) Sun 4 Jan £485.53 (£248.50 Gift Aid) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Charity Number 232709
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