Los Libros Que Los Niños Prefieren Catálogo Para Libros de Niños en Español N UPDEW Catalog of Spanish Children Books VER ATED SION “Un niño que lee será un adulto que piensa”. “A child who reads books will be a thinking adult”. SpanishChildrenBooks.Com sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com Dina Lokets 231 Jelliff Mill Road, New Canaan, CT 06840 Telephone: 203-966-0477 231 Jelliff Mill Road, New Canaan, CT 06840 Telephone: 203-966-0477 Dear Educator: We offer several hundred titles from the principal publishers in South America and Spain, among them: • Board books for pre-K • First science books • Children classics such as: Peter Pan and Caperucita Roja (Little Red Riding Hood) • Americas favorite in Spanish: Disney Books, Tom and Jerry, Thousand Qusestions and A First Look Series • Contemporary stories by: Jane Carruth, Maria Granata, Eva Ray, Cyndy Szekeres, and David Bennett • World famous classics from: Louisa May Allcott to Jules Verne If you have students that speak Spanish in their homes, I believe that you will find Spanish-language books welcome by the children and their families. Dina Lokets Contents Preschool & Board Books Contemporary Stories Ruiditos 4 La Familia Rataplan 14 Mi Primer Libro 4 Mis Animalitos 14 Los Libros Del Tren 4 Los Picaros Peluchines 15 Abre Tus Ojos 5 Leo Con Figura 15 Cuentos Para La Siesta 5 Pichi 16 Tales And Legends 16 Los Whimsies 17 Cuentos Del Bosque 17 Chequilines 18 Chequilines 18 Chequilines Gigante 18 El Aljibe 19 Ternura 19 Los Dias de Nicolas 20 Los Dias de Nicolas 20 Grandes Aventura 21 El Viaje De Colon Columbus 21 Grandes Civilizaciones 21 Collection Ruiditos Collection My First Book Collection Train Books Collection An Eye Opener Bedtime Stories, Hard Cover Book Science & Information Books Primeras Imágines 6 El Osito Sabe 6 El Osito Sabe Collection 6 Buenos Modales 7 Reflejos 7 Yo Prigunto 8 Ecocuentos 8 El Investigador Verde 9 S.O.S. Naturaleza 9 Jugando Con La Ciencia 10 Imaginemos 10 Tematica Para Ninos Los Picaros Peluchines 10 11 Collection First Look Collection The Bear Knows in Trade Paper The Bear Knows In Hard Cover Collection Good Manners Collection Reflection Pop-Up-Books Collection I Am Asking Stories On Ecology The Green Investigator Ecology For Children By Antonio E. Brailovsky Collection Games With Science Collection Let’s Imagine In School American Favorite Stories Policias Y Ratones De Walt Disney Walt Disney Collection The Mouse Detective 12 Adventuras de Tom y Jerry 12 Richard Scarry 13 Adventures of Tom and Jerry The Mouse Family Collection Little Animals In Hard Cover Collection Read With Images Collection Pichi Latin American Folklore in English Language Collection Whimsies Stories Of The Forest Collection Of Little People Collection Of Little People In Trade Paper Collection Of Little People In Giant Books Titles In Hard Cover Book Collection Tenderness Collection The Days Of Nicolas on Trade Paper Collection the Days of Nicolas in Hard Cover Great Adventures Expedition The Discovery Of America Great Civilizations World Famous Classics Primavera 22 Cuentame 22 Mosaico Infantil 23 Estrella 24 Spring Collection Collection Of Fairy Tales & Stories Assortment Of Books For A Young Reader Collection The Stars Of The Literary World Dictionaries Diccionarios 25 Dictionaries Bible La Biblia De Los Niños The Baby Diary The Baby Record-Keeping Book 26 Baby Diary Diario De Mi Bebe The Baby Diary The Baby Record-Keeping Book 27 Order Form Spanish Childern Books Order Form Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult 28 Pre-Kindergarden & Preschool and Board Books for Ages 2 to 5 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Ruiditos c El cordero se perdio Collection Ruiditos The lost lamb Format: 13½" x 13½" Board Book with a build-in toy. 950-11-1003-6 1 copy $5.75 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Mi Primer Libro Collection My First Book Formas Forms 84-771- 023-6 18 copies Las horas del dia Hours of the day 016-3 13 copies Colores Colors 021-x 12 copies Pesos y tamanos Weight & sizes 022-7 7 copies Cantidades Quantity 024-4 26 copies Haciendo, deshaciendo y rehaciendo Do, undo, and redo 020-1 18 copies 1,2,3 numeros Numbers 017-1 25 copies Each colorful page has a short text related to the subject. Ideal for the young reader. Format: 6¼" x 5½" Board book. Full color illustrations. Cover and all pages laminated. 8 pp. Age level: From 2 to 5 years $3.95 each c c c c c c c Los Libros Del Tren Collection Train Books Animales Animals 950-11- 0790-6 Colores Colors 0792-2 Formas Forms 0793-0 1,2,3 Numbers 0791-4 Juguetes To play 0825-2 Las horas Telling time 0827-9 Opuestos Opposite 0826-0 Palabras Words 0824-4 Colorful and charming animal drawings. 8 pairs of common opposites. 8 common colors, 2 to 3 animals per page c c c c c c c c Ideal for Pre –K and K! And for both your FLES classes and library Format: 5"x 5" Sturdy cardboard unfolding train shape books. Full color illustrations. Cover and all pages laminated. Age level: From 3 years SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com $3.50 each List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Abre Tus Ojos Collection An Eye Opener SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT only 2 copies left c c c c c c c Animales de la granja Animales marinos Animales de la selva Animales del zoologico Dinosaurios Mascotas Pajaros Farm animals 950-11-0901-1 Sea animals 0966-1 SOLD OUT Jungle animals 0900-3 Zoo animals 0898-3 Dinosarous 0963-1 SOLD OUT Pets 0899-6 SOLD OUT Birds 0965-8 2 left This colorful collection presents well known animals with a short text on each page. Format: 7"»x 8¾". Trade paper. Full color illustrations. Laminated cover. Large print. 20 pp. Age level: From 3 years $6.50 each List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Cuentos Para La Siesta Bedtime Stories, Hard Cover Book Pequeno buho Small owl 950-11- 0592-x 5 copies Ardillita Squirrel 0591-1 5 copies Ratoncita Mouse 0590-3 6 copies Conejito Bunny 0589-X 5 copies A collection of short stories about four curious and happy little animals: small owl, mouse, bunny and a squirrel ready to tackle amusing adventures and to turn the facts of the daily life into motives of humor and grace that will entertain the small reader. Format: 8¾" x 10¼" Hard cover. Full color illustrations. 48 pp. Age level: From 4 years $8.75 each c c c c Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com Science, Ecology, and Information Books Primeras Imágines Collection First Look only 17 copies left c Contando c Tamanos c Tocando Counting 0903-8 Sizes 0907-0 Textures 090??? 17 left This Collection Is A Translation Of A Very Popular Series “First Look” Description: Each book in this series contains 100 plus full color, three-dimensional photographs of familiar objects in order to develop the child’s perception toward shapes, sizes, numbers, time, etc. Format: 8'' x 8'' Trade paper. Full color illustrations. Laminated cover. Large print. 20 pp. Age level: From 2 years and up. $6.50 each El Osito Sabe Collection The Bear Knows in Trade Paper El dia y la noche Day and night 950-11- 0766-3 La estaciones The seasons 0767-1 La lluvia The rain 0768-x El fuego The fire 0774-4 (19 copies) El aire The air 0773-6 Los sonidos The sounds 0775-2 El agua The water 0776-0 La tierra The earth 0577-6 Every book in this collection is a real treat for a child. Hand by hand with a witty bear, children discover wonders of nature and science. This series was specially designed with simple and informative text, colorful and vivid illustrations to capture preschoolers attention and initiate them into the world of scientific adventures and knowledge. Three to four lines of text per page, present tense and simple vocabulary makes this series perfect “first science” books. Format: 7½" x 8" Trade paper. Full color illustrations on each page. Laminated cover. 32 pp. Age level: From 3 to 5 years $4.75 each c c c c c c c c List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price El Osito Sabe Collection The Bear Knows In Hard Cover Los sonidos Sounds 950-11-0783-3 3 copies El aire The air 0781-7 3 copies El fuego The fire 0782-5 2 copies El agua The water 0776-0 1 copy El dia y la noche Day and night 0778-7 1 copy Las estaciones The seasons 0779-5 1 copy La lluvia The rain 0780-9 1 copy La tierra The earth 0777-9 1 copy Format: 7½" x 8" Hard cover, laminated. Full color illustrations on each page. 32 pp. Age level: From 3 to 5 years $6.75 each c c c c c c c c SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com Buenos Modales Collection Good Manners Te invito a mi fiesta I invite you to my party 950-11-0587-3 1 copy Por favor, ¿me pueden dar otra servilleta? Please, may I have another napkin? 0584-9 2 copies Disculpa, pero es mi turno Excuse me, but it is my turn 0587-7 3 copies Disculpe, ¿este asiento esta ocupado? Excuse me, is this seat taken? 0588-1 8 copies Por favor, ¿me pueden dar un lapiz? Please, can I have another pencil? 0583-0 2 copies Disculpa, estas parado frente a la TV Excuse me, but you are standing 0583-0 1 copy in front of the TV. Format: 7¼" x 10½" Hard cover. Full color illustrations. 24 pp. Age level: From 4 years. $9.25 each c c c c c c Reflejos Collection Reflection Pop-Up-Books c c c c c El libro de tu cuerpo El libro de la seguridad El libro de los colores El libro de la granja El libro de los animales Your body 950-08-0990-7 Book on safety 0997-4 Book on colors 0701-7 Book on the farm 0989-3 Book on animals 0701-7 Twelve pages of full color illustrations and laminated cover Format: 5½" x 8" Pop-up hard cover book with complicated and intricate design. Age level: From 4 to 7 years. SpanishChildrenBooks.Com copy copy copy copy copy $8.95 each Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 1 1 1 1 1 Yo Prigunto Collection I Am Asking c c c c ¿Por que los tigres tien rayas? Why does the tiger have stripes? ¿Como se sumergen los submarinos? How does the submarine submerge itself? 0913-5 ¿Cuantos huesos tenemos? How many bones are there? 0912-7 0914-3 ¿Por que sopla el viento? A book about animals and plants A book about technology A book about human body Why does the wind blow? A book about nature 950-11-0915-1 Finally, answers to all those questions that children are never too tired to ask! This collection of books answers all those everyday questions with witty, humorous illustrations, and basic and easy to understand text. Children will enjoy explanations about flora and fauna, human body, nature and technology. This collection will certainly satisfy the natural curiosity of a young listener and young reader. Each book answers more than 20 different questions. Color illustrations, text in large print, and glossary of the lesser known words compliment this winning collection. Format: 8" x 8" Trade paper. Color illustrations. Laminated cover. 20 pp. Age level: From 5 years $4.50 each Ecocuentos Stories On Ecology ¿Donde esta el bosque? Where is the forest? 950-11-0931-3 ¿Que paso con los animales? What happened to the animals? 0933-7 ¡Como nos equivocamos! How did we ever make a mistake? 0932-1 Un fantasma en la siudad A ghost in the city 0936-4 Chrispitina y los arboles Chrispitina and the trees 0935-6 Locos por el ruido Crazy from the noise 0937-2 These stories envelop themes like deforestation, contaminated waters, species on the verge of extinction, etc. Each child, while reading or listening to these stories, will feel that she or he will be able to contribute to improvements of the quality of life on earth! Format: 8"x 8" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. 16 pp. Age level: From 6 years. $5.50 each c c c c c c SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price El Investigador Verde The Green Investigator c El investigador verde The green investigator Format: 10¾" x 8 ¼" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. 24 pp. Age level: From 7 years. 950-11-0934-8 6 copies $6.95 each S.O.S. Naturaleza Ecology For Children By Antonio E. Brailovsky ¿Que hocemos con la basura? What are we going to do with the garbage? 950-11-0998-4 ¿Qu le pasa al agua? What’s happening with the water? 950-11-0999-2 ¿Se puede respirar el aire? Can you breath the air? 950-11-0997-6 Salvar las especies Save the Species 950-11-0996-8 Description: These stories envelop themes like deforestation, contaminated waters, species on the verge of extinction, etc. Each child while reading or listening to these stories will feel that she or he will be able to contribute to improvements of the quality of life on earth! Format: 8"x 8" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. 24 pp. Age level: From 7 years $5.50 each c c c c Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Jugando Con La Ciencia Collection Games With Science Aire Air 950-11- 0681-0 60 copies Agua Water 0682-9 16 copies Luz Light 0683-7 34 copies Movimiento Movement 0684-5 60 copies Electricidad e imanes Electricity & Magnetism 0828-7 9 copies Sonido Sound 0829-5 9 copies This appealing and educational collection of six books encourages young readers to discover what things are made from and to learn about the natural phenomena. Each book uses perceptive experiments, interesting tricks and sample of tests that are simply described with the help of explicit colorful illustrations. Children learn to understand the scientific foundation and how it can be applied to every day observations. Format: Large 7½" x 10¼" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. Laminated cover. 40 pp. Age level: From 9 years $8.95 each c c c c c c Imaginemos Collection Let’s Imagine c El agua c El color Water 950-08-0551-0 1 copy Color 0553-7 1 copy This series helps the teenagers to learn about the world of senses and basic elements that compose our habitat, and also learn how to conduct experiments. Great way to compliment school material. Format: 9" x 8¾" Hard laminated cover. Full color illustrations. 32 pp. Age Level: From 7 to 10 years $5.95 Each Tematica Para Ninos Matematicas en la playa Cosas que se mecen Fuerte y debil De como empezo la vida Una mirada a las flores Format: 6½" X 8¼" Trade paper. 32 pp. Age level: From 10 Years c c c c c Mathematics on the beach Things that are rocked Strong and weak As the life begins A look at flowers 1004 983 985 965 955 3 copies 20 copies 19 copies 24 copies 63 copies $2.25 each SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 10 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Los Picaros Peluchines c 123 c ABC c Formas Y Colores c Meses Y Estaciones In School Numbers Alphabet Forms & Colors Months & Seasons 950-11-0399-4 0398-6 0400-1 0401-x - In this series of 4 books the cheerful characters introduce children to numbers, alphabet, forms and colors, months and seasons and make learning fun. Engaging and charming illustrations make these books very special. Format: 9” x 11_” Trade paper. Full color illustrations. Laminated cover. 16 pp. Age level: From 4 to 8 years $5.95 each Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 11 American Favorite Stories Policias Y Ratones De Walt Disney Walt Disney Collection The Mouse Detective c Policias, ratones: El gran escape c Policias, ratones: La reina mecanica The great escape 950-11- 0636-5 The mechanical queen 0637-3 This collection of delightful stories amuses children and makes it fun to read. Format: 8" »x 8¼" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. 24 pp. Age level: From 5 years. $1. 95 each Adventuras de Tom y Jerry Adventures of Tom and Jerry c c c c c c La vuelta al mundo de Tom y Jerry El picnic de Tom y Jerry Un dia en la casa de Tom y Jerry Las hazanas de Tom and Jerry Las vacaciones de Tom y Jerry El aniversario de Tom y Jerry Around the world with Tom and Jerry 950-11-0601-2 A picnic with Tom and Jerry 0604-7 A day at home with Tom and Jerry 0603-9 The exploits of Tom and Jerry 0602-0 The vacation of Tom and Jerry 0605-5 The anniversary of Tom and Jerry 0603-3 Description: An entertaining collection in which such well known television and movie cartoon characters compete in mischief. This engaging collection encourages child to read more. Format: 11" x 7½" Trade paper. Large full color illustrations. Laminated cover. Large print. 24 pp. Age level: From 5 to 9 years $2.50 each SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 12 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Richard Scarry This collection is formed by titles that develop variety of themes. Through fantasy and mystery a child is introduced to amusing stories, as well as instructed on good manners. Very smart and colorful illustrations that accompany these stories make this collection very attractive to a young reader. c El gran misterio del barco The great mystery of the boat 90-707-00395 42 copies Format: 8" X 8" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. 32 pp. Age Level: From 4 to 7 Years $3.25 each Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 13 Contemporary Stories La Familia Rataplan The Mouse Family SOLD OUT c La banda de musica c Lega un bebe c Un dia muy ocupado The orchestra 950-11- 0795-7 The baby comes 0794-9 The very busy day 0797-3 This collection is ideal for a small child. The motivational stories in this collection are simple and short. They are based on everyday situations and activities in a life of a child. Children can easily recognize these familiar situations in their life. Colorful and charming illustrations enrich the scenes of each story. Format: 8¼" x 8" Trade paper. Laminated cover. Color illustrations 24 pp. Age level: From 3 years $3. 95 each Mis Animalitos Collection Little Animals This classic collection of toy-shaped books unites very funny and witty stories about charming animal characters, Walt Disney characters among them, that are well loved and most familiar to children. Simple language and attractive c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 801 Quesito, el ratoncito doctor 802 Copito, el conejito haragan 803 Pancita, el osito aventurero 804 Tapita, la patita soñadora 805 Babau, el perrito trabajador 806 Paquete, el elefante elegante 807 Nubecita, el chanchito distraido 808 Monito, el gatito jugueton – 4 copies 809 Crestita, el gallito valiente – 4 copies 810 Galopito, el petisito contento 811 Banana, el monito famoso 812 Cocoquita, la gallina mamita 813 Pesito, le leoncito comerciante 814 Manchita, la vaquita color café 815 Chipio, el gorrioncito peleador c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 816 Corbata, la jirafita servicial 817 Rolita, la ardillita glotona 818 Lulu, la foca acordeonista 819 Piqui, el pollito pediqueno 820 Motita, el corderito timido 821 Bobo, el zorrito cartero 822 Picote, el lorito alegre 823 Polito, el pinguinito viajero 824 Trotin, el burrito inteligente 831 Aladin 832 El rey leon 833 Dingo el oso heladero 834 Nam, el ñandu comilon 835 Pancho, el camello comodo 836 Teobaldo, el gatito amigo c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 837 Suki, el tigrecito bondadoso 838 Nanuk el canguro de las mudanzas 839 Nico el ratoncito hambriento 840 Cacho el perrito modelo 841 Donald, esta en la luna 842 Goofy sufre eo calor 843 Mickey come demasiado 844 Minnie festeja su cumpleanos 845 Pluto pone una guarderia 846 Donald se va de viaje 847 Mickey y el robot 848 Tio Rico se siente solo 849 Hercules sus primeros anos 850 Hercules sus aventuras 838 Nanuk, el canguru illustrations together with toy–shaped books makes this series a winning combination. Format: 5½" x 7¾" Laminated cover. Animal-shaped books. Full color illustrations. 8 pp. Age level: From 3 to 6 years. SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 14 $1.39 each Los Picaros Peluchines In Hard Cover Los oficios de los picaros peluchines-el bombero The fireman 950-11-0686-1 5 copies La ciudad de los picaros peluchines-el puerto At the harbor 0685-3 6 copies Los picaros peluchines en el bosque In the forest 0688-8 8 copies Los amigos de los peluchines/la fiesta fantastica Fantastic celebration 0687-x 7 copies This group of 4 books corresponds with series Las Tareas-Occupations. The children, already familiar with the book characters, will continue to enjoy reading the lovely stories. The nicely bound hard cover titles will also make a nice present for a child. Format: 11½" X 9" Hard laminated cover. Full color illustrations. 32 pp.. Age level: From 4 to 8 years $8.95 each c c c c Leo Con Figura Collection Read With Images c c c c c c c c Joco, el mono Juan y Paula en la Granja Panci el Oso Ronron, el Gato Doro, el Portillo Buen viaje, Pinguinos! Un Barrio muy Especial El duende distraido Joco, the monkey 950-11-0836-8 John and Paula at the farm 0837-6 Panci, the bear 0838-4 Ronron, the cat 0839-2 Doro, the horse 0841-4 Good trip, penguins! 0929-1 A very special neighborhood 0928-3 Distracted elf 0930-5 This book collection of animal stories, such as a cat who wants to sing, a monkey who accidentally comes to live with a boy, etc. uses the reader’s input to combine images and text that is written in capital letters, thereby helping children remember and retain new vocabulary. Rebus literature. Its designed for students learning the Spanish language. An excellent primary reading for both elementary Spanish students and bilingual students. Format: 8" x 8" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. Large print in capital letters. 16 pp. Age level: From 5 years $4.75 each SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 15 Pichi Collection Pichi El cohete lunar Rocket to the moon 950-11-0167-3 La gran carrera The Big Race 0168-1 Las aventuras de un osito The Adventures of a Little Bear 0169-x El payaso timido The Shy Clown 0171-1 Peki en marte Peki on Mars 0172-x El tesoro del pirata Pirate’s Treasure 0173-8 Pepito rompetodo Pepito, the Destructor 0174-6 La monita curiosa Curios Little Monkey 0175-4 El bombero valiente The Brave Fireman 0176-2 Bim y el automovil Bim and His Car 0177-0 Un viaje por el rio A Cruise on the River 0178-9 El picaro zorro The Cunning Fox 0181-9 El pajarito doctor The Doctor Bird 0182-7 In this attractive collection a young reader is introduced to a variety of contemporary short stories with colorful illustrations on each page. These books are specially made to fit into the pocket, and that makes them an ideal companion to a small reader. Format: 4" x 4" Trade paper. Full color illustrations on each page. Laminated cover. 24 pp. Age level: From 5 to 8 years. 89¢ each c c c c c c c c c c c c c Tales And Legends Latin American Folklore in English Language The lazy bee From a story by Horacio Quiroga 950-08- 0900-1 The selfish giant From a story by Oscar Wilde 0897-8 The teros and the vizcachas Argentine legend 0899-4 The stains of the frog Argentine legend 0898-6 Description: This series invites small children to undertake the wonderful adventure of reading. With the help of a special guide “misia pepa”, the famous story-teller parrot conceived by Constancio C. Virgil, the children will take a journey that will enrich their minds and their fantasy. Format: 7½" x 6" Trade paper. Color illustrations. 16 pp. Age level: 4 to 6 years $1.50 each c c c c SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 16 Los Whimsies Collection Whimsies c Gob y Gub c Pina y Damy 950-11-0733-7 950-11-0732-9 Description: These stories unroll tales full of fantasy in the land of Whimsilandia. Each book tells a story about adventures that happened to delicate, kind, and witty characters Whimsies. Each book has magnificent illustrations on each page. Format: 5 ¼" x 7 ¾" Trade Paper. Full color illustrations. Laminated cover. 16 pp. Age level: From 4 to 6 years $2.95 each Cuentos Del Bosque Stories Of The Forest Divertidas aventuras contadas por Ricardo Marino c El regreso de las hadas c El jaguar enamorado c El tren de los gnomos The return of the fairies 950-11- 1148-2 7 copies The jaguar in love 1146-6 9 copies The elves’ train 1147-4 10 copies This series contains stories about the forest and the creatures that live in the forest. Entertaining adventures told by Ricardo Marino and led by fairies, gnomes, elves and animals are awaiting a young reader. Excellent illustrations are in entire harmony with the texts. Format: 11"x 8¼" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. 32 pp. Age level: From 5 years $6.95 each Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 17 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Chequilines Collection Of Little People Stories are written by Jane Carruth and illustrated by Tony Hutchings. El primer dia de clases First day in school 950-11-0359-5 6 copies La tormenta de truenos Stormy thunder 0361-7 2 copies Aventura en la oscuridad An obscure adventure 0065-0 1 copies La pierna lastimada The hurt leg 0192-4 4 copies La ola gigante The giant wave 0362-5 8 copies La competencia The competition 0567-9 2 copies La buena accion The good action 0566-0 4 copies Nuevos amigos New friends 0068-5 4 copies El mejor regalo The best gift 0568-7 5 copies Los juguetes preferidos The favorite toys 0569-5 5 copies La nueva maestra The important news 0066-9 7 copies These stories are based on everyday situations in the life of a child. Format: 6¾" x 9½" Hard Cover. Full color illustrations. 24 pp. Age level: From 5 to 7 years $6.95 each c c c c c c c c c c c Chequilines Collection Of Little People In Trade Paper El primer dia de clases First day in school La tormenta de truenos Stormy thunder Aventura en la oscuridad An obscure adventure La pierna lastimada The hurt leg La ola gigante The giant wave El diente molesto An annoying tooth Format: 6¾" x 9½" Trade Paper. Full color illustrations. 24 pp. Age level: From 5 to 7 years c c c c c c 950-11-0594-6 0599-7 0599-7 0593-8 0362-5 0598-8 151 31 84 326 364 copies copies copies copies copies 337 copies $4.25 each Chequilines Gigante Collection Of Little People In Giant Books El primer dia de clases La tormenta de truenos Aventura en la oscuridad La pierna lastimada La ola gigante La hermanita El diente molesto Una nueva cassa Format: 48" X 13¾" Trade paper. 24 pp. Age level: From 5 to 7 Years c c c c c c c c First day in school Stormy thunder An obscure adventure The hurt leg The giant wave A little sister An annoying tooth The new house 950-11-0724-1 0725-8 0726-5 0720-3 0723-4 0721-0 0722-1 0719-7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 copies copies copies copies copies copies copies copies $8.75 each SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 18 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price El Aljibe c c c c c c c c c Titles In Hard Cover Book El bichito de luz sin luz Pueblo Florido El rio que no quiso andar Las orejas de canela Las vacaciones del perrito Pincho Chicon el gigante bueno* Osobel y la fantasia* El nino que olvido su nombre* Los pollitos gue perdieron su voz by Maria Granata 950-11-0069-3 by Neli Garrido de Rodriguez 0226-2 by Julia Daroqui 0079-0 by Norma Bragagnolo 0225-4 by Susana Martin 0080-4 by Magdalen Lidle 0078-2 by Eugenia Calny 0076-6 by Maria Alicia Dominquez 0075-8 by Julia Daroqui 0074-X Format: 8" X 10½" Hard cover. Full color illustrations. Laminated cover. 24 pp. Age level: From 6 to 10 years. 3 4 4 2 2 1 4 3 4 copies copies copies copies copies copy copies copies copies $7.25 each List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Ternura Collection Tenderness c c c c c c c c c c c c La sorpresa del osito La gatita miedosa Las confusiones del conejito Nada que hacer Buenas noches, Rapo El pequeno pupi !A comer! El juego de las escondidas Un dia muy especial El perrito perdido Las cuentas del osito La mudanza de la ratita The surprised bear 950-11- 0570-9 The frightened cat 0571-7 The confused rabbit 0572-5 Nothing to do 0573-3 Good night, Rapo 0574-1 The little puppy 0575-x To eat! 0576-8 The secret game 0577-6 A very special day 0632-2 The little lost puppy 0633-0 The stories of the little bear 0634-9 The change of the little mouse 0635-2 This enchanting collection of 12 books tells tender and touching stories about the well known and loved animal characters. Every story is closely related to a particular situation or special moment in a life of a child, such as lunch time, to have soothing dreams, to be bored, to be frightened, etc. With the help of large colorful illustrations, use of bright colors, many details, and the rhythm of the few plain words, each beloved animal character is brought to life. The 2 to 3 lines of text per page make this collection an appealing choice for reading and story telling. Text and artwork are created by a well known author/artist Cindy Szekeres. Format: 7¼" x 8¼" Trade paper. Color illustrations. Laminated cover. 16 pp. Age level: For grade 2 and up. $5.75 each SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 19 Los Dias de Nicolas Collection The Days Of Nicolas on Trade Paper ¿Quien me cuida esta noche? Who will take care of me tonight? 950-11-0799-x Mama lava mi oso Mother washed my teddy bear 0800-7 ¡Me gustan mucho los mimos! I like to be pampered! 0801-5 No duermo sin mi oso I can not sleep without my teddy bear 0805-8 Mi prima es una bruja My cousin is a witch 0798-1 Tender and witty stories that introduce the young reader to a contemporary lead character, Nicolas. Each book tells us a different story about Nicolas: how he spends his days, the games he plays, the various curious, conflicting situations he finds himself in, the different circumstances he must face, and the remarkable experiences that enrich his life. These educational short stories teach the reader about the importance of communication, respect and kindness to each other. Enchanting illustrations compliment these gentle stories. 3 lines of text per each page, common verbs and mostly present tense. Format: 7½" x 8¾" Trade paper. Full color illustrations. Laminated cover. 16 pp. Age level: For grade 3 & 4 - class reading supplemental material (teacher reads to the class) For grade 6 - recommended for students to decipher as a group activity. $5.25 each c c c c c Los Dias de Nicolas Collection the Days of Nicolas in Hard Cover ¿Quien me cuida esta noche? Who will take care of me tonight? 950-11- 0813-9 Mama lava mi oso Mother washed my teddy bear 0812-0 ¡Me gustan mucho los mimos! I like to be pampered! 0814-7 No duermo sin mi oso I can not sleep without my teddy bear 0818-x Mi prima es una bruja My cousin is a witch 0811-2 La oveja de mi sueter The sheep on my pullover 0817-1 2 copies Mama, me aburro! Mama, I am bored! 0816-3 2 copies Yo me ocupo de todo I will take care of everything 0815-5 Format: 7½" »x 8¾" Hard cover, laminated Full color illustrations 16 pp. $8.95 each c c c c c c c c SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 20 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Grandes Aventura c La reina del Caribe Format: Age level: Great Adventures The Queen of the Caribbean 950-11-0497-4 11¾" x 8¾" Trade paper. Color illustrations. 56 pp. From 8 years. 3 copies $5.00 each List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price El Viaje De Colon Columbus Expedition The Discovery Of America c El viaje de Colon Columbus expedition 950-11-0861-9 Format: 11½" x 9" Trade paper. Color illustrations. 64 pp. Age level: From 8 years. 1 left $18.95 each only 1 copy left List Of Titles Available In Few Copies And Special Price Grandes Civilizaciones c Antigua Grecia Great Civilizations Ancient Greece 950-11-0092-8 1 left Format: 11½" x 9" Hard cover. Color illustrations. 48 pp. Age level: From 10 years. $8.00 each. only 1 copy left Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 21 World Famous Classics, Fables and Fairy Tales Primavera Spring Collection La bella durmiente del bosque A sleeping beauty of the forest El gato con botas Puss ’n’Boots Pulgarcito Tom Thumb Blancanieves y los 7 enanitos Snow White and 7 dwarfs La casita de chocolate The little house of chocolate Caperucita Roja Little Red Riding Hood El soldatito de plomo The Lead Solder La Cencienta Cinderella Beautiful illustrations on each page. Format: 8" x 8" Hard Cover. Full color Illustrations. 16 pp. c c c c c c c c 84-7297-160-0 84-7297-159-7 84-7297-157-0 84-7297-156-2 84-7297-155-4 84-7297-154-6 84-7297-153-8 84-7297-157-0 Cuentame Collection Of Fairy Tales & Stories Anonymous c Ali Baba y los cuarenta ladrones James M. Barrie c Peter Pan Lewis Carroll c Alicia en el pais de las Maravillas Brothers Grimm c Caperucita Roja c Hansel & Gretel Adopted by Hanna Hutchinson c El flautista de Hamelin Carlos Perrault c c c c Cenicienta Pulgarcito El gato con butas La bella durmiente Ali Baba & the 40 thieves 980-300-193-0 Peter Pan 196-5 Alice in Wonderland 192-2 Little Red Riding Hood Hansel & Gretel 187-6 188-4 Pipe Piper of Hamelin 191-4 Cinderella Tom Thumb Puss ‘n’ Boots Sleeping beauty 197-3 198-1 194-9 195-7 Carlos Collodi c Aladino y la lampa maravillosa c Pinoccho Aladdin & his magic lamp 190-6 Pinocchio 189-2 This series is ideal for dramatization & read aloud programs. Format: 8½''x 8½'' Hard cover. Full color illustrations. Laminated cover. Large print. 24 pp. Age level: From 8 to 12 years $6.95 each SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 22 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Mosaico Infantil Assortment Of Books For A Young Reader Juan C. Andersen ~ Hans C. Andersen c El soldadito de plomo c El ruisenor c El traje del emperador Anonimos ~ Anonymous c c c c Aladino y la lampara maravillosa Ali Baba y los 40 ladrones El pajaro que habla Simbad el marino Lewis Carrol ~ Lewis Carroll ___Alicia en el pais de las Maravillas Carlos Collodi ~ Carlos Collodi c Pinocho Hermanos Grimm ~ Brothers Grimm c c c c c c c c c c c Los 5 servidores Los 4 hermanos listos Hans, el afortunado El lobo y los siete cabritos La mesa, el burro y el palo La nariz El pajaro de oro El pozo magico El rey cuervo El sastrecillo valiente Los 3 pelos del diablo Guillermo Hauff ~ William Hauff c c c c El califa ciguena El enano narigon El falso principe El pequeno Muck Carlos Perrault ~ Carl Perrault c Pulgarcito The tin solder 950-11– 0534-2 The nightingale 0543-1 The emperor’s new clothes 0541-5 8 copies 6 copies 8 copies Aladdin and a magic lamp Ali Baba & the 40 thieves The talking bird Simbad the sailor 0537-7 0539-3 0540-7 0542-3 14 copies 3 copies 6 copies 2 copies Alice in Wonderland 0563-6 4 copies Pinocchio 0538-5 2 copies The 5 servants The 4 clever brothers Lucky Hans The wolf and 7 Billy goats The highland, the donkey & the stick The sausage nose The golden bird The magic well The raven king The brave little tailor The 3 golden hairs of the devil 0557-1 0545-8 0564-4 0549-0 0565-0 0552-0 0550-4 0554-7 0556-3 0530-X 0546-6 21 copies 15 copies 9 copies 9 copies 10 copies 3 copies 10 copies 7 copies 3 copies 3 copies 26 copies The caliph stork Dwarf with a big nose The false prince The little Muck 0558-X 0559-8 0560-1 0561-X 14 copies 14 copies 37 copies 42 copies Tom Thumb 0547-4 3 copies Jonathan Swift ~ Jonathan Swift c Gulliver en el pais de los gigantes Gulliver in the land of giants 0544-X 21 copies Well known fairy tales written by the world greatest story tellers. Format: 8¾" x 9¾" Laminated cover. Trade paper. Color and black & white illustrations. 20 pp. Age level: From 6 to 12 years. $3.50 each SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 23 List Of Titles in Limited Availability And Special Price Estrella Collection The Stars Of The Literary World Desfile de Walt Disney * Cuentos de Andersen* Cuentos de Grimm* En el mundo de los cuentos* Fabulas* Walt Disney Parade 950-11- 0008-1 Hans Christian Andersen stories 0011-1 Brothers’ Grimm stories 0015-4 World stories 0000-6 Fables 0006-5 8 4 5 6 6 Festive stories Stories of the little train 0016-9 0018-9 4 copies 6 copies The adventure of Don Quixote 0004-9 8 copies The adventures of Tom Sawyer 0012-X 3 copies Treasure island 0009-X 6 copies Robin Hood 0014-6 4 copies Little women 0010-3 2 copies c La vuelta al mundo en ochenta dias** Around the world in 80 days 0017-0 6 copies The heart boy 0005-7 3 copies Martin Fierro 0007-3 2 copies 1001 Nights Worldwide legends 0002-2 5 copies c c c c c Mario Montero c Fiesta de cuentos* c El trencito de los cuentos** Miguel Cervantes Saaverda c Don Quijote de la Mancha** Mark Twain c Las Adventuras De Tom Sawyer** Robert Louis Stevenson c La isla del tesoro** Anonimos c Robin Hood** Louisa May Alcott c Mujercitas** copies copies copies copies copies Julio Verne Edmundo De Amici c Corazon** Jose Hernandez c Martin Fierro** Anonimos c Las mil y una noches** c Leyendas universales** This special collection, presented in a large format with brilliant full color illustrations, offers the best known literature written for a young reader. The text is especially adopted for this reading level. Format: 9" x 11¾" Hard cover, laminated. Full color illustrations. 64 pp. Age level: * From 6 to 10 years ** From 8 to 13 years SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 24 $14.50 each Diccionarios Dictionaries c c c c c c c c Diccionario Sigmar #1 Paperback 3½“ X 5 ¼” Diccionario Sigmar #2 Paperback 3½” X 5 ¼” Diccionario Sigmar #4 Trade Paper 5½“ X 7 ½” 7,844 Words 384 Pp 950-11-0640-3 $7.95 each 14, 930 Words 640 Pp. 950-11-0641-1 $9.95 each 16, 230 Words 352 Pp. 950-11-0642-1 $11.95 each 980-6138-01-5 $6.95 each Diccionario Practico De Sinonimos Y Antonimos Paperback 4½” X 5 ¼” 10, 200 Words 510 Pp Diccionario Sigmar Sinonimos Antonimos Y Paranimos Trade Paper 5½” X 7½” 14, 210 Words Sinonimos, Antonimos, Paronimos Trade Paper 8½” X 5½” 16, 500 Words. 384 Pp. 950-11-0639-X $11.95 each 383 Pp. 950-11-1158-X $11.95 each Diccionario Castellano Ilustrado (Editores Fernandez) Paperback 9” X 6½” 364 Pp. Diccionario Escolar Billiken Ilustrado 16,785 Words. 1,204 Illustrations 968-416-034-8 950-08-0825-0 $9.75 each $12.95 Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 25 each List Of Titles Available In Few Copies And Special Price La Biblia De Los Niños Bible For Children Three Volume Set. Beautiful three volume set from cover to cover with full color illustrations done by Piet Worm. The three volumes’ titles are: 1. Desde Adan hasta Jose [From Adam to Joseph], 2. Desde Jose has lost Profetas [From Joseph to the Prophets], 3. El Nuevo Testamento [The New Testament]. Piet Worm teaches at the Academy of the Arts & Architecture in Alkmaar, Holland. c La biblia para todos The children’s Bible 840-170-101-5 -One Left $45 per set. Un Niño Que Lee Será Adulto Que Piensa A Child Who Reads Books Will Be A Thinking Adult SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 26 Diario De Mi Bebe The Baby Diary The Baby Record-Keeping Book This beautifully illustrated with Walt Disney characters baby book has everything a mother needs to record important information and preserve the special moments of the child’s life. This book makes a lovely shower gift, and also helps a new mother comprehensively record every important detail. Format: 8”x 11” Hard cover, laminated. Full color illustrations. 33 pp. $9.75 each SpanishChildrenBooks.Com (203) 966-0477 or sales@spanishchildrenbooks.com 27 SpanishChildrenBooks.Com Catalog of Spanish Children Books Dina Lokets 231 Jelliff Mill Road, New Canaan, CT 06840 Telephone: 203-966-0477 Purchaser Address Shipping Address INstitution INSTITUTION purchaser RECIEVER Name address shipping address City state Phone Fax zip City state Phone Fax zip E-mail address E-mail address book name book number unit price Qty Price $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Shipping is calculated at 8% of order. The minimum shipping charge is $4.95. SUBTOTAL $0.00 SHIPPING $0.00 TOTAL RESET $0.00 SUBMIT
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