Diversity & Social Justice Related Courses Spring 2015 – Undergraduate Students are encouraged to use this as a guide only; this list is not exhaustive. It is the reponsibility of the student to learn more about the course, as well as registration and cross-‐registration procedures. Catalog Number Course Name FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Department Faculty Relation to Diversity (Keywords) Cross-‐ registration 10 -‐ Introduction to African American Studies African and African American Studies Henry Louis Gates, Jr. & Lawrence D. Bobo African American Studies Y 102x -‐ Urban Problems and the Role of the Expert African and African American Studies Laurence A. Ralph structural violence Y 41141 109 -‐ Using Film for Social Change African and African American Studies Joanna Lipper race, gender, identity Y 10526 119x -‐ Chocolate, Culture, and the Politics of Food African and African American Studies Carla Denny Martin social justice, responsible development Y 68147 122x -‐ The History of African Americans from the Civil War African and African to the Present American Studies Elizabeth Kai Hinton social, political, diverse Y 0802 89772 Notes This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for United States in the World. This course fulfills the requirement that one of the eight General Education courses also engage substantially with Study of the Past. 128 -‐ Black Nationalism African and African American Studies Tommie Shelby self-‐determination, identity Y 88142 160 -‐ Christianity, Identity, and Civil Society in Africa African and African American Studies Jacob Olupona historical, cultural, social, indentity(ies) Y Offered jointly with the Divinity School as 2337. = 66834 162 -‐ Indigenous Religious Traditions and Modernity: Seminar African and African American Studies Jacob Olupona gender, violence, justice, human rights Y Offered jointly with the Divinity School as 3703. 96803 164 -‐ Mother Tongue: African American English and Social African and African Change American Studies Marcyliena Morgan race, class, gender, power, culture, identity, ethnicity Y 179 -‐ Jazz, Freedom, and Culture African and African American Studies Ingrid Monson cultural, social, racial, justice Y 32391 191x -‐ African American Lives in the Law African and African American Studies Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham justice Y 71091 196x -‐ Contemporary Africa and Sustainable Development African and African American Studies Patrick Vinck human rights Y 218 -‐ Topics in African American History African and African American Studies Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham gender, class Y 3426 9532 9951 7265 1795 -‐ The Politics of Language and Identity in Latin America Anthropology Catalina Laserna 1900 1389 -‐ Economics of Global Health Economics Guenther Fink & Margaret McConnell income, poverty, health social, identity Y This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for Culture and Belief. Y Offered jointly with the Kennedy School as SUP-‐518. Writing requirement: A research paper is required. This course meets the concentration writing requirement. 6516 1393 -‐ Poverty and Development Economics Nathan J. Nunn poverty Y 33859 90hv -‐ When Harlem Was in Vogue: Seminar English Marina Bilbija racial authenticity Y 87917 20.061 -‐ Interpreting the Civil Rights Movement Expository Writing Ariane Mary Liazos social change, civil rights N 96823 20.068 -‐ Cross-‐Cultural Contact Zones Expository Writing Srilata Mukherjee power, class, gender, racial N 14296 20.099 -‐ HIV/AIDS in Culture Expository Writing Joaquin Sebastian Terrones body, identity, difference N 38416 20.167 -‐ Social Worlds of Friendship Expository Writing Dwight Fee identity, social change, social transformation 43826 20.174 -‐ Reading the Body Expository Writing Rebecca Summerhays representations of the body N 70696 20.197 -‐ Dangerous Speech Expository Writing Jessica W. Ziparo violence, hate speech N 61846 20.221 -‐ Slave Narratives Expository Writing Peter Becker slavery to freedom N 66795 152 -‐ Globalizing Folklore: Intangible Cultural Heritage, Intellectual Property and Regimes of Power Folklore and Mythology Leah Lowthorp diversity Y 154 -‐ Folklore and Gender Folklore and Mythology Leah Lowthorp gender Y Laura Marie Prager "normal" growth and development N Open to Freshmen only. N Open to Freshmen only. N 67054 81872 24u -‐ How Did I Get Here? 57354 30u -‐ Multiethnic American Short Stories: Tales We Tell Ourselves Freshman Seminars Freshman Seminars Tessa Lowinske Desmond discrimination, oppression, multiethnic 9992 42k -‐ Comparative Law and Religion Freshman Seminars Ofrit Liviatan religious diversity N 14022 Culture and Belief 55 -‐ The Enlightenment General Education James Engell race, gender, religion, just society Y 7037 Ethical Reasoning 17 -‐ Ethics, Religion, and Violence in Comparative Perspective General Education Anne E. Monius colonization, globalization, religion Y General Education David Luberoff, Christopher Winship, & Matthew E. Kaliner inequality, cultural, race, ethnic 9395 United States in the World 24 -‐ Reinventing Boston: The Changing American City Y This course fulfills the requirement that one of the eight General Education courses also engage substantially with Study of the Past. This course, when taken for a letter grade, may be counted for introductory Sociology concentration requirement. 8833 United States in the World 32 -‐ The World's Religions in Multicultural America: Case Studies in Religious Pluralism General Education 5900 United States in the World 41 -‐ Power and Protest: The United States in the World of the 1960s 70642 Societies of the World 44 -‐ Human Trafficking, Slavery and Abolition in the Modern World General Education General Education Diana L. Eck faith, freedom, minority Y Offered jointly with the Divinity School as 3847. This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for United States in the World or Culture and Belief, but not both. This course fulfills the requirement that one of the eight General Education courses also engage substantially with Study of the Past. Lisa M. McGirr social, political, social change Y Orlando Patterson servitude, exploitation Y Y 37934 Government Government Andrea Tivig social marginality, racially segregated, undocumented 3345 94ef -‐ Black Politics in the Post Civil Rights Era Government Claudine Gay African American political life Y 2053 94oa -‐ Inequality and American Democracy Government Theda Skocpol inequality, women, marginalized, African Americans Y Government Jennifer L. Hochschild & Claudine Gay racialization, race, class, gender, and ideology Y Philip Deloria self-‐determination, tribal people, American Indian History Y 7260 88816 65043 2576 -‐ Racial and Ethnic Politics in the United States 60o -‐ American Indian History in Four Acts 97h -‐ What is Urban History? History History Elizabeth Kai Hinton class, ethnicity, migration, race, gender Y Y Y 66383 1014 -‐ Gender, Empire and the Politics of Appearance History Genevieve A. Clutario (post)colonial national identity formations, gender, race 8440 1330 -‐ Social Thought in Modern America History James T. Kloppenberg gender, race, ethnicity 83347 80263 25348 1462 -‐ History of Sexuality in the Modern West 1988 -‐ Indigenous Histories and Settler Societies 1991 -‐ Asian America in the World History History History Nancy F. Cott class, gender, race, age, sexuality Y Bain Attwood indigenous, history and the construction of Aboriginality Y Allan Edward Lumba Asian America, immigrant narrative and the model minority myth, self-‐determination, critical ethnic studies, postcolonial studies, queer theory Y This course, when taken for a letter grade, may be counted for introductory Sociology concentration requirement. This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for Culture and Belief. This course fulfills the requirement that one of the eight General Education courses also engage substantially with Study of the Past. 48812 1996 -‐ An Introduction to Issues in American Indian Studies: Black Elk Speaks History 96219 90bg -‐ Colonialism, Globalization, and Culture in Asian Diaspora(s) 57429 245 -‐ The Changing Concept of Race in Science and Medicine in the United States: From Jefferson to Genomics (Graduate Seminar in General Education) History of Science History and Literature Philip Deloria American Indian Studies, spirituality, colonialism, modernity, cultural production Y Genevieve A. Clutario race, gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality, (trans)nationalism, colonialism, globalization Y Evelynn M. Hammonds race Y The seminar will design and develop a General Education course on these themes for undergraduates. Y Preference will be given to undergraduates. Y 69335 1560 -‐ The Psychology of Being Rich or Poor Psychology Sasha Y. Kimel inequality, class, biases, health and well-‐being 4440 2570r -‐ Intergroup Relations: Research Seminar Psychology James Sidanius interracial and interethnic conflict and prejudice 69012 Spanish 126 -‐ Performing Latinidad Romance Languages and Literatures Lorgia H. Garcia Pena cultural, social and political history of people of Latin American descent Y Class will be conducted in English. Discussions in English and Spanish according to class composition. 2276 98kb -‐ Gender in Developing Nations Social Studies Meghan Elisabeth Healy poverty Y This course will be lotteried. racial inequality N This course will be lotteried. justice N This course will be lotteried. Y formerly Sociology 132: Mobilizing for Change. This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for United States in the World. Required of and limited to Sociology concentrators. Spring Junior Tutorials are by assignment only. 38039 98md -‐ Race in America Social Studies Matthew Stephen Desmond 85576 98ny -‐ And Justice for All: Ethics and America's Schools Social Studies Olivia K. Newman Sociology Jocelyn Viterna political, social, and cultural change, religion, gender, race 67106 27 -‐ Introduction to Social Movements 18222 98M -‐ Social Class in the United States: Identity, Culture, and Consciousness Sociology Rachel Meyer social class, class based identities N 68018 98Ma -‐ Urban Social Problems and Public Policy Sociology Eva Rosen social problems N 17111 119 -‐ From Plantations to Prisons Sociology Kaia Stern justice, race, citizenship Y 1589 137 -‐ Money, Work, and Social Life Sociology Filiz Garip social relations, religion Y 10985 143 -‐ Building Just Institutions Sociology Christopher Winship justice, social, cultural, historical Y poverty Y 27234 177 -‐ Poverty in America Sociology Matthew Stephen Desmond 2809 304 -‐ Culture and Social Analysis Workshop Sociology Bart Bonikowski identity, class, inequity Y 9932 309 -‐ Migration and Immigrant Incorporation Workshop Sociology Mary C. Waters migration Y 65203 315 -‐ Inequality and Social Policy: Seminar Sociology Devah Pag inequality Y 187 -‐ Brains, Identity, and Moral Agency Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology Steven E. Hyman identity Y For students who have taken MCB 80, it is contemplated that there will be a section that incorporates more advanced concepts from neurobiology. This course, when taken for a letter grade, meets the General Education requirement for Ethical Reasoning. 8094 98s -‐ Tutorial -‐ Junior Year: Research and Methods Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Sarah S. Richardson gender, sexuality N Required of all Honors concentrators in their junior year. 61128 1144 -‐ Gender and Science ALSO Culture and Belief 61 -‐ Gender and Science Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Sarah S. Richardson gender Y 1210qt -‐ Queer Theory Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Tey Meadow gender, queer, race, ethnicity, nationality, class Y 15864 1228 -‐ Race, Gender, and Criminality Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Juli Grigsby race, gender, poverty, social inequity, Y 55146 1261 -‐ On Love: Gender, Sexuality, Identity Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Mari Ruti gender, sexuality, identity Y Y 73713 9232 81563 1272 -‐ Global Reproductive Health Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Madina Agenor socioeconomic position, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexuality, poverty 66514 1467 -‐ Sex, Race, and The Visual: Studies in Art and Literature Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Kimberly Juanita Brown race, gender, sex Y 9774 Religion 1009 -‐ Religion, Gender, and Politics in Transnational Perspective The Study of Religion Ann D. Braude & Leila N. Ahmed religion, gender, sexuality, race, class Y Offered jointly with Divinity school as 3223. 63761 Religion 1019 -‐ Women, Gender and Religion in Colonial North America and the United States The Study of Religion Catherine A. Brekus women, gender, religion Y Offered jointly with the Divinity School 2181. HARVARD EXTENSION SCHOOL Catalog Number Course Name Department Faculty Relation to Diversity (Keywords) AAAS E-‐ 119 (24223) African and African American Studies 119x -‐ Chocolate, Culture, and the Politics of Food African and African American Studies Carla Denny Martin social justice, responsible development ANTH E-‐ 1660 (23622) Anthropology and Human Rights Anthropology and Archaeology Theodore Macdonald ECON E-‐ 1661 (24298) Environmental Economics Economics Jennifer Clifford HIST E-‐ 1635 (24256) Active Learning Weekend: Boston in the Era of Busing History Robert J. Allison PHIL E-‐ 160/W (23590) Philosophical Problems of Economic Justice Philosophy Joanne Baldine PSYC E-‐ 1507 (24068) Psychology of Diversity Psychology RELI E-‐ 1525 (24255) Active Learning Weekend: World Religions Face the Climate Crisis Religion Cross-‐ registration Notes Online option available. SOCI E-‐144 Human Trafficking, Slavery, and Abolition in the Modern (24245) World Sociology N Required sections to be arranged. N environmental issues, poverty, income distribution, N Optional sections to be arranged. N Registration deadline Feb. 6 economic justice, poverty N Online option available Mona S. Weissmark diversity, race, nationality, religion N Course taught via live web conference. Christopher S. Queen economic justice, religion N Registration deadline March 27 N Online only. Orlando Patterson & John Cowles servitude, exploitation Catalog Number Course Name A102 A108 A117B A122 A418 H311 H517 HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Department Faculty Relation to Diversity (Keywords) Cross-‐ registration Dennis Keith Norman culture, language, religious freedom, Native American Indian tribes Y Permission of instructor required. Prerequisite: A-‐101. Enrollment procedure will be posted on the course website. Jointly offered at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) as PED-‐502. Ronald Ferguson racial achievement gaps, racial, ethnic, and social class backgrounds, students of color, Y Jointly offered at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) as SUP-‐470. Y Strongly recommended for Teacher Education Program students who wish to obtain special education licensure. Permission of instructor required. Enrollment is limited to 50. Students who have taken or plan to take A-‐111R should not take this course. Enrollment procedure will be posted on the course website. Native Americans in the 21st Century: Nation-‐Building II International Education, Culture, Communities, and Contexts, Diversity and Equity Strategies and Policies for Narrowing Racial Achievement Gaps Diversity and Equity, Culture, Communities, and Contexts, Education Policy Implementing Inclusive Education Diversity and Equity, Risk, Resilience, and Prevention, Language and Literacy Thomas Hehir Students with disabilities, inclusive education, The Why, What, and How of School, Family, and Community Partnerships Education Policy, Culture, Communities, and Contexts, Diversity and Equity Karen L. Mapp school, family, community Y History of Schooling in America Arts in Education, History, Philosophy, and Foundations of Education, Diversity and Equity Julie A. Reuben cultural, social, economic, and political context, incorporation of diverse groups Y Issues of Diversity in Cross-‐Cultural Counseling and Advocacy Risk, Resilience, and Prevention, Culture, Communities, and Contexts, Diversity and Equity Josephine M. Kim Diversity and Equity, Sociology of Education, Culture, Communities, and Contemporary Immigration Policy and Educational Practice Contexts Notes Roberto G. Gonzales diverse students, sociopolitical factors, ethnic and nonethnic minority immigration, school policy makers, advocates, allies Y Permission of instructor required. Ed.M. and CAS students in the Prevention Science and Practice Program given preference. Enrollment procedure will be posted on the course website. Y Permission of instructor required. HGSE enrollment is limited to 20, and total enrollment is limited to 50. Enrollment procedure will be posted on the course website. Jointly offered at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) as Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality 1167. T010A T010B Critical Theory, Politics, and Pedagogy Educating to Transform Society: Leveraging Student Tools for Resilience and Resistance History, Philosophy, and Foundations of Education, Culture, Communities, and Contexts, Diversity and Equity Diversity and Equity, Risk, Resilience, and Prevention Houman Harouni economic, political, cultural structures, power relations, epistemological diversity, and hegemony Y Aaliyah El-‐Amin race, racism, youth of color, dominant social and political institution, racial meaning, systemic racism, racial identity, antiracist education Y Permission of instructor required. Enrollment is limited. Doctoral students will be given preference. Enrollment procedure will be posted on the course website. Diversity & Social Justice Related Courses Wintersession Noncredit 2015 Students are encouraged to use this as a guide only; this list is not exhaustive. It is the reponsibility of the student to learn more about the course, as well as registration and cross-‐registration procedures. SPECIAL TOPICS SEMINAR Catalog Number Course Name Dates Faculty Relation to Diversity (Keywords) Open to sts-‐38 Freire and Education, Today January 12 and 14, 2015, 10:00am – 1:00pm Houman Harouni critical pedagogy all students sts-‐40 Equity and Excellence in Education, from International Perspectives January 22 and 23, 2015, 9:00 – 11:00am Pasi Sahlberg poverty, diversity and equity all students Creating Inclusive Teaching & Learning Communities January 23, March 6, April 17, 2015, 1:00 – 3:00pm Chiwen Bao systems of privilege, inclusive educational communities, discourses all students sts-‐44 sts-‐46 Nudging Students to Success? The Role of Information in Improving Student Outcomes sts-‐48 Leading In and For a Diverse World—Reflections of a Leader January 22, 2015, 3:00 – in Progress 4:15pm sts-‐56 sts-‐58 Experiences Across the Spectrum: A Qualitative Research Clinic January 22, 2015, 11:00am – 1:00pm Bridget Terry Long January 15 and 16, 2015, 1:00pm -‐ 3:00pm Elizabeth City low awareness and complexity in educational processes; low-‐ income students; college access; interventions and policies all students leadership and diversity issues relating to identity and research topic; conducting Kimberly A. Truong & Van research with historically Bailey underrepresented populations; Creating in the 21st Century: How Do Contemporary Artists January 10, 2015, 9:00am – Provoke Conversations and Help Us Imagine the Future? 12:00pm Jessica Hamlin ideas, concepts and issues that characterize contemporary society; understand, interpret, respond to the uncertain and complex world we live in all students, faculty, and staff Doctoral students doing qualitative and mixed-‐methods research, particularly those who seek to do research with historically underrepresente d populations all students Notes
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