“Education through self-help” - Karmaveer SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) OF Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's ARTS, COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUPARI DIST. KOLHAPUR (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 SUBMITTED TO NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL, P. O. BOX NO. 1075, 214, Dr. RAJKUMAR ROAD, RAJAJINAGAR, BANGALORE -560 010 (INDIA). SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur (Maharashtra) PIN 416 203 . Internal Quality Assurance Cell 1. 2. 3. Chairperson Administrative Officer Member from the teachers : : : 4. Members from the management : 5. 6. Nominees from local society Member Co-ordinator : : Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil Shri. B. M. Shinde Prof.. G. G. Chavan Prof.. P. A. Patil Prof.. B. R. Nadaf Dr. V. A. Mane Dr. Smt. B. S. Puntambekar Dr. S. K. Khot Shri. Mansingrao Desai Shri. Mahaveer Shendure Shri. Subhash Ingrole Prof.. N. J. Dahale (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) INDEX CONTENTS Part-I Institutional Data A. Profile of the College B. Criterion-wise Inputs 1. Criterion I : Curricular Aspects 2. Criterion II : Teaching-Learning & Evaluation 3. Criterion III : Research, Consultancy & Extension 4. Criterion IV : Infrastructure & Learning Resources 5. Criterion V : Student Support & Progression 6. Criterion VI : Governance & Leadership 7. Criterion VII : Innovative Practices C. Part-II Profile of the Departments Evaluative Report A - Executive Summary 1 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 PAGE NOS. B – Criterion-wise Evaluative Report 1. Criterion I : Curricular Aspects 2. Criterion II : Teaching, Learning & Evaluation 3. Criterion III : Research, Consultancy & Extension 4. Criterion IV : Infrastructure & Learning Resources 5. Criterion V : Student Support & Progression 6. Criterion VI : Governance and Leadership Resources 7. Criterion VII: Innovative Practices C - Declaration by the Head of the Institution 2 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Part - I Institutional Data SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur (Maharashtra) PIN 416 203 . A Profile of the College [ SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur (Maharashtra) PIN 416 203 . Part – I Institutional Data A) 1. Profile of the College Name and address of the college: Name : Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari Address : Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale City : Hupari District : Kolhapur State : Maharashtra. Pin Code : 416 203 Website : http://www.erayat.org/ 2. For communication: Office STD code Tel. No. Fax No. E-mail Principal Dr. T. S. Patil. 0230 2450355 2450355 prindrtspatil@yahoo.in Vice Principal - - - - 0230 2450355 2450355 neelkanthdahale@redif fmail.com Name Steering Committee Co-ordinator Prof.. N. J. Dahale Residence Name STD code Tel. No. Principal Dr. T. S.Patil. Vice Principal Steering Committee Co-ordinator Prof. N. J. Dahale 3. Mobile No. 9890687182 - - 9850679267 Type of Institution a. By management b. By funding i. Affiliated College ii. Constituent College i. Government ii. Grant-in-aid iii. Self-financed √ √ 1 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 iv. Any other b. By Gender 4. i. For Men ii. For Women iii. Co-education √ Is it a recognized minority institution? Yes No √ If yes specify the minority status (Religious / linguistic / any other) (Provide the necessary supporting documents). 5. a) Date of establishment of the college : Date st 1 b) University to which the college is affiliated (If it is an affiliated college) or which governs the college (If it is a constituent college) 6. Month Year June 1991 Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Date of UGC recognition. Under Section i. 2(f) ii. 12 (B) Date, Month & Year (dd-mm-yyyy) 1st January 2008 Remarks (If any) - 1st January 2008 - (Enclose the Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act) Appendix No. 01 7. Does the University Act provide for autonomy of Affiliated Constituent College? Yes No √ If yes, has the college applied for autonomy? Yes No √ 3 acres 8. Campus area in acres/sq.mts. : 9. Location of the college: (based on Govt. of India census) 2 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Urban Semi-urban √ Rural Tribal Hilly area Any other (specify) 10. Details of programmes offered by the institution: (Give last year‟s data) Sl. Programme No. Level Name of the Programme/ Course Undergraduate Courses Postii) graduate i) 11. Entry Medium of Duration Qualification Instruction 07 3 years XIIth Pass 01 2 years B. Com. Pass Number Sanctioned of Student students Strength admitted Marathi 840 722 English 100 68 List the departments: Science Departments: Nil Arts Departments: English, Hindi, Marathi, History, Geography, Sociology. Commerce Departments: Commerce and Accountancy. 12. Unit Cost of Education: (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by total number of students enrolled) (a) Including the salary component = Rs. 11,318=64 (b) Excluding the salary component = Rs. 874=33 3 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 B Criterion-wise Inputs SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur (Maharashtra) PIN 416 203 . B. Criterionwise Inputs Criterion I Curricular Aspects 1. Does the College have a stated Vision? Mission? Objectives? 2. Does the college offer Yes self-financed Programmes? If yes, many? √ No Yes √ No Yes √ No No how 01 Fee charged for each programme (include Certificate, Diploma, Addon courses etc.) 3. √ Yes Programme Sl. No. Fee charged in Rs. P. G. Courses M. Com. Part I (For 2009-10) M. Com. Part II Number of Programmes offered under a. annual system 06 b. semester system 02 7 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 1185 1185 c. trimester system Nil l 4. Programmes with a. choice based credit system Yes b. Inter/ multidisciplinary approach Yes c. Any other, specify 5. 6. 7. √ No Yes Are there Programmes where assessment of teachers by students is practiced? Yes Are there Programmes taught only by visiting faculty? Yes √ No √ No √ - Number 03 Number No √ No Number Number 8 Number - New programmes introduced during the last five years UG Yes √ No Number 01 Yes √ No Number 01 Number - PG Yes √ No 8. How long does it take for the institution to introduce a new programme within the existing system? 9. 10. Does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum? Was there major syllabus revision during the last five years? If yes, indicate the number. Yes √ Yes √ No 1 Year No Number 8 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 39 11. 12. Is there a provision for Project work etc. in the programme? If yes, indicate the number. Yes √ No Number 03 Is there any mechanism to obtain feedback on curricular aspects from No √ a. Academic Peers? Yes b. Alumni? Yes √ No c. Students? Yes √ No d. Employers? Yes No √ e. Any other? Yes No √ 9 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Criterion II Teaching - Learning and Evaluation 1. How are students selected for admission to various courses? a) Through an entrance test developed by the institution b) Common entrance test conducted by the University/Government c) Through interview d) Entrance test and interview e) Merit at the previous qualifying examination f) Any other (specify) √ √ Care is taken to admit all eligible candidates and for this a special permission for non-grant division is sought from the university. However, this college does not seek any monetary gain out of it. The admission process is dominated by entrants selected through the previous qualifying examination. (If more than one method is followed, kindly specify the weightages) 2. Highest and Lowest percentage of marks at the qualifying examination considered for admission during the previous academic year. Open OBC SC Minority Programme *H **L *H **L *H **L *H **L B. A. I 84.33 37.50 72.17 40.50 76.16 38.33 70.16 44.00 B. A. II 80.00 35.83 76.50 37.50 66.55 37.00 74.83 37.50 B. A. III 83.33 38.00 75.00 35.66 73.33 36.00 73.66 46.66 B. Com. I 82.16 38.16 77.66 38.13 61.00 38.11 75.00 45.83 B. Com. II 65.33 27.50 74.66 36.33 56.66 36.16 63.16 34.66 B. Com. III 65.33 27.00 69.00 30.50 45.18 34.00 57.66 34.13 M. Com. I 62.50 35.33 62.83 41.05 76.83 47.16 70.33 40.16 M. Com. II 61.25 26.75 52.00 19.10 42.75 Nil 56.50 36.25 *H = Highest % **L= Lowest % 10 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 3. Number of working days during the last academic year (2009-10) 233 4. Number of teaching days during the last academic year (2009-10) 196 5. Number of positions sanctioned and filled Sanctioned Filled Teaching 24 23 Non-teaching 08 05 Technical 6. a. Not applicable Number of regular and permanent teachers (gender-wise) b. Number of temporary teachers (gender-wise) c. * M – Male Assi. Professors M 10 F 03 Asso. Professors M 08 F Nil Professor M - F - Lecturers – Full- time M - F - Lecturers – Parttime M - F - Lecturers (Management appointees) Full time M - F - Lecturers (Management appointees) Part time M - F - Any other C.H.B. M 05 F - Total M 23 F 03 Number of teachers From the same State 26 From other States Nil F – Female Number 11 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 % 7. a. Number of qualified/ permanent teachers and their percentage to the total number of faculty 21 b. Teacher: student ratio c. Number of teachers with Ph.D. as the highest qualification and their percentage to the total faculty strength 80.76% 1:30 05 d. Number of teachers with M. Phil as the highest qualification and their percentage to the total faculty strength e. Percentage of the teachers who have completed UGC, NET and SLET exams 19.23% 06 23.00% 05 f. Percentage of the faculty who have served as resource persons in Workshop/ Seminars/ Conferences during the last five years 08 g h 32.00% Number of faculty development programmes availed by teachers (last five years) UGC/FIP programme 1 Refresher Orientation Workshops/Seminars etc. Global Skills enhancement 01 04 04 2 3 4 5 01 01 01 02 Number of faculty development programmes organized by the college during the last five years Seminars/ workshops/symposia on 1 2 3 4 5 curricular development, teachinglearning, assessment, etc. Research management Invited/endowment lectures Any other (specify) * Guest lectures and paper presentation 02 09 06 07 04 organized under Staff Academy activity 12 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Number 8. Number and percentage of the courses where predominantly the lecture method is practiced 9. Does the college have the tutor-ward system? 08 Yes If yes, how many students are under the care of a teacher? 10. Are remedial programmes offered? 11. Are bridge courses offered? Yes 12. Are there Courses with ICTenabled teaching-learning processes? Yes 13. Yes √ 100% 40 to 45 Number √ 08 Yes √ No √ No Student assessment of faculty performance? Yes c. Expert /Peer assessment of faculty performance? Yes Yes Do the faculty members perform additional administrative work? If yes, the average number of hours spent by the faculty per week - Number b. 14. 02 Number No Is there a mechanism for. a. Self appraisal of faculty? No √ No No √ % No √ No 12 Hours 13 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 √ Criterion III Research, Consultancy and Extension 1. How many teaching faculty are actively involved in research? (Guiding student research, managing research projects etc.) Number % of Total 01 04% 2. Research Collaboration a) National If yes, how many? Yes No √ Yes No √ b) International If yes, how many? 3. Is the faculty involved in consultancy work? Yes If yes, consultancy earnings/ year (average of last two years may be given) 4. a. Do the teachers have ongoing/ completed research projects? √ No Free of cost Yes No √ If yes, how many? - On going Completed - b. Provide the following details about the ongoing research projects Major projects No Number Agency Amt. Minor projects No Number Agency Amt. College Projects No Number Amount - Industry sponsored No Number Industry Amt. Any other No (specify) 14 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 No. of student research projects 5. Yes Students complete Amount their sanctioned projects Amt. by the at their College own cost. 75 -- Research publications: International Journals Yes √ No - Number 01 National Journals – refereed papers Yes √ No - Number 05 College Journal Yes No √ Number Books Yes No - Number Abstracts Yes No √ Number Any other (Newspaper articles,etc.) Yes √ √ No 08 Number 48 Awards, recognition, patents etc. if any (specify) Awards : 13 6. Has the faculty a) Participated in Conferences? b) Presented research papers in Conferences? 7. 8. Yes √ No Number Yes √ No Number Number of extension activities organized in collaboration with other agencies/NGOs (such as Rotary/Lions Club) (average of last two years) Number of regular extension programmes organized by NSS and NCC (average of last two years) 60 32 13 NSS NCC 30 N. A. 15 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 9. 10. Number of NCC Cadets/units N. A. Number of NSS Volunteers/units M M - F 100 F - 100 Units Units - 2 Criterion IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources 1. (a) Campus area in acres 03 acres (b) Built up area in Sq. Meters 2. 1618.68 Sq.mt.. (*1 sq.ft. = 0.093 sq.mt) Working hours of the Library 8.00 a. m to 6.00 p.m. (a) On working days No (b) On holidays 8.00 a. m to 7.00 p.m. (c) On Examination days 3. 4. 5. Average number of faculty visiting the library/day (average for the last two years) 13 Average number of students visiting the library/day (average for the last two years) 50 Number of journals subscribed to the institution 05 16 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Yes Does the library have the open access system? 6. √ No Partially open access 7. Total collection (Number) Titles Volumes a. Books 198 2720 b. Textbooks 402 5975 c. Reference books 1197 1249 d. Magazines 15 - e. Current journals 5 Indian journals Foreign journals Nil Peer- reviewed journals 02 f. g. Back volumes of journals Nil h. E-resources 102 CDs/ DVDs MS Access Databases Online journals 01 Audio- Visual resources 50 17 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 i. Special collections (numbers) Yes Number No (World Bank, OECD, UNESCO etc.) - - √ Interlibrary borrowing facility √ 01 - Materials acquired under special schemes (UGC, DST etc.) √ 480 - Materials for Competitive examinations including Employment news, Yojana etc. √ 06 - 292 - Repository √ Book Bank - Braille materials - Manuscripts - - Any other (specify) - - √ √ √ 18 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 8 j. Number of books/journals / periodicals added during the last two years and their total cost The year before last Last Year 2008-09 2009-10 Number Text books 211 19032 503 52107 Reference Books 17 2212 124 19562 Other books 06 388 33 6575 15 3320 18 2820 - 02 1099 Journals/Periodicals 9. Total Total Number Cost (Rs.) Cost (Rs.) Encyclopedia - Any other(specify) - - - - Mention the Total carpet area of the Central Library (in sq.ft) Number of departmental libraries 1386 Sq.ft. Average carpet area of the departmental libraries Seating capacity of the Central Library 07 ( Reading room) 62 19 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 10. Status of Automation of the Library not initiated fully automated partially automated √ 11. Percentage of library budget in relation to the total budget 12. 2% Services/facilities available in the library (If yes, tick in the box) √ Circulation Bibliographic compilation √ - Reference √ Clipping Reprography √ Computer and Printing Internet √ Inter-library loan √ Power back up √ Information display and notification User orientation /information literacy √ Any other (specify) √ √ - 13. Average number of books issued/returned per day 14. Ratio of library books to the number of students enrolled 50 1:13 20 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 15. Computer Facilities Number of computers in the college 42 Number of Departments with computer facilities 07 Central computer facility ( Number of terminals ) 02 Budget allocated for purchase of computers during the last academic year 18830 Amount spent on maintenance and upgrading of computer facilities during the last academic year 14630 Internet Facility, Connectivity Dialup Broadband Others √ - USB Modem √ Number of nodes/ computers with Internet facility 16. 17. 18. 19. Is there a Workshop / Instrumentation Centre? Is there a Health Centre? 04 Yes No √ Yes No √ Is there Residential accommodation for Faculty? Yes - No √ Non-teaching staff? Yes - No √ Yes Are there student Hostels? No √ 21 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 If yes, number of students residing in hostels 20. -- Male Yes - No √ Number - Female Yes - No √ Number - Is there a provision for a) Sports fields Yes √ No b) Gymnasium Yes - No c) Women‟s rest rooms Yes √ No d) Transport Yes No √ e) Canteen/Cafeteria Yes No √ f) Students centre Yes No √ g) Vehicle parking facility Yes √ √ No Criterion V Student Support and Progression 1. a Student strength (Provide information in the following format, for the past two years) Year 2008-2009 Number of Number Number of students from the Number of students Grand same State where of NRI foreign from other Total the college is students students States located 22 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 UG M F T 279 312 591 4 4 8 - - 283 316 599 P.G. M F T - - - - - M – Men, F- Female, T-Total UG M F T P.G. M F T Year 2009-2010 Number of Number Number of students from the Number of students Grand same State where of NRI foreign from other Total the college is students students States located 317 6 323 365 7 372 13 682 695 13 26 39 - - - M – Men, F- Female, T-Total b. Dropout rate in U.G. and P.G. Sr. No. 1. 2. 2. Batch Faculty Drop-out Rate (%) Arts 2.60% Commerce 2.06% Arts 2.06% Commerce 3.19% 2008-09 2009-10 Financial support for students: Number (last Year) Amount (Rs) 23 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 06 1231 Endowments: 02 2885 Freeships: 149 357490 Scholarship (Government) Scholarship (Institution) Number of loan facilities: - - - - Any other financial support (Specify) Students‟ Aid Fund 03 3. Does the college obtain feedback from students on their campus experience? 4. Major cultural events (data for last year ) Events Yes Organized No Number - 1340 Yes Yes √ No √ Participated No Number 04 Inter-collegiate - Inter-university - - - - - - National - - - - - - √ - 02 √ - 50 Any other (specify) (College Cultural Activities) 24 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 - - 01 - - - - - - - - - SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) 25 Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 07 13 06 03 - - - - - - - - - - 09 15 14 09 04. - - - - - - - - - - 40 56 47 58 69 B. Com. - - - - - - - - - - 20 50 32 72 64 B. A. April 2010 April 2009 April 2008 April 2007 April 2006 April 2010 April 2009 April 2008 April 2007 April 2006 April 2010 April 2009 April 2008 April 2007 April 2006 PG M. Com. - - - - - - - - 01 01 01 01 04 B. A. UG - - - - - 01 - 01 B. Com. Results - - - Ranks (if any) B. A. Numbe r of distincti ons B. Com. Numb er of first classes B. A. Pass Percent age B. Com. 5. Examination Results (data of past five years) M. Phil 6. Number of overseas programmes on campus and income earned: Nil Number Amount Agency Nil Nil Nil 7. Number of students who have passed the following examinations during the last five years 20052006 20062007 20072008 20082009 20092010 NET - - - - - SLET - - - - - CAT - - - - - TOEFL - - - - - GRE - - - - - GMAT - - - - - Civil Services (IAS/IPS/IFS) - - - - - Defence Entrance - 01 03 01 - 03 03 - 01 01 - - - - - Other Services Any other (specify) 8. Is there a Student Counseling Centre? 9. Is there a Grievance Redressal Cell? 10. Does the college have an Alumni Association? 11. Does the college have a Parent-teachers Association? Yes Yes √ √ Yes √ No Yes √ No 2002-03 2007-08 26 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Criterion VI Governance and Leadership 1. Has the institution appointed a permanent Principal? √ Yes No M. A., M. Phil., Ph.D. If Yes, denote the qualifications If No, for how long has the position been vacant? 2. Number of professional development programmes held for the Non-teaching staff (last two years) 3. 2008-09 2009-10 - 01 Financial resources of the college (approximate amount) -Last year‟s data (2009-10) Grant-in-aid Rs. 8196182 Fee from aided courses Rs. 224660 Donation Rs. 861693 Fee from Self-funded courses Rs. 111550 Grant against Student Fees Rs Grand Total Rs. 4. Statement of Expenditure ( for last two years) Before last 2008-09 (%) Last year 2009-10 (%) 57.21% 63.48% % spent on the salaries of non-teaching employees including contractual workers 8.18% 6.93% % spent on books and journals 0.21% 0.55% Item % spent on the salaries of faculty 27 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 % spent on Building development 26.57% 23.44% % spent on hostels, and other student amenities 0.13% 0.17% % spent on maintenance - electricity, water, telephones, infrastructure 0.99% 3.49% % spent on academic activities of departments laboratories, green house, animal house, field trips etc. 0.06% 0.00% .% spent on research, seminars, etc. 0.17% 0.33% % spent on miscellaneous expenditure 6.48% 1.62% 100.00% 100.00% Total Note: The institution may provide the details regarding the above table as per the heads of accounts being maintained. However, care may be taken to cover the above items. 5. Dates of meetings of Academic and Administrative Bodies during the last two years: Governing Body LMC Internal Admn. Bodies (mention only three most important bodies) Examination Committee Last year Year before last 1) 30/5/2010 2) 17/9/2010 1) 9/10/2008 2) 4/5/2009 1) Library Advisory Committee Any other (specify) IQAC 6. Are there Welfare Schemes for the academic community? Loans: Yes √ No Medical allowance Yes √ No 28 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Any other (specify) Rayat Sevak Kutumb Kalyan Yojana Staff Welfare 7. √ Yes No Are there ICT supported / Computerised units/processes/activities for the following? a) Administrative section/ Office Yes √ No b) Finance Unit Yes √ No c) Student Admissions Yes √ No d) Placements Yes No √ e) Aptitude Testing Yes No √ f) Examinations Yes √ No g) Student Records Yes √ No 29 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Criterion VII Innovative Practices 1. Has the institution established Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms 2. Do students participate in the Quality Enhancement initiatives of the Institution? 3. What is the percentage of the following student categories in the institution? Yes √ No Yes √ No 10.46% 10.32% 54.07% a. S. C. 0.13% b. S. T. All c. O. B. C. - d. Women 5.70% i. V. J. – A 1.08% 4. What is the percentage of the following category of staff? Category a SC 04 15.38% Nonteaching staff 01 b ST - - - c OBC 06 23.00% 01 20.00% d Women 03 11.53% e Physically-challenged 01 03.84% - - f General Category 13 50.00% 02 40.00% g Any other NT 03 11.53% 01 20.00% Teaching staff % % 20.00 30 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 5. What is the percentage incremental academic growth of the following category of students for the last two batches? Category At Admission 2005- 200606 07 Batch Batch I II a. SC 9.37% b. ST 0.92% c. OBC 9.77% d. WOMEN e. f. g Physically challenged General Category SBC 49.33% 64.33% 5.81% H VJ-A 2.50% I NT-B 2.50% J NT-C 4.75% 2007-08 Batch III 9.57% 11.80% 0.72% 11.80% - - 8.12% 8.76% 48.91% 20.75% - On completion of the course 2007- 2008- 200908 09 10 Batch Batch Batch I II III 8.76% 50.75% - - 66.90% 67.95% 6.38% 5.56% 1.59% 0.84% 2.17% 1.51% 4.49% 3.54% 67.95% 5.56% 0.84% 1.51% 3.54% 11.18% 10.35% - - 8.18% 10.64% 52.75% 53.52% - - 66.44% 58.99% 6.17% 5.46% - 1.15% 8.01% 2.30% - 6.18% 31 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 C Profiles of The Departments SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur (Maharashtra) PIN 416 203 . C. Profile of the Departments INDEX Sr. No. Name of the Department Page No. A) Faculty of Arts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B) Faculty of Commerce 13 14 15 16 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur (Maharashtra) PIN 416 203 . Part - II Evaluative Report 41 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 A Executive Summary SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur (Maharashtra) PIN 416 203 . PART –II A Evaluative Reports EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari is established in 1991 by one of the leading educational institutions in western Maharashtra, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara. The institution itself was founded by Padmabhushan Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil way back in 1919. It is a grant in aid college affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur. It has been accredited by NAAC at B grade in February 2004. I Curricular Aspects – The goals and the mission of the college are to provide quality educational facilities to socio-economically deprived, downtrodden and backward classes of the society. The goals and the mission of the college are in keeping with those of the parent institute. The college offers a fairly wide range of programme options under Arts and Commerce streams including post graduation facility in Commerce stream. The college also provides eight selffinanced career –oriented and need based short term courses in order to equip the students with a few basic skills along with their conventional education. Since the college is an affiliated one its academic flexibility is regulated by the norms of the affiliating university. A few members of our faculty are associated with curriculum design. Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil and Prof. Dr. V. A. Mane have been elected unopposed as Members of Board of Studies in History and Accountancy respectively. Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil has been elected as a member of the faculty of Social Sciences as well as a member of the Academic Council of the Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The rest of the faculty members attend seminars and workshops on revised syllabus of their respective subjects and make useful suggestions. It is a matter of pride that the Principal of the college Dr. T. S. Patil is elected President of Maharashtra Itihas Parishad. He was formerly a member of Senate of the Shivaji University. During the last five years 41 faculty have participated in seminars and workshops related to curricular aspects. Besides, a few faculty members have designed curriculum for short-term courses which are approved by the concerned department of the university. II Teaching, Learning and Evaluation : Admission to various courses are given according to the University/Government rules. An attempt is made to admit all eligible and desirous students in the college. Diagnostic tests are conducted to detect the weaker students and students thus identified are provided with remedial coaching. Although conventional classroom lecture method is predominantly practiced, use of the new audio-visual aids like L. C. D., charts, maps is on the rise. The college monitors the overall progress of the students through internal Exams, departmental seminars, study tours, guest lectures. The college has SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur (Maharashtra) PIN 416 203 . organized 15 workshops and orientation programmes in the last 5 years in spite of the lack of a separate college building. Similarly our faculty and our students have attended 11 programmes in order to update their knowledge. Members of the teaching faculty prepare year plans, daily lecture notes and provide the students with list of reference books. The faculty members are keen on improving their professional qualification and updating their knowledge. III Research, Consultancy and Extension : The college has constituted a Research Committee to facilitate and monitor research activities and to develop research culture in the college. Until recently the college was not included in the UGC list of 2(f) and 12 (B) and hence the teaching faculty could not be deputed for research. However, the faculty members pursued research on their own. Now, a faculty member is deputed for Ph. D. under FIP. The principal of the college has guided and has been guiding M. Phil. and Ph. D. students. One faculty member who was working on a minor research project is recently transferred to another unit of the parent institute. In all, 58% faculty have research orientation. Students of the college also busy themselves on project works on Environmental concerns, Geography and Journalism. The college offered consultancy services to the neighborhood community in the areas of their daily concerns. The consultancy services were offered free of cost. This college has undertaken remarkable extension activities and outreach programmes through NSS, „College at Your Doorstep‟ scheme, Vivek Vahini, Jal Swarajya, Granth Charcha in collaboration with the local organizations. Recently, the college has undertaken a literacy project entitled, “Aajeevan Adhyayana Prakriya” (Life long Learning Process) at Talandage. IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources : Until recently the college was housed in a high school of the parent institute. Now the college has constructed its own building worth Rs. 1 crore. The campus area of the new building is 3 acres while the built up area is 1618.68 sq. m. The master plan of the new building is visionary and comprehensive. The college wishes to furnish the new building with necessary equipments and instruments. The worth noting point about this building is that the entire construction is carried out through donations of our alumni and help from the parent institute. No financial help from the government or the UGC has been received yet for the development of the infrastructure. Efforts are made to update the computer facility and enrich the college library. The college has received a formal sanction for its proposal for construction of Women‟s Hostel from the UGC and the construction is in process. V Student Support and Progression : The college provided all possible support to the poor, needy students. During the last five years the college has disbursed financial help of Rs. 10810/- through student welfare fund to the needy students. The college has introduced eight need – based career – oriented short – term courses with a 64 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 view to developing the students‟ employability. The Alumni Association of the college has a lion‟s share in collecting funds for the ongoing construction of the college building. The college encourages the students to take part in extra curricular activities such as sports and cultural programmes. The college annual magazine provides a platform for potential creative writers. The college magazine has won the state level, university level and institute level awards for the quality writings. VI Governance and Leadership : The college plans its academic and developmental programmes carefully taking into account the local needs and executes them with the active involvement of the management and the students community. The „Open Door‟ policy of the principal drives away all inhibitions from the minds of the students. The organizational structure of the college and also of the parent institute ensures decentralization of power and responsibility. The IQAC in the college plays a vital role in bringing about coordination and maintaining harmony among different departments and individuals. Students, their parents and all other stakeholders are taken into confidence in important policy decisions. Feedback from students helps the teachers to introspect and improve in the future. The parent institute Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, is the real guiding star and a source of inspiration and encouragement for all developmental programmes undertaken by the college. VII Innovative Practices : The best practices such as Dattak Palak Yojana (i. e. Students Adoption Scheme), Vivek Vahini, Study Circle, Awareness Programmes, Staff Academy, and an oath taken by students from the Preamble of the Constitution on 9th August every year help enhancing and sustaining quality and value education in the college. The cultural programmes are invariably based on patriotic themes. The programmes organized by the college aim at promoting values such as nationality, national thinking, secularism and good citizenship. The college complied with almost every recommendation made in the previous assessment report. 65 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 B Criterionwise Evaluative Report 66 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Criterion I CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.1 Curricular Design and Development:1.1.1 State the vision and mission of the institution, and how it is communicated to the students, teachers, staff and other stakeholders? Name of the Institute : Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara Motto : „Education through self-help‟ - Karmaveer The Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, founded by Padmabhushan Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil in 1919, is one of the leading educational institutions in Asia. The value of its contribution to education in general is enormous , as it has, from the very beginning, tried all its best to lay emphasis on the education of the downtrodden, the poor and ignorant that really forms the major bulk of society. Late Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil was man of masses who devoted all his mind and heart to the cause of their education. He had thorough understanding of the social ills that beset the times and had fully realized the dire need of the spread of education. He believed that education alone could eradicate illiteracy, untouchability, castehierarchy, money lending, superstitions, social and economic inequality. All his life he tried to translate this belief into reality. He was the prophet of the poor, the weak, the dispossessed and left no stone unturned for their upliftment. Such a renowned person has established this educational institution with the following mission : * To provide educational facilities to the students of downtrodden, deprived and backward classes of the society. To prepare the students for further higher education. To promote education and enable the students to accept the challenges of the new era. To develop over all personality of students. To inculcate values of social equality, feeling of brotherhood and selfhelp. * * * * 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The institute‟s mission is communicated to the students, their parents and other stakeholders through its following policies : Admission to all eligible students. No cut-off lists. No donations for admission. Admitting students from all communities. No backlog specially of reserved category staff. 67 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 6) Appointing the faculty purely on the basis of merit. 7) Promoting free and democratic ambience in the college. 8) Open-door policy of the principal. 9) Value based activies and programmes. 10) Introducing career oriented courses and programmes. 11) Launching programmes aimed at developing professional skills. 12) Reaching outside stakeholders through its extension activities. 1.1.2. How does the mission statement reflect the institution‟s distinctive characteristics in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, institution‟s traditions and value orientation? The distinctive feature of our parent institute is providing education for deprived and disadvantaged masses. Hence the units of the institute are mainly located in rural, hilly, tribal and slum areas. This college is located in a village and caters to the needs of students coming from low income groups, farmer and wage earner communities. We have very few paying students. The rest of them are from low income groups and have to support their families by either sharing the labours of their parents or by doing some part-time job. The silver industry in Hupari & power-loom industry in Rendal provide them with part-time jobs. Another distinctive feature of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha has been its golden principle, “Earn and Learn Scheme” which highlights the value of dignity of labour. The students of this college are provided with part-time job opportunities in the local silver & powerloom industry and after graduation they turn to self-employment by continuing in the same industry. Are the academic programmes in line with the institution‟s goals and objectives? If yes, give details on how the curricula developed/ adopted, address the needs of the society and have relevance to the regional/national and global trends and developmental needs? (access to the Disadvantaged, Equity, Self development, Community and National Development, Ecology and environment, Value orientation, Employment, ICT introduction, Global and National demands and so on) The academic programmes are in tune with the goals and objectives of the institution. The programmes are supplemented with activities that aim at national and global trends and developmental needs which include : 1) A One Day Workshop on “Employment Opportunities for Women” – 11/12/2007 1.1.3 68 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2) A One Day Workshop on “Women Empowerment” – 6/10/2007 3) Nirmal Gram Campaign – 11/1/2008 to 19/1/2008 4) A One Day Workshop on “Correct Usage and Job Opportunities in Proofreading in Marathi” – 11/12/2008 5) A One Day Youth Orientation Programme on “Indian Freedom Struggle and the Preamble of the Constitution of India” – 21/1/2009 6) A One Day Workshop on “How to be a Successful Entrepreneur” – 23/12/2008 7) A One Day Workshop on “Preparing for Interview” – 22/11/2008 8) Special Youth Cleanliness Campaign – 23/9/2008 to 2/10/2008 1.1.4 How does the curriculum cater to inclusion/integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the curriculum, for equipping the students to compete in the global employment markets? The college has introduced a certificate course in Tally (Accountancy). The college has also forwarded a proposal for UGC Network Centre during the 11th Plan and it has been approved and set up. Now the college has set up a computer lab to facilitate the students with ICT application in learning process. 1.1.5 Specify the initiatives and contributions of the institution in the curriculum design and development process. (Need assessment, development of information database, feedback from faculty, students, alumni, employees and academic peers, and communicating the information and feedback for appropriate inclusion and decisions in statutory academic bodies, Membership of BOS and by sending agenda items etc.) This, being an affiliated college, has limited scope in the process of curriculum design and development. However, a few faculty members are appointed on different academic bodies of the university from time to time, they put across their ideas in the process of designing and implementing the curriculum. Besides, members of the faculty attend workshops on newly formed curriculum and express their views about the relevance or otherwise of the same. In the elections to academic bodies of the university held in October 2010 Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil and Dr. V. A. Mane got elected unopposed as Members of Board of Studies in History and Accountancy respectively. Currently, Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil is working as the chairperson of the BOS in History and also elected as a member of the Academic Council of the university. 1.2 1.2.1 Academic Flexibility What are the range of programme options available to learners in terms of Degrees, Certificates and Diplomas? 69 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 The range of programme options available to the students in this college are as under : a) B. A. Degree course (Full-fledged) : 1. B. A. in Marathi 2. B. A. in Hindi 3. B. A. in Geography 4. B. A. in History 5. B. A. in Sociology 6. B. A. in English b) B. A. degree course upto B. A. II level : 1. Economics 2. Psychology 3. Political Science c) B. A. II level interdisciplinary subjects : 1. History of Social Reforms in Maharashtra 2. Public Administration d) B. A. & B. Com. II level Interdisciplinary subject Environmental Studies COMMERCE FACULTY a) B. Com Degree Course (Full-fledged) : 1. B. Com. in Advanced Accountancy b) Postgraduate Degree (Full-fledged) : 1. M. Com. in Advanced Accountancy More than fifty percent students of this college are females. They had to curtail their education after graduation. With a view to bring them back on the track of higher education the college has introduced full-fledged M. Com. Degree Course in 2009-10. Thirtyseven students have sought admission for this degree and majority of them are female students. The college management is aware of the fact that conventional degree education is not enough. The students need to be equipped with additional courses enriching their basic skills and enabling them to face challenges of globalization and tough job market. These certificate courses are as under : 1. Certificate Course in Rural Journalism. 2. Certificate Course in Preprimary Teachers‟ Training. 3. A Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar. 4. A Certificate Course in Travel and Tourism. 5. A Certificate Course in Tally (Accountancy). 6. Pre-Recruitment Orientation Course for Students seeking entry in Army / Police. 7. A Certificate Course in Personality Development. 8. A Certificate Course in Sugam Sangeet. 9. A Certificate Course in Computerised Accounting. 70 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 1.2.2 Sr. No. Give details on the following provisions with reference to academic flexibility, value addition and course enrichment: a) Core options b) Elective options c) Add-on courses d) Interdisciplinary courses e) Flexibility to the students to move from one discipline to another. f) flexibility to pursue the programme with reference to the time frame (flexibility time for completion) The core and elective options provided by the college are as under : Class Core Subjects Arts Faculty 1 B. A. I 2 B. A. II 1. English 2. Marathi/ Science, Technology & Development 1. Marathi or English 2. Geography or Hindi 3. Sociology or Economics 4. Political Science or Psychology 5. History * Any four out of five groups. English 1. Marathi or History 3 B. A. III 2. Sociology or Geography or Hindi 3. Psychology or Political Science or English * Any two out of three groups 1. Marathi 2. Hindi 3. Geography 4. History 5. Sociology 6. English English Interdisciplinary Options Elective Options 1. History of Social Reforms in Maharashtra or Public Administration 2. Environmental Studies. 71 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 * Any one of the six subjects Commerce Faculty 4 B. Com. I 1. Business Communication – I 2. Principles of Business Management 5 B. Com. II 3. Business Economics – I 4. Insurance 5. Principles of Marketing 6. Financial Accounting 1. Business Communication – II 2. Business Economics – II 1. Environmental Studies. 3. Business Statistics 6 B. Com. III 4. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 5. Money and Financial System 6. Corporate Accounting 1. Business Environment 2. Business Regulatory Framework 1. Advanced Accountancy –I 2. Advanced Accountancy – II 3. Modern Management Practice 4. Co-operative Development 7 M. Com. I 1. Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour 1. Advanced Accountancy –I 72 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2. Managerial Economics Business Finance 8 M. Com. II Management A/C f) 2. Advanced Accountancy – II Advanced Accountancy – III Advanced Accountancy IV The Shivaji University to which the college is affiliated is flexible enough with reference to the time frame required for the completion of a degree course. A student is allowed to complete his degree without stipulated time restriction. This helps to minimize the drop out rate in HEIs. 1.2.3 Give details of the programmes and other facilities available for international Students (if any) Enrolment of international students has not taken place yet in this college. 1.2.4 Does the institution offer any self-financed programmes in the institution? If yes, list them and indicate how they differ from other programmes, with reference to admission, curriculum, fee structure, teacher qualification and salary etc. This college has introducted M. Com. In 2009-10 on non-grant basis. The college offers admission to all eligible, desirous candidates. The curriculum designed by the Shivaji University, Kolhapur is followed by the college. The college charges fee of Rs. 1310/- each student. The college provides qualified teachers with P. G. Recognition and appoints a visiting faculty. In response to the demands of the students the college has introduced B. A. Part III English Special on non-grant basis in 2010-11. 1.3 1.3.1 Feedback on Curriculum: How does the college obtain feedback on curriculum from a) Students? b) Alumni? c) Parents? d) Employees/Industries? e) Academic Peers? f) Community? The college seeks feedback on curriculum from the students and the alumni. No feedback is sought from parents, employers/industries, academic peers and the community. Feedback from students is sought by circulating a questionnaire and by seeking responses from students (at random) on curriculum subject-wise and paper-wise. Feedback from alumni is sought through questionnaire. 73 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 1.3.2 How is the above feedback analyzed and the outcome/suggestions used for continuous improvement, and communicated to the affiliating university for appropriate inclusion? The college appoints a subject-wise team of experts from among the faculty to analyse the feedback sought from the students and suggestions are communicated to the teachers. Noteworthy suggestions from the alumni are taken into consideration. 1.4 1.4.1 Curriculum update: What is the frequency and the basis for syllabus revision and what are the major revisions made during the last two years? Syllabus revision of various programmes is exclusively done by the university. Generally, the syllabus of languages undergoes change every three years. The major syllabus revision during the last two years are as under : Sr. No. Class Subject Paper Year of Revision 1. B. A. II Geography II, III 2008-09 2. B. A. III Geography IV, V, VI, VII, VIII 2009-10 3. B. A. II Sociology II, III 2008-09 4. B. A. III Sociology IV, V, VI, VII, VIII 2009-10 5. B. Com. I Fin. Acc. - 2010-11 6. B. Com. II Adv. A/c. I & II 2009-10 7. M. Com. I A/c I 2009-10 8. B. A. I Economics I 2010-11 9. B. A. I Hindi I 2010-11 10. B. A. II Hindi II, III 2008-09 11. B. A. III Hindi VI, V, VI, VII, VIII 2009-10 12. B. A. I Psychology/ S. T. D. - 2007-08 2010-11 13. B. A. II Psychology 2007-08 14. B. A. I History 2010-11 74 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 15. B. A. II History 2008-09 16. B. A. III History 2006-07 17. B. A. II H. S. R. M. 2008-09 18. B. Com. I Busi. Econ. June 2010 19. B. Com. II Busi. Econ. June 2008 20. B. Com. III Busi. Envir. June 2009 21. B. A. I Political Science 2007-08 2010.11 22. B. A. II Political Science 2007-08 23. B. A. II Economics 24. B. A. I Marathi (Comp.) 2007-08 25. B. A. I Marathi (Opt.) 2007-08 26. B. A. II Marathi II, III 2008-09 27. B. A. III Marathi IV, V, VI, VII, VIII 2009-10 28. B. Com. I Marketing 2009-10 29. B. Com. I Management 2009-10 30. B. Com. I Insurance 2009-10 31. B. Com. III Modern Mgt. Practice 2009-10 1.4.2 How does the institution ensure that the curriculum bears a thrust on core values adopted by NAAC? The college has started various activities to enhance core values adopted by NAAC which also supplements the curriculum that it has adopted. The chief among them are : 1. Introduction of M. Com. to increase access to higher education. 2. Opening Equal Opportunity Centre of the UGC in the college for ensuring equity. 3. Establishment of Vivek Vahini to eradicate blind beliefs and imbibing scientific attitude among the students. 4. Organisation of Orientation Programme on India‟s Freedom Struggle and Preamble of Constitution of India. 5. Maintenance of good academic tone through motivating faculty and students by providing career advancement opportunities. II 2004-05 75 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 6. Improvement in university examination results by organizing departmental seminars and by conducting home assignments and internal exams. 1.4.3 Does the institution use the guidelines of statutory bodies (UGC/AICTE/ State Councils of HE and other bodies) for developing and /or restructuring the curricula? The process of restructuring is done by the Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 1.4.4 How are the existing courses modified to meet the emerging/changing national and global trends? The courses implemented by the university are modified from time to time. Care is taken to give scope to various skills required to meet the changing national and global trends. This college in its turn conducts activities like Elementary Course in English for Communication, Certificate Course in Tally (Accountancy), Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar, Competitive Exam. Centre, Workshops on themes like „How to be a successful entrepreneur‟ to complement the programmes of the university. 1.5 Best practices in Curricular aspects: 1.5.1 What are the quality sustenance and quality enhancement measures undertaken by the institution during the last five years in curricular aspects? The college conducts periodical tests, departmental seminars, workshops based on curricular aspects, term exams to evaluate the academic performance of the students. The students‟ overall performance is communicated to their parents. These activities help to enhance the quality of the students which is explicit in the university exam results of the college. 1.5.2 What best practices in „Curricular planned/implemented by the institution? Aspects‟ have been Preparing the year-plan, communicating the syllabus, providing reading list to the students at the outset of academic year, daily writing of lecture notes by the teachers, encouraging students and staff to take part in seminars, workshops based on the curriculum are the best practices in „Curricular Aspects‟ practiced effectively by this college. 76 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 For Re-accreditation: 1. What were the evaluative observations made under Curricular Aspects in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon? a) In addition to the existing two graduate programmes viz. B. A. and B. Com. degrees, the college has introduced M. Com. a post-graduate programme. b) The college has introduced an interdisciplinary subject „Environmental Studies‟ for B. A. and B. Com. Part – II students. c) Taking into account the local needs the college has introduced eight self-financing courses in order to complement conventional degree programmes. The college hopes to establish linkage with the industry in the neighbourhood in the forthcoming academic year. Though, there is no formal linkage with the industry students of commerce faculty pay visits to the industries and on occasions these industries conduct campus interviews for the placement of eligible students. 2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Curricular Aspects? The introduction of self-financing courses is aimed at enhancing and sustaining quality. A course like, „Elementary Course in English for Communication‟ enhances the communication skills in English, a course in Tally (Accountancy) increases job opportunities for commerce graduates of this college, courses in Rural Journalism and Travel and Tourism will open new avenues of career opportunities for the students. Besides a Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar aims at forming sound foundation in English. A Certificate Course in Personality Development aims at improving overall personality of students. Criterion II TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION 2.1. Admission Process and Student Profile 77 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2.1.1. How does the institution ensure wide publicity to the admission process? The college ensures wide publicity to the admission process through its prospectus as well as display of digital boards in Hupari and surrounding villages announcing availability of various programmes and facilities by circulating leaflets. 2.1.2. How are students selected for admission to the following courses? Give the cut-off percentage at the entry level? This college has only general courses and admission to these courses is open to all eligible students. There is no cut off percentage for admission at the entry level or even at the higher levels. However, the college abides by the rules and regulations of the Govt. of Maharashtra in this regard. 2.1.3. How does the institution ensure transparency in the admission process? Open admission facility, no donations for admission policy and availability of courses at the minimum tution fees, inclusiveness which is also a part of education philosophy of the parent institute are the features of the college. These practices ensure transparency in the admission process. 2.1.4. How do you promote access to ensure equity? a) Students from disadvantaged community : One-third of the students in this college come from weaker, disadvantaged and low income groups. b) Women : More than fifty percent of our students are females. c) Differently – abled : Very few differently-abled students have sought admission in this college so far and all possible help is extended to them. d) Economically weaker sections : The college administration as well as members of the faculty help the students coming from economically weaker sections. e) Sports personnel : Sports persons seeking admission in this college are given incentives in the form of concession in the fees, book bank facility, special allowance for their diet, etc. f) Any other (Specify) : Female students securing more than 70% marks in university exams are provided with free bus pass. 78 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 All the above activities promote access to ensure equity in the college. 2.2 Catering to Diverse Needs 2.2.1. Is there a provision for assessing the students‟ knowledge and skills before the commencement of the programme? If yes, give details of the strategies of the institution to bridge the knowledge gap of the incoming students for enabling them to cope up with the programme to which they are enrolled. Though there is no provision for assessing the students‟ knowledge and skills before the commencement of the programme, the college takes every care to bridge the knowledge gap by implementing remedial courses for the slow learners. 2.2.2 How does the institution identify slow and advanced learners? Give details of the strategies adopted for facilitating slow and advanced learners? The college identifies slow and advanced learners with the help of their merit in the previous exam and also by conducting diagnostic tests. Slow learners are given extra coaching in remedial teaching classes in English and Accountancy while advanced learners are encouraged by providing them with Book Bank Facility, Concession in fee etc. In addition, the college has designed and introduced a Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar for those who are poor in English. 2.2.3 Does the institution have a provision for tutorials for the students? If yes, give details. The college provides home assignments to the students which has been a part of internal evaluation system of the college. 2.2.4 Is there a provision for mentoring of students or any similar process? If yes, give details. The students Adoption scheme (Dattak Palak Yojana) practiced in this college gives scope for mentoring students in which the teacherparent advises the students in their academic as well as personal problems. 2.2.5. How does the institution cater to the needs of differently-abled students? The college encourages the differently abled students to apply for the government scholarships. These students are ensured easy acess in the building by means of ramps. 2.3 Teaching – Learning Process 79 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2.3.1. How does the institution plan and organize the teaching- learning and evaluation schedules? The college prepares an academic calendar at the outset of the academic year and circulates it to the teacher and the students. The teachers prepare their annual plan subject-wise and paper-wise, they plan their daily lectures as well. The college has devised a proforma for the daily lecture notes and for evaluation of students‟ internal term exams departmental seminars, home assignments are given to the students. 2.3.2. What are the various teaching- learning methods used by the teachers? Though lecture method is predominantly used for many programmes effort is made to make it more effective by introducing interactive method, project based method, departmental seminars, use of audio-visual aids, etc. 2.3.3. How is learning made student-centric? What are the institutional strategies, which contribute to acquisition of lifeskills, knowledge management skills and life- long skills? The college takes every possible effort to make learning student centric. In order to help the students acquire life skills and knowledge management skills, the college conducts activities such as workshops, group discussions, guest lectures etc. In addition, the college conducts eight short self-financing courses. 2.3.4 How does the institution ensure that the students have effective learning experiences? In order to enrich learning experience of students modern teaching aids are used, access to computers is made available to the students. How do the students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments? Members of the teaching faculty update their knowledge by attending orientation and refresher programmes, workshops, conferences, seminars, etc. Students are also encouraged to attend workshops based on their curriculum. Faculty members use Internet for updating their knowledge. 80 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2.3.6. Are there departmental libraries for the use of faculty and students? If yes, how effectively are they used for the enhancements of teaching and learning? The college provides space for departmental libraries that contain personal books of the teachers. These books are issued to the students whenever necessary. 2.3.7. Has the institution introduced evaluation of the teachers by students? How is the feedback analyzed and implemented for the improvement of teaching? Evaluation of teachers by students is done in this college. Students are provided with a questionnaire. Subject-wise and paperwise evaluation of each teacher is done by students at random. Responses of students are recorded analysed and the findings are communicated to the teacher concerned. Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name of the faculty Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil Shri. G. G. Chavan Shri. N. J. Dahale Dr. S. K. Khot Shri. R. R. Salunkhe Shri. S. M. Gawade Shri. C. M. Patil Shri. S. J. Kirdat Nature of Appointment Permanent/ Temporary Educational Qualification M. A., M. Phil., Ph. D. M. A., M. Phil. M. A. M. A., M. Phil., Ph. D. M. A., M. Phil. M. A. M. A., B. Lib. M. A., M. Phil., SET Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Probetion 81 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Teaching Experience 2.4. Teacher Quality 2.4.1. How are the members of the faculty selected? Does the college have the required number of qualified competent teachers to handle all the courses? If not, how does the institution cope up with the requirements? Members of the faculty are selected as per the rules and regulations laid down by the university and the govt. of Maharastra. Recruitment is done centrally by the parent institute. The college has sufficient number of qualified and competent teachers to handle all the courses. A vacant post is filled either by transfer or by fresh recruitment by the parent institute or by recruiting an eligible candidate locally with prior approval from the parent institute. The following chart shows the competency of the teaching faculty. 19 yrs 33 yrs 12 yrs 10 yrs 17 yrs 17 yrs 20 yrs 5 yrs 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Shri. K. S. Waghmare Shri. V. J. Awaghade Shri. V. S. Kamble Shri. B. R. Nadaf Shri. P. A. Patil Shri. N. M. Patil Dr. B. P. Naik Shri. C. S. Giri Shri. D. G. Sontakke 18 Dr. V. A. Mane 19 Shri. B. A. Tarhal Dr. Smt. B. S. 20 Puntambekar 21 Shri. N. V. Gaikwad 22 Smt. V. C. Patil 23 Shri. B. A. Desai 24 Shri. S. S. Bhosale 25 Shri. A. B. Vibhute 26 Shri. A. B. Gat M. A., NET M. Com., SET, GDCA M. A. M. A. M. A., DHE M. A., M. Phil M. A., M. Phil., Ph. D. M. A., M. Phil. M. A., M. Phil., NET M. Com.(Adv. A/c & Auditing), M. Com. (Costing & Taxation) M. B. A. (H. R.) M. Phil., Ph. D. M. A. Leave Vacancy Probetion C. H. B. Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent 2 yrs 2 yrs 1 yrs 17 yrs 25 yrs 20 yrs 20 yrs 16 yrs 5 yrs Permanent 20 yrs Permanent 15 yrs M. A., M. Phil., Ph. D. Permanent 19 yrs M.C.M., M.C.A. B. A., M. P. Ed. B. A., L. L. B. M. A., B. Ed. M. Sc. M. Sc. C. H. B. Probation C. H. B. C. H. B. C. H. B. C. H. B. 7 yrs 1 yrs 9 yrs 6 yrs 1 yrs 2 yrs 2.4.2. How does the college appoint additional faculty to teach new programme / modern areas of study (Bio-tech/ I.T./ Bio-informatics etc)? How many such appointments were made during the last three years? The college appoints additional faculty to teach additional programme on temporary basis with the permission of the parent institute. The following chart shows the local appointments of additional faculty : 2007-08 Sr. Name of Additional Nature of Dept. Duration From to No. faculty Appointment 1 Shri. B. A. Desai B. Law July 2007 to Oct. 2007, Dec. 2007 to April 2008 C. H. B. 82 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2 Shri. A. B. Gat Envir. July 2007 to Oct. 2007, Dec. 2007 to April 2008 C. H. B. 3 Smt. V. C. Patil Dir. of Phy. Edu. July 2007 to Oct. 2007, Dec. 2007 to April 2008 C. H. B. Smt. S. S. Rashivadekar Stat. July 2007 to Oct. 2007, Dec. 2007 to April 2008 C. H. B. 5 Shri. S. J. Kirdat Hindi July 2007 to Oct. 2007, Dec. 2007 to April 2008 C. H. B. 6 Shri. S. S. Bhosale Geog. July 2007 to Oct. 2007, Dec. 2007 to April 2008 C. H. B. 7 Shri. V. S. Shinde Econ. July 2007 to Oct. 2007, Dec. 2007 to April 2008 C. H. B. 4 Shri. B. A. Desai 2008-09 June 2008 to April B. Law 2009 C. H. B. Shri. A. B. Gat Envir. June 2008 to April 2009 C. H. B. Smt. V. C. Patil Dir. of Phy. Edu. June 2008 to April 2009 C. H. B. Smt. S. S. Rashivadekar Stat. June 2008 to April 2009 C. H. B. 1 Shri. S. J. Kirdat Hindi June 2008 to April 2009 C. H. B. 2 Shri. S. S. Bhosale Geog. June 2008 to April 2009 C. H. B. 3 Shri. S. A. Bhandare Econ. June 2008 to April 2009 C. H. B. 4 Shri. S. R. Kumbhar Librarian June 2008 to April 2009 C. H. B. 2009-10 83 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 1 Shri. B. A. Desai B. Law June 2009 to April 2010 C. H. B. 2 Shri. A. B. Gat Envir. June 2009 to April 2010 C. H. B. 3 Smt. V. C. Patil Dept. of Phy. Edu. June 2009 to April 2010 C. H. B. 4 Smt. S. A. Patil Stat. June 2009 to April 2010 C. H. B. 5 Shri. S. J. Kirdat Hindi June 2009 to April 2010 C. H. B. 6 Shri. S. S. Bhosale Geog. June 2009 to April 2010 C. H. B. 7 Shri. J. M. Palkar Geog. June 2009 to April 2010 C. H. B. 8 Shri. S. A. Bhandare Econ June 2009 to April 2010 C. H. B. One appointment was made on C. H. B. basis to teach a newly introduced programme, “Environmental Studies” during the last three years. And four appointments of Assistant Professors were made on regular basis and one in leave vacancy through University Selection Committee trial. One teacher is deputed for Ph. D. study leave under FIP programme. 2.4.3. What efforts are made by the management for professional development of the faculty? How many faculties have availed these facilities during the last three years? This college was included in the UGC list of 2(f) and 12 (B) status in January, 2008. Without central financial assistance no deputation of teachers was possible, however, teachers are granted leave during non-teaching days to enable them to pursue their research activity. Members of faculty are also encouraged to take part in state, national and international conferences and seminars and training programmes. During the last five years 60 faculty have availed these facilities. Dr. V. A. Mane, Dr. N. V. Kesarkar and Dr. Smt. B. S. Puntambekar have completed their doctorates as part-time research scholars on their own. 2.4.4 Give details of the awards/ recognition received by the faculty during the last five years. 84 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Awards and Recognition received by the Faculty : Awards/Recognitions Sr. Name of the Award/Recognition with Issuing authority No. faculty year Emerging Author Award Vidarbh Sahitya Sangh 2002 Vidarbh Sahitya Sangh Prof. D. G. 1 Rasik Sanskruti Mangal, Vani Sontakke 2 3 4 Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil Prof. S. J. Kirdat Prof. Dr. B. P. Naik Notable Critic Award 2010 Hon. L. Y. Patil Trust, Hupari Ideal Teacher Award 2010 Rotary Clud, Hupari Best Research Award 2007 Shivaji University, Kolhapur Best Research Award 2007 Shivaji University, Kolhapur Hon. L. Y. Patil Trust, Hupari First Prize 2008 5 6 Prof. Dr. S. K. Khot Prof. S. M. Gawade Special Award 2009 Karveer Sahitya Parishad, Kolhapur Dnyan Mauli Library, Padali Dakshin Maharashtra Sabha, Kolhapur Notable Literary Work Award Sresth Sahityik Chandrakumar Nalage Library, Ujalaiwadi Jalmitra Award 2009 Government of Maharashtra 2.4.5. How often does the institution organize training programmes for the faculty in the use of a) Computers b) Internet c) Audio Visual Aids d) Computer-Aided Packages e) Material Development for CAL Multimedia etc. Training and Orientation programmes are organized at the parent institute level. 2.5 2.5.1 Evaluation Process and Reforms How are the evaluation methods communicated to the students and other institutional members? Evaluation methods are communicated to the students through circulars received from the university right at the beginning of the 85 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 academic year and these circulars are stored in the library for the perusal of the members concerned. 2.5.2 How does the institution monitor the progress of the students and communicate it to the students and their parents? The college monitors the progress of the students by organizing unit tests, home assignments and term exams and the performance of the students in them is communicated to their parents in the Parents Meet organized in the college. 2.5.3 What is the mechanism for redressal of grievances regarding evaluation? Students‟ performance in the internal exam is brought to the notice of the students concerned and their grievances, if any, are dealt with in the classroom. Grievance redressal mechanism exists at the university level where a student is entitled to have a photocopy of his paper and his grievances are brought to the notice of a subject expert. There is a provision of revaluation of the answerbook based on the recommendation of the subject expert. 2.5.4 What are the major evaluation reforms initiated by the institution/affiliating University? How does the institution ensure effective implementation of these reforms? The major evaluation reforms are initiated at the university level and the affiliated colleges are directed to implement them. Chief among the reforms are the implementation of 80+20 pattern. (80 marks for University exam and 20 marks for internal evaluation) and the provision of a right of demanding the photocopy of the answerbook if a student feels any grievance against the evaluation of his answerbook. The university has introduced semester system for first year students from June – 2010. This college ensures effective implementation of the evaluation reforms by strictly adhering to the guidelines laid down by the university. 2.6 Best Practices in Teaching -Learning Process 2.6.1 Detail any significant innovations in teaching/learning/evaluation introduced by the institution? 1) All eligible candidates are admitted in this college. There are no merit lists at the entry level. The college receives no donations for admission. 2) Writing of lecture notes, in other words, planning a lecture in a format devised by the college is a significant feature of this college in the process of teaching and learning. 86 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 3) Teachers‟ evaluation by students. 4) Study Circle Scheme. 5) Role playing activity practiced on Teachers‟ Day Celebration every year. For Re-accreditation: 1.What were the evaluative observations made under Teaching-Learning and Evaluation in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon? The evaluative observations made under „Teaching, Learning and Evaluation‟ in the previous assessment report have been favourable and the college has strived hard to stand up to the observations. 2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Teaching-Learning and Evaluation? Systematic planning, timely completion of syllabus and maintaining consistently good university exam results are some of the quality sustenance drives of this college. Criterion III RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 87 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 3.1 3.1.1 1) 2) 3) 4) Promotion of Research Is there a Research Committee to facilitate and monitor research activity? If yes, give details on its activities, major decisions taken (during last year) and composition of the Committee. Yes, A research committee is formed in this college to facilitate and monitor research activity. The composition of the committee is as under: 1) Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil Chairperson 2) Dr. B. P. Naik Member 3) Dr. V. A. Mane Member 4) Dr. S. K. Khot Member 5) Dr. Smt. B. S. Puntambekar Member The major decisions taken by the committee are as under : Research culture is to be developed in the college. Members of the teaching faculty are to be encouraged to prepare Major/Minor Research Projects. Eligible members of the teaching faculty are to be encouraged to apply for Teacher Fellowship under Faculty Improvement Programme of the UGC during the Eleventh Plan period. Students in the departments such as Environmental Studies and Geography are to be encouraged and guided to complete project works which will acquaint the students with research culture. 3.1.2 How does the institution promote faculty participation in research? ( providing seed money, research grants, leave , other facilities) The principal of the college encourages prospective investigators to prepare and submit Minor Research Projects. Part time research scholars are granted leave during non-teaching days in order to enable them to pursue their research activities. 3.1.3 Does the institutional budget have a provision for research and development? If yes, give details. No 3.1.4. Does the institution promote participation of students in research activities? If yes, give details. Students are encouraged to prepare project reports in order to create research attitude. Project works are undertaken by group of students of Environmental Studies and Geography. Students enrolled for Rural Journalism and Personality Development undertake project works. 3.1.5. What are the major research facilities developed on the campus? 88 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 The college facilitates researchers with library facilities. ebooks, reference books, periodicals and journals in different disciplines. 3.1.6 Give details of the initiatives taken by the institution for collaborative research ( with national/ foreign Universities/ Research/Scientific organizations / Industries / NGOs) NIL 3.2. Research and Publication Output. 3.2.1. Give details of research guides and research students of institution ( No. of student registered for Ph.D. and M. Phil. fellowship / scholarship funding agency Ph. D and M. Phil. awarded during last five years, major achievements etc. This being an undergraduate college, we have no Ph. D. and M. Phil. students. However, the principal of this college Dr. T. S. Patil is a recognized research guide for M. Phil. and Ph. D. of Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik and Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 3.2.2 Give details of following: a) Departments recognized as research centres : NIL b) Faculty recognized as research guides : Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil (History) c) Priority areas for research : NIL d) Ongoing faculty Research Projects (minor and major projects, funding from the Government, UGC, DST, CSIR, AICTE, Industry, NGO or International agencies) : Nil 1) Dr. N. V. Kesarkar Head, Dept. of Hindi, is currently working on a minor research project in Hindi funded by the UGC. Recently, he is transferred to another unit. 2) Prof. Smt. S. J. Awale Head, Dept. of Marathi was sanctioned minor research project by the U. G. C. She is transferred to another unit. e) Ongoing Students Research Projects (title, duration, funding agency, total funding received for the project) : NIL 3.2.3 What are the major achievements of research activities of the institution (Findings contributed to subject knowledge to industry needs, community development, patent etc.) Appendix No. ? 89 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 3.2.4. Are there research papers published in referred journals by the faculty? If yes, give details for the last five years including citation index and impact factor. Chart showing Research paper publications of the faculty Name of the Sr. Name of the Year of Title of the research paper research No. faculty publication journal Shivaji Vidyapeeth Kolhapur sansthanatil Itihas Parishad 2007-08 satyashodhak chalwal (A Research Journal) Mahatma Gandhi hatyeche "Trajectory" Prin. 1 Kolhapurmadhye umatlele Rayat Shodh 2011 Dr. T. S. Patil padsad Patrika, Satara. Shivaji Vidyapeeth Gunhegarkranti Aani Rajarshi Itihas Parishad 2008-09 Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj (A Research Journal) Samajwadi Prof. Vibhawari Shirurkar Vyakti Aani 2 Prabodhini, 2011 Dr. B. P. Naik Wangmay Ichalkaranji 3 Prof. Dr. V. A. Mane Evaluation of H. R. A. in selected CCS : A Study in Kolhapur District Kolhapur Zillayatil Nivdak Grahak Sahakari Sansthancha Abhayas Maharashtra Co-operative Quarterly, Pune Sahakar Jagat, Pune 2010 (June) Shetmalachya Vipananatil Samsya va Upayayojana Sahakar Jagat, Pune 2010 (December) "Wordsworth's "Tintenn Abbey" : An Ecocritical Interpretation" 4 Prof. N. J. Dahale Slumdog Millionaire : An Image of 'India Discriminated' Through Dialogues Journal of Shivaji University, Kolhapur Synthesis : International Indian Journal of English Language & Literature, Bhopal 90 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2010 (March) 2008 2009 Kusumavatincha Kalavichar Jagtikikaran va Marathi Grameen Sahitya Pudhil Avhane Prof. 5 D. G. Sontakke Yogwani Prakashan Sangh, Nagpur Kirti Publications, Mumbai 2006 2007 Sahitya Samikchecha Sanskrutik Drushtikon Lalit, Mumbai 2007 Lokshhityatil Sandnya Pravah Padmagandha Publication, Mumbai 2007 Sacmevarcha Bhashavad Maharashtra Abhyas Parishad, Pune 2008 Sthalantar Jagnyache ani Sanskrutichehi Padmagandha Publication, Mumbai 2008 Mardhekaranche Saundaryashashtra Nirmiti Prakriya : Ek Alekh Arun Prabhune Gaurav Granth 2009 Maharashtrache Kalajivahu Sarkar Swapna Nagavi Dipotsar, Karad 2010 3.2.5 Give list of publication of the faculty? a) Books b)Articles c) Conference/Seminar Proceedings d)Course materials (for Distance Education) d) Software packages or other learning materials e) Any other (specify) Sr. Name of the Year of Book/Articles cource materials etc. No. faculty publication 1 2 Prin. Dr. T. S. Patil Prof. "Bharatiya Musalmananche Bharatiya Vikasatil Yogdan" 2003 "Andhashraddha Aani Khulya Samajuti" 1986 "Prof. Dr. N. D. Patil Vyakti Aani Karya" 2003 "Vimuktayan" (Bharatachya Samajvikasatil Musamanancha Vata) "Samarthyacha Swar" 2003 91 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2001 D. G. Sontakke "Samaleshacha Antaswar" 2001 SIM for M. A. Part I and II 3 Prof. Dr. S. K. Khot 4 Prof. G. G. Chavan 5 Prof. Dr. B. P. Naik "Lokmata Ahilyabai Holkar" 2008 "Shivani Ke Upanyasome Samaj" 2009 "Salam Stri Shakti" 2009 "Maithilisharan Gupt Ke Yashodhara Kavya Ka Anushilan" Co-author of B. A. II English Compulsory Text Co-author of SIM of B. A. II English Compulsory 2010 2008-09 SIM for M. A. Part II 3.3 Consultancy 3.3.1. List the broad areas of consultancy services provided by the Institution during the last five years (free of cost and/or remunerative). Who are the beneficiaries of such consultancy? Dept. of Psychology of this college provides free consultancy to the needy students regarding their personal and domestic problem. The students are the beneficiaries of this service. 3.3.2 How does the institution publicize the expertise available for consultancy services? Faculty involved in the consultancy services are not professionals and the chief beneficiaries of the services are the students of the college. The services are made available to the needy free of cost. Hence, the institute does not publicise expertise available. 3.3.3 How does the institution reward the staff for the consultation provided by them? The college administration recognized the services extended by the faculty involved and they are spared from other extra work in order to facililate them to concentrate on the consultancy services. 3.3.4 How does the institution utilize the revenue generated through consultancy services? The consultancy services are free of cost. 3.4 Extension Activities 3.4.1 How does the institution promote the participation of students and faculty in extension activities? (NSS, NCC, YRC and other NGOs) 92 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2011 The college has two NSS units of 100 volunteers each. At the beginning of the academic year the senior faculty members including the principal pay visits to various classes informing the students about the importance of NSS activities and camps and the value of social service that emnates through these activities. 3.4.2 What are the outreach programmes organized by the institution? How are they integrated with the academic curricula? The college organizes outreach programmes entitled, “College at your Doorsteps” which includes lectures on current topics. The Board of Extra Mural Activities helps to organize these programmes. 3.4.3 How does the institution promote college-neighborhood network in which students acquire attitude for service and training, contributive to community development? The college reaches the community through its NSS activities and Vivek Vahini activities. In the year 2008 the college NSS students took part in the „Sampurna Swachhata Abhiyan‟ (Complete Cleanliness Campaign) of the Shivaji University, Kolhapur in collaboration with Zilla Parishad, Kolhapur. The students dug the pits for the construction of toilet in Hupari and Rendal and conducted a literacy survey as well. A group of 15 students presented a street play highlighting the importance of cleanliness. The district authorities admired the play and organized its presentation in many villages in the district. The street play was written and directed by Prof. D. G. Sontakke. Another major project undertaken by the college is „Aajeevan Adhyayana Prakriya‟ (i. e. Life time learning process), an experimental project, assigned to the college by Adult and Countinuing Education and Extension Work Department, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. A group of students from this college conducted a literacy survey of Talandage, a neighbouring village, and came out with shocking results. More than two thousand residents of the village were detected to be tatally illiterate in spite of the fact that the village has been declared to have 100% literacy by the Zilla Parishad, Kolhapur. Now, a group of 50 students of this college have been given rigorous training by State Literacy Resource Centre, Pune to undertake Adult Literacy Campaign in the village. If the campaign succeeds the Shivaji University wishes to submit it to the Govt. of India as a module for Rural Leteracy Campaign for other villages in India. 3.4.4 What are the initiatives taken by the institution to have a partnership with University / Research institutions / Industries / NGOs etc. for extension activities? 93 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 The college organized the poster competition – exhibition entitled, “Bali-Raja” on the theme of suicides committed by frustrated farmers in 2006‟ Daily „Sakal‟ was the media publicity sponser. NSS unit of the college took active part in „Nirmal Gram Yojana‟ campaign of the district administration. Highest number of pits for toilets were dug by the students of this college. The villages in which these pits were dug were awarded Nirmal Gram status by the State Government. 3.4.5 How has the local community benefited by the institution? (Contribution of the institution through various extension activities, outreach programmes, partnering with NGOs and GOs) The local community is made aware of the importance of cleanliness through the Nirmal Gram Campaign in which the college students took active part. Activities of Vivek Vahini developed scientific attitude, eradication of blind beliefs and making the community aware against some social evils. All activities of NSS are community centred. 3.4.6 How has the institution involved the community in its extension activities? (Community participation in institutional development, institution-community networking etc.) As and when the NSS camps are organized in the neighbouring villages, the villagers as well as the GOs and NGOs extend their helping hand in all possible ways for making the camps successful. 3.4.7 Any awards or recognition received by the faculty / students / Institution for the extension activities? The faculty as well as the students have been given certificates by the university as well as by the district administration for their noteworthy contribution in Nirmal Gram Campaign. Prof. S. M. Gawade is honoured with “Jalmitra” award of the Govt. of Maharashtra for his noteworthy contribution in Water Awareness Campaign in Kolhapur District. 3.5 3.5.1 Collaborations Give details of the collaborative activities of the institution with the following organizations: Local bodies/community : All NSS activities are conducted with the help of the local administration (Village Panchayat) and the district administration (Zilla Parishad). These activities include Nirmal Gram Campaign, Cleanliness Programmes, Awareness Rallies, etc. 94 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Involvement of the community in the NSS activieties is the prime feature of NSS. The villages in which the NSS camps and activities were arranged extended full support. The college organizes a poster competition-exhibition in 200607 on the theme “Bali-Raja‟ in collaboration with one of the leading newspapers „Sakal‟ which gave wide publicity to the endeavour. * State : NIL * National : NIL * International : NIL * Industry :NIL * Service Sector : NIL * Agriculture Sector : NIL * Administrative agencies : NIL * Any other (specify) : The college organizes a blood donation camp on NSS Day every year in collaboration with Chhatrapati Premilaraje Civil Hospital, Kolhapur. 3.5.2. How has the institution benefited from the collaboration? a) Curriculum development : NIL b) Internship : NIL c) On-the-job training : NIL d) Faculty exchange and development : NIL e) Research : NIL f) Consultancy : NIL g) Extension : NIL All extension activities of the NSS unit conducted in collaboration with the local and the district administration were beneficial to the college. The students developed a sense of doing something for others and the attitude of the community towards the college has developed positively. h) Publication : NIL i) Student Placement Students of the college find it easy in seeking jobs in the local silver industry. Almost every student of this college is a skilled craftsman in the silver industry and aware of his indebtedness to the college. Generous amounts of donations have been received from the alumni and the other stakeholders for the ongoing construction project of the college building. 3.5.3 Does the institution have any MOU/MoC/ mutually beneficial agreements signed with 95 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 * * * 3.6. 3.6.1 Other academic institutions : Recently, the college has signed an agreement with Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu College, Kolhapur for academic activities. Industry : NIL Other agencies : NIL Best Practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension What are the significant innovations / good practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension activities of the institution? Until recently the college did not have the UGC recognition. However, the college administration encouraged the faculty to pursue research as a part-time researcher as the Shivaji University is in the vicinity of the college. The college received UGC recognition in January, 2008 and ever since the faculty is being encouraged to forward proposals under FIP of the UGC. Prof. Smt. S. C. Khole is deputed for her Ph. D. in History. Three faculty members have forwarded their proposals for Minor Research Projects to the UGC. Another noteworthy activity of the college is its Vivek Vahini inspired by the former chairperson of the Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara and renowned educationist Dr. N. D. Patil. It is through the activities of the Vahini that the college tries to eradicate blind beliefs and develop scientific attitude among the students and the community. For Re-accreditation: 1. What were the evaluative observations made under Research, Consultancy and Extension in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon? In the previous assessment report there is a remark that the college provides no facility to the faculty for pursuing their research activity. The college at the time of its first accreditation was not included in the UGC list of 2(f) and 12 (B) status. Deputation of faculty under FIP of the UGC was not possible, however, the faculty was encouraged to pursue research. The college acquired the status of 2(f) and 12 (B) in January, 2008 and the college has encouraged the faculty to forward proposals under FIP of the UGC. Out of 17 permanent teachers five have completed Ph. D. and seven have completed M. Phil. and four have registered for Ph. D. A few temporary faculty members are also pursuing research. 96 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Research, Consultancy and Extension? The college has formed Research Committee which helps the faculty in preparing proposals for FIP as well as Minor Research Projects of the UGC. College forwarded two minor research projects to the UGC and both were sanctioned but the faculty concered got transferred to other unit of the parent institute. Two faculty members have submitted their proposals for the award of Teacher Fellowship and one proposal is approved. Three more proposals for Minor Research Projects have been forwarded to the UGC for consideration. Criterion IV INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 4.1 Physical Facilities 4.1.1 What are the infrastructure facilities available for (a) Academic activities? A spacious building consisting adequate number of classrooms, administrative complex, library, studyroom are the infrastructural facilities available. (b) Co-curricular activities? The new building provides space for a computer lab, night study room, conference hall, auditorium. (c) Extra –curricular activities and sports? An inbuilt dias for extra-curricular activities, sports room, sports grounds, NSS department, are the infrastructural facilities available in the college. 4.1.2. Enclose the Master Plan of the college campus indicating the existing physical infrastructure and the projected future expansions. Master Plan of the college campus enclosed: Appendix No.II 97 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 6.1.3 Has the institution augmented the infrastructure to keep pace with its academic growth? If yes, specify the facilities and the amount spent during the last five years. Yes. At the time of the first accreditation the college was housed in a highschool building of the parent institute. Now, a separate and spacious college building is complete. In the last five years an amount of about 75,00,000 has been spent on the construction of the college building. The total budget of the college building is 1 crore. Funds are awaited from the UGC for the completion of the construction. 4.1.4 Does the institution provide facilities like common room, separate rest rooms for women students and staff? Yes How does the institution plan and ensure that the available infrastructure is optimally utilized? The available infrastructure is used for regular Arts and Commerce faculty classes in the morning session and the P. G. classes and shortterm courses are held in the afternoon. 4.1.5 4.1.6 How does the institution ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the requirements of the differently-abled students? The college provides ramp on the ground floor to ensure easy entry for the differently abled students. 4.2 Maintenance of Infrastructure 4.2.1. What is the budget allocation for the maintenance of (last year‟s data) a) Land : 20,000=00 b) Building : 50,000=00 c) Furniture : 2,500=00 d) Equipment : 58570=00 e) Computers : 14,630=00 f) Vehicles : Nil 4.2.2 How does the institution ensure optimum utilization of budget allocated for various activities? There is a Budget Committee in the college which prepares annual allocation of the budget and at the end of the financial year it takes a recap of the situation whether expenditure is done as per the allocation. The activities of the committee are conducted under the supervision and guidance of the principal and the accounts section. 98 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 4.2.3 Does the institution appoint staff for maintenance and repair? If not, how are the infrastructure facilities, services and equipment maintained? No. For maintenance and repair of equipments, furniture and infrastructure services are hired. 4.3. Library as a Learning Resource. 4.3.1. Does the library have a Library Advisory Committee? What are its major responsibilities? Yes. Responsibilities of the Library Advisory Committee : i) Finalising the library budget, ii) Inviting requirements of books/reference books from departments, iii) Selection of books; iv) Placing order for books; v) Providing Book Bank facility; vi) Providing Special book borrowing facilities to meritorious students sports persons and students in „Study Circle‟ scheme. vii) Motivating innovative practices in library services. viii) Catering to the grievances about library facilities. 6.1.4 How does the library ensure access, use and security of materials? Students are encouraged to write demand slips, book issue registered are maintained for staff and students separately, annual stock taking is done and damaged books are sent for binding. There is a display facility for new books and students are encouraged to borrow them. 4.3.3. What are the various support facilities available in the library? (Computers, internet, band width, reprographic facilities etc.) Support facilities available in the library. 1) Computer - Yes 2) Internet - Yes 3) Band width - Yes 4) Reprographic facility - Yes 4.3.4 How does the library ensure purchase and use of current titles, important journals and other reading materials? Specify the amount spent on new books and journals during the last five years. The Library Advisory Committee and the heads of the departments meet from time to time to decide the purchase and display of books and journals. Catalogues of books received from various publishers are referred to for choosing current titles and quality reading material. The amount spent on the purchase of new books and journals is as detailed below : 99 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Sr. No. 1. 2. 6.1.5 4.3.6 6.1.6 Particulars New Books Journals Years 2005-06 64637 3380 2006-07 33827 2630 2007-08 30679 2990 2008-09 20665 3320 2009-10 57496 2820 Give details on the access of the on–line and internet services in the library to the students and faculty? (hours, frequency of use, subscription, licensed software etc.) This facility is newly installed in the college. Hours 8 hrs. Frequency of use 60 per day Licensed software MKCL Library Software Subscription Free of cost Are the library services computerized? If yes, to what extent? The library services of the college are only partially computerized. It is likely to be completed in a couple of months. Does the institution make use of INFLIBNET/DELNET/IUC facilities? If yes give details. No. 4.3.8 What initiatives are taken by the library staff to enrich the faculty and students with its latest acquisitions? Display of the new arrivals in the library is made available for students and staff. Classified registers of books are kept ready. Catalogues of books are updated. Computerization of library facilities is in process. 4.3.9 Does the library have interlibrary borrowing facility? If yes, give details of the facility Yes. This college has interlibrary borrowing facility with a neighbouring college Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu College, Kolhapur which is also run by our parent institute. A few rare books and reference books are exchanged when needed. 4.3.10. What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visuallyand physically- challenged persons? Special facilities are not yet provided to the visually and physically challenged persons. 4.3.11. List of infrastructural development of the library over the last two years? 100 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 At the time of the first accreditation the library was accommodated in a single room but, now the new college building provides adequate space for the library, reading room, study room for the students and the staff, issuing counter, reprographic facility etc. 4.3.12. What other information services are provided by the library to its users? Internet access is made available to the students and staff. 4.4. ICT as Learning Resources 4.4.1 Does the Institution have up-to-date computer facility? If yes, give details on the available hardware and software (Number of computers, computer-students ratio, stand alone facility, LAN facility, configuration, licensed software etc.) Yes. 1) Number of computers : 43 2) Computer-students ratio : 1:18 3) Stand Alone Facility : No 4) LAN facility : Yes 5) Configuration : Yes 6) Licenced software : MKCL (Admission & Library) 4.4.2. Is there a central computing facility? If yes, how is it utilized for staff to students? Central computing facility is there in the college. It is utilized by the students under the guidance of the staff. 4.4.3 How are the faculty facilitated to prepare computer-aided teaching/ learning materials? What are the facilities available in the college for such efforts? The faculty is encouraged to prepare presentation material for computer-aided teaching. The college has an LCD projector which is used for the purpose. 4.4.4 Does the Institution have a website? How frequently is it updated? Give details. The college shares its website with the parent institute‟s website. It is updated periodically. 4.4.5 How often does the institution plan and upgrade its computer systems? What is the provision made in the annual budget for update, development and maintenance of the computers in the institution? 101 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Computer system is recently installed in the college upgradation of the system is undertaken as per the needs. Funds for maintenance of the computers are allocated in the 11th Plan proposal. 4.4.6. How are the computers and their accessories maintained? (AMC etc.) Maintenance services of computers and accessories are hired. 4.5 Other Facilities 4.5.1 Give details of the following facilities: a) Capacity of the hostels (to be given separately for boys and girls): So far there was no hostel facility for boys and girls. However, the UGC approved the proposal for the construction of the Women‟s Hostel and the first installment worth Rs. 30,00,000/- is sanctioned. The construction of the hostel is in process. The detailed facilities of the hostel would be as under : b) Occupancy : 30 c) Rooms in the hostel (to be given separately for boys and girls) : 18 d) Recreational facilities : No e) Sports and Games (Indoor and Outdoor) facilities : IndoorGames : NIL Outdoor : Volley ball, Kabbaddi, Football. 6.1.7 Health and Hygiene (Health Care Centre, Ambulance, Nurse, Qualified Doctor) (Full time/ Part time etc.) : NIL 4.5.2 How does the institution ensure participation of women in intraand inter- institutional sports competitions and cultural activities? Women students in the college are encouraged to take part in intra and inter institutional sports competitions and cultural activities through oral ounseling to them and their parents. They are also given exhaustive coaching by the concerned faculty. 4.5.3 Give details of the common facilities available with the Institution (Staff room, day care centre, common room for students, rest rooms, health centre, vehicle parking, guest house, Canteen, telephone, internet I, transport, drinking water etc.) * Staff room - Yes * Day Care Centre - No * Common Room for Students – Boys : No Girls : Yes * Rest Rooms – Yes * Health Centre – No 102 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 * * * * * * * Vehicle Parking – Yes Guest House – Yes Canteen – No Telephone – Yes Internet Café – No Transport – No Drinking Water – Yes 4.6 Best Practices in Infrastructure and Learning Resources 4.6.1 What innovations/best practices in „Infrastructure and Learning Resources‟ are in vogue or adopted/adapted by the institution? As the college is located in rural area majority of the students come from lower income group. The college helps the needy students with additional library services. „Study Circle‟ is one such scheme under which a group of students belonging to a department or a group preparing for a certain topic are given reference books of their concerned topic. This facility is apart from the regular borrower‟s card facility. „Book Bank Facility‟ is for poor, talented students and sportspersons. For Re-accreditation: 1.What were the evaluative observations made under Infrastructure and Learning Resources in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon? The NAAC Peer Team of the first accreditation insisted on a separate building for the college and the college has constructed a separate building which provides adequate number of classrooms, administrative units and specious library with reading room facility. Effort is made to expand the library in terms of the number of books as well. The approximate cost of the construction of college building is Rs. 1 Crore. Almost 80% of the construction work is complete. The college has received generous donations from the alumni and other stakeholders. Adequate budget allocation is made for books, journals, e-learning facility, Internet connectivity and reprographic facility in the 11th Plan period. 6.1.8 What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and 103 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Accreditation with regard to Infrastructure and Learning Resources? Taking into account the need of the students the college has started eight sefl-financing short-term courses which would increase their employability. The college has also started M. Com. Programme from June 2009 and also started B. A. Part III English Special on non-grant basis. Permission for the same is granted by the university as well as the Govt. of Maharashtra. Criterion V STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 5.1 Student Progression 5.1.1 Give the socio-economic profile (General, SC/ST, OBC etc.,) of the students of the last two batches. This college has a relatively higher proporation of SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) and minority students. The following statistics of enrolment of the last two years supports the claim : Sr. Academic Total No. No. of students Percentage of No. year of students belonging to SC/ST/OBC & SC/ST/OBC & Minority students Minorities 1. 2008-09 599 221 36.89 2. 2009-10 734 186 25.34 Majority of the students belonging to the above categories are from low income group. 5.1.2. What are the efforts made by the Institution to minimize the dropout rate and facilitate the students to complete the course? The college conducts the remedial coaching classes for key subjects such as English and Accountancy for the slow learners. Daily attendance records are maintained and absentee of the students is communicated to their parents. Personal appeal is made to the parents of the female students who tend to curtail the education of their wards after their marriage. Financial help is also extended to needy students. All these efforts aim at minimizing the dropout rate and facilitate the students to complete the course. 5.1.3. On an average, what percentage of the students progress to further studies and for employment? Give details for the last two years. (UG to PG to Ph. D and /or to employment) 104 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Progression to further study from UG to PG The percentage of student progression is as under : Sr. No. Academic year From UG to PG 1. 2. 2008-09 2009-10 From Graduation to Employment 123 Majority of our students turn to their ancestral silver ornaments making industry after their graduation. In other words, they turn to self-employment. 5.1.4 How does the institution facilitate the placement of its outgoing students? What proportion of the graduating students has been employed? (Average of last five years). The Placement Cell in the college guides the outgoing students about the employment opportunities. Graduates of the college aspiring competitive examinations are given library services. The average proportion of the graduating students that have been employed in the last five years is 8.83%. 5.1.5 How does the institution facilitate and support students for appearing and qualifying in various competitive examinations? Give details on the number of students coached, appeared and qualified in various competitive examinations (Average of last five years) (UGC-CSIR-NET, SLET, GATE, CAT, GRE, TOFEL, GMAT, Civil Services- IAS,IPS,IFS, Central/State services etc. ) This is only an undergraduate college. Hence, none of our students appeared for examinations such as NET, SELT, TOFEL, etc. However, this college has Competitive Examination Cell which provides books and journals to those students who want to face competitive examinations after their graduation. The college conducts a competitive exam. Of Karmaveer Vidya Prabodhini of our parent institute which provides the necessary grounding for the competitive examinations. Lectures by eminent speakers on how to prepare for competitive examinations are also organized in the college. The college also conducts workshops, on themes such as „How to Face an Interview‟ and the like. Similarly, the college runs a Pre-recruitment Training Programme for Entry in Army and Police service. 5.1.6 Give a comparative analysis of the institutional academic performance with reference to other colleges of the affiliating University and the university average. ( Pass percentage, Distinctions, Gold medals and University Ranks, Marks obtained in relation to university average etc.(Last five years‟ data) 105 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 The academic performance of this college has been on par with and occasionally better than the university results. We have rank holders and we also have considerable number of first class and distinction holders. The college results are noteworthy in one more sense as we have open admission system. We don‟t have merit lists and cut off lists. The following chart shows the academic performance of students in this college. Sr. No. Academic year 1 2005-06 2 2006-07 3 2007-08 4 2008-09 5 2009-10 Class Distinctions Ranks B. A. III B. Com. III B. A. III B. Com. III B. A. III B. Com. III B. A. III B. Com. III B. A. III B. Com. III 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Passing Percentage College 75.40% 90.27% 91.86% 88.57% 83.92% 91.37% 87.50% 79.10% 74% 85.45% Univeristy 65.08% 82.72% 74.66% 82.26% 74.34% 88.37% 77.47% 66.55% 66.55% 78.10% 5.2. Student Support 5.2.1. Does the institution publish its updated prospectus, handbook and other student information material annually? If yes, what is the information disseminated to students through these publications? The college publishes its updated prospectus at the beginning of each academic year. The major contents of the prospectus are academic programmes available for the students, details of course structure along with subject combinations, optional subjects under each programme, rules and regulations of discipline, general code of conduct, admission rules, fee structure, financial aids, endowment prizes and scholarships, student support services, other academic facilities, information regarding NSS and Dattak- Palak Yojan (Student Adoption Scheme) etc. The college also publishes its annual magazine, “Karmarajat” which highlights the activities undertaken by the college and disseminates programmes and policies of the college and the parent institute to the students. 5.2.2 Does the institution provide financial aid to students? If yes, specify the type and number of scholarships/ freeships given to the students during the last academic year by the institution (other than those provided by the social welfare departments of the State or Central Governments). 106 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 The college provides financial aid to needy students. Last year students were given financial help from the Students‟ Aid Fund of the college. Members of the teaching faculty collected fund for the diet of a sportsperson of the college who was incidently the UR of the college who was selected for inter-university wrestling competition. Meritorious students are given cash prizes and shields by stakeholders who keep permanent deposit with the college. The interest of the amount is given to students in the form of cash prizes. 5.2.3. Give details of schemes for student welfare? (Insurance, subsidized canteen facilities, special diets, student ounseling support, “Earn While You Learn” scheme etc.) There is a scheme for student welfare. It is „Students Insurance Scheme‟ under which each student pays Rs. 15/- each year and is entitled to receive medical help upto Rs. 1,00,000/- during the concerned academic year. “Earn while you Learn” is a special feature of the parent institute. The college appeals to the local silver industrialists to provide part-time jobs to the poor needy students of the college. These jobs enable the students to complete their education. 5.2.4. What types of support services are available to overseas students? As there are no overseas students in the college there is no provision of support services for such students. 5.2.5. Give details of the Placement and Counselling services for the students. Placement Cell is at work in the college which makes the students aware of the available job opportunity and motivates them to apply for the same. Occasionally, campus interview on behalf of an industry in the neighbourhood is arranged. This cell contacts the locals, silver industrialists and appeals them to employ students of this college. The guidance and Counseling Cell gives free counseling to the students in their academic as well as personal problems. This counseling is purely informal and is led by the faculty member teaching Psychology. A few students facing the problems of stress and mental disturbance have been counseled successfully and one particular student named Miss. Suvarna Yashwant Bhagwat was properly counseled and was saved from being a dropout from the system. She has successfully completed her graduation with first class. 5.2.6. How does the institution encourage and develop entrepreneurial skills among the students? 107 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 The college encourages entrepreneurial skills among the students in general and commerce students in particular by ounseling lectures of eminent scholars in the fields. In the year 2008-09 the college organized a one day workshop on “How to be a Successful Entrepreneur” and the response from the students was encouraging. 5.2.7. Does the faculty participate in academic and personal ounseling? If yes, give details on services provided during the last academic year? Yes. The college has deviced novel scheme for academic and personal counseling of students. The scheme is called “Dattak-Palak Yojana” otherwise called “Students Adoption Scheme”. Under this scheme each faculty member adopts a group of 40 to 45 students each year. Periodic meetings of the group are held in which the students voice their academic as well as personal problems. The parent teacher in charge of the group tries to find solutions to the problem. The parent teacher also meets the parents of the students in his group and communicates academic progress of the students. Effort is made to minimize the distance between the students and the teachers. 5.2.8. Is there a separate guidance and ounseling centre for women students? If yes, enumerate the activities of the centre. No. 5.2.9 Is there a Cell /Committee constituted for prevention/ action against sexual harassment of women students? If yes, details of its constitution and enumerate its activities (issues addressed during the last two years) Yes. The Cell constitutes the following members : 1) Principal Dr. T. S. Patil Chairperson 2) Shri. G. G. Chavan Member 3) Dr. Smt. B. S. Puntambekar Member 4) Shri. P. A. Patil Member 5) Smt. Meenatai Mansingrao Desai Member 6) Adv. Aruna Algure Legal Advisor The college organized a speech by Prin. Adv. Mangala Badadare, New Law College, Kolhapur explaining the meaning and the extent of punishment for sexual harassment in educational institutions. No such issues have been addressed so far. 5.2.10. Does the institution have a grievance redressal cell? If yes, what are its functions? Detail the major grievances redressed during the last two years. 108 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 There is a Grievance Redressal Cell in the college. The college keeps a suggestion box and the students put their grievances in the box. The box is periodically opened and the grievances are attended to. The principal of the college maintains „An Open Door Policy‟ which provides an access to the principal‟s cabin. The students communicate their grievances to the principal who attends to them personally. 5.2.11. Is there a provision for acquiring computer skills / literacy for all students, in the curriculum? If yes, give details of how it is imparted, and level of proficiency. Though there is no provision for acquiring computer skills in the curriculum, the students acquire computer literacy privately. The college has set up a computer lab which provides access to computers to all the students and majority of students have basic knowledge in computer operation. The Department of Accountancy takes special efforts to improve the computer literacy of the average students. 5.2.12. What value-added courses are introduced by the institution to develop life skills; career training; community orientation; good citizenship and personality development of students? After going through the socio-economic conditions of the surrounding area from which the college students come, the college felt the urge of introducing the following self-financing, careeroriented, life skills developing courses. 1. A Certificate Course in Rural Journlism. 2. A Certificate Course in Computerised Accounting. 3. A Certificate Course in Pre-Primary Teachers‟ Training 4. A Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar. 5. Pre-Recruitment Orientation Course for the students seeking entry in Army and Police. 6. A Certificate Course in Music. (Sugam Sangeet) 7. A Certificate Course in Personality Development. 8. A Certificate Course in Travel & Tourism. 9. A Certificate Course in Tally The courses are expected to supplement the conventional education and also expected to increase the employability of the students. 5.2.13. How does the institution ensure safety and security of the students, faculty and the institutional assets? Students of the college are day-scholars. The discipline committee of the college looks after the safety and security of the students and the staff. For the safety of the institutional asset a night watchman is appointed. 109 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 5.3. Student Activities 5.3.1. Does the institution have an Alumni Association? If yes, 6.1.9 List its current office bearers : The current office bearers of the Association are as under : Sr. No. Names of Office Bearers Designation 1. Shri. Ajit Nemgonda Patil President 2. Shri. Shivraj Sadashiv Naik Vice-President 3. Nilesh Ashok Mali Vice-President 4. Shri. Sunil Chandrakant Barage Treasurer 5. Shri. Anil Prakash Bhandare Member 6. Shri. Sohail Shoukat Jamadar Member 7. Shri. Rohit Ravsaheb Kumbhar Member 8. Shri. Vinayak Anandrao Ranbhare Member 9. Shri. Sudarshan Adinath Mhakan Member 10. Shri. Vinayak Vishwanath Chikhalage Member 11. Smt. Tejaswini Balasaheb Chougule Member 12. Shri. Sagar Ravsaheb Chougule Member 13. Shri. Dhanaji Yashwant Khemlapure Member 14. Shri. Ashok Shrikant Chougule Member 15. Adv. Smt. Aruna Algure Member 16. Adv. Smt. Rukmini Sadarekar Member 17. Shri. Sunil Purandar Gat Secretary 6.1.10 List its activities during the last two years: The construction of the college building is in process. In the meet of the Association the members unanimously resolved to help the college in its funds raising drive. The alumni themselves contributed to the building fund, besides, they have personally encouraged the prospective doners to donate funds to the construction work. 6.1.11 Give details of the top ten alumni occupying prominent positions : Sr. Name of the Alumnis Batch Position held No. 1. Shri. Chandrakant Hindalkar 2006-07 Regional Sales Manager, Vodafone 2. Shri. Sachin Shrikant More 2006-07 Copywriter,Intertrade Advertising Pvt. Ltd.,Kolhapur 3. Shri. Mahaveer Chandrakant 1993-94 Speaker, Taluka Patil Panchayat, Hatkanangale 4. Shri. Sachin Ananda Hupare 2005-06 Customer Service Associate, ICICI 110 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 5. Shri. Subhash Shankar Pujari 2005-06 6. Smt. Amruta Hindurao Kavathekar 2009-10 7. 8. Adv. Smt. Aruna Algure Shri. Shivanand Arvind Bhandare Shri. Shital Rajendra Kumbhar (N. R. I.) Shri. Anil Chandrakant Shirole 1994-95 2003-04 9. 10. 2007-08 2005-06 Prudential Life Insurance, Kolhapur Police Sub-Inspector, Kolhapur Village Development Officer, (Gramsevak), Jangamwadi Village Panchayat Lawyer, Kolhapur Assi. Professor Travel Manager, Saudi Arabia Farmer, Central Govt. Agriculture Award Winner 6.1.12 Give details of the contribution of alumni to the growth and development of the institution : Rayat shikshan Sanstha is a reputed educational institute in western Maharashtra. Alumni pays due respect to the institute in one way or the other. An alumnus of the parent institute Shri. Ashok Shendure, an NRI, has donated a generous sum of Rs. 40,00,000/- for the construction of the college building. One more doner namely Mr. Vasantrao Badave has donated Rs. 5,00,000/- for the construction of an auditorium in the college. The others have donated Rs. 536905/- for the same construction. 5.3.2 How does the institution encourage its students to participate in extra-curricular activities including sports and games? Give details on the achievements of students during the last two years. (Institution level/ inter-collegiate / Inter-University/ Inter-state/ National/ International) The college encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports and cultural activities. Outstanding sportspersons are given Special Bookbank facility, concession in fees and allowance for diet. The achievements of our sportpersons during the last two years are as under : 1. A girl player of Kabaddi team of the college Miss. Jyoti Narhari Mali was selected in the Kabaddi team of the Shivaji Unviersity, Kolhapur and performed at Inter-State University Meet „Ashwamedh‟ held at Jalgaon, Maharashtra (2007-08). 2. A wrestler of the college Shri. Mahesh Annaso Mudhale stood first at Inter-zonal in Wrestling event in the Shivaji University, 111 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Kolhapur and was selected in the University Team at national level (2008-09). 3. A student of the college Shri. Mahesh Shivaji Banadar Stood second at Inter-zonal competition in Yoga in the Shivaji Univeristy, Kolhapur (2008-09). 5.3.3 How does the institution involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine, and other material? List the major publications/ materials brought out by the students during the previous academic session. The college wishes to give scope to the creative instinct of the students. It publishes its annual magazine “Karmarajat” every year. The college is proud of the great success that „Karmarajat‟ (2007-08) has won the highly prestigious first prize of Marathi Abhyas Parishad, Pune in the category of state-level college magazine competition (Rural). The same issue stood second in the equally prestigious statelevel competition of college annuals organized by Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan, Mumbai. The quality of the issue is also recognized by Karmaveer Vidya Prabodhini of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara. It stood third at the Sanstha level magazine competition. Five articles of the same issue received awards at university level competition as well. The 2008-09 issue won the first prize at the institute level and the 2009-10 issue won three prizes for individual articles. The college also publishes its wall magazine „Aksharban‟ on important occasions such as Independence Day, Republic Day, Birth – Death Anniversaries of epoch-making personalities, Hindi Diwas, etc. Selected articles of the wall paper are further considered for the annual magazine, “Karmarajat”. * 5.3.4 Does the institution have a Student Council or any similar body? Give details on its constitution, major activities and funding. The college has a student council chaired by the principal. The council includes representatives of each class who are the topers in their respective previous examinations, one representative each from sports, NSS and cultural departments, two students nominated by the principal, and the faculty members of the Gymkhana, NSS department and one faculty member nominated by the principal. All academic policies and developmental decisions are finalized by the council and the mechanism for working out the policies is also decided by the council. Vital policy decisions are taken unanimously by the council in the democratic spirit. There is no provision of separate funding for this body. 112 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 5.3.5 Give details of the various academic and administrative bodies and their activities (academic and administrative), which have student representations on them. The following academic and administrative bodies have student representation on them : 1. College Annual Magazine Committee. 2. College Wallpaper Committee. 3. NSS Committee. 4. Vivek Vahini. Student members of college Magazine and Wallpaper committee help the chairman of the committee in selecting and processing the literature. Student representative of the NSS committee helps the programme officer in organizing activities as well as special camp. Student members of the Examination Committee have a say in finalizing the dates of internal examinations. Student members of the Discipline Committee helps the chairman of the committee in maintaining discipline on college campus. 5.3.6 Does the institution have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and from employers, to improve the growth and development of the institution? No. 5.4. Best Practices in Student Support and Progression 5.4.1. Give details of institutional best practices towards Student Support and Progression. The noteworthy best practices of this college towards student support and progression are as under : 1. Dattak-Palak Yojana (Students‟ Adoption Scheme) 2. Free Counseling to students regarding academic and personal problems. 6.1.13 Student representation on academic bodies. For Re-accreditation: 1. What were the observations made under Student Support and Progression in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon? 113 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 In the report of the first accreditation the Peer Team insisted on exposure to computer to the studens. This year the college has introduced a computer course in Tally and COC in Computerised Accounting. The college has setup a computer lab for the course which also provides access to computers for students as well as teachers. Basic computer knowledge is provided to the students. Another observation of the NAAC peer team is about the need of improving language and communication skills. The college conducts remedial coaching class for students who are weaker in English. The college has also introduced a course of the Adult, Continuing and Extension Dept. Shivaji University, Kolhapur entitled, “Elementary Course in English for Communication” in order to help the students develop their communication skills. In 2010-11 the college has started A Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar. The college has forwarded a proposal to the UGC for establishment of UGC Network Resource Centre in the college. The centre will provide access to Internet connectivity. For Re-accreditation: 2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Student Support and Progression? The quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the college are as under : 1. A One Day Workshop on “Employment Opportunities for Women” 11/12/2007 2. A One Day Workshop on “Women‟s Empowerment” on 6/10/2007 3. A One Day Awareness Programme on “Women‟s Health” 27/12/2007 4. A Workshop on Preparing for Interview 22/11/2008 5. A Workshop on “Correct Usage and Job Opportunities in Proofreading in Marathi” 11/12/2008 6. A Workshop on “How to be a Successful Entrepreneur” 23/12/2008 7. Inter-collegiate Poster Competition and Exhibition “Bali-Raja” under the Lead-College Scheme 8/1/2007 8. One Day Workshop on “Communication Skills in English 22/02/2010 09. One Day Workshop on “Rural Development and Changing Life”. 16/2/2010 Under Lead College Scheme. 114 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 10. One Day Workshop on “Kavita Fulate Ashi” (i.e. Making of a poem) 21/2/2010 Under Lead College Scheme. 11. One Day Workshop on “Global Warming” 09/02/2010 collaboration with Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 6.1.14 One Day Workshop on “Communal Harmony and Secularism” 08/09/2010 In collaboration with Gandhian Studies Centre, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 13. One Day Workshop on “Human Life = Positive Approach” 11/12/2010 Under Lead College Scheme. 14. One Day Workshop on “Commerce Education and Entrepreneurial Opportunities” 24/12/2010 Under Lead College Scheme. 15. One Day Workshop on “Career Opportunities in Translation” 13/01/2011 Under Lead College Scheme. In response to the demand of the students and stakeholders and the recommendations of the NAAC Peer Team the college has started English at the B. A. Part III special level on non-grant basis. Criterion VI GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP 6.1 6.1.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership State the Vision and Mission statement of the institution and give details on how the institution a) ensures that the vision and mission of the institution is in tune with the objectives of the Higher Education policies of the Nation? The motto of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha is “Education through Self-helf” which highlights the values of self-reliance and dignity of labor. The mission of the parent institute in general and of this college in particular is as under : To provide educational facilities to the students of downtrodden, deprived and backward classes of the society. To prepare the students for further higher education. To promote education and enable the students to accept the challenges of the new era. To develop overall personality of students. 115 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 To inculcate values of social equality, feeling of brotherhood and self-help. Mass education, education of the depressed, deprived, and disadvantaged and value-based education and an education that equip the youths to face the challenges of the new age is the objective of higher education today. The mission of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha is in tune with the above mentioned objectives of higher education. 6.1.15 translates its vision statement into its activities? There is no denying the fact that Rayat Shikshan Sanstha has played a vital role in spreading education in nooks and crannies of inaccessible Maharashtra. It emphasized on the education of the rural masses, the poor, the downtroddens that really form the major bulk of society. It aimed at the upliftment of these masses. He believed that education alone could eradicate social evils and assured progress of the dispossessed. This college maintains transperancy in the admission process. There are no merit lists or cut off list. Admission is given to all eligible candidates without any discrimination. Equal opportunity is provided to all. The status of the rural poor is raised and their employability has increased. 6.1.16 Enumerate the Management‟s commitment, leadership role and involvement for effective and efficient transaction of the teaching learning processes? The management of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha is keen on valuebased education. The activities undertaken aim at inculcating values amoungst the students. As per the constitution of the parent institute a Higher Education Committee is formed which consists of all the principals of various colleges of the institute. Periodic meetings of this committee are held at the central office in Satara where policy decisions in higher education are taken democratically. Office bearers of the institute pay occasional visits to the colleges and take note of academic activities and make suggestions if needed for effective and efficient transactions of teaching-learning processes. 6.1.17 How does the management and head of the institution ensure that responsibilities are defined and communicated to the staff of the institution? The institution-specific decisions are taken centrally at the head office of the institute in the meet of the principals of colleges chaired by the chairperson and in the presence of the Secretary and the Joint secretary of the institute. The college specific decisions are taken by the local managing committee which has representation of the teaching 116 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 as well as non-teaching staff. The decisions of the Local Managing Committee are communicated to the staff in the staff meeting. The principal holds the meeting of the staff at the beginning of the academic year and forms various committees and assigns duties to each committee and monitors the smooth functioning of the committees. The academic and administrative work is shared by all the faculty members. 6.1.18 How does the management / head of the institutions ensure that adequate information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the management, to review the activities of the institution? The college annual magazine, “Karmarajat” highlights major academic activities conducted by the college. A copy of this magazine is circulated to all the office bearers of the institute. The institute also seeks reports of the special events undertaken by the college. Information sought in this manner helps the parent institute to review the activities of the college. 6.1.5 How does the Management encourage and support involvement of the staff for improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes? The parent institute encourages the staff to take part in the activities conducted by the institute. These include a lecture series on the occasion of death anniversary of the founder Late Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil. The activities of Karmaveer Vidya Prabohini such as RTS (Rayat Talent Search), quiz competition, prestigious state level Quiz and elocution competition held at Karmaveer Vidya Prabodhini, Satara. Staff of the college is also encouraged to write research papers. The faculty members in this college can opine in the meetings of the bodies in which they work which creates a sense of belonging. 6.1.6 Describe the leadership role of the head of the institution in the governance and management of the institution. The principal of this college leads by example. He himself is an academician and he organizes activities conducive to the overall progress of the college. He shares the college administrations with all faculty members and takes every major decision democratically. He encourages the staff to undertake research activities. For students he has „An Open Door‟ policy which provides easy access to his cabin and removes the sense of inhibition from the minds of the students. 117 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 6.2 : Organisational Arrangements : 6.2.1 Give the organizational structure and details of the academic and administrative bodies of institution. Give details of the meetings held, and the decisions taken by these bodies, regarding finance, infrastructure, faculty recruitment, performance evaluation of teaching and non teaching staff, research and extension activities, linkages and examinations held during last two years. Please see organizational structure of the institute and the college in Appendix No.III Meetings of the Higher Education Committee are held at the institute level which are attended by the principals. Various decisions taken in such meetings are communicated to the teaching and nonteaching staff either orally or by issuing a circular. Different administrative committees formed in the college hold separate meetings and take decisions. Some major decisions taken by some leading committees are as under: 1) The Building Committee as well as the LMC took a decision of constructing a separate college building and Women‟s Hostel building on the site allotted for the purpose. 2) The Finance Committee resolved to undertake a fund raising drive for the construction of the building. 3) The Research and Extension Committee decided to encourage the faculty to forward proposals to the UGC for the award of Teacher Fellowship and also Minor Research Project. Under extension programme a decision was taken to encourage the college NSS students to take part in the various social service activities. 6.2.2 To what extent is the administration decentralized? How dose the institution collaborate with different sections/ departments and personnel of the institution to improve the quality of its educational provisions? Administrative structure of the parent institute and also of the college is self-explanatory. It is decentralized and democratic. There are five administrative authorities at work at the institution level. These authorities share the administration at the institutional level and the Chairman of the institute is the highest executive authority. The secretary and the joint secretaries are selected from among the college and highschool administrators. Decentralized administration is there at the college level as well. The principal of the college shares the administration with heads of departments and chairpersons of various committees. 6.2.3. Does the institution have effective internal coordination and monitoring mechanisms? If yes, specify. 118 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 There is effective internal coordination in the parent institute as well as at the college level. The various branches of the institute are divided into five administrative regions and the monitoring is done centrally from the head office at Satara. Principals of the colleges are summoned to the head office for framing major policy decisions. Daily updates about the smooth functioning of the branches is communicated to the head office through internet. The institute has its own website which contains periodically updated information of all the branches. Internal coordination and monitoring mechanism exists at the college level. Faculty members belonging to various departments of the two streams share ideas, exchange help for successful organization of various programmes and activities. The principal is the motivating force who monitors administration of the college. 6.2.4. Dose the institution have Grievance Redressal for its employees? If yes, what are its functions? List the number of grievances redressed during the last two years. The parent institute has grievance redressal cell but its functioning is confidential. However, if an employee is found guilty and if it is proved he/she is punished and the punishment given to the employee concerned is communicated to all the branches annually. Grievances at the college level are sorted out orally by the principal and the steering committee. 6.2.5. How many times does the management meet the staff in an academic year? What are the major issues discussed during the last meeting? The meetings of the Local Managing Committee are held at least once every term. Three members of the teaching faculty and one from the non-teaching staff represent in the committee. The major issues discussed in the last meeting were about the academic progress of the college and various issues related to the construction of the college building. 6.2.6. Is there a Cell to prevent sexual harassment of women staff ? How effective is the functioning of the Cell? There is a Cell to prevent sexual harassment of women staff in the college. Members of the cell meet periodically. 6.3. Strategy Development and Deployment 6.3.1. Describe the procedure of developing the institutional plan. How are the teachers, students and administrators involved in planning process? The perspective institutional plan of the college is developed in the meeting of the Student Council and also in the meetings of the 119 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Local Managing Committee. In the Students Council there are students representatives from various classes and in the LMC there is representation of the teaching and non-teaching staff. 6.3.2. How are the objectives communicated and deployed to all levels, to ensure individual employee‟s contribution for the institutional development? The motto, the mission/objectives of the institute is permanently displayed on the placard in the college. The parent institute also circulates its annual report to all the branches. The parent institute also sends circulars to all the branches which highlight the objectives of the institute. These efforts ensure individual employee‟s contribution. The Banyan Tree the emblem of the parent institute reflects the existence and expansion of the institute at a glace. The staff of the college offers cash contribution to the institute for its development. 6.3.3. List the different committees constituted for the management of different institutional activities? Give details of the meetings held and the decisions taken, regarding academic management, finance, infrastructure, faculty, research, extension and linkages and examinations held during the last two years. The different committees constituted for the management of different activities are as under : 1) General Administration Committee 2) Admission Committee 3) Gymkhana Committee 4) National Social Service 5) Cultural Programme Committee 6) Short Term Courses Committee 7) Competitive Exam. & Karmaveer Vidya Prabodhani 8) College Annual „Karmarajat‟ Committee 9) Wallpaper „Aksharban‟ Committee 10) Library Committee 11) Staff Academy 12) Students‟ Adoption Scheme 13) Standing Committee 14) College Examination Committee 15) Literary Association 16) Quality Enhancement & Academic Development Committee 17) Placement Cell 18) Commerce Association 19) Building Committee 20) Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee 21) Vivek Vahini 120 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 22) 23) 24) 25) Research and Extension Committee Internal Quality Assurance Cell E-learning Committee College Campus Beautification Committee Major decisions taken by some of the committees are as under : 1) The General Admission Committee did annual planning and executed the same as per the academic calendar. 2) Building Committee resolved to raise fund to accelerate the construction of the college building and to start the construction of the Women‟s Hostel building. 3) Research and Extension Committee resolved to prepare and forward proposals for fellowship and Minor Research Projects. 4) Examination Committee resolved to organize internal examinations and conduct them seriously. 6.3.4. Has the institution an MIS in place, to select, collect, align and integrate data and information on the academic and administrative aspects of the institution? No 6.3.5. Does the institution use the various data and information obtained from the feedback, in decision making and performance improvement? If yes, give details. Yes. The feedbacks sought from the students helps the administration to impart instructions to the concerned regarding improvement in teaching as well as infrastructural and administrative facilities. 6.3.6. What are the institution‟s initiatives for promoting co-operation, sharing of knowledge, innovations and empowerment of faculty? (Skill sharing across department, creating / providing conducive environment, etc.) The college is keen on promoting co-operation and sharing of knowledge and empowerment of the faculty. Activities such as NSS, Vivek Vahhini, Teachers‟ Day Celebration, Karmaveer Bharrao Patil‟s Birth Anniversary and Cultural Programmes ensure involvement of all faculty members. The college Staff Academy provides a platform to the members of the teaching faculty to present their papers and facilitate the members of the academy belonging to various departments to share their ideas across the departments. The activities of the Academy creates healthy academic environment. 121 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 6.4. Human Resource Management 6.4.1 What are the mechanisms for performance assessment (teaching, research, and service) of faculty and staff? Does the institution use the evaluation to improve teaching/research of the faculty and service of the faculty by other staff? If yes, How? The members of the faculty furnish self-appraisal reports in a prescribed proforma annually and submit the same to the principal who verifies the details and evaluates the performance of the individual faculty member. There is a mechanism of teachers‟ evaluation by students. Random number of students are provided with a questionnarire seeking their evaluative impressions about each teacher. The principal communicates the evaluative remarks of the students to the concerned teacher. This helps the teacher to improve his teaching. The principal and the senior faculty members encourage and help their junior colleagues in pursuit of their research. 6.4.2 What are the welfare measures for the staff and faculty? (mention only those which affect and improve staff well-being, satisfaction and motivation) The parent institute has established its own bank and all permanent teachers and non-teaching faculty members are entitled to be members of the bank. This bank is called The Rayat Sevak Cooperative Bank Ltd., Satara which operates in the fourteen districts through its twenty branches. The bank provides housing loans upto 25 lakh, emergency loan, festival loan, etc. The bank gives concession in the refund of the loan if an employee dies untimely while in service. Besides, there is a family welfare fund at the institutional level. If a teacher dies while in service members of his family receive cash help from this fund immediately. Laxmibai Bhaurao Patil Shikshanottejak Credit Society provides education loan to the wards of the employees for their higher/professional education at very low interest rate.This ensures job satisfaction and a sense of belonging among the employees. There is an Insurance facility for the staff as well. 6.4.3 What are the strategies and implementation plans of the institution, to recruit and retain faculty and other staff who have the desired qualifications, knowledge and skills? The parent institute has formed separate central selection committees universitywise for the selection of faculty and staff of various units of the institute in various universities. The staff and faculty requirements of the colleges affiliated to a university is fulfilled by the committee formed for the purpose by strictly adhering to the rules and regulations laid down by the respective universities and the Govt. of Maharashtra. 122 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 6.4.4. What are the criteria for employing part-time/ ad-hoc faculty? How are the recruitment conditions of part-time/ad-hoc faculty different from that of the regular faculty? (E.g. salary structure, workload, specializations). The qualification for the recruitment of part-time/adhoc faculty is the same as the regular faculty members by the University Selection Committee. However, the college is at liberty to appoint a deserving candidate with the prior permission of the parent institute. The salary structure and workload of the faculty thus appointed is different. The adhoc faculty is paid on clock-hour basis and incidently there is no part-time faculty in this college. 6.4.5. What are the policies, resources and practices of the Institution that support and ensure the professional development of the faculty? (Eg. budget allocation for staff development, sponsoring for advanced study, research, participation in seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. and supporting membership and active involvement in local, state, national and international professional associations). The college administration encourages the faculty and the staff for pursuit of research and participation in seminars, conferences, workshops at various levels. As the college has acquired UGC recognition in January 2008, it has not been able to make any budget allocation for such endeavors. However, the college pays TA/DA to the faculty from its own resources. 6.4.6. How do you assess the needs of the faculty development? Has the institution conducted any staff development programmes for skill up-gradation and training of the staff? If yes, give details. NO 6.4.7. What are the facilities provided to faculty? (Well-maintained and functional office, infrastructure and other space to carry out their work effectively etc.,) The new building of the college provides adequate number of well-furnished classrooms, office, staff-room, common-room for female students, spacious play ground which helps to carry out the routine work smoothly and effectively. 6.5. Financial management and resources mobilization. 6.5.1. Does the institution get financial support from the Government? If yes, mention the grants received in the last three years under different heads. If no , give details of the source of revenues and income generated during the last three years. 123 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Yes. The college receives salary grant from the government. The details of the grant received in the last three years are as under : Sr. No. 1 2 3 Head under which grant received Salary Grant Tuition fees and other fees Arrears (EBC, PTC, STC, Ex-Jawan) Grant received 2007-08 7451796 231335 23925 2008-09 7854803 176385 20605 2009-10 8196182 224660 18550 6.5.2. What is the quantum of resources mobilized through donations? Give information for the last two years. The quantum of resources mobilized through donations during the last two years are as under : Sr. No. 1 2 Resources Mobilised through Donation Donations Head under which amount spent Received 306239 Construction of new Building 861693 Construction of new Building Year 2008-09 2009-10 Amount spent 2992408 2553042 6.5.3 Is there adequate budget to cover the day to day expenses? If no, how is the deficit met? Yes. 6.5.4 What are the budgetary resources to fulfill the institution‟s mission and offer quality programmes? ( Budget allocations over the past two years (provide income expenditure statements) There are adequate budgetary resources to fulfill the mission of the college and other quality programmes. The Income and Expenditure Statement for the last two years is as under (2008-09, 2009-10) : Sr. No. Year 2008-09 1 2009-10 2 Budgeroty Allocation Name of the programme conducted 1) Spent on Research, Seminars, Guest Lecture, Workshop 2) Activities under Lead College Scheme 3) Short-term Courses 1) Spent on Research, Seminars, Guest Lecture, Workshop 2) Activities under Lead College Scheme 3) Short-term Courses Income Expenditure - 6974 14500 2976 27133 - - 5865 20000 111550 29799 50603 124 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 6.5.5. Are the accounts audited regularly? If yes, give the details of internal and external audit procedures and the audit reports for the last two years. Yes. The parent institute has its own internal audit mechanism. It is conducted annually before proceeding to the external audit of the government. ** For the Audit Report of the last two years see Appendix No. 2 6.5.6 Has the Institution computerized its finance management system? If yes, give details. NO 6.6 Best Practices in Governance and Leadership 6.6.1 What are the significant best practices in Governance and Leadership carried out by the institution? 1. The Open Door Policy of the principal allows easy access to his office and the students feel free to voice their problems before the principal. It minimizes the gap between the administrator and the administered. 2. The internal audit system of the parent institute is efficient and effective that helps to maintain transparency in the accounts section in the college. 3. The overall administration of the parent institute in general and that of the college in particular is democratic. Students of the college inherit the legacy of this democratic spirit. 4. Karmaveer Vidya Prabodhini is an academic body operating centrally at the institute level at Satara. Colleges are encouraged to take part in its various activities such as competitive examinations, quiz competition, Rayat Talent Search examination. The Prabodhini publishes a research journal entitled „Trajectory‟ which provides a platform to researchers all over the institute to get their research papers published. 125 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 For Re-accreditation: 1.What were the evaluative observations made under Organization and Management in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon? The Peer Team of the first accreditation appreciated the reputation efficiency and transparency of the parent institute. All possible efforts are made to sustain and enhance the status. People hold the institute in high esteem and acknowledge the academic standard of the institute and extend all possible help as and when needed. 2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Organization and Management? Decentralization of the administration, democratic decision making, reshuffling of the administrative and academic committee, help to maintain harmony in the faculty that further helps to sustain and enhance quality of the college. 126 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Criterion VII INNOVATIVE PRACTICES 7.1. Internal Quality Assurance Systems 7.1.1. What mechanisms have been developed by the institution for quality assurance within the existing academic and administrative systems? On the academic and administrative front the following committees operate effectively for quality assurance : 1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell. 2. Examination Committee. 3. Teachers‟ Evaluation by Students Committee. 4. Staff Academy. 5. NSS. 6. Vivek Vahini. 7. College Magazine Committee. 8. Wall-paper Magazine Committee. 9. Discipline Committee. 10. Competitive Exam. Committee. 11. Short-Term Courses Committee. 12. Literary Association. 13. Commerce Association. Apart from these teachers are encouraged to pursue research and the teaching and non-teaching staff are encouraged to take part in Orientation and Refresher Courses and Workshops in order to update their knowledge and skills. 7.1.2. What are the functions carried out by the above mechanism in the quality enhancement of the institution? The IQAC of the college co-ordinates all the developmental activities undertaken by different committees. The Examination Committee conducts term examinations and home assignments, departments conducts seminars, Literary Association holds elocution, essay and debating competitions. The Staff Academy provides opportunity to teachers to share ideas across departments, the Vivek Vahini aims at eradicating blind beliefs and encouraging scientific attitude, Orientation programmes and workshops conducted by the college enlighten the students and feedback sought from the students helps to improve teaching. These activities aim at quality enhancement of the college. 127 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 7.1.3. What role is played by students in assuring quality of education imparted by the institution? Students of the college take part in all the activities and competitions. They write articles for the wall-paper and college magazine. This helps them develop their writing skills. They also take part in group discussions of Vivek Vahini and departmental seminars which help them develop their argumentative skill. The Students Council has its share in framing policy decisions of the college NSS volunteers take part in different activities and workshops. Teachers‟ Day Celebration in the college is novel. Students take the responsibility of teaching and administration and show respect to the teachers in the concluding function. This gives them an orientation in role playing which also helps them in developing their leadership qualities. 7.1.4. What initiatives have been taken up by the institution to promote best practices in the institution? How does the institution ensure that the Best Practices have been internalized? The college promotes Best Practices through its following activities : 1) Dattak Palak Yojan (Student Adoption Scheme) 2) Vivek Vahini. 3) NSS. 4) „Study Circle‟ Practice. 5) Awareness Programmes. 6) Staff Academy. 7) Book Bank Facility. The college ensures involvement of all concerned in the above activities and feedback from students is sought from time to time and suggestions are acted upon promptly. 7.1.5. In which way has the institution added value to the quality enhancement of students? The college takes every care to stress values through its various activities. The cultural programmes conducted on 26th January every year are based on patriotism. On 9th August students take an oath of Preamble of the Constitution of India at the monument of the local martyrs in Hupari. Students are made aware of the importance of ecological balance, dignity of labour, scientific attitude, gender equity, refraining from fatal addiction and celebration of Diwali without fire crackers, students imbibe all these values through lectures by eminent scholars, 128 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 group discussion. This helps to the over all development and quality enhancement of students. 7.2. Inclusive Practices 7.2.1. What practices have been taken up by the institution to provide access to students from the following sections of the society: The college takes up various practices to provide access to students of backward and disadvantage sections of the society. They are as under : a) Socially backward : For socially backward students admission is open to all eligible candidates. There are no donations for admission, no merit lists/cut off list, remedial teaching classes are conducted for slow learners. Personal monetary help and free counseling is made available. b) Economically weaker : For economically weaker students concession in bus passes in the form of financial support, monetary help from Students Aid Fund, Book Bank Facility are the noteworthy practices. c) Differently - abled : The college has provided ramps in order to provide easy access to differently abled students in the college and also in the proposed women‟s hostel. 7.2.2. What efforts have been made by the institution to recruit 1) staff from the disadvantaged communities? Specify? a) teaching b) non-teaching Recruitment of the staff (both teaching as well as non-teaching) is done centrally by the parent institute. And the institute meticuloncly gives representation to all categories and there is hardly any backlog to be filled in. 7.2.3 What special efforts are made to achieve gender balance amongst students and staff? About half of the students population is of the females. Even external female students are allowed to attend the classes. Efforts are made to reduce the drop out rate of female students. These include personal counseling, personal visits to their parents, monetary help for bus passes and admission fees. Counseling to the parents of married and widowed students in order to bring them back in the main stream of education. Other efforts include observation of Women‟s Day, Birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule, special workshops for women‟s health and empowerment and entrepreneurship, encouraging female students to take part in NSS, and all other activities. 129 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 All these efforts are fruitified as the merit list and other activities are dominated by female students. 7.2.4 Has the institution done a gender audit and/or any gender-related sensitizing courses for the staff/ students? Give details. Though the college has not done any gender audit as such, it has consciously undertaken gender related sensitizing activities which include „Save Girl Child‟ Rally, separate workshop on Women‟s Health and Empowerment. The college annual magazine „Karmarajat‟ also highlighted the issue on the cover pages of Karmarajat – 2007-08 and 2008-09 underlining the urge of saving the girl child. The issue also provides space for article on „Gender Budgeting‟. The 2007-08 issue has won prestigious prizes at the state, university and institute level. 7.2.5 What intervention strategies have been adopted by the institution to promote the overall development of students from rural/ tribal backgrounds? This college is located in village and students come from rural background whose parents belong to low income groups. Weaker students are identified and are given remedial teaching in key subjects in order to bring them on par with the average students. The Dattak Palak Yojana unfolds the profile of the students and provides scope for personal counseling. Activities such as elocution competition, essay competition, NSS, sports events, college magazine, wall-paper magazine aim at the overall development of students who hail from rural and lower-middle class background. 7.2.6 Does the institution have a mechanism to record the incremental academic growth of the students admitted from the disadvantaged sections? Though there is no mechanism to record incremental academic growth of the students from disadvantaged sections, there is a Standing Committee which looks after the welfare of the students and staff from the disadvantaged sections. 7.2.7 What initiatives have been taken by the institution to promote social-justice and good citizenship amongst its students and staff? How have such initiatives reached out to the community? Celebration of Birth/death anniversaries of epoch-making personalities, taking oath from the Preamble of the Constitution on the Republic Day, Dedicating the Cultural programme to the martyrs of Mumbai terrorists attack, awareness rallies organized by Vivek Vahini and NSS, students‟ involvement in Blood Donation Camp, Pulse Polio Campaign coordinated by the college, an orientation programme on 130 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 India‟s Freedom Struggle and the Preamble of the constitution are some of the initiatives undertaken by the college with a view to inculcating values of social justice, secularism, patriotism, brotherhood, social harmony and good citizenship amongst the student community. 7.3 7.3.1 Stakeholder Relationships How does the institution involve all its stakeholders in planning, implementation and evaluation of the academic programmes? The Local Managing Committee, the Students‟ Council, and the Alumni Association share the planning and implementation. Evaluation of teachers is done by students. Important issues are discussed in the meetings of the LMC and the Students Council and Parent Teacher Association. Thus, efforts are made to involve all the stakeholders in planning, implementation and evaluation of the academic progress of the college. Opinions and suggestions of the parents are sought in the meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association and Alumni Association. The college administration communicates the progress report of the college to these bodies. 7.3.2 How does the institution develop new programmes to create an overall climate conducive to learning? This college being an affiliated one does not have the freedom to introduce any new programmes on its own. However, taking into account the local needs the college has introduced short-term courses to supplement conventional academic programmes. 7.3.3. What are the key factors that attract students and stakeholders to the institution and result in stakeholder satisfaction? The reputation of the parent institute Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, people‟s faith in the educational philosophy of its founder Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, the academic standard maintained by the college right from its inception, introduction of short term courses based on local needs, transparent administration and zero malpractices are some of the features that attract the students to the college and assert the satisfaction of their parents. 7.3.4. How does the institution elicit the cooperation from all stakeholders to ensure overall development of the students, considering the curricular and co-curricular activities, research, community orientation and the personal/ spiritual development of the students? The college has constructed its separate building. An alumnus of the parent institute donated Rs. 40 lakh for the construction of the building and a stakeholder donated Rs. 5,00,000/- for the construction 131 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 of an auditorium of the college. The total project is worth Rs. 1 Crore. The college made an appeal to its stakeholders and there has been a positive response. All the NSS activities of the college are just impossible without the cooperation of the stakeholders. In January 2007 the college organized a Poster Competition Exhibition on the theme of „Bali Raja‟ (i.e. suicide of farmers). A local community provided a hall for the exhibition while Daily „Sakal‟ was the media- sponsor and gave wide publicity to the event. The college also conducted an exhaustive one day orientation programme for the newly elected members of Hupari and the neighboring village panchayats. Lectures by eminent scholars organized by the college from time to time aim at spiritual development of the students. 7.3.5. How do you anticipate public concerns in your current and future programme offerings and operations? The college is aware of the public concerns in its current programmes and feels that conventional education is not enough. Hence the college has introduced eight short term courses to supplement conventional academic programmes. The college also feels the need of introducing post-graduate programmes in the college and from July 2009 the college has started M. Com. Part I. 7.3.6 How does the institution promote social responsibilities and citizenship roles among the students? Does it have any exclusive programme for the same? The outreach programmes of the NSS unit such as Cleanliness Campaign, Collection of funds by students for the flood affected people and drought stricken people, Communal Harmony Campaign are some of the activities which promote social responsibilities and citizenship roles. 7.3.7 What are the institutional efforts to bring in community orientation in its activities? The college makes conscious efforts to attain orientation of the society from which the students come. The awareness programmes conducted through „College At Your Doorsteps‟ schemes a series of lectures in the college NSS camp aim at involving the community. The college also conducted an orientation programme for the newly elected members of village panchayats of Hupari and the neighboring villages. The Geography department conducts a survey of the industries in the neighborhood and the problems faced by them. Shri. S. M. Gawade, Professor of Sociology, is appointed as „Jaldoot‟ (i. e. an ambassador of Water Management Programme of 132 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 Govt. of Maharashtra). The nature of his duty is to train the people concerning „Jalswarajya Project‟ of the central government. Incedentally, he is working on the theme of water management for his doctoral research. Shri. D. G. Sontakke, Professor of Marathi, has initiated a novel activity entitled „Granth Charcha‟ (i. e. discussion on new publications) in the public library Shri. Shahu Vachanalaya, Hupari. This activity aims at developing reading culture in the community. 7.3.8 How does your institution actively support and strengthen the neighbourhood communities? How do you identify community needs and determine areas of emphasis for organizational involvement and support. The college organizes awareness rallies, lectures in the neighboring villages in order to eradicate blind beliefs and superstitions and to inculcate scientific attitude. 7.3.9 How do the faculty and students contribute in these activities? Students and the faculty members take active part in NSS and Vivek Vahini programmes. Students undertake survey and organize awareness rallies under the guidance of the faculty. 7.3.10 Describe how your institution determines student satisfaction, relative to academic benchmarks? Do you update the approach in view of the current and future educational needs and challenges? The college determines students satisfaction relative to academic benchmarks through their progress from UG to PG and other advanced studies and self-employment. The college took stock of the current and future educational needs and challenge and introduced some useful short term courses in order to meet the needs of the students. The college has also introduced M. Com. I from July 2009 and B. A. In English from July 2010. 7.3.11 How do you build relationships? (a) to attract and retain students : The college maintains an open admission system, receives no donations for admission. On the contrary, the college helps the poor needy students in all possible ways. The meaningful academic and extra-curricular activities of the college hold the interest of the students in the college. (b) to enhance students performance : The college conducts seminars, workshops and organizes guest lectures, cash prizes are given to students who excel in the university exams. (c) to meet the expectations of the learners : 133 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 The college conducts internal tests and term exams and organizes remedial coaching classes for slow learners in order to help them meet their expectation of learning. 7.3.12 What is your complaint management process? How do you ensure that these complaints are resolved promptly and effectively? How are complaints aggregated and analyzed for use in the improvement of the organization, and for better stakeholderrelationship and satisfaction? There is a Grievance Redressed Cell in this college. Students drop their complaints and suggestion in the suggestion box which is opened by the committee from time to time and the grievances are redressed. There is also a committee for prevention of sexual harassment of female students Counseling in this regard is done by inviting experienced lawyers. Students evaluation of teachers is done annually and their observations are communicated to the teachers concerned. This helps them to improve in their academic discourse. Dattak-Palak Yojana and the Parents Meets are the means to invite suggestions from students and their parents. These suggestions are helpful in planning and execution of academic and other programmes. 134 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 For Re-accreditation: 1. How are the Core Values of NAAC reflected in the various functions of the institution? (I) Contributing to National Development : The college conducts the following activities : i) Celebration of Birth/Death Anniversaries of epoch-making personalities ii) Oath taking from the Preamble of the Constitution on the Republic Day. iii) Active participation of the college in Communal Harmony Campaign of the Central Government. (II) Fostering Global Competencies among students : The college organized the following programmes to enhance global competencies among students : i) A One Day Workshop on, „How to be a Successful Entrepreneur‟. ii) A One Day Workshop on, „Preparing for an Interview‟. iii) A One Day Workshop on, „Women‟s Empowerment‟. iv) A One Day Workshop on, „Correct Usage in Marathi and Job Opportunities in Proofreading‟. v) A One Day Workshop on „Communication Skills in English‟. The college has started courses such as : 1) A Certificate Course in Basic English Grammar. 2) Computer Course in Tally. 3) A short-term Course in Travel and Tourism. 4) A short-term Course in Rural Journalism. 5) A Certificate Course in Computerised Accounting. 6) A Certificate Course in Personality Development. (III) Inculcating a Value System Among Students : The NSS activities inculcate the values of the dignity of labor, social service and communal harmony. The programmes of Vivek Vahini develop scientific attitude. The cultural programmes based on the love of nation develops spirit of nationalism. Transparent administration and open access system provides equal opportunities for all. (IV) Promoting the Use of Technology : The college has setup a computer lab. It provides access to computers and internet facilities to students as well as staff. Computerization of the library is in process. (V) Quest for Excellence : The college has established IQAC as per the guidelines of NAAC. The committee strives to enhance and maintain quality of education. The university exam. results of the college have always been better than the overall university results. Members of the teaching faculty are deputed to take part in seminars, conferences, orientation/refresher courses in order to help them update their knowledge in their respective discipline. They are also encouraged to pursue research activities. Two faculty members have submitted proposals for fellowship under FIP. Three more faculty members have forwarded their proposals for Minor Research Projects to the UGC. Teaching faculty and the students invest extra efforts in enhancing the quality of the college annual magazine “Karmarajat”. These efforts have been fruitified in the 135 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 sense that the 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 issue of the magazine have won various prestigious awards. 136 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203 D. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit. Dr. T. S. Patil Principal Place: HUPARI. ARTS, COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE, Date: 28-12-2010 HUPARI. 137 SELF-STUDY REPORT (RE-ACCREDITATION REPORT) Arts, Commerce and Science College, Hupari, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. .Kolhapur (MAHARASHTRA) PIN. 416 203
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