JANUARY 2015 . But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day… (II Peter 3:8) I have heard in Grace and community conversations many folks expressing great surprise that 2014 came to a close in a way that felt so quick. And now, in the same way, 2015 begins. Others have spoken about the New Year, from the classic resolutions we make concerning any number of different things, to expressing some hope of holding on to time that appears to be slipping past. Some look forward to newness, such as a wedding, or a new experience: a new apartment after months of homelessness, or a National Youth Gathering, which five of our senior high youth will be going on in July. Some uses of time are “big,” many are not. In all these things, the writer of II Peter focuses on one thing – the constancy of God, and for that matter, the presence of God. That’s something I hope to focus on more clearly in 2015: whether in the midst of our Mission Strategy completion in the early part of the year, or Grace’s hosting of the WARM Thermal Shelter in January, or the National Youth Gathering in July (to mention a very few of the activities and ministry going on at Grace, or that Grace is a part of)…or in the plans our family makes this year; out in the garden, hiking, activities that give joy; or out and about in the daily routines of life, and in the areas of life that might cause some anxiety – unfamiliar places and situations, times where there is conflict and disagreement, people that it would be easy to judge or to dismiss whether because they are too familiar, or too unknown… In other words, as this New Year is upon us, there is God, our gracious, merciful, and powerful God who is constant and present regardless of our place in time. That constancy may not be as obvious as each second or minute that ticks off of our clocks; more likely a point in time where our awareness and God’s presence give us a moment of clarity that informs our life. A day reaching out to the fullness of our lives, or the fullness of our life distilled in a day…A blessed New Year to you all, through Jesus Christ our Lord! ----------------------------------Dear Friends in Christ: Once again, I would like to thank the members of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church for your kind generosity to Jill, Lily, Hannah and me: I am grateful for the generous Christmas/year end cash gift you gave to me. It is indeed a blessing to us! I’m also thankful to so many at Grace that give of their time, talent and resources for our fulfillment of God’s Mission for us. Grace is an active, living congregation, and God’s Spirit continues to move in and through us in many ways! In Christ, Pastor Paul ANNUAL MEETING & ANNUAL REPORTS! ANNUAL MEETING & ANNUAL REPORTS! Congregation Council has set our annual meeting for January 25, 2015. All Committee Team Leaders, please start thinking about your annual reports. I have set a Deadline of January 11, 2015. for all reports to be turned into the office preferable typed in doc format and e-mailed. You may submit at anytime you have report ready. If you have any questions please call the church office.949-6171. 2 Seasons Greetings from The Mission Endowment Fund Committee Christian Stewardship involves the faithful management (conserving, developing, and distributing) of all of God’s gifts to humankind: the created world, the gospel, our lives, time, abilities, and assets. Scripture teaches us that all we are and all we have has been entrusted to us by God. The blessings we receive, including our intellect and ability to earn wages, allows us to provide for ourselves, our families, the annual needs of our congregation, and other charities. We are encouraged to give proportionately of our blessings during our lifetime and at the time of our death. A whole life charitable giving approach is an effective step in developing a personal stewardship plan. The Mission Endowment Fund (MEF) was established on 1/1/1999 by a vote of the Congregation of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church to receive and administer special gifts and bequests. There are two primary objectives the MEF seeks to achieve. The first is an annual distribution of MEF earnings to be used to further the mission of the Congregation not funded through regular offerings to the budget. The second objective is to educate the Congregation about the need to grow the Mission Endowment Fund through prudent asset management and opportunities for increased giving. During 2015, the Mission Endowment Fund Committee will hold a congregation-wide program honoring our founding donors, highlighting outreach missions the MEF has funded, and introducing a whole-life charitable giving approach to stewardship. God has richly blessed us; as a people, as a congregation, as a community, and in all we have. We look forward to celebrating what God has already worked in us, and the blessings awaiting us through God’s Mission in the days and years ahead! 3 TRADITION What does the word TRADITION mean to us or is it one of those things we just accept without ever questioning when it started, who started it, why was it started, and why we continue it? On Christmas Eve at the 5 o'clock service at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, we celebrated Christ's birth with a tradition that started 50 years ago. This year, (2013) was a special one because, Ingelena (Cross) de Boer Meadow, who helped to start the tradition was visiting us, along with her daughter, Tina and son-in-law Steve. Ingelena who is a native of Hamburg, Germany told Pastor George Handley, (1964-1974), about the hand carved Nativity Figures that were available in Germany. They ordered several of the very expensive figures and Pastor Handley developed a service around those first few and over the years members added more figures. The Dick White family built the original creche which was used for many years and then in the '90s Bradley Keefer built the current creche. The service that was started by Pastor Handley has had few changes by the four pastors that followed. It remains fresh and inspiring every year. Ingelena and family were just thrilled they got to return and experience a tradition they helped start with our Christmas Eve Family Worship of readings, carols, and placing of figures. I just felt that these facts would be helpful to those who were not aware of this past tradition, to have a better understanding of this service. There have been many Grace Church's families over the years who have had the honor to place a figure in the creche and it remains a Christmas memory with each person that does so! Brad Keefer MEETING New !!! There will be an organizational meeting of the Church Property Committee members on January 12th at 7 P.M. in the Seminar Room. If you are interested in the making future plans and taking daily care of the property, please attend the meeting. Should you not be able to attend let Brad Keefer or Pastor Paul know about your interest. The skills needed are plumbing, heating, air conditioning, painting, carpentry, landscaping, and general repairs and improvements. I do not plan on making this a monthly meeting, but only meet as needs require. I would like to share my 40 plus years of knowledge about the building and it's equipment with others, over the next several years.—Brad Keefer 4 Family Fun Night – brought to you by Grace Lutheran Church & St. John’s Episcopal Church Is ringing in the New Year to late for you? Here’s your second chance to celebrate with some rockin’ good music on January 4th. The fun starts at 5pm, so you can have a good time and still make it to bed on time. DJ Bill Knarr will be spinning the tunes. There will be heavy hors d’oeuvres, sparking wine (I mean grape juice), and dancing, dancing, dancing to music for little people, big people, and everyone in between. THE FUN BEGINS at 5:00 PM on SUNDAY, JAN. 4th IN GRACE’S FELLOWSHIP HALL SAVE THESE DATES AND WATCH FOR MORE INFORMATION TO BE ANNOUNCED: Feb. 1st at 12 noon - Grace (This will be our Souper Bowl of Caring) Mar. 1st at 5pm - St. John's Episcopal Church Apr. 5th at 5pm - Easter Sunday-No Family Fun Night May 3rd at 5pm - St. John's Episcopal Church A Different Theme Each Month • Fun Foods w/Vegetarian Options • Games • Crafts • Service Projects • Music • Story Time Our youth are going to the National Youth Gathering in July. Thanks to those who have given a donation of $20 or more and received a 2015 "Grace at its Best" calendar. There are still calendars available if you'd like to support our youth in their efforts! Reminder: The Youth Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, January 7th at 7pm in the Conference Room. 5 Meals on Wheels Grace had a total of 48 volunteers delivering meals to the homebound during the month of November. Approximately 1,040 hot meals were delivered, plus boxed meals to be used over the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you to all who delivered in the rain, the wind and some very cold conditions. Quilting The Grace quilters are taking a break after the first week in December. Tuesday quilting will begin regularly on January 9. There have been 31 quilts completed so far this season! For those who would like another quilting Saturday, mark your calendars for Saturday, January 17. A special Thank You Thank you to the congregation for the delicious cookies that Pastor delivered on his December visit. They were greatly appreciated. Dukie Cape Many thanks to everyone who helped decorate for the Christmas Eve services. The flurry of activity was amazing and the finished product was instrumental in setting the mood for the wonderful Christmas Eve services. Ron Almarode Thanks Thanks to all who left goodies and cards on my desk for the Christmas Season. It was very much appreciated and enjoyed by myself and family. May God Bless you all in the coming year. Janice 6 CONGREGATION COUNCIL MEETING ON JANUARY 20TH. The Congregation Council will meet on January 20th at 7:00pm in the Conference Room. Members of the congregation are always welcome to attend meetings. If you would like to speak to the Council, please contact Tripp Franklin for time on the agenda. FINANCIAL BAROMETER as of November 2014 YTD ACTUAL YTD BUDGET DIFFERENCE 1. Pledge /giving of Record/Faith $216,949.00 $219,521.00 -$2,572 2. Total Budget Receipts $239,888.29 $242,204.00 -$2,316 3. Budget Disbursements $247,092.17 $251.875.00 -$4,782 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS Highlights from the December 16th meeting: Grace will be hosting the Warm Shelter 19th through 25th in January. Things are proceeding well in finalizing a working document. Tyler Wertman was recognized for his work with Grace Church Website by Virginia Synod. Child Protection Policy will be effective in January. Our Nursing Home and Assisted Living Members Helen Deyo Avante at Waynesboro 1221 Rosser Avenue Waynesboro VA 22980 Anne Broyles Shenandoah Nursing Home 339 Westminister Drive R-21 Fishersville VA 22939 Fred Meier 94 Mt Vista Drive Apt 100 Stuarts Draft VA 24477 June Huff Baldwin Park 21 Woodlee Rd. Apt 325 Staunton VA 24401 540-886-0764 Dot Gladwell and Jennings Whitmer Bridgewater Ret. Community 202 N. 2nd St. Room 216 Bridgewater VA 22812 540-828-3958 7 Thanksgiving Gifts We acknowledge with gratitude the donations made to the special funds of Grace Church Memorial Gifts In Memory Of: Hunter Akers, Jr. Mayzie Reid Davis John Garfield Dodge Bertie Davis Pitzer Fielder Pitzer, Jr. Maggie Owens Rusmiselle Julia Holland Wing John Raymond Wolf Given for: Memorial Gifts Donations from: Willemina Akers, Joy Blake, Vergie Brower, Evelyn Cotton Joseph Daniel, Joan Dodge, LaDonna Dodge, Nina and Bill Fitch, Judi and Chuck Goodrich, Betty Hansrath, Emily Hinkle, Betty Hoffman, Robert LeDoyne, Peggy and Bill Lucas, Jean and Richard Miller, Flossie and Glenn Myers, Betty Jean Pitzer Anne and Gordon Putnam, Marginerite and Alex Robertson, Elizabeth Ruehl, Pete Rufe, Phyllis Sloan, Janet and O,D. Tiderman, Jean Wilkins, Susan and Bill Young, Shirley Zielske In Honor Of: The Wedding Anniversary of Dottie and Dick Sheaffer Given for: Friends Fund Donations from: Beth Cutler, Lydia Dolan and Tom Sheaffer In Appreciation Of: College Care Package Given for: Thanksgiving Fund Donations from: Tricia and Torrey East 8 01/01 01/01 01/04 01/05 01/05 01/06 01/08 01/08 01/08 01/09 01/10 01/11 Carol Wolf Beth Brady Paul Pingel Morris Elliott Mike Myers Marc Wertman Linda Meyer Claire Biggers Taryn Barrett Sean Mowen Ellen Miller Carlos Martinez 01/0? 01/0? 01/08 01/09 01/09 01/12 01/12 01/13 01/13 01/16 01/16 01/16 01/18 01/20 01/22 01/22 01/22 Genevieve Arneson Tara McGuire Ron Knicely Andrew Moomaw Phyllis Kite Karla Rankin Samantha Mowen Donna Gum Eden Lemons Rudy Yobs Janet Parmer Jane McGehee Richard Marshall Vikki Ingram Becca Sager V A Moyer, Jr. Lily Skelton 01/13 01/15 01/20 01/27 01/27 9 01/22 01/22 01/23 01/25 01/26 01/26 01/27 01/28 01/29 01/30 01/31 Emily Almarode Amy Almarode Susan Myers Marc Noel Joe Ranzini Lily Pingel Dennis Barnes Tanner Walter Stuart Crowder Marian Posey Linda Owens Elizabeth Flowers Kathy Meicke David Glover Terry Snyder Cathy Thomas JANUARY Sunday Servers at Grace: Assisting Minister, Communion Assistant, Altar Guild, Offering Stewards, Altar Flowers, Ushers, Council Member of the Week, Greeters, Nursery, Acolyte and Cup Gatherer January 4 2nd Sunday of Christmas 9:00 A.M.SCS 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding January 11 Baptism of Our Lord 9:00 A.M. SCS 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding January 18 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 A.M. SCS 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion Pastor Gordon Putnam Preaching & Presiding January 25 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 A.M. SCS 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion Pastor Paul Pingel Preaching & Presiding Called Congregation Meeting After Worship (Fellowship Hall) Pot Luck Lunch Assistant Minister Brian Lundstrom Ushers Communion Assistant Tripp Franklin & Linda Meyer Altar Guild Anne & Gordon Putnam Marge Cloutier Linda Meyer Jack Eckstorm Jean Morgan Offering Stewards Donna Marshall & Paul Posey Altar Flowers Linda Meyer Assistant Minister Tyler Wertman Ushers Communion Assistant Fred Biggers & Linda Meyer Altar Guild Carol Varner & Anne Barnes Offering Stewards Frank Gum & Paul Posey Ron Knicely Dwight Moomaw Glenn Myers Robert Shaw Council Member of the Week Gail Johnson Greeters Joan & Joe Ranzini Council Member of the Week Gwen Kite Greeters Wilda & Brad Keefer Altar Flowers Open Assistant Minister Cathy Crowder Ushers Communion Assistant Gail Johnson & Robin Crowder Altar Guild Jean Morgan Ron Almarode Pete Rufe Lee Lynch Joe Perkins Offering Stewards Donna Marshall & Frank Gum Altar Flowers Open Assistant Minister Karla Rankin Ushers Communion Assistant E.G. Rankin & Tripp Franklin Altar Guild Kathy Meicke Offering Stewards Frank Gum & Paul Posey Rick Marshall David Glover Brad Keefer Andrew Moomaw Altar Flowers Open 10 Council Member of the Week John McGehee Greeters Amber Bokelman Dick Tomey Nursery Kim Hull Jane Stein Acolyte Hannah Pingel Cup Gatherer Anne Putnam Nursery Kim Hull Jane Stein Acolyte Sydney Rankin Cup Gatherer Karla Rankin Nursery Kim Hull Jane Stein Acolyte Lily Pingel Cup Gatherer Sarah Beth Kite Council Member of the Week Joelle Miller Nursery Kim Hull Jane Stein Greeters Cathy & Robin Crowder Acolyte Brodie Franklin Cup Gatherer Robin Crowder Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 3 10-3 Fellowship Hall 7th Day Planning Committee 8 11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf. Room) 12:15 Chapel 12:30 Bridge Club (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study 9 10 15 8:30am New Comers Club (Fellowship Hall) 11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf. Room) 12:15 Chapel 12:30 Bridge Club (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study 16 17 22 11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf. Room) 12:15 Chapel 12:30 Bridge Club (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 PM WARM Shelter (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf Room) 23 24 6:00 PM WARM Shelter (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 PM WARM Shelter (Fellowship Hall) 29 11:00am Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf Room) 12:15 Chapel 12:30pm Bridge Club (Fellowship Hall) 7:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study (Conf Room) 30 31 New Years Day Office Closed Holiday 4 2nd Sunday of Christmas 8:45-9:45 SCS 10:00am Holy Communion 5 6 7 8:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Cracker Barrel) 9:30am Quilting Group (Fellowship Hall) 1:00pm Jerry Kite (Conf Room) 10:00am Lutheran Family Services (History Room) 7:00pm Youth Committee (Conf Room) 13 14 5:00pm Family Fun Night (Fellowship Hall 11 Baptism of Our Lord 9:00am SC 10:00am Holy Communion 12 Deadline for Annual Reports 7:00pm Worship & Music (Conf Room) Refreshments back of Nave after Worship (Sponsored by the Stewardship Committee) 18 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 SC 10:00am Holy Communion 25 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 9:00am SC 10:00am Holy Communion 117 Annual Congregation Meeting (Fellowship Hall) Pot Luck Meal 6:00 PM WARM Shelter (Fellowship Hall) 6:00pm WARM Shelter Training (Fellowship Hall) l 7:30pm Worship Choir 20 21 Deadline for February Grace Notes 6:00 PM WARM Shelter (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 PM WARM Shelter (Fellowship Hall) 6:00 PM WARM Shelter 7:00pm Congregation Council (Conf Room) 26 27 19 Office Closed (Martin Luther King’s Birthday) 28 10:00am Lutheran Family Services (Conf Room) 6:00 PM WARM Shelter (Fellowship Hall) 6:00pm Office on Youth (Seminar Room & Nursery) l 7:30pm Worship Choir Sat Quilting Group (Fellowship Hall) Members of Grace, Ministers Tripp Franklin President of Congregation Council Council Members: Fred Biggers (Vice President), Pat Brady, Lisa Gray, Bobby Hull, Gail Johnson, Gwen Kite, John McGehee, Joelle Miller, Anne Putnam, Eleanor Sampson (Secretary) David Schwiesow, Kate VanBremen Tyler Wertman (Youth) Ron Almarode, Treasurer Charles Goodrich, Financial Secretary Rev. Paul Pingel, Pastor Mike Myers, Organist Director of Music Janice Collins, Administrative Secretary Office Hours: 8:30AM-5:00PM Roger Clark & Willie Clark, Sextons Stamp Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 500 South Wayne Avenue Waynesboro Virginia 22980 LABEL
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