HAPPY NEW YEAR JANUARY 2015 SKI NEWS Web Site: http://peninsulaskiclub.com/ Meet Up Group: http://www.meetup.com/Peninsulaskiclub-com/ Facebook Group: Peninsula Ski Club of Virginia CONTENTS/ New Year Resolutions: President’s Message 1 Members, Contacts, Love 1 Meetings & Pictures 2-3 Ski & Boarding 4-5 Skiing Nut 6 Non-Ski 7 WELCOME NEW MEMBER: John O'Connell We have 127 members. Joining info is on our web site at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/membership.html CLUB CONTACT INFO is on our web site at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/contactsboard.html PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: I hope you all had a wonderful 2014. My resolution this year is to be better prepared for skiing. I have a reasonable start, I think. I recently received a message from Mount Snow which indicated that the early skiing was the best in years. Above is a picture of Edie Colbert at the top of Snow Dance. She looks great and the snow does too. If anyone is still looking for a trip, the Mount Snow trip still has openings, and it’s a great trip for new skiers and riders as well as great skiing for experienced individuals. All should keep an eye out for our targeted advertising which should be showing up on the internet, and don’t forget to hook up with the club on Meet Up and Face Book. Take a look at the rest of the newsletter for upcoming club activities including some learn to ski trips planned as part of our membership building efforts. This is a good time to remind everyone that the PSC’s upcoming 50th Anniversary is fast approaching (2016). Finally, please consider serving on the search committee to find candidates for the board or on the audit committee. Please let me know if you can participate. Happy New Year! See you on the slopes. / Rick Irby, President of PSC SLOPE-SIDE LOVE? Our Newsletter Editor would like to feature snow-sport Valentine stories in our February edition of Ski News. Members, please send your stories and photos by January 20th to melvamaj@cox.net - As always, input is requested via email, with Word Document attached or text in body of email, with JPEG photos, one per email. Skiing Together Since 1966 Don & Beverly Rainey won a prize for being the newest members attending the Holiday party, Dec 11, 2014. Photo by Melva Mallison January 2015 Ski News, Page 1 PeninsulaSkiClub.com MEETINGS NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS: -Invite a Guest - Suggest a Program – Come and Have Fun PSC MEETINGS IN 2015 ND 2 THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER THROUGH MAY as of Dec 27, 2014 Mark your new calendars: JANUARY 8, 2015 Two Gift Certificates will be given away ($25 to be used toward a ski/snowboard trip) 2015 Meeting Dates: JAN 8, FEB 12, MAR 12, April 9 (Annual Business Meeting) May 7 (New ski club year) ABOUT OUR CLUB MEETINGS*: TIME: 7 to 8 PM SOCIAL with a complimentary snack of pizza and non-alcoholic beverage. Meet with captains of our ski trips; sign-up for upcoming activities. Socialize with friends old and new. You may also purchase beer or wine and additional food. 8 to 9 PM MEETING with Program & Door Prizes *DECEMBER MEETING IS AN EXCEPTION – See 2014 party story and pics starting on the bottom of this page. LOCATION: ANNA’S PIZZA near Langley Air Force Base at 2845 N. Armistead Ave, Hampton VA DIRECTIONS: From Interstate 64 take exit 261-B to Hampton Roads Center Parkway, East. At Armistead Ave traffic light turn left on Armistead going North. Anna’s is on the left in the Russo Village Shopping Center near Nettles Lane (before you reach turn-off for Langley AFB). Note: December meeting is at different locale. NON-MEMBER GUESTS MAY ATTEND A MEETING. Invite people you believe would be interested in our club activities and/or the program at a particular meeting. Sign-in your guest(s), get them a name tag, with red lettering, introduce them around and give them club info during the social hour. Also, please engage with other first timers and let them know how you enjoy the club. WEAR A NAME TAG. It helps people get to know each other. MEETING PROGRAMS/TOPICS & SPEAKERS: Suggestions may be provided to our Vice President / Programs Chair, Mahyar Malekpour. Program presenters receive a one-year membership in the club (after signing the membership form with indemnity statement). HOLIDAY PARTY THANK YOU by Party Chair, Penny Oots For the first time, the PSC attendees filled the Clubhouse before the party officially started! In fact people were so eager to start partying, some of them arrived before the Clubhouse was open. The food was plentiful and included a wide variety thanks to all the members who brought appetizers, salads, fruit, and casseroles for a great feast. There were a lot of helpers this year that need to be thanked by name. Our veteran set-up crew remembered where all the tables and chairs went and added tablecloths (provided by the Irbys and Susie Scott) and table decorations. The crew included Leonard Credeur, Sara and Monty Mills, Rick Irby, and new-comer Rusty Jenkins. Agnes Evans setup the coffee nook and provided all the necessary items for Continued on next page Skiing Together Since 1966 January 2015 Ski News, Page 2 PeninsulaSkiClub.com those who wanted caffeine or decaf. Winnie Feldhaus and Penny Oots cooked pork tenderloin and Melva Mallison ordered and procured the chicken platters. Rick and Janice Irby prepared and donated the delicious ham. Louise and Gil Wylie created tasty and colorful spinach, tomato, and feta salads. Anna Lynch brought the fruit platter. Sodas, mixers, and ice were bought and setup by Bev and Herb Spannuth. Lynn Degregorio, besides playing the part of Frosty the Snowman, delivered poinsettias which decorated the tables and became door prizes at the end of the evening. Melva & Bob Mallison and Judy Liberman took pictures. Jim Osborn was the musical star on his saxophone as he accompanied guest vocalist Dave Sisk singing some favorite Christmas songs. Dave encouraged the audience to sing along with him following a break for a Christmas candy puzzle. A special thanks to Jim for allowing us to use his microphone and to Dave for sharing his voice with us to help celebrate the season. The setup crew turned into the cleanup crew and helped everyone put away chairs and tables. What a great group. Happy Holidays! /Penny Oots Agnes at the coffee counter Checking the list for naughty or nice? No, playing a game for fabulous prizes. This photo by Judy Liberman Dick Barger & Susie Scott Sonny & Leonard Judy & Steve with longevity prizes Mahyar, Dorrie, Lynn, Melva, Bob This photo by Sonnny Short Alexis (Youngest attending) 75 MEMBERS ATTENDED the party at Olde Point Cove Clubhouse, Yorktown. More photos can be found on Face Book group Peninsula Ski Club of Virginia Robin & Barry by the fireplace Party photos by the Mallisons (except where noted) This photo by Judy Liberman Skiing Together Since 1966 January 2015 Ski News, Page 3 PeninsulaSkiClub.com SKI & SNOWBOARD NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS: - Do More of it - Do it Better (Learn, Improve Skills) - Do it Somewhere New - Meet More Skiers & Boarders - Have More Fun - Help Publicize Our Trips - Invite nieces, nephew, grandkids - Try something new on snow (snow shoe, tube, snow mobile….) - Wear club logo Graphic from Google Images NEW TRIPS: These new trips are being developed and are listed in the schedule on next page. Jan. 26 day trip (“red eye”) to Canaan Valley, WV. This is a Ski World trip. PSC would go as “ambassadors.” Most local kids have no school that day, so this would be a great opportunity for families. Early in the first week of February – a 2 or 3 ski-day trip to Snowshoe, WV. This would be a good opportunity to get in some real skiing at a significantly lower cost than a week-long trip. (Tentative – awaiting details from prospective new trip captain) Second week of March trip to Okemo/Killington in association with the Columbia Ski Club in the Blue Ridge Ski Council. This would be another opportunity to get in some more skiing at lower cost. First-timers on an above trip may receive FREE MEMBERSHIP in the Peninsula Ski Club (PSC) for the rest of our club year E-mails will be sent out soon with more details, and you can check our club web site for the latest info. As always, it’s my goal (resolution?) to ski with as many PSC members as I can, so look for me. See you on the slopes! / Steve Liberman, Ski Activities Chairman CHECK OUT THE SKI NUT ARTICLE ON PAGE 6. OUR ANNUAL MOUNT SNOW TRIP IS GREAT FOR LEARNING OR IMPROVING SKILLS & BONDING WITH PEOPLE WITH SIMILAR SKILLS (lessons included). BE SAFE – WEAR HELMETS! Skiing Together Since 1966 January 2015 Ski News, Page 4 PeninsulaSkiClub.com 2015 TRIP SCHEDULE (Schedule as of Dec 27, 2014) Trip Flyers can be found on line at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/skitrips.html WELCOME SKIERS & SNOW BOARDERS OF ANY AGE OR SKILL LEVEL DATES (2015) Jan 10-17 (Sat.-Sat.) Jan 26 (Monday) 2 days in the 1st Week of Feb Jan 31 – Feb 7 Feb. 8-14 (Sun.-Sat.) DESTINATION, CAPACITY, STATUS PRICE* Est. p/p Dbl Oc Telluride, Colorado $1,760 Capacity 24 Full Canaan Valley, WV Ski World bus trip in cooperation with the PSC. NEW Snowshoe, WV via carpool. NEW Or with enough participation a bus can be arranged. BRSC** Western Carnival Mt Bachelor, Oregon $89 TBD To be determined ELEVATION TOP (ft) BASE (ft) VERTICAL (ft) Area code (757) 12,255 8,750 3,305 Sonny Short 4,280 3,430 850 4,848 3,348 886-1385 cshort@earthlink.net 1500 321-7933 mnclib2@cox.net TBD 4,000 3,365 $991 3,600 1,900 1,700 (PSC held a club trip there in 2014) Mount Snow Vermont (Our Club’s Annual Tradition) Capacity: 52 on bus – 70 total Mar 8-13 (Sun – Fri) “Club Week” Okemo / Killington, VT NEW Columbia Ski Club (CSC) carpool in cooperation with our club. With enough participation a bus can be arranged. 890-0385 See Flyer at See Flyer at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/images/2015_Schweitzer.pdf BRSC** EuroFest – Mayrhofen, Austria CSC Capacity: 45. CSC sign-up deadline was Nov 29. Rick Irby Mach6rick@gmail.com Plenty of space available INCLUDES LESSONS FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS $1,931 6,400 2,440 Feb 21-28 Schweitzer Mt., Idaho 4,000 (Sat.-Sat.) Capacity: 30, Full – Wait List available (Fri.-Sat.) POC is PSC Ski Chair: Steve Liberman As of Dec 20, we have 29 on bus, 31 total. Mar 6-14 TRIP CAPTAIN or Point of Contact (POC) http://peninsulaskiclub.com/images/2015_ MtSnow.pdf Bill Bryan 851-0748 Billb-1111@cox.net $2,540 PLUS lift tickets $635 10,000 2,000 8,000 3,344 1,134 2,100 4,241 1,165 3,050 Columbia Maryland Ski Club (CSC) invited us to join them. See BRSC info in notes section below. Or contact PSC Ski Chair POC is PSC Ski Chair: Steve Liberman 321-7933 mnclib2@cox.net NOTES: PSC Ski trips require a payment to reserve your spot (sign up) and you must be a current club member (May 2014 – April 2015 ski club Year) with signed indemnity statement. The 3 new trips offer free membership for this ski season for first timers. Cancellation fees apply, based on date. * The price listed in this comparison grid is estimated, basic, per adult member. Additional pricing info is available in flyers and from Trip Captains. Senior and children discounts may also be available. ** BRSC = Blue Ridge Ski Council (our club is affiliated) – PSC membership allows you to go on BRSC “sanctioned” trips and on the two council trips listed here – with other council-affiliated ski clubs without having to join the other club. Our club does not currently have our own trip captains for council Western Carnival or EuroFest. Our Schweitzer trip is sanctioned (open to members of other council clubs). Sonny Short is our club’s rep to the Ski Council. There is a link to the council trips site on our club web site. BRSC is affiliated with the National Ski Council Federation. Please Tell Ski Activities Chairman, Steve Liberman, if you go on a BRSC Carnival, Eurofest or sanctioned trip with another club – and please send a trip report afterwards, for our newsletter, to let club members know about the experience. Skiing Together Since 1966 January 2015 Ski News, Page 5 PeninsulaSkiClub.com WHAT IS A SKIING NUT? By Leonard Credeur How do you characterize a skiing nut? Similar to panning for gold, if you sift away from the human population mix those who are only mildly pro skiing, neutral, or who are negative about skiing, then skiing nuts are the nuggets you are left with. In fact if you are reading this, chances are your interest might well be such that you are a bona fide skiing buff yourself, or at least have the potential for so being. Aficionado was once commonly used to describe devotees of skiing but that term, like the traditional narrower ski, is seldom used today. One skiing nut I know claims his life "operates in two sections -- skiing and all the other stuff." There is a comparable approach one sees on t-shirts that says, "Skiing is life, everything else is details." There is another one that says, “I ski, therefore I am.” One thing about skiing nuts is that they do have a constant attitude about their sport -- gung-ho. Pros on the International Ski Federation World Cup Tour ski for opportunities to earn a living whereas skiing junkies live for the opportunity to enjoy skiing. To the nut, skiing is the “sport.” However, the term sport to some might only imply a pastime or diversion. Calling it a passionate hobby is getting closer, but even that doesn’t fully capture the dedicated fervor that at times approaches total absorption. Snow sliding rats don’t just love or enjoy their sport. They need the sport, crave the sport. They feed off the suspense and excitement that comes with every turn’s chance for either success or disaster. The satisfaction from a series of precise turns, down the fall line of a beautiful mountain, is the psychological fix that keeps skiing addicts coming back for more. Beginners are only able to occasionally experience that exhilarating high on green slopes, intermediates more often on blue slopes and advanced players fairly often on black slopes. However at all levels, the opportunity to experience the same fist-pumping rush that the top FIS professionals have from a good run is the hook that captivates the skiing nut. The vision of increasing the frequency of those special runs is what motivates skiing heads to work on their technique like driven, eager beavers. To acquaintances, a skiphile’s love for the sport leads to behavior considered somewhat unusual if not outright abnormal. When no one is expected to be looking, members of the species are occasionally discovered crouched in front of a mirror, practicing imaginary turns by rotating their thighs and shifting weight. To a snow slider, it is more than merely a sport, pastime or hobby. It is a committed condition, a way of life involving all things related to skiing. Skiing becomes a life quest, a passionate mission of experimentation, practice and improvement. This includes skiing whenever possible, reading all available skiing magazines, studying instruction videos, taking professional skiing lessons and of course watching or recording all World Cup meets shown on TV. To all that we must add the time and investment spent on ski equipment and clothing. Zealous, obsessive, compulsive, driven, totally-committed and addicted are some of the nicer descriptor words used by non-sympathetic observers. You hear terms like “skiing-crazed dude or dame” and much worst. At all ability levels, skiing zealots are fanatics with tolerance, but only barely, for those not imbued with their enthusiasm for the sport. The characteristic that distinguishes novice skiing lovers from those more advanced is only the more noticeable degree to which their enthusiasm for the sport exceeds their ability. However, regardless of ability, a skiing nut never seriously thinks about not taking skiing seriously. Uncommon fervor is the common denominator. The skiing enthusiast has been lightheartedly characterized above as obsessive and intensely focused. There is another side to skiing enthusiasm that is worth talking about. Skiing good is preferred, but enjoying the challenge of the sport is what ultimately motivates most skiing lovers. There are a few "gotta look better and ski faster than everybody else" exceptions, but for most it is an opportunity to enjoy skiing and testing themselves. For most skiers the ultimate satisfaction comes from trying skills they have been working on and skiing to the best of their developed ability, in other words fulfilling their current skiing potential. In that sense skiing is a means to examine and expand the boundaries of one’s concentration, conditioning, reflexes and motor skills. It is the experiencing of what often gets lost after childhood, the joy and satisfaction of moving and controlling one’s body. Observe the wonder and delight of little ones that are starting to walk and explore their new locomotion. They so enjoy and can’t get enough of it. Getting philosophical, what that really means is nothing less than probing the physical limits and nature of one’s self, of one’s being. That is the essence of classical sports competition as defined by the ancient Greeks, and what I submit ultimately motivates the interest, efforts and dedication of most skiing nuts. The final, more positive image of the skiing nut I would like to leave you with is that of a seeker, an explorer in both skiing and life. Anything that is worth doing is worth doing with enthusiasm, attention and commitment. Generally skiing nuts approach all their endeavors with this attitude. They don't just go through the motions - - they live and they play with an interest and passion for what they do. Skiing nuts have an outlook toward their sport and their life that my Louisiana Cajun relatives expressed as “la joie de vie” - - the joy of living. Skiing Together Since 1966 January 2015 Ski News, Page 6 PeninsulaSkiClub.com NON-SKI RESOLUTIONS: - Participate in a Non-Ski Activity - Invite a guest - Plan an Activity - Take pictures to share - HAVE FUN - Show & Tell people how much fun you had with the club. Peninsula Ski Club of Virginia (PSC) DATE In 2015 NON-SKI ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE As of Dec 20, 2014 The latest info is available in “Other Activities” section of our club web site http://peninsulaskiclub.com/otheractivities.html Jan 10 Jan 24 9 AM Hike the Noland Trail – A brisk walk through the woods. 5-mile walk on the Noland Trail, the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, weather permitting, at 9AM. Please let Dorrie know at least 24 hours in advance if you will participate. Broadway in Norfolk - Chrysler Hall http://broadwaynorfolk.com/ Now Through April 4 Feb 20, (Friday) 6-8 PM Phantom of the Opera Jan 8 – 18, 2015 Sister Act Feb 20 – 21, 2015 Camelot April 3-4, 2015 Contact Valerie if you are interested in coordinating a night out to see a particular Broadway Musical with other club members – and perhaps have dinner together before or after. POINT OF CONTACT (POC) Area Code 757 Dorrie Thompson 752-4521 Dorrie.thompson@dss.virginia.gov Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com Virginia Symphony Night at the Movies with John Williams Ferguson Performing Arts Center, Newport News VA. Tickets start at $25. The complete schedule is available at http://www.virginiasymphony.org/ If you are interested in coordinating a concert, please contact Valerie. Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com Leonardo da Vinci at the Muscarelle Museum of Art, Feb 28 College of William & Mary, Williamsburg VA. Exhibition Feb 21 Saturday) April 5. Tickets are $15. If you are interested in coordinating another date, please contact Valerie This is one of only two 1 PM Valerie Grason 206-1426 v_grason @hotmail.com venues for seeing this exhibition – the other is in Boston. Don't miss out! http://muscarelle.org/coming-february/ Bowling With Steve. Let Steve know if you would like to get together for bowling. He will make arrangements at AMF York Lanes on Route 17 in Yorktown to be convenient for most club members. Tennis Anyone? Let Agnes know if you are interested in tennis and tennis parties. (Including indoor tennis in the cold weather) Calling Interested Golfers. Please let Bill know how often you would like to go golfing. Once a year, once a month, once a week, whatever! He will then determine where and when. Your Ideal Date & TIme Your Non-Ski Activity Here. Any member willing to be a non-ski POC for an activity or trip, please contact Non-ski Activity Chair, Valerie Grason. Also email non-ski activity info to Valerie with info copies to Web Master Winnie, Newsletter Editor Melva, and Meet-Up Guru Dorrie so we can get the word out to members and potential members. Contact info, including email addresses are on our club web site at http://peninsulaskiclub.com/contactsboard.html Steve Liberman 321-7933 mnclib2@cox.net Agnes Evans 867-8072 Bill Lewin 619-8922 email wlewin@cox.net YOU - This Newsletter is published on our web site September through May. The September edition is also mailed to members. - Skiing Together Since 1966 January 2015 Ski News, Page 7 PeninsulaSkiClub.com
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