THE PRODUCT SAGE ANALYTICS PRESS KIT A revolutionary system using proven technology to accurately and instantly measure potency of cannabis products real-time and on-site. WHO WE A RE Chad Lieber, PhD - Chief Scientist & Co-Founder of Sage Analytics. Dr. Lieber is one of the world’s leading scientists in the field of spectroscopy and optical sensing. He has been at the forefront of developing advanced spectral instruments, from UV-VIS to NIR, SWIR and Raman analyzers, spectral imagers and Raman microscopes, for the biomedical, military/defense, R&D, pharmaceutical, food and petrochemical industries. Matt Kaplan - President & General Manager Matt Kaplan’s career includes over 20 years in the consumer electronics and sporting goods industries, managing markets for European parent companies, building and managing sales teams, and launching entrepreneurial ventures. During his career, Matt has worked with all branches of the US Military, premier athletes, high end partnerships including Ralph Lauren, and Charles Schwab and the top retailers of consumer goods both in North America and in Europe, including: Amazon, Zappos, Nordstorm, Best Buy, Walmart, REI, Costco and Canadian Tire/Forzani. Matt has an Undergraduate Degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a Masters Degree in International Management from Thunderbird (The American Graduate School of International Management). WHY W E A RE Sage Analytics was born out of the belief that accurate potency measurements of marijuana were not readily available, and thus consistency and reliability of cannabis products had become a serious issue for the industry. To improve public safety and consumer confidence, access to affordable, accurate, real-time potency measurement needed to be improved. Our technology is based on 15 years of working with the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, medicines and food products all provide the consumer with information about their ingredients and potency. Why should cannabis be any different? People have the right to know what they are ingesting. Growers need to know what they are growing. Dispensaries need to know what they are dispensing. Regulators need to know what’s on the market. It just makes sense. THE PRODUCT SAGE PROVIDES QUICK, ACCURATE TESTING OF CANNABIS PRODUCTS Sage Analytics is offering a groundbreaking solution for cannabis testing in legal markets. The Luminary™ Profiler is a desktop cannabis potency measurement device that enables cost-effective, real-time potency and freshness testing by nearly every business in the cannabis eco-system. Benefits include instant, accurate and affordable measurements of THC, CBD and CBN that can now be tested and read on-site by any operator, at any time during production. Growers can optimize harvest - no more wait times for potency testing or destruction of samples. Laboratories can increase their potency measurement throughput and decrease skill requirements of testing personnel - keys to increasing profitability. Producers of edibles and other infused products can rely on highly accurate measurements of product ingredients to produce more reliable and consistent products. HOW IT WORKS The Sage technical team of PhD Scientists trained in optics technology, have employed spectroscopy (light) technology that is commonly used for large-scale quality control by numerous industries including pharmaceuticals and energy, to develop a portable, cost-effective potency profiler that can be used real-time for highly accurate cannabis potency and moisture (freshness) measurements at the molecular level. For the first time, highly accurate CannaMetric™ Profile “proof of potency” THC, CBD and CBN measurements, can now be made inside and outside a laboratory (in legal markets) by just about anyone. With an easy-to-use, portable desktop device, consumer interface and optional printer for CannaMetric™ Profile product labeling, there is simply no other testing method available today for cannabis that offers the accuracy, simplicity and versatility as the Luminary™ Profiler. THE PURPOSE SAGE ANALYTICS IS CHANGING THE CANNABIS INDUSTRY Sage Analytics was formed to address a critical challenge facing the expanding legal cannabis industry– the lack of an accurate, affordable way to measure THC, CBD and CBN easily and instantly at any point across the industry supply chain. Traditional lab equipment was simply not designed for today’s significantly expanding market and evolving regulations. Currently, samples need to be shipped to a third party lab, and then are analyzed on complex equipment by highly trained technicians. Growers have no on-site measuring capabilities to replicate plant potency. MIP producers and dispensaries have no reliable way to conveniently verify potency in real time. Regulators do not have convenient, affordable measurement tools at their disposal. This is all about to change. PRESS RELEASE Sage Analytics Develops Breakthrough System for Potency Testing of Cannabis Products Revolutionary portable device produces highly accurate results Sage Analytics, the developers of a new generation of equipment for the testing of marijuana potency and moisture content, announced today the release of the new Luminary™ Profiler, the industry’s first product suite capable of delivering highly accurate light-based measurement in a cost-effective, portable unit. Designed from the ground up to meet the specific needs of the cannabis industry, the Luminary™ Profiler utilizes specially purposed spectroscopy analysis. Spectroscopy has long been lauded as one of the best measurement techniques in the world. Commonly used by major testing facilities and pharmaceutical laboratories, spectroscopy produces a superior test result, but until now the technology has been too expensive and complicated for use in the cannabis market. “We have taken our 15 years of experience developing world-class testing solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, and have created a first-of-its-kind device,” said Chad Lieber, PhD, Chief Scientist and Co-Founder of Sage Analytics. “Virtually everyone involved with cannabis will benefit from fast and accurate potency testing, including growers, dispensaries, manufacturers of infused products, regulators, and of course, consumers and medical marijuana patients.” The Luminary™ Profiler provides instant, accurate and affordable measurements of THC, CBD and CBN, which can be read on-site by any operator, at any time during the cannabis life-cycle. The system has multiple benefits for everyone in the cannabis eco-system: • Growers can optimize harvest, with zero wait times for potency testing and no destruction of samples. • Laboratories can increase their throughput without the need of highly trained personnel. • MIP producers of edibles and infused goods can produce more consistent products and provide accurate potency, ingredient and serving size information. • Dispensary operators can provide their customers with instant analysis on any strain, enhancing consumer confidence. • Government regulators can test cannabis anywhere, anytime, with a system that is as accurate and reliable as traditional GC and HPLC techniques, but with results in a fraction of the time and cost. The new Luminary™ Profiler is a breakthrough for the cannabis industry, and can help solve many of the problems and challenges facing this rapidly emerging market. For more information on the Luminary™ Profiler, or for a demonstration, please call Sage Analytics at: 650-492-8996, or visit the website at: PRESS ASSETS PRESS ASSETS Potency Goal Optimal Harvest Time FIND US f SAGEANALYTICS l SAGEANALYTICS media inquiries: W SAGEANALYTICS.WORDPRESS
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