Annette Luna & Joe Reyes

We’re on the web!
Oxnard Post 48, The American Legion
2101 Auto Center Dr, Unit 150
Oxnard, CA. 93036
Phone: (805) 604-4800
U.S. Postage
Oxnard, CA. 93030
Permit No. 260
Post Officers
Post Executive
Auxiliary Officers
American Legion Riders Officers
CDR: Mike Vivenzio
President: Stephanie Reid
President: Brad Ring
1st VC: David Forney
1st yr.: Dale Dean
1st VP: Rosemary Weber
1st VP: Pete Kladis
2nd VC: Joe Reyes
Jorge Iglesias
2nd VP: Stacy Eagle
Secretary.: Rosemary Weber
Adjutant: Christin Venema
Gino Rodriguez
Secretary: Bonny Wright
Treasurer: Christin Venema
Finance: Steve Weber
Joe Yedynak
Treasurer: Shirley Forney
Chaplain: Anne Diaz
Asst Fin : Gino Rodriguez
2nd yr.: Greg Diaz
Chaplain: Joyce Sihler
Sgt. at Arms: Joe Yedynak
Chaplain: Bill Winter
Pete Kladis
Sgt. at Arms: Jessica Gustefson
Ride Coordinator: Joe Yedynak
Historian: Bill Winter
Michele Two-Coats
Marshall: Barbara Mashburn
Jr. Past Pres: Chris Coleman
Sgt. at Arms: Ray Reeves
Christin Venema
Historian: Open
Service Off: Bob Barker
Judge Adv.: David Forney
Jr. Past Cdr. - Irl Henderson
Facilities Mgr.: Ray Reeves
ALA Executive Board
Amanda Aviles
Parliamentarian: Rosemary Weber
Jr Past Pres.: Rosemary Weber
Annette Luna
Loretta Nicholson
Annette Luna & Joe Reyes
Cdr.: Wolfgang Burke
1st VC: Open
2nd VC: Edward Castruita
S.A.L. Executive Committee
Frank Mora
of the Year 2014
S.A.L. Officers
Larry Myers
Paul Taylor
Jr. Past Cdr: Brian Blackler
Sqdrn. Advisor – Mike Vivenzio
Adjutant: Felix Salazar
Finance: Richard Cisneros
Sgt. at Arms: Mark Reid
Sound Off
A Free Monthly Publication
Volume 0115
January 2015
The American Legion Oxnard Post 48
meetings will be held at our new home –
2101 Auto Center Dr., Unit 150, Oxnard,
CA 93036. Right behind Costco
Commander’s Corner ♦ Mike Vivenzio ♦ (805) 797-0872 ♦
Happy New Year! I’m wishing all a happy and very prosperous 2015. We under took and accomplished many things
in 2014 and I thank everyone for all the great support. 2015 will definitely be a very busy and fun filled year as well
and I will need everyone’s continued support.
So with that, I would like to address a couple of things. First, I would like to ask everyone not to talk about Legion
business or planned events while outside of the Post. There has been much misinformation getting back to me. I
encourage everyone to come to the Legion Meetings to get all the latest and greatest news on where we are with the
build-out and any planned events. Until the City approves us for our intended usage, we need to be very careful and
thoughtful about what we say and, more importantly, where we say it. If you have questions, you can also see me
every Monday morning at the Post from 8 to 9:30 am.
Secondly, I wanted to address where we are with the design and build-out. We held a meeting a week or two ago and
talked in detail about the design and layout of the actual bar. To minimize the foot print of the bar while maximizing
the seating capacity and overall functionality, it looks like we will have a horseshoe configuration of sorts. This will
create a more functional space for the bartender and a more intimate space for our members where people at the bar
can actually carry on a conversation with each other and feel more connected to one another. We have requested a
full set of drawings from the City so they can be given to the architect to be modified with our new design. Shortly,
we will take out a few more walls and open up the space just a bit more.
Lastly, starting on or about the second Sunday I want to establish my second commander’s call every Sunday from 11
am to 5 pm to watch sports and play games such as Left-Right-Center.
Please remember, if your membership card doesn’t say 2015 your card is not valid and will not be honored. Please
pay your dues as soon as possible so you can be a continued member in good standing. This also helps us meet our
membership goals as well. Processing and tracking over 600 members each and every year can be a daunting task. I
really appreciate our Adjutant Christin Venema for all her hard work and for agreeing to take on this most critical
responsibility. Thanks to everyone who consistently supports our Post. As always, I serve at the pleasure of the
Warmest Regards;
Mike Vivenzio
“In Faith We Trust”
Sundays 11:00am to 5:00pm
Mondays 8:00am to 9:30am
Adjutant ♦ Christin Venema ♦ (818) 307-8636 ♦
Greetings Fellow Legionnaires;
Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed your holidays and that you were able to share some special time with family
and friends.
Membership reminder: If you haven’t renewed your membership,
you are past due. Please get your dues into me as soon as possible
so I can get you your 2015 membership card.
You can send your dues ($35) to the Post, to my attention. Thank you.
Christin Venema
Post 48 Adjutant
Auxiliary President’s Message ♦ Stephanie Reid ♦ (805) 901-6159 ♦
We end this year with a big smile. There may have been displacement, and we may have been scattered, but unity has
been found within our cause. It will be fun going into the New Year creating and making the new post “home”.
This month we had a small Christmas party with breakfast for simple fun and bonding but little business. It’s good to
have a little break and make time to laugh when everyone has been working so hard. We did a white elephant gift
exchange, it was a blast! The event was held on Sunday, December 7th. In addition, on December 15th there were 8
post members volunteering at the MCB3 party at the base giving out snacks, painting faces, and giving out gifts. The
kids smiles and the great time we had there is a great reminder of why we do what we do. At another event on
December 19th, 8 volunteers helped to provide 100 pieces of chicken, cookies, stockings stuffers, and Santa’s toys for
Christmas morning at The Woman’s and children’s shelter in Ventura.
On Saturday, December 20th at 12:00-2:00, there was a family Christmas party; it was our first official gathering at our
new unit home. What a wonderful way to celebrate!
Things to come:
We are having a Bowling fundraiser at Wagon Wheel Bowl on Sunday, January 4th from 11:00-12:00am to
help raise money for the new computers.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, January 2nd at 6:00pm.
I would like to do a shout out to Loretta Nicolson for doing a wonderful job for representing Post 48 at Fun Dough
and raising over $1000.00! Great Job!
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year.
Stephanie Reid
Auxiliary President
“For God and Country”
The American Legion Post 48 reserves all rights to publish articles and other submissions in the Sound Off and edit
for content, consistency in apolitical and non-denominational policies. By submitting an article for publish you
acknowledge and accept this Legion Policy. Please direct all questions to the Commander.
Shopping for Fun Dough Chair ♦ Loretta Nicholson ♦ (805)983-0418
Another year has come to an end and we tied for
second place, which is awesome. At the rewards
breakfast we received a check for $1,075.00. This
was earned by attendance at the monthly meetings and
turning in receipts from the various sponsors. How
easy is that?
Affiliate of SR Benefit Services - Belinda Lang, 801-473-3434
Thank you Rosemary for stepping in at the last minute
to let them know about the American Legion and our
programs. One of the ladies let Rosemary know that
she had gone to Girls State a number of years ago.
Equity Management – Richard Sulc, 208-9563 or
Tyler Tran, 626-616-0588
GreenThumb International – 642-8517
I want to thank everyone who has supported this
program, without you we could not have
accomplished our goals.
Marie Callender’s, Camarillo only – 987-5580
We start off a new year with the first meeting on
January 9th 2015, 9:30 to 11:30 at the Bible
Fellowship Church in Ventura. With a little more
support we may even come in first.
If any of our Legion Family can spare just 2 hours a
month to attend a meeting and save receipts, please
give me a call 805 983-0418. Hope to hear from you
Ahni & Zoe - Rita Trejo, 805-512-1384
Born to Travel – Stephanie, 579-1050
Cookie Lee – Cathie, 551-2739
Ecola Termite – 660-2098 or 522-4284
Jeffrey T. Schoenherr, Attorney – 818-773-9800
Mary Kay Cosmetic - Allene, 800-610-7258
Moonvine Desserts - Annette Clement , 805-612-2334
Open Mortgage - Carlos Camargo, 805-985-2808,
Pampered Chef - Vera Bridges, 760-8412
Thirty One Gifts - Laura Spelker, 805-612-2915
Worthy Plumbing - Fred Worth, 351-5762 or 758-0319
Yolanda’s Mexican Café – Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo, Simi
Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy
ALR Chapter 48 President ♦ Brad Ring ♦ (805)665-7424 ♦
Well we made it thru the holidays and the food comas, now it’s time to be pro-active and start thinking about ideas to
raise money. We have a long road ahead of us and are off to a great start, but we need to keep the momentum going,
start thinking outside the box. Besides fundraisers, we need to come up with some fun rides to attract new members
and get back to our mission statement of helping our fellow vets. All ideas are welcome and if anyone would like to
step up and take this on that would be great.
For those of you who do not know, I will be having back surgery on Jan 9th. I will be down for a little bit but our VP
Pete Kladis will take the reins for a while. I will try to call in as much as possible but you still can call or text me if
you have anything to discuss.
I want to thank each and every one of you for all the support and hard work you have done over the past year. Keep
it up and as always ride strong, ride proud, and ride Legion strong.
Upcoming events:
 Jan 2nd – Legion Rider E-board meeting
 Jan4th - Bowling party at Wagon Wheel Bowl, 11:00-2:00
 Jan 6th - Legion E-board
 Jan 8th – Legion Rider meeting
Brad Ring President, ALR Chapter 48
Remember our new Web site:
Feb 6th – Legion Rider E-board
Feb12th – Legion Rider meeting
Feb?? Fajita dinner TBA
Chaplain’s Corner – Joyce Sihler, (805) 485-3226 ♦ cell: (805) 407-8046,
Hi. I am the Auxiliary Chaplin Joyce Sihler. I hope everyone had a great Chanukah
Celebration or a very Merry Christmas. Now we are facing a new year and there is a
lot of work to be done.
As you know our organization was founded on the principles of “God and Country”.
What better way can we serve both “God” and “Country” than helping our veterans.
As Jesus said “In as much as you have done it to one of the least of these my brethren,
you have done it to me.” Matthew 25:40.
There will be many ways to serve if we keep our hearts and eyes open.
Do not forget to save the used postage stamps on your Christmas Cards for our wounded veterans.
Happy Birthday to the January babies.
Remember those of our Legion and Auxiliary family in prayer that are ill or facing major problems. Please pray for
our veterans, all our active duty as well as all our government leaders.
I beg you to call me when someone is ill or in need of prayer. Please call me when someone is ill or in need of
Joyce Sihler
Auxiliary Chaplain
It’s that time again; time to re-new your membership. Take a moment to look at your membership card; if it doesn’t
2015, your membership will expire December 31st.
You can renew by sending your check for $35.00 to the Post at:
American Legion Oxnard Post #48
2101 Auto Center Drive, Suite 150
Oxnard, CA 93036
(Please make your check payable to American Legion Oxnard Post #48)
You can pay on-line by credit or debit card at
You can drop off your membership dues at the Post during Commander’s Call on Sunday or Monday:
2101 Auto Center Drive, Suite 150
Oxnard, CA 93036
Mondays from 8:00am to 9:30am
We need your help to reach our 2015 membership goal of 606 members. We are currently at 75% and every renewal
puts us closer to our goal.
David Forney,
1st Vice Commander,
Remember it’s not the price of the dues but the price you paid to be eligible!
Schedule Subject To Change Without Notice
Friday, January 2nd
7:00pm – 8:00pm – Legion Rider Meeting
Sunday, January 4th
11:00am –2:00pm - Bowling Party @ Wagon
Wheel Bowl. $12.00 – incl. 3 games, shoes and
lunch – (lunch only $6) – RSVP Rosemary Weber
(805)218-1407 by Jan. 2nd if possible
Sunday, February 1st
Superbowl Party at the Legion. Time to be
Monday, February 2nd
7:00pm – 8:00pm - Ventura County Council
Meeting. See website for details.
Monday, January 5
7:00pm – 8:00pm - Ventura County Council
Meeting at Post 48, dinner available.
Tuesday, February 3rd
6:30pm – Calendar Meeting
7:00pm – ALA E-Board Meeting
7:00pm – Post 48 Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, January 6th
6:00pm – 7:00pm – Auxiliary E-Board Meeting
7:00pm – Post 48 Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 5th
6:30pm – Legion Rider Executive Committee
Thursday, January 8th
1. 6:00pm – 7:00pm – Auxiliary General Meeting
7:00pm – 8:00pm – Legion Rider Meeting
Friday, January 9
9:30 – Shopping for Fun Dough @ 6958 Ralston
St. Ventura
Sunday, January 11
11:00am – 5:00pm – The Legion will be open for
Football Season
Wednesday, January 14
6:30pm-7:30pm – SAL Meeting
Wednesday, February 11th
6:30pm-7:30pm – SAL Meeting
Thursday, February 12th
1. 6:00pm – 7:00pm – Auxiliary General Meeting
7:00pm – 8:00pm – Legion Rider Meeting
Friday, February 13th
9:30 – Shopping for Fun Dough @ 6958 Ralston
St. Ventura
Thursday, February 19th
7:00pm – Legion General Meeting
Thursday, January 15th
7:00pm – Legion General Meeting
Please note that some of this information comes from the Post48 website calendar. If you are posting
incorrect dates or times, there is a chance that it will be repeated here on the newsletter calendar.
Valley Spuds
Refrigeration - Air Conditioning - Heating
Produce Available
(805) 983-3536
Ca. Lic. #405266
Steve Weber, Member
County of Ventura
910 Commercial Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030
(805) 483-5292
Marlene Kaiser
Mike Vivenzio Plumbing
Div. of Veterans Services
Plumbing - Electrical - Tile
Public Social Service Agency
Copper Re-pipes, Slab Leak Repairs,
Bathroom Remodels, Water Heaters,
Drain Cleaning, Garbage Disposers,
Water Filtration Systems, Plumbing
Fixture Installs
855 Partridge, Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 477-5155
*New location by County Gov’t Center
Monday - Thursday, 9-4
Ca. Lic. #798836
Brian G. Blackler Painting
Mike Vivenzio - Member
“Substantial Savings, Direct to the public,
when you need it most.”
Residential – Commercial
Interior – Exterior – Custom – Faux
The Casket Store
Free Estimates
“An Affordable Return to Tradition”
Caskets – Urns, monuments – Vaults
(805) 983-2709
Ca. Lic. #
Gemstones For
Your Special Someone!
Already mounted or loose.
Call Mathew at
Key, Safe & Locksmith
Reliable Access Control Systems,
Industrial Electronics, Sales, Sold,
Service, Installed, Welding, Repair,
(805) 483-3456
Ca. Lic. # 588980
Dave, Member
Guardian Memorial
“Dedicated To Caring, Personal &
Exceptional Service”
Funeral Directors & Crematory
Otto L Schimmel, Owner, Member
(805) 487-8464
(805) 485-2572 – Oxnard
Legion member
We Accept All Other Pre-Needs
Independent Retirement Living
Italian Deli & Grocery
Sandwiches – Catering – Desserts
Dr. James R. Caballero
A Holiday Retirement Community
4693-1 Telephone Rd.
Ventura, CA 93003
Save Time – Call Ahead! (805) 650-3663
10949 Telegraph Rd, Ventura, CA 93004
(805) 671-9700
1259 W. Gonzales Rd.
Oxnard CA 93036
(805) 485-0160
Bill Clark, Member
Come join us for a Tour & Meal
Music For All
Want ad space?
Mike Vivenzio at
(805) 797-0872
Scissor & Comb
Brian Blackler, Member
Parties – Weddings – Reunions
DJ Steve Weber, member
(805) 983-3536
Members, Reasonable Rates!
“A Place of Beauty & Tradition”
Fremont Square
680 Ventura Rd., Oxnard, CA 93030
(805) 981-1318
Ted Robles, Member
Craig Haskins
Camino del Sol
Handyman Service
10325 Alexandria St,
Ventura, CA 93004
Legion Member
(805) 483-3443
200 N “C” St., Oxnard
We Accept All Other Pre-Needs
(805) 797-4512
How can I make your life easier today?
Craig Haskins, Member
The Riders did a great job and the
Juniors did a good job passing out
poppies and flags!
Congrats to Bayley Holliday who
graduated from the US Coast Guard
today out at the U.S. Coast Guard
Training Center Cape May NJ.
Christmas party at City Center
shelter. We had Santa and Mrs
Clause and a face painter.
Adult Halloween party was a lot
of fun. Great music, dancing and
a whole lot of eating. It was sad
to say good bye to Irl and Kim