04-15 Spring 8-page final.qxp_Layout 1 08/12/2014 15:51 Page 1 Lifelong Learning Lectures Tuesday 27 January 50 Shades of Clay: Sensuality and eroticism in twentieth-century ceramic art Helen Shaw, History of Art 6.30pm, Room AEW/003, Alcuin East Wing, Alcuin College Tuesday 3 February ‘There is nothing outside the box’: Considering the institutional narratives and object histories of the Franks Casket Dr Meg Boulton, Centre for Lifelong Learning 6.30pm, Room AEW/003, Alcuin East Wing, Alcuin College Monday 16 February After 1066: Normans in England Cristina Figueredo, Centre for Lifelong Learning 6.30pm, Room AEW/003, Alcuin East Wing, Alcuin College Thursday 19 February York: A rocky history Dr Liam Herringshaw, Centre for Lifelong Learning 7pm, Room AEW/003, Alcuin East Wing, Alcuin College Thursday 5 March Cracking the cistern: A brief history of the loo Alice Bennett, Centre for Lifelong Learning 7pm, Room AEW/003, Alcuin East Wing, Alcuin College Tuesday 17 March Riot at the Rite (and the rest): The music of Igor Stravinsky Martin Scheuregger, Centre for Lifelong Learning 6.30pm, Room ATB/056 and 057, Seebohm Rowntree Building, Alcuin College TICKET ONLY SEE PAGE 8 Department of Politics Lecture Wednesday 28 January Roundtable on the Islamic State A panel of experts 4pm to 6pm, Room D/056, Derwent College York Medieval Seminar Tuesday 17 February York: The making of a city 1068-1350 Dr Sarah Rees Jones, Centre for Medieval Studies TICKET ONLY 5.30pm, SEE PAGE 8 Room K/133, King’s Manor 6 All lectures are by free ticket only Archbishop Holgate’s Annual Science Lecture Monday 16 March Medical imaging Dr Michael Wilson, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust 7.30pm, National Science Learning Centre Sponsored by the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine Merchant Adventurers’ Science Discovery Event HOLD THE DATE – Tuesday 31 March Speaker to be announced on our website TICKET ONLY 6.30pm, Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, SEE PAGE 8 Fossgate, York 7 Produced by Communications and Marketing, University of York Design: gavin ward design associates (gavin@gwda.co.uk) Photo credits: 123rf.com; c2.staticflickr.com; commons.wikimedia.org; pixabay.com; s0.geograph.org.uk; Directions, maps and parking information can be found at www.york.ac.uk/map Public Lectures Open to all Admission free TICKET ONLY Tickets for lectures For a free ticket to any of the ticketed lectures please go to www.york.ac.uk/tickets or call 01904 324778 All lectures run for approximately one hour, unless otherwise stated Further information Information is correct at the time of going to print. Any programme alterations, our full up-to-date programme and further details can be found at www.york.ac.uk/publiclectures Public Lectures mailing list To join our mailing list please call 01904 324778 or email publiclectures@york.ac.uk @UoYEvents Other University events Centre for Lifelong Learning 01904 328473 lifelonglearning@york.ac.uk www.york.ac.uk/lifelonglearning/ Concert Series 01904 322439 boxoffice@york.ac.uk www.yorkconcerts.co.uk York Union www.yorkunion.co.uk 8 Spring 2015 04-15 Spring 8-page final.qxp_Layout 1 08/12/2014 15:51 Page 2 York Society of Engineers Lecture History of Art Research Seminars Law, Government, and the Public Thursday 8 January The wider role of flood risk management in our society Innes Thomson, Environment Agency 7.30pm, Room P/L001, Physics Monday 19 January Polyfocal perspective and the ‘Bewilderment’ principle in medieval art and rhetoric Mary Carruthers, University of Oxford 4.30pm, Bowland auditorium, Berrick Saul building Tuesday 27 January Wikkountability: Publicity and accountability in the contemporary counter-terrorist state Professor Fiona de Londras, Durham Law School 6.30pm, Room LMB/002X, Law and Management, Heslington East York Biology Lectures Wednesday 14 January Folding a protein: Nature’s origami Professor Sheena Radford, University of Leeds 1pm, Room P/X001, Physics Wednesday 18 February Reservoirs of bovine TB in wildlife and livestock: An environmental perspective Professor Liz Wellington, University of Warwick 1pm, Room ATB/056 and 057, Seebohm Rowntree Building Wednesday 7 January Berrick Saul Building 9am to 5.30pm Wednesday 29 April Dressed to kill: What do infectious disease agents have in their wardrobes? Professor Sunetra Gupta, University of Oxford 1pm, Room P/X001, Physics School of Social and Political Sciences Lectures This January sees the second showcase of some of the University’s finest research with the return of York Talks on Wednesday 7 January. No specialist knowledge of the subjects under discussion is required and each speaker will present an aspect of their research, in 15 minutes or less, demonstrating its wider impact. Visit our website to find out more about our exciting, wide-ranging research and what it could mean for our future. www.york.ac.uk/events 2 Thursday 15 January Benefits Street: Culture of worklessness and inter-generational inequality Professor Rob MacDonald, University of Teesside Thursday 5 February Pressed for time: The acceleration of life in digital capitalism Professor Judy Wajcman, London School of Economics Thursday 12 February Constructing the active citizen: Political aesthetics and audio-visual form Professor John Corner, University of Liverpool Thursday 26 February The contradictions of media power Professor Des Freedman, Goldsmiths University London TICKET ONLY All lectures are by free ticket SEE PAGE 8 only, and will take place at 4pm, Room W/222, Wentworth College 3 Monday 16 February Rossetti on paper: Re-examining the drawings of a Pre-Raphaelite painter-poet Dr Colin Cruise, Aberystwyth University 4.30pm, Bowland auditorium, Berrick Saul building Tuesday 3 February Why punish? Professor Matt Matravers, Department of Politics 6.30pm, Room LMB/002X, Law and Management, Heslington East Learning from Human Rights Defenders Friday 23 January Working for social justice in Brazil Valdênia Paulino Lanfranchi and Renato Paulino Lanfranchi, CAHR Visiting Fellows 1.30pm, Room V/045, Vanbrugh College Friday 6 February Empowering women and girls through theatre in Afghanistan Abdul Hakim Hashemi Hamidi, CAHR Visiting Fellow 1.30pm, Room V/045, Vanbrugh College Friday 20 February Fighting against violence: Teaching peace to youth in Mexico and Yemen Ahmed Al-Kolaibi and Irene Miramontes Montes, CAHR Visiting Fellows 1.30pm, Room V/045, Vanbrugh College 4 Tuesday 10 February EU migrants and xenophobic law making Dr Charlotte O’Brien, York Law School 6.30pm, Room LMB/002X, Law and Management, Heslington East Tuesday 17 February One law for us, another law for them? Professor John Gardner, University of Oxford 6.30pm, Room LMB/002X, Law and Management, Heslington East 5
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