• t»AC* i - C A M S T B O , N. Y., TIMES, MAY 8, 18»2 Mrs. E l m e r Butler visited him Sun- Gary of Painted Poet, were dinner guests Sunday of her parents, Mr. day. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy, and atTO SPEAK Mrs. Irvin Kelley will be a guest tended the Open House celebration speaker at the Women's Missionary of hte 60th wedding anniversary for They will return Thursday morn- Society of the P r a t t s b u r g Presby- Mr. and Mrs. George A. Murphy.— 6<tth ANNIVEKSAKY terian church this Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hallen of AddiJ A S P E R , N. Y., May 6—Mr. and ing. son visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. MurDISTRICT MEETING O E S VISITATION Mrs. George A. Murphy were honMrs. Kenneth Car], Mrs. H a r r y phy, Sunday. The regular stated meeting of ored guests at their home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Potter and afternoon, a t a reception, given by J a s p e r Chapter OES was held Mon- Dennis, Mrs. S. G- Musto, Mrs. Fred Butler and Mrs. P. J. Smith attendMr. and Mrs. Gorden Wood and son d a y evening, April 28 with Worthy thejr daughters, Mrs. Harvey Cloos, and Mrs. Olenn Sims and their fam- Matron, Ruth H e c k m a n presiding. ed the District WSCS meeting in Dean called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and family in Bath, Sunday. At this meeting, R. W. Kathleen B a t h recently. ilies of Painted Post from 2 to 6 The Potters also were in Penn Yan BIRTHDAY DINNER o'clock, which m a r k e d their sixti- F a i r b r o t h e r , district Grand Matron. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennis and and the Woods afterwards made a eth wedding anniversary, which and R. W. E r w i n E. Young, district G r a n d Lecturer, made their family had as dinner guests Sun- call on his brother, Harold Wood d a t e . was May 5. day April 27 his brother, Mr. and and family in Cameron.—Mr. and Sixty-one relatives and friends official visit. A very delicious banquet was held Mrs. F r y e Dennis and two sons o ' Mrs. J. E. House called a t the Mrs. from Painted Post, Hornell, CanDan Heckman home in Bath, Sunisteo, Greenwood, and Jasper at- at J a s p e r central school, sponsored Caton and his parents, Mr. and day. Benjamin Crocker of Kanona tended the event. They were pre- by the Presbyterian Women's Soci- Mrs. Ross W. Dennis of South Can- was a business caller in town, Tuessented flowers, gifts and cards. They ety and preceding the meeting. isteo. The dinner honored the birth- day afternoon.—Rev. Charles Terhave resided all their married life at There were several visiting Chap- day anniversary of Frye Dennis. rill and Rev. Harold Widger were j M E E T I N G AT MACIIIAS their present farm home, just out- t e r s present including Hammondsbusiness visitors in Troupsburg, port, Cohocton, Livonia, Greenwood, E. T. Bouck was in Maehias Mon side- J a s p e r village. Mi- y ^ U They have the two daughters Troupsburg, Woodhull, Howard and day where he attended the We st-'-^VWednesday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. ern-iNew York Maple Syrup P r o - Milford Friends and family of mentioned, also one son, Andrew J. Olean. Woodhull called on her parents, Mr. Presentations from the Chapter, ducers Association meeting. Murphy, of J a s p e r ; 8 grandchildren and Mrs. Eldred Drake, Sunday.— FRIDAY DANCE and 12 great-grandchildren. Mr. and were made to R. W. Kathleen FairA round and square dance for Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wood and three Mrs. Murphy, who are in fairly good brother, R. W. Erwin C. Young. W. health, are life long residents of M. R u t h Heckman and" W. P. Glen the benefit of the Boy Scout Troop daughters of Wetlsville were in this area, and have been active in L. Bullock by Janet Cornell, Grace will be held at the Jasper central town Sunday evening to call on his mother, Mrs. Sarah Wood.—Mrs. the community, until on coming Lent, Lucille Wood, and Lola school on Friday, May 9. Lewis. Music will be provided by the Mabel Metz w a s in Hornell Wedyeans. nesday visiting her brother, Mr. Alberta B r u t s m a n , Louise Horton Cavaliers. MUSIC CONCERT and Mrs. Howard Foster, and called B R I D G E CLUB The music d e p a r t m e n t of Jasper a n d Thelma Hunt were initiated Mrs. Douglas Wilson entertained on Mrs. Hugh Foster, at St. James central school will present the an- into the Chapter at this time. Refreshment committee for the the Social Evening Bridge Club a', hospital.—Mr. and Mrs. John Pfcifnual spring- concert in the school (Friday evening, May 16. The band regular meeting of Jasper Chapter, her home Wednesday evening. Hon- er and children Phillip, and Connie and the girls' chorus will be fea- May 12, will bo Orisa Leach, Mar- ors went to Mrs. Clifford H u n t . Mrs. Kayo, were in Whitesvillc on ousiE d w a r d Litteer and Mrs. Gcorga ness Saturday afternoon. Mr. and tured in a program prepared by garet Payne, and Grace Lent. Mrs. Wayne Mayo and two daughJohnson. MAY 15 D E A D L I N E Mrs. Nancy Potter, music director. ters, Pauline and Norma, and Mr. The J a s p e r 1951 Tax Roll will be C O N F I N E D TO H O M E S Some instrumental soloists will also closed May 15 if anyone wishes to Mrs. Ralph Bullock is convales- and Mrs. Harvey Mayo and children •be presented. pay taxes before that date. cing at her home from a vein liga- Yvonne and Robert, motored to J U N I O R PLAY Hartsville Sunday afternoon for a The J u n i o r class of Jasper cenFlorence Brownell, Collector. tion operation performed in Beth- short visit with their son and broesda hospital, Hornell, last T h u r s tral school presented the three act VISIT GLASS C E N T E R ther, Mr. and Mrs. Deo Mayo and play, "Gabriel, Blow Your Horn." The fifth and sixth grades el day. daughter.—Mr. and Mrs. Edgar MRS. B R O W N E L L H O M E an the schoel auditorium Thursday J a s p e r central school, accompanied House and children, Robert and Mrs. C. A: Brownell, who fell and Bonnie visited her parents, Mr. and and Friday evenings, May 1 and 2. by their teachers, Mrs. Thoma.s Director of the play was Mrs. Mar- Griffin and Edward Litteer. also fractured her hip over two m o n t h s Mrs. Henry Lowry in EllicottvHle garet Murray. She was assisted by fifth grade room mother, Mrs. S. ago and was confined to St. J a m e s Sunday afternoon. — Mrs. David Mrs. Eloise Ackerson. G. Musto, enjoyed a trip by bus hospital, Hornell, and afterwards at Mayo and children, Johnnie and Members of the cast were Philip T h u r s d a y to the Corning Glass Cen- Yanni 'Nursing Home, Canisteo, re- Mary I/>u had Mrs. Sarah Wood as Morton, Irene IBurchard, Caroline ter. E a r l Walrath was driver of t u r n e d to Mrs. Minnie Wood's Sat- their dinner guest at* Dosn's restu r d a y aternoon where the Brown- aurant on the Hornell-Arkport, Allegar, Doris VanSkiver, Sharon the bus. ells have been residing. Mr. Brown- road, Sunday. Afterwards they call•—Oliifc J a n e t t e F l i n t , Janice Hosmer, MEETINGS LISTED Phillip Earley, Clair Walrath, BradThe WSCS of the Methodist ell is still a patient at Yanni's, Can- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore. ley'Stone, Allan 'Brownell and Don- church will hold their regular isteo. - M r . and Mrs. Willard Walrath of FISHING T R I P ald Brotzman. monthly meeting Wednesday afterPainted Post, who attended open H. C. Potter of Jasper, Mahlon house Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Y. Between a c t s numbers Thursday noon, May 14. in the church parevening were piano solo. "Arkan- lors. Hostess will be Mrs. Glen Kernon of Greenwood, Clinton Loo- A. Murphy's GOth wedding annivers a s . Traveler," by Caroline Allegar P a y n e . She will be assisted by Mrs. mis and son Gordon Loom is, of sary afterwards called on other and,''"Be My Life's Companion" and F o r r e s t Leach, and Mrs. Robert Campbell, returned home T h u r s d a y friends in town.—Mr. and Mrs. from a fishing trip to the Adiron- Charles Zeltwanger of Ellicottville, "Blacksmith Blues", by the E n - Hadley. "~~ semble. called on Rev. Harold Widger, a t The Presbyterian Women's So- dack Mountains. JASPER PERSONALS • 'Fjriday evening's between acts ciety will be held Wednesday afterthe Methodist parsonage Saturday Ross Ingersoll, who has been a afternoon.—Mrs. Minnie Wood was nuriabers were clarinet selections, noon, May 14, at the home of Mrs,. Stephen F o s t e r ' s favorites by Mr. W i l l i a ^ Ferguson. Co-hostess will patient in Bethesda hospital, Hor- a guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. and, Mrs. Stanley Ackerson, accom- be Mrs. Perry Cornell, and Mrs. nell for over two months, following a heart attack was brought L. Brown in Canisteo, Saturday panied ; pn piano by Louise Horton. H a r r y Benn. home Saturday, April 26. He is night. Also vocal selections, "Wishin' "' and ROLL CONTEST "Pittsburg, Pennsylvania," by the. J a s p e r Grange will meet. for :;lowly improving. —Mrs. D. L SaxS i i ) e m b l e k ^ H a a i M g w | H M H | | r e g u l a r session Tuesday evening. ton of Hornell, who has been reWASHINGTON T R I P May 13. At this meeting the einna- siding with Tier daughter, Mrs. LesJ a s p e r c e n t r a l school Senior class mon roll contest will be held. E a c h ter Cornell, has not been feeling left last F r i d a y for their Washing contestant will enter six rolls made well of late.—Rev. Irvin Kelley attoh. trip. T h e y drove to Elmira, from yeast dough, and baked in tended the Hornell and vicinity •where they took the train, for thi muffin tins. For further instruction Ministerial meeting in Hornell. Capital City. Class members were refer to a recent issue of the Am- Monday.— Spring vacation is on this Members of Henry's Insurance school. Jacquelyn B r a b a n t , Vivian Button, erican Agriculturist. There will Be week at J a s p e r central Mona Hosmer, flejrolyn Payne, J a n - prizes and the judges will be from There is no school this week.—Mrs. bowling team of the Canisteo ,Felice Spencer, Carolyn Wade, How- outside the Grange. Lecturer, Doris W. L. iBrown and Peggy R y d e r of lowcraft League scored 2,812 in the ard. Austin Jr., Melford Drake, Ron- Carl will- present a program oh Canisteo were a m o n g those from State Masonic * Tournament Sunald Sutton, Gerald VanFleet, Arle- F a r m Practices, including Better out of town attending the W. B. day in Buffalo. The tourney will VanSkiver, and Harold Willis. Gardens for Better Living, and Wentworth auction sale, Friday af- continue through May. ternoon.—Mr. nad Mrs. Ralph Lent High score to date is 3,069. Those Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. each lady present Will receive a are spending his spring vacation from Canisteo who competed in small gift. Douglas Wilson and Miss Mury from J a s p e r central school faculty the tournament were Nelson HenCARD O F THANKS Jean Holahan. duties, with her mother, Mrs. Mabel ry, Carl Lamphier, Ncryes Allen, I wish to t h a n k a i r my friends H. Kilquist at Farmingdale, L. I.— Gerald Reynolds, Charles Nuding. and neighbors for the many cards Mrs. Luzerne Koon called on her Another village resident, Robert and letters; the. M«tho.dist church niece, Mrs. Hugh Foster of Addi- Allen, bowled that afternoon with and the WSCS; also the Canisteo pon, who "is a patient, in St. J a m e s the Hornell Motorcycle Club. Rebekah Lodge, for the beautiful hospital, Hornell.—Mr. and Mrs. plants sent me during the time 1 Robert Wormley and family of was in the hospital with a fractured LOS ANGELES GUEST Troupsburg spent Sunday evening hip. Also for the m a n y deeds of with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crossman has returned kindness, during Mr. Brownell's illMrs. Edward Davis. Mrs. Wormley home from a recent vacation trip ness and for the Easter baskets remained in J a s p e r to spend this to the Pacific Coast. During her from the church and'VVSCS. week with her parents, Mr. and itinerary she was the guest of Rev. G o i n t o S c o t t ' s Ice C r e a m . Mrs. Florence Brownell. Mrs. E d g a r House. Mrs. Wormley is Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Schutz It's S m o o t h , Rich a n d MISSIONARY SOCIETY recovering from a recent operation and family of 1835 North Mariposa The Jennie Ordway Missionary in St. J a m e s hospital. Hornell. •••Mr. Creamy. Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif., former Society of the Presbyterian church and Mrs. P e r r y Weidler were dinheld their regular meeting, T h u r s - ner guests Sunday of her niece, Mr. Canisteo residents. Dr. Schut« was day afternoon with Mrs. Robert and Mrs. Sam Fowler and family in formerly pastor of the First Methodist church here. Dennis. Addison. Mrs. Ralph Lent conducted the Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sereno of devotions and Mrs. Eldred W a l r a t h presided, at the business session. Elkland. Pa. called on h e r sister, Mrs. Leonard Hollenbeck gave the Mrs. Robert Sivan and family, Monbook review of "We Americans, day evening. - M r . and Mrs". Lao North, and South," completing the Wallace of Canisteo were Sunday book. Ms. Myra Mnrlatt presented afternoon callers of her brother, Mr. the "Stewardship" lesson. Mrs. Rus- and Mrs. Allen Brownell and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lewis of sell Price read "In Jerusalem." Greenwood were in town Monday by Foley Automatic The hostess served refreshm°nls visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. to thirteen. Lawn Mower Sharpener. A. L. Lewis.—Mrs. J a m e s Bouton ATTENDED FUNERAL Work Fully Guaranteed. of Hedgesville called on Mrs. LuRev. Harold Widger who receiv- zerne Koon, Saturday afternoon. — ed word Saturday of the death of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Murphy and son GEO. M. CARTER his aunt, Mrs. Rose Moore in El- J o h n n e spent the week with her Phone 4814 10 Walnut St. mira, attended funeral services in parents, Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r H. Canisteo, N. Y. Elmira, Monday. Willover, at Avon.—Mr. and Mrs. STATIONED AT GAP W a r r e n Miller and sons Keith and Pvt. Elmer Butler, son of Mr. and B u t C o m p a r e w i t h t h e B e s t of Mr.-,. Fred Butler, who w i s recently ; A n y Well Known Brand. inducted in the service, is stationed ^ > at Indiantown Gap, Pa. where he is t a k i n g his basic training. His address is U. S. 11259196, 1st Platoon Company G„ 2nd Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division, Indiantown Gap, Pa., Military R e servation. Mr. and Mrs. F r r d B u t l e r an 1 38 W. Main St., Canisteo son Jimmie, daughter Carla a n d JASPER DEPARTMENT »nnnmmm»t**««««.««*wwwww. All Day Saturday You can hove a "new" room in a day with MAY 10 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. • Super washable. • No thinning —dries in o n e hour. e Luscious pastels,high fashion deep tones. Useful Gift with Each Purchase • Easy to apply—over painted •vails, wallpaper or plaster. Only $ 1 . 6 5 $C-19 I Qt. J Gal. (Deep Colors Slightly Higher) Save Money on the Small Roof 8x11 20x25 2 Sides, 16x24 $ 9.35 $34.75 $58.33 Eavestrough Material Average $ 3 ^T • 7 5 Home 3 U Gould's Tankless WATER SYSTEM $|Q9S0 WATER COLOR PAINTS Sq. Ft. 6V2 Factory Finished TILE BOARD %l 30 c PORCH AND F100R floors. W e a r and weather- and exterior resistant, 9 colors. FLOORS E A S Y TO INSTALL IN YOUR HOME af the factory for immediate installation and use in old hornet or new. In a single day Cromar Floors can be laid in any average size room, ready to use the M i n t evening. Ask for finished "samples" of these beautiful, durable and economical Oak Floors. Qc^!FIL(D(£)IS3 PHONE 2621 PING PONG TABLE $24 ss Picnic Table in the lonq run with GOLD BOND INSULATION $3.45 Box D Fireplace ANDIRONS $4.25 KEM-GL0 Average Home $ ^ 3 "1.50 1500 Sq. Ft. -L3JL For Office or Den Bleached Walnut Finish SHEET ROCK 4x8 ft. Sheet SAVB Regulation Size • For kitchen and bathroom walls and all your woodworkl Basement WATERPROOFING • 16 colors and whitel • Washes as easily as your refrigerator! • Dries in 4 hours! Easy to Apply $^.24 39' The Miracle Enamel That Leeks ami Washes Like Baked Enamel. lb. in 50 lb. drum 1 .45 $ - ^ . 4 9 Pt. A - Q t . $ Q .35 P Gal ABUNDANT HOT WATER ARVON PtoUcUtmt for the platter surfaces in the bath room e Restate steam end vapor. • Take* all kinds of abuse. • Hides Planter Patch**. Apply ARVON with a brash . . . easily . . . creates that beautiful pastel texture decoration. .70 Gal. Deep Colors Slightly Higher 3 Rheems Gas Water Heater 30-Gal Size *118.24 Interior Paint SemiLustre $ 1 . 0 9 .70 $ 3 Gal. Limited Choice of Colors You get long life, fire protection and good looks when you choose J-M Asphalt Shingles. There are colors and styles to meet every choice. Ask for a free estimate. Home Builders Supply Co. Coleman's Garage and Trailer Sales 15 W. MAIN ST. (Less Seat) Qt. ( O Gal. dm Limited Choice of Colors $ 76 Greenwood St.,Canisteo,NY. Phone 4 5 3 1 $49.50 WOODSULITE Insulated Siding Wo novo at free sample panel far you rer Wxme 133 Water Saver! WATER CLOSET COMBINATION IS MORE THAN A P A I N T COATING >s prepared 8 5 c Qt. $2-75 Gal. ARE end the flooring is completely J^OCOMPLCTt FUNERAL HOMES 36 .60 — CLEARANCE — INTERIOR PAINT FLATONE C ROMAR HARD WOOD Even the nail holes ere punched SEE IT TODAY $40.19 Demonstration $ I Special BALSAM WOOL INSULATION Sharpened ... Up to 3 5 miles per gallon, with overdrive. DEMONSTRATION DAY SPECIAL 6 Gallon S. W. P. House Paint $36.60 1 31/2-Inch Nylon Brush 3.89 4x6 ft. $ | .20 Sheets SHERW/N-WfUMMS Tor cottage or garagfe, 24xHB ft. 1000 sq. ft. $ 3 9 - 7 5 Gold Bond SHEET ROCK For interior ROLL BRICK SIDING Use S.W.P. House Paint Regular Price ENAMEL 6 1 ' WIDE SEATING FRONT and REAR Mr. Thomas S. Harvey of the Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleveland, Ohio, will be here to help you with your paint problems. He will demonstrate the new Super KemTone Paint which covers the surface better than any other paint. It also has the big advantage of maximum washability. See ink, grease and other stains washed from this miracle paint in seconds. PAINT YOUR HOUSE NOW Asphalt Shingles gives roomy comfort for six adults l i y ^ ^ g^ MR. HARVEY WILL BE AT THE HOME BUILDERS STORE Only One Grade — CrandanMrandall Funeral Service tiimiLntu Paint Demonstration Lawn Mowers Willys * THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SEE Only the Best Ingredients T h a t we helon* to Hie National Funeral Directors' Association, National HHeeled Moriktona, Asmorlutrd Funeral Director*' Service and lOOftl, state a n d county MMCtatfcmf Through thche membership,, wo a r c able to serve a family anywhere in the United States. * To Home Builders Supply Store COME in State Tourney DID YOU KNOW? * > Time to Beautify and 'Maytime Protect Your Home Canisteo Bowlers Scott's Dairy Bar ttim " CANISTEO Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Building Materials — Lumber — Paint SOUTH END OF PARK CANISTEO, N. Y. Plumbing & Heating PHONE 4441
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