January 2015 - Irish American Home Society

Irish American Home Society Inc.
President’s Message
Dear Fellow Members,
Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Dhuit (Happy New Year)! May it be a happy and prosperous year for all of our members and their families! The holidays went by
in the blink of an eye, as they always do. Read all about the holiday events later in this newsletter.
At the December monthly meeting, Maura O’Donnell, our Corresponding Secretary, read a letter from one of our members regarding volunteers who
helped her with her part of our Holiday Fair. I would like to share a portion of that letter…”I just want to add that I am so grateful to the people who answered my call for help and who volunteered to help me. I found out I have a bunch of new friends who I can count on. They are my blessings. To all of
you who don’t volunteer, start now. I have been a member for many years and when it comes time to help out it is always the same group of people-we
need you!!!!! Have fun meeting new friends. Young or old you can find something to do. No excuses”!!! Well I couldn’t have said it better myself! This
impassioned plea comes right down to the very heart of the long standing issue of member involvement. We have an amazing club and we are always
striving to hold events for our members to enjoy. Consider giving of your time in this new year. We have plenty of events where we need volunteers…
especially at St. Patrick’s Day. Give it some thought…send me an email if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. You will meet fellow members
and have a great time…I promise.
Congratulations to Margaret Moriarty, the 2015 Grand Marshal for the Greater Hartford St. Patrick’s Day Parade! Margaret has been a proud member of
this Society for many years and has held many positions, currently serving as Good & Welfare Chair. Her involvement in the parade spans over 30
years where she served as Colleen Chair; Scholarship Chair, Raffle Chair and Recording Secretary, among many other responsibilities. Congratulations
to Tim Devanney, the 2015 person of the Year for the Parade. Tim, owner of Highland Park Markets, has always been a huge supporter of the Manchester contingent of the parade and is a longtime member of this club. Tim’s community outreach goes above and beyond, where he, his family and
employees volunteer their time in the communities they serve. Please join me in congratulating these fine individuals and make some time to attend
some of the events that support this great parade.
All the best,
Maureen A. Kennedy
Jan. 2nd - Regular Pub Grub menu
Jan. 16th - Fried Haddock fish wraps with lettuce and tomato
Jan. 9th - Julie's Sheppard's Pie
Jan. 23rd - 2 Hot dogs with cheese and/or chili
Jan. 30th - Eileen's Meatball soup and gourmet grilled cheese sandwich
Screening for new members will be held on Tuesday, January 6, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.
The Monthly Meeting will be held on Friday, January 9, 2015, at 8:00 p.m.
Jan. 2nd - The Jeff Conlon Band
Jan. 10th- Dually Noted
Jan. 23rd- The Brennan Brothers
Jan. 9th - The Tom Lanigan Band
Jan.16th- The Band Ireland
Jan. 30th - Billy Eagan and The Rising
132 Commerce St PO Box 620  Glastonbury, CT  06033 Ph. (860) 633-9691
New Saturday Entertainment! Plus a
dinner special!!
The IAHS is pleased to announce a new
standing engagement with one of your favorite bands, Dually Noted! Beginning on
Saturday, January 10th, and recurring the
2nd Saturday of each month through May 9th
(a March date TBA), Dually Noted will be
appearing in the pub at 7:30 p.m. And to
kick off this new event, we will have a
“Shed the Winter Blues” dinner featuring
our Blue Plate Special, Joe’s Meatloaf and
Gravy, mashed potatoes and a vegetable.
Dinner includes dessert. All for the price of
$12! Served from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Reservations are a must! The last day to place
your reservation is Wednesday, January 7 th.
Call Maureen Kennedy at (860)550-3126 to
reserve your table!!
On Saturday, January 31st, Guest Bartender
Stephen Miskell takes on Bartender Brian Moran in our first ever Battle of the
Bartenders!! Come enjoy a bit of banter
and craic as these two battle each other for
the title of BEST BARTENDER! Come see
who really pours the perfect pint or who just
thinks he does! Come support your favorite
bartender! There will be plenty of fun,
games and prizes all night long! The fun
starts at 7:30….not a night to be missed!!!
Bloody Sunday Mass
The Hartford Unit of Irish Northern Aid will
hold its annual Bloody Sunday Mass on
Sunday, February 1, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. in
the Upstairs Hall of the Irish American
Home Society. A pancake breakfast will
immediately follow. Since 1970, the Irish
Northern Aid Committee has been at the
forefront in support of the struggle for freedom. All are invited to attend. For more
information, please contact Tom McBride at
Sunday, February 1st is Super Bowl Sunday
and the club will be open until the game is
over. So get your family and friends together, bring your favorite snacks and head over
for the best pints in town! We have great
TVs to watch the game…no seat is a bad
2014 St. Patrick ‘s Day Parade Book
Application forms and levels of sponsorship
available online @
www.irishamericanparade.com under the
fundraiser tab or via post card mailers available in the lower level of the club. Due February 18th, 2014 . It is a great way to honor
and remember friends and family in addition
to the 2015 Honorees: Grand MarshallMargaret O. Moriarty and Person of the
Year- Timothy J. Devanney. Questions can
be directed to 5Cparadebook@gmail.com.
Enjoy playing cards? Every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. in the downstairs lounge, members and guests are invited to join in a
2 friendly game of Setback.
This and that…
The weeks leading into Christmas and the New
Year were very busy at the Irish American Home
Society. The day after Thanksgiving, we held
our 2nd Annual Lights of Love Christmas Tree
Lighting and Carol Sing and what a beautiful
event it was! The sidewalks in front of the club
were lined with luminaries lit in memory of loved
ones, while the fire inside helped to warm all
who came to help ring in the holiday season.
Our beautiful tree outside was lit by Kayleigh
O'Connell, granddaughter of Kevin and Mary
Ann O’Connell (Kayleigh’s name was entered
in a drawing we held on November 22nd) while
everyone sang Christmas carols around the
tree. We continued the caroling inside and concluded with the reading of the names from our
Scroll of Honor, a very moving part of the program. The Pub Grubbers opened early and
folks enjoyed sharing a meal in the company of
friends and fellow members. The ever popular
Brennan Brothers continued the celebration into
the evening and the pub was jam packed with
revelers. If you couldn’t join us this year…mark
your calendars now for November 27, 2015.
This is an event not to be missed!
A lot of hard work went into creating this lovely
evening. Special thanks to our Events Committee, chaired by Cathy Barry; and to Ed Braga
and Megan McManus, who provided the beautiful music and led us in singing the carols. Many
thanks to our Webmaster, Todd Barry, who created the gorgeous Scroll of Honor that played on
the television screens at the club during the
evening (and can still be viewed on our website). Thanks to Kevin Foley, owner of Liberty
Landscaping who so generously donated the
Christmas Tree located in the front of the building, along with a custom made, outdoor tree
stand. And thank you to our ever dedicated Pub
Grubbers who came in early to feed the hungry
The following evening the Upstairs Hall was
packed for our holiday Pub Quiz, led by Quizmaster Theresa Doyle. Everyone in attendance
had a great time and a lot of laughs as Theresa
tested our knowledge (or lack thereof) on topics
ranging from geography to what Snoopy served
for Thanksgiving Dinner (if you’re curious the
answer is toast, popcorn, pretzel sticks and jelly
beans)! This is another “not to be missed” event
we hold at the club…and no one runs a pub quiz
quite like Theresa, with her quick wit and great
sense of humor! Thanks also to her sidekicks,
Kelley McElroy and Eileen Moore, for helping
with the scoring.
Sunday, November 30th was the date of our
Christmas Ceili held in the Upstairs Hall. This
traditional dance is always well attended and
this year was no exception. Thank you to John
Droney and his wife, Pat, who always put
together an exceptional event enjoyed by folks
from near and far.
Friday December 5th we held our Member’s
Christmas Party with a traditional ham dinner
that included colcannon, mashed parsnips and
carrots, turnip and green beans almandine. The
reviews were absolutely outstanding, with one
member proclaiming that she felt like she was
home in Ireland at her mother’s holiday table!
This meal was lovingly prepared by Cathy Barry,
Eileen McGee, Liz Saunders and me
(Maureen Kennedy), with our Events Committee helping with all the set-up, serving and
clean-up. We had a ball preparing the meal and
the abundance of compliments was overwhelming! Another event “not to be missed”
next year!
Our Holiday Fair was held on Sunday, December 7th, and the club was packed with shoppers and diners all day long. An Irish Breakfast started the day (we apologize for the wait)
and ended with a jammed pub listening to the
seisiun. There were plenty of vendors selling
an array of goods both up and downstairs.
One particularly busy spot was the Club Table
with a big selection of holiday foods along with
teas, jams, biscuits and the like. Lunch was a
busy affair with plenty of folks enjoying the
Toasted Special. Special thanks to Event
Chair Kathy Saimininkas, who did a spectacular job recruiting vendors and coordinating
the event. Thanks to Peter Hart for coordinating the breakfast and to Joe Kennedy for preparing and cooking the lunch. Last, but not
least, thanks to Karen Breen, who headed the
sales of wreaths, cemetery logs and centerpieces…all lovingly created by Karen and
members of her decorating team. Karen started taking orders in the fall and actually began
planning right after Christmas last year. She
personally designed and decorated many of
the items herself and they were just beautiful.
Thanks also to Paul Bowler who lent us his
box truck (he owns T-Shirts, Etc.) to transport
all the wreaths, swags and cemetery boxes to
the club.
The Children’s Christmas Party was held on
Sunday, December 14th with many children
and their families enjoying a visit with Santa
and a pancake breakfast. There were activities and games along with face painting and
the chance to have a picture taken with the big
guy himself! Special thanks to Sarah Moran
and Megan Tenney, Children’s Events Cochairs, for their vision and hard work. Thanks
to their families (Brian, Liam and Devin Moran
and Rick, Lauren and JD Tenney) who
worked right alongside these lovely ladies.
Thanks to Peter Hart for coordinating the
breakfast, and to Bruce Motowidlak who
helped us tremendously by picking up Santa
(his sleigh was in the shop) and delivering him
in a huge fire engine (thanks to Glastonbury
Fire Department, too) to the delight of all attending. Thanks to Andrew Fotta, who captured each child’s moment with Santa and
donated $150 back to the club from the sale of
the photos. And special thanks to Santa. We
know this is a crazy time of year for you…we
appreciate you travelling all the way to Commerce Street and spending time with all of us.
We hope you enjoyed the pancakes. They
were made with love!
And speaking of love…I hope you found time
to share this special time of year with those
you love. xo
GAA Annual Convention
The Hartford Gaelic Athletic Association will
hold its Annual Convention on Saturday, January 24, 2015, in the downstairs lounge at the
Irish American Home. The meeting begins at
2:00 p.m. For more information contact Dan
Membership Renewals
Membership renewals are mailed in the month of January and must be paid by March 31st in order to be a
member in good standing. In an effort to save money
on postage, please consider dropping by the club on
Friday evenings to pay and receive your card immediately or include a note with your payment that you will
pick your card up at the club (see your bartender).
Individual renewals are $70.00 and spousal membership is $110.00. Renewals can also be paid on-line by
visiting our website:
Well we have some good news for you! THE CLUB
IS CHANGING OUR HOURS in an effort to help you
combat those wintertime blues! We now open at 2:00
p.m. Tuesday through Friday (weekend hours remain
the same) so you can enjoy your club for a few hours
before darkness falls! Stop in, enjoy a cuppa or a
pint…buy a few of your favorite Irish jams and teas in
our buth bheag (little shop) and enjoy a chat with
friends old and new! Come spring, if these extended
hours prove popular enough, we might just make them
permanent! Some come on down and enjoy your club!
Continues on January 4th , 11th and 18th! We’ll be serving from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. so come by and grab all the
final football action at your club on our awesome TVs!!
The winter season is upon us and with that brings the
eventuality of ice, snow and wintry mix. The Irish
American Home Society will do its best to remain open
during inclement weather but will close if conditions
warrant. Closing information may be found on our
website and the following TV stations: WFSB Channel
3, WVIT Channel 30 and WTNH Channel 8. We ask
that you refrain from parking in our lot during snow
storms so that snow removal may be done as quickly
and completely as possible. If we need a plow to return to re-plow where a car sat during a storm, we pay
additional snow removal costs. Thank you!
The Hartford Unit of Irish Northern Aid meets the 3 rd
Friday of every month at 8:00 p.m. in the downstairs
hall of the Irish American Home. Since 1970, the Irish
Northern Aid Committee has been at the forefront in
support of the struggle for freedom, justice, and selfdetermination for all the people of Ireland. For more
information, please contact Tom McBride (860)9830846.
Memorial Funds
Please consider naming one of two funds the IAHS
has established over the years to receive memorial
donations upon your death. Both funds are intended to
memorialize our deceased loved ones while benefiting
our members . The first is our Scholarship Fund which
was established to grant educational scholarships to
the children of members in good standing. Scholarships are awarded in June of each year. The second
fund is our Building Renovation Fund, established to
help fund the proposed new building and renovation of
the existing building.
Timothy Coleman (father of Tim Coleman)
Sr. Marion Raymond
Myles McGee
It is this Society’s tradition to honor
our deceased members by the presence of an
Honor Guard at the funeral service and interment. While we have several dedicated members who faithfully participate in this tradition,
we would like to ensure a full complement at
each service. If you are interested in participating when the need arises, please contact Anne
Marie McKinstry at (860)875-8278 to be included in the contact list.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians Division #2
and Ladies AOH meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Downstairs Lounge. The AOH is an Irish Catholic
organization that promotes and encourages
participation in our religion, charity and Irish
culture, following the motto, “In Friendship,
Unity and Christian Charity”. For more information contact Jamie Forzono at (860)6043021.
Traditional Irish Music Seisiun in our pub on
the 1st Sunday of the month starting at 4:00
p.m., and the 3rd Sunday starting with a beginner’s hour at 3:00 p.m. followed by the regular
seisiun at 4:00 p.m. For more information contact Liz Raymond (860)346-3235 or Brent Morgan bmorgan@wesleyan.edu.
Traditional Irish country set dancing classes
are held in the upstairs hall on Wednesday
evenings (except the fourth Wednesday of
each month). This is a cultural function of the
Irish American Home Society and there is no
charge. The only requirements are hard-soled
shoes and a little stamina! Classes begin at
7:00 p.m. For more information, please call
John Droney (860)521-2696.
Newsletter deadline is the 15th of the month for
inclusion in the next month’s edition. Send
contributions, in WORD FORMAT, to newsletter@irishamericanhome.com.
A very special THANK YOU to the Events
Committee who continually go above and
beyond in creating and planning many of the
events that happen at our club: Cathy Barry –
Chair, Barbara Hedges, Jenn Hedges, Eileen
Moore, Erin Mulcahy, Ann Purcell Murray,
Elizabeth O’Leary, Kathy Saimininkas, and
Liz Saunders. Thank you to the following
members who volunteered at one or more of
the events we held over the holiday season:
Caitlin Barry, Kevin Benner, Karen Breen,
Rick Breen, Barry Callahan, Mary Conlon,
Cora Dunning, Dottie Fox, Dirangh Garafalo,
Sheila Dupuis Green, Justin Hart,
Peter Hart, Sana Hart, Colleen Kissane, Pam
Mahoney, Pat Mangini, Lizzie McGarrity,
Eileen McGee, Myles McGee, Anne Marie
McKinstry, Patti Merrick, Stephen Miskell,
Mary Ellen Moore, Margaret Mulcahy, Michael Neilan, Liz O’Leary, Jack Pallis, Kaitlyn Pallis, Tom Pilch, Terry Saunders, Allen Scarfone, Laura Scarfone, and Kay
Walsh. THANK YOU!!!
IAHS Officers & Board of Directors
Maureen Kennedy
Vice President
Sheila Dupuis Green
Recording Secretary
Eileen K. Moore
Colleen Kissane
Financial Secretary
Liz Saunders
Membership Secretary
Kathy Saimininkas
Assistant Membership Secretary
Kelley McElroy
Corresponding Secretary
Maura O’Donnell
Sergeant at Arms
Jeffrey Reynolds
Board of Directors
Peter Hart
Dan Ustach
Eileen McGee
Pat Whelan
Stephen Miskell
Dan O’Connell
If you know of any member who
is ill, in the hospital, or has
passed away, give Margaret
Moriarty a call (860-563-0804)
or email at jandm85@cox.net so
that an appropriate remembrance may be sent on behalf of
the membership. If you have
good news to share with the
membership, i.e. birth, graduation, promotion, etc., please
send the information, to be published in a future newsletter, to
The Upstairs Hall and Lower
Hall are available to rent for
parties and gatherings.
Please call Dan O’Connell for
availability and pricing. 860-6339691
In Memory of:
Requested by:
In Memory of:
Requested by:
Frank W. Barry
James E. Barry
Paul R. Barry
Sean Byrne
Mary O’Connell Cacchillo
Bill Callahan
Brian Callahan
Mae Callahan
John Collins
William J. Connors
Nora Cronin
Thomas B. Daly
Thomas & Mary Daly
Deceased Members of the
I.A.H.S. Retirees Group
Kaitlin Mairead Derr
Francis Donahue
Gregory Donahue
Thomas J. Downes
Noreen Droney
Egan Family
Robert J. Fallon
Eileen Feeney
Kathleen Feeney
Andrea Maureen Fernandes
Andy Fernandes
John Flanagan
Daniel & Maureen Foley
James Foley
John Foley
John Foley
Sheila Foley
Michele Ginolfi
John & Mary Glennon
Patrick Glennon
Sheila Glynn
Frank Godfrey, Sr.
Matt & Molly Grahm
Vincent Green
Mary T. Griffin
Jack Guilfoyle
Pat Guinan
Harold W. Hard, Jr.
Mary Havens
Paul Hedges
Fulton & Mary Hickman
Donald Horrigan
Bridget Keenan
Peter J. Keenan, Sr.
Christopher Kehoe
Viola Fogerty Kehoe
Francis E. Kelly
Kennedy Family
Jim & Tess Kissane
Charles & Mary Kurker
Claire E. Lawlor
Mary Lawlor
Michael J. Long
Anthony & Margaret Lynch
Brian Mahoney
Eileen Mahoney
Anne Mannion
John Mannion
Joseph McCabe
Rita McCabe
McGarry/Feaster Families
James Dee Barry
James Dee Barry
Todd & Cathy Barry
Mary Byrne
Drew Kehoe
Barry Callahan
Barry Callahan
Barry Callahan
Sheila Dupuis Green
Eleanor & Peter Ashe
Eileen K. Moore
Mike & Eileen Griffin
Mike & Eileen Griffin
Officers of the I.A.H.S.
Retirees Group
Liz & Terry Saunders
Kelley Donahue
Kelley Donahue
Tom & Rita Downes
Joan Politis
Bernadette Kennedy
Brian & Kristine Fallon
Betty Mohan (Aunt)
Betty Mohan (Aunt)
Maureen Fernandes
Maureen Fernandes
Noel & Cindy Fagan
Liz & Terry Saunders
Mike & Eileen Griffin
Mike & Eileen Griffin
Anne Foley
Anne Foley
Margaret Ginolfi
Maureen Fernandes
Maureen Fernandes
Patrick Glynn
Margaret Ginolfi
Lil Holleran
Sheila Dupuis Green
Mike & Eileen Griffin
Tom & Rita Downes
Lil Holleran
Brian & Kristine Fallon
Dorothy Havens
Jenn Hedges
Liz & Terry Saunders
Bernadette Kennedy
Peter J. Keenan, Jr.
Peter J. Keenan, Jr.
Drew Kehoe
Drew Kehoe
Jack & Pat Long
Bernadette Kennedy
Colleen Kissane
Liz & Terry Saunders
Vincent C. Lawlor
Lil Holleran
Jack & Pat Long
Liz & Terry Saunders
Patrick Mahoney
Patrick Mahoney
Anne Mannion
Anne Mannion
Sheila McCabe
Sheila McCabe
Mike McGarry
Anne Margaret McGee
Anne “Nan” McGee
Crena McGee
Devin McGee
Myles J. McGee
Mary McGloin
Michael Meyerjack
Susan Meyerjack
Kathleen M. Miskell
Sr. Elinor Mohan
Pat Mohan
Eileen & Myles McGee
Eileen & Myles McGee
Eileen & Myles McGee
Eileen & Myles McGee
Eileen & Myles McGee
Lil Holleran
Liz O’Leary
Liz O’Leary
Jim Mulcahy
Betty Mohan
Children – Beth, Cathy, Mary, Patrick
and John
Betty Mohan
Eileen K. Moore
Jim Mulcahy
Margaret Mulcahy
Jim Mulcahy
Jim Mulcahy
Judy Murphy
Drew Kehoe
Drew Kehoe
Kayleigh & Madison
Liz & Terry Saunders
Drew Kehoe
Margaret Mulcahy
Eileen & Myles McGee
David & Mary O’Connor
Eileen & Myles McGee
Mike McGarry
Liz O’Leary
Liz O’Leary
Elizabeth O’Leary
Liz O’Leary
Eileen & Myles McGee
Winslow Runde
Kathy Saimininkas
Liz & Terry Saunders
Joan Politis
Liz & Terry Saunders
Susanne S. Whalen
Susanne S. Whalen
Maureen Staunton
Pat Tierney
Pat Tierney
Mike & Eileen Griffin
Stan Tuller
Kay Walsh
Marie C. Walsh
Marie C. Walsh
Dorothy Havens
Patrick (Pat) Mohan
Poppa Patrick Mohan
Gene Moore
Maureen E. Mulcahy
Maurice Mulcahy
Richard J. Mulcahy
Thomas F. Mulcahy
Bob Murphy
Ann O’Connell
Daniel O’Connell
Erin Ashley O’Connell
Erin Ashley O’Connell
Mary Elizabeth O’Connell
Daniel & Mary Ellen O’Connor
Owen J. O’Connor
Patrick O’Connor
Timothy J. O’Connor
P.V. O’Donnell
Jane Shannon O’Leary
Mary Flynn O’Leary, R.N.
Robert “Heavy” O’Leary
Robert O’Leary
Gertrude O’Rourke
Brideann H. Runde
Jenn Saimininkas
Milton & Barbara Saunders
Catherine Sheehan
John Silvestri
Billy Smith
Peg & Herb Smith
Tom Staunton
Mary Pat Tierney
P.J. Tierney
Raymond & Kathleen Thiesen
Sheila Tuller
Ed Walsh
John J. Walsh (Former President)
Kevin T. Walsh
Michael Welch
In Appreciation:
Ian Fagan
Irish American Home Society
I.A.H.S. Retirees Group
Cindy & Noel Fagan
David & Mary O’Connor
Officers of the I.A.H.S. Retirees
Presorted Standard
US Postage Paid
Global Mail Express
132 Commerce Street / P.O. Box 620
Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033
Send us your new address
(include current address label)
Effective __________________
4-6 P.M
(LUNCH 1-5)
Pipe Band
Club Closed
(LUNCH 1-5)
New Member Screening
Board of Directors
Set Dancing
The Jeff Conlon Band
8:00 P.M
Setback Downstairs
Meatloaf Dinner 5-7
6-8:30 P.M
The Tom Lanigan Band
Pipe Band
Club Closed
Set Dancing
Dually Noted (Pub)
6-8:30 P.M
Setback Downstairs
The Band Ireland
3-6 P.M
Pipe Band
Club Closed
Setback Downstairs
6-8:30 P.M
(LUNCH 1-5)
The Brennan Brothers
Pipe Band
Club Closed
Set Dancing
Setback Downstairs
6-8:30 P.M
Billy Eagan and The Rising
7:30 p.m.
Battle of the Bartenders