Hammersmith & Fulham 2015/16 Nursery and primary education Starting school If your child is born between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011 they will be due to start in the reception class in primary school from September 2015. Deadline for primary school applications: 15 January 2015 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Contents Introduction How decisions are made Welcome1 The process 14 Pan-London co-ordinated admissions system 2 Notifying you of the outcome 14 How the admissions system works 2 Waiting lists 15 Primary schools in Hammersmith & Fulham 3 Appeal arrangements 16 Key dates 4 Making final arrangements for transfer 16 The application process Frequently asked questions17 Gathering information 5 Considering the facts 5 Guidance on completing your application 6 Proof of address 8 Exceptional medical or social need 8 Additional forms you may need to complete 9 Closing date for applications 9 Change of preferences 10 Applications for children living abroad 10 Members of the UK Armed Forces and Crown Servants 10 Requests to apply for reception class in the following year 10 Late applications 10 Apply online 11 Online applications – step-by-step guide 12 School by school information and admission criteria Community primary schools in Hammersmith & Fulham 18 Contact details and information for community schools 20 Academies, free schools and voluntary aided primary schools information 26 Contact details and admission criteria for academies, free schools and voluntary aided schools 27 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Welcome Additional information In-Year admissions 48 Support for school attendance 48 Children with disabilities team 48 Special Educational Needs 48 Education Psychology Service 49 Family Information Service 49 Financial assistance with travel to school 49 Free school meals and school clothing grants 49 Community nursery schools and early years centres Information on how to apply 50 How places are allocated 50 Contact details for other London boroughs51 Locations The location of London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham schools, nurseries and early years centres Contacting the School Admissions Team Why choose a Hammersmith & Fulham Primary School? Dear parents and carers 52 Back page It can be challenging and time-consuming when you are choosing a school for your child, and we want to make this process as easy as possible for you. That is why we have put together a brochure to guide you through the steps on how to find a school in Hammersmith & Fulham that is right for your family. Our primary schools are among the best in the country, with the vast majority judged by Ofsted as ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’. Before you decide on your six preferences, it’s a good idea to research the admission criteria of schools, look at their Ofsted reports and visit the schools you like. And remember you can apply online. I hope you find the information about the borough’s schools and advice on how to apply helpful, and wish you all the best in making your decisions. Cllr Sue Macmillan Cabinet member for children and education Hammersmith & Fulham We must have your application by 15 January 2015 1 Introduction Starting school If your child is born between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011 they will be due to start in the reception class in primary school from September 2015. Choosing a primary school for your child is a big decision and this brochure is designed to assist you with making your application for a primary school place. The closing date for applications is Thursday 15 January 2015. Pan-London co-ordinated admissions system Every year around 100,000 applications across London are made for primary school reception places. In 2010, all 33 London boroughs, together with councils bordering the capital, signed up to a system to co-ordinate admissions to their primary schools. The co-ordinated admissions system is fairer and means that, compared with previous years, more parents are offered one of their preferred schools at an earlier stage and fewer parents receive no initial offer at all. It is also easier for parents to manage, reducing anxiety for you and your children. How the admissions system works Under the Pan-London co-ordinated admissions system (PLCAS), all parents must list the schools they want to apply for on their home local authority’s common application form, ranking them in the order of preference. This is important, as potentially only one offer will be made and this will be from the highest-ranked school able to make the offer. This form (either paper or online) is returned to the local authority for the area in which the child lives. 2 The local authorities taking part in the PLCAS then use a secure computerised system to pass details of the applications for schools in other areas. They also co-ordinate the offer of places to make sure that no child is offered more than one school place. The decision as to whether a place can be offered will continue to be made by the admissions authority for each school (the school governors for those that are not community schools). When a school receives more applications than places available, also referred to as being ‘oversubscribed’, its published admission criteria will be used to decide the order in which applicants will be offered places. Local authorities will not pass on details to the preferred school of where the school was ranked on the common application form, and no school will be told about other schools a parent has applied for. Where a child is eligible to be offered a place at more than one school, the local authority will hold the offer for the highest preference on the parent’s form and will release all other lower preference offers. These places can then be offered to other applicants. Potential offers are exchanged between local authorities until they are in a position to make the single best offer to parents using all available places. All offers will be made on the same day – 16 April 2015. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Primary schools in Hammersmith & Fulham We are proud to 7be HA able to offer parents an ever RR OW ROin Hammersmith & Fulham. wider choice of schools AD There are currently 18 community primary schools, 15 voluntary aided schools, four academies and three free schools. Willesden Junction N LA BS RU SC The new Earl’s Court Free School Primary – which falls under the West London Free School Academy Trust and is a sister school to the West London Free School Primary – opened this month (September 2014). The13 range of schools available in the north of the 4 1 borough will be enhanced with the opening of 7 Burlington Danes Primary and the planned expansion ROAD 1 DU CANE of Pope John RC Primary School in 2015. E East Acton WEST WAY 8 TE BLOEMFON 2 6 White City ROAD 5 D ROA ROAD ROA D SHEPHERD ROAD Hammersmith Broadway 2 D IDG E TALGARTH BR 13 2 H ITH RO HAMMERSMITH RT ROA West Kensington 10 Baron’s Court 9 ER MM 12 FU HA West Brompton END SM AD 5 9 NO ET GREAT WEST ROAD 10 Kensington Olympia SH Hammersmith KING STRE 9 S BU OVE 11 12b 4 ITH GR 12a 5 7 DALLING RD Ravenscourt Park 6 ERSM ICK SW E N AD PADD RO 3 4 Stamford Brook 1 Goldhawk Road HAMM K HAW OLD G S N REE HG BUS AM 5 3 R 5 AD RO AM LH 7 15 Community schools are maintained by the1council, IE LILL L IL LIE which also sets their admissions requirements. ROA D 13 The governing bodies of voluntary 5aided schools, 2 DAW E 14 free schools and academies are responsible for theirS ROAD schools, set the admission requirements and decide 3 which children to admit. 8 4 D OA E PALAC Fulham Broadway RO M AD RO 7 NEW 16 1 RTH GE D BRI E BR EY More detailed information is available from the schools direct and inspection reports and test results can be obtained from the government inspection body Ofsted. Call 0300 123 1231 or visit www.ofsted.gov.uk WO S ND WA IDG D Putney Bridge E ROA TN 8 BRIDG 6 PU 2 ORTH 11 Imperial Wharf SW WAND FU AD RO 3 Parsons Green KI AD Most schools arrange open mornings or afternoons when parents or carers can see the school at1 work, talk to the staff and ask questions. Contact the schools for details – see pages 20 to 47. A LH 11 14 FULHAM ROAD S 6 EW 2 ASK 17 Shepherd’s Bush SHEPHERD INGH CONN ROAD 12 4 10 A3220 IN ROAD Shepherd’s Bush Market UXBRIDGE WOOD LANE K OA 6 Wood Lane NG D OL 3 1 Map: There is a map of all schools on 18 4 pages 52 and 533 and a full list of schools on pages 20 to 47. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 3 Key dates 2014 1 September 2014 Applications open You can apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions The ‘Starting School’ brochure and ‘Hints and Tips’ leaflet is available to view or download online from www.lbhf.gov.uk/schooladmissions d tipsl Hintsforan a primary schoo applying ber 2015 for entry in Septem k/eadmissions www.lbhf.gov.u Apply online at: September 2014. ns site opens on 1 The Pan-London eAdmissio er 2010 and 31 August between 1 Septemb school place by Thursday If your child was born to apply for a primary 2011, you will need 15 January 2015. 11/08/2014 12:16 15 September 2014 .indd 1 15-primary_rev4 d_tips_leaflet-20 _LBHF_hints_an 120_1ds_71787 Brochure and application form available in hard copy The hard copy of the ‘Starting School’ brochure and paper application form is available. 2015 15 January 2015 Closing date for applications •If you are applying on a paper form you will need to ensure that it is received by the admissions team by 5pm today (15 January 2015). •If you are applying online, you will have up until 11.59pm today (15 January 2015) to submit your application. 16 April 2015 National offer day The school admissions team will write to you advising the outcome of your application. Letters will be sent by first class mail on this day to be received on 17 April 2015. Online applicants will also be notified by email on the evening of 16 April 2015. 16 April 2015 onwards Late applications processed and vacancies filled 30 April 2015 Accept or decline deadline 15 May 2015 Appeals closing date for community schools Any applications received after 15 January 2015 will be considered from this date and any vacancies that arise will be filled from school waiting lists. Deadline for successful applicants to accept or decline their school offer. To ensure appeals are heard by the end of the summer term, appeals for Hammersmith & Fulham community schools must be lodged by this date. You will need to check with voluntary aided schools, free schools and academies for their appeals closing dates as deadline dates may vary. May/June 2015 Your school will contact you June/July 2015 Appeals heard The primary school your child has been offered will write to you with information about starting school. Appeals for Hammersmith & Fulham community schools will be heard by an independent panel. Voluntary aided schools, free schools and academies will also arrange hearings before the end of term. 4 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions The application process a school’s criteria to assess your chances of being offered a place. Schools use these criteria to decide who should be offered a place first. Church schools, for example, will give priority to applicants that demonstrate practice of the respective faith. In all cases, if a school receives more applications than places available, the school’s admission criteria must be applied. There is no guarantee that your child will be offered a place at your preferred school, even if it is the closest school to where you live. You may also like to consider: • Whether the curriculum and ethos of the school suit your child’s needs. • If the school has a breakfast club or after school facitilies, if this is important to you. • How your child will travel to school and how much it would cost. You should note that attendance at a nursery class does not guarantee or give priority for admission to the reception class of that school. Gathering information Be realistic: remember you can state up to six preferences To get a good overview of primary schools in Hammersmith & Fulham, you should read the information about the schools in this brochure. Please remember that you can name up to six preferences. Even after you have researched the schools and you have decided where to apply, you should not assume that your child will be offered a place. You should also consider other schools where you know you will have a good chance of gaining a place. You should then: • Contact schools you are interested in directly to ask for a copy of their prospectus, which will give you more detailed information. • Visit schools’ own websites to find out more about them. • Arrange to attend schools’ open days and evenings. Take special care how you order your preferences Also: • If you are interested in a school outside Hammersmith & Fulham, you should contact the borough in which the school is located for more information. • It is also important to be aware that, if you have a younger child attending the nursery section of the school you are applying to, sibling connection does not apply. Only children that will be on roll of the main school when the new child starts school will be considered as a sibling link. Considering the facts Many schools receive more applications than they have places. To avoid disappointment you should consider whether your child has a realistic chance of gaining a place at your preferred schools. You must read the admission criteria of the schools carefully as you need to know whether you meet Naming other schools will not affect your chances of being offered a place at a higher preference school. Schools are not informed of other preferences you have made or the order you place them. The preferences you make are treated equally. That means that no matter where you place a particular school in your list of preferences, it will be treated in the same way as all other applicants who also chose that school – regardless of where they have placed the school on their list. The reason it is so important to list the schools in the order of your preference is that when results are returned to the school admissions team, we may receive offers for more than one of your preferences. The co-ordinated admissions system restricts applicants to a single offer of a school place. As only one offer can be made to your child, you will be offered the highest school possible from the list you provided, if an offer can be made. Any offers made lower in your list will be withdrawn and put back in the system. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 5 Guidance on completing your application 31 August 2011. If your child does not fall within this birth range, and there are reasons to request that your application be considered the following year, please refer to page 10 for further information. Your child’s home address The address you give must be your child’s permanent address on the closing date for applications. Please see page 8 for more information. Current nursery or early years provision If your child attends a nursery, please indicate this in the space provided. If your child does not attend any early years provision, please leave the space blank. You should note that attendance at a nursery class does not guarantee or give priority for admission to the reception class of that school. Details of parent or carer Guidance on completing your online or paper application Relationship to child The online application is set out in a similar way to the paper form. The following guidance applies to both: Please indicate your relationship to the child, e.g. mother, father, grandmother, foster carer. • Naming only the school you most want for your child will not increase his or her chance of being offered a place. You do not need to complete this application form if your child has a statement of special needs, as there is a separate process that is outlined on page 48 in this brochure. If your child is in the process of being assessed for a statement, however, it is useful to make us aware of this. Doing so will ensure that the school that is eventually offered to your child is fully aware before admission and can plan accordingly to be able to meet your child’s needs. • If we receive more than one application form for your child, the most recently dated form will be the one that we process. This will also apply to online applications. • Because of the demand for places at the most popular schools, your first preference may be unsuccessful. • If you give only one preference, your child may not get an offer at all on 16 April 2015. It is therefore advised that you name further preferences and ones that you consider to be realistic options. Details of child and parent or carer Your child’s name Please write your child’s name clearly and use the same name that you have registered with your child’s nursery school or children’s centre (if this applies). Your child’s date of birth You should be applying for a reception place if your child was born between 1 September 2010 and 6 This section needs to be completed by the parent or carer of the child, who will also need to indicate that they have parental responsibility. Only one parent needs to complete this section but you can indicate the name of the other parent in the space provided if you wish. Children with a statement of special needs Children in public care Children in public care (‘looked after children’) and children who have been adopted or made subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order immediately after having been looked after receive priority for admission to school. The child’s social worker must submit a letter to the admissions team confirming the legal status of the child and the local authority to which the child is/was in care, quoting the child’s full name and current address. Exceptional medical or social need All schools have experience in dealing with children with diverse medical and social needs. However, in very few exceptional cases, there may be reasons why a child may need to attend a specific school. Please refer to page 8 for further information. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions School preferences to all schools, so check the criteria for the school you are applying to. If you are applying under this criterion please list the name and date of birth of the former sibling and the school they attended in the relevant box. You can list up to six state maintained schools, including any voluntary aided (church) schools, foundation schools, free schools and academies, and any schools in neighbouring local authorities, in order of your preference. Please do not name independent/private fee-paying schools on this form – applications to these must be made separately. Children of school staff Please write the name and address of the school in the space against each school preference. You do not have to name six schools, but it is strongly advised that you should use as many preferences as possible and include at least one school where you have a good chance of being offered a place. You will need to read the admission criteria for the schools to determine what chances you have of gaining a place. Applying for only one school will not improve your chances of getting a place at that school. Siblings (brothers or sisters) If your child has a brother or sister who is currently on roll, and will continue to be on roll, at one of your preferred schools at the time of admission for the child you are applying for, you must include their details where requested. Relatives such as cousins, uncles and aunts are not considered as siblings, even if they are living at the same address. Please be aware that the definition of sibling can vary so you are strongly advised to check with relevant boroughs or schools for their definition and if the school gives priority to siblings. Some schools give priority in their admission criteria to children of staff. This does not apply to all schools, so check the criteria for the school you are applying to. Please indicate in the relevant section if you are applying under this criterion, naming the school you are applying for. You must also provide supporting evidence from the school. Reasons for preference Please note that schools can only use their published admission criteria to decide which children qualify for a place. It is therefore not necessary to give reasons for your preferences. If, however, there are medical or social reasons why your child should attend the school you have named, please indicate that, as outlined above. Declaration and signature of parent or carer You must sign your application form to certify that you have parental responsibility for the child for whom you are applying, and that the address on the form is the main residence of the child. If you provide any false or misleading information on the form or in supporting papers, or withhold relevant information, it may render your application invalid and lead to the withdrawal of an offer of a place. Siblings of former pupils Some schools give priority to siblings of former pupils in their admission criteria. This does not apply Using your personal information The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham will handle information you have provided for school admission purposes in line with the Data Protection Act (DPA). The information will be held in confidence with only the necessary people working within the combined children’s services able to access and handle it. The council has a duty under the Children’s Act 2004 to work with partners to develop and improve services to children and young people in the area. As such, the council may also use this information for other legitimate purposes and may share information (where necessary) with other council departments and external bodies responsible for administering services to children and young people. For the purpose of validating proof of address for Hammersmith & Fulham resident applications, the admissions team will refer to data held by internal council tax records. The council also has a duty to protect the public funds it administers and, to this end, may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. Under the DPA you have the right to make a formal written request for access to personal data held about you or your child. For further information please contact the admissions team. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 7 The application process Proof of address The address you provide on your application must be your child’s permanent address on close of applications, 15 January 2015. You must not use a business address, childminder’s or relative’s address, or any address other than your home address. Only in circumstances where the relative or carer has legal guardianship, and is the main carer, will a different address be considered as the main residence. Evidence will be requested to support this arrangement. If you have a genuine 50/50 shared-care arrangement with your child’s other parent, it will be for you to determine the address that will be used as the main home address for your child’s application. Only one address will be used throughout the application process. If you are in receipt of child benefit, the address of the parent making the claim will be used for the purpose of the application. You do not need to provide us with documentary evidence of your address other than your council tax reference number (as shown on your annual bill or direct debit statement). If it is not possible to verify your address by this method because you are not liable or have recently moved, or further evidence is required, you will be asked to provide one or more of the following: • A mortgage/rent statement or tenancy agreement. • Recent utility bill. If you have moved, your closure bill at your previous address. • Child benefit/inland revenue documents (if you are in receipt of either or both of these benefits). • For members of the UK Armed Forces and Crown Servants, an official letter confirming the address of your quarters. This can be provided before you have relocated in order that your application is not disadvantaged. • Any other recently dated documents that we request depending on individual cases. 8 If you move into a property for a temporary period purely for the purpose of trying to be nearer to a school, we will use your normal, permanent residence for the purpose of processing the application. If it is discovered that the parent/carer/guardian has deliberately provided an address that is not the main residence of the child, any offer made that may have deprived other applicants of a place will be withdrawn. This may also apply if the child has already started in the school. If it is decided not to remove the offer, normally when the child has been on roll for more than one term, any future sibling link will not apply. You must notify the admissions team if you move address. Your new address will not be updated until proof has been provided. If you move after 11 February 2015, your address will not be updated, as the process for allocating places will have already started. We are able to send correspondence to your new address but your application will be processed using the address you submitted at the close of applications. If you own or rent more than one property, you should state this on your form. You will also need to provide proof of residence and occupancy for the address at which your child lives most of the time and is considered as the main family home. Exceptional medical or social need If you feel there are exceptional reasons for your child to be considered for a priority placement at a particular school, you must indicate this in the Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions For own admission authority schools, and schools located in other areas, any additional documentation you provide will be passed on for the respective school’s attention via the secure pan-London system. The notification date is 16 April 2015. You will not be advised before this date whether your request for priority is agreed. If priority is not granted, your application will be considered against the remaining criteria for the requested school. Additional forms you may need to complete All faith schools provide a supplementary information form (SIF) and/or priest reference form that you are advised to complete as set out in their admission criteria. These forms must be returned to the respective school by its closing date. This additional information is necessary for the school governors to determine whether applicants meet the school’s faith requirements. This is in addition to the usual application process: you must include the school in your list of preferences on your local authority application form. Your application cannot be considered if you only submit a SIF to the school. These forms are required by all the voluntary aided schools, with the exception of John Betts Primary and The Fulham Bilingual (previously L’école Marie d’Orliac). Forms can be obtained direct from the schools, on their own websites or at www.lbhf. gov.uk/schooladmissions for Hammersmith & Fulham schools. You should read carefully the admission criteria for each school you want to apply to in order to check what is required. This also applies to schools located in other boroughs. area provided in your application, giving reasons supporting your case. Please be aware that not all schools have this criterion in their policy, so it is advised you check this first. All requests for priority consideration must be supported by a professional, such as a doctor or social worker. It must be made clear in the professional support for which school you are making a special case – the reason why it is necessary for your child to attend this school in particular; and the difficulties it will cause your child to attend another school. It is for you to decide how to support your case and what documents to provide, but these must be submitted by the closing date of 15 January 2015. The schools admissions team is not responsible for contacting professionals for information about your case and any decision will be based on documents you submit by the closing date. Closing date for applications The closing date for applications is Thursday 15 January 2015. The advantages of applying online are detailed on page 11 and it is highly recommended that you apply online at: www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions If you prefer to complete a paper form, you must return it by the closing date to the address shown on the form. If you would like confirmation that we have received your application, please indicate this when you submit the form. Make sure you use the correct postage if you return your form through the post. Incorrect postage may delay your application from reaching the admissions team by the closing date. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 9 The application process Change of preferences If you wish to change the order of school preferences listed on your application form, you must do so in writing or by email at school.admissions@lbhf. gov.uk, before the closing date of 15 January 2015. If you apply online, you can log back in to your account to change/add/delete preferences up until the closing date. Remember to re-submit your online application if making changes. It is not normally possible to accept any changes after the closing date. If you do want to add preferences or change your order of preferences after this date, you must inform the school admissions team as indicated above. In most cases, new or changed preference schools will be considered only after all on-time applications have been considered. Applications for children living abroad Applications submitted by resident families working or temporarily living abroad will be processed with all other applicants and must be submitted by the closing date. The address where the child is living at the time of application, and at the closing date, will be used for the purpose of processing. The applicant must inform the admissions team on their return in order for the address to be updated. Proof of address and occupancy will be required. Members of the UK Armed Forces and Crown Servants Applications submitted for children that may not be living in the area but will be before September 2015, will need to be supported by an official letter confirming the address for the quarters. Requests to apply for reception class in the following year Requests for an application to be considered for reception entry for the following year (September 2016) will need to be made by the closing date for when the child would normally be expected to apply, 15 January 2015. This enables the application to still be processed alongside all other applicants if the request for later admission is refused by an admissions authority.* Such requests would normally apply to children that are ‘summer born’ (between April and August) and there are significant reasons that would benefit the child’s academic, social and emotional development by starting reception the following year as opposed to year 1. 10 It is for the admission authority of a school to decide whether or not the individual child’s circumstances present the need for entry to reception a year late. Such requests will only be agreed in exceptional circumstances. Professional support (for example, from a GP, hospital consultant, social worker or education professional) will need to be provided outlining the reasons and benefits for the child to start school a year late and therefore be placed outside of their chronological year group. The headteacher of the school(s) applied for will be informed of the request and their view taken into account. There is no right of appeal against the decision to refuse a request for late entry. Applicants do retain the right of appeal against a decision not to offer a school place that has been refused for the year group applied for. If the admission authority approves the request, the parent will be advised to re-apply in the following year. However, there can be no guarantee of a place being available, as this is dependent on the number of applicants that apply in that year. It is not possible to reserve a place in a school for the following year. If a place is not available at any of the schools applied for, the local authority will identify an alternative school with a place available in the child’s chronological year group. * The local authority is the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools. The governing body is the admission authority for all other schools. Any decision is applicable only to the school for which the admission authority is responsible. Late applications If you are applying after the closing date, your application will only be considered after the national offer date, 17 April 2015. Your child’s name will be added to the waiting lists along with those unsuccessful applications considered in the initial allocation round. If there is an exceptional reason for applying after the closing date and before 11 February 2015 (for example, you have just moved into the area), it may be possible to consider your application with those that were made on time. Other circumstances will be considered and each case decided on its own merit. Examples of reasons that would not be accepted include failure of a nursery school to remind a parent to apply, late return from a family holiday or non receipt of an application form due to postal issues. You are advised to contact the school admissions team as soon as possible on 020 7745 6434 if submitting an application after the closing date. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Apply online Deadline for primary school applications: 15 January 2015 Apply online at: www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Apply online We highly recommend that you apply online. You can do this from 1 September 2014 at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Parents and carers will still be able to apply on a paper application form in the traditional way. There are, however, advantages to applying online: 3 It is quick and easy to do. 3 You can log back on to change or delete preferences up until 11.59pm on the closing date. (Make sure you resubmit your application if making any changes.) 3 You are able to attach additional documents and you do not need to send them separately. Five easy steps that you will need to follow if you apply online: Step 1 Register to apply online (or login if you have used the system before) Step 2 Enter your details Step 3 Enter your child’s details Step 4 Add your school preferences Step 5 Check and submit application 3 You can register your mobile phone number to receive reminder alerts. 3 You will automatically receive a confirmation email once you submit your application. Please wait until you have received the email before logging onto the Pan-London eAdmissions site. 3 During the evening of 16 April 2015, you will be sent an email with the outcome of your application. Please wait until you have received the email before logging onto the Pan-London eAdmissions website. 3 You will be able to accept or decline an offer of a school place online and request to be added to waiting lists. The application should take no longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Please remember to make a note of your username and password. If you experience technical problems, please call the London Grid for Learning support line on 020 8255 5555 and choose option 1. Once you have submitted your application you will receive an application reference number that will look like this: 205-2015-09-E-007594. This number confirms that your application has been submitted. The same deadline of 15 January 2015 applies to both online and paper applications. Schools which have their own supplementary forms will require applicants to submit this on paper by the same date, though their own deadlines may vary. If you decide to apply online, you do not need to complete a paper application form. Your online details. Please note these details of your online application Username: Password: Reference number: It is important to keep this information so that you can look up the school place offered online. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 11 Online application step-by-step guide To start your online application please visit the website www.eadmissions.org.uk You can also use the link from the council’s website www.lbhf.gov.uk/schooladmissions 1 • Click on ‘Register to apply online’ and enter your email address. If you have previously applied using the online system you will be able to log in without the need for registration. • You will receive an email with a username and a link. You must click on the link to validate your email address. • You will then receive another email containing your username and password to apply online. This email will include a link to the start of the application process. • Enter your details. 2 • Make sure you enter your permanent address only. This will be verified against council records. 3 • Enter your child’s details. Make sure you enter the information accurately. • Make sure that you only apply for a child born between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011. If you enter the wrong date of birth you will not be able to progress to the next step. 12 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions 4 • Add your school preferences by first selecting the local authority that each school falls within. • Make sure that you read the schools’ admission criteria. This will be a guide as to the likelihood of being offered a place at the school you are interested in. • Select and add the schools you wish to apply for. You can apply for up to six schools. • For each school selected you will be asked a number of questions (such as whether there is a sibling at the school). Make sure you answer the questions correctly. 5 • Check all of the details entered are correct. • Read the declaration and tick the box to accept it. • Click the ‘Submit Application’ button. • Once you have submitted your application you will be able to attach documents. • You will receive an email confirmation. You must click the submit button by the closing date of the 15 January 2015. If you do not do this, your application will not be processed. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 13 How decisions are made The process The school admissions team will process any preferences you have made for Hammersmith & Fulham schools and pass on your child’s details to schools that are responsible for their own admissions. If you have applied for schools that are not located in Hammersmith & Fulham, your preference(s) will be passed to the local authority that maintains those schools. At the same time, the school admissions team will receive applications for Hammersmith & Fulham schools from residents in other local authorities. All these operations will be carried out via the Pan-London Co-ordinated Admissions System. The order of your preferences is not revealed to the schools. This information is only known by your home local authority and the authority where the schools are located. If any school has more applicants than places available, the published admissions criteria will be used to decide the order in which applicants will be offered places. The same process is carried out across London and decisions are made by all admissions authorities by a common deadline and relayed back to the home local authority. This co-ordinated process eliminates multiple offers and will result in your child being offered the highest potential school you named in your list of preferences (if an offer can be made). Examples are shown in the following tables: Example 1 School Criteria Outcome met? Larmenier and Sacred Heart Yes Place offered Brackenbury Yes Withdrawn as higher offer met Avondale Park Yes Withdrawn as higher offer met St Mary’s RC Yes Withdrawn as higher offer met Good Shepherd RC No Withdrawn as higher offer met Lena Gardens Yes Withdrawn as higher offer met Example 2 A breakdown of last year’s admissions to each Hammersmith & Fulham school is included in the schools section of this brochure. You will find this information is available for all schools in the respective local authority brochure that can be accesses online (neighbouring London local authority website addresses and contact details can be found on page 51). Notifying you of the outcome All Hammersmith & Fulham resident applicants will receive a notification letter* with the outcome of their application on 17 April 2015. If you made your application online, you will be able to log onto the eAdmissions site using your username and password during the evening of 16 April 2015 to view the outcome of your application and accept or decline any offer made. The notification letter will include a reply slip which you will be asked to return to the admissions team by 30 April 2015. If you applied online, you will not need to return this slip and can accept or decline your offer online. The notification letter will tell you the following, depending on the outcome of your application: • The name of the school that can offer you a place. If it has not been possible to offer any of the schools you applied for, the nearest alternative school will be offered to you, if there is one available. • That any preferences for schools listed lower than the school offered have been withdrawn. Brackenbury Yes Can be added to a waiting list and appeal • How to accept the place that you have been offered. You should not reject the place unless you have a place secured elsewhere and should indicate the name of the alternative school on the reply slip (or online). Greenside Yes Can be added to a waiting list and appeal • If not offered a school place, why and who you need to contact for further information.* Flora Gardens Yes Place offered ARK Bentworth Academy Yes Withdrawn as higher offer met • Waiting list and appeal information and who you need to contact for further details. School No preference made No preference made 14 You need to be realistic when deciding your school preferences. This is because you may not receive an offer at any of your preferred schools if your child does not meet the criteria. That may happen if, for example, you live too far away from the school based on outcomes for previous years, or you name an oversubscribed church school but do not attend church and, therefore, would not meet a high enough priority against the school’s admission criteria. Criteria Outcome met? • The details of schools that have vacancies, if you did not receive an offer for any of your preferences, and you do not want to accept the alternative school offered to you. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions on-time or late applications. After the initial offer day of 16 April 2015, the school admissions team will offer any places that arise at community schools. The governors will decide who is offered any subsequent vacancies at voluntary aided schools or academies in line with the published admission criteria and waiting list ranking. You will be notified of any subsequent offer than can be made by your home borough’s admissions team. * The notification letter does not go into the detail of why a place could not be offered and can only inform you that your child did not receive a high enough priority in the oversubscription criteria. You will be able to obtain more detailed information from the local authority where the school is located or the school itself if it is voluntary aided. Please contact the admissions team (in the first instance), who will be able to advise you accordingly. Waiting lists for Hammersmith & Fulham Schools Your child’s name will automatically be added to the waiting list for any Hammersmith & Fulham schools that could not be offered. Any schools you named as a lower preference than the school offered to your child would have been withdrawn under the co-ordinated arrangements. You will need to re-apply to these schools if you want your child to be included on a waiting list. If you have not been offered a place for a voluntary aided school, academy or a school in another borough and require waiting list information, you will need to contact the school or the borough that maintains the school. All places on the waiting list are ordered in accordance with the published admission criteria for each school and will be offered to children as vacancies arise with no differentiation between A child’s position on the waiting list can go down as well as up. For example, if a new application is submitted for a community school and they live closer to the school, the waiting list will need to be revised. The offer of a place does not depend on the length of time that your child’s name has been on the waiting list and there can never be any guarantee that a place will be offered. Waiting lists for Hammersmith & Fulham community schools are maintained by the admissions team. You will be contacted at some point during the academic year to indicate continued interest. If you do not respond, your child’s name will be removed from the list unless you inform us otherwise. This exercise is carried out to ensure waiting lists only ever include children that would take up an offer for a school if it became available. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 15 How decisions are made Appeal arrangements You have the right of appeal to an independent panel against the decision to refuse your child a place at any school which you named on the Hammersmith & Fulham application form. You should bear in mind, however, that by law, infant classes should not exceed 30 and that the decision of the appeals panel will be limited. An appeal panel can only uphold an appeal where it is satisfied either: • that the child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been properly implemented; the child would have been offered a place if the arrangements had not been contrary to mandatory provisions in the School Admissions Code and the SSFA 1998; and/or; • that the decision to refuse admission was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made in the circumstances of the case. The notification letter, which you should receive on 17 April 2015, will tell you how to lodge an appeal. Appeals for community schools should be lodged within 21 days of the admission decision and should be directed to the admissions team at the address shown on the back cover of this brochure to ensure they are heard before the end of the summer term. Appeals for voluntary aided schools, free schools and academies, should contact the individual school direct for information about their appeals process. Each of these schools has its own arrangements in place so make sure you lodge your appeal direct to the governing body by the deadline set by the school. 16 Coram Children’s Legal Centre provides free, independent advice on the admissions process and legal advice on education issues. You can call 08088 020 008, Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 8.00pm, for advice, or visit www. childrenslegalcentre.com for more details. Making final arrangements for starting school The law requires that your child must receive full-time education from the start of the term following their fifth birthday. A review of the primary curriculum in 2009 recommended that all parents should have the right to start their child in the September following their fourth birthday if they feel this is best for their child. All offers will be made for children to start school at the beginning of the autumn term, September 2015. Parents will also have the option to start their child on a part-time basis or defer their child’s entry. If you decide you prefer to defer your child’s entry to the school offered, that place will be held for your child and will not be offered to another child. You would not, however, be able to defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after your child’s fifth birthday – nor beyond the academic year for which the application was accepted. For example, if your child was born in August 2011, you will not be able to defer entry until September 2016, as this will be the start of the next academic year. If you decide that you would prefer your child to start school on a part-time basis, the school will inform you of the part-time hours available that your child will be expected to attend. Each school will have different arrangements in place, which will be dependent on their staffing, resources and how their infant classes are organised. You will not be able to choose your own part-time hours. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Frequently asked questions Does the law guarantee my child a place in the school of my choice? No. The law states that parents may express a preference for any school; however, if more parents express a preference for a school than the number of places available, there has to be an order of priority to decide which children to offer places to. The law allows parents to appeal to an independent panel if their child is refused a place at a school of their preference. Please refer to the section on appeals for further information. Will a school know where I listed them on my application? Can I change or withdraw my preferences after I have submitted my application? Once you have submitted your application, you can change the order of your preferences and the schools you have listed up until the closing date. Changes cannot be made to your application after the closing date. If I decide that I prefer a school that I listed lower than the school I was offered, can I be considered for a place? Any preferences that are listed lower than the school offered are automatically withdrawn, so any lower preferences will no longer exist. Any requests after offers have been made for lower preferences will be treated as a new late application. If the school has a vacancy, then it will be possible to offer your child a place and withdraw the original offer made to you. If the school is full your child’s name will be added to the waiting list in accordance with the admission criteria. No. All applications are treated equally against the school’s published admission criteria. Schools are not provided with the preference order, as it has no relevance to the decision making process. Do I have priority for a school place in the borough that I live in? No. It is against the law for local authorities to give priority to its own residents. The distance that you have calculated from my home to the school is further away than the distance I have calculated on a measuring system I used on the internet. What do I do? I have just moved into the borough. How do I apply for a school place? If you have just moved in to the borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and your child is due to start reception, you should contact the School Admissions Team on 020 7745 6434 as soon as possible. You will not be able to apply direct to the schools. Hammersmith & Fulham’s geographical measuring system is used for calculating distances from home to school. Distances measured by other means (e.g. private car, pedometer or on the internet) are likely to be calculated on a different basis and should not be relied upon as evidence that Hammersmith & Fulham’s distance calculation is incorrect. Hammersmith & Fulham’s measurement system is designed to be precise, reliable and consistent, and is used for all applications. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 17 School by school information and admission criteria Community primary schools in Hammersmith & Fulham Community schools are maintained by the council, which also sets their admissions requirements. The governing bodies of voluntary aided schools, free schools and academies are responsible for the schools and set the admission requirements and decide which children to admit. In each of the schools’ entries that follow there is a section outlining the way in which places were offered for September 2014. The admission number stated is the number of children the school can admit into its reception classes. You can compare this figure with the number of people who expressed a preference for the school on their application form last year, shown in the ‘Applications received for 2014’ line. When on-time applications exceed the number of places available, the school’s admissions criteria are used to decide who should have a place. Where a school is oversubscribed, home-to-school distance can be a major factor in allocating places, so please note the greatest home-to-school 18 distance for which a place was allocated in 2014. The ‘Applicants receiving offer in 2014’ line in each school’s entry indicates whether all applicants who expressed a preference were able to receive an offer. Where that was not the case, i.e. there were more applicants than places, it states the distance from home to school of the last pupil admitted on national offer day, indicating how close you needed to live to gain a place. (All distances are shown in miles). Each entry shows, where relevant, how many places were allocated to children with a statement of special education need (SEN), looked after children (LAC) and siblings. For all schools, revised legislation has extended the priority given to children in public care, referred to as ‘looked after children’ (LAC), to include those who ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Community primary schools The decision to admit children to a community primary school is made by Hammersmith & Fulham Council in accordance with its admissions policy for the school. The arrangements that follow apply to all community primaries. All applicants must complete and submit their application by the closing date, naming the school as one of their preferences on their local authority’s common application form. Hammersmith & Fulham residents can apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/ eadmissions 3. Brothers and sisters of children already on the roll of the school, who will still be in the school at the time the applicant is admitted. This includes half brothers or half sisters, adopted brothers or sisters, stepbrothers or stepsisters or the children of the partner of the parent or carer, provided that they live at the same address as the applicant. Please note sibling priority does not apply to to children attending the nursery of the school. Any child with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or a Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) that names the school must, by law, be admitted, without reference to the oversubscription criteria. The number of places available to be offered may be affected by any decision to name a particular school for children with a statement of special educational need. If, in any of the categories 1, 2 or 3 there are more applicants than there are places available, priority will be given to applicants who live nearest the school on the basis described in 4 below. If there are two or more applicants in categories 1, 2 or 3, who live at exactly the same distance from the school, the offer of a place will be decided by random allocation. 4. Children who live nearest the school. Nearness to the school will be calculated using a straight line (as the crow flies) measurement from the child’s home ‘address point’ determined by Ordnance Survey Data to the centre of the school grounds as determined by Hammersmith & Fulham Council using its computerised measuring system. The child living closest to the school will receive the highest priority. Accessibility by car or public transport will be disregarded. Admission policy/criteria If there are more applications to the school than there are places available, then Hammersmith & Fulham Council will allocate places in the following order of priority: 1. Children in public care,* also known as looked after children in care of the local authority and children who have been adopted or made subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order immediately following having been looked after. The child’s social worker must submit a letter to the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham confirming the legal status of the child and the local authority to which the child is/was in care, quoting the child’s full name and current address. Tie break If applicants share the same address point (for example, those who live in the same block of flats or shared house) priority will be given to those who live closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. Routes will be measured to four decimal places (if necessary). If, in the unlikely event that two or more applicants live at exactly the same distance from the school; the offer of a place will be decided by random allocation. Twins, triplets and multiple births * Children in public care has the same meaning as in section 22 of the Children Act 1989, and means any child in the care of the local authority or provided with accommodation by them (e.g. children with foster carers). 2. The director of school’s services, as advised by senior officers, may on an individual basis give priority to applicants who can demonstrate that admission to a particular community school is necessary on the grounds of professionally supported medical or social need. Parent/carers must supply details of any such special factors at the time of the original application together with recent supporting documentation. Such applications will not be considered without professional support, such as a letter or report from a doctor, consultant or social worker, which must be no more than six months old. All information submitted will be regarded as confidential. Twins, triplets and multiple birth children will be considered as individuals alongside all other applicants. Every effort will be made to accommodate twins or multiple birth children within the same school even if this means that the published admission number (PAN) will be exceeded. Children attending nursery class at a school Parents of children attending the nursery class at a school must reapply for a reception class place. There is no automatic transfer from the nursery class to the reception class at a school. The infant or primary school where a child attends a nursery class will not necessarily be able to offer a place in reception. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 19 Community schools information Addison Primary School Brackenbury Primary School Type of school Community school Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2002 DfE number 205-2061 Acting Headteacher Sharon Plummeridge Headteacher Jackie Roberts Address Addison Gardens, London, W14 0DT Address Brackenbury Road, London, W6 0BA Telephone 020 7603 5333 Telephone 020 8743 3074 Email admin@addison.lbhf.sch.uk Email admin@brackenbury.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.addisonprimary.org Website www.brackenbury.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Goldhawk Road (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines); Hammersmith (Circle, District, Hammersmith & City and Piccadilly lines); Kensington Olympia (District line & London Overground); Shepherd’s Bush (Central line & London Overground) Nearest tube stations Goldhawk Road (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines); Ravenscourt Park (District line) Bus routes 94, 237, 266 Applications received for 2014 335 Bus routes 72, 220, 283, 295 Applications received for 2014 136 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 25 siblings; last offer at distance 0.393 miles Applicants receiving offer in 2014 23 siblings; last offer at distance 0.898 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 After school club 3 School uniform 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Avonmore Primary School 20 Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2026 Headteacher Clive Hale Address Avonmore Road, London, W14 8RL Telephone 020 7603 9750 Email admin@avonmore.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.avonmore.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Baron’s Court (District & Piccadilly lines); Kensington Olympia (District line & London Overground); West Kensington (District line) Bus routes 9, 10, 27, 28, 391 Applications received for 2014 96 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 12 siblings; last offer at distance 0.38 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 1 lodged, none upheld After school club 8 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 8 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 Flora Gardens Primary School Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2223 Headteacher Sonia Birch-Woodcock Address Dalling Road, London, W6 0UD Telephone 020 8748 2566 Email admin@floragardens.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.floragardens.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Ravenscourt Park (District line) Bus routes 27, 190, 266, 391, H91 Applications received for 2014 112 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 8 siblings; last offer at distance 1.851 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Fulham Primary School Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2286 Headteacher Leesa Schooneman Address Halford Road, London, SW6 1JU Telephone 020 7385 0535 Email admin@fulhampri.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.fulhampri.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Fulham Broadway (District line); West Brompton (District line & London Overground) Bus routes 28, 74, 190, 391, 430 Applications received for 2014 92 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Greenside Primary School Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2913 Executive Head Karen Bastick-Styles Address Westville Road, London, W12 9PT Telephone 020 8743 6421 Email admin@greenside.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.greensideschool.org Nearest tube stations Goldhawk Road & Shepherd's Bush Market (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines) Bus routes 94, 237, 260, 266 Applications received for 2014 134 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 9 siblings; last offer at distance 0.306 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 We must have your application by 15 January 2015 21 Community schools information Kenmont Primary School Melcombe Primary School Type of school Community school Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2350 DfE number 205-2408 Headteacher Julie Howarth Headteacher Wayne Leeming Address Valliere Road, London, NW10 6AL Address Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 9ER Telephone 020 8969 4497 Telephone 020 8748 7411 Email admin@kenmont.lbhf.sch.uk Email admin@melcombe.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.kenmont-primary.org Website www.melcombeprimary.com Nearest tube stations Willesden Junction (Bakerloo line & London Overground) Nearest tube stations Bus routes 18, 187, 220 Baron’s Court (District & Piccadilly lines); Hammersmith (Circle, Hammersmith & City, District and Piccadilly lines) Applications received for 2014 122 Bus routes 74, 190, 211, 220, 295, 430 151 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 13 siblings; last offer at distance 0.194 miles Applications received for 2014 1 LAC; 24 siblings; last offer at distance 1.135 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None Applicants receiving offer in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 After school club 3 School uniform 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Langford Primary School (Federated with Hurlingham & Chelsea School) 22 Miles Coverdale Primary School Type of school Community school * In the process of converting to an academy DfE number 205-2134 DfE number 205-2367 Headteacher Taranum Baig Executive Head Dr Philip Cross Address Coverdale Road, London, W12 8JJ Interim Headteacher Mrs Valerie Rose Telephone 020 8743 5847 Address Gilstead Road, London, SW6 2LG Email admin@milescoverdale.lbhf.sch.uk Telephone 020 7736 4045 Website www.milescoverdaleprimary.co.uk Email admin@langford.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Website www.langford.lbhf.sch.uk Shepherd’s Bush Market & Goldhawk Road (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines) Nearest tube stations Imperial Wharf (London Overground); Parson’s Green (District line) Bus routes 94, 207, 237, 260, 283 141 Bus routes 28, 295, 391, 424, C3 Applications received for 2014 Applications received for 2014 34 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 19 siblings; last offer at distance 0.277 miles Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 After school club 8 School uniform 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 45 Type of school Community school* Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions New King’s Primary school Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2309 Headteacher Miles Chester Address New King's Road, London, SW6 4LY Telephone 020 7736 2318 Email admin@newkings.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.newkings.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Parson’s Green & Putney Bridge (District line) Bus routes 14, 22, 414, 424 Applications received for 2014 88 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 Normand Croft Community School for Early Years and Primary Education Type of school Community school DfE number 205-3650 Headteacher Nick Nolt Address Bramber Road, London, W14 9PA Telephone 020 7385 6847 Email info@normandcroft.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.normandcroftschool.co.uk Nearest tube stations Fulham Broadway & West Kensington (District line); West Brompton (District line & London Overground) Bus routes 28, 74, 190, 391, 430 Applications received for 2014 94 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 1 SEN; 14 siblings; last offer at distance 0.326 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 We must have your application by 15 January 2015 23 Community schools information Old Oak Primary School Sir John Lillie Primary School Type of school Community school Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2444 DfE number 205-2555 Acting Head Mr Joseph Brown Headteacher Sue Hayward Address Mellitus Street, London, W12 0AS Address Lillie Road, Fulham, London, SW6 7LN Telephone 020 8743 7629 Telephone 020 7385 2107 Email admin@oldoak.lbhf.sch.uk Email admin@sirjohnlillie.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.oldoakprimary.co.uk Website www.sirjohnlillie.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations East Acton (Central line) Nearest tube stations Bus routes 7, 70, 72, 272, 283 Baron’s Court (District & Piccadilly lines); West Kensington (District line); West Brompton (District line & London Overground) Applications received for 2014 82 Bus routes 74, 190, 430 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All Applications received for 2014 121 All Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None Applicants receiving offer in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 After school club 3 School uniform 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Queens Manor Primary School 24 Type of school Community school Sulivan Primary School DfE number 205-2484 Type of school Community school Headteacher Sonja Harrison DfE number 205-2577 Address Lysia Street, London, SW6 6ND Headteacher Wendy Aldridge Telephone 020 7385 4343 Address Peterborough Road, London, SW6 3BN Email admin@queensmanor.lbhf.sch.uk Telephone 020 7736 5869 Website www.queensmanor.co.uk Email admin@sulivan.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Baron’s Court (District & Piccadilly lines); Hammersmith (Circle, Hammersmith & City, District and Piccadilly lines) Website www.sulivanprimaryschool.co.uk Bus routes 74, 220, 424, 430 Nearest tube stations Parson’s Green & Putney Bridge (District line) Applications received for 2014 91 Bus routes 22, 424 80 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 13 siblings; last offer at distance 0.303 miles Applications received for 2014 All Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None Applicants receiving offer in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 After school club 3 School uniform 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 3 Admission number 45 Nursery Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Wendell Park Primary School Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2632 Headteacher Sheila Mears Address Cobbold Road, London, W12 9LB Telephone 020 8743 1372 Email admin@wendellpark.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.wendellparkprimaryschool.co.uk Nearest tube stations Stamford Brook & Ravenscourt Park (District line) Bus routes 207, 266, 272 Applications received for 2014 156 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 22 siblings; last offer at distance 0.28 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 1 lodged, none upheld After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Wormholt Park Primary School Type of school Community school DfE number 205-2660 Headteacher Julie James Address Bryony Road, London, W12 0SR Telephone 020 8743 5073 Email info@wormholtpark.lbhf.sch.uk Website https://wormholt-lbhf.frogprimary.com Nearest tube stations East Acton & White City (Central line); Wood Lane & Shepherd’s Bush Market (Hammersmith & City and Circle lines) Bus routes 95, 228, 272, 283 Applications received for 2014 128 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 We must have your application by 15 January 2015 25 School by school information and admission criteria Academies, free schools and voluntary aided primary schools Each of these schools has its own admission criteria, on which the governors base the allocation of places. You will need to check that you meet the criteria of the schools to which you are thinking of applying. You must read the criteria carefully, especially if the school’s preference information for last year shows that the school received more applications than places available. When this happens, the admission criteria must be applied and places are offered in the priority order that is set out. The way in which places were offered for September 2014 is given at the end of the entry for each school. Remember that church schools will give priority to applicants that demonstrate practice of the respective faith. These schools provide a supplementary information form (SIF) and/or priest reference form that you will need to complete. You must include the church school(s) in your list of preferences on the main application if you want to apply for a place. If you complete the SIF only, your application will not be considered. The SIF and all additional documents required must be returned to the school by the date it specifies. This is also the case for church schools in neighbouring local authorities. If you name the school in your application and do not complete its SIF, it will reduce the chances of your child being offered a place. The school will not have any information to consider when judging your application against their admission criteria and your application will be ranked very low when decisions are made. It is therefore important for both forms to be completed. Each school has provided a list, in order of priority, of their key admissions criteria. Please note that the policies listed here are summarised versions only, you will need to refer to the full admissions policy and arrangements, as well as any SIFs, which are available direct from the school, the school’s website, or www.lbhf.gov.uk/schooladmissions The information given on the following pages for the church schools in the ‘Applicants receiving offer in 2014’ gives the cutoff point for the last offer, e.g. if it states that the last offer was under criterion 6, distance 1.354 miles, it means that all applicants who met criteria 1 to 5 were offered places and remaining places were offered to those meeting criterion 6, decided on a home to school distance basis. If you need further advice on the chances of your child being eligible for a place at these schools, please contact the school. Common definitions Looked after children The revised School Admissions Code requires that priority to looked after children (children in public care) be extended to include those who ceased to be looked after because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order. The child’s social worker must submit a letter to Hammersmith & Fulham’s admissions team confirming the legal status of the child and the local authority to which the child is/was in care, and quoting the child’s full name and current address. Exceptional medical or social need If this priority forms part of the school’s admission criteria, the governors may, on an individual basis, give priority to applicants who can demonstrate that admission to the school is necessary on the grounds of professionally supported medical or social needs. Parents/carers must supply details of any such special factors at the time of the original application, together with recent supporting documentation. Such applications will not be considered without professional support such as a letter or report from a doctor, consultant or social worker. 26 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Contact details and admissions criteria The following is a summary of each of the school’s admissions criteria. To gain a fuller understanding it is advised that this information is read in accordance with the school’s full admission arrangements. Church places All Saints CE Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Church of England DfE number 205-3300 Headteacher Carol Gray Address Bishops Avenue, London, SW6 6ED Telephone 020 7736 2803 Email admin@allsaintsce.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.allsaintsce.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Parson's Green & Putney Bridge (District line) Bus routes 74, 220, 430 Up to 60% of all available places once Looked After Children have been taken into account. Open places Christian Commitment is not required. Category 1 Church Siblings Children of committed and practising families who will have a sibling in the school at the time of attendance, priority will be given in the following order: i) committed and practising members of All Saints (Fulham) church; 148 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 Foundation places (17): 9 siblings; last offer under category 3 ii) at distance 0.9408 miles. (All foundation applicants received an offer). Open places (13): 10 siblings; last offer under category 4 at distance 0.0959 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 8 School uniform 3 3 Supplementary form 3 3 Admission number 30 Breakfast club Nursery ii) committed and practising members of St Dionis (Parsons Green), St Etheldreda & St Clements (Fulham), St Peter (Fulham). Category 2 Open Siblings Children who will have a sibling in the school at the time of attendance. Category 3 Church places Children of committed and practising families, priority will be given in the following order: Summarised admission policy/criteria i) committed and practising members of All Saints (Fulham) church; ii) committed and practising members of St Dionis (Parsons Green), St Etheldreda & St Clements (Fulham), St Peter (Fulham). Where there are more applications than there are places available, the Governors will give priority to Looked After Children. All other applicants. Up to 60% of the outstanding places once Looked After Children have been accounted for will be offered as Church ones, after which all applications will be treated as Open places taking no account of Christian Commitment. Tie break Where two children sit within the same category, living exactly the same distance away, but where only one place is available, a decision will be made through drawing lots. When determining places, applications are sorted into one of the four categories defined below and are ranked within each category by straight line distance from the school with those living closest ranked highest. Places will be allocated with each category considered in the following order: Category 1, Category 2, Category 3 and Category 4. Multiple birth Category 4 Open places In circumstances where there is one place in a class and twins are to be offered, a 31st place will be created to accommodate both children. Category priority order Each Category is ranked by distance from the school and taken in priority order. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 27 School by school information and admission criteria attending the nursery school will not be a factor giving rise to priority. In the case of twins or brothers and sisters in the same year group, where there is only one place available in the academy, both will be considered together as one application. ARK Bentworth Academy Type of school Academy DfE number 205-2045 Headteacher Damian McBeath Address Bentworth Road, London, W12 7AJ Telephone 020 8743 2527 Email info@arkbentworthprimary.org Website www.arkbentworthprimary.org Nearest tube stations East Acton (Central line); White City (Central, Circle and Hammersmith & City lines) Bus routes 7, 70, 72, 95, 272, 283 4. Children of staff in the school – Where there is no demonstrable skill shortage, priority may be given where the academy is oversubscribed to a child of a person who will have been employed in the academy for two or more years at the time the application for admission is made. Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year. 5. Distance measurement (straight line) – A child’s home will be the address at which the child normally resides and which has been notified to the Academy and other relevant agencies as being the child’s normal place of residence. Priority will be given to those children who live closest to the school. 77 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 11 siblings; last offer under criterion 5 at distance 0.382 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 1 lodged, none upheld After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 ARK Conway Primary Academy Summarised admission policy/criteria Where the Academy is named on a pupil’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or a Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) that child will be admitted by the Academy. If the number of applications for admission to the primary school is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria and order set out as follows: 1. Looked After Children and Children who have been previously looked after (pursuant to the Admissions Code) 2. Children of staff at the school where there is a demonstrable skill shortage – children of members of staff will have priority in the oversubscription criteria if the staff member is filling a post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. ARK Schools is required to approve the Principal’s designation of such posts and confirm the assessment that a member of staff appointed meets the requirements of the shortage. Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year. 3. Children who at the time of the admission have a sibling who attends the academy. For this purpose “sibling” means a whole, half or step-brother or -sister or an adopted child resident at the same address. In respect of applications to the primary school, the fact that an applicant has a sibling 28 Type of school Free school DfE number 205-2000 Headteacher Damian McBeath Address Hemlock Road, London, W12 0QT Telephone 020 3249 1180 Email info@arkconwayprimary.org Website www.arkconwayprimary.org Nearest tube stations East Acton (Central line), Shepherd’s Bush (Central line & London Overground) Bus routes 7, 70, 72, 95, 272, 283 142 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 1 child of school staff (criterion 2); 7 siblings; last offer under criterion 5 at 0.4231 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 1 lodged, none upheld After school club 3 School uniform Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Admission number 30 Nursery 8 3 Summarised admission policy/criteria Where the Academy is named on a pupil’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or a Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) that child will be admitted by the Academy. If the number of applications for admission to the primary school is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria and order set out as follows: Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions 1. Looked After Children and Children who have been previously looked after (pursuant to the Admissions Code). ARK Swift Primary Academy 2. Children of staff at the school where there is a demonstrable skill shortage – children of members of staff will have priority in the oversubscription criteria if the staff member is filling a post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. ARK Schools is required to approve the Principal’s designation of such posts and confirm the assessment that a member of staff appointed meets the requirements of the shortage. Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year. 3. Children who at the time of the admission have a sibling who attends the academy. For this purpose “sibling” means a whole, half or step-brother or -sister or an adopted child resident at the same address. In respect of applications to the primary school, the fact that an applicant has a sibling attending the nursery school will not be a factor giving rise to priority. In the case of twins or brothers and sisters in the same year group, where there is only one place available in the academy, both will be considered together as one application. 4. Children of staff in the school – Where there is no demonstrable skill shortage, priority may be given where the academy is oversubscribed to a child of a person who will have been employed in the academy for two or more years at the time the application for admission is made. Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year. 5. Distance measurement (straight line) – A child’s home will be the address at which the child normally resides and which has been notified to the Academy and other relevant agencies as being the child’s normal place of residence. Priority will be given to those children who live closest to the school. Type of school Academy DfE number 205-2003 Head of school Michael O’Grady Address Australia Road, London, W12 7PT Telephone 020 8743 2514 Email info@arkswiftprimary.org Website www.arkswiftprimary.org Nearest tube stations White City & Wood Lane (Central, Circle and Hammersmith & City lines); Shepherd’s Bush Market (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines) Bus routes 72, 95, 220, 228, 272, 283 69 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Summarised admission policy/criteria Where the Academy is named on a pupil’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or a Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) that child will be admitted by the Academy. If the number of applications for admission to the primary school is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria and order set out below: 1. Looked After Children and children who have been previously looked after (pursuant to the Admissions Code). 2. Children of staff at the school where there is a demonstrable skill shortage – children of members of staff will have priority in the oversubscription criteria if the staff member is filling a post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. ARK Schools is required to approve the Principal’s designation of such posts and confirm the assessment that a member of staff appointed meets the requirements of the shortage. Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year. 3. Children who at the time of the admission have a sibling who attends the academy. For this purpose “sibling” means a whole, half or stepbrother or sister or an adopted child resident at the same address. In respect of applications to We must have your application by 15 January 2015 29 School by school information and admission criteria the primary school (where applicable), the fact that an applicant has a sibling attending the nursery school will not be a factor giving rise to priority. In the case of multiple births or brothers and sisters in the same year group, where there is only one place available in the academy, both will be considered together as one application. 4. Children of staff in the school – Where there is no demonstrable skill shortage, priority may be given where the academy is oversubscribed to a child of a person who will have been employed in the academy for two or more years at the time the application for admission is made. Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year. 5. Distance measurement (straight line) – A child’s home will be the address at which the child normally resides and which has been notified to the Academy and other relevant agencies as being the child’s normal place of residence. Priority will be given to those children who live closest to the school. Burlington Danes Primary Type of school Academy DfE number 205-6901 Principal Michael Ribton Address Wood Lane, London, W12 0HR Telephone 020 8735 4950 Email bda.school@burlingtondanes.org Website www.burlingtondanesacademy.org Nearest tube stations East Acton (Central line); White City (Central, Circle and Hammersmith & City lines) Bus routes 7, 70, 72, 220, 272, 283 Applications received for 2014 N/a as 2015 will be the first intake Applicants receiving offer in 2014 N/a as 2015 will be the first intake Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 N/a as 2015 will be the first intake After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 8 Admission number 60 the Church of England ethos of Burlington Danes Academy. There will be a rigorous academic curriculum and we will promote high achievement in all subjects particularly Maths and Science. The primary phase will also share Burlington Danes Academy’s focus on performing arts and will benefit from shared use of its sporting and performance facilities. Summarised oversubscription criteria Where the Academy is named on a pupil’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or a Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) that child will be admitted by the Academy. If the number of applications for admission to the primary school is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria and order set out below: 1. Looked After Children and Children who have been previously looked after (pursuant to the Admissions Code). 2. Children of staff at the school where there is a demonstrable skill shortage – children of members of staff will have priority in the oversubscription criteria if the staff member is filling a post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. ARK Schools is required to approve the Principal’s designation of such posts and confirm the assessment that a member of staff appointed meets the requirements of the shortage. Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year. 3. Children who at the time of the admission have a sibling who attends the academy. For this purpose “sibling” means a whole, half or stepbrother or -sister or an adopted child resident at the same address. In respect of applications to the primary school, the fact that an applicant has a sibling attending the nursery school will Burlington Danes Primary will be an expansion of Burlington Danes Academy, which will become an all-through school serving students aged 4-18. The primary phase will be sited in a separate building on the Burlington Danes site with separate outdoor space and play facilities. The primary phase will share 30 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions not be a factor giving rise to priority. In the case of multiple births or brothers and sisters in the same year group, where there is only one place available in the academy, both will be considered together as one application. 4. Children of staff in the school – Where there is no demonstrable skill shortage, priority may be given where the academy is oversubscribed to a child of a person who will have been employed in the academy for two or more years at the time the application for admission is made. Priority will be limited to one place for each form of entry in any year. 5. Distance measurement (straight line) – A child’s home will be the address at which the child normally resides (as defined by the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham) and which has been notified to the Academy and other relevant agencies as being the child’s normal place of residence. Priority will be given to those children who live closest to the school. temporarily located in Hammersmith, on the same site as the West London Free School Primary, from 2014 to 2020. In 2020, the school will move to its permanent site in Earl’s Court and will become a two-form entry school. Earl’s Court Free School Primary Type of school Free school DfE number 205-2004 Headteacher Natalie De Silva Address Cambridge Grove, London, W6 0LB Telephone 020 3489 1688 Email admin@wlfs-primary.org Website www.wlfs-earlscourt.org Nearest tube stations Hammersmith (Circle, Hammersmith & City, District and Piccadilly lines); Ravenscourt Park (District line) Bus routes 27, 190, 266 Summarised admissions arrangements If the school is oversubscribed, priority will be given to children with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) that names the school. The remaining places will then be offered in the following order of priority: 119 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All offers made under criterion 5, a 31st place was offered as the last offer was made to a child from a set of twins. 15 places offered from Banim Street measuring point, last offer was at distance 0.8671 miles; 16 places offered from Earl’s Court measuring point, last offer was at distance 1.338 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 8 School uniform Breakfast club 8 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 8 Admission number 30 3 The Earl’s Court Free School Primary opens in September 2014 with one reception class and will fill up year by year until it reaches full capacity. It will be 1. Looked after children and/or previously looked after children. 2. Children whose parents have been given founders’ status. 3. Children who will have siblings in the Earl’s Court Free School Primary at the time when they are admitted to the school. 4. Children of the Earl’s Court Free School Primary staff who’ve been employed for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made or who’ve been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there’s a demonstrable skill shortage. 5. After places have been filled under the first four criteria, half the remaining places will be offered to those children who live nearest to the temporary site of the school, measured by the straight-line distance from the school’s front gate on Banim Street to the child’s home, and the other half will be offered to those children who live nearest to Earl’s Court tube station, measured by the straight-line distance from the main entrance to the tube station to the child’s home. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 31 School by school information and admission criteria Summarised admission policy/criteria The Fulham Bilingual 1. Children in public care. A partnership between Holy Cross Catholic Primary and Marie D’Orliac (previously known as L’école Marie D’Orliac) Type of school Voluntary aided, bilingual DfE number 205-9901 Interim Headteacher Kathleen Williams Address 60 Clancarty Road, London, SW6 3AA Telephone 020 7736 1447 Email admin@holycrossrc.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.fulhambilingual.org.uk Nearest tube stations Parson’s Green & Putney Bridge (District line); Imperial Wharf (London Overground) Bus routes 22, 28, 295 3. Children who will have a sibling or siblings in the Holy Cross bilingual section at the time when they are admitted. 4. From September 2015, all admissions after priorities 1, 2 and 3 will be by random allocation within a defined geographical area (see priority area map). The boundaries of the random allocation zone will be: 129 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 17 siblings; last offer on straight-line measurement at distance 0.162 miles. (Note: the school’s admission policy has changed for the 2015/16 intake). Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 2 lodged, none upheld After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 8 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 8 Admission number 28 Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, in partnership with the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and the L’école Marie D’Orliac, admits an additional 28 reception age pupils each year for a bilingual (French and English) education. Pupils, drawn from both schools, are taught together by teachers from each of the schools, using an agreed common curriculum. Applications for the bilingual places at The Fulham Bilingual are entirely separate to those for Holy Cross School and subject to different admissions criteria. Parents applying for a bilingual place may also apply for a foundation place at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, in which case they must name both on the common application form, ranking them separately as two of the six preferences. Admission to the bilingual course will be determined without reference to religious commitment, in accordance with oversubscription criteria similar to those used for community primary schools in the borough. 32 2. Children defined as being in priority need within the categories of need defined by the Children Act 1989, or as having an otherwise exceptional educational, medical or social need which can most appropriately be met by the bilingual course at Holy Cross School. The governing body will normally require written evidence from an appropriate professional (see explanatory notes). •Both sides of Fulham Palace Road, including Robert Owen House. •Continuing along Fulham High Street to Putney Bridge. • South side of Lillie Road. • River Thames is the south boundary. • Railway line is the east boundary. Exceptional need If you think your child has an exceptional educational, social or medical need for a place at The Fulham Bilingual, your case must be supported by documented evidence from a doctor, health visitor, social worker or other medical professional, which must be submitted at the time of your original application. You will need to show why The Fulham Bilingual is the only school that meets your child’s social or medical need. The case must be a clear connection between the child’s need and an explanation of the difficulties which would be caused if the child were to attend another school. The decision as to whether your child qualifies on medical or social grounds is made by the governing body. Siblings Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Multiple births Temporary address If a tie-break involves twins or triplets, the governing body will offer places over the published admission number to accommodate the children. For admissions purposes, we will not accept a temporary address if you still possess a property that was used as a home address, nor will we accept a temporary address used solely or mainly to obtain a school place. We reserve the right to review the offer of a place and consider options including the withdrawal of the place and the status of a sibling link for a future applicants where it becomes apparent that a false or misleading application was provided to obtain a place at the school. Tie break If any applicants share the same address, i.e., live in the same block of flats or shared house, priority will be given to those closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. In the event more than one child has the same distance, a decision will be made using random allocation. The Fulham Bilingual priority area The Fulham Bilingual Tube stations © Crown copyright and database rights 2014. Ordnance Survey 100021668. Boundary of admissions priority area We must have your application by 15 January 2015 33 School by school information and admission criteria The Good Shepherd RC Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Catholic DfE number 205-3602 Headteacher Cathy Doogan Address Gayford Road, London, W12 9BY Telephone 020 8743 5060 Email sao1@goodshepherdrc.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.goodshepherdrc.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Ravenscourt Park & Stamford Brook (District line) Bus routes 207, 266 6. Any other applicants. Siblings The attendance of a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission will increase the priority of an application within each category. In the context of these admission criteria, “sister or brother” means brothers and sisters, step brothers and sisters, half brothers and sisters or adopted brothers and sisters. A sibling relationship does not apply when the older child(ren) will leave before the younger one starts. Exceptional need The Governing Body will give top priority to an application within a category where compelling written evidence is provided by a third party professional (such as a doctor, social worker or priest) at the time of application of a special educational or other need of the child which can only be met at this school. 123 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 18 siblings; last offer under criterion 2 at distance 0.2614 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 2 lodged, none upheld After school club (at Wendell Park Primary School) 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 Distance from school Summarised admission policy/criteria Where there are more applications for places than the total places available, places will be offered according to the following order of priority: 1. Catholic looked after children and Catholic children who have been adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would lead to over subscription, places up to the Published Admission Number of 30 will be offered to those whose home is nearest the school. This will be measured using a straight line (as the crow flies) measurement from the child’s home address to the school main entrance gate on Gayford Road. Twins or multiple births Where the final place is offered to a child who has a twin/triplets etc. applying for a place in the same school year, these siblings will also be admitted. 2. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families where this practice is verified by a reference from the parish priest, or a priest who knows them, in the standard form supplied by the Diocese. 3. Baptised Catholic Children from Catholic families. 4. Other looked after children and other children who have been adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. 5. Children from families practising other Christian faiths in the following order: a) the eastern Christian churches (including the Orthodox churches) b) the Church of England c) other Christian denominations 34 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Catholic DfE number 205-3354 Executive Head Kathleen Williams Address Basuto Road, London, SW6 4BL Telephone 020 7736 1447 Email admin@holycrossrc.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.holycrossfulham.org.uk Nearest tube stations Parson’s Green & Fulham Broadway (District line) Bus routes 14, 22, 414, 424 154 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 24 siblings; last offer under criterion 9 at distance 0.1552 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 7. Other looked-after children and children who have been adopted (or made subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. 8. Christians of other denominations whose parents or legal guardians wish for them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by their priest or minister in the following order: Please note that the following criteria are those applied to applications for ‘Foundation’ (Catholic) places at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School. Applications for places at The Fulham Bilingual (previously L’école Marie d’Orliac) are entirely separate and subject to different admissions criteria. a) the eastern Christian churches (including the Orthodox Churches) Summarised admission policy/criteria b) the Church of England 1. Catholic looked-after children and Catholic children who have been adopted (or made subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. c) other Christian faiths d) non-Christian faiths 9. Any other applicants. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would lead to oversubscription the following provisions will be applied: 2. Catholic children with exceptional educational, medical or social need which can most appropriately be met at Holy Cross School. 3. Baptised Catholic Children from practising Catholic families who are resident in the parishes of Holy Cross Parsons Green and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sands End Siblings 4. Baptised Catholic Children from practising Catholic families who are resident in other parishes. 5. Other baptised Catholic children resident in the parishes of Holy Cross and Our Lady of Perpetual Help. 6. Other Catholic children from Catholic families who live outside the parishes of Holy Cross and Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The attendance of a sibling at the school at the time of enrolment will increase the priority of an application within each category. For the purpose of this policy the term ‘sibling’ is defined as brother or sister, half brother or sister, stepbrother or sister, or adopted brother and sister. Tie break Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the sub-categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 35 School by school information and admission criteria 1. Looked after children and previously looked after children (i.e. children who ceased to be looked after because they were adopted, or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order). John Betts Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided DfE number 205-3368 Interim Headteacher Steve Owen Address Paddenswick Road, London, W6 0UA Telephone 020 8748 2465 Email admin@johnbetts.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.johnbetts.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Ravenscourt Park (District line) Bus routes 94, 237, 266 2. Children for whom there is a special medical/ social need which can only be catered for by this school. Any application made on these grounds must be supported by relevant professional documentation. This evidence must be submitted along with the common application form prior to the closing date. You will need to show why your preferred school is the only school that meets your child’s needs. 3. Children who have a sibling who is expected to be on the school roll when the younger child starts school (where ‘sibling’ includes step siblings, adopted siblings and foster siblings in a long term placement). 337 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 1 SEN; 20 siblings; last offer under criterion 4 at distance 0.1121 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 8 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 8 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 8 Admission number 30 Summarised admission policy/criteria 4. Children who, at the closing date, live closest to the school judging by straight line distance, “as the crow flies”. This is measured from the south front door of the school on Paddenswick Road to the front door of the child’s confirmed permanent residence – defined as the place of normal residence during term time – by the local authority, using their chosen geographical location IT software package. The over subscription criteria state that places have to be offered according to the criteria at the time of application. The governors of the school have agreed that when there are more applicants than places, priority will be given in order of the following criteria: 36 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions 9. Children of other faiths whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by a religious leader. Larmenier and Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Catholic 10.Any other applicant. DfE number 205-3649 Headteacher Miss Jennifer McGinty The Governing Body will give top priority within each category (1-10) in the following numerical order Address 41a Brook Green, London, W6 7BL Telephone 020 8748 9444 Email admin@larshrc.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.larshrc.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Hammersmith (Circle, Hammersmith & City, District and Piccadilly lines); Kensington Olympia (District line & London Overground) Bus routes 1. Children who will have a sibling in the school in September 2014. For the purposes of this policy the word sibling is defined as brothers & sisters, step brothers & sisters, half-brothers & sisters, adoptive brothers & sisters. 2. The proximity of the child’s home to the school. Distance Where the school becomes oversubscribed within any of the above categories priority will be given to those living nearest to the school. Distance will be measured using the ‘straight line’ distance, from the ‘seed point’ (a central point) of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school at 41a Brook Green, Hammersmith, London W6 7BL. 9, 10, 27, 391 190 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 1 LAC; 21 siblings (18 within criterion 2 and 3 within criterion 3); last offer under criterion 3 to a sibling at distance 0.8823 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 3 lodged, none upheld After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 8 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Tie break For applicants from the same block of flats, or who live the same distance from the school, random selection by the drawing of lots in the presence of an independent witness will be used as the final tie-breaker. Multiple births Summarised admission policy/criteria 1. Catholic ‘Looked After’ children and Catholic children who have been adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. Applications from twins, triplets or other children from multiple births – Where the final place is offered to a child who has a twin/triplet etc. applying for a place in the same school year, these siblings will also be admitted. 2. Children baptised within 12 months of birth from practising Catholic families who are resident in the parish of Brook Green. 3. Children baptised within 12 months of birth from practising Catholic families who are resident in other parishes. 4. Children baptised after 12 months from the date of birth from practising Catholic families. 5. Other baptised Catholics. 6. Other ‘Looked After’ children. 7. Catechumens and members of the Eastern Christian Church whose application is supported by a minister of religion. 8. Christians of other denominations whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by a minister of religion. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 37 School by school information and admission criteria 4. To children who live nearest the school. Nearness to the school will be calculated using a straight line (as the crow flies) measurement from the child’s home ‘address point’. The child living closest to the school will receive the highest priority. Accessibility by car or public transport will be disregarded. Lena Gardens Primary School Type of school Academy DfE number 205-2383 Principal Elissa Douglas Address Lena Gardens, London, W6 7PZ Telephone 020 7603 4043 Email admin@lenagardens.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.lenagardens.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Goldhawk Road (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines); Hammersmith (Circle, Hammersmith & City, District and Piccadilly lines) Bus routes 72, 220, 283, 295 Tie break 95 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All The London Oratory School – Junior House Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None Type of school Voluntary aided, Catholic DfE number 205-5400 After school club (Addison Playcentre) 3 Headmaster David McFadden Address Seagrave Road, London, SW6 1RX Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 8 Telephone 020 7385 0102 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 Email admin@los.ac Website www.london-oratory.org Nearest tube stations Fulham Broadway (District line), West Brompton (District line & London Overground) Bus routes 14, 211, 414 School uniform 3 Summarised admission policy/criteria If there are more applications to the school than there are places available, places will be allocated in the following order of priority. 1. Children in Public Care, also known as Looked After Children in care of the local authority and children who have been adopted or made subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order immediately following having been looked after. 2. Applicants who can demonstrate that admission to the school is necessary on the grounds of professionally supported medical or social need. Parent/carers must supply details of any such special factors at the time of the original application together with recent supporting documentation. Such applications will not be considered without professional support, such as a letter or report from a doctor, consultant or social worker which must be no more than six months old. All information submitted will be regarded as confidential. 3. To brothers and sisters of children already on the roll of the school who will still be in the school at the time the applicant is admitted. 38 If applicants share the same address point (for example, those who live in the same block of flats or shared house) priority will be given to those who live closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. In the unlikely event that two or more applicants live at exactly the same distance from the school, the offer of a place will be decided by random allocation. 56 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 20 places offered. For information on the criterion that the last applicant offered a place met please contact the school directly. Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 8 lodged, none upheld After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 3 Nursery N/a Admission number 20 The London Oratory School admits up to 20 Roman Catholic boys to the school at age seven for a specialist music education. There are two opportunities for prospective candidates and parents for Junior House to visit the school: Wednesday 1 October at 6.00pm and; Thursday 6 November at 2.00pm Closing date for applications is Friday 9 January 2015. For further details please contact the school. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Pope John RC Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Catholic DfE number 205-3645 Headteacher Gillian Wickham Address Commonwealth Avenue, London, W12 7QR Telephone 020 8743 9428 Email admin@popejohnrc.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.popejohnrc.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations White City (Central line); White City, Wood Lane & Shepherd’s Bush Market (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines) Bus routes 95, 228, 283 92 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 12 siblings (all within criterion 2 & 3); last offer under criterion 4 for White City parish at distance 0.459 miles and for East Acton parish at distance 0.564 miles. (Note: all White City parish applicants meeting criterion 4 were offered a place). Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 2 lodged, none upheld After school club 8 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 3 3 Admission number 30 Nursery 7. Other Baptised Catholic children. 8. Other looked after children and other children who have been adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. 9. Catechumens and members of the Eastern Christian Church.* 10.Christians of other denominations whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by a religious leader. 11. Children of other faiths whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by a religious leader. Summarised admission policy/criteria When there are more applications than places, then the places will be offered to children in the following order of priority: 12. Any other children. Exceptional need 1. Catholic looked after children and Catholic children who have been adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately after having been looked after. Governors will give first priority within a category to applicants whose exceptional medical, social or pastoral needs can only be met at this school. Compelling supporting evidence from a doctor, social worker or priest must be submitted in person at the time of application. 2. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident within the Parishes of White City and East Acton and who have a sibling within the school at the time of admission. Tie break The distance criterion will be used as the tie breaker if there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria. 3. Other Baptised Catholic Children from practising Catholic families who have a sibling within the school at the time of admission. 4. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident within the parishes of White City and East Acton. 5. Other Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families. 6. Baptised Catholic children who are resident within the parishes of White City and East Acton. For categories 2, 4 and 6, up to 66.66% of places will be reserved for those applicants who are resident within the parish of White City and 33.33% of places will be reserved for those applicants who are resident within the parish of East Acton. A priest’s reference* is required for those applying in categories 2-5 if after social and medical needs have been considered and the number of children meeting any one criterion exceeds the number of places available. (criteria continue overleaf) We must have your application by 15 January 2015 39 School by school information and admission criteria Priority will be given to applicants living closest within each parish measured as the crow flies from home to the main school entrance. If places are not filled from one parish then the balance of places will be allocated to the applicants of the other parish. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the sub-categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest the school. For applicants from the same block of flats, or who live the same distance from the school, random selection by the drawing of lots in the presence of an independent witness will be used as the final tie-breaker. Multiple births In the case of twins or multiple birth applications from one family, where one remaining place is allocated to one of the children, all other applicants of the multiple will be offered a place. This will also apply to siblings applying to the same year group. * In these cases the application must be supported by a Baptismal Certificate and a priest’s written reference. St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Catholic DfE number 205-3378 Headteacher Mary Kelliher Address Disbrowe Road, London, W6 8QE Telephone 020 7385 4333 Email admin@staugustinesrc.lbhf.sch.uk 2. Baptised Catholic children, from practising Catholic families, who attend Mass on a weekly basis and who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission. 3. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who attend Mass on a weekly basis and who are resident in the Parish of St. Augustine’s, Hammersmith. 4. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in another parish and who attend Mass on a weekly basis. 5. Other baptised Catholic children. 6. Other looked after children and other children who have been adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders), immediately following having been looked after. 7. Catechumens and members of an Eastern Christian Church. 8. Christians of other denominations whose application is supported by their Minister of Religion. 9. Children of other faiths whose application is supported by their Religious Leader. 10. Any other children. Exceptional need Website www.staugustinesrc.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Baron’s Court (Piccadilly & District lines), West Brompton (District line) Bus routes 74, 190, 430 164 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 1 LAC; 8 siblings (all within criterion 2); last offer under criterion 4 at distance 0.2816 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 2 lodged, none upheld After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 8 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 8 Admission number 30 Summarised admission policy/criteria Where there are more applications than the number of places available, places will be offered according to the following order of priority: 40 1. Catholic looked after children and Catholic children who have been adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. The Governing Body will give top priority after the appropriate category of looked-after children, to an application where compelling evidence is provided at the time of application, from an appropriate professional such as a doctor, priest or social worker, of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other need of the child, which can only be met at this school. Multiple births Where the final place is offered to a child who has other siblings applying for a place in the same school year, these siblings will also be admitted. Tie break Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the sub-categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions St John’s Walham Green CE Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Church of England DfE number 205-3463 Headteacher Barbara Wightwick Address Filmer Road, London, SW6 6AS Telephone 020 7731 5454 Email admin@stjohnsce.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.stjohnsce.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Parson’s Green & Putney Bridge (District line) Bus routes 14, 424 147 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 1 LAC; 22 siblings; Foundation places: all applicants falling under criterion 1-3 were offered a place; Open places: last offer under criterion 2 at distance 0.312 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Summarised admission policy/criteria Overriding priority will be given to Children in Public Care, also known as Looked After Children in care of the local authority and children who have been adopted or made subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order immediately following having been looked after. The remaining places will be split on the basis of 60% Foundation Places for those who are practising Christians and 40% Open Places. Siblings will be placed into the applicable category. Foundation Places Places will be offered according to the following criteria, which are listed in order of priority: 1. Children whose families are committed regular members of the congregation at St. John with St. James, Walham Green. 2. Children whose families are committed regular members of the Church of England in a neighbouring Anglican parish church, which has no church school of its own. 3. Children who are members of another Christian denomination and who live within a mile of the school. Once the Foundation places have been filled, all remaining applications are considered Open places Places will be offered according to the following criteria, which are listed in order of priority: 1. Siblings of children who will be on roll at the time of attendance. 2. Children living nearest the school. Nearness to the school will be calculated using a straight line (as the crow flies) measurement from the child’s home ‘address point’ determined by Ordnance Survey Data to the school’s main entrance on Filmer Road as determined by Hammersmith & Fulham Local Authority using its computerised measuring system. Tie-breaker In the event of there being insufficient vacancies to admit all applicants in any of the categories listed above, priority will be given to children whose parents/legal guardians’ residential address is the shortest distance from the school’s main entrance in Filmer Road, when measured in a straight line. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 41 School by school information and admission criteria 6. Other looked after children and children who have been adopted (or made subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately after having been looked after. St Mary’s RC Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Catholic DfE number 205-3529 Headteacher Robina Maher Address Masbro Road, London, W14 0LT Telephone 020 7603 7717 Email admin@stmarysrc.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.stmarysrc.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Shepherd’s Bush (Central line & London Overground); Kensington Olympia (District line & London Overground); Hammersmith (Circle, Hammersmith & City, District and Piccadilly lines) Bus routes 7. Catechumens and practising members of an Eastern Christian Church whose application is supported by a Priest’s or Minister of Religion. 10, 49, C1 8. Christians of other denominations whose application is supported by their minister of Religion. 9. Children of other faiths whose application is supported by a Religious Leader. 10.Any other applicants. Exceptional need 127 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 6 siblings; last offer under criterion 10 at distance 0.1062 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club (at Addison Primary School) 3 Breakfast club* 8 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 School uniform * There is an early drop off facility 3 3 Summarised admission policy/criteria Where there are more applications for places than the number of places available, places will be offered according to the following order of priority. 1. Catholic looked after children and Catholic children who have been adopted (or made subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately after having been looked after. The Governing Body will give top priority after the appropriate category of looked-after children, to an application where compelling evidence is provided at the time of application, from an appropriate professional such as a doctor, priest or social worker, of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other need of the child, which can only be met at this school. Multiple births Where the final place is offered to a child who has other siblings applying for a place in the same school year, these siblings will also be admitted. Tie break Where the offer of places to all applicants in any of the sub-categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, places up to the admission number will be offered to those resident nearest to the school, measured by straight line, as defined by the Hammersmith and Fulham School Admissions computerised measuring system, with those living closer to the school receiving higher priority. 2. Baptised Catholics who are resident in the parish of Holy Trinity, Brook Green whose family’s weekly practice is supported by a Priest’s reference and who have a sibling in the school at the time of admission in September 2015. 3. Baptised Catholics who are resident in the parish of Holy Trinity, Brook Green whose family’s weekly practice is supported by a Priest’s reference. 4. Other baptised Catholic children who have a sibling in the school at the time of admission in September 2015. 5. Other baptised Catholic children. 42 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Summarised admission policy/criteria St Paul’s CE Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Church of England DfE number 205-3566 Headteacher Claire Fletcher Address Worlidge Street, London, W6 9BP Telephone 020 8748 4951 Email admin@stpaulsce.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.stpaulsprimary.org Nearest tube stations Hammersmith (Circle, Hammersmith & City, District and Piccadilly lines) Bus routes 9, 10, 27, 72, 220, 391 If there are more applicants than places, then places will be offered to children in the following order of priority: 1. Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children. There must be evidence of this from the Local Authority. 2. Sibling. Children who have a sibling in the school at the time of admission. 3. Church Places. After the first 2 criteria have been decided, 50% of the remaining places will be offered in the following order to children who, with their parent/s or guardian/s: 64 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 12 siblings (all within criterion 2); Church places: last offer at distance 1.5535 miles (all applicants within this category were offered a place); Open places: last offer under criterion 4 at distance 1.3691 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 3.1regularly worship at St Paul’s Church, Hammersmith 3.2regularly worship at another Christian church and live within the Deanery of Hammersmith & Fulham. 4. Open Places. The remaining 50% will be given to children who live nearest the school and live within the Deanery of Hammersmith & Fulham. 5. Any remaining places will be offered to children who live nearest the school (straight line measurement) and allocated in order of proximity of their home to the front door of the school using the Geographical Information System in use by the Local Authority at the time of application. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 43 School by school information and admission criteria for evidence that the parent(s) of the child are practising members of a Christian church and that the child will have a sibling attending the main school at the time of entry. St Peter’s CE Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Church of England DfE number 205-3578 Headteacher Jean Shipton Address 33 St Peter’s Road, London, W6 9BA Telephone 020 8748 7756 Email admin@stpetersce.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.stpetersce.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Stamford Brook & Ravenscourt Park (District line) Bus routes 27, 190, 267, 391 3. Sibling: If places are still available after those under criterion 1 and criterion 2 have been allocated the governors will look for evidence that the child will have a sibling in the main school at the time of entry. 4. Church Reference: If places are still available after those under criterion 1, criterion 2 and criterion 3 have been allocated the governors will look for evidence that the parent(s) of the child are practising members of a Christian church. The school will seek supportive evidence from the applicant’s parish priest or minister. 111 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 11 siblings; last offer under criterion 4 at distance 0.963 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 1 lodged, 1 upheld After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 30 5. Open Places: If places are still available after those under criterion 4 have been allocated the governors will consider all other applications. Over subscription in any of the categories Summarised admission policy/criteria 1. Looked After children. 2. Church Reference + Sibling: If more children apply to the Main School or to the Nursery than there are places available the governors will look, after considering those under criterion 1, 44 If there is a need to sort between applicants under any of the above criteria then the governors will do so using the following criteria listed below in strict priority order. 1. Applicants with Social/Medical Needs. 2. Applicants who live closest to the school. Tie break This method of sorting between applicants will be used only when there is over-subscription within any of the main criteria 1-5 in stated priority order. Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions For each of the criteria above, the school will seek a supportive Christian reference from the applicant’s parish priest or minister. St Stephen’s CE Primary School Type of school Voluntary aided, Church of England DfE number 205-3600 Headteacher Michael Schumm Address Uxbridge Road, London, W12 8LH Telephone 020 8743 4483 Email admin@ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk Website www.ststephensce.lbhf.sch.uk Nearest tube stations Shepherd’s Bush Market & Goldhawk Road (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines) Bus routes 72, 148, 207, 260, 283 Open places 1. World Faith: The governors of St Stephens have also agreed to offer four Open places to children who live in the parish and are members of another world faith. The school will seek a supportive reference from the applicant’s religious leader. Priority will be given to children with a sibling in the main school at the point of entry. 2. Distance: Proximity of the applicant’s home to the school, which will be determined by straight line distance, measured using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system. Priority will be given to children with a sibling in the main school at the point of entry. 200 Applications received for 2014 Applicants receiving offer in 2014 2 SEN; Foundation places (42 offers): 10 siblings; last offer under criterion 3 at distance 0.4494 miles; Open places: World Faith (4 offers) 1 sibling; last offer at distance 0.4494 miles; Distance (12 offers) last offer at distance 0.315 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 3 Supplementary form 3 Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Exceptional need The Governors will prioritise children who satisfy the Governors of medical or social needs, which can be met by the school. A professional assessment of any special needs should be presented in a letter from the applicant’s general practitioner, social worker, medical consultant or other appropriate body and must be enclosed with the application form. Tie break After this, applicants under each criterion will be prioritised by the proximity of the applicant’s home to the school, determined by straight line distance measured using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system. Should there be more than one child with the same distance the decision will be made using random allocation. Summarised admission policy/criteria Should there be more applications than places available the Governors of St. Stephen’s have agreed to offer (after Looked After Children), in proportion, 43 Foundation places and 17 Open Places of which 4 will be for other world faiths against the following criteria for admission to the school, in order: Looked after children, i.e. children in public care. This includes children who were previously looked after, but ceased to be so because they have been adopted or became subject to a residential order or special guardianship order. Foundation Places 1. Church reference + sibling: the child and its family are practising members of a Christian church and the child will have a sibling attending the main school at the point of entry. 2. St Stephen’s Church Reference + parish resident: the child and its family are practising members of the congregation at St Stephen and St Thomas Shepherds Bush and live in the parish. 3. Church Reference: the child and its family are practising members of a Christian church. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 45 School by school information and admission criteria Type of school Voluntary aided, Catholic 8. Christians of other denominations whose parents or legal guardians wish for them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by their priest or minister. DfE number 205-3648 9. Any other applicants. Headteacher Mrs J Flower Multiple births Address Estcourt Road, London, SW6 7HB Telephone 020 7385 8165 Email admin@stthomasrc.lbhf.sch.uk Where the final place is offered to a child who has other siblings applying for a place in the same class/year, these siblings will also be admitted. Website www.stthomasrc.lbhf.sch.uk St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School Nearest tube stations Fulham Broadway & Parson’s Green (District line) Bus routes 28, 74, 211, 295 Exceptional need Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would lead to oversubscription the following provisions will be applied: 126 Applications received for 2014 The Governing Body will increase the priority, after the appropriate category of looked-after children, to an application where compelling evidence is provided at the time of application of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other need of the child which can only be met at this school. Applicants receiving offer in 2014 All Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 3 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 8 Supplementary form 3 The evidence must include relevant documentation from an appropriate professional such as a doctor, priest or social worker. Nursery 3 Admission number 60 Tie break Summarised admission policy/criteria Where there are more applications for places than the number of places available, places will be offered according to the following order of priority: 1. Catholic looked-after children and Catholic children who have been adopted (or made subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the sub-categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school. Where two or more applicants for the last remaining space live an equal distance from the school, the Governing Body will draw lots in the presence of an independent witness. 2. Baptised Catholic children who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission. 3. Baptised Catholic Children from practising Catholic families who are resident in the parish of St Thomas of Canterbury. 4. Baptised Catholic Children from practising Catholic families who are not resident in the parish of St Thomas of Canterbury. 5. Other baptised Catholic children. 6. Other looked-after children and children who have been adopted (or made subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after. 7. Catechumens and members of an Eastern Christian Church. 46 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Care (EHC) plan or a Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) that names the school, places will be offered in accordance with the following criteria in order of priority: West London Free School Primary Type of school Free school DfE number 205-2001 Headteacher Natalie De Silva Address Cambridge Grove, London, W6 0LB Telephone 020 3489 1688 Email admin@wlfs-primary.org Website www.wlfs-primary.org Nearest tube stations Ravenscourt Park (District line); Goldhawk Road & Hammersmith (Circle and Hammersmith & City lines); Hammersmith (District and Piccadilly lines) Bus routes 27, 190, 266 1. Looked after children and children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order). 372 Applications received for 2014 2. Children whose parents have been given founders’ status; and where their children are not yet old enough to attend the West London Free School Primary, the parents continue to play a significant and ongoing role in the school. 3. Children who will have siblings in the West London Free School (primary or secondary) at the time when they are admitted to the school. 4. Children of the West London Free School Primary staff who’ve been employed for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made or who’ve been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there’s a demonstrable skill shortage. Applicants receiving offer in 2014 1 LAC; 4 siblings; last offer under criterion 5 at distance 0.489 miles Number of appeals lodged & upheld in 2014 None After school club 8 School uniform 3 Breakfast club 8 Supplementary form 8 Nursery 8 Admission number 60 Summarised admission policy/criteria 5. After places have been filled under the first four criteria, the remaining places will be offered to those children who live nearest to the school, measured by the straight-line distance from the school’s front gate on Banim Street to the child’s home. If there are more applicants than places, after the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and We must have your application by 15 January 2015 47 Additional information There is also a tri-borough central team – The ACE Team – concentrating on the following areas of work: Attendance (processing legal action for entrenched non-attendance and issuing penalty notices); Child employment and children in entertainment and; Elective home education and children missing education. This team is based at Kensington Town Hall and can be contacted on 020 8753 2877. Children with disabilities team A disability can make it difficult for a child to participate fully in the community and develop independence. Great pressure can be put on parents and carers because of the care children need. The disabled children’s team is here to offer support. In-year admissions An in-year admission is when an application for a school place needs to be made outside of the normal admission round, which is the first year of entry to a primary or secondary school. In most cases your reason for making an application will be that you have moved to a new area, moved into the authority from abroad or you would like to transfer your child from one school to another. There is a separate process for applying in-year for a school place. Further information and guidance can be found on Hammersmith & Fulham’s website: www.lbhf.gov.uk/schooladmissions Support for school attendance After you have been allocated a school place, making sure your child attends school regularly and on time every day is really important, not only to make sure they have the best possible chance to get the most out of their education but also because children who are not in school are more likely to get into trouble outside of school or be vulnerable. Parents have a legal responsibility to get their children to school but if you are having difficulties with this it is important you talk to school staff who are there to help you. You or school staff may feel you need some extra help. Each borough has professional staff who work with families with children who are not attending school. They are based in the locality teams if you live in Hammersmith & Fulham (tel. 020 8753 6600) or Westminster (tel. 020 7641 4000) or the early help team if you live in Kensington & Chelsea (tel. 020 7598 4405). These multi-disciplinary teams work with schools, children and parents to improve children’s attendance and reduce unnecessary absence and truancy. 48 We are a team of professionals who work with children who have severe and permanent disabilities and/or health conditions. We support families who may require additional help to meet their children’s needs. The team has social workers, support staff, occupational therapists and a transitions worker, all of whom work closely with other professionals from health and education. For more information visit our office: Disabled Children’s Team 2nd Floor, 145 King Street, Hammersmith W6 9XY Tel: 020 8753 3321 Special Educational Needs The majority of children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) or disabilities will have their needs met within local mainstream early years settings, schools or colleges. Hammersmith & Fulham Council ensures that there are arrangements in place within these settings for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEN. If you believe that your child has a special learning need, it is always advisable to discuss this with the head teacher when you visit the school to which you are thinking of applying. Each school has a budget for meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and will be able to talk to you about the support they provide for children with learning needs and how they will meet your child’s needs. The local authority expects mainstream schools to work with parents to track children’s progress and record the outcomes and agreed provision in an SEN support resourced plan. Some children and young people with SEN or disabilities may need a level or type of support that cannot be provided by a mainstream school and/or within a mainstream school’s budget. For such pupils it may be necessary to carry out an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment. The local authority Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions can then decide whether an EHC plan should be written. An EHC plan details how a child’s additional needs will be met. If your child has an EHC plan or a Statement of SEN, the information set out in this brochure relating to the application process does not apply to you. To discuss the arrangements which will need to be made for your child please contact the Special Educational Needs team on 020 7361 3311. To see the location of special schools in the authority refer to the map on page 52. Education Psychology Service Every school has the support of an educational psychologist – a specialist in how children and young people develop and learn. Help may be asked for when pupils show difficulties over their behaviour, learning or progress generally in school. Educational psychologists will work with children only if the parents agree. Parents themselves may ask for their help through the school. For more information, contact the Education Psychology Service on 020 7361 3311. The FIS can advise on how to choose the type of childcare or early years service that best suits your needs and those of your child. The service can also provide you with information on help with childcare costs, including the three and four-year-old offer for nursery education. You may also find the information on nursery and early years centres useful, please refer to page 50. All children under 16 years of age in full-time education can travel free on bus and tram services. All children aged ten and under can travel free on London Underground services if travelling with a paying adult or if travelling unaccompanied using a Zip 5-10 Oyster Photocard. Children under ten using a Zip 5-10 Oyster Photocard can also travel at The full policy and application form are available from the School Admissions and Travel Team on 020 7745 6434, or on the Hammersmith & Fulham website at www.lbhf.gov.uk/schooladmissions Free school meals and school clothing grants • Income Support The Family Information Service (FIS) provides impartial information and advice on the range of facilities for children and young people aged 0-19 years old. These include services provided by the council as well as the voluntary, private and independent sectors. Financial assistance with travel to school It is expected that children that are resident in Hammersmith & Fulham make use of the concessions offered by TfL, including free travel across London. However, there may be circumstances where travel assistance is required outside the scope of free arrangements offered by TfL. In this instance, Hammersmith & Fulham will take account of the statutory requirements. Free school meals are available on application to children attending state maintained or Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) schools whose parents or guardians are receiving one of these benefits: Family Information Service The FIS can also direct to you to other local and national organisations offering help with adult employment and training, careers guidance, family support, health and special educational needs. Contact the service on 0845 313 3933 or email fis@lbhf.gov.uk, or alternatively visit the service’s online directory at www.lbhf.gov.uk/fisd the ‘child rate’ on National Rail Services. For further information, please visit the Transport for London (TfL) website at www.tfl.gov.uk • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance • National Asylum Seekers Support Scheme (NASS) • Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit) • Child Tax Credit (income less than £16,190) but not Working Tax Credit • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance If you think your child is eligible for free school meals, you can call 020 8753 6681 between 9.00am and 5.00pm. You can also book an appointment online or download an application form at www.lbhf.gov. uk/contact_counciltax_benefits From September 2014, schools will receive £1,300 for each pupil by registering for free school meals. Even if you do not want your child to receive the meal, we encourage you to register so that your school receives as much funding as possible. The service is located at h&f Direct Centre, First Floor, Town Hall Extension, King Street, W6 9JU, open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm. School clothing grants are available to help H&F parents to buy school uniform for their children. If you do not live in Hammersmith & Fulham you should apply to your local education authority. The criteria for qualifying for clothing grants are the same as listed above for free school meals entitlement, as are the contact and appointment details. We must have your application by 15 January 2015 49 Community nursery schools & early years centres Information and how to apply How places are allocated Attending a nursery school or class gives your child a valuable introduction to school. It provides children with the opportunity to develop their skills and mix with girls and boys of their own age. If you wish to apply for a nursery place, contact the school or centre for an application form. The decision whether your child is admitted to a community nursery school or class is taken by the headteacher, who makes offers according to the admissions criteria. The criteria used are the same as those for community primary schools (see page 19). Hammersmith & Fulham Council will ensure that a free or subsidised nursery place is available for three and four-year-olds in the borough. In addition to the free places provided in our own nursery schools and classes, funded part-time places are available in private, voluntary and independent sector nurseries and pre-schools, giving parents a range of provision to choose from. This funding is called the ‘three and four-year-old offer’ – visit www.lbhf.gov.uk for details. Nursery schools and primary school nursery classes admit children after their third birthday. Check with your nursery or school for details of their own admission arrangements. A list of private, voluntary and independent sector nursery schools and pre-schools, including details of which ones offer the three and four year old funding, is available from the Family Information Service (FIS). The service provides impartial information and advice on the range of services in the borough for children and young people. You can get advice on how to choose the type of childcare or early years service that best suits your needs and those of your child. Up-to-date lists with contact details are available for childminders, nurseries, pre-schools, crèches, after-school care, holiday play schemes, children’s centres, parent and toddler groups and activities for children and young people. Call 0845 313 3933 or email fis@lbhf.gov.uk. Alternatively look online at the FIS directory at www.lbhf.gov.uk/fisd for full listings. Voluntary aided or church schools make their own decisions about who should be admitted to the nursery, based on their published admissions criteria. Details are available from the headteacher. Contact details for voluntary aided schools can be found on page 27. Bayonne Nursery School 50 Paynes Walk W6 8PF Head: Pat Logan Tel: 020 7385 5366 Email:admin@bayonne.lbhf.sch.uk Web: www.bjlfed.org James Lee Nursery School Gliddon Road W14 9BH Head: Pat Logan Tel: 020 8741 8877 Email:admin@jameslee.lbhf.sch.uk Web: www.bjlfed.org Normand Croft School for Early Years and Primary Education Bramber Road W14 9PA Head: Nick Holt Tel: 020 7385 6847 Email:info@normandcroft.lbhf.sch.uk Web: www.normandcroftschool.co.uk Randolph Beresford Early Years Centre Australia Road W12 7PH Head: Michael Pettavel Tel: 020 8743 7339 Email:admin@randolphberesford.lbhf.sch.uk Web: www.randolphberesford.lbhf.sch.uk Vanessa Nursery School 14 Cathnor Road W12 9JA Head: Michele Barrett Tel: 020 8743 8196 Email:admin@vanessa.lbhf.sch.uk Web: www.vanessanursery.co.uk For nursery locations refer to the map on page 52. 50 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Contact details for neighbouring boroughs Parents often apply for school places in boroughs other than their own. The application has to be made via the borough in which you live, but these are the contact details of neighbouring admissions teams who may be able to offer advice about their local schools. See also the web addresses you will need for your research. Borough Telephone Email Website Brent 020 8937 3110 school.admissions@brent.gov.uk www.brent.gov.uk Ealing 020 8825 5511 020 8825 5522 mainroundadmissions@ealing.gov.uk www.ealing.gov.uk Hounslow 020 8583 2721 admissions@hounslow.gov.uk www.hounslow.gov.uk Richmond upon Thames 020 8891 7514 education.admissions@richmond.gov.uk www.richmond.gov.uk Wandsworth 020 8871 7316 admissions@wandsworth.gov.uk www.wandsworth.gov.uk Enfield Barnet Harrow Haringey Brent Camden Hillingdon Westminster Ealing Kensington & Chelsea Waltham Forest Richmond upon Thames Richmond upon Thames Wandsworth Havering Hackney Islington City of London Barking and Dagenham Tower Hamlets Newham Southwark Greenwich Hammersmith & Fulham Hounslow Redbridge Lambeth Bexley Lewisham Merton Kingston upon Thames Bromley Sutton Croydon We must have your application by 15 January 2015 51 The location of London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham schools, nurseries and early years centres Primary schools, nurseries and early years centres Community primary schools Addison Primary School Addison Gardens W14 0DT 2 Avonmore Primary School Avonmore Road W14 8RL 3 Brackenbury Primary School Brackenbury Road W6 0BA 4 Flora Gardens Primary School Dalling Road W6 0UD 5 Fulham Primary School Halford Road SW6 1JU 6 Greenside Primary School Westville Road W12 9PT 7 Kenmont Primary School Valliere Road NW10 6AL 8 Langford Primary School* Federated with Hurlingham & Chelsea School Gilstead Road SW6 2LG 1 Melcombe Primary School Fulham Palace Road W6 9ER 10 Miles Coverdale Primary School Coverdale Road W12 8JJ 11 New King’s Primary School New King’s Road SW6 4LY 12 Normand Croft Community School for Early Years and Primary Education Bramber Road W14 9PA 13 Old Oak Primary School Mellitus Street W12 0AS 14 Queens Manor Primary School Lysia Street SW6 6ND 15 Sir John Lillie Primary School Lillie Road SW6 7LN 16 Sulivan Primary School Peterborough Road SW6 3BN 17 Wendell Park Primary School Cobbold Road W12 9LB 18 Wormholt Park Primary School Bryony Road W12 0SR 52 All Saints CE Primary School Bishops Avenue SW6 6ED 2 The Good Shepherd RC Primary School Gayford Road W12 9BY 3 Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Basuto Road SW6 4BL 4 John Betts Primary School Paddenswick Road W6 0UA 5 Larmenier and Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School 41a Brook Green W6 9BL 6 Pope John RC Primary School Commonwealth Avenue W12 7QR 7 St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School Disbrowe Road W6 8QE 8 St John’s Walham Green CE Primary School Filmer Road SW6 6AS 9 St Mary’s RC Primary School Masbro Road W14 0LT 10 St Paul’s CE Primary School Worlidge Street W6 9BP 11 St Peter’s CE Primary School 33 St Peter’s Road W6 9BA 12 St Stephen’s CE Primary School Uxbridge Road W12 8LH 13 St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School Estcourt Road SW6 7HB 14 The London Oratory School – Junior House Seagrave Road, SW6 1RX Please note that this school does not form part of the primary admissions process, applications are made directly to the school * In the process of converting to an academy 9 Voluntary aided bilingual schools Voluntary aided primary schools 1 Academies and free schools ARK Bentworth Academy Bentworth Road W12 7AJ 2 ARK Conway Primary Academy Hemlock Road W12 0QT 3 ARK Swift Primary Academy Australia Road W12 7PT 4 Burlington Danes Primary Wood Lane W12 0HR Proposed opening September 2014 5 Earl’s Court Free School Primary Cambridge Grove W6 0LB (Temporary site) 6 Lena Gardens Primary School Lena Gardens W6 7PZ 7 West London Free School Primary Cambridge Grove W6 0LB 1 1 The Fulham Bilingual Clancarty Road SW6 3AA Affiliated with Holy Cross Catholic Primary School ( 3 ) Community nursery schools and early years centres Bayonne Nursery 50 Paynes Walk W6 8PF 2 James Lee Nursery School Gliddon Road W14 9BH 3 Normand Croft School for Early Years and Primary Education Bramber Road W14 9PA 4 Randolph Beresford Early Years Centre Australia Road W12 7PH 5 Vanessa Nursery School Cathnor Road W12 9JA 1 Special educational needs schools Cambridge School (11-16) 61 Bryony Road W6 0LB 2 The Courtyard at Langford Primary School (5-11) Gilstead Road SW6 2LG 3 Jack Tizard School (5-11) South Africa Road W12 7PA 4 Miles Coverdale School Language Impairment Unit (5-11) Coverdale Road W12 8JJ 5 Queens Manor Primary School Learning Difficulties Unit (5-11) Lysia Street SW6 6ND 6 Queensmill School (3-19) Askham Road W12 0NW 7 Woodlane High School (11-16) Du Cane Road W12 0TN 1 Apply online at www.lbhf.gov.uk/eadmissions Willesden Junction 7 HAR R OW RO AD Secondary schools DU CANE ROAD 3 6 4 ROAD Shepherd’s Bush Market H BUS 5 D ROAD RO HAMMERSMITH 2 E IDG ROA (Please note this school provides Sixth Form provision only and is not part of the secondary admissions process) 10 9 ER MM 12 FU West Brompton 15 IE R 5 IE LILL OAD 13 2 DAW ES Fulham Broadway ROAD 11 14 FULHAM ROAD RO AD 3 8 4 RO AD L M HA 7 1 NEW 16 1 2 ORTH 11 Imperial Wharf SW WAND FU AD RO 3 Parsons Green KI E PALAC 5 14 AD RO AD LILL 7 3 RO M A LH 1 8 D RTH WO S ND WA Putney Bridge E ROA BRIDG 6 E HA West Kensington Baron’s Court 13 BR TH D TALGARTH END SM I H Hammersmith Broadway 2 RT GREAT WEST ROAD 10 AD 5 9 NO ET Kensington Olympia SH OVE Hammersmith KING STRE 9 BU ITH GR 12a 5 7 DALLING RD 11 12b 4 6 ERSM ICK SW E N AD PADD RO 3 4 Stamford Brook 1 SHEPHERD S GOL HAMM WK DHA Goldhawk Road IDG D DS EN GRE ROA ROAD ROA Ravenscourt Park SHEPHER BR EW 5 Wood Lane TN EY ASK 6 Lady Margaret School Academy, Church of England, girls aged 11-18 8 Phoenix High School Foundation, mixed aged 11-19 9 Sacred Heart High School Academy, Catholic, girls aged 11-18 10 The Fulham Boys School Free school, boys aged 11-16 (Temporary site) 11 The London Oratory School Academy, Catholic, boys 11-18 (Mixed sixth form) 12a West London Free School Free school, mixed aged 11-16 (Current temporary site) 12b West London Free School Free school, mixed aged 11-16 (Proposed permanent site) 13 William Morris Sixth Form Provision for students aged 16-19 Shepherd’s Bush GHAM IN CONN ROAD 12 4 10 * In the process of converting to an academy PU ROAD 6 5 7 A3220 3 UXBRIDGE 2 White City WOOD LANE AK DO EIN BLOEMFONT OL 1 18 school is not part of the secondary admissions process, students aged 14 join at Year 10) Hammersmith Academy Academy, mixed aged 11-18 6 Hurlingham & Chelsea School Federation, community* mixed aged 11-16. Federated with Langford Primary School 1 WEST WAY 8 2 17 S E N LA BS 4 1 7 1 3 NG RU SC Burlington Danes Academy Academy, Church of England mixed aged 11-18 2 Fulham Cross Girls’ School Academy, girls aged 11-16. Part of the Fulham College Academy Trust 13 East Acton Fulham College Boys’ School Academy, boys aged 11-16. Part of the Fulham College Academy Trust 4 Fulham Enterprise Studio Academy status studio school, boys and girls aged 14-19. Part of the Fulham College Academy Trust. (Please note that the studio E DG BRI We must have your application by 15 January 2015 53 Contacting the School Admissions Team The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham school admissions team works in partnership with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council school admissions teams as a tri-borough service. The school admissions team is based at: Kensington Town Hall Hornton Street London W8 7NX You can contact us from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Contact details are as follows: London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham residents 020 7745 6434 school.admissions@lbhf.gov.uk www.lbhf.gov.uk/schooladmissions Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea residents 020 7745 6432 school.admissions@rbkc.gov.uk www.rbkc.gov.uk/schools/admissions Westminster City Council residents 020 7745 6433 schooladmissions@westminster.gov.uk www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions Please note: at busy times, it may be necessary make an appointment if you need to see a member of the school admissions team in person. © By:design August 2014. By:design: 020 8753 3926. Ref: 120.2at Printed by Hammerprint: 020 8753 2235. Printed on paper from sustainable sources
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