The Elk Valley Times, Wednesday, January 7, 2015—11A or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in t h e a b o v e - r e fe r e n c e d property: All residential real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and applicable state and local laws. The Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated November 23, 2004, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded December We will not knowingly accept any advertising for 21, 2004, in Book residential real estate that No. TD529, at Page appears to or violate fed- 629, in Office of the eral and/or state and local Register of Deeds for law. Lincoln County, Tennessee, executed by Robert A. Jensen, CLASSIFIED Sr. and Fay P. JenERROR sen, conveying cerRESPONSIBILITY tain property therein We take great care to avo i d t y p o gra p h i c a l described to Arnold errors. However, in the M. Weiss as Trustee event of an error, we are for Washington Muresponsible only for the first incorrect insertion of tual Bank, FA; and an ad. We do not as- the undersigned, Wilsume any responsibility, son & Associates, for any reason, for an erh av i n g ror in an ad beyond the P. L . L . C. , cost of the ad itself. Man- been appointed Sucagement reserves the cessor Trustee by right to reject, revise & Wells Fargo Bank, properly classify all advertisements. Ad position N.A.. has no bearing on the results you receive and cannot be guaranteed. For Your Convenience We Accept for ALL PURCHASES including: Classified, Advertising, Book Sales, Printing & Subscriptions. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., will, on January 19, 2015 on or about 1:00 PM, at the Lincoln FULL TIME OFFICE POSITION AVAILABLE Construction company in Belfast TN. has a full time position in the accounting of¿ce. Person must have experience in Accounting (accounts payable/receivable, payroll, etc.). Must have basic computer skills. Only those with accounting experience will be considered. Prior construction of¿ce experience helpful. County Courthouse, Fayetteville, Fayetteville, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by the successor trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Lincoln County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a metal pin (found) on the North margin of East Ridge Road, 25 feet from its center, the Southwest corner of Lot 24 in Breckenridge Subdivision, and the Southeast corner of the property herein described; thence fo l l o w i n g said North margin North 87 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 140.00 feet to a metal pin (found); thence leaving said North margin North JENSEN, SR., ROBERT A. JENSEN, FAY P. ESTATE OF ROBERT A. JENSEN, SR., HEIR(S) IF ANY, OF ROBERT A. JENSEN, SR., 3 degrees 00 minSHORELINE FUNDutes 00 seconds ING LLC East 180.00 feet to a metal pin (found); The sale held purthence South 87 suant to this Notice degrees 00 minutes may be rescinded at 00 seconds East the Successor 140.00 feet to a Trustee’s option at metal pin (found); any time. The right thence South 3 deis reserved to adgrees 00 minutes journ the day of the 00 seconds West sale to another day, 180.00 feet to the time, and place cerpoint of beginning, tain without further lying in the 19th publication, upon anCivil District of Linnouncement at the coln County, Tentime and place for nessee, being all of the sale set forth Lot 23 in the Breckabove. W&A No. enridge Subdivi251511 sion, a plat of which is recorded DATED December in Plat Book 3, 15, 2014 Page 4 in the Register’s Office of WILSON & ASSOCILincoln County, ATES, P.L.L.C., Tennessee. Successor Trustee ALSO KNOWN AS: 1697623038 24 Eastridge Road, Fayetteville , TN FOR SALE INFOR37334-6693 M AT I O N , VISIT WWW.MYFIR.COM This sale is subject a n d to all matters shown W W W . on any applicable reREALTYTRAC.COM corded plat; any unpaid taxes; any reNOTICE OF strictive covenants, easements, o r SUBSTITUTE setback lines that TRUSTEE’S may be applicable; SALE any statutory rights of redemption of any g o v e r n m e n t a l WHEREAS, default agency, state or fed- has occurred in the eral; any prior liens performance of the PUBLIC NOTICE OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BODY OF LINCOLN COUNTY, TENNESSEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all residents of Lincoln County, Tennessee and to all persons interested that an open, public, regular session of the County Legislative Body of Lincoln County, will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015, commencing at the hour of 6:00 p.m. at the regular meeting place of the County Legislative Body at the County Courthouse in Fayetteville, Tennessee. There will be considered at such meeting all matters that may properly be considered by the County Legislative Body. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Sections 8-44-101 to 8-44-106, inclusive, Tennessee Code Annotated. S/Bill Newman County Mayor This the 30th day of December, 2014 Send resume to Denard and Moore Construction Co. Belfast, TN. 37019 Or e-mail: FEED MILL DRIVER This full-time position includes Vacation, Insurance, Dental & 401K. Send Resume to: Drawer J c/o Tullahoma News PO Box 400 Tullahoma, TN 37388 BOUNDARY FENCE SOUTH 6 DEGRESS 24 MINUTES WEST; 138.3 FEET TO AN IRON PIN IN A FIELD FENCE;THENCE WITH THE FIELD FENCE NORTH 85 DEGRESS 18 MINUTES WEST, 195.2 FEET TO A POINT 25 FEET EAST OF THE CENTERLINE OF SAID HARBIN ROAD;THENCE ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF THE ROAD NORTH 21 DEGRESS 38 MINUTES WEST, 144.3 FEET TO THE BEGINNING, AND CONTAINING 0.7 ACRE, MORE OR LESS. Parcel ID: 127-18.08 PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of the property is believed to be 48 HARBIN ROAD, FAYETTEVILLE, TN 37334. In the event of any discrepancy between this street address and the legal description of the property, the legal description shall control. CURRENT OWNER(S): ADAM L. JOHNSON AND LISA W. JOHNSON OT H E R INTERESTED PARTIES: The sale of the PUBLIC NOTICE The Ad Hoc Sewer Committee of the Lincoln County Legislative Body will meet on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in the Courthouse Basement Conference Room, Fayettevile, TN, for the purpose of discussing the update on the Grants. PUBLIC NOTICE VOLCO, Volunteer State CooperaƟve, an educaƟonal cooperaƟve of (10) of Middle Tennessee School Districts is soliciƟng responses to possibly bid on the following Bids and/or Requests for Proposals to use in the 2015-2016 school year. • • End products processed uƟlizing USDA commodiƟes as raw ingredients and like Commercial goods Ice Cream Our goal is to maximize the use of our funds by providing the best products at the lowest price. VOLCO reserves the right to reject any or all bids with suĸcient reason. Details and speciĮcaƟons are available at the VOLCO ofĮce. For more informaƟon please contact Dana Moon, VOLCO Coordinator at 1800 Wilson Parkway, FayeƩeville, TN 37334 or call (931)438-7964. “VOLCO is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” Adult Oriented Establishment Control Board Agricultural Attn: Jerry Nichols Must have good customer service skills as well as knowledge of Word and Excel. A strong work ethic is essential. S/Phylllis F. Counts County Clerk sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash or certified funds ONLY, the following described property situated in Lincoln County, Tennessee, to wit: A CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH ALL I M P ROV E M E N T S L O C A T E D THEREON, LYING SITUATE AND BEING IN THE 21ST CIVIL DISTRICT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, TENNESSEE, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE NORTLY BOUNDARY FENCE 25 FEET OF THE CENTERLINE OF HARBIN ROAD, THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PARENT TRACT (DEED BOOK E-11, PAGE 76) AND OF THE HEREWITH DESCRIBED 0.7 ACRE P A R T THERE-OF;THENCE ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDA RY FENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 21 MINUTES EAST, 263.50 FEET TO AN IRON PIN;THENCE LAVING THE NORTH 2015 LINCOLN COUNTY COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE (As Needed A/N) 2064 Fishing Ford Rd. Immediate Opening Of¿ce Clerk covenants, ter ms and conditions of a Deed of Trust dated May 9, 2003, executed by ADAM L. JOHNSON AND LISA W. JOHNSON, conveying cer tain real property therein described to JAMES S. HEREFORD, JR AT TO R N E Y AT LAW, as Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register’s Office of Lincoln County, Tennessee recorded May 12, 2003, in Deed Book TD476, Page 516-524; and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. who is now the owner of said debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned,Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having been appointed as Substitute Trustee by instrument to be filed for record in the Register’s Office of Lincoln County, Tennessee. N O W, THERE-FORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable, and that the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee will, on January 22, 2015 at 03:00 PM at the Main Entrance of the Lincoln County Courthouse , located in Fayetville, Tennessee, proceed to This transportation position is for Tyson Foods’ Estill Springs, Tennessee, location. The successful candidate will be responsible for delivering animal feed in a safe and timely manner. In addition, proper feed-handling procedures, as outlined by federal regulations, must be followed. The workweek will be four 12-hour days on a rotating schedule. Requirements: • Must be 21 years of age • Must have a Class A CDL • One year’s driving experience Tyson Foods’ Benefits Include: • Competitive wages • Excellent benefits package • Paid vacation and holidays • 401(k) • Stock Purchase Plan Contact: Apply online at:, click production link and then Shelbyville Feed Mill to apply. Tyson Foods is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, national origin, color, religion, age, genetics, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or veteran status. Airport Authority Ardmore, Giles, & Lincoln Industrial Board Beer Board Budget Chamber of Commerce County Board of Public Utilities County Planning Commission E911 Board Education/Work Force Committee Fayetteville Recreation Board Financial Management Fire/EMA Health Facilities Industrial Coordinating (Oversight) Joint Industrial Development Board LEPC Land Use Law Enforcement Library Board Parks & Recreation Personnel Road Committee Rules & Legislative Sick Leave Board Solid Waste Three-Star Housing Zoning Appeals Board Courthouse A/N Quarterly (Feb, May, Aug, Nov}, 2nd Tue, 4:30p.m., Ralph Hastings Auditorium 3rd Mon ea month, 5:30p.m., Airport A/N Courthouse A/N 1st Tue ea month, 6:00p.m., Courthouse 2nd Wed ea month, 7:30a.m., Chamber 1st Thu ea month, 6:00p.m. CST, 6:30p.m. DST, Water Dept. 1st Thu ea month, 6:00p.m., Courthouse 2nd Thu ea month, 9:00a.m., EOC Courthouse A/N 1st Mon ea month, 5:00p.m., Municipal Bldg. Courthouse A/N 2nd Tue ea month, 6:00p.m., 911 Center 4th Tue ea month, 5:00p.m., Hospital Courthouse A/N 3rd Mon ea month, 7:00a.m., IDB Office 3rd Thu ea month, 9:00a.m., EOC Courthouse A/N Jail A/N Bi -Monthly (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov}, 5:00p.m., Library Courthouse A/N Courthouse A/N 4th Mon ea month, 6:00 p.m., Highway Garage Courthouse A/N Courthouse A/N Courthouse A/N Courthouse A/N Courthouse A/N Note: Meeting times are subject to change. 12A—The Elk Valley Times, Wednesday, January 7, 2015 above-described property shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. This property is being sold with the express reservation that it is subject to confirmation by the lender or Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold as is, where is, without representations or warranties of any kind, including fitness for a particular use or purpose. THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Substitute Trustee 119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 Memphis, TN 38103 property-listings.php Tel: (877) 813-0992 Fax: (404) 601-5846 Ad #76371: 2 0 1 4 - 1 2 - 2 4 2 0 1 4 - 1 2 - 3 1 , 2015-01-07 No. PR_3414 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Genora M. Dennison Notice is hereby given that on the 12/23/2014, Letters Testamentary in respect of the estate of Genora M. Dennison, who died 10/12/2014, were issued to the undersigned by the Lincoln County Chancer y Cour t of Lincoln County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against the estate are required to file the same with the Clerk of the above-named Court on or before the ear- lier of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2) otherwise their claims will be forever barred: (1) (A) Four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting, as the case may be) of this notice if the creditor received an actual copy of this notice to creditors at least sixty (60) days before date that is (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the creditor received an actual copy of the notice to creditors, if the creditor received the copy of the notice less than sixty (60) days prior to the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting) as described in (1)(A); or (2) Twelve (12) months from the decedent’s date of death. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 31st , day of December, 2014 (Signed) Way ve Dennison Co-Executor Frank Dennison Co-Executor R. Whitney Stevens Attorney for the Estate Rebecca N. Bartlett Clerk & Master 113-115 E. Market St., Fayetteville, TN FOR RENT Two beautiful office suites, upstairs on the Courthouse Square. Can be rented together or separately. Utilities included. Both have kitchens and bathrooms. Tel. 256-539-5287 or For sale four lab puppies 1 male and 3 females 100 dollars each momma on sight weighs 130 lbs call 931 652 7608 NEW TODAY HEADLINERS TIRED OF YOUR CAR OR TRUCK’S HEADLINER SAGGING OR HANGING? OVER THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE! WE COME TO YOU! GUARANTEED AS LONG AS YOU OWN IT!!! CALL NOW FOR FREE QUOTE 615-584-3911 WWW.BIGSHEADLINERS. COM Interior Home Painting 60 yrs experience FREE Firm quote Call Lynn Dodson (574)993-8061 Adoption ADOPTION: A childless, married couple seeks to Adopt. Promises your newseeking an appointment born love, security & opscheduler, office experi- portunity. Financial secuence required. Send rity, expenses paid. Gloria resumes to & Nick 855-385-5549. Drawer U c/o (TnScan) Tullahoma News P.O Box 400 Cable/Satellite TV Tullahoma, TN 37388 Progressive Dental Office DISH NETWORK -SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months.) Premium Channel Offers Available. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. Call, Compare Local Deals! 1-800-423-6015 (TnScan) Dedicated Operation. Swing Transpor t seeks Switchers at Huntsville facility. No-Touch, Great Weekly Pay, Benefits! CDL-A, 2yrs Exp. Call Divorce Services 8a-5p: 1-855-349-2757 Drivers: New Dedicated Route Openings! Top Pay, Weekly Home-Time! Over 50 years Strong, Stable, Werner Enterprises: 1-855-515-8447 Place your Classified ad in our newspaper directly from you computer. Visit Classifieds- Your Link to the World Around You! DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT children $125.00. Includes name change and property settlement agreement. SAVE hundreds. Fast and easy. Home Every Sun. & Mon.* Call 1-888-733-7165, 24/7 Bonuses & Insurance * (TnScan) REQUIRES: Class A CDL, Doubles End., Clean MVR, Help Wanted Minimum 1 yr. OTR exp. Call 615-207-0110 / 8 CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy am-8 pm or email Equipment Operator Train- kellydillingham3@bellsouth. ing! 3 Week Program. Bull- net (TnScan) dozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Lifetime Job Place- L O C A L C O M PA N Y ment Assistance with Na- N E E D S : tional Certifications. VA DEDICATED/OTR/Casual Benefits Eligible! (866) Drivers $2,000 Sign-On 887-3737 (TnScan) Bonus, Paid Va c a t i o n / M e d i c a l / 4 0 1 k , $1000 WEEKLY!! 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(TnScan) The EVT Classified Crossword Puzzle 0LGGOH+ROLGD\ $FURVV 0DGRUUHGIROORZHU +DSSHQ 7KH\ UHVQLIIHGDW )DPLO\QLFNQDPH 7HKUDQPDQ %HJLQQHUFROORTXLDOO\ +HLQRXVRIIHQVH 7UL[IODYRU A WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT COMPANY 6DOWDJUHHPHQW" Job Fair Job Fair -- Dec Jan.12, 12,9AM 9AM --2PM 2PM -D]] V0RQWJRPHU\ Motlow Community College, FayeƩeville, TN 0RUHWKDQVXVSHQG BBB\RXUKHDUWRXW ([WHULRUV *RRQDQGRQDERXW Seeking Individuals for InjecƟon Molding PosiƟons 3XWLQWRSLJHRQKROHV /RJJHU VWRRO 8.25 1st ShiŌ, 9.00 2nd ShiŌ, 8.50 3rd ShiŌ %D\RI1DSOHVLVOH Clean Background/Drug Screen Experience preferred but not required Apply in Person 505 Lakeway Place Mon. - Fri. 8 am til 5 pm or Email: 2SHQLQJELW Five Star Lawn & Landscaping Todd Groce, Owner Quality is our Policy (931) 675-0935 3LHFHRIIDEULF The Tullahoma News is accepting applications for an entry level Press Room position. We are looking for a person that is dependable, has a solid work ethic and has a positive attitude. This full-time position has health insurance, dental insurance and life insurance, paid vacation and 401k plan. B illB 'XFNGRZQ 'RZQ ,7JX\ VEDLOLZLFN 1%&ULYDO /RQGRQBBB 3RQVVROR )DOVWDII VEXGG\ +RUVHEDFNSRVW .RU1D 6SLOOVWXII $ELWDPLVV 0HDQVRXQGLQJ\DUQ" 7H[WXUHGRXWOLQHVLQ VRPH,QVWDJUDPSLFV WLFNV$EEU 6DKDUDWUDQVSRUW (DUO\WLPHV )LQGDQRWKHUUROHIRU 1RQHLQSDUWLFXODU :D\RXW:HVW" -DPDLFDQIDLWKEULHIO\ 0DUULDJHQRWLFHZRUG 2QHVLQ0DGULG BBB7LQ7LQ 6KRUWSOD\V 6RXWKZHVWDOWHUQDWLYH 1LJKWBBB &DUQDYDOFLW\ 6WLWFKXS $QQXDO $GGHG om row c nConstruction. (UVDW] &RPSRVHURI7KH 6LPSVRQVWKHPH (QJOLVKSUHSVFKRRO WRZQ 'UDLQDJHSLSH 7KLQNWDQNSURGXFW 3ODFHWRJHWDELWH 5XPPL[HUV )LUVWQDPHDW1RWUH 'DPH *REDG *XPP\VXEVWDQFHV :KDOH V GRPDLQ %\DQDUURZPDUJLQ LQLWLDOO\RUZKDW LVLQWKHPLGGOHRI HDFKRIWKHORQJ DQVZHUVLQWKLVSX]]OH 6RUWVFDUHIXOO\ 6RXQGRQWKHDLU +RVHGRZQ WE SERVICE ALL OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE ,KDYHQ WDBBBWR ZHDU / ( 7 & + , ' $ + 2 9 , ; ( 1 ( ( 7 ( ' $ 6 8 7 & $ + 1 % / , 7 = $ 6 , * + 8 1 ' 2 1 1 ( 2 0 2 2 & 5 ( 7 $ * ( $ 7 * $ 6 809 Washington St. W Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 703-5329 See us on Rachel Sharp with coach Carol Tunstill after losing 145 lbs. in one year! & $ & 7 + + ( ( , ( 1 1 7 * 2 5 $ 8 3 7 2 $ 3 ) / 2 2 5 ( 5 ( 1 ' / , 1 ( / $ 7 $ 0 2 0 ( 7 6 : 6 / ( / 2 , 6 $ , / 3 5 $ 1 ' 2 : , 1 $ 1 & ( / : ( ' 6 $ ( 8 ' 5 3 $ 3 5 8 5 , ( 1 & ( 5 $ 1 ' % $ ' 5 $ * 5 7 ( 6 No job too big No job too small * River Bottom Top Soil $10 yd * Fill Dirt * Gravel * Metal Buildings * Site Preparation * Underground Utilities * Septic Systems * Footings * Pads * Concrete Work * Land Clearing * Rock Removal KEN’S PAINTING Free Estimates No Job to Large or Small KEN STEM Owner 931-659-9111 931-675-1827 We Paint Homes & Barns 87 Buchanan ST Petersburg TN 37144 Advertise Your Business card here! For more information, 931-433-6151 Ask for Ollivene call 5 $ / 3 + 5 $ ( 5 ' 6 We give you what you pay for! We Accept All Major Credit Cards 208 East College St. • Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 433-3343 • Fax: 931-433-0301 ([HFVZKRPDNH WUDGHV %DOGHUGDVK 0DUW\ V%RUJQLQH Serving Lincoln Co. & North Alabama for 30 years Meeting all your construction needs from Site Preparation to Completion! For All Your Surveying Needs - Accurate Mark - Timely Hoffman - Professional TN LIC. #2605 6SHHGHU VULVN 6KRUWOLIHVWRU\ 3020 Huntsville Hwy Fayetteville, TN 37334 Of¿ce: 931-433-0639 Barry 931-339-9759 Insured • Bonded HOFFMAN LAND SURVEYING Diet Coach %DFN VSDUWQHU For over 150 years, we've been a friend you can count on. FREE ESTIMATES Weight Control Center Carol Tunstill Bill Brown Construction 931-433-0639 6PDFNWDUJHW Apply in person at The Tullahoma News 505 Lakeway Place Tullahoma, TN 37388 931-433-0900 931-962-0510 931-433-6151 Ask for Ollivene ,VODQGVIRRG Septic Tank Pumping Sewer and Drain Line Cleaning And Repairs call BBBJUDWLDDUWLV COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL For more information, 2QHWREHZDUH" KEITH’S TANK SERVICE Advertise Your Business card here! &HOWLF1HSWXQH PRESS ROOM TULLAHOMA NEWS Maintenance Installation Irrigation Design Hardscapes Free Estimates BBB<RUN0HWV 6HQWLPHQWDOVRXO Full time and part time position in our Mailroom. Various hours, Monday thru Saturday, days and nights. If you are a mature hard working, flexible individual, we need you for our team. /LWWOHODGLHV 6HxRULWD VRWKHU NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS 7 $ 5 7
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